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Supersymmetry of Green-Schwarz Superstring and Matrix String Theory PDF

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KIAS-P00079 hep-th/0012247 December 2000 Supersymmetry of Green-Schwarz Superstring and Matrix String Theory 1 0 Seungjoon Hyun∗ and Hyeonjoon Shin† 0 2 n School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 130-012, Korea a J 5 2 v 7 4 2 2 1 0 0 / h t - p e h : v Abstract i X r We study the dynamics of Green-Schwarz superstring on the gravitational wave background a corresponding to the Matrix string theory and the supersymmetry transformation rules of the superstring. The dynamics is obtained in the light-cone formulation and is shown to agree with that derived from the Matrix string theory. The supersymmetry structure has the corrections due to the effect of the background and is identified with that of the low energy one-loop effective action of Matrix string theory in two superstring background in the weak string coupling limit. [email protected][email protected] † 1 Introduction In the context of Matrix theory, the eleven dimensional M theory in the infinite momen- tum frame [1] or the discrete light-cone quantized (DLCQ) M theory [2] is described non- perturbatively by the supersymmetric quantum mechanical system with 16 supersymme- tries. Upon toroidal compactification, the DLCQ M theory on p torus with p 3 has a ≤ description in terms of p + 1 dimensional super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory on dual p torus [3]. In the dual supergravity description, they can be described by M/Superstring theory on the appropriate supergravity background. For the DLCQ M theory, we thus have two discriptions; the SYM and the supergravity theory. In the supergravity side, the process of having the DLCQ M theory and its compactified theory on p torus leads us to the super- gravity/superstring theories in certain backgrounds as shown in Ref. [4]. For the uncompactified case, it has been shown that the leading order dynamics fromthe lowenergyeffective actionofMatrixtheoryagreeswellwiththatoftheclassicalsupergravity (For a review, see for example [5] and references therein). This remarkable agreement between these two descriptions is basically due to the fact that we have enough amount of supersymmetry, 16 supersymmetries [6]. Though it is true that the supersymmetry alone does not give all possible dynamics of the theory, this leads us to consider an issue about to what extent the supersymmetry restricts the dynamics. Concerning this issue, one of the present authors [7] has considered the Matrix theory in the supergravity side and obtained the supersymmetry transformations rules for the eleven dimensional supergraviton on the lifted D0-brane background, which correspond to those of the low energy one-loop effective action of Matrix theory for two supergraviton background. In this paper, we are concerned about the Matrix string theory. We study the dynamics of superstring, which is the parton of the theory, and the supersymmetry in the supergravity side. The resulting dynamics will be compared with that from the Matrix string theory [8] which is the SYM description of DLCQ M theory on a circle. SincethebackgroundcorrespondingtotheMatrixstringtheoryiscurvedasnotedabove, we need the superstring action in type IIA supergravity background for our purpose. The superstring action should be of Green-Schwarz (GS) type because the Matrix string theory is the free GS light-cone superstring at its conformal point. The desired action expanded up to quadratic order in terms of the anticommuting coordinates has been reported in Ref. [9], which will be presented in Sec. 2. As consistency checks of it which have not been done in Ref. [9], we will show that it is supersymmetric and invariant under the κ-symmetry 1 transformation. The other sections are organized as follows: In Sec. 3, we study the dynamics of su- perstring in the background corresponding to the Matrix string theory and compare the results with those from the Matrix string theory. The light-cone gauge is natural for our purpose, and the phase space approach of [10] is adopted for the light-cone formulation of superstring. We would like to note that, in a recent work [11], the phase space approach also has been well applied in the program of quantizing the GS superstring in AdS S5 [12]. 5 × In Sec. 4, we investigate the supersymmetry transformations rules which have corrections due to the effect of the background and the supersymmetry algebra. The identification of the supersymmetry structure with that of the Matrix string theory effective action for two superstring background is discussed. Finally, discussion follows in Sec. 5. 2 Green-Schwarz Superstring Action In this section, we review the ten dimensional type IIA GS superstring action in the bosonic supergravity backgrounds constructed in Ref. [9] with the aim of fixing our notations and for the self-containedness, and investigate its symmetries: supersymmetry and κ-symmetry. We begin with the superstring action embedded in the ten dimensional target super- space.1 1 1 1 S = d2σ √ γγmnΠr Πsη + ǫmnΠAΠBB , (2.1) 2πα′ −2 − m n rs 2! m n BA Z (cid:18) (cid:19) where γ is the string worldsheet metric, η is the ten dimensional flat target space-time mn rs metric. ΠA is the pullback of the super zehnbein E A onto the string worldsheet, with the m M expression ΠA = ∂ ZME A , (2.2) m m M and B is the second-rank antisymmetric tensor superfield. ZM are the supercoordinates AB of the target superspace and are denoted by ZM = (Xµ,θα), where θα is the anticommuting coordinates, the 32 component Majorana spinor. (Although, using the Γ11 matrix, the ten dimensional chirality operator, we can split θ into two Majorana-Weyl spinors with opposite chiralities with 16 independent components, we will keep θ to be Majorana for a while.) 1The index notations adopted here are as follows: M,N,... are used for the target superspace indices whileA,B,...fortangentsuperspace. Asusual,asuperspaceindexisthecompositionoftwotypesofindices such as M = (µ,α) and A = (r,a). µ,ν,... (r,s,...) are the ten dimensional target (tangent) space-time indices taking values in 0,1,...,9. α,β,... (a,b,...) are the ten dimensional (tangent) spinor indices with values in 1,2,...,32. m,n,... are the worldsheet vector indices with values τ and σ. The convention for the worldsheet antisymmetric tensor is taken to be ǫτσ =1. 2 The action (2.1)is the one expressed inthe context of superfield formalism. Forpractical applications, it is less useful in its form and should be expanded in terms of anticommuting coordinates θ. The expansion coefficients, the component fields, are the functions of the ten dimensional type IIA supergravity fields. However, the component field expansion is a formidable task basically because of many supergravity fields; 5 types even in the bosonic sector only. A rather easy way for obtaining the expansion is given by the fact [13] that the ten dimensional type IIA GS superstring is related to the eleven dimensional superme- mbrane [14] through the double dimensional Kaluza-Klein reduction. Using this fact, the authors of Ref. [9] have constructed the type IIA GS superstring action in the bosonic type IIA supergravity background starting from the supermembrane action expanded up to the quadratic order in θ [15]. Though the action is not a fully expanded one and has couplings only to the bosonic backgrounds, it is enough and suitable for our purpose. Before presenting the action, we give the component expansion of the pullback of the super zehnbein up to θ2 order, which will be used in the discussion of symmetries and in the later sections. Following the double dimensional Kaluza-Klein reduction, we can obtain, fromtheexpansionofsuperelfbein[15]withvanishingfermionicbackgrounds,2 thefollowing expansion of the pullback of super zehnbein:3 i Πr = ∂ Xµe r +iθ¯Γr∂ θ+i∂ Xµ(θ¯ΓrΩ θ)+ ∂ Xµe r(θ¯Γ11Ω θ)+ (θ4) , (2.3) m m µ m m µ 2 m µ 11 O where we have defined 1 1 1 Ω = ω rsΓ + Γ eν[re s]∂ φ+ ΓνΓ11eφF +T νρσΓ11H µ 4 µ rs 6 rs µ ν 4 µν µ νρσ +T νρσκeφF′ , µ νρσκ 1 1 1 Ω = ΓµΓ11∂ φ ΓµνeφF + (8ΓµνρH +Γ ΓµνρσeφF′ ) . (2.4) 11 −3 µ − 8 µν 288 µνρ 11 µνρσ Here e r is the zehnbein, ω rs the spin connection, and φ the dilaton. H is the field µ µ µνρ strength of the NS-NS antisymmetric second-rank tensor B field. F and F are the µν µν µνρσ field strengths of the R-R fields A and A related to D-branes. The field strength F′ µ µνρ rstu is the modified gauge invariant 4-form field strength defined by F′ = F +4A H . µνρσ µνρσ [µ νρσ] 2Forthevanishingfermionicbackgroundsasinthispaper,theorderofθincreasesbytwoforallquantities havingexpansioninterms ofθ; if the leadingordertermis ofthe even(odd)orderinθ, allthe higherorder terms are of the even (odd) order in θ. 3In our convention, θ¯=θTΓ0. 3 Γr is the ten dimensional Dirac gamma matrices and the following tensor structures have been defined in Eq. (2.4): 1 T νρσλ (Γ νρσκ 8δ[νΓρσκ]) , µ ≡ 288 µ − µ 1 T νρσ (Γ νρσ 6δ[νΓρσ]) , µ ≡ 72 µ − µ where Γµν... is the totally antisymmetric products of the Dirac gamma matrices. In writing the IIA GS superstring action constructed in [9], we split Majorana spinor θ into two Majorana-Weyl spinors with opposite chiralities, θ1 and θ2, by using the gamma matrix Γ11. We assign positive chirality to θ1 and negative chirality to θ2; Γ11θ1 = θ1 , Γ11θ2 = θ2 . (2.5) − Then the type IIA GS superstring action S in non-trivial bosonic supergravity backgrounds, expanded up to the quadratic order in the anticommuting coordinates, is S = S +S , (2.6) kin WZ where S and S are the kinetic and the Wess-Zumino (WZ) part, respectively. Their kin WZ expressions are as follows: 1 S = d2σ√ γγmn(∂ Xµ +iθ¯IΓµ∂ θI)(∂ Xν +iθ¯JΓν∂ θJ)G kin −4πα′ − m m n n µν Z i d2σ√ γγmn∂ Xµ∂ Xν −4πα′ − m n Z 1 1 (θ¯IΓ θI)ω rs sIJ(θ¯IΓ ρσθJ)H × 2 µrs ν − 4 µ νρσ (cid:20) 1 + (θ¯1Γρσθ2)eφF G (θ¯1Γ ρθ2)eφF 4 ρσ µν − µ νρ 1 1 + (θ¯1Γρσκλθ2)eφF′ G (θ¯1Γ ρσκθ2)eφF′ + (θ4) , 48 ρσκλ µν − 6 µ νρσκ O (cid:21) (2.7) where G is the target space-time metric, I,J = 1,2 and sIJ is defined as µν s11 = s22 = 1 , s12 = s21 = 0 , − and i i S = d2σǫmnsIJ ∂ Xµ + θ¯KΓµ∂ θK (θ¯IΓ ∂ θJ) WZ −2πα′ m 2 m µ n Z (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 d2σǫmn∂ Xµ∂ Xν −4πα′ m n Z 4 i i B + sIJ(θ¯IΓ θJ)ω rs (θ¯IΓ ρσθI)H × µν 2 µrs ν − 4 µ νρσ (cid:20) i i + (θ¯1θ2)eφF + (θ¯1Γ ρσθ2)eφF 2 µν 4 µν ρσ i i + (θ¯1Γρσθ2)eφF′ + (θ¯1Γ ρσκλθ2)eφF′ + (θ4) . (2.8) 4 µνρσ 48 µν ρσκλ O (cid:21) There are several notable features in these actions. First of all, as expected, we have explicit eφ coupling in the terms linear in R-R fields, A and A , which has been first µ µνρ suggested by Tseytlin [16]. Furthermore, as fundamental strings are neutral under R-R fields, it is natural to couple with R-R fields, if any, via their field strength. In particular, considering these actions as describing the interactions of the fundamental string with the background supergravity fields, these couplings have a natural interpretation as a spin-orbit like coupling with background R-R fields and imply that the fundamental string has dipole interactions with R-R fields. Indeed the interactions with the Lorentz spin-connection give the genuine spin-orbit coupling between the string and the gravitational backgrounds and has been extensively studied with regard to the Matrix theory [6, 17, 18, 19, 20]. Note also that, at the linearized level in the supergravity fields B , A , A , g and µν µ µνρ µν ϕ, where G = η + g and φ = φ + ϕ, the action can be thought as the sum of free µν µν µν ∞ string action and vertex operators for emission of bosonic supergravity fields.4 In this sense it is very natural that the vertex operators for R-R fields starts with θ2 order as there are target space-time supersymmetries connecting NS sector and R sector. Schematically, under space-time supersymmetry transformations in their leading order in θ, the vertex operators V and V corresponding to the fields in NS-NS and R-R sector, respectively, should NS−NS R−R satisfy δ V +δ V = 0 , B NS−NS F R−R where subscripts B and F denote supersymmetry transformation of bosonic coordinate Xµ and fermionic coordinate θ, respectively. In the following subsection, we will see this is indeed the case. 2.1 Local supersymmetry In this and the next subsection, we investigate the invariance of the superstring action S, Eq. (2.6), under the supersymmetry and κ-symmetry transformation in order to check whether or not the action was correctly expanded. We note that, for the simplicity of presentation, we will not split Majorana spinors (θ,η,κ) into Majorana-Weyl spinors. 4 Recent construction of vertex operators in the GS superstring theory is given in Refs. [21, 22]. 5 The local supersymmetry, super diffeomorphism, is the local change of supercoordinates (δ Xµ,δ θα). Since its parameters are superfields, the transformations of supercoordinates η η have component expansion in terms of θ. In the eleven dimensional case, the expansions of the parameters have been given in [15]. With the vanishing fermionic backgrounds, the Kaluza-Klein reduction of them to ten dimensions leads to δ Xµ = iθ¯Γµη + (θ3) , η O δ θ = η + (θ2) . (2.9) η O The terms on the right-hand sides are enough for the transformation of the superstring action expanded up to θ2 order, since higher order corrections in the transfomation rules require terms of higher order than θ2 order in the action. Furthermore, the supersymmetry variation of the action is valid up to the linear order in θ, because the transformation δ Xµ η acting on the terms of θ2 order requires the θ3 order terms in the action. The superstring action contains background fields as well as supercoordinates. Thus the action is in fact not invariant with only the above transformations, Eq. (2.9). As noted by the authors of Ref. [15], the invariance of the action means that the super diffeomorphsim induces the supersymmetry transformations of the background fields. In other words, the action is supersymmetric if its variation under the super diffeomorphism vanishes modulo supersymmetry transformations of the background fields. This fact requires us to have the supersymmetry transformation rules for the background fields. What we need are those of fermion background fields, because the transformation rules of bosonic fields lead to fermionic fields which are turned off in this paper. Fermion fields in ten dimensional super- gravity are the gravitino, ψ , and the dilatino, λ, which are Majorana fermions and split µ into two Majorana-Weyl fermions with opposite chiralities, ψ1,2 and λ1,2, respectively. We µ note that the transformation rules of them are to be written in the string frame, since the object affected by the backgrounds is the string. Under the supersymmetry variation, the gravitino transforms as 1 δ ψ = D (ω)η Γ Γ ηe reνs∂ φ η µ µ − 8 r s µ ν 1 e r(Γ 14η Γ )Γ11ηeφFst −64 µ rst − rs t 1 + e r(Γ stu 9δsΓtu)Γ11ηH 96 µ r − r stu 1 + e r(3Γ stuv 20δsΓtuv)ηeφF′ , (2.10) 768 µ r − r stuv where the Lorentz covariant derivative, D (ω), is given by D (ω) = ∂ + 1ω rsΓ . As for µ µ µ 4 µ rs 6 the dilatino field, the supersymmetry transformation rule is 1 3 δ λ = ΓrΓ11ηe ν∂ φ ΓrsηeφF η −2√2 r ν − 16√2 rs 1 1 + ΓrstηH + ΓrstuΓ11ηeφF′ . (2.11) 24√2 rst 192√2 rstu These transformation rules are those with the vanishing fermion backgrounds. In the study of supergravity, the transformation rules are usually written in the Einstein frame [23], which can be obtained from the above transformation rules by a suitable rescaling of fields and supersymmetry parameter. The resulting transformation rules are the same as above except for the absence of the term involving the derivative of dilaton in Eq. (2.10) and some change in powers of dilaton factor. For the supersymmetry variation of the kinetic term, Eq. (2.7), it is enough to consider the variation of the pullback of super-zehnbein under the super diffeomorphism, Eq. (2.9). A straightforward calculation shows that 1 δ Πr = i∂ Xµ 2θ¯Γrδ ψ + e rθ¯Γ11δ λ Λr Πs + (θ3) , (2.12) η m m η µ √2 µ η !− s m O where Λr is the local Lorentz transformation parameter associated with the super diffeo- s morphism and is precisely given by 1 Λrs = i(θ¯Γµη)ω rs iθ¯(ΓrsΓt Γrst)ηe µ∂ φ µ − 3 − t µ 1 1 + iθ¯ΓrsΓ δ λ i(θ¯Γ η)eφFrs 3√2 11 η − 2 11 1 + iθ¯(ΓrstuvΓ11H +12Γ Γ Hrst)η tuv t 11 36 1 + iθ¯(ΓrstuvweφF′ +24Γ eφF′rstu)η+ (θ3) . (2.13) 144 tuvw tu O Though it has a little bit complicated expression, Λr does not enter into the variation of s the kinetic part, since two super zehnbeins enter into the kinetic part symmetrically. We now see the supersymmetry transformations of fermion backgrounds, δ ψ and δ λ, which η µ η have been identified with the right-hand sides of Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11) at the final stage of deriving Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13). However, this does not conclude that the component expansion of the pullback of super zehnbein or the kinetic part has been obtained correctly, since the expansion has been given with the vanishing fermion backgrounds. Thus, we turn on the fermion backgrounds temporarily and investigate how they appear in the super zehnbein. What we should be concerned about are the linear order terms in θ, which can be 7 seen by looking at the super elfbein expanded in Ref. [15]. The corresponding term in the expansion of the super elfbein is 2iθ¯Γrˆψˆ , where ψˆ is the eleven dimensional gravitino, and µˆ rˆ and µˆ are the eleven dimensional flat and curved indices respectively. The Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction of it can be done in the usual manner,5 and leads to i i 2iθ¯Γrψ + θ¯Γ11λe r θ¯Γr Γ11λ . (2.14) µ √2 µ − 3√2 µ We see that the supersymmetry variation of the fermion backgrounds in this result exactly matches with the terms appearing in Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13). This concludes that the kinetic term of the superstring action has the correct component expansion and is consistent with the local supersymmetry. We now turn to the supersymmetry variation of the WZ term, Eq. (2.8). After the same type of calculations with those for the kinetic term, it is given by 1 1 δ ǫmnΠAΠBB = iǫmn∂ Xµ∂ Xν 2θ¯Γ11Γ δ ψ + θ¯Γ δ λ η(cid:18)2! m n BA(cid:19) − m n ν η µ √2 νµ η ! +∂ Sm + (θ3) , (2.15) m O where ∂ Sm is a surface term, which can be ignored since we are concerned about the closed m string. This is the desired result. However, as in the case of the kinetic term, we need to know the terms of linear order in θ containing the fermion backgrounds in order to check the supersymmetry of the WZ term. The eleven dimensional term relevant to them comes from ¯ ˆ the component expansion of the third-rank tensor superfield, and is given by 6iθΓ ψ − [1˜1µ ν] [15]. Through the dimensional reduction, it reduces to 4iθ¯Γ Γ ψ √2iθ¯Γ λ . (2.16) 11 [µ ν] µν − − Obviously, thesupersymmetry variationofthisexactly matcheswiththetermsofEq.(2.15). This tells us that the WZ term of the superstring action as well as the kinetic term has the correct component expansion and is consistent with the local supersymmetry. We have seen that each term of the superstring action transforms properly under the supersymmetry transformation, and has the consistent and correct component expansion. 5Throughthe Kaluza-Kleinreduction,the elevendimensionalgravitinois relatedto the tendimensional gravitinoψµ, the dilatino λ, and the dilatonφ as follows: ψˆµ =e−φ/6 ψµ √122ΓµΓ11λ , ψˆ11 = 2√32e5φ/6λ. − Here the ten dimensional quantities are those in the string frame. (cid:16) (cid:17) 8 2.2 κ-symmetry As another consistency check, we now consider the invariance of the superstring action, Eq. (2.6), under the κ transformation. The investigation of the κ symmetry will give us the confirmation on the correctness of relative coefficient between the kinetic and the WZ part. For the κ symmetry, it is convenient to work with the superstring action with Nambu- Goto type rather than the Polyakov type action, Eq. (2.1), which avoids the complexity due to the variation of the worldsheet metric γmn. The Nambu-Goto type action is obtained by solving the classical equation of motion for γmn and putting the result back into the action Eq. (2.1), and is as follows: 1 1 S = d2σ √ g + ǫijΠAΠBB , (2.17) NG 2πα′ − − 2! i j BA Z (cid:18) (cid:19) where g is the determinant of the induced metric g given by mn g = Πr Πsη . (2.18) mn m n rs Wenoticethat theκtransformationrules have also acomponent expansion intermsof θ. As in the case of supersymmetry, however, only the leading order terms in the expansion are needed for showing that the superstring action constructed up to θ2 order is κ symmetric: δ Xµ = iκ¯ Γµθ + (θ3) , κ + O δ θa = κa + (θ2) . (2.19) κ + O where we have defined κ = (1+ΓΓ11)κ . (2.20) + The matrix Γ is given by 1 1 Γ = ǫmnΠr ΠsΓ Γ = ǫmnΓ Γ , (2.21) 2√ g m n r s 2√ g m n − − where Γ are the pullback onto the worldvolume of the space-time Dirac gamma matrices: m Γ = Πr Γ . (2.22) m m r Γ has the properties as projection operator and anticommutes with the pulled back gamma matrices Γ : m Γ2 = 1 , TrΓ = 0 , 1 ΓΓm = ΓmΓ = ǫmnΓ . (2.23) n − −√ g − 9

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