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Symbolic Analysis of Analog Circuits: Techniques and Applications: A Special Issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing PDF

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SYMBOLIC ANALYSIS OF ANALOG CIRCUITS: TECHNIQUES AND APPLlCATIONS edited by Lawrence P. Huelsman University of Arizona, Tuscon and Georges G.E. Gielen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium A Special Issue of ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Reprinted from ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Val. 3, No. 1 (1993) SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Consulting Editor Mohammed Ismail Ohio State University Related titles: ANAWG CMOS FILTERS FOR VERY HIGH FREQUENCIES, Bram Nauta ISBN: 0-7923-9272-8 ANAWG VLSI NEURAL NETWORKS, Yoshiyasu Takefuji ISBN: 0-7923-9273-8 INTRODUCTION TO THE DESIGN OF TRANSCONDUCTOR-CAPACITOR FILTERS, Jaime Kardontchik ISBN: 0-7923-9195-0 VLSI DESIGN OF NEURAL NETWORKS, Ulrich Ramacher, Ulrich Ruckert ISBN: 0-7923-9127-6 WW-NOISE WIDE-BAND AMPLIFIERS IN BIPOLAR AND CMOS TECHNOLOGIES, Z.Y. Chang, Willy Sansen ISBN: 0-7923-9096-2 ANAWG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR COMMUNICATIONS: Principles, Simulation and Design, Donald O. Pederson, Kartikeya Mayaram ISBN: 0-7923-9089-X SYMBOLIC ANALYSIS FOR AUTOMATED DESIGN OF ANAWG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS, Georges Gielen, Willey Sansen ISBN: 0-7923-9161-6 AN INTRODUCTION TO ANALOG VLSI DESIGN AUTOMATION, Mohammed Ismail, Jose Franca ISBN: 0-7923-9071-7 STEADY-STATE METHODS FOR SIMULATING ANALOG AND MICROWAVE CIRCUITS, Kenneth S. Kundert, Jacob White, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli ISBN: 0-7923-9069-5 MIXED-MODE SIMULATION: Algorithms and Implementation, Reseve A. Saleh, A. Richard Newton ISBN: 0-7923-9107-1 ANALOG VLSI IMPLEMENTATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS, Carver A. Mead, Mohammed Ismail ISBN: 0-7923-9040-7 Contents Special Issue on Symbolic Analysis ofAnalog Circuits: Techniques and Applications Guest Editors: Lawrence P. Huelsman and Georges G.£. Gielen Editorial Mohammed Ismail. David G. Haigh and Nobuo Fuji 5 Guest Editors Introduction Lawrence P. Huelsman and Georges G.E. Gielen 7 Symbolic Analysis of Simplified Transfer Functions . · Marco Amadori, Roberto Guerrieri and Enrico Malavasi 9 Symbolic Analysis of Large-Scale Networks Using a Hierarchical Signal Flowgraph Approach ..... ·........................................... Marwan M. Hassoun and Kevin S. McCarville 31 Formula Approximation for Flat and Hierarchical Symbolic Analysis . ·......................... FV Fernandez. A. ROdriguez-Vazquez, J.D. Martin and J.L. Huertas 43 Symbolic Simulators for the Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Analog Circuits . ·......................................................... S. Manetti and M.e. Piccirilli 59 More Efficient Algorithms for Symbolic Network Analysis: Supernodes and Reduced Loop Analysis · RalfSommer, Dirk Ammermann and Eckhard Hemig 73 Llbrary of Congrcss Cataloging-in-Publication Data Symbolic analysis of analog circuits : techniques and applications I edited by Lawrence P. Huelsman, Georges G. E. Gielen. p. cm. --(The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science : SECS 219. Analog circuits and signal processing) Issued also as a special issue of Analog integrated circuils and signal processing, volume 3, no. 1, January 1993. ISBN 978-1-4613-6424-5 ISBN 978-1-4615-3240-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-3240-8 1. Electric circuits, Linear. 2. Symbolic circuit analysis. 3. Electronic circuit design-oData processing. 1. Huelsman, Lawrence P. II. Gielen, Georges. III. Series: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; SECS 219. IV. Series: Kluwer international ser ies in engineering and computer science. Analog circuits and signal processing. TK454 . 15 . LS6S96 1993 621 . 3815--dc20 92-40211 CIP Copyright © 1993 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1993 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, record ing, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. Printed on acid-free paper. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 3, 5 (1993) © 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured inThe Netherlands. Editorial Wearepleasedtoannouncethatstartingwiththis issueofAnalogIntegratedCircuitsandSignalProcessing(Volume 3, 1993), the Journal will appear six times a years instead offour. This increase in issues per year is intended to keep up with the increased number of high quality papers being submitted for publication. WearealsoverypleasedtowelcomeasmembersoftheEditorialBoard, Drs. JohnChoma,Jr.,JohanHuijsing, EdgarSanchez-Sinencio, TrondSretherandGaborTernes, andwelookforward tothevaluablecontributionsthey will make to our Journal. Mohammed Ismail David G. Haigh Nobuo Fujii Editors-in-Chief Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 3, 7 (1993) © 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Guest Editorial This Special Issue is dedicated to the techniques and applications of symbolic analysis for analog circuits. The generaltopicofanalogcircuitanalysismay bedivided intotwo maincategories. Thefirstofthese isusuallycalled numericanalysis. Inthis, numericvaluesofohms, henries, farads, gain, andsoforth, areassigned totheappropri ate circuit elements. The interconnection ofthe elements in the circuit is specified by topological information, typicallygivenas nodenumbers. Thegoaloftheanalysisisthegenerationofnumeric informationgivingsinusoidal steady-stateor time-domain response information, which is presented either in tabular form or, more usually, as plotted information. Examples of numeric analysis are readily seen as the output from the SPICE program or itsPCcounterpartPSpice. Thesecondgeneralcategoryofanalog circuitanalysis istheoneaddressed in thisSpecial Issue, namelysymbolicanalysis. Inthis, literalnames(symbolic values)areassignedtotheelementsofthecircuit. These literal names represent the symbolic (nonnumeric) values ofthe ohms, henries, farads, gain, and so forth ofthecircuitelements. Thesenames, togetherwith the topological interconnection information, areusedtocreate anetworkfunction inthecomplexvariablesorzwhichgivesadescriptionoftherelationbetweenthetransformed output and input variables ofthe circuit. In such a network function, the coefficients ofvarious powers ofs or zappear as explicit functions ofthe literal names of the circuit elements. Symbolicanalysisand thecomputertechniques for automatedsymbolicanalysis, i.e., theautomaticgeneration of analytic equations describing a circuit's electrical behavior, have reattracted much attention in recent years. They represent a natural way ofanalyzing a circuit, a way taught in all basic engineering courses and practiced by real-lifedesigners. Symbolicanalysis isfarmoregeneral than numericanalysis, sinceifofferscompletefreedom inthechoiceofapplications, and includes sinusoidal steady-stateandtime-domainstudiesasspecialcases. Numeric simulators such as SPICEhave becomemuch more popularthan symbolic ones as design supporting CAD tools, because they can rapidly and accurately simulate a circuit's behavior, including its transient response. They are also able to simulate larger-sizecircuits. Incontrast, however, symbolic analyses can provide many results which are simply not available from numeric simulation methods. Most importantly, they can provide explicit insight into the dominantbehaviorand propertiesofacircuit. Among the useful applications ofthis insightarethedeter mination of derivatives of the network function with respect to one or more elements. Such literal information providesdirectapplicationto sensitivitydetermination. Anotherapplicationofthe insightobtainedfrom symbolic analysis is the development ofthe equations which are required in the use ofoptimization techniques to provide solutions to specific design specifications. With SPICE-like numerical simulators, the same insight can only be obtained after combining and often extrapolating the results ofnumerous simulation runs. In addition, symbolic analysis can also be used in many other applications, such as in compiled-codeevaluation for statistical analysis, and automated synthesis orfailure diagnosis ofanalog circuits, much the sameway as symbolic Boolean analysis is used for synthesis and verification of logic circuits. Foralongtime, symboliccircuitanalysishas beenregarded as anacademic topic. Itis truethatithascomputa tionalcomplexitylimits whichhaveprevented itfrom beingfeasible for large-sizecircuits. In recentyearshowever, enormous progress has been made in developing more advanced techniques and algorithms for symbolic circuit analysis. This has resulted in an extension ofthe functionality ofsymbolic simulators, including for instance the automatic generation ofsimplified symbolic expressions or the automatic generation of symbolic distortion for mulas. At the same time, the capabilities ofsymbolic analysis have been extended toward larger circuits by the introductionofhierarchical methods. All these advancements have resulted in the recent developmentofseveral successful symbolic simulators such as ISAAC, ASAP, SC, and SSPICE. As a result, symbolic analysis is finally becoming an attractive tool to assist designers in real-life circuit design. ThisSpecialIssuecontainsfiveselectedpapersthatpresentrecentdevelopmentsinthefieldofsymbolicanalysis for analog circuits. The first paper, by Amadori et aI., presents original algorithms for the direct generation 0;' simplified symbolic transfer functions based on the relative magnitudes ofthe circuit elements. These simplified expressions, which show the dominant contributions only, provide a good approximation for the overall circuit behavior. Also, an algorithm for thesimplified symboliccomputationofthepolesand zeroesofthe transfer func tions is described. Hassoun and McCarville, in the second paper, describean approach to the symbolic analysis 8 Huelsman and Gielen oflarge-scale networks based on hierarchical decomposition. The total network is recursively decomposed into smallersubblocks, whichareanalyzedseparately. Theexpressionforthetotalnetworkisthenobainedbycombin ing bottom-up the expressions for the subblocks. This tremendously reduces the CPU time and the number of symbolic terms for large circuits. In the third paper, Fernandez et al. describe new criteria and algorithms for thegenerationofsimplifiedexpressions, bothforflatandhierarchicalsymbolicanalysis. Amajordifferencebetween this approachand thatgivenbythefirst paper, is thatthesimplificationiscarriedouttaking into accountarange ofelement values instead ofa single nominal value for the magnitude ofeach circuit element. The technique of simplificationisalsoextendedtothehierarchical formulas, whichwouldbetheresultofthedecompositionmethod ofthesecondpaper. Thiscombinationopensnew perspectives for thefastgeneration ofbothexactandsimplified symbolicexpressions for largecircuits. In the fourth paper, Manettiand Piccirilli show how dedicated simulators basedoncompiledsymbolicformulascanboosttheefficiencyofapplicationsrequiringrepetitivecircuitevaluation. Nonlinear circuits are handled with piecewise linear approximation. The application ofthe method to nonlinear circuitfaultdiagnosisispresented,inwhichtheactualelementvaluesandhencealsofaultycomponentsareextracted by fitting the simulated to the measured response. Finally, in the short paper by Sommer et al., two alternative network equation formulations are highlighted: supernode and reduced loop analysis. Compared to the classical node, loop, and MNAformulations, thedescribedvariants resultinsimplerequations. Thisis advantageous both for manual analysis as well as for computerized symbolic analysis. The editors would like to thank all the authors who submitted papers, all the reviewers who participated in the final selection ofthe papers, and the Kluwer Editorial Staff for their efforts in creating this Special Issue. We hope that this Issue will provide you, the reader, with a useful introduction to the potential and powerofthe use of symbolic analysis techniques in analog design. Lawrence P. Huelsman Georges G.E. Gielen LawrenceP. HuelsmanreceivedtheBSEEdegreefrom CaseInstituteofTechnologyandthe MSEEand Ph.D. degreesfromthe UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley. HeisaFellowoftheInstituteofElectricalandElectronic Engineers. Hecurrently holds anappointmentas ProfessorEmeritusofElectricaland ComputerEngineeringat the University ofArizona. Dr. Huelsmanistheauthororcoauthorofsixteenbooksincluding: BasicCircuit Theory-3rdEd. published byPrentice-Hall,Inc.;andOperationalAmplifiers:DesignandApplications.IntroductiontoOperationalAmplifier TheoryandApplications,andIntroductiontotheTheoryandDesignofActiveFilters, publishedbytheMcGraw HillBookCompany.Japanese,German,SpanishandRussiantranslationshavebeenmadeofseveralofhisbooks. He has also published many papersin the areaofactivecircuittheory. HehasservedasAssociateEditoroftheIEEETransactionsonCircuitandSystemTheoryandtheIEEETrans actions onEducation and was technicalchairman ofthe IEEERegion SixAnnualConference. He isamember ofthesteeringcommitteefortheMidwestSymposiumonCircuitsandSystems. Heisamemberofseveralscien tific,engineering,andhonorarysocieties,includingTauBetaPi,PhiBetaKappa,EtaKappaNu,andSigmaXi. HehasreceivedtheAnderson Prizeofthe CollegeofEngineeringand Mines ofthe University ofArizona for his contributions to education. GeorgesG.E. Gielen was born in Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium, on August25, 1963. He received the E.E. and Ph.D.degreesinelectricalengineeringfromtheKatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven, Heverlee,Belgium,in 1986and 1990, respectively. From 1986until 1990, hewasappointedby theBelgianNational FundofScientificResearch asaResearchAssistantattheESATlaboratoryoftheKatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,workingonsymbolicanalysis andanalogdesignautomation. From1990until 1991,hewasconnectedtothe UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley, asaVisitingLecturerandVisitingResearchEngineer,workingonbehavioralmodelsforanalogintegratedcircuits. InOctober1991,hewasagainappointedbytheBelgianNationalFundofScientificResearchasaSeniorResearch Assistantatthe ESAT-MICASlaboratoryoftheKatholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Heverlee, Belgium, wherehe is currentlyheadingtheanalogdesignautomationgroup. Hisresearchinterestsareinthedesignofanalogandmixed analog-digitalintegratedcircuitsandinanalogdesignautomation(modelingandsimulation, synthesis,optimiza- tion,layoutandtesting).Hehasauthoredorco-authoredmorethan30papers,includingseveralchaptersforedited books.In1991,healsopublishedabookonsymbolicanalysisanddesignautomationofanalog integratedcircuits. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 3, 9-29 (1993) © 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured inThe Netherlands. Symbolic Analysis of Simplified Transfer Functions MARCO AMADORI, ROBERlO GUERRIERI, AND ENRICO MALAVASI Dipartimentodi Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita di Bologna, viale Risorgimento, 2-40/36Bologna, Italy Abstract. Thiscontributionpresentsnew algorithms for theautomatic simplifiedcomputationofsymbolictransfer functions oflinear circuits. The problem ofsymbolic simplification oftransfer functions is defined and a set of algorithms able to cope with this problem and the simplified computation ofpoles and zeroes is developed and discussed. Results are reported with examples ofcircuits analyzed by our algorithms, showing good accuracy in theirapproximation, whencomparedtothecorrespondingSPICEsimulations. Ourtechniquemergesthesimplifica tion procedure and the evaluation ofthe transfer functions, thus achieving significant improvements in terms of CPU time, compared with direct evaluation of the functions themselves. 1. Introduction methodology have been presented in [10], [11], and [13]. Thegoalofthisapproach istwofold. Firstly, the Thepresenttrendintherealizationofcomplexsystems, availability of simple expressions provides a better whereanaloganddigitalpartsoftencoexistonthesame understandingofthebehaviorofthe circuitandofthe chip, requiresCADtoolstoautomatethevariousdesign relativeimportanceofeachparameter, avoidingatthe phases. Although the design ofthe digital circuitry is same time a tedious and error-pronemanual elabora extensivelycarriedoutbyautomatictools, itisnoteasy tion. Secondly, compactanalyticexpressionssimplify tofindappropriateCADtoolsfortheanalogsynthesis; theworkofnumericoptimizersusedforcircuitsynthe therefore a significant effort is required by expert sis, since the problem is considerably reduced in its designersto implementtheanalogpartsby hand. This complexityaswellasinthenumberofparameters[14]. introducesdelayandcostintothechipdesignprocess. This feature would allow the use ofcircuit synthesis Aphaserequiringmuchtimeand effortisthecom toolssuchasIDAC [15]andOPASYN [16] forarbitrary putationofthetransferfunctions thatdescribethe cir architecturecells. In[10], simplificationisachievedby cuitbehavior. Theresearchintheautomaticderivation exploiting the knowledge ofthe circuit structure. The ofsymbolictransferfunctions ofelectroniccircuitswas retrieval of peculiar components and architectures in developedduring theseventies[1-3]. Duetothecom the schematic (such as differential pairs and current plexity ofthe symbolic expressions and the difficulty mirrors) and the recognitionofnonsignificantcapaci ofdealingwithnonlinearproblems,thisfieldwaslater tancesallow thetool to simplifythecircuitneglecting abandoned,althoughithadproducedseveralinteresting nonrelevantparameters. InISAAC [13] a heuristicap contributions, suchasefficientalgorithmsforthecom proach based on the order of magnitude of circuit putationoftransferfunctions [4-6]andaccurateestima parametersisdescribed. Thisallowsthetooltoneglect tionsofthecomputationalcomplexityoftheseproblems theparameterswhichprovidesmallcontributionstothe [7, 8]. Inthefollowing years, numerical simulationof overall transfer function. linear and nonlinear circuits [9] received a much Unfortunately, neitherapproachaddressestheprob strongeremphasissinceitremovedtheabovelimitations. lem of formal definition of simplification. Both use Inrecenttimes, thesymbolicanalysisapproachhas heuristicswhendealingwiththereductionofcomputa gainednew interest[10-12], aimingattheachievement tionand, finally, donotanalyzethestabilityproperties ofautomatic computation ofsimplifiedtransfer func ofthesimplifiedexpressions, whenworking inthefre tions. Abroadoverviewofthetechniquesforsymbolic quency domain. analysiscan befound in[13], whileapplicationsofthis In this paper we propose a novel approach to the simplificationoftransferfunctions. Fouroriginalalgo Thisworkhasbeenpartiallysupportedbythe NationalCouncilof rithmsarepresented. Thefirstreducesthefull rational Research(CNR)underProgettoFinalizzatoMADESSandbyagrant ofSGS-Thomson, Agrate Brianza. expressionofatransfer function by meansofa global 10 Amadori, Guerrieri and Malavasi strategy based on the orders ofmagnitude ofeach of r 2..: itsterms. Itcanbeappliedtothefully expandedexpres P = aisi (1) sion of the transfer function. The second and third i=oO algorithmsperformthesimplificationduringthecom where r, maximum degree in s of the polynomial, putation ofthe determinant ofthe admittance matrix depends upon the numberofcircutcapacitors and the atzerofrequency and in thefrequency domain respec topology of the network. tively. Thefourth algorithmfinds the locationsofpoles andzeroesofatransferfunction byexploitingthepole PROPERTY 2. Ifthe circuit is stable, polynomial (I) is splittingand poleclusteringhypotheses. All thesealgo complete, that is, rithms are proved to fulfill a consistent definition of optimal symbolic simplification. The problems raised ai ~ 0, i = 0, ..., r by symmetricand antisymmetric architectures, due to Furthermore all its coefficients have the same sign. thefactthattheirtransferfunctions arenot in minimal form, areinvestigatedandsuitableapproachesaresug gested. The requiredparameterclassificationdoesnot PROPERTY 3. The coefficients ai are given by relyontheuser'sexpertisebutisautomatic andbased Ki on simulation. a = L"".."J Ak (2) Theorganizationofthispaperisasfollows. InSec I I k=l tion2thebasicpropertiesoftheadmittancematrixare recalledand thesymbolic structureofatransfer func whereKiindicates the numberofmonomials inai and At tion is described. In Section 3 two algorithms for the is the monomial given by the product ofn factors automatic simplification ofa transfer function at zero of the form frequency areillustrated. Theirextensiontothegeneral Aik = (g\k ... gnk-i)(CIk'.. Cik) (3) case in the frequency domain is described in Section gf 4. In Section 5 the implementation ofthe algorithms where are conductances or transconductances and Cf is illustrated and results showing the suitabilityofour are capacitances. Ifi = 0, symbolicsimplificationarereported. Finally, inSection n 6 some conclusions are drawn. A~ = II (gt) (4) i=l 2. Basic Definitions and Properties is the product ofexactly n conductances. The transfer functions of an n-port linear circuit are Unfortunatelythesymboliccomputationoftheabove given by the ratios ofdeterminants derived from the polynomials leads to very complex expressions even nodaldefiniteadmittance matrix(DAM)ofthecircuit. in simple cases [7, 8]. Such expressions are difficult In what follows we will recall some properties ofthe to evaluate and to use for design purposes. Consider, DAM. Proofs ofthese properties can be found in [17, for instance,thetwo-stageoperationalamplifiershown pp. 197 ff], along witha comprehensivesurvey ofthis infigure 1, whoseequivalentcircuitis showninfigure subject. Forsakeofsimplicityandsinceouremphasis 2. Itsadmittancematrix isofthefifth orderand, even isonproblemsstemmingfrom thelinearizationofcir keeping the differential-stage transistor matching into cuits implemented in integrated technology, the only account, itcontains 14differentparameters: the exact circuitelementsweconsiderareconductances,capaci expressionofitsdifferentialgain has 390monomials, tances and voltage-controlled current sources. 48 in the numerator, and 342 in the denominator. Giv~nalinearcircuitwithn + 1distinctnodes, the Sinceevenforsmallnetworksthecomputedexpres DAM Yassociated withitisan invertiblesquarematrix sions are very complex, it is essential to simplify the of size n, with the following properties. above polynomials, removing some monomials so as to minimizetheperturbationinducedintothefunction. PROPERTY 1. The polynomial P given by P = det(Y) Thesimplificationprocedureisbasedonthefollowing can be expressed as definitions. Symbolic Analysis of Simplified Transfer Functions 11 Vdd M6 ~ M1 M2 ~ '--_~ Vin1 I4-____-.--___--t-.l Vin2 Cc Out Cl I M5 M7 Vbias --l.----H...._:..:..:, Vss Fig. 1. Schematicofatwo-stage operational amplifier. Gm4 v3 ,f',.---=":"----l 1-----1---,--- Out Viol - Gm2 ( Viol .. v5 ) .. v5 C1 Go? Fig. 2. Small-signal circuit for the two-stage op amp.

This book brings together important contributions and state-of-the-art research results in the rapidly advancing area of symbolic analysis of analog circuits. It is also of interest to those working in analog CAD. The book is an excellent reference, providing insights into some of the most important
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