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Structure and Randomness in Computability and Set Theory 1100666611__99778899881133222288222211__TTPP..iinndddd 11 1166//99//2200 99::3355 AAMM b2530 International Strategic Relations and China’s National Security: World at the Crossroads TTTThhhhiiiissss ppppaaaaggggeeee iiiinnnntttteeeennnnttttiiiioooonnnnaaaallllllllyyyy lllleeeefffftttt bbbbllllaaaannnnkkkk b2530_FM.indd 6 01-Sep-16 11:03:06 AM Structure and Randomness in Computability and Set Theory Edited by Douglas Cenzer University of Florida, USA Christopher Porter Drake University, USA Jindrich Zapletal University of Florida, USA World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI • TOKYO 1100666611__99778899881133222288222211__TTPP..iinndddd 22 1166//99//2200 99::3355 AAMM Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Cenzer, Douglas, editor. | Porter, Christopher (Christopher P.), editor. | Zapletal, Jindrich, editor. Title: Structure and randomness in computability and set theory / edited by Douglas Cenzer, University of Florida, Christopher Porter, Drake University, Jindrich Zapletal, University of Florida. Description: New Jersey : World Scientific, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2020034089 (print) | LCCN 2020034090 (ebook) | ISBN 9789813228221 (hardcover) | ISBN 9789813228238 (ebook for institutions) | ISBN 9789813228245 (ebook for individuals) Subjects: LCSH: Set theory. | Computable functions. Classification: LCC QA248 .S892 2021 (print) | LCC QA248 (ebook) | DDC 511.3/22--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020034089 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020034090 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Copyright © 2021 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. For any available supplementary material, please visit https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/10661#t=suppl Desk Editors: Kwong Lai Fun/Vishnu Mohan Typeset by Stallion Press Email: enquiries@stallionpress.com Printed in Singapore VViisshhnnuu MMoohhaann -- 1100666611 -- SSttrruuccttuurree aanndd RRaannddoommnneessss..iinndddd 11 1144//88//22002200 99::1155::2299 AAMM September 16,2020 12:9 Structure andRandomnessin... Vol.1 9inx6in b3912-fm pagev (cid:2)c 2021 World Scientific Publishing Company https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813228238 fmatter Preface The goal of this collection of review chapters is to provide an in-depth overview of work in three areas that have emerged on the frontier of research in set theory and computability in recent years: (1) infinitary combinatorics and ultrafilters; (2) algorithmic randomness and algorithmic information; and (3) computable structure theory. The unifying themes of these areas are an emphasis on struc- ture, randomness, and the interplay between them. Taking the above-listed three research areas in reverse order, these themes appear as follows: First, we have an emphasis on the use of the tools of computability theory to analyze the complexity of various mathematical structures in computable structure the- ory. Second, we can study the extent to which effective methods allow us to classify objects as random or nonrandom, a central theme in algorithmic randomness, or, in the case of algorithmic information theory, measuring the amount of algorithmic infor- mation in an object, placing it on a scale that at the lower levels corresponds to more structure, while at the higher levels corre- sponds to more randomness. Third, in infinitary combinatorics, one can study the extent to which order emerges from disor- der, particularly in the case of Ramsey theory for infinite sets, v September 16,2020 12:9 Structure andRandomnessin... Vol.1 9inx6in b3912-fm pagevi vi Structure and Randomness in Computability and Set Theory thereby yielding an interesting balance between structure and a certain kind of randomness. We now layout the specifics of the book. Part I “Infinitary Combinatorics and Ultrafilters” deals with a remarkably per- sistent theme in set theory. Nonprincipal ultrafilters on natural numbers are well-known to be difficult to analyze and treat in detail. At the same time, they are exceptionally useful in many directions, asonecansee fromtheproofofvander Waerdenthe- orem via the compactification of the semigroup of natural num- bers or (more recently) Malliaris’s and Shelah’s proof of p = t. Over the years, set theorists isolated certain critical properties of ultrafilters which completely determine their combinatorial features. As the oldest example of such a critical property, consider selective ultrafilters: the ultrafilters U which, for every color- ing c : [ω]2 → 2, contain a set homogeneous for such a color- ing. It turns out that it is impossible to find further distinc- tions between selective ultrafilters using formulas from a certain broad syntactically identified class. In other words, if we know that a certain ultrafilter is selective, we probably know most of its other combinatorial properties as well. One way to pre- cisely formulate this intuition is found in a result of Todorcevic: grantedsufficientlylargecardinals,everyselective ultrafilterU is generic over thecanonical model L(R) (thesmallest model ofZF set theory containing all reals and all ordinals) for the partially ordered set P of all infinite subsets of ω ordered by inclusion. Thus, the study of combinatorial properties of U expressible in the generic extension L(R)[U] reduces to the study of the par- tial ordering P and is completely independent of U. The model L(R)[U] attracted plenty of attention over the last 30 years from authors such as Todorcevic, Di Prisco, Dobrinen, Paul Larson and Zapletal; it is one of the canonical and best understood objects in transfinite set theory. Given the success story of Ramsey ultrafilters, one can ask whether it is possible to find other properties playing similar September 16,2020 12:9 Structure andRandomnessin... Vol.1 9inx6in b3912-fm pagevii Preface vii criticalrole.Theanswer isaffirmativeandthelistofsuch critical properties is continually growing. Most of the examples found so far can be restated in terms of partition calculus. For each such criticalpropertyφ,thereisadefinitionofapartialorderingP such φ thatevery ultrafiltersatisfyingφisinfactgenericoverthemodel L(R)fortheposetP .Thisconvertsthestudyofanultrafilterwith φ the property φ to the study of the ordering P . The comparison φ of the models L(R)[U] for ultrafilters U of various critical types thenslowlydissectstheunwieldysetofallultrafiltersintosmaller, manageable units. This open-ended, bold program has seen con- tinualprogressovertheyears,anditisintimatelyconnectedwith thetoolsofabstractpartitioncalculus. Part I consists of two chapters. Chapter 1 “Topological Ramsey Spaces Dense in Forcings”, by Natasha Dobrinen, is an extensive survey of this area. Dobrinen frames this tradi- tional field of inquiry using the theory of topological Ramsey spaces of Stevo Todorcevic, which support infinite-dimensional RamseytheorysimilarlytotheEllentuckspace.Eachtopological Ramsey space is endowed with a partial ordering which can be modified to a σ-closed “almost reduction” relation analogously to the partial ordering of “mod finite” on [ω]ω. Such forcings add new ultrafilters satisfying weak partition relations and have complete combinatorics. In cases where a forcing turned out to beequivalent toatopologicalRamseyspace,thestrongRamsey- theoretic techniques have aided in a fine-tuned analysis of the Rudin–Keisler and Tukey structures associated with the forced ultrafilter andindiscovering new ultrafilters withcomplete com- binatorics. This original perspective allows her to organize the wealth of existing research in a particularly incisive way and to prove a number of new results as well. Dobrinen’s exposition provides a long dictionary of critical combinatorial properties of ultrafilters and pointers for extending this dictionary fur- ther. Readers interested in using techniques using topological Ramsey spaces to study ultrafilters with various partition rela- tions should find Dobrinen’s survey to be instructive. September 16,2020 12:9 Structure andRandomnessin... Vol.1 9inx6in b3912-fm pageviii viii Structure and Randomness in Computability and Set Theory Chapter 2 “Infinitary Partition Properties of Sums of Selective Ultrafilters”, by Andreas Blass, is more specific and deals with a particular pair of critical combinatorial ultrafilter properties. It concerns two kinds of ultrafilters on ω2, the first kind given by the sums of nonisomorphic selective ultrafilters that are indexed by another selective ultrafilter, and the second kind given by ultrafilters that are generic with respect to the forcing the conditions of which are subsets of ω2 that have an infinite intersection with {n} × ω for infinitely many n ∈ ω. Although these two kinds of ultrafilters share a number of prop- erties, such as being Q-points but not P-points and not being at thetopoftheTukey ordering,theyalsodifferinseveralrespects, as only ultrafilters of the first kind are basically generated while only ultrafilters of the second kind are weak P-points. Blass first shows that the infinitary partition property of ultrafilters of the first kind is of the same strength with what has been previously shown about the infinite partition property of ultrafilters of the second kind. This, in turn, leads to Blass’s second main result, obtained via an application of complete combinatorics, that the two kinds of ultrafilters are the same when viewed in different models of set theory. Lastly, Blass uses this result to account for how both the similarities and differences between the two kinds of ultrafilter arise. Part II “AlgorithmicRandomness and Information” concerns two different research strands, namely, the study of algorithmi- cally random sequences under Turing reductions, and the study of effective notions of Hausdorff dimension defined in terms of Kolmogorov complexity, the central concept in algorithmic information theory. One of the primary aims in the study of algorithmic random- ness is to study various definitions of algorithmically random sequences and the properties of such sequences. The most well- studied definition of algorithmic randomness is Martin-Lo¨f ran- domness. Martin-L¨of’s original idea behind his definition was to formalize the notion of an effective statistical test, given September 16,2020 12:9 Structure andRandomnessin... Vol.1 9inx6in b3912-fm pageix Preface ix by a sequence of effectively generated open sets the measures of which are effectively converging to zero. A sequence that is not in the intersection of any such test is a Martin-L¨of random sequence. Alternative definitions of algorithmic randomness can be obtained, for instance, by modifying the underlying notion of an effective statistical test, although Martin-L¨of has proven to be, in certain respects, more well-suited to being studied from a computability-theoretic point of view compared to alternative definitions of randomness. One respect in which Martin-Lo¨f randomness is amenable to study using tools from computability theory, namely the behav- ior of random sequences under Turing reductions, is the subject ofthefirst randomness-theoretic chapter inthisbook,“Limitsof the Kuˇcera–Ga´cs Coding Method”, by George Barmpalias and Andrew Lewis-Pye. This chapter discusses an improvement of methods used independently by Kuˇcera and Ga´cs to prove what is now considered to be a classical result in the field concerning the computational power of Martin-L¨of random sequences. In 1985, Kuˇcera proved that for every sequence A ∈ 2ω, there is some Martin-L¨of random sequence B such that A ≤ B. T Kuˇcera’s proof involved a method of coding according to which oneencodesanarbitrarysequence A ∈ 2ω byamemberofafixed Π01 class of positive Lebesgue measure. If we use this method of coding on a Π0 class consisting of Martin-L¨of random sequences 1 (such as the complement of some level of the universal Martin- Lo¨f test), we obtain the desired reduction to a random sequence. Independently, in 1986 Ga´cs proved the same result using an alternative method of coding, which allowed him to provide a more fine-grained analysis of the reduction in question, which he shown can be given by a wtt-functional. That is, Ga´cs proved that there is a computable function f : ω → ω such that every sequence A is computable from a Martin-L¨of random sequence B with the function f bounding the use of this reduction. In fact, Ga´cs proved that we can take this function to be given by √ f(n) = n+ nlog(n).

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