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REVIEWS STRATEGIES IN THE DESIGN OF ANTIVIRAL DRUGS Erik De Clercq A decade ago, just five drugs were licensed for the treatment of viral infections. Since then, greater understanding of viral life cycles, prompted in particular by the need to combat human immunodeficiency virus, has resulted in the discovery and validation of several targets for therapeutic intervention. Consequently, the current antiviral repertoire now includes more than 30 drugs. But we still lack effective therapies for several viral infections, and established treatments are not always effective or well tolerated, highlighting the need for further refinement of antiviral drug design and development. Here, I describe the rationale behind current and future drug-based strategies for combating viral infections. Effective vaccines have led,or might lead,to the eradica- side effects are among the main reasons for further VIRION A mature infectious virus tion ofimportant viral pathogens,such as smallpox, refinement ofantiviral drug design and development. particle. polio,measles,mumps and rubella.But other viral Antiviral drug design could,in principle,be tar- diseases,particularly human immunodeficiency virus geted at either viral proteins or cellular proteins.The (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV),have so far proved first approach is likely to yield more specific,less toxic to be intractable to the vaccine approach.The need for compounds,with a narrow spectrum ofantiviral activ- effective antiviral drugs is further emphasized by the ity and ahigher likelihood ofvirus drug-resistance lack ofvaccines for most respiratory-tract virus infec- development,whereas the second approach might tions (adenovirus,rhinovirus,parainfluenza virus and afford antiviral compounds with a broader activity respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)),the widely occurring spectrum and less chance ofresistance development, human papilloma viruses (HPV) and herpesviruses but higher likelihood oftoxicity.Both routes are worth (herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1,-2),varicella- exploring,the preferred route being dictated by both the zoster virus (VZV), Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), nature ofthe virus and the targets that the virus or its cytomegalovirus (CMV),human herpesviruses types 6, host cell have to offer. 7 and 8 (HHV-6,-7,-8)),and the vast array ofhaemor- As exemplified for HIV (FIG.1),the viral life cycle rhagic fever viruses.And although vaccines have been encompasses several crucial steps,starting with the attach- developed for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and influenza ment ofthe virus to the cell and finishing with the release virus types A and B,their use has not eliminated the ofthe progeny VIRIONSfrom the cell.The replicative cycle of need for effective chemotherapeutic agents. retroviruses,such as HIV,becomes closely associated with Many new antiviral drugs have been licensed in the host cell;after reverse transcription (RNA→DNA),the recent years (TABLE 1),most ofwhich are used for the resulting proviral DNA becomes integrated into the treatment ofHIV infections;ofthe current repertoire of cellular genome and then follows the ‘classical’tran- Rega Institute for Medical more than 30 drugs,16 are anti-HIV,5 are anti-CMV, scriptionand translation processes.By contrast,‘normal’ Research,Katholieke 5 are anti-HSV and anti-VZV,1 is anti-RSV,3 are cytolytic viruses,such as herpesviruses,replicate their Universiteit Leuven,B-3000 anti-hepatitis and 4 are anti-influenza1.But there is genome and express their genes autonomously,indepen- Leuven,Belgium. considerableroom for improvement,as these com- dent ofthe host cell metabolism.Here,I focus primarily on e-mail: erik.declercq@ pounds are not always efficacious or well tolerated.The approaches targeted at specific processes in viral infection rega.kuleuven.ac.be DOI:10.1038/nrd703 emergence ofviral resistance to drugs and drug-related (FIG.1),including virus adsorption,virus–cell fusion,viral NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 1 | JANUARY 2002 | 13 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS Table 1 | The antiviral repertoire Approach Target virus(es) Compounds approved Selected compounds in development for the indicated target virus Virus adsorption inhibitors HIV, HSV, CMV, RSV and Polysulphates, polysulphonates, other enveloped viruses polycarboxylates, polyoxometalates, chicoric acid, zintevir, cosalane derivatives, negatively charged albumins Virus–cell fusion inhibitors HIV, RSV and other HIV: AMD3100, TAK779 and T20 paramyxoviruses derivatives Viral DNA polymerase Herpesviruses (HSV-1, -2, Acyclovir, valaciclovir, ganciclovir, Bicyclic furopyrimidine nucleoside inhibitors VZV, CMV, EBV, valganciclovir, penciclovir analogues, A5021, cyclohexenylguanine HHV-6, -7, -8) famciclovir, brivudin*, foscarnet Reverse transcriptase HIV NRTIs: zidovudine, didanosine, Emtricitabine, amdoxovir inhibitors zalcitabine, stavudine, lamivudine‡, abacavir NNRTIs: nevirapine, delavirdine, Emivirine, UC781, DPC083, efavirenz TMC125 (R165335) Acyclic nucleoside DNA viruses (polyoma-, CMV: cidofovir HBV: adefovir phosphonates papilloma-, herpes-, adeno- HIV: tenofovir and poxviruses), HIV, HBV Inhibitors of processes associated HIV, HCV with viral RNA synthesis Viral protease inhibitors HIV, herpesviruses, HIV: saquinavir, ritonavir, indinavir, HIV: atazanavir, mozenavir, tipranavir rhinoviruses, HCV nelfinavir, amprenavir, lopinavir Human rhinovirus: AG7088 Viral neuraminidase inhibitors Influenza A and B virus Zanamivir, oseltamivir§ RWJ270201 IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors HCV, RSV Ribavirin|| Mycophenolic acid, EICAR, VX497 S-adenosylhomocysteine (–)RNA haemorrhagic fever hydrolase inhibitors viruses (for example, Ebola) * Brivudin is approved in some countries; for example, Germany. ‡Lamivudine is also approved for the treatment of HBV. §In addition to zanamivir and oseltamivir, amantadine and rimantadine have been approved as anti-influenza drugs, but these compounds are targeted at the viral uncoating process, not the viral neuraminidase. ||Ribavirin is used in combination with interferon-αfor HCV. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; EICAR, 5-ethynyl-1-β-D-ribofuranosylimidazole-4-carboxamide; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HHV, human herpesvirus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IMP, inosine 5′-monophosphate; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; VZV, varicella-zoster virus. DNA or RNA synthesis (although host cellular compo- cells,and is involved in virus–cell binding for a broad nents are also associated with these processes),and viral array ofENVELOPED viruses,including HSV3and dengue enzymes,such as protease and neuraminidase.Two host virus4.So,polysulphates,polysulphonates and other cellular enzymes — inosine 5′-monophosphate (IMP) polyanionic substances that interfere with the binding dehydrogenase and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ofthese enveloped viruses to target cells could be effective hydrolase— could also be targets for certain classes of in both the treatment and prevention ofsuch infec- antiviral agents. tions.Polyanionic substances could be important as vaginal microbicides as,in an appropriate formulation, Virus adsorption inhibitors they might prevent sexual transmission ofHIV infection. Numerous polyanionic compounds (for example, Moreover,these polyanions are not only active against polysulphates such as polyvinylalcohol sulphate, HIV,but also against HSV and other sexually transmitted polysulphonates such as polyvinylsulphonate (FIG.2), disease (STD) pathogens,such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae polycarboxylates,polynucleotides such as zintevir,poly- and Chlamydiatrachomatis5. oxometalates and negatively charged albumins) have Although polyanions might have several sites of been shown to inhibit HIV replication by preventing interaction,virus–cell attachment would be the preferred virus attachment (adsorption) to the surface ofthe host target from a therapeutic viewpoint,as it is the first V3 LOOP The gp120 protein has eleven cell.All ofthese negatively charged polymers might be opportunity to curtail the viral life cycle, and the defined loop segments,five of expected to interact with the positively charged amino polyanionsdo not need to enter the cells,which would which are termed variable acids in the V3 LOOPofthe HIV glycoprotein,gp120, be problematic.The interaction ofpolyanionic sub- (designated V1–V5). which is rich in arginine (R) and lysine (K) residues.In stances at this level can also be considered specific,as doing so,the polyanions shield the V3 loop and therefore repeated passage ofthe HIV virus in the presence of ENVELOPE A lipoprotein-bilayer outer hamper the binding ofthe HIV virions to heparan polyanions can lead to resistance mediated by mutations membrane ofmany viruses. sulphate2,the primary binding site at the cell surface, in the envelope glycoprotein gp120,particularly in the Envelope proteins often aid in before more specific binding occurs with the CD4 V3 loop (K269E,Q278H,N293D),as originally shown identifying and attaching the receptor on CD4+cells. for dextran sulphate6,and subsequently for zintevir7and virus to a cell-surface receptor, whereby viral entry can occur. Heparan sulphate is widely expressed on animal negatively charged albumins8. 14 | JANUARY 2002 | VOLUME 1 www.nature.com/reviews/drugdisc © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS Virus–cell fusion inhibitors Envelope Enveloped viruses,as a rule,enter their host cells by Capsid core fusion between the viral envelope and cellular plasma membrane (FIG.1).This fusion process is basically similar Reverse transcriptase for several enveloped virus families (that is,retro-, Virus adsorption paramyxo- and herpesviruses),but for HIV it is preceded by the interaction ofgp120 with its co-receptor on the RNA host cell — the chemokine (C-X-C) motifreceptor 4 (CXCR4) for T-tropic or X4 HIV strains, or the Virus–cell fusion chemokine (C-C) motifreceptor 5 (CCR5) for M-tropic or R5 HIV strains.CXCR4 and CCR5 normally act as the receptors for the C-X-C chemokine,SDF1(stromal- Receptor and cell-derived factor 1), and the C-C chemokines co-receptor proteins RANTES(regulated upon activation,normal T-cell Uncoating expressed and secreted) and MIP1(macrophage inflam- matory protein 1),respectively.The coincidental use of both CXCR4 and CCR5 by HIV as co-receptors to enter Reverse transcription cells has prompted the search for CXCR4 and CCR5 DNA antagonists,which,through blockade of the corre- sponding co-receptor,might be able to block HIV entry into the cells. Integration This has now been shown with several compounds, the most prominent among the CXCR4 antagonists being the bicyclam AMD3100 (REFS 9,10 and FIG.2),and the best documented among the CCR5 antagonists Transcription being TAK779 (REFS 11,12 and FIG.2).The site ofinterac- tion ofTAK779 with the transmembrane helices of CCR5 has been mapped12(FIG.3),and,likewise,crucial amino-acid residues involved in the binding of AMD3100 to CXCR4 have been identified13.Recently,a new CCR5 antagonist, SCH-C (SCH351125), was announced as an orally bioavailable inhibitor ofM-tropic R5 strains that is capable ofsuppressing R5 HIV-1 Translation infection both in vitroand in vivo(SCID-hu Thy/Liv Polypeptide mice)14.The clinical potential ofthe CXCR4 and CCR5 antagonists in the management of HIV infections Proteolytic processing remains to be proved.To ensure maximal coverage of by viral protease both X4 and R5 strains,dual CXCR4/CCR5 antagonists should be developed,or single CCR5 and CXCR4 Viral proteins and antagonists should be combined. RNA assemble at the cell membrane The interaction ofgp120 with its co-receptor (CCR5 or CXCR4) triggers a series ofconformational changes Budding in the gp120–gp41 complex that ultimately lead to the formation ofa ‘trimer-of-hairpins’structure in gp41 — a bundle ofsix α-helices:three α-helices formed by the carboxy-terminal regions packed in an antiparallel manner with three α-helices formed by the amino- terminal regions.The fusion-peptide region,located at the extreme amino terminus,will insert into the cellular membrane, whereas the carboxy-terminal region Figure 1| The viral life cycle, as exemplified by HIV.Viral life remains anchored in the viral envelope.In this sense,the cycles have several specific steps, many of which are targets for trimer-of-hairpins motifbrings the two membranes antiviral drugs. After virus adsorption, enveloped viruses enter together,so agents that interfere with the formation of the cell by virus–cell fusion. For human immunodeficiency virus the gp41 trimer-of-hairpins structure might be (HIV), which is a retrovirus with an RNA (yellow) genome, replication of the genome occurs after reverse transcription and expected to inhibit the fusion process15. integration into the host cell chromosome. For DNA viruses, Several constructs have been designed to interfere with such as herpesviruses, the genome is replicated by a viral DNA the gp41-mediated fusion process:the so-called ‘5-helix’, polymerase. After transcription to RNA, followed by translation which binds the carboxy-terminal region ofgp41 (REF.15); and proteolytic processing of the precursor polypeptide, viral D-peptide inhibitors,which dock into the pocket formed proteins assemble at the cell membrane, from which they bud by the α-helices ofgp41 (REF.16);and T20 (pentafuside, to release new virions. previously called DP178,a synthetic 36-amino-acid Animated online NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 1 | JANUARY 2002 | 15 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS HN O NH N N HN OSO3n SO3 n O H 3NC NH HN NH HN CH3 PVAS PVS TAK779 AMD3100 Viral adsorption inhibitors Virus–cell fusion inhibitors O O Cl N NH NH S HO X N N NH2 HO O N O O NH O X OH Acyclic guanosine analogue NRTI NNRTI (UC781) (X=O, ganciclovir) (X=CHN3, AZT) (X=CH2, penciclovir) Viral DNA polymerase inhibitor Reverse transcriptase inhibitors O O N NH HHOO OP O N N NH2 R OHR′ RR′ O OR′′ O NH2 OH O OH Tenofovir Peptidomimetic Non-peptidomimetic Oseltamivir Acyclic nucleoside Protease inhibitors Neuraminidase phosphonate inhibitor O NH2 N O NH2 N N O HO N N HO N X O HO OH O HO OH HO OH Mycophenolic acid Ribavirin (X=N or CH) IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors SAH hydrolase inhibitor Figure 2| Basic (skeletal) pharmacophores or prototypic compounds of the classes of antiviral agents described in this review.AZT, azidothymidine; IMP, inosine monophosphate; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PVAS, polyvinylalcohol sulphate; PVS, polyvinylsulphonate; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine. peptide that corresponds to residues 127–162 ofthe Inhibitors of viral DNA or RNA synthesis ectodomain of gp41). T20 has proved effective in Viral DNA polymerase inhibitors.In contrast to retro- reducing plasma HIV levels in humans,providing the viruses (FIG.1),herpesviruses do not have a reverse tran- proofofconcept that viral entry can be successfully scription step in their replicative cycle,which means that blocked in vivo17. their DNA genome can be replicated by the viral DNA Insight into the HIV fusion process should help in polymerase after the latter has been expressed in the designing fusion inhibitors for other viruses as well,as virus-infected cell.At present,all the antiviral agents that trimer-of-hairpins motifs could also be predicted for are available for the treatment ofherpesvirus infections other virus families15,including paramyxoviridae,such are nucleoside analogues:either acyclic guanosine as parainfluenza virus,measles and respiratory syncytial analogues (that is,acyclovir,penciclovir,ganciclovir,and PRODRUG virus.In fact,for each ofthese paramyxoviruses,pep- their oral PRODRUGforms valaciclovir,famciclovirand A pharmacologically inactive tides similar to T20 have been shown to block viral valganciclovir,respectively),or thymidine analogues compound that is converted to the active form ofthe drug by fusion18.Also,a cobalt-chelating complex (CTC96) that (brivudin) (FIG.2and TABLE 1).All ofthese compounds endogenous enzymes or inhibits infection by HSV-1 through blocking fusion19 target the viral DNA polymerase,but before they can metabolism.It is generally might have an extended antiviral activity spectrum, interact with viral DNA synthesis,they need to be designed to overcome problems given the premise that enveloped viruses belonging to phosphorylated intracellularly to the triphosphate form. associated with stability,toxicity, different families share an analogous process ofmem- The first (and,for brivudin,also the second) phosphoryl- lack ofspecificity or limited (oral) bioavailability. brane fusion. ation step is ensured by the HSV- or VZV-encoded 16 | JANUARY 2002 | VOLUME 1 www.nature.com/reviews/drugdisc © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS thymidine kinase,or the CMV-encoded protein kinase, corresponding 5′-triphosphate derivative,which can and is therefore confined to virus-infected cells,which interact,as a chain terminator,with the reverse tran- explains the specific antiviral action ofthe established scription (RNA→DNA) reaction.One ofthe mechanisms antiherpetic compounds.Subsequent phosphorylations by whichresistance to AZT might arise is through are achieved by host cellular kinases.In their triphosphate removal ofthe chain-terminating residue,a kind of form,the nucleoside analogues interact with the viral repair reactioninvolving pyrophosphorolysis,which can DNA polymerase,either as competitive inhibitors or as be regarded as the opposite ofthe reverse transcriptase alternative substrates with respect to the natural substrate reaction.Not all chain terminators are readily removed; (dGTP for the guanosine analogues, dTTP for the for example,the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate deriva- thymidine analogues).Ifthe acyclic guanosine analogues tive tenofovir (PMPA;FIG.2)is not,and,in this sense, act as alternative substrates,their incorporation prevents PMPA shouldbe less prone to resistance development further chain elongation (FIG.4a). than the regular nucleoside analogues. So,is there room for improvement? The moderate The first phosphorylation step that converts the 2′,3′- oral bioavailability ofthe acyclic guanosine analogues dideoxynucleoside analogues to their 5′-monophosphate has been improved by formulating them as prodrugs. can be considered as the bottleneck in the overall meta- The success obtained with acyclovir,valaciclovir and bolic pathway leading to the formation ofthe active famciclovir in the treatment ofHSV and VZV infections 5′-triphosphate metabolites.Ifcertain dideoxynucleoside has impeded further progress in this area.However, analogues (for example,2′,3′-dideoxyuridine) are not brivudin,which is considerably more potent than active against HIV under conditions in which othersare, acyclovir and penciclovir as an anti-VZV agent,repre- this stems from their poor,or lack of,phosphorylation sents an important alternative for the treatment ofVZV at the nucleoside-kinase level.Therefore,attempts have infections.Furthermore,although brivudin is active in been made at constructing prodrugs of 2′,3′- the nanomolar concentration range against VZV repli- dideoxynucleoside 5′-monophosphate that deliver the cation,its potency can be superseded by bicyclic furo- 5′-monophosphate derivatives on cellular uptake,which pyrimidine nucleoside analogues bearing a long alkyl or can then be converted into the corresponding 5′-di- and alkylaryl side chain attached to the furane ring20,21.The 5′-triphosphate derivatives.This approach bypasses the mechanism ofaction ofthese exquisitely potent and initial nucleoside-kinase dependency and has been vali- selective anti-VZV agents remains to be elucidated, dated by the design ofthe phosphoramidate25,26and although there is no doubt that their specificity for VZV cyclosaligenyl27,28 prodrugs ofd4T 5′-monophosphate. is governed by the virus-encoded thymidine kinase. Both prodrugs were found to deliver d4T 5′-mono- In the guanosine analogue class,several new CONGENERS phosphate efficiently within the cells,which,after have been described;namely A5021 (REFS 22,23)and the conversion to its 5′-triphosphate,afforded anti-HIV D- and L-enantiomers ofcyclohexenylguanine24.These compounds seem to have an activity spectrum and mode ofaction similar to that ofacyclovir,but further studies are warranted to verify whether these new L33 W76 guanosine analogues might have an extended spectrum ofactivity (that is,against HHV-6,-7 and -8,which are Y108 not particularly sensitive to acyclovir),increased in vivo Y37 efficacy,or improved pharmacokinetics. T82 Reverse transcriptase inhibitors.As is evident from FIG.1,reverse transcriptase is essential in the replicative 5 cycle ofretroviruses,such as HIV,as it synthesizes the proviral DNA,which will then be integrated into the host cell genome and passed on to all ofthe progeny cells.The substrate (dNTP) binding site ofHIV reverse 7 transcriptase (RT) has proved to be an attractive target 6 for nucleosidic HIV inhibitors:six nucleoside analogues 1 — zidovudine (azidothymidine,AZT),didanosine (dideoxyinosine),zalcitabine(dideoxycytidine),stavudine 2 3 4 (didehydrodideoxythymidine,d4T),lamivudine(3′- thiadideoxycytidine) and abacavir— have been licensed as anti-HIV drugs (FIG.2and TABLE 1),and several others, such as emtricitabine and amdoxovir,are in advanced Figure 3| Interaction of CCR5 with TAK779.A structural development.All ofthese dideoxynucleoside analogues model of CCR5 complexed with TAK779 (FIG.2), viewed from act according to a similar ‘recipe’,as exemplified for AZT within the plane of the membrane12. The indicated cluster of amino acids in the TAK779 binding site includes several (FIG.4b).They must be phosphorylated consecutively aromatic residues (Y37, W86, Y108) that might form inside the host cell by three cellular kinases — a nucle- CAOnyN mGEeNmEbRer ofthe same oside kinase,a nucleoside 5′-monophosphate kinase f(Raveopurirnatbelde winittehr apcetrimonisss wiointh f rtohme aRrEoFm.1a2ti©c r2in0g0s0 o, fN TaAtiKon7a7l9. chemical family. and a nucleoside 5′-diphosphate kinase — to form the Academy of Sciences, USA.) NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 1 | JANUARY 2002 | 17 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS a ACV ACV-MP ACV-DP ACV-TP c HPMPC HPMPC-MP HPMPC-DP O O O O NH2 NH2 NH2 HN N HN N HN N HN N N N N H2N N N H2N N N H2N N N H2N N N N O N O N O HO O P O O P P O O PP PP P O O P O P P O P P P O HO HO HO HSV-1 TK GMP kinase NDP kinase Viral DNA Viral DNA polymerase polymerase DNA DNA DNA DNA b AZT AZT-MP AZT-DP AZT-TP d PRPP PR O O O O NH NH NH NH PRPP synthetase N O N O N O N O PMEA PMEA-MP PMEA-DP HO O P O O P P O O P P P O O NH2 NH2 NH2 N N N N N N N3 N3 N3 N3 dThd kinase dTMP kinase NDP kinase N N N N N N P O P P O P P P O AMP kinase AMP kinase Reverse Reverse transcriptase transcriptase DNA DNA RNA RNA Figure 4| Examples of antiviral nucleoside analogues acting by a chain termination mechanism.a| Acyclovir (ACV) targets viral DNA polymerases, such as the herpesvirus (HSV) DNA polymerase. Before it can interact with viral DNA synthesis, it needs to be phosphorylated intracellularly, in three steps, into the triphosphate form. The first phosphorylation step is ensured by the HSV-encoded thymidine kinase (TK), and is therefore confined to virus-infected cells. b| Azidothymidine (AZT) targets the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reverse transcriptase, and also needs to be phosphorylated, in three steps, to the triphospate form before it can interfere with reverse transcription. c| Cidofovir (S-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine; HPMPC), an acyclic nucleotide analogue, which can be viewed as an acyclic nucleoside analogue extended by a phosphonate moiety, targets viral DNA polymerases, and is active against DNA viruses, whether or not they encode a specific viral thymidine kinase. In contrast to acyclovir and azidothymidine, cidofovir requires only two phosphorylations to be converted to the active (triphosphate) form. d| Adefovir (9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine; PMEA) — also an acyclic nucleoside phosphonate — is active against retroviruses and hepadnaviruses; similar to cidofovir, adefovir needs only two phosphorylations and so can bypass the nucleoside-kinase reaction that limits the activity of dideoxynucleoside analogues such as AZT. DP, diphosphate; dThd, (2′deoxy)- thymidine; MP, monophosphate; NDP, nucleoside 5′-diphosphate; PR, 5-phosphoribose; PRPP, 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate; TP, triphosphate. 18 | JANUARY 2002 | VOLUME 1 www.nature.com/reviews/drugdisc © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS activity under conditions in which the d4T nucleoside, Y181 P95 3.6–4.0A owing to inefficient phosphorylation,did not.It remains to be established whether this nucleoside-kinase bypass Y188 strategy will also yield increased antiviral efficacy in vivo. V179 All ofthe aforementioned 2′,3′-dideoxynucleoside 3.5–3.8A W229 analogues,in their 5′-triphosphate form,act as competi- L234 tive substrates/inhibitors with respect to the natural substrates (dNTPs) at the catalytic site ofHIV RT,and, F227 L100 as HBV uses a similar RT in its life cycle,these com- pounds might also be able to inhibit HBV replication. H bond V106 This premise has been borne out in particular for K101 lamivudine,which is licensed for the treatment of H235 chronic HBV infections. P236 Such an extended activity spectrum cannot be antic- HN 2 ipated for a second class ofRT inhibitors — the non- Figure 5| Interaction of HIV-1 RT with UC781. nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) — Features stabilizing the complex between the human which interact with an ALLOSTERIC,non-substrate binding immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) and (‘pocket’) site on HIV-1 RT29.This ‘pocket’does not the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor UC781 (FIG.2). exist in ligand-free RT,and does not occur in RTs other The hydrogen bond with K101, and the two methyl- than HIV-1 RT,or,ifit does,only the HIV-1 RT pocket group–aromatic-ring interactions are shown explicitly. Other main hydrophobic contacts are shown with bold lines; minor ones are offers the necessary interactions with NNRTIs.These shown with faint lines31. Standard CPK COLOURINGis used. interactions are:stacking interactions with the aromatic amino acids Y181,Y188,W229 and Y318;electrostatic interactions with K101,K103 and E138;van der Waals interactions with L100,V106,Y181,G190,W229,L234 nucleosideanalogues through TK or PK deficiency.On and Y318;and hydrogen bonding with the main-chain the other hand,they should also be able to bypass the peptide bonds30.A model for the interactionofa repre- nucleoside-kinase reaction that limits the activity of sentative NNRTI,the thiocarboxanilide UC781 (FIG.2), the dideoxynucleoside analogues against retroviruses with HIV-1 RT31is shown in FIG.5. such as HIV,and hepadnaviruses such as HBV. NNRTIs are notorious for rapidly eliciting virus These objectives have been fulfilled on both scores, resistance resulting from mutations at amino-acid albeit by different types ofacyclic nucleoside phospho- residues that surround the NNRTI-binding site.In the nate:cidofovir(HPMPC) has broad-spectrum activity clinic,the most prominent mutations engendering resis- against DNA viruses;and adefovir (PMEA) and tenofovir tance to NNRTIs are the K103N and Y181C mutations. (PMPA) have activity against retro- and hepadnaviruses. At present,only three NNRTIs (nevirapine,delavirdine Although their eventual activity spectrums are dif- and efavirenz) have been formally licensed,although ferent,both types ofcompound share a common strategy several others are in the developmental stage.However, in their modes ofaction:they both need two (instead it is obvious that in the future design ofnew NNRTIs, ofthree) phosphorylation steps to be converted into not only potency and safety,but also resilience to drug- their active (diphosphorylated) metabolites,which then resistance mutations should be taken into account32.It is act as chain terminators in the DNA polymerase reac- noteworthy that some amino acids that surround the tion (HPMPC;FIG.4c) or reverse transcriptase reaction NNRTI-binding site,such as W229 and Y318,do not (PMEA,PMPA;FIG.4d).For HPMPC to shut down viral ALLOSTERIC SITES seem apt to mutate,or,ifthey do,they lead to a ‘suicidal’ DNA synthesis,the incorporation oftwo consecutive Two or more topologically loss ofRT activity33.Such immutable amino acids could HPMPC units is required34,whereas for PMEA,one distinct binding sites within a be prime targets for the rational design ofnew NNRTIs. such incorporation suffices35.In both cases,the acyclic protein can interact functionally nucleotides remain stably incorporated,presumably with each other.So,two sites in different positions can bind Acyclic nucleoside phosphonates.The acyclic nucleoside because the phosphonate group prevents repair ligands (substrates,inhibitors phosphonates can be viewed as acyclic nucleoside enzymes from excising these nucleotides. and so on),and binding ofa analogues that are extended by a phosphonate moiety. The ‘era’ofthe acyclic nucleoside phosphonates ligand at one site alters the The phosphonate group is equivalent to a phosphate started in 1986,with the description ofthe broad- properties ofthe other(s). group,but,unlike phosphate,phosphonate can no spectrum anti-DNA virus activity of the adenine CPK COLOURING longer be cleaved by the esterases that would normally derivativeHPMPA36.Its cytosine counterpart,cidofovir The CPK colour scheme for convert nucleoside monophosphates back to their (HPMPC),which seemed less harmful to the host in elements is based on the colours nucleoside form.Consequently,acyclic nucleoside phos- preliminary toxicity experiments,was then developed as ofthe popular plastic space- phonates might show a broadened antiviral activity an antiviral drug37,and was approved for clinical use in filling models developed by Corey,Pauling and Kultun,and is spectrum compared with those ofacyclic nucleoside the treatment of CMV retinitis in AIDS patients. conventionally used by chemists. analogues such as acyclovir,and dideoxynucleoside ana- Cidofovir also holds great potential for the treatment of In this scheme,carbon is logues such as zidovudine.On the one hand,they several other DNA virus infections.These include: represented in light grey,oxygen should be active against those DNA viruses that do not TK-deficient HSV and VZV infections,which are resistant in red,nitrogen in blue,sulphur encode a specific viral thymidine kinase (TK) or pro- to acyclovir (or brivudin);herpesvirus infections,such in yellow,hydrogen in white and chlorine in green. tein kinase (PK),or that have become resistant to the as EBV,HHV-6,HHV-7 and HHV-8;HPV infections, NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 1 | JANUARY 2002 | 19 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS including pharyngeal, oesophageal and laryngeal At the transcription level,HIV gene expression could papillomatosis,plantar and genital warts,and cervical be inhibited by compounds that interact with cellular intraepithelial neoplasia;polyomavirus infections (pro- factors that bind to the long terminal repeat (LTR) pro- gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy);adenovirus moter,and which are needed for basal-level transcription, infections (epidemic keratoconjunctivitis);and poxvirus such as NF-κBinhibitors44.However,greater specificity infections38,such as smallpox,monkeypox,cowpox,orf might be achieved using compounds that specifically virus and molluscum contagiosum.Adefovir and teno- inhibit the transactivation ofthe HIV LTR promoter by fovir,the two other leading acyclic nucleoside phospho- the viral trans-acting transactivator (tat) protein.The tat nates,have both progressed,in their oral prodrug forms, protein interacts specifically with the tat responsive adefovir dipivoxil and tenofovir disoproxil,to Phase III element,which is located at the beginning ofthe viral clinical trials for the treatment of HBV and HIV, messenger RNA that is transcribed from the LTR pro- respectively.Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate has recently moter,thereby enhancing the transcription process. been approved in the United States for the treatment of Several compounds have been described as inhibitors of HIV infections. the transcription process;for example,fluoroquino- In contrast to all other antiviral drugs,acyclic nucleo- lines45,and bistriazoloacridone derivatives,such as side phosphonates have a particularly long intracellular temacrazine46.The latter was found to block HIV-1 half-life (1 to several days),allowing infrequent dosing RNA transcription that starts from the HIV LTR pro- (once daily for adefovir and tenofovir,or once weekly or moter,without interfering with the transcription ofany every other weekfor cidofovir).Furthermore,they do cellular genes.The peptide analogue CGP64222,which not lead easily to resistance,even after prolonged treat- is structurally reminiscent of amino acids 48–56 ment for more than one or two years.No drug metabolic (RKKRRQRRR) ofthe tat protein,was also designed to interactions are known for the acyclic nucleoside phos- act as a tat antagonist47.However,although CGP64222 is phonates,which means that they can readily be added to able to interact with the tat-driven transcription process, any drug regimen,as has been shown in particular for its anti-HIV activity in cell culture is mediated primarily tenofovir in the treatment ofHIV infections. by an interaction with CXCR4,the co-receptor for X4 HIV strains48. Inhibitors ofassociated processes.Gene expression (that is, Viral RNA transcription might also be affected by transcription to viral RNA) ofthe genome ofretroviruses, targeting cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs),which are such as HIV,is not possible without integration ofthe required for the replication ofmany viruses,including proviral DNA into the host chromosome (FIG.1).So,the HIV.Indeed,flavopiridol,a typical inhibitor ofCDKs enzyme involved — integrase — has been considered an (in particular,CDK9,which is involved in the tat-driven attractive target for chemotherapeutic intervention. transcription process),has proved to be effective in Numerous integrase inhibitors have been described39,40, blocking HIV infectivity49. although none has sufficient specificity to be further One ofthe virus infections in the greatest need of pursued as an integrase-targeted drug.The problem antiviral therapy is HCV.In this case,two specific enzy- with integrase inhibitors is that,although they might be matic functions associated with viral RNA synthesis could effective in enzyme-based assays,their anti-HIV activity be predicted to be targets for the design ofnew antiviral in cell culture can be masked by cytotoxicity.And even agents:first,the non-structural protein 3 (NS3)-associated ifselective anti-HIV activity in cell culture is noted, helicase; and second, the non-structural protein 5B caution should be exercised in unconditionally (NS5B) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.Crystal struc- attributing this activity to inhibition ofthe integration tures ofboth NS5Band the NS3 helicaseare available50, process,as the compounds concerned might owe their and both enzymatic activities have been characterized in anti-HIV activity to an action targeted elsewhere.This sufficient detail51,52to facilitate the development ofeffective has proved to be the case for the anionic compounds HCV chemotherapeutics.For the helicase,there is no zintevir7and L-chicoric acid41,two integrase inhibitors precedent,but for the RNA polymerase there is,and the that owe their anti-HIV activity primarily to an inter- experience gathered from studies ofthe HIV RT inhibitors action with the viral envelope protein gp120,and so might be ofparamount importance when targeting the fall into the category ofthe polyanionic inhibitors of HCV RNA polymerase,especially if,as seems possible,this virus adsorption discussed above.At present,the only enzyme shows similar kinetics to the HIV RT52. compounds that qualify as genuine integrase inhibitors are the diketo acids L731,988 and L708,906 Viral protease inhibitors (REFS 42,43).In cell culture,these compounds were Viral proteases are crucial in the life cycle of many shown to inhibit both the replication ofHIV-1 and viruses,including retroviruses such as HIV,herpesviruses, the strand transfer function ofthe integrase (the other picornaviruses such as rhinovirus,and flaviviruses such catalytic function ofthe enzyme being endonucleolytic as HCV.Viral proteases have therefore been favoured as cleavage ofthe terminal dinucleotide GT from the 3′ targets for antiviral agents53.Proteases cleave newly end ofthe substrate DNA).Furthermore,these two expressed precursor polyproteins into smaller,mature events could be causally linked,as mutations in the viral proteins,termed ‘functional’(ifendowed with HIV-1 integrase conferred resistance to the inhibitory enzymatic activity) or ‘structural’(ifpart ofthe virion effects ofthe compounds on both strand transfer and structure).For example,in HIV replication,HIV protease HIV-1 infectivity42. cleaves the glycosaminoglycan (gag) and gag–polymerase 20 | JANUARY 2002 | VOLUME 1 www.nature.com/reviews/drugdisc © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS non-peptidic inhibitors ofthe herpesviral protease CMV protease,which is also referred to as ‘assemblin’,because of its role in the CMV assembly process,have been described;for example,thieno[2,3-D]oxazinones58, aryl hydroxylamine derivatives59,monobactams60, pyrrolidine-5,5-trans-lactams61,1,4-dihydroxynaphtha- leneand naphthoquinones62.Although a useful exercise in targeting the herpesviral protease,all ofthese efforts should be viewed as a prelude to further investigations on the in vitroand in vivoinhibitory effects ofthese compounds on virus replication. Further advanced is the structure-assisted design of mechanism-based irreversible inhibitors ofthe human Figure 6| Interaction of HIV protease with KNI272. rhinovirus 3C protease — a cysteine protease involved Ribbon diagram of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the proteolytic cleavage of the viral precursor protease complexed with the peptidomimetic protease inhibitor KNI272; derived from the crystal structure54. The polyprotein to both capsid and functional proteins inhibitor is shown as a space-filling model, and the two required for RNA replication.This work has yielded a active-site aspartic acids are shown as sticks; both have wealth ofcompounds with potent activity against several standard CPKcolouring. rhinovirus SEROTYPES63–67.One compound ofthe series, AG7088,which was shown to inhibit rhinovirus replica- tion even when added late in the virus life cycle68,has (pol) precursor proteins to structural proteins (p17, proceeded into clinical trials. p24,p9 and p7) and functional proteins (protease, The HCV protease is a serine protease that is reverse transcriptase/RNase H and integrase).HIV pro- encoded by the non-structural NS3 domain,and is tease inhibitors have been tailored to the peptidic linkages responsible for the proteolytic cleavage ofthe non- (for example;F-P,F-L and F-T) in the gag and gag–pol structural NS3,NS4A,NS4B,NS5A and NS5B proteins precursor proteins that are cleaved by the protease,and from the viral polyprotein (the NS4A protein then have been extensively modelled in the active site ofthe binds to the NS3 protein and enhances its proteolytic enzyme, which is formed at the interface of two activity).The HCV NS3–4A protease is remarkably homodimeric subunits and contains two catalytic aspartic similar to the pestiviral NS3–4A protease,which is residues (each belonging to the DTG motif;FIG.6)54. found in bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV)69,and All ofthe protease inhibitors licensed at present for the has been intensively pursued as a target for the design of treatment ofHIV infection,namely saquinavir,ritonavir, inhibitors.Again,as for the herpesvirus serine protease, indinavir,nelfinavir,amprenavirand lopinavir(TABLE 1), several inhibitors,both peptide based70,71and non- share the same structural determinant (FIG.2) — a peptidic72,ofthe HCV NS3–4A protease have been hydroxyethylene core (instead ofthe normal peptidic identified,but as there is no cell-culture assay available linkage) that makes them non-scissile peptidomimetic for HCV, their activity against HCV could not be substrate analogues for the HIV protease.The HIV pro- assessed.Given the similarities ofthe HCV and BVDV tease inhibitors have proved to be valuable therapeutics in NS3–4A proteases,it seems advisable to evaluate putative combination with NRTIs and NNRTIs (a drug combina- HCV protease inhibitors for their activity against BVDV tion schedule known as ‘highly active antiretroviral replication,for which cell-culture assay systems have therapy’(HAART)) in the treatment ofHIV infections. been established. However,they are met by confounding factors,such as difficulties in drug adherence,drug–drug interactions, Viral neuraminidase inhibitors overlapping resistance patterns and long-term side effects, Influenza virus (both A and B) has adopted a unique including lipodystrophy,cardiovascular disturbances and replication strategy by using one ofits surface glyco- metabolic disturbances, such as diabetes. This has proteins,haemagglutinin,to bind to the target-cell prompted the search for new,non-peptidic inhibitors receptor,which contains a terminal sialic acid.The other ofHIV protease,with cyclic urea,4-hydroxycoumarin, surface glycoprotein,neuraminidase,cleaves offthe L-mannaric acid or 4-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-2-pyrone as terminal sialic acid ofthe host cell receptor,allowing virus the central scaffold instead of the peptidomimetic particles to leave the cell after the viral replicative cycle has hydroxyethylene core55,56(FIG.2);for example,tipranavir. been completed.The viral neuraminidase is therefore Such compounds should show little,ifany,cross-resistance needed for the elution ofnewly formed virus particles with the peptidomimetic inhibitors.At present,however, from the cells.In addition,the viral neuraminidase might their in vivoefficacy,pharmacokinetic profile and short- also promote viral movement through the respiratory- and long-term safety remain to be established. tract mucus,thereby enhancing viral infectivity. Whether the protease-inhibitor approach would be as So,influenza viral neuraminidase has been envisaged successful for tackling herpes-,picorna- and flaviviruses as a suitable target for the design ofspecific inhibitors. SEROTYPE as for HIV remains to be seen.Whereas the HIV protease Computer-assisted drug design,based on the crystal Variety ofa species (usually is an aspartate protease,herpesvirus proteases are serine structure ofthe influenza viral neuraminidase,led to the bacteria or virus) characterized by its antigenic properties. proteases that have SHH as the catalytic triad57.Several identification ofzanamivir(GG167) as a specific and NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 1 | JANUARY 2002 | 21 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd REVIEWS 5′-monophosphate (XMP),which is then further con- Glu276 Arg292 Ala246 verted to GMP,GDP and GTP,and also from GDP, through dGDP, to dGTP. Inhibitors of IMP Arg224 dehydrogenase might affect both RNA and DNA syn- 3.43 3.87 4.11 Ile222 thesis by reducing the intracellular pools ofGTP and 3.62 dGTP,respectively.Although IMP dehydrogenase is a 3.13 3.95 cellular target, inhibitors targeted at this enzyme Arg371 2.5 3.99 4.05 Trp178 might inhibit viral RNA and/or DNA synthesis prefer- 2.98 entially,as there is an increased need for such syntheses 3.35 2.90 2.72 2.77 in virus-infected cells. IMP dehydrogenase can be targeted by two types of inhibitor:competitive or uncompetitive with respect to Arg118 Asp151 Arg152 the normal substrate,IMP.To the first category belongs Glu119 ribavirin,which has been approved for clinical use as an Figure 7 | Interaction of influenza neuraminidase with aerosol for the treatment ofRSV infections,and in com- oseltamivir.Shows binding interactions of the neuraminidase bination with interferon-αfor the treatment ofHCV inhibitor oseltamivir (FIG.2)with influenza neuraminidase; infections.To the second category belongs mycopheno- derived from the crystal structure. (Adapted with permission lic acid (FIG.2),an immunosuppressing agent that has from REF.76© (1997) American Chemical Society.) been approved,as its morpholinoethyl ester prodrug,for the prevention ofacute allograft rejection following kid- ney transplantation.The X-ray crystal structure ofIMP potent inhibitor ofthe enzyme,and ofthe in vitroand dehydrogenase,complexed with mycophenolic acid at the in vivoreplication ofboth influenza A and B virus73. active site,has been reported at high resolution (2.6 Å)83. Zanamivir was tailored to interact with conserved New congeners of both ribavirin (EICAR)84 and amino-acid residues within the active site ofinfluenza A mycophenolic acid (VX497)85have an activity spectrum and B viral neuraminidase,and its inhibitory effect on as broad as ribavirin,but considerably greater potency. the enzyme has proved to be predictive ofthe suscepti- This activity spectrum encompasses both DNA and bility of clinical isolates to the drug74. Meanwhile, RNA viruses,including,among the latter,picorna-,toga-, zanamivir was shown to be efficacious and safe in the flavi-,bunya-,arena-,reo-,rhabdo-,and,in particular, treatment (by inhalation) ofinfluenza virus infections75, ortho- and paramyxoviruses. and the drug has been licensed for clinical use. Mycophenolic acid has marked activity against yel- Zanamivir has to be given topically (by inhalation), low fever virus and also markedly potentiates the owing to its poor oral bioavailability.In attempts to iden- inhibitory effects ofthe acyclic guanosine analogues tify potentially orally bioavailable inhibitors,a series of acyclovir,penciclovir and ganciclovir against HSV,VZV carbocyclic transition-state-based analogues were devel- and CMV infections,which could be ofgreat clinical oped,in which the polar glycerol and guanidino groups utility in organ-transplant recipients with these infec- ofzanamivir were replaced by a lipophilic (3-pentyloxy) tions86.Furthermore,mycophenolic acid potentiates the side chain and amino group,respectively,to give GS4071 activity ofguanine-derived dideoxynucleoside analogues, (REF.76).X-ray crystallographic studies showed that these such as abacavir,against HIV87,which could be further groups ofGS4071could be accommodated within the exploited as a new combination strategy in the treatment active site of neuraminidase (FIG.7). As aimed for, ofHIV infections. GS4071,when administered as the ethyl-ester prodrug Although IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors should,in (GS4104;oseltamivir;FIG.2),is orally bioavailable and their own right,be explored further for their potential in was found to be effective in protecting mice and ferrets the treatment ofvarious (+)RNA and (–)RNA viral against influenza infection77.Subsequently,oseltamivir infections,including haemorrhagic fever virus infections, was found to be effective and safe in the oral treatment current interest is mainly focused on their use in combi- and prevention ofinfluenza virus infections78,79,and has nation with (PEGYLATED) interferon-αin the treatment of been licensed for clinical use. HCV infections. This stems from the successful Zanamivir and oseltamivir have paved the way for the responses that have been seen following treatment of development ofsimilar structure-based neuraminidase chronic hepatitis C with ribavirin in combination inhibitors80–82, such as the cyclopentane derivative with interferon-α,in patients who did not respond to RWJ270201,which have a comparable,or even better, interferon alone88. efficacy profile in the mouse model ofinfluenza.The Recently,ribavirin was shown to act as an RNA-virus clinical potential ofRWJ270201 in the prevention and/or mutagen,forcing RNA viruses into a lethal accumulation treatment ofhuman influenza virus infections still needs oferrors,dubbed ‘error catastrophe’89,90.The antiviral to be established. activity ofribavirin might,therefore,result from the PEGYLATION Addition ofpoly(ethylene lethal mutagenic effect following incorporation ofrib- glycol) (PEG) groups to proteins IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors avirin into the viral genome,and,obviously,this lethal can increase their resistance to IMP dehydrogenase is a key enzyme in the de novo mutagenesis might be enhanced by the inhibitory effect proteolytic degradation, biosynthesis ofpurine mononucleotides:it is responsible ofribavirin (in its 5′-monophosphate form) on IMP improve their water solubility and reduce their antigenicity. for the NAD-dependent oxidation ofIMP to xanthosine dehydrogenase and the consequent decrease in cellular 22 | JANUARY 2002 | VOLUME 1 www.nature.com/reviews/drugdisc © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd

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