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The Summ a Theoloranksg ire amongt heg reatest docownfthe en Cthsr istian Churcha,n di sa landmaorfkm edievwaels tetrhno guhtI.tp rovidtehse frameworfokr Catholsitcu diienss y stematthieco loagnydfo ra c lassical Christipahni losoapnhdyi ,sr egularly cboyns scuhlotleoadfra sl l faiantdh s nonea,c roas rsa ngoef a cademdiics ciplThiinse psa.p erbarceki ssoufte h e clasLasitin/Enc gliesdhi tiofirsnt publisbhyet dh eE ngliDsohm inicainnts h e 1960s a1n9d7 0si,n twhaek eo ft heS econVda ticCaonu ncihla,s b een undertaikner ne spontsore e gulraerq uefrosmt sr eadearnsdl ibrarairoaunnds thew orlfodr t hee ntirsee rioef6s 1 v olumteosb em adea vailaabglaeiTh ne. origitneaxlit su nchangeexdc,e foprt t hec orrectoifao s nm alnlu mbeorf typograpehrriocrasl. The origianiamol f t hiesd itiowna sn otn arrowelcyc lesiaIststi ocuaghltt. o maketh istr easuorfeth e Christiiannt ellehcetruiatlaa vgaei ltaobth leeo logians andp hilosopohfae lrblsa ckgrouinndcsl,u dtihnogsw eh o,w ithoculta iming tob eb elievtehresm selavpepsr,e ciaar teel igiionutse grwihtiyce hm bodies hardbitrattieonn aliasnmdw hor ecogniisnThe o masA quinaam sa steorfth at perennpihaill osowphhiyc fohr mst heb edrocokfE uropecainv ilisation. Becauosfeth ist heed itowrosr keudn desrp eciifnisctr uctitoonb se airn m ind noto nltyh ep rofessitohneaoll ogbiuatan l,s toh eg enerraela dweirt ahn interienst th e' reasonC'h riins tiaThnei ptayr.a lElnegll iasnhd La tint exts canb eu sesdu ccessbfuyla lnyy bodwyi tahb asikcn owledogfLae ti n,w hile thep resencoeft heLa tin texhta sa llowtheed tr anslatoard se groeeffr eedom ina dapting Etnhgeliirvs ehr sifoornm odernr eadeErasc.hv olumceo ntains agl ossaorfyt echnitcearlma sn di sd esignetdob ec ompleitnie ts etlofs erve forp rivastteu doyra sa c ourse text. NIHILO BSTAT GEORGIUSR EILLYO .P. THOMASG ILBYO .P. IMPRIMIP OTEST STT HOMASA QUINAS R.L .E VERYO .P. PriPorro vincSi.Ja olspiehsii n S tatiFbreudse ratis SUMMA THEOLOGI£ AmeriScepat entrionalis die Im ajIi9 67 NIHILO BSTAT ANTONY HOWE Cenrs o IMPRIMATUR + PATRICKC ASEY VicG.e n. Westminstesr A,u guIs9t6 8 !�du< Ji,::·· ,,, }d.�LlJJ_1. !t: ' .f.... ........ · .. STT HOMASA QUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGIJE Latitne xatn dE nglitsrha nslation, IntroducNtoitoenAssp,,p endices andG lossaries dI iVW3:WO!niV V'II'O:>fiJ.IO fOVNNIS dVil'1I clcl 'XX III dd" AI a::nv.tnw W:>W'IXIII AT THIS AUDIENCE HIS HOLINESSP OPE PAUL VI ?HEH OLYF ATHEmRa dea cordailallo cuitniw ohinc hh efir stw elcomed WASP LEAStEoDg r anatna udienocne1 ,3D ecemb1e9r6 3, ther epresentoafat pirvoejsei cnwt h ichhe fo undp articiunltaerr Hees t. toa groupr,e presentthieDn ogm inicEadni toarnsd t he wenotn t ol autdh epe rennialo fSv taT lhuoem asd'osc triansee mbodying combinPeudb lishoeftr hsen ewt ranslaotfti hoeSn umma univertrsuatlhi sns oc ogeanfa ts hioTnh.i dso ctrinehe,s aiidsa, t reasure TheoloogfiS cet T homasl,e db yH isE minenMciec hael belongniontog n ltyo t heD ominicOarnd ebru tt ot hweh olCeh urch, and CardinalB rownoef,t heO rdeorfP reachaenrdst ,h eM ost indeetdot hew holweo rldi;ti sn otm erelmye dievbaultv alifodr all RevereFnadt hAenri ceFteorn andeMza,s teGre neroaftl h e timenso,tl eaosfta lfolr o uro wn. samOe rder. HisH olintehsesr efore comtmheeen ndteedr porfDi osmei nicafrnosm English-spPeraokviinngoc fet sh e Oradnedro ft hefriire ndtsh;e wye re undertaak idniffigc utlats lke,s bse cautsheet hougohftS tT homaiss complicoarth eildsa ngusaugbet tlhea,bn e cautsheec laroifth yit sh ought ande xactnoefls asn guaigsse o d ifficutlott ranslYaettte h.es uccessful outcoomfet heierff orwtosu ludn doubtecdolnyt ribtout theer eligious andc ultuwrealll -boefit nhgeE ngilsh-spewakionrgl d. Whatg avhei mg reasta tisfacwtaisto hnen otabelvei denocfie n terest int hsep reoafdd ivitnreu tohnt hep arotft he emilnaeynmtec no ncerned, memberosfd ifferceonmtm unioynesut n itienda c ommovne nture. Fort hesree asotnhseH olyF athewri sheitd a lslu cceasnsd,w armly encouraagnedbd l essaeltdlh oseen gageHde. w ash apptyo r eceitvhee firstv olumper esenttohe idm a sa gestuorfhe o magaen,d p romistehda t hew oulfodl lowwi tihn tertehsept r ogreosfst hew orka ndl oofokr ward tot her egulaaprp earaonfac lel stuhbes equveonltu mes. vi vii VOLUMES PRIMA PARS I ChristTihaeno lo(gIyaI .) 2 ExisteanncdNe a tureG oodf( Ia2.- 11) 3 Knowinagn dN aminGgo d( IaI.2 -I3) 4 KnowledignGe o d( ia1.4 -I8) 5 God'Wsi laln dP rovide(nIca1e.9 -26) 6 TheT rini(tIya2 .7 -32) 7 FatheSro,n a,n dH olyG hos(tI a3.3 -43) 8 CreatiVoanr,i eatnyd,E vi(lI a4.4 -9) 9 Ange(lIsa 5o-6. 4) 10 Cosmogo(nIya 6.5 -74) II Man( Ia7.5 -83) I2 HumanI ntelli(giean8.c4 e-9 ) I3 ManM adet oG od'Ism ag(ex a9.0- Io2) I4 DivinGeo vernm(enIta1 .0 3-9) I5 TheW orlOdr de(rI a1.10- I9) PRIMA SECUND.lE I6 Purpoasned H appine(sIsa 2Ire-. 5) I7 HumanA ct(sx a26re-.I 7) 18 PrinciopflM eosr ali(tIya 2Ire8.- 2I) 19 TheE motio(nIsa 22re2.- 30) 20 Pleas(uIrae2 3reI.-9 ) 2I Feaarn dA nge(ri a24re0.- 8) 22 DisposifotiroH nusm anA ct(sI a2re4.9 -54) 23 Virt(uIea 25re.5 -67) 24 Giftasn dB eatitudes 6(8I-a720re). 25 Sin( Iure7.I -80) 26 OrigiSnianl( Ia28reI.- 5) z7 EffectosfS in( Ia28re6.-9 ) 28 Lawa ndP olitiTchaelo r(yi a29reo-'7. ) 29 The OLladw { Ia29re8.- Io5) 30 TheG ospeolfG race( IureI.0 6-I4) SECUNDA SECUND.lE 3I Faith (I2-a72)re . 32 ConsequeonfceF sa it(h2 a28re-.I 6) 33 Hope( 2a21re7.- 22) 34 Chari(t2ya 22re3.- 33) ix 35 ConsequeonfcC ehsa rity (324a-24a:6.) GENERAL PREFACE 36 Pruden(c2eai a:4.7 -56) 37 Justi(2caei 5a:7.-6 2) 38 Injust(i2acie6a: 3.-] 9) BYO FFIICAAL PPONITMENTTH ES UMMPAR OVIDTEHSEF RAMEWORK 39 Reling ainodW orshi(p2 a28a:Q-9.1 ) forC athosltiucd iienss y stemtahteiocl aongy dfo r a classCihcarli stian 40 SuperstiatnidIo rnr everence9 2(-21a020a:). philosoYpehtty h.we o rkw,h icihsm oret haant ext-bfoorop kr ofessional 41 TheS ociVailr tu(e2sa 21a:0.1 -22) traininigsa, l stoh ew itneosfsd eveloptirnagd itainodtn h es ourcofe 42 Coura(g2ea i1a:2.3 -40) livisncgi enacbeo udti vitnhei ngFso.rf aistehe ks undersitnta hned ing 43 Temperan(c2ea i1a:4.1 -54) contemploaftGo ido'ns L ogosh,i sw isdoamn ds avipnrgo vidernucne­, 44 PartosfT emperan(c2ea 21a:5.5 -70) nintgh routghhew holuen iverse. 45 MysticainsdmM irac(l2ea 21a:7.1 -8) Thep urpotshee,no ,ft hiesd itiiosnn o tn arrowly cbluettr ois chaalr,e 46 Actiaonn dC onetmplat(i2oan2 1a:7.9 -82) witahl Clh ristai atrnesa sury wihspi acrhot f t heicro mmonh eritage. 47 TheP astoarnadRl e ligiLoiuvse( s2 ai1a:8.J -9) Moreoveirtc, o nsutlhteis n teroefsm tasn yw how oulndo tc laitmob e believaenrdys e,at p prectihaeit net egwrhiitcyth a keresl igiinothnoa rd TERTIA PARS thinking. 48 TheI ncarnaWtoer d( 3ar.-6 ) Accorditnhgeley d itohrasv ek epitn m indt hen eedosf t heg eneral 49 TheG racoefC hrist7 -(135a). readwehro can respotnodt her easoinnsC hristiaansiw teylas,l of 50 TheO neM ediat(o3ra1 .6 -26) technitchaelo logainadpn hsi losophers. 51 OurL ady( 3a2.7 -30) PuttitnhgLe a titne xatl ongstihdeEen gliissph a rotft hpeu rpoTshee. 52 TheC hildhooofCd h rist 31(-37a.) readweirt ah s matteroifLn agt icna nb er eassuwrheednt het ranslator, 53 The LioffCe h ri(s3ta 3.8 -45) ino rdetrob ec leaanrd r eadabrleen,d etrhset hougohfSt t T homaisn to 54 TheP assioofCn h ri(s3ta 4.6 -52) thefr eedoomf a nothiedri owmi thocuitr cumlocourpt airoanp hrase. 55 TheR esurrecotfti hoeLn o rd( 3a5.3 -9) Theraer et wom orer easofonrst hei nclusoifto hneL atitne xFti.r st, 56 TheS acrame(n3ta6s.o -5) toh eltph ee dittohresm selfovret sh,ea uthotrh'osu gihstt o loi sstoomb e 57 Baptiasnmd C onfirmati(o3na6 .6 -72) uniformly and tflartanlsyl iteirtrai tnewgdis;t ahn alogainedis t,ps r ecision 58 TheE uchariPsrteisce n(c3ea7 .3 -8) cannobte r educteoda tabloeft ermAs .r igciodn sistheansnc oytb een 59 HolyC ommuni(o3na 7.9 -83) imposoendt hee ditoorfts h ed ifferevnotl umaemso ntgh emseltvhees ; 6o TheS acrameonfPt e nan(c3ea 8.4 -90) oi:iginiasgl i veann,dt hes tudecnatnj udgfoer h imself. !ilextt,oh eltph osweh osnea titvoen giusen ot Engolrwi hsohs deu tiyt ist os tudtyh eoliongL ya tionfw, h omm anya rcea llteotd e acahn dp reach throutghhem ediuomf t hem oswti desprleaandg uaogfte h ew orlndo,w becomitnhges econd laonfgt uhaeCg heu rch. TheL atini sa sounwdo rking steelxetc,tp earda,g raphaenddp, u nc­ tuatbeydt her esponsibleI mepdoirttoavrna.tr iatiionmn asn,u scripts ands ucmha joprr inteeddi tiaosnt sh eP ianaan dL eoninaer,ei ndicated. TheE nglicsohr resppoanrdasg rbaypp ha ragraanpdha lmoasltw asyesn ­ tencbeys entenEcaec.oh f t hes ixvtoyl umessof, a ars i sp ossiwbilelb,le complienti et setlosf e,r avesa t exfotr a s peccioaulr osrefo rp rivsattued y. THOMASGI LBYO .P. x xi }�.: lU.:•.1 .' Ll � e-· i ..:_:. �i :1. _· £�, r-i:. : :< ��., i• ,,_ . _.. .• .. J�· /," �r;; h, tii. -f\ >y' " STT HOMAASQ UINAS SUMMA THEOLOGI£ VOLUME 23 VIRTUE (Ia25re56.-7 ) Latitne xEtn.g litsrha nslaItnitorno,d uction, NoteAsp,p endi&c Gelso ssary W. D. HUGHES O.P. ��� �� CONTENTS CAMBRIDGUEN IVERSIPTRYE SS xiG enePrraelfa ce CambridNgeewY, o rkM,e lbournMea,d riCda,p Teo wnS,i ngapSoilroPe a,u lo xixE ditNoortieasl Cambridge UnPirveesrss ity xxi Introduction TheE dinbuBrugihl diCnagm,b riCdBg2e2 RUU,K QUESTI5ON·5 THEN ATUROEF V IRTUE 3 Articilhseu mavni rat uhea bit? Publisihnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m eribcyaC ambriUdngiev erPsrietsyNs e,w York l. 7 Arti2.c ilhseu mavni ratnuo ep erahtaibviet ? www.cambridge.org 9 Arti3c.il hseu mavni ratg uoeoh da bit? Informatointo hni tsi twlwew:. cambridge.org/9780521393706 II Arti4c.il vsei rstuuiet daebfinleyd ? © TheD ominiCcoaunn caisTl r ustfoerte h Een gliPsrho vionfct eh Oer deorfP reach1e9r6s9 QUESTI5ON6 .TH ES EATO FV IRTUE [ExcepLtaitnitgne xotf' DEV IRTUTIB'U]S 19 ArticIl.i evs i ritnaup eo woefrt hseo aulsi nas ubject? 21 Arti2.c canl eo nvei rbteui ens eveproawle rs? Thipsu blicaitsii nco onp yriSguhbtj.et cost t atuetxocreyp tion 23 Arti3c.cl aetn h e inbteae s lulbejocefvtci tt tue? andt ot hper ovisoifro enlse vcaonltl ecltiicveen asgirnege ments, 27 Artic4l.e thier asacnicdbo lnec uppioswceirbsl?e nor eproduocfta inoypn a rmta yt akpel acwei thout can thwer itpteernm isosfiC oanm briUdngiev erPsrietsys . 31 Arti5c.cl aetn h see nsitivoefa ppporweehresn sion? 35 Arti6c.cl aetn h wei ll? Thidsi gitparlilnyfit resdpt a perbvaecrks i2o0n0 6 QUESTI5O7N· INTELLECTVUIARLT UES A catarleocgf1ouorterdh p iur;sb liicrnasav taiiof-lnra otbmhlB tJeer iLtii:bsrha ry5 2319 Ar�tiI.c 3alrete h h9ea boiftt3 shs ep ewcuil�natteivlvinlere tcutfe s? ardback 43 Arti2.c alrete h etyh rneaem,e wliys,d socmi,e anncuden der- ISBN-1937 8-0-521-3h9a3r7d0b-a6c k standing? ,�7�-�J:Q· i- �; 47 Arti3c.il ste h ien telhlaebcoitfatu ra atv l i rtue? ; � ISB, ; l� , 1-0291�5 p��a�k 49 Arti4c.il pser udeavn icredt iuset frionmac rtt ? ISN. �I0O- 52l-02p9a3p1e-r7b a·t• k 53 Arti5c.il pser udeavn icrent eucee stsoma arny? I! - 57 Arti6c.al reee u belsiyan,ea snignsdo me virtwuheisc h are part of 1' lr"/\. /\l'''' ,/; l1: :! prudence? ' ,..',·.· ,·: j_·, .c ":;9 13': ! QUESTI5ON8 .TH IEND TIEFFLELREECNTCBVUEEIA TRLWT EUEEMNSO RAL AND II�. l ( 63 Artic1l. iees v ery avm iorrvtaiulre t ue? ""'-��---·-·�- ··�------� --�-�,--, ---·�� ··- 67 Artic2.l deo emso rvailr dtiuffefre ormi ntelvliercttuuea?l 71 Arti3c.il sev irtaudee quadtievliiydn etmdoo raanld i ntel- lectual? 73 Arti4c.cl aetn h ebreve i rtue iwnittehlovluietrc ttuuea?l 77 Arti5c.cl oen vercan setlhyebe,r ei ntellweictthmuooaurlta l virtue? xv

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