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Super Bloch oscillations with modulated interaction Elena D´ıaz,1 Alberto Garc´ıa Mena,1 Kunihiko Asakura,1,2 and Christopher Gaul1,3 1GISC, Departamento de F´ısica de Materiales, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain 2Yonago National College of Technology, 683-8502, Yonago, Japan 3CEI Campus Moncloa, UCM-UPM, Madrid, Spain (Dated: January 22, 2013) WestudysuperBlochoscillationsofultracoldatomsinashakenlatticepotential,subjectedtoa harmonically modulated mean-field interaction. Usually, any interaction leads to the decay of the wavepacketanditssuperBlochoscillation. Here,weusethephasesofinteractionandshakingwith 3 respect to the free Bloch oscillation as control parameters. We find two types of long-living cases: 1 (i) suppression of the immediate broadening of the wave packet, and (ii) dynamical stability of all 0 degrees of freedom. The latter relies on the rather robust symmetry argument of cyclic time [Gaul 2 et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 053627 (2011)]. n PACSnumbers: 03.75.Lm;52.35.Mw;37.10.Jk a J 1 Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattices spaceregionswith,say,positivemassthaninregionswith 2 are an ideal testing ground for many problems of con- negativemass,whichresultsinadriftofthewavepacket ] densed-matter physics [1, 2]. In addition to good mea- in the direction of the force. As the relative phase be- s surement access, these systems offer flexible manipula- tween BO and shaking changes, the time-averaged mass a g tion of the system parameters, which opens the way to becomes negative and the drift gets reversed, which re- - newperspectivesandeffects. Oneofthemostprominent sults in an SBO at the beating frequency. t n examples is the observation of Bloch oscillations (BOs) SBOshavebeenmostlystudiedinthelinear,noninter- a ofcoldatomicgases[3]andofBose-Einsteincondensates actingcase[9,10]. Butultracoldbosonsopenmoreinter- u (BECs) [4] in optical lattices, subjected to an external esting possibilities. Feshbach resonances can be used to q . force F. The semiclassical explanation for BOs is the arbitrarilychangethes-wavescatteringlength[11],even at following: thequasimomentum(cid:126)kincreaseslinearlywith time-dependently [12–14]. Generically, the interaction m time, but because of the dispersion relation of a tight- leads to dephasing and decay of the wave packet. How- - binding model with hopping amplitude J and lattice pe- ever, the interplay of modulated interactions and BOs d riod a, E(k) = 2J[1 cos(ka)], the group velocity is a has already been investigated, and an infinite family of n − sinusoidal function of time. The particle does not follow o c the potential gradient but stays localized and performs [ an oscillatory motion. 60 (a) 2 By optical means or by magnetic levitation, the lat- 40 |Ψn|2 0.025 v tice potential can be shaken with frequency ω. This 20 0.02 0.015 5 results in a renormalization of the hopping amplitude, n 0 0.01 0 -20 0.005 which can even be suppressed, the so-called dynamic 0 4 -40 localization [5, 6]. Semiclassically, a harmonic shaking 1 -60 . F(t) = ∆F sin(ωt) causes the quasimomentum (cid:126)k = 2 (cid:82) dt(cid:48)F(t(cid:48)) to oscillate rapidly and to explore k-space re- 1.5 (b) g(t) cospa 1+∆σ 1 1 ¯h 2 gions with renormalized or even negative effective mass 0.5 0 1 meff(k) ∝ 1/cos(ka). Time-averaging cos(ka) leads to -0.5 : the renormalization of the hopping J /J = J (∆F/ω), -1 v eff 0 -1.5 i where J0 is the Bessel function of the first kind. Thus, 0 5 10 15 20 X dependingonthestrengthandthefrequencyoftheshak- t/T B r ing, the effective hopping J can be suppressed or even a eff negative,freezingorinvertingthecenter-of-massmotion. FIG. 1. (Color online) Stable interacting SBO. The initial wave function has Gaussian shape with width σ = 20a and Themodulationoftheforcearoundafinitemeanvalue 0 quasimomentum p(0) = (cid:126)π/2a. Force (2) with F = 0.2J/a, leadstoasuperpositionoftheBOwithaslowoscillation 0 ∆F =0.6F ,l/ν =4/5,andφ =0;interaction(3)withg = 0 F 0 of large real-space amplitude, similar to the one shown 1,φ=0. (a)Real-spacedensity|Ψ (t)|2 fromtheintegration n in Fig. 1. This phenomenon is known as quasi BO [7] or ofEq.(1). (b)Timeevolutionofsomemagnitudesofinterest: superBO(SBO)[8]. Itcanbeexplainedwithasemiclas- theinteractiong(t),theinversemassterm∼cos(pa)andthe sicalreasoning, too: thequasimomentumperformssmall variation of the real-space width ∆σ(t) = σ(t)−σ(0). The oscillations around its linearly increasing mean value. gray circles mark the points of symmetry used in the cyclic- time approach. Then, during one Bloch cycle, it spends more time in k- 2 (harmonic)modulationsthatleadtoaperiodictimeevo- 0.4 20 lution of the wave packet has been found [15–17]. Here, 0) 0.2 × N( 0 weconsiderSBOsinthepresenceofamodulateds-wave T)/IP-0.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 scatteringlength. Thisproblemismorecomplexbecause N(-0.4 already the linear problem contains two frequencies and ∆IP--00..68 (a) twophasesfromtheBOandtheshaking,respectively. In 0.4 theremainderofthisBriefReport,wetackletheproblem 20 0) 0.2 × with a full integration of the discrete Gross-Pitaevskii N( 0 P -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 equation and a cyclic-time argument similar to that of T)/I-0.2 Ref. [17], for one particular phase of the shaking. After- N(-0.4 wardswestudyfrequenciesandphasesnotcoveredbythe ∆IP-0.6 (b) -0.8 cyclic-time argument by means of collective coordinates φ/π ofaGaussianwavepacketandlinear stability analysis of the infinite wave packet. FIG. 2. (Color online) Relative change of the momentum Model. Our starting point is the mean-field tight- IPN as a function of the phase φ for (a) φ = 0 and F binding equation of motion as in Refs. [15–17], but now (b)φ =−π/2. Discs(withlinesasguidetotheeye): results F the tilt F may be time dependent: fromintegrationofEq.(1)afterintegrationtimesT =TSBO, 15T ,and30T (fromtoptobottom). Solidline: Result SBO SBO i(cid:126)Ψ˙ = J(Ψ +Ψ )+F(t)anΨ +g(t)Ψ 2Ψ . from the collective coordinates theory (11). Regardless of a n n+1 n−1 n n n − | | (1) possibleinitialincrease,theIPNalwaysgoesdowninthelong run, except for those points where ∆IPN=0. ThewavefunctionΨ isnormalizedtoone,implyingthat n the time-dependent interaction parameter g(t) contains the total particle number. We choose the force as for φ = 0 the phase φ = 0 from Fig. 1 is one of the F two stable points, where the IPN stays constant. Simi- F(t)=F +∆F cos(ωt+φ ). (2) 0 F larly, in the case φ = π/2 of Fig. 2(b), two “stable” F − The mean value F defines the Bloch frequency ω = points arise as well. However, their stability behavior is 0 B F a/(cid:126). This and the frequency of the modulation ω different and will be explained in what follows. 0 are the two frequencies of interest. For concreteness, we Cyclic-time formalism for SBOs. Weexpressthedis- choose a fixed frequency ratio ω/ωB =l/ν =4/5 for the crete wave function Ψn of (1) in terms of a continuous rest of this Brief Report. Thus, the super Bloch period wave function A(z,t): T is five Bloch periods. We now search for suitable SBO Ψ (t)=A(na x(t),t)eip(t)na/(cid:126)+iφ(t) . (5) modulations of g(t) that allow a periodic time evolution n − of (1). A constant interaction parameter leads sooner With the semiclassical equations p˙ = F(t), x˙ = v = g or later to a decay of the SBO [8], but harmonic modu- − 2Jasin(pa/(cid:126))/(cid:126), and (cid:126)φ˙ = 2Jcos(pa/(cid:126)), the envelope lations around zero may counteract this effect [15]. We function obeys the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation choose the simplest commensurate modulation i(cid:126)A˙ = Jcos(pa/(cid:126))A(cid:48)(cid:48)+g(t)A2A , (6) g(t)=g0sin(ωBt/ν+φ). (3) − | | where higher derivatives of A have been neglected. The Throughout the paper and we vary only the phase φ. factor in front of the second derivative takes the role of Figure1(a)showsthetimeevolutionofthewavefunction the mass term Jcos(pa/(cid:126)) = (cid:126)2/2m(t). Taking into ac- for φ = φ = 0, a particular choice of parameters for F countthecommensurabilityofthefrequenciesω andω , which SBOs turn out to be stable. B we express the time dependence in terms of the slower In general the SBO decays with time. This decay is time τ =ω t/ν, which increases by 2π during one super most conveniently observed via the broadening of the B Bloch period T = νT . After integrating the force wave-function momentum distribution, observed via the SBO B (2), we find the inverse mass term as inverse participation number (IPN) of Fourier modes (cid:88) cos(pa/(cid:126))=sin(cid:8)ντ + a∆F [sin(lτ +φ ) sinφ ](cid:9), IPN= |Ψk|4. (4) (cid:126)ω F − F (7) k where we have chosen the initial condition such that Adecreaseofthisnumbermeansmomentumbroadening ap(τ = 0) = π(cid:126)/2. This can always be achieved by and decay of the wave packet. Figure 2 shows the varia- choosing the origin of time. tion∆IPN(T)=IPN(T) IPN(0)afteracertaintimeT We know from previous works [15–17] that BOs can − for φ = 0, π/2 as a function of the interaction phase exist in the presence of suitably tuned AC interactions. F − φ. For most of the phases, the IPN goes down, meaning Now, we construct a similar cyclic-time formalism for that the wave packet broadens. Figure 2(a) shows that SBOs. The basic idea is to separate all terms of Eq. 3 30 1 (6) into the form η˙f(η), where η is a harmonic function of τ and f an arbitrary function. Then η˙ is eliminated 25 0.1 |Ψk|2 and Eq. (6) is solved as a function of η only. As η is a 0.01 periodicfunctionoft, thetimeevolutionofAisperiodic 20 0.001 too, and we have indeed found a case of stable SBOs in t the presence of a non-zero interaction g(t). 15 0.0001 TSBO The inverse mass term (7) can only be brought into 1e-05 10 the desired form η˙f(η) if φ =0 [or any phase shift that F 1e-06 allows for a common node of sinντ and sinlτ]. Then, 5 1e-07 cos(pa/(cid:126))=sin(τ) (cosτ), (8) (a) (b) (c) F 0 1e-08 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 which is the most general 2π-periodic function that re- (k p)a (k p)a (k p)a − − − spects the odd symmetry with respect to τ =0 mod π. FIG. 3. (Color online) Momentum-space portraits in the ref- This determines η = cosτ. Thus, the left hand side of (6) is A˙ = η˙∂ A. Finally, we may choose any modu- erenceframeofthecenterofmomentumpforshaking(2)and η interaction (3), with σ = 20a, F = 0.2J/a, ∆F = 0.6F , 0 0 0 lated interaction of the form g = η˙g˜(η). In particular, g = 1. (a) Unstable sine shaking φ = −π/2 with φ = 0; 0 F g(t) = g0sin(F0t/ν), i.e., Eq. (3) with φ = 0 fulfills the (b) sine shaking with phase φ = −0.26π adjusted according cyclic-time condition. The symmetries involved in this to Eq. (11); (c) stable case of Fig. 1, φ =0, φ=0. F argument can be observed in the lower panel of Fig. 1: g(t) and cos(cid:0)p(t)a/(cid:126)(cid:1) share the nodes of η˙, marked with gray circles, and are odd with respect to these points. regard, we can compute analytical results in the limit All physical quantities, e.g. the width variation ∆σ, are of a wide wave packet w(t) σ2 1. Then, Eqs. (3) ≈ 0 (cid:29) functions of η only and are thus even with respect to the and (10c) give b(t)≈−aνg0/[8√πσ03ωB]cos(ωBt/ν+φ). mentioned points. With (10d), and assuming that l ν =1, this yields | − | So far, we have explained the stability observed in Fig. 1 and the stable points of Fig. 2(a). It turns out (cid:90) dtw˙ (l ν) √πa3Jg0 J (cid:0)δFν(cid:1)sin(φ φ ), that the phase φF = −π/2 of shaking considered in TSBO w ≈ − σ03((cid:126)ωB/ν)2 1 l − 0 Fig. 2(b) cannot be written in the form required by the (11) above cyclic-time argument, because the inverse mass with φ0 =(l ν)[φF +a∆F sin(φF)/(cid:126)ω]. Depending on term cosap/(cid:126) does not exhibit points with odd symme- thephaseφo−ftheinteraction, thewavepacketcontracts try. Nevertheless, there are two particular phase shifts, or spreads after a full super Bloch cycle TSBO. This is φ 0.26π and φ 0.74π, where the broadening of the also reflected in the IPN shown in Fig. 2. The dynamics ≈− ≈ wave packet is suppressed. One can understand this us- can be strictly periodic only for φ = φ0 mod π. With ing a collective-coordinates theory. The idea is to reduce the values l=4, ν =5, φF = π/2, and a∆F =0.75(cid:126)ω, − thecomplexityoftheproblembyparametrizingthewave this yields φ0 =0.74π, in agreement with Fig. 2(b). function by only two coordinates, its position x and its In Fig. 3, the momentum-space portrait of SBOs is width √w [15, 18]: shownfordifferentphasesoftheshakingandoftheinter- (cid:18) (cid:19) action. Panel (a) shows an unstable case of sine shaking 1 na x Ψ (t)= − eipna/(cid:126)+ib(na−x)2/(cid:126). (9) with immediate broadening of the momentum distribu- n √4w A √w tion. Inpanel(b)thephaseoftheinteractionisadjusted (u) is a continuous normalized Gaussian wave function as required by the collective-coordinates criterion of Eq. A withvarianceone. Theequationsofmotionforthecollec- (11) and it shows the behavior presented by the two ap- tivecoordinates,xandw,andtheirconjugatemomenta, parently “stable” points in panel (b) of Fig. 2. Here, p and b, are theimmediatebroadeningisindeedsuppressed;butona longer time scale ( 20T = 100T ), side peaks grow SBO B p˙ = F(t), (10a) ≈ farfromthecentralwavepacket. Thisisanindicatorfor − (cid:126) x˙ (cid:20) 1/4+4b2w2/(cid:126)2(cid:21) adynamicalinstabilityanddoesnothappeninthestable =2asin(pa/(cid:126)) 1 , (10b) J a − 2w/a2 case with cosine shaking (see Fig. 1), whose k-space por- a2 1 16w2b2/(cid:126)2 a3g(t) trait is shown in Fig. 3(c) for comparison. In this case, b˙ = − cos(pa/(cid:126))+ , (10c) there is neither immediate broadening nor an instability. J 4w2/a4 8√πJw3/2 Theextremelysmallresidualbroadening,isduetoeffects (cid:126)w˙ wb =8 cos(pa/(cid:126)) . (10d) beyond the approximation made in Eq. (6). Ja2 (cid:126) Linear stability analysis. Collective coordinates rely A necessary condition for stability within the collective- on a smooth Gaussian profile of the wave function and coordinatesapproximationisthatw(t)returnstoitsini- cannotdescribefeaturesonshortlengthscales. Weclose tial value after a full super Bloch period T . In this this gap with a linear stability analysis of the infinitely SBO 4 π 1.01 to the destruction of such oscillations in general. There- fore, our proposal to tune the atomic interaction time 0.5π 1.005 dependently is important to reduce this effect and to al- φ 0 1 low for the detection of such oscillatory dynamics of a condensate. The results of this work can be considered 0.5π 0.995 − (a) toimprovethequalityofSBOsinordertobeusedtoen- π 0.99 gineermatter-wavetransportovermacroscopicdistances − π 1.01 in lattice potentials in a more reliable way, which should 0.5π 1.005 also be relevant for atom interferometry [20]. 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