Subspace Clustering Based Tag Sharing for Inductive Tag Matrix Refinement with Complex Errors ∗ Yuqing Hou† Zhouchen Lin † Jin-ge Yao§ †KeyLab. ofMachinePerception(MOE),SchoolofEECS,PekingUniversity,P.R.China §InstituteofComputerScienceandTechnology,PekingUniversity,P.R.China {yqh, zlin, yaojinge} 6 1 ABSTRACT errors,orrigidlyassignfixedweightstodifferentkindsofer- 0 rors [11], having no adaptability when working on different 2 Annotating images with tags is useful for indexing and re- trieving images. However, many available annotation data datasets with different levels of annotation errors. n In this paper, we propose a framework called Subspace include missing or inaccurate annotations. In this paper, u clusteringandMatrixcompletionwithComplexerrors(SMC). we propose an image annotation framework which sequen- J Since current tag refinement methods suffer from the ex- tially performs tag completion and refinement. We utilize 1 treme sparsity problem [20], SMC performs tag completion thesubspacepropertyofdataviasparsesubspaceclustering 2 and refinement sequentially. During tag completion, SMC for tag completion. Then we propose a novel matrix com- pletion model for tag refinement,integrating visual correla- tries to introduce many additional proper tags to images ] viaexploringsubspacepropertyintheimagecollection. We V tion, semantic correlation and the novelly studied property then adapt the inductive matrix completion [13] model to of complex errors. The proposed method outperforms the C perform the following tag refinement procedure, utilizing state-of-the-artapproachesonmultiplebenchmarkdatasets . side information such as thecorrelation between visual fea- s even when they contain certain levels of annotation noise. c turesand theircorresponding tags (visual correlation), cor- Keywords [ relationbetweenthesemanticinformationoftags(semantic image annotation; subspace clustering; matrix completion; correlation) and thecomplex errors. 3 complex errors The main contributionsof thispaper include: v 5 1. INTRODUCTION • Weperformtagcompletionandtagrefinementsequen- 5 tially, showing that tag refinement benefits from tag It is useful to annotate images with textual tags for the 0 completion. purposeofimageindexingandretrieval. Toannotateproper 3 0 tags, one need to bridge the gap between low level visual • We formulate tag completion in a subspace clustering . features of an image and corresponding high level semantic framework totackle theextremesparsity problem. 1 information[16]. Sincemanualannotationislaborintensive, 0 automatic annotation has aroused much attention. Many • Wenovellyadapttheinductivematrixcompletionmodel 6 machine learning based approaches havebeen developed. for tag refinement, taking visual correlation, seman- 1 Currently many image annotation data have been col- tic correlation and our novelly studied complex errors v: lected from crowdsourcing services [21, 12], providing large propertyinto consideration. i amount of data for training while being noisy due to an- 2. THE PROPOSEDFRAMEWORK X notation errors. Annotationerrors are usually complex and r mainlycomeintwoforms: missingtagsandinaccuratetags. 2.1 Overview a Most image annotation approaches solely focus on one of thosetwo,eithertryingtoimputethemissingtags(tagcom- We denote the observed tag matrix as O ∈ {0,1}Ni×Nt, pletion/tag assignment) [11] or correcting inaccurate tags whereeachrowcorrespondstooneimage,eachcolumncor- (tag refinement) [22, 8, 16]. Other existing methods fail to respondstoonetextualtag,andNi andNt denotethenum- model the complex errors properly. They either treat them berof images andtags, respectively. Oij takes value1 only in the same way [24], ignoring the complex property of the if image i is annotated with tag j and 0 otherwise. Weare targeting at modifying thevalues in matrix O by ∗Corresponding author. matrix completion methods to perform image annotation. After the matrix completion procedure, if the value of Oij changes from nonzero (zero) to zero (nonzero), we say that Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor thealgorithmremoves(adds)tagjfrom(to)imagei. Meth- classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcita- odsbasedonmatrixcompletionarerobustandefficientsince tiononthefirstpage. Copyrightsforcomponentsofthisworkownedbyothersthan they only operate on the tag matrix, avoiding error propa- ACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.Tocopyotherwise,orre- gation from image segmentation. publish,topostonserversortoredistributetolists,requirespriorspecificpermission and/[email protected]. However,inmanycasesOissosparsethatsomecolumns SIGIR’16,July17-21,2016,Pisa,Italy have at most one known entries and some rows have no (cid:13)c 2016ACM.ISBN978-1-4503-4069-4/16/07...$15.00 knownentriesatall,makingexistingmethodsnotapplicable DOI: [20]. In order to overcome such extreme sparsity, we first performtagcompletiontomakeOdenser,creatingabetter but take values in [0,1], representing the confidence level condition for the following tag refinement procedure. More between each image-tag pair. specifically,weperformsubspaceclusteringoverimagesand 2.3 Matrix CompletionforTagRefinement share tags within subspaces. Fortagrefinement,existingmethodsusuallydependsheav- Thetagcompletionproceduremakesthetagmatrixmuch ily on image segmentation and visual featureextraction ac- denserandthusavoidstheextremesparsityproblem. Then curacies [1]. However, image segmentation and feature ex- we can refine the tag matrix. In our framework we novelly traction procedures always contain a lot of noises, which adapt the inductive matrix completion model (IMC) [13] affect the following annotation procedure severely. Mean- for tag refinement, due to its scalability and capability of while, recent matrix completion based methods [10, 8, 9] incorporating various kindsof side information. stand out duetotheirrobustnessand efficiency,since these 2.3.1 InductiveMatrixCompletion algorithms avoid theimage segmentation procedure. OurproposedframeworkiscalledSubspaceclusteringand Let vi ∈ Rfi denote the fi-dimensional feature vector of Matrix completion with Complex errors (SMC), because imageiandtj ∈Rft denotetheft-dimensionalfeaturevec- tor of tag j. Let V ∈ RNi×fi denote the feature matrix of it utilizes the subspace property of image collections (Sec- tion 2.2) and addresses the complex errors and side infor- Ni images, where the i-th row is the image feature vector mation in an inductivematrix completion model for tagre- vi⊤, and T ∈RNt×ft denote the feature matrix of Nt tags, where thei-th row is thetag feature t⊤. finement (Section 2.3). i Forimageannotation,weassumethatthetagmatrixcan 2.2 Subspace Clustering forTag Completion beapproximatedbyapplyingvisualfeaturevectorsandtag feature vectors associated with its row and column entries 2.2.1 SubspaceClustering onto an underlying low-rank matrix M, i.e. O ≈ VMT⊤, Itisreasonabletoassumethatimagesbelongingtodiffer- whereM=PQ⊤ [13]and P∈Rfi×r andQ∈Rr×ft are of entcategoriesareapproximatelysampledfromamixtureof rankr≪Ni,Nt. Thegoalistosolvethefollowingproblem: several low-dimensional subspaces. The membership of the min loss(O,VPQ⊤T⊤)+λ1(rank(PQ⊤)). (3) data points to the subspaces is unobserved, leading to the P,Q challengingproblemofsubspaceclustering. Herethegoalis Acommonchoiceforthelossfunctionisthesquaredloss. toclusterdataintok clusterswitheach clustercorrespond- The low-rank constraint on PQ⊤ makes (3) NP-hard. A ing to a subspace. standard relaxation is to use the trace norm, i.e. sum of Oneofthestate-of-the-artmethodisthesparsesubspace singularvalues. Minimizingthetrace-normofM=PQ⊤ is clustering (SSC) model [5]. The idea behind SSC is to ex- equivalenttominimizing 1(kPk2 +kQk2)[13]. Therelaxed 2 F F press a data point as a linear (or affine) combination of optimization problem we usein thiswork is therefore: neighboring data points. The neighbors can be any other points in the data set. While every point is a combination min kO−VPQ⊤T⊤k2 + λ1(kPk2 +kQk2). (4) ofallotherdatapoints,SSCseeksforthesparsestrepresen- P,Q F 2 F F tation among all the candidates by minimizing the number 2.3.2 VisualCorrelation of nonzerocoefficients [6]. Wedenotethesetofimages,representedasvisualfeature We want to get the refined tag matrix Oˆ = VPQ⊤T⊤ dveractwonrsf,roams Va u=nio[vn1o,vf2k,.s.u.b,svpna]c.esA. sEsaucmhincoglutmhantotfheVycaarne rfroowmotfhOˆe oarsigOˆinia,lctoargremspaotnridxinOg.toHtehree rweefinreepdretasegnvtetchteoritohf be represented by a linear combination of the bases in a imagei. Thuswecanmeasurethecorrelationbetweenimage “dictionary”. SSCusesthematrixV itselfasthedictionary i and image j in two ways: 1) similarity between image while explicitly considering noise: featuresvi andvj,2)similaritybetweenrefinedtagvectors min kZk1+µkEk2F, (1) sOˆimi ialanrdtOˆhejm. eSsinacnedvtihsuuasllayresimanilnaortaimteadgewsitohftesnimbilealrontgagtso, Z,E these two kindsof similarities should becorrelated. s.t. V=VZ⊤+E,diag(Z)=0,Z1=1, (2) Suchvisualcorrelationcanbeenforcedbysolvingthefol- lowing optimization where Z⊤ = [z1,z2,...,zn] is the coefficient matrix with meaacthrizxi. TbehiinsgprtohbelermepcreasnenbteastoiolvnedofeffiviciaenntdlyEusiisngthmeoedrerronr min XNt XNt kOˆi−Oˆjk2gij, (5) P,Q sparse optimization algorithms, such as linearized alternat- i=1j=1 ingGdivireenctaiosnpamrseethreopdrse[s1e7n]t.ationforeachdatapoint,wecan wherekOˆi−Oˆjk2 measuresthesimilarity betweentagvec- definethe affinity matrix as A=|Z|+|Z⊤|. Subspacesare tors Oˆi and Oˆj and gij measures the similarity between then obtained by applyingspectral clustering to the Lapla- visual features vi and vj. In this work, we adopt cosine cian matrix of A [5]. similarity, i.e. gij =cos(vi,vj). The formulation forces tag vectors with large similarities also have large similarity in 2.2.2 TagSharing their correspondingvisual features and viceversa. The formulation can berewritten as We improve the search based neighbor voting algorithm proposedin[18]tosharetagsineachclusterseparately. We minTr(OˆLvOˆ⊤)=minTr(VPQ⊤T⊤LvTQP⊤V⊤), (6) rank all the tags for the cluster, taking tag frequency, tag P,Q P,Q co-occurrence and local frequency into consideration. The whereLv =diag(G1)−GistheGraphLaplacian[3]ofthe elementsoftagmatrixaftertagsharingarenolongerbinary similarity matrix G=(gij). 2.3.3 SemanticCorrelation We set the regularization terms of visual correlation and Similarly, we can also enforce semantic correlation be- semanticcorrelation withthesameweightλ2 forsimplicity. tween tags. Since each column of the matrix Oˆ represents This simplification does not harm performance, as we find thefeatureofatag,wecanmeasurethecorrelationbetween duringpreliminary experiments. two tags using the similarity between their corresponding This objective function is non-convex. To solve the opti- column vectors of Oˆ. Meanwhile, semantic similarity be- mization problem, we adapt the solver for low-rank empiri- tween two tags can be measured using word vectors. These cal risk minimization for multi-label learning (LEML) [23], two kindsof similarities should be correlated as well. whichnaturallyfitsforthesettingsoflarge-scalemulti-label We can enforce the semantic correlation by solving the learning with missing labels. The solver uses alternating following optimization, in a similar form as (6): minimization (fix P and solve for Q and vice versa) to up- datethe variables. When either Por Q is fixed,theresult- minTr(Oˆ⊤LsOˆ)=minTr(TQP⊤V⊤LsVPQ⊤T⊤), (7) ingsubprobleminonevariable(QorP)canbesolvedusing P,Q P,Q iterative conjugate gradient procedure. whereLs =diag(H1)−HistheGraphLaplacianofthesim- ilaritymatrixH=(hij),witheachelementhij =cos(ti,tj). 4. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION 2.3.4 FeaturesVectors 4.1 Datasets andExperimental Setup WeutilizeDeCAF6[4]toextract4,096-dimensionalvisual features for each image, which have high level information. WeevaluateourproposedSMCframeworkontwobench- Meanwhile, we adopt pre-trained word embedding vectors mark datasets: Labelme [21] and MIRFlickr-25K [12]. Ta- (word2vec) [19] to construct 300-dimensional features for ble1demonstratesthedetailedstatistics. Thesetwodatasets, each tag, tryingto capturesemantic information. especially MIRFlickr-25K, are rather noisy, with a number of the tags being misspelled or meaningless. Hence, a pre- 2.3.5 ComplexErrors processingprocedureisperformed. Wematcheachtagwith As we have mentioned, annotation errors come in two entries in theWikipedia thesaurus and only retain thetags forms: missing tags and inaccurate tags. Since human be- in accordance with Wikipedia. ingsarerelativelyreasonable,theuser-providedtagsarerea- sonably accuratetocertain level[24]. Usersmightmiss one or several proper tags among thefew related tags, butmay Table 1: Statistics of 2 Datasets Statistics Labelme MIRFlickr-25K become less probable to add one or several inaccurate tags No. ofimages 2,900 25,000 from the massive unrelated tag sets [12]. In other words, if VocabularySize 495 1,386 an image is not originally annotated with a tag, it is more TagsperImage(mean/max) 10.5/48 12.7/76 likely that they really have no relation at all. Thus the ImagesperTag(mean/max) 67.1/379 416.5/76,890 errors are mainly composed of inaccurate tags rather than missing tags. Andwe should paymore attention todenoise We compare our method with the state-of-the-art meth- theinaccuratetagsratherthancompletingthemissingones. ods, including matrix completion-based models (i.e. LRES To model the complex structure of errors, we improve [24], TCMR [8], RKML [9]), search-based models (i.e. JEC thematrixcompletion modelbyputtinglessweightsonthe [18], TagProp [11], and TagRelevance [15]), mixture mod- unannotated positions: els (i.e. CMRM [14] and MBRM [7]) and co-regularized mP,iQnkO−VPQ⊤T⊤k2F −µkUΩ(O−VPQ⊤T⊤)k2F, (8) lbeyarintsinelgf,mdoedneolte(dFaasstTSaMgC[2]I)M. TCh,eistaaglsoreficonmempaenretdprtoocvederuirfye the benefit from the tag completion procedure. We tune whereΩrepresentsthepositionswheretheimagesareorig- the parameters on the validation set of the two datasets inally not annotated. U isaprojection operatorandµacts separately for every method in comparison. Note that the as a weighting parameter which changes adaptively in dif- weightingparameterµwetunechangesfrom 0.4(Labelme) ferent datasets according to theirnoise levels. to0.7(MIRFlickr-25K),confirmingthatasthedatabecome Existing methods never model these two kinds of errors more and more noisy, we should pay more attention to the separately. TheysimplymodeltheerrorsasLaplaciannoise noisy tags and less on missing tags. [24] or Gaussian noise [22]. To our knowledge, our model We measure all the methods in terms of average preci- is the first to model the missing errors and inaccurate er- sion@N (AP@N) and average recall@N (AR@N). In the rors separately. The model can further adapt to different top N completed tags, precision@N isto measuretheratio datasets according totheir noise levels. ofcorrecttagsandrecall@N istomeasuretheratioofmiss- 3. FINALMODEL ing ground-truthtags, both averaged overall test images. Based on the components regarding low-rankness, visual 4.2 Evaluationand Observation correlation,semanticcorrelationandcomplexerrors,wefor- mulate theobjective function as follows: Table 2 and Table 3 show performance comparisons on mP,iQnkO−VPQ⊤T⊤k2F −µkUΩ(O−VPQ⊤T⊤)k2F theWtewcoandaotbasseertvse, trhesapte:c1t)ivGeleyn.erally,methodsachievebetter +λ1(kPk2 +kQk2)+ performance on Labelme, since tags in MIRFlickr-25K are 2 F F more noisy. 2) Methods based on matrix completion, such λ2[Tr(VPQ⊤T⊤LvTQP⊤V⊤+TQP⊤V⊤LsVPQ⊤T⊤)]. amsaSnMceCs.,3L)ROEuSraSnMdCTfCraMmRe,wuosrukaslhlyowacshiinecvreeatshiengbeasdtvpaenrtfaogre- By solving P and Q we can then construct the refined tag to LRES as the data become more and more noisy, justify- matrix Oˆ =VPQ⊤T⊤ and useit for refined annotation. ingourassumptionandmodelonthenoises. 4)SMCnearly [3] F. Chung.Spectral graph theory. 1997. Table 2: Performance Comparison on Labelme [4] J. Donahue,Y.Jia, O. Vinyals,J. Hoffman,N.Zhang, Labelme E. Tzeng, and T. 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