Superdiffusion in a class of networks with marginal long-range connections Ro´bert Juh´asz ∗ Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 49, Hungary (Dated: January 9, 2009) A class of cubic networks composed of a regular one-dimensional lattice and a set of long-range linksisintroduced. Networksparametrized byapositiveintegerk areconstructedbystartingfrom a one-dimensional lattice and iteratively connecting each site of degree 2 with a kth neighboring siteof degree2. Specifying theway pairs of sites tobe connected areselected, variousrandom and regular networks are defined, all of which have a power-law edge-length distribution of the form 9 P>(l)∼l−s withthemarginalexponents=1. Inallthesenetworks,lengthsofshortestpathsgrow 0 as a power of the distance and random walk is super-diffusive. Applying a renormalization group 0 method, the corresponding shortest-path dimensions and random-walk dimensions are calculated 2 exactly for k = 1 networks and for k = 2 regular networks; in other cases, they are estimated by numerical methods. Although, s=1 holds for all representatives of thisclass, theabove quantities n a arefoundtodependonthedetailsofthestructureofnetworkscontrolledbykandotherparameters. J PACSnumbers: 9 ] n I. INTRODUCTION between randomly chosen pairs of sites are added [8]. In n thismodel,shortestpaths[8,9],aswellasspectralprop- - erties of the Laplacian [10] have been studied. Short- s Random walk in disordered environments is a much i estpathsorthediameterofd-dimensionallatticeswhere d studied problem as it is a basic model in the theory of long edges exist between pairs of sites with probabili- . transport in heterogeneous media [1, 2] and it has fea- t ties that decayalgebraicallywith the distance havebeen a turesmuchdifferentfromthosecharacteristicofhomoge- studied by several authors for d = 1 [11, 12, 13, 14] and m neoussystems. Inmanycases,thediffusionlawisaltered ford 1[15]. Besidetheabovemodels,n-regulargraphs - in the way that the typical displacement of the random ≥ d of this type, where the degree of all nodes (i.e. the num- walker still grows as a power of time, i.e. R(t) tν, n ∼ ber of edges emanating from a node) is n, have been in- however, the diffusion exponent ν differs from the value o troduced, as well. The issue of decentralized algorithms c ν =1/2characteristicofnormaldiffusion. Incaseofran- for finding shortpaths has been consideredby Kleinberg [ dom walkswith quenchedrandomjump rates onregular in a d-dimensional lattice where each site has a fixed lattices or random walks on fractal lattices (e.g. per- 3 number of directed edges to randomly chosen sites that colation clusters) the process is in general sub-diffusive, v are selected with power-law decaying probabilities [16]. 9 i.e. ν < 1/2 [1, 2]. The opposite case, ν > 1/2, where Benjamini and Hoffman have studied minimal paths in 6 the particle is speeded up compared to normal diffusion, ω-periodic graphs, which are unions of periodic graphs 7 is much rarer. This phenomenon, called superdiffusion, overthe integers[17]. Recently,Boettcheretal. havein- 3 arises e.g. in turbulent fluids [3], in chaotic transport troduced a hierarchical3-regularnetwork consisting of a . 5 in laminar fluid flows [4] or in systems of polymerlike one-dimensionallatticeandrecursivelyconstructedlong- 0 breakable micelles [5]. In randomwalk models, superdif- range links and calculated the random-walk dimension 8 fusion can be induced by allowing long-range jumps: In d 1/ν of this network [18]. 0 theL´evyflight[2],jumpsofarbitrarylengthareexecuted rw ≡ : v withaprobabilitythatdecaysasapowerofthelength;in In this paper, we shall consider networks composed of Xi its “discretized” version, the Weierstrass walk, the pos- a one-dimensional lattice and an additional set of long sible jump lengths areinteger powersof aninteger a>1 links. Particularly, we focus on the intriguing situation r a [6]. when the tail ofthe distribution of edge-lengths is of the Anotherpossibilityforsuperdiffusionincaseofrandom form P>(l) βl−1. In this case, the diameter is conjec- ∼ walks on a lattice is when long-range jumps occur only tured to grow algebraically with the size of the network at certain sites of the lattice. In most cases, the under- withanon-universalβ-dependentexponent[12,15]. The lying lattice is a union of a regularand a randomgraph, aim of this work is to confirm this conjecture by explicit where the latter has arbitrarily long edges. Such graphs calculationsandtoprobewhetherthediffusionexponent havebeeninvestigatedinvariousaspects. Asavariantof in such networks displays a similar “marginal” behav- the small-world network model constructed by rewiring ior. For this purpose, we define a class of cubic (i.e. edges of a regular network [7], Newman and Watts have 3-regular) networks with marginal edge-length distribu- consideredaone-dimensionallatticetowhich“shortcuts” tions (i.e. P>(l) l−1) and shall constructively demon- ∼ strate that the shortest-path dimension that character- izesthesize-dependenceofthediameterandthediffusion exponentarenotexclusivelydeterminedby the powerin ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] the edge-lengthdistributionbutdependonthe detailsof 2 the structure of networks. The above two intrinsic prop- l λn (λ > 1, n = 1,2,...) form, the probability of a n ∼ erties of networks are calculated exactly in certain cases long link of length l is thus inversely proportionalto the by means of a renormalization group method; in other square of the length: p l 2. Note, however, that not l − ∼ cases, they are estimated by the numerical implementa- all edge lengths are realized in the construction proce- tion of the renormalization procedure and by numerical dure even for random networks. Namely, for k =1, only simulation. long links of odd length are produced. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSection II, a class ofnetworksparametrizedby a positive integer k is defined and its general features are discussed. In B. Studied quantities Section III, networks with k = 1 whereas in Section IV, networks with k > 2 are investigated in detail. Results We are interested in two intrinsic properties of net- are discussed in Section V and a heuristic derivation of works. Besidethe distance l measuredonthe underlying the relation to resistor networks is presented in the Ap- one-dimensional lattice, we also consider another met- pendix. ric: The chemical distance (or the length of the shortest path) ℓ between two sites is the minimum number of links that have to be traversedwhen going from one site II. GENERAL FEATURES to the other. We will see that, in the networks under study, the average length of shortest path between sites A. Construction of the networks locatedinadistancelgrowsalgebraicallywithlforlarge distances: ℓ(l) ldmin, where the shortest-path dimen- ∼ sion d <1 is characteristic of the particular network. The networksto be studied in the subsequent sections min This dimension describes at the same time the finite- have in common that they are all constructed in the fol- size scaling of the diameter D(N) of a network,which is lowing way. A one-dimensional open or periodic lattice the maximumofchemicaldistancesbetweenanypairsof with N sites is given, where sites are numberedconsecu- sites: D(N) Ndmin. tivelyfrom1toN. Thedegreeofallsitesisthusinitially ∼ The other quantity of interest is the random-walk di- 2 in the periodic lattice and all but site 1 and N in the mension of the network [1, 19]. We consider a continu- open one. Sites of degree 2 will be called in brief ac- ous time random walk on (infinite) networks, where the tive sites. The links of this initial regular lattice will be walker can jump with unit rate to any of the sites con- termed short links in the followings in order to distin- nected with the site it resides. The random-walkdimen- guish them from long links generated by the following sion d is defined through the relation [ x2(t) ] procedure. LetusassumethatN is evenandk isafixed rw h ityp ∼ positive integer. A pair of active sites is selected such t2/drw,wherex(t)denotesthedisplacementofthewalker that the number of active sites between them is k 1 (measured on the underlying one-dimensional lattice) at and this pair is then connected by a (long) link. T−hat time t and [ x2(t) ]typ expln x2(t) is the “typical h i ≡ h i means, for k =1, neighboring active sites are connected, value” of x2(t) . Here, denotes the expected value h i h·i fork =2next-to-neighboringones,etc. Thisstep,which for a fixed starting position in a fixed realization of the renders two active sites to sites of degree 3, is then iter- ensemble of networks, while the overbar stands for the ated until 2(k 1) active sites are left. These are then average over starting positions and the ensemble of net- paired in an ar−bitrary way, which does not affect the ex- works. Note that the expected value x2(t) does not h i ponents appearing in asymptotic relations in the limit exist if t > 0 since the expected value of edge lengths is N . In the resulting network, all sites are of degree infinite (in infinite networks). This accounts for that the 3 if→th∞e procedure starts from a periodic lattice whereas, average of ln x2(t) is considered instead. The practical h i in case of an open lattice, site 1 and site N remain of reason of the second averaging procedure is to eliminate degree 1. The networks generated in this way (or, more randommodulationswhichstemfromtherandomnessof precisely, the ensembles of networks in case of random the structure of networks, whereas for regular networks, networks)are characterizedby the number k and by the this averagingmay be ignored. way pairs are selected. Atsomestageoftheconstructionprocedure,whenthe number of active sites is N , these sites are distributed C. Relation to resistor networks a homogeneouslyona coarse-grainedscale ξ 1/c,where ≫ c N /N is their number density. In other words,spac- The calculationofrandom-walkdimensionis basedon a ≡ ings between neighboring active sites have a rapidly de- the well-known relation between the effective diffusion caying distribution with the expected value 1/c. Thus, constantandtheeffective resistanceofthe equivalentre- long links of length larger than l are generated typically sistor network [1, 2]. In the equivalent resistor network, when c is smaller than 1/l and we obtain for the dis- each link has a (dimensionless) resistance r related to i tribution of lengths in an infinite network (N ): the jump rate w along that link via r = 1/w . Consid- i i i P (l) l 1. Disregarding regular networks (see →Sect∞ion eringnetworksbuiltonanopenlattice,thetimetneeded > − ∼ IIIB1 and IVB), where exclusively long links of length for the walker to get from one end of the network (site 3 1) to the other one (site N) is with an infinite one-dimensional lattice (N ) and → ∞ assume that the length scale ξ, which is the inverse of t Nr˜ (1) the number density c of active sites, is large, i.e. ξ 1. ∼ ≫ Then the typical resistance and chemical distance on ef- for large N, where r˜ is the effective resistance of the fective short links scale with the length as r(ξ) ξζ and equivalent resistor network between the two endpoints. ℓ(ξ) ξdmin, respectively. For large ξ, the effe∼ctive re- For the sake of self-containedness, a heuristic derivation ∼ sistances and chemical distances are also large and the of this relation is given in the Appendix; for a precise transformation rules read asymptotically as r˜ r +r a c formulation of this connection in an arbitrary network, and ℓ˜ ℓ +ℓ , where the relation f g is≃meant as a c the reader is referred to Ref. [20]. Eq. (1) implies that ≃ ≃ lim f/g =1. As the transformation rules of r and ℓ ξ the random-walk dimension is related to the resistance are a→sy∞mptotically identical, we conclude that for k =1 exponent ζ defined by the asymptotical relation r˜(N) Nζ as ∼ ζ =d . (k =1) (5) min d =1+ζ. (2) rw Thusfork =1,bothd andd aredeterminedbythe rw min resistance exponent ζ. This exponent also has a further So, the problem of calculating d is reduced to the cal- rw geometricalmeaningfork =1. Letusconsideranetwork culation of the resistance exponent ζ of the equivalent built on an open lattice and call a short link backbone resistor network. link if its removal results in that the network becomes disconnected. Takingintoaccountthatshortestpathsdo notcontainturnbacks(atleastintheinteriorofthepath) III. NETWORKS WITH k=1 and they are composed of long links and backbone links alternately, one can see that the fraction of backbone Thesimplestclassofnetworksisobtainedwhenneigh- links in a network of size N is proportional to Ndmin for boringactivesitesareconnectedintheconstructionpro- large N. In other words, the set of backbone links is cedure,i.e. k =1. Inthiscase,theelementarystepofthe a fractal object characterized by the fractal dimension calculation of the resistance exponent is that a minimal d . min loop (pair of sites with a short and a long link between them)is eliminatedasshowninFig. 1,andthe twosites next to the removed pair are connected by a single link A. Uniform model with an effective resistance r˜. Applying the reduction 1 Perhaps the simplest model in the class k = 1 is ob- tainedwhenpairsofneighboringactivesites areselected a ra b rb c rc d a ~r d equiprobablyinthecourseoftheconstructionprocedure. We call this model the (k =1) uniform model. FIG. 1: Replacement of a minimal loop by a single link. The resistance exponent of this network can be calcu- lated as follows. Consider an infinite system (N ) → ∞ rules of resistors in series and in parallel, we obtain andassumethat,atsomestadiumoftherenormalization procedure, the number density of active sites is changed r b r˜=ra+rc+ . (3) byaninfinitesimalamountdc<0. Thedifferentialofthe r +1 b “resistancedensity”ρ rcisthendρ=cdr+rdc. Onthe ≡ Letusdenotethe chemicaldistancebetweensiteiand otherhand,dρ rdc/2,wherethefactor1/2comesfrom ≃ i+1 by ℓ . Initially, ℓ = 1 for all i and when the elim- that in an elimination step two sites are deleted but the i i ination step described above is carried out, the chemical total sum of resistances is reduced only by r on average. distance transforms in a simple way: Combiningtheseequations,weobtaincdr rdc/2,the ≃− integration of which results in the asymptotical relation ℓ˜=ℓ +ℓ +1. (4) a c r c 1/2 =ξ1/2. (6) − Now, a renormalization group scheme can be defined, ∼ inwhichminimalloopsareeliminatedoneaftertheother Thus, in the k =1 uniformmodel, the dimensions under asdescribedabove,exactlyinthe sameorderasthelong studyareζ =d =1/2andd =3/2. Ascanbeseen, min rw linksofloopswerecreatedintheconstructionprocedure. random walk is super-diffusive in this network. As a consequence, the construction procedure and the We mention that the calculation carried out above re- renormalizationcanbeperformedsimultaneously: oncea mains valid also in the generalcase when the jump rates pairofneighboringactivesitesisselectedforgettingcon- are random variables provided the expected value of the nected it is immediately eliminated and replaced by an inverse jump rates (i.e. resistances) exists. Thus we ob- effective shortlink withresistanceandchemicaldistance tain the same random-walk dimension for such a disor- calculatedaccordingtoEq. (3)andEq. (4),respectively. dered model, which shows that d is determined solely rw Let us start the construction-renormalization procedure by the structure of the network. 4 B. Closest-neighbor networks be written in the general form a w =aba(ba)m 1 whAennopthaeirrspaorsesibniolittysetloecctreedatweinthetwaourknsifowrimthpkro=ba1biils- σmn :(cid:26) b→→wab =a(ba)n−1−, (7) ity but always the pair (or pairs) of actually closest ac- where n and m are integers fulfilling 1 n m. tive sites are connected. These networks will be termed ≤ ≤ The special case m = n = 1 corresponds to the silver- closest-neighbornetworks. Here,distancesbetweenadja- mean sequence mentioned above while, with the choice cent sites are rendered initially unequal; they are either m=n=2, the well-known Fibonacci sequence is gener- randomoraremodulatedaccordingtosomeaperiodicse- ated. Anexampleofthree-lettersequencesisthetripling quence. Note that a periodic arrangement of short links sequence, generated by of different lengths either would not produce arbitrarily long links or would result in equal distances between ac- a w =aba tivesitesatsomestadiumofthe constructionprocedure, → a afterwhichtheprocedurewouldnolongerbe unambigu- σt : cb→wwb ==acbbcc. (8) ous. → c Here, edge lengths are ordered as l < l < l . The b c a structure of a few aperiodic closest-neighbor networks is 1. Aperiodic networks illustrated in Fig. 2. First, we consider networks where the short links of different lengths are arranged according to aperiodic se- a b a a a b a a b a a b a a a b a quences. These aperiodic sequences are composedof let- terstakenfromafinitealphabet a,b,c,... andaregen- { } erated by the repeated application of an inflation rule, a b a b a a b a a b a b a which assigns a word (i.e. a finite sequence of letters) to each letter. For instance, the simplest sequence that is suitable for our purposes is the so-called silver-mean sequence. It is composed of two different letters, a and a b a c b c a b a a b c c b c a b c a b a c b c a b a b, and is generated by the inflation rule a w = aba, a → b w = a. Starting from letter a, the first few it- FIG. 2: Fragments of the silver-mean, the Fibonacci and the b → erations are a,aba,abaaaba,abaaabaabaabaaaba, etc. To tripling network (from top to bottom). these finite strings of letters, finite open lattices can be associatedin which the two different edge lengths la and Weshallshowthattheshortest-pathdimensioncanbe lb(<la) between adjacent sites follow the same sequence calculated exactly from the substitution matrix S of the as the letters in the strings. In networks constructed underlying sequence. The elements S of this matrix αβ in this way, there are multitudes of long links of equal aregivenbyS =n (w ),wheren (w )isthenumber αβ α β α β length. These longlinkswillbe termedlinks ofthe same of occurrences of letter α in the word w . Consider- β generation. In general, the aperiodic sequences that we ing a string of letters s and a column vector v(s ) with i i need have to meet the following requirements. First, in the components [v(s )] = n (s ), it is easy to see that i α α i ordertoavoidambiguitiesintheconstructionprocedure, the application of the inflation transformation results in adjacent short links of shortest length must not emerge. a longer string s with the vector v(s ) = Sv(s ). i+1 i+1 i Second, the infinite system must be self-similar. That Thus,theasymptoticratiooflengthsofsuccessivestrings meanswhenanewgenerationoflonglinksisformed,the obtainedintheinflationprocedureisgivenbythelargest sequenceofnewdistanceshastofollowtheoriginalaperi- eigenvalue λ of S. Besides, we need the asymptotical + odicsequence. Third,theorderofdistancesmustremain scaling of chemical distances between neighboring active invariant when a new generation of links is formed, i.e. sites when a new generation of links forms. The chemi- if la > lb holds, the new distances must satisfy ˜la > ˜lb. cal distance ℓ˜α on an effective short link represented by Ifthese requirementsarefulfilled, a renormalizationstep letter α after a new generation of long links has formed in which a complete generationof minimal loops is elim- is related to the previous chemical distances ℓ (α = b) α 6 inated corresponds to a reversed inflation step. After as the sporadic inventions of such sequences in the field of aperiodic quantum spin chains [21], an infinite class was ℓ˜ = n (w )ℓ +n (w ). (9) α γ α γ b α introduced with the purpose of studying entanglement Xγ=b 6 entropy in those systems [22]. In the inflation rule of thesesequences,the wordsarecomposedofanoddnum- If the density of active sites is small, the chemical dis- ber of letters and letter b, which will represent shortest tances are also large and the last term on the r.h.s. of links by convention, stands at even places. The inflation Eq. (9)isnegligible. Wehavethustheasymptoticalrela- ruleoftwo-lettersequenceswiththeabovepropertiescan tion ℓ˜ n (w )ℓ . This yields that the chemical α ≃ γ=b γ α γ 6 P 5 distances grow in a renormalization step asymptotically closely. In fact, the smallest value of d that we found rw by a factor λ , i.e. ℓ˜ /ℓ λ , α = b, where λ is the isd =1+ln2 1.6309,whichisrealizedinthetripling + α α ≃ + 6 + rw ln3 ≈ largest eigenvalue of the matrix S obtained from S by network. The geometry of this network is known to be deleting the row and column related to letter b. As the extremal also with respect to the von Neumann entropy lengthscaleξgrowsbythefactorλ inarenormalization of aperiodic quantum spin chains [22]. In section IV, we + step, we obtain finally that the shortest-path dimension shallseethatlargerk mayresultinsmallerrandom-walk is given by d = lnλ+ and the random-walk dimension dimensions. min lnλ+ is lnλ+ 2. Random closest-neighbor network and related networks d =1+ . (10) rw lnλ + Another example for closest-neighbor networks is the For the family of networks constructed by us- one generated with random initial lengths. In the case ing two-letter sequences, we have λ (m,n) = + when the initial distribution of lengths is discrete and m21h+m1+.nF+orpe(xmam+pnle),2+for4(tmhe−snilv+er1-m)ieaanndnλe+tw(mor,kn)w=e tphreerseentmwayithbefinaidtejacpernotbasbhiolirtty,litnhkescoofnssthruocrtteiosnt lpernogcteh- obtain d = 1 + ln2 , for the Fibonacci network dure is extended with the additional rule that a pair is rw ln(1+√2) randomlyselectedfromthosewithshortestdistancewith d = 1+ ln3 with the golden ratio φ = 1+√5. In the rw 3lnφ 2 uniform probability. triplingnetworkconstructedbyusingtheruleinEq. (8), Therenormalizationgroupschemeofthisnetworkwith the set of backbone links is closely related to the Can- the asymptotical rule ℓ˜ ℓ +ℓ is formally identical a c tor set and accordingly, the random-walk dimension is to that arising in the co≃ntext of a model of coarsening drw = 1+ llnn32. Numerical values of drw are shown in introduced in Ref. [23]. For that recursion scheme, it TableIforafewtwo-letternetworks. ItfollowsfromEq. has been shown that the exponent z that appears in the relation ℓ(ξ) ξz between the variable ℓ and the length ∼ m=n=1(silver mean) 1.7864... scale ξ is the zero of a transcendental equation and it m=n=2(Fibonacci) 1.7610... has been found that z = 0.82492412 . Thus for the ··· m=n=3 1.7623... random closest-neighbor network, we have dmin =z and d =1+z. m=n=4 1.7683... rw Next,wediscussavariantoftherandom-closestneigh- m=n=5 1.7748... bor network,the renormalizationof which is identical to that of certain quantum spin chains [24] and due to this TABLE I: Random-walk dimension of networks constructed equivalence, the random-walk dimension can be exactly on thebasis of thetwo-letter inflation rule in Eq. (7). determinedagain. Letusconsideraone-dimensionallat- tice of size N with three variables at each short link: (10) that 1 < drw < 2 for the aperiodic networks intro- the lengthln,the chemicaldistance ℓn,bothareinitially duced in this section. This means that random walk is equal to 1, and an independent, identically distributed super-diffusive in these networks just as in the uniform random variable βn that we call β-distance. Now, a cu- model. Next, we discuss the bounds of d in this class bic network is generated as follows. The pair of active rw ofnetworks. Ascanbe seenfromthe datainTableI,for sites with the shortest β-distance, say βb, is chosen and the two-letter networks with n = m, the random-walk the two sites are connected by a long link. The length dimension increases monotonously with m (i.e. with the andthe chemicaldistanceonthe new effective shortlink length of words) after the minimum at m = 2 and one produced in the equivalent renormalization step are cal- can see from Eq. (10) that it tends to 2 in the limit culated ordinarily but the β-distance has an anomalous m=n . This tendency is intuitively easy to under- transformation rule: →∞ stand: A fragment of these networks which corresponds to a single word has periodically arranged short links, β˜=βa+βc βb, (11) − where the links of shortest length l are located at even b places. Therefore,thelonglinksgeneratedintheinterior where the indices refer to links as given in Fig. 1. As ofsuchafragmentareoflimitedlength(l )and,asacon- the structure of the network constructed in this way is b sequence,diffusioninsuchfragmentsisnormal. Thusthe identicaltothatofsingletbondsintheso-calledrandom- upper bound of d in this family of networks is d =2 singlet phase of antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains, rw rw and this value, which is characteristic of normal diffu- wecallthisnetworkrandom-singletnetwork. InRef. [24], sion, can be approached arbitrarily closely by choosing itwasshowninthe limit N that, whenthe density →∞ sufficiently long words in the inflation rule. Concerning c of active sites goes to zero, the typical value of the the lower bound of d , presumably there does not exist variable ℓ scales with the length ξ = 1/c asymptotically rw representativesofthe family ofk =1aperiodic networks as ℓ(ξ) ξφ/2, where φ= 1+√5 is the golden ratio. The ∼ 2 which approach the ballistic limit d = 1 arbitrarily shortest-path dimension of the random-singlet network rw 6 is thus d = 1+√5 0.8090, and the random-walk IV. NETWORKS WITH k>1 min 4 ≈ dimension is d = 5+√5. rw 4 In this section, we will discuss networks with k > 1, Finally, we examine another variant of the random whichdifferfromtheclassofnetworkswithk =1studied closest-neighbor network: This is constructed by con- so far in that the resistance exponent and the shortest- necting pairs of active sites with the actually shortest pathdimensionarenolongerequal. Wewillfocusmainly chemical distance. This means physically that when onthecasek=2,wherearenormalizationgroupscheme searching the closest neighbor of an active site, the al- similar to that applied for k = 1 can be formulated. ready existing long links are also made use of. When Herein, the minimal loops, which are trianglesfor k =2, generating this network,which we call random minimal- areeliminatedoneaftertheotherasshowninFig. 4. The chemical-distancenetwork,the initial chemicaldistances aremaderandom;inthe numericalcalculations,weused r r g the initial values ℓn = 1+ǫn, where ǫn 1 is a small f ≪ random variable. One can easily see that the variables r r r r l and ℓ become positively correlated in the renormal- a b c d n n a b c d e ization process of this network,i.e. for small values of l n the variableℓ is alsotypically small. On the groundsof n thisobservation,weexpectthattheshortest-pathdimen- sionoftherandomminimal-chemical-distancenetworkis ~r g closetothatoftherandomclosest-neighbornetwork. Ac- cordingtoresultsofnumericalcalculations,thisisindeed ~r ~r the case. We have calculated the effective resistance be- a c a c e tweenendpointsofnetworksgeneratedfromopenlattices of size N =2n, n=4,...,14. Data obtained in this way FIG. 4: Renormalization scheme for networks with k=2. in 106 107 independently generated networks were av- − eraged for each N. Results are shown in Fig. 3. The result of such a renormalization step is that site b and d methodwastestedontheuniformmodel,ontherandom togetherwiththe long link connectingthemvanish. The closest-neighbornetworkand on the random-singletnet- new effective resistances can be calculated by employ- work, for which we obtained ζ = 0.500(1), ζ = 0.825(1) ing the star-triangletransformationof resistor networks. and ζ = 0.809(1), respectively. The resistance expo- This yields nent of the random minimal-chemical-distance network r r obtained in this way is ζ = 0.826(1), which is very close r˜ =r + b f a a to that of the random closest-neighbor network. rb+rc+rf r r c f r˜ =r + c d r +r +r b c f r r b c r˜ =r + . (12) g g r +r +r 0.8 b c f 8 Thenewfeatureherecomparedtotherenormalizationof k = 1 networks is that resistances of long links are also 0.7 transformed. ζ(N) ||n[r(N)] ofNmointeimthaaltloaopsismairlaerresmubosvteitduwtiiotnhobuytwchhaicnhgitnhgetlohnegtolipnokls- l 0.6 ogy of the rest of the network cannot be formulated for 2 k >2. 4 8 ln(N) 0.5 A. The uniform model 4 6 8 ln(N) First, the case is considered when pairs of active sites are selected randomly with uniform probability in the FIG. 3: Effective resistance exponent ζ(N) ≡ construction procedure. ln[r(2N)/r(N)]/ln2 plotted against the system size for For k = 2, when a triangle is eliminated in the renor- the k = 1 uniform ((cid:3)), the random closest-neighbor malization procedure, the change in the total sum of re- ( ), the random-singlet (△) and the random minimal- c◦hemical-distance network (▽). Horizontal lines indicate the sistances(includingthoseonlonglinks)∆canbewritten in the form extrapolated values in the limit N →∞. Inset: Dependence of the average resistance on thesize N. r r r2 ∆= r r + b c− f . (13) b c − − r +r +r b c f 7 As can be seen, the average value of ∆ cannot be ex- x(t) in a given network N-times using all the N sites of pressedby the averagevalues of resistancesr ,r and r , the networkas starting positionsof the walker,the aver- b c f therefore the evolution of the entire distribution of the aging over different stochastic histories for a given start- latter quantities shouldbe takeninto consideration. An- ing position was ignored and the quantity ln x(t) was | | other difficulty is that the renormalization rules in Eq. calculated. Inadditiontotheaveragingoverstartingpo- (12) apparently induce correlations between the quanti- sitions, data obtained in 500 independent networks were ties r˜ , r˜ and r˜ . Therefore,we resortedhere to numer- averaged. Results are shown in Fig. 6. The estimated a c g ical methods again in order to estimate d and d . random-walk dimensions are d (k = 1) = 1.49(1), rw min rw According to results of numerical renormalization, the d (k = 2) = 1.31(1) and d (k = 3) = 1.19(1). As can rw rw absolutevalueoftheaverageofthelasttermonther.h.s. be seen, these values are less accurate compared to the of Eq. (13) is growing proportionally to the average of resistanceexponentcalculatedbynumericalrenormaliza- effective resistances in the course of the procedure. Al- tion. Nevertheless, d (k = 1) measured in this way is rw though, itis thus notnegligiblecomparedto the average compatible with the exact value 3/2 and d (k = 2) is rw of first two terms on the r.h.s. of Eq. (13), it is by compatible with ζ calculated numerically for k =2. an order of magnitude smaller than those two terms. If the last term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (13) is omitted, the resulting simple renormalization process that is analyti- cally tractable may providea firstapproximationfor the resistanceexponent. Usingthattheaverageresistanceof short links is equal to that of long links, which follows 2.2 8 after all from the symmetry of the transformation rules in Eq. (12), we can write for the differential of the re- (t)w sistance density in this simplified process: dρ = 2rdc/3, d 6 which leads finally to r(ξ) ξ1/3. 1.2 We have carried out th∼e renormalization procedure |||x(t)|) 2 ln(t) 8 numerically until two active sites were left in networks |n(|4 generated from periodic chains of size N = 2n, n = l 4,...,15. The average resistance of the remaining two effectiveshortlinkswascalculatedfromdataobtainedin 2 k=1 107 6 106 independent networks for each system size k=2 − × k=3 N. The resistance exponent extracted from the finite- size scaling of the average resistance is ζ =0.311(1), see 2 4 6 8 Fig. 5. ln(t) FIG. 6: Time-dependence of the average logarithmic dis- 4 placementln|x(t)|oftherandom walkermeasured innumer- 0.33 ical simulations in the uniform model with different values of k. Inset: Effective random walk dimension drw(t) calcu- N) lated from neighboring pairs of data points as 1/drw(t) = ζ( [ln|x(2t)|−ln|x(t)|]/ln2. Horizontal lines indicate the ex- 0.31 |||N)] trapolated values in thelimit N →∞. |||n[r( 4 ln(N) 8 l 2 Besidethe random-walkdimension, wehavemeasured the shortest-path dimension for k = 1,2,3, as well. The length of shortest-path between sites in a distance N/2 4 10 ln(N) was determined by a simple breadth-first search algo- rithm. This was performed in 5 105 5 103 in- FIG.5: Averageresistanceofthek=2uniformmodelplotted dependently generated networks fo×r each−size×N = 2n, against the system size. Inset: Effective resistance exponent n=4,...,17,andfor N/8pairsofsites ineachnetwork. ζ(N)≡ln[r(2N)/r(N)]/ln2 plotted against the system size. The horizontal line indicates the extrapolated value in the The average chemical distance ℓ(N), plotted against N limit N →∞. in Fig. 7, was found to grow for large N as ℓ(N) Ndmin+C with a constant term C 2, that shifts th∼e ≈− We have also performed numerical simulations of the effective d (N) considerably for moderate N. Using min random walk in k = 1,2,3 uniform networks of size this ansatz, the estimated shortest-path dimensions are: N = 106 and measured the displacement x(t) of the d (k = 1) = 0.500(1), d (k = 2) = 0.440(1) and min min walker at time t = 2n, n = 4,...,15. As we measured d (k =3)=0.381(1). min 8 1. The k=2 tripling network 0.6 N) First, we examine the k = 2 tripling network which 6 (n is constructed by means of the tripling sequence with mi d the inflation rule in Eq. (8). This network is shown in 0.4 Fig. 8. Let us generate a sequence of finite strings by ||n[l(N)] 4 ln(N) 10 l a b a c b c a b a a b c c b c a b c a b a c b c a b a k=1 2 k=2 k=3 a b a a a b a a b a a b a a a b a 4 8 12 ln(N) FIG. 8: A finite k = 2 tripling network (top) and a finite k=2 silver-mean network (bottom). FIG. 7: Average length of shortest paths ℓ(N) between sites in a distance l = N/2 plotted against N for differ- applying the inflation rule n-times on letter a and con- ent values of k. Inset: Effective shortest-path dimension dmin(N) calculated from neighboring pairs of data points as sider the corresponding sequence of finite networks built on open lattices the sites of which are labeled by these dmin(N) = ln[ℓ(2N/ℓ(N)]/ln2. Horizontal lines indicate the extrapolated values in thelimit N →∞. strings. The size of the nth such network is Nn = 3n. By constructing the first few such networks and observ- ingtheirself-similarstructure,onecaneasilycheckthat, for the length of the shortest path between the two end- B. Regular networks points,the recursiverelationℓ =2ℓ +1holds. Thus n n 1 for large n, ℓ 2n. Expressing −n with N yields n n Inadditiontotherandomnetworksstudiedinthepre- ℓ Nln2/ln3. Th∼e shortest-path dimension of this net- vioussection,onecandefineregularnetworkswithk >1, wo∼rk is thus d = ln2 0.6309. as well. The cubic, hierarchical network studied in Ref. The resistanmcienexplonn3e≈nt of this network can be calcu- [18] is an example for a regular network with k = 2. lated by a renormalization procedure in which the gen- In this section, we shall consider regular k =2 networks eration of long links belonging to minimal loops is itera- whicharedefinedbymeansofaperiodicsequences. Here, tively eliminated according to the scheme shown in Fig. therandom-walkdimensionandtheshortest-pathdimen- 4. Let us consider the infinite network (N ), with sion can be calculated exactly. resistancer onshortlinks andresistancepo→nlo∞nglinks. Letusconsiderthesubclassofaperiodicsequencesdis- When the generation of long links belonging to minimal cussed in section IIIB1, where the length of words is loopsiseliminated,weobtainasimilarnetworkbutwith either one or three. One can define networks by using modified parameters r˜and p˜. Using Eq. (12), we obtain inflationruleswithlongerwords,aswell,butweshallfo- for the renormalized parameters: cusonthissimplesubclass. Onceasequenceofthisclass isgiven,afinitenetworkwithoddsitescanbedefinedas 2rp 2r2 r˜=r+ , p˜=p+ . (14) follows. A finite string ofletters whichis generatedfrom 2r+p 2r+p a single letter is taken and this time, not the links but Theseequationsyieldforthescalingfactorofresistances: thesitesofaone-dimensionallatticearelabeledwiththe λ r˜/r = p˜/p = 5/3. Keeping in mind that the scaling letters of the string. The sites are grouped into blocks ≡ factorofthe lengthis λ=3, weobtainfor the resistance corresponding to words w in the inflation rule, which α can be done unambiguously. Then, sites belonging to exponent: ζ = lnλ = ln5/3 and for the random-walk lnλ ln3 one-letter blocks are renamed according to the reversed dimension: d =1+ζ = ln5 1.4650. rw ln3 ≈ inflation rule w α, where w is the one-letter word α α → corresponding to the block. In blocks composed of three sites, the two lateralsites are connected, and the middle 2. The k=2 silver-mean network one is renamed again according to the reversed inflation rule wα α, where wα is the wordcorrespondingto the Next, we discuss the k = 2 silver-mean network con- → block. The above step is then iterated until only one ac- structed by using the inflation rule in Eq. (7) with tive site is left. In finite networks this site is of degree m=n=1(see Fig. 8). Observingthe self-similarstruc- 2. tureoffinite representativesofthisnetwork,onecanfor- We have not found a general way of calculating d mulatethefollowingrecursionequationforthelengthsof rw and d in these networks so they have to be treated shortest-paths between endpoints in finite networks con- min individually. Two examples will be discussed. structedbyconsecutivestringsofletters: ℓ =3ℓ +2. k k 2 − 9 The asymptoticscalingfactorofthe chemicaldistance is solves the above system of equations with the scaling thus √3. As the asymptotic scaling factor of the size of factor λ = 1 + 2√2. The resistance exponent is thenetworkis1+√2(seeSec. IIIB1),theshortest-path 1+√2 p dimension is dmin = ln(l1n+√√32) ≈0.6232. trhanudsoζm=-wllnnalλλk=dilmne(cid:16)n1s+i1o√n2 o+fpth2e√k2(cid:17)=/l2n(s1il+ve√r-2m)eaanndntehte- The calculation of ζ for the silver-mean network is workis d =1+ζ =ln 1+ 4+2√2 /ln(1+√2) sInomoerwdehrattomfionrdebinlovcoklvsewdhtihchantrfaonrstfohremtriinplainsgelnf-estiwmoirlakr. 1.4575. rw (cid:16) p (cid:17) ≈ way under a renormalization step, an additional site of degree2is insertedinthe middle ofeachshortlink. The number of short links (and sites) is thus doubled but V. DISCUSSION if we assign a resistance 1/2 to short links instead of 1 in this extended network,the effective resistance is obvi- We have seen that, in the networks studied in this ouslyequaltothatoftheoriginalnetwork. Furthermore, work, the distribution of edge lengths is broad and, as insteadofkeepingtrackofresistancesoflonglinks,wedi- a consequence, the length of shortest paths grows sub- vide the resistance of a long link equally among the two linearly with the distance and random walk becomes sites that it connects. This means formally that there super-diffusive. A model similar to random networks of is an additional variable p at all sites of the original this class (although, not n-regular)is the model by Ben- i network (initially 1/2), which changes in the course of jaminiandBerger,whereanypairsofsitesinadistancel the renormalization procedure, just as the resistances of areconnectedwithprobabilityp βl s 1 forlargel. In l − − ∼ shortlinks. After eliminating the firstgenerationoflong that model, the diameter D, which is measured in terms links, the effective resistances of short links emanating of chemical distances, was conjectured to grow with the from sites of type a will be different from those of short system size as D(N) Ndmin(β) with some β-dependent ∼ links emanating from sites of type b. These resistances exponent 0 < d (β) < 1 in the marginal case s = 1 min will be denoted by r and r , respectively. The addi- [12]. Later, a power-law lower bound for β < 1 and a a b tional variables will also be different at the two types of power-law upper bound for any β were shown to exist sites. Thesewillbedenotedbyp andp . Thisstructure asymptotically with high probability for the size depen- a b of the parameters remains, however, invariant when the dence of the diameter [15]. Thus, as far as the length subsequentgenerationsof long links are eliminated. The ofshortestpaths (orthe diameter)isconcerned,random substitution of the two different types of building blocks networks studied in this paper behave as that model is ofthe silver-meannetworkisillustratedinFig. 9. When conjecturedto do. Furthermore,we have shownthat be- side d , the random-walk dimension is also influenced min bythedetailsofthestructureofnetworksinthemarginal point s=1 [25]. p p p p~ By means of the class of networks introduced in this r a r r br r ar ~r a~r work,adifferenttypeofcontrolofthediffusionexponent a a b b a a a a a b a a can be realized compared to previous models. The con- trol parameter is not the index s as in the L´evy flight, p p~ which is set to its marginal value s = 1 here, nor the a b r r ~r ~r prefactor β as in the marginal Benjamini-Berger model a a b b a b butthe numberk andotherpossible parametersappear- ing in the construction procedure. The prefactor β in FIG. 9: Renormalization scheme for the k = 2 silver-mean the distribution of lengths, as well as the shortest-path network. Sitesoftheoriginalnetworkaresymbolizedbyblack dimension and the random-walk dimension of these net- circles while theadditional sites by grey circles. works are non-trivial functions of these parameters. We have also shown that by a sequence of k = 1 ape- inanarbitrarystadiumoftherenormalizationprocedure riodic networks,the normaldiffusion limit (d =2) can rw the parameters are ra,rb,pa and pb then, after the next be approached arbitrarily closely. According to numeri- generation of long links is eliminated, the renormalized cal results for k =1,2,3 uniform networks, the random- parameterscanbeexpressedintermsoftheoriginalones walk dimension decreases with the parameter k and if as k , the latter quantity tends presumablyto the bal- →∞ listic limit d =1. rw p (r +r ) r˜ =r + a a b , r˜ =r , As opposed to the diffusion exponent that varies con- a a b a pa+ra+rb tinuously with the index s in case of the L´evy flight, the (r +r )2 set of possible values of d which can be realized by p˜ =p + a b , p˜ =p . (15) rw a b 2(p +r +r ) b a these networks is discrete. Nevertheless, one can define a a b uniformnetworkswherethe parameterk is notfixedbut After a lengthy but elementary calculation one obtains more than one values of k are used in the construction that the ansatz r˜ /r = r˜ /r = p˜ /p = p˜ /p λ procedure, e.g. k n,n+1 with a fixed positive inte- a a b b a a b b ≡ ∈{ } 10 gern. The random-walkdimensionofsuch“mixed”net- A1 is analogous to Kirchhoff’s first law for electric cir- works is expected to interpolate between that of “pure” cuits. Namely, π plays the role of the potential at site i ones constructed with a single k. i and 1/w corresponds to the resistance of link (i,j). ij Inasub-classofnetworksintroducedinthispaper,the Consequently, if the part of the network between site 1 dimensionsd andd havebeencalculatedexactly;in and N (except of the directed link) is replaced with a min rw somecasestheyhavebeenestimatedbynumericalmeth- single (symmetric) link with a jump rate 1/r˜, where r˜is ods. The possible exact calculation of these dimensions theeffectiveresistanceoftheequivalentresistornetwork, forothernetworksofthisclassorfindingrigorousbounds the steady-state current J through the directed link re- on these quantities is the task of future research. mains unchanged. On the other hand, we may write for J inthis simplified“circuit”,whichconsistsofsite1and siteN, aswellasthe directedlink andthe effective sym- APPENDIX A metric link connecting them: Let us consider a network built on an open one- J =π =(π π )r˜ 1. (A2) 1 N 1 − dimensional lattice of size N. Connect the sites at the − ends of the lattice (site 1 and N) with a directed link which the walker can traverse only in one direction, say If N 1, the effective resistance is also large and we from site 1 to site N with a unit rate. Let us denote the have J≫= π1 πNr˜−1. If all the links were symmetric, ≈ probabilitythattherandomwalkercanbefoundatsitei thewalkerwouldbedistributeduniformlyonthenetwork in the steady-state by π . These probabilities satisfy the inthesteadystate. Althoughthelinkbetweensite1and i set of linear equations site N is directed and this leads to that the network is depleted on the side containing site 1, the steady-state wij(πi πj)=0, 1<i<N, (A1) probabilities far from the end 1 such as πN are still pro- Xj − portional to 1/N for large N. The expected value of the time t that the walkerneeds to make a complete tour on wherethesummationgoesoverthesetofsitesconnected the network (from site N to the same site through the with site i and w denotes the jump rate from site i to directed link) is relatedto the current as t=1/J. Thus, ij site j; in our case wN1 = 0 and wij = 1 for other pairs itscaleswiththesizeofthenetworkast≈πN−1r˜∼N1+ζ (i,j) of connected sites. Now, one can notice that Eq. in the large N limit, from which we arrive at Eq. (2). [1] S. Havlin and D. Ben-Avraham, Adv. Phys. 36, 695 [14] C.F. Moukarzel and M. Argollo de Menezes, Phys. Rev. (1987). E 65, 056709 (2002). [2] J.P. Bouchaud and A. Georges, Phys. 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