STATISTICAL CHALLENGES FOR SEARCHES FOR NEW PHYSICS AT THE LHC 6 0 0 KYLE CRANMER 2 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA n e-mail: [email protected] a J BecausetheemphasisoftheLHCison5σdiscoveriesandtheLHCenvironmentinduceshighsystematicerrors,many 4 of the common statistical procedures used in High Energy Physics are not adequate. I review the basic ingredients ofLHCsearches,thesourcesofsystematics,andtheperformanceofseveralmethods. Finally,Iindicatethemethods ] n thatseemmostpromisingfortheLHCandareasthatareinneed offurtherstudy. a - a 1 Introduction Theonlyparticleofthestandardmodelthathas t notbeenobservedistheHiggsboson,whichiskeyfor a d TheLargeHadronCollider(LHC)atCERNandthe the standard model’s description of the electroweak s. two multipurpose detectors, Atlas and CMS, have interactions. The mass of the Higgs boson, mH, is c been built in order to discover the Higgs boson, if it a free parameter in the standard model, but there i s exists, and explore the theoretical landscape beyond exist direct experimental lowerbounds and more in- y h theStandardModel.1,2 TheLHCwillcollideprotons directupperbounds. OncemH isfixed,thestandard p with unprecedented center-of-mass energy (√s=14 model is a completely predictive theory. There are [ TeV)andluminosity(1034cm−2s−1);theAtlasand numerousparticle-levelMonteCarlogeneratorsthat 2 CMS detectors will record these interactions with can be interfaced with simulations of the detectors v 108 individual electronic readouts per event. Be- topredicttherateanddistributionofallexperimen- 8 ∼ cause the emphasis of the physics programis ondis- tal observables. Because of this predictive power, 2 0 coveryand the experimental environmentis so com- searchesfortheHiggsbosonarehighlytunedandof- 1 plex,theLHCposesnewchallengestoourstatistical ten employ multivariate discriminationmethods like 1 methods – challenges we must meet with the same neuralnetworks,boosteddecisiontrees,supportvec- 5 0 vigor that led to the theoretical and experimental tor machines, and genetic programming.3,4,5 / advancements of the last decade. While the Higgs boson is key for understand- s c In the remainder of this Section, I introduce the ing the electroweakinteractions, it introduces a new i s physics goals of the LHC and most pertinent factors problem: i.e. the hierarchy problem. There are y that complicate data analysis. I also review the for- several proposed solutions to the problem, one of h p mal link and the practical differences between confi- which is to introduce a new fundamental symmetry, : dence intervals and hypothesis testing. called supersymmetry (SUSY), between bosons and v i InSec.2,theprimaryingredientstonewparticle fermions. In practice, the minimal supersymmetric X searches are discussed. Practical and toy examples extension to the standard model (MSSM), with its r a are presented in Sec. 3, which will be used to assess 105 parameters, is not so much a theory as a theo- themostcommonmethodsinSec.4. Theremainder retical framework. of this paper is devoted to discussion on the most They key difference between SUSY and Higgs promising methods for the LHC. searches is that, in most cases, discovering SUSY will not be the difficult part. Searches for SUSY often rely on robust signatures that will show a de- 1.1 Physics Goals of the LHC viation from the standard model for most regions of the SUSY parameter space. It will be much more Currently, our best experimentally justified model challenging to demonstrate that the deviation from for fundamental particles and their interactions is thestandardmodelisSUSYandtomeasurethefun- the standard model. In short, the physics goals of damental parameters of the theory.6 In order to re- the LHC come in two types: those that improve our strict the scope of these proceedings, I shall focus understandingofthestandardmodel,andthosethat LHC Higgs searches, where the issues of hypothesis go beyond it. testing are more relevant. 1 2 1.2 The Challenges of LHC Environment In order to augment the simulated data chain, most searches introduce auxiliary measurements to The challenges of the LHC environment are mani- estimate their backgrounds from the data itself. In fold. The first and most obvious challenge is due some cases, the background estimation is a simple to the enormous rate of uninteresting background sideband,butinothersthelinkbetweentheauxiliary events from QCD processes. The total interaction measurement to the quantity of interest is based on ratefor the LHC is oforder109 interactionsper sec- simulation. This hybrid approach is of particular ond;therateofHiggsproductionisabouttenorders importance at the LHC. ofmagnitudesmaller. Thus,tounderstandtheback- Whilemanyoftheissuesdiscussedabovearenot ground of a Higgs search, one must understand the unique to the LHC, they are often more severe. At extreme tails of the QCD processes. LEP, it was possible to generate Monte Carlo sam- Compoundingthedifficultiesduetotheextreme plesoflargersizethanthecollecteddata,QCDback- rate is the complexity of the detectors. The full- groundsweremoretame,andmostsearcheswerenot fledgedsimulationofthedetectorsisextremelycom- systematics-limited. TheTevatronhasmuchmorein putationally intensive, with samples of 107 events common with the LHC; however, at this point dis- taking about a month to produce with computing covery is less likely, and most of the emphasis is on resourcesdistributedaroundtheglobe. Thiscompu- measurements and limit setting. tational limitation constrains the problems that can been addressed with Monte Carlo techniques. 1.3 Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing Theoretical uncertainties also contribute to the challenge. The background to many searches re- The last several conferences in the vein of PhyStat quires calculations at, or just beyond, the state- 2005 have concentrated heavily on confidence inter- of-the-art in particle physics. The most common vals. Inparticular,95%confidenceintervalsforsome situation requires a final state with several well- physics parameter in an experiment that typically separated high transverse momentum objects (e.g. hasfewevents. Morerecently,therehasbeenalarge tt¯jj blν¯bjjjj), in which the regions of phys- effortinunderstandinghowtoincludesystematicer- → ical interest are not reliably described by leading- rorsandnuisanceparametersintothesecalculations. order perturbative calculations (due to infra-red LHC searches, in contrast, are primarily inter- and collinear divergences), are too complex for the ested in 5σ discovery. The 5σ discovery criterion is requisite next-to-next-to-leading order calculations, somewhat vague, but usually interpreted in a fre- and are not properly described by the parton- quentist sense as a hypothesis test with a rate of shower models alone. Enormous effort has gone Type I error α=2.85 10−7. · intoimprovingthesituationwithnext-to-leadingor- There is a formal link between confidence inter- der calculations and matrix-element–parton-shower vals and hypothesis testing: frequentist confidence matching.7,8 While these new tools are a vast im- intervalsfromtheNeymanconstructionareformally provement, the residual uncertainties are still often inverted hypothesis tests. It is this equivalence that dominant. links the Neyman-Pearson lemmaa to the ordering Uncertainties from non-perturbative effects are rule used in the unified method of Feldman and also important. For some processes, the relevant Cousins.10Furthermore,thisequivalencewillbevery regions of the parton distribution functions are not usefulintranslatingourunderstandingofconfidence well-measured (and probably will not be in the first intervals to the searches at the LHC. few yearsof LHC running), whichleadto uncertain- In some cases, this formal link can be mislead- tiesinrateaswellastheshapeofdistributions. Fur- ing. In particular, there is not always a continuous thermore,thevariousunderlying-eventandmultiple- parameter that links the fully specified null hypoth- interaction models used to describe data from pre- esis H0 to the fully specified alternate H1 in any vious colliders show large deviations when extrap- olated to the LHC.9 This soft physics has a large aThe lemma states that, for a simple hypothesis test of size αbetween anullH0 andanalternate H1,the mostpowerful impact on the performance of observables such as criticalregionintheobservablexisgivenbyacontourofthe missing transverse energy. likelihoodratioL(x|H0)/L(x|H1). 3 Ingeneralthe theoreticalmodel fora new parti- e gnificanc A(∫ nLTo dLKtA -=fSa 3c0to frbs-)1 HtHHtH → →→(H g g ZW →ZW ( *b)( *b ) )→ → 4 lln ln cdlaerhdamssoodmeleHfriegegps,aroanmlyettehrse.mInastshemcHaseisofutnhkensotwann-. nal si 102 qqqqHH →→ qqqq Wtt W(*) ForSUSYscenarios,theHiggsmodelisparametrized Sig Total significance bytwoparameters: mAandtanβ. Typically,theun- knownvariablesarescannedandahypothesistestis performed for each value of these parameters. The resultsfromeachofthe searchchannelscanbe com- 10 bined to enhance the power of the search, but one must take care of correlations among channels and ensure consistency. Thefactthatonescansoverthe parametersand performsmanyhypothesistests increasesthe chance 1 100 120 140 160 180 200 thatone finds atleastonelargefluctuationfromthe mH (GeV/c2) null-hypothesis. Some approaches incorporate the number of trials explicitly,11 some approaches only Figure 1. Expected significance as a function of Higgs mass fortheAtlasdetector with30fb−1 ofdata. focusonthemostinterestingfluctuation,12andsome see this heightened rate of Type I error as the moti- vation for the stringent 5σ requirement.13 physically interesting or justified way. Furthermore, the performance of a method for a 95% confidence interval and a 5σ discovery can be quite different. 2.2 Discriminating Variables & Test Statistics Typically,newparticlesareknowntodecaywithcer- 2 The Ingredients of an LHC Search taincharacteristicsthatdistinguishthesignalevents fromthoseproducedbybackgroundprocesses. Much In order to assess the statistical methods that are of the work of a search is to identify those observ- availableanddevelopnewonessuitedfortheLHC,it ables and to construct new discriminating variables is necessaryto be familiarwith the basic ingredients (generically denoted as m). Examples include an- of the search. In this section, the basic ingredients, gles between particles, invariant masses, and parti- terminology, and nomenclature are established. cle identification criterion. Discriminating variables areusedin twodifferentways: todefine a signal-like 2.1 Multiple Channels & Processes region and to weight events. Almost all new particle searches do not observe the The usage of discriminating variables is related particle directly, but through the signatures left by to the test statistic: the real-valued quantity used the decay products of the particle. For instance, the to summarize the experiment. The test statistic is Higgs boson will decay long before it interacts with thoughtofas being orderedsuchthateither largeor thedetector,butitsdecayproductswillbedetected. small values indicate growing disagreementwith the In many cases, the particle canbe producedand de- null hypothesis. cayinmanydifferentconfigurations,eachofwhichis A simple “cut analysis” consists of defining a called a search channel (see Tab. 1). There are may signal-like region bounded by upper- and lower- be multiple signal and background processes which valuesofthesediscriminatingvariablesandcounting contributetoeachchannel. Forexample,inH γγ, events in that region. In that case, the test statistic → the signal could come from any Higgs production issimplythenumberofeventsobservedinthesignal mechanism and the background from either contin- like region. One expects b background events and s uum γγ production or QCD backgroundswhere jets signal events, so the experimental sensitivity is op- fakephotons. Eachoftheseprocesseshavetheirown timized by adjusting the cut values. More sophisti- rates, distributions for observables, and uncertain- catedtechniquesusemultivariatealgorithms,suchas ties. Furthermore, the uncertainties between pro- neural networks, to define more complicated signal- cesses may be correlated. likeregions,buttheteststatisticremainsunchanged. 4 In these number counting analyses,the likelihood of observing n events is simply given by the Poisson model. Density ttericbhunTtihiqoeunree.oafrIenthexeptaerdntisiscicournliasmr,itnoiafttihnoingsenvkuanmroibawbesrle-ctohmuentdifniosgr- Probability the background-only (null) hypothesis, f (m), and b the signal-plus-background (alternate) hypothesis, f (m) = [sf (m)+bf (m)]/(s+b), then there is Neural Network Output s+b s b a more powerful test statistic than simply counting Figure2. Thedistributionofaneuralnetworkoutputforsig- events. This is intuitive, a well measured ’golden nalevents. Thehistogramisshowntogether withfˆ1(m). event’ is often more convincing than a few messy ones. Following the Neyman-Pearson lemma, the where most powerful test statistic is 1/5 4 σ L(mH ) h(m )= n−1/5, (4) Q = | 1 (1) i 3 fˆ(m ) L(mH0) (cid:18) (cid:19) r 0 i | = Ni chanPois(ni|si+bi) nji sifs(misji)++bbiifb(mij) σneilsftuhnecsttiaonnd(aursdudaellvyiatthioennoofr{mxai}l,dKist(rxi)buistsioonm)e, kaenrd- Q Ni chanPois(ni|bQi) njifb(mij) fˆ0(x) is the fixed kernel estimate given by the same (ni denotes eQvents in ith channelQ) or equivalently equation but with a fixed h(mi) q =lnQ= s +Nchan ni ln 1+ sifs(mij) . h∗ = 4 1/5σn−1/5. (5) − tot b f (m ) 3 i j (cid:18) i b ij (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X X (2) The solid line in Fig. 2 shows that the method The test statistic in Eq. 2 was used by the LEP (withmodified-boundarykernels)worksverywellfor Higgs Working Group (LHWG) in their final results shapes with complicated structure at many scales. on the search for the Standard Model Higgs.14 Atthispoint,therearetwolooseends: howdoes 2.4 Numerical Evaluation of Significance one determine the distribution of the discriminating Given, f (m) and f (m) the distribution of q(x) can s b variables f(m), and how does one go from Eq. 2 to be constructed. For the background-only hypothe- the distribution of q for H and H . These are the 0 1 sis, f (m) provides the probability of corresponding b topics of the next subsections. values of q needed to define the single-eventpdf ρ .b 1 2.3 Parametric and Non-Parametric Methods ρ (q )= f (m)δ(q(m) q )dm (6) 1,b 0 b 0 − Z In some cases, the distribution of a discriminat- For multiple events, the distribution of the log- ing variable f(m) can be parametrized and this likelihoodratiomustbeobtainedfromrepeatedcon- parametrizationcanbejustifiedeitherbyphysicsar- volutions of the single event distribution. This con- guments or by goodness-of-fit. However, there are volution can either be performed implicitly with ap- many cases in which f(m) has a complicated shape proximate Monte Carlo techniques,16 or analytically not easily parametrized. For instance, Fig. 2 shows with a Fourier transformtechnique.17 In the Fourier thedistributionofaneuralnetworkoutputforsignal domain, denoted with a bar, the distribution of the events. Inthatcasekernelestimationtechniquescan log-likelihood for n events is be used to estimate f(m) in a non-parametric way from a sample of events mi .15 The technique that ρn =ρ1n (7) { } was used by the LHWG14 was based on an adaptive Thus the expected log-likelihood distribution for kernel estimation given by: backgroundwith Poissonfluctuations inthe number n 1 m m fˆ(m)= K − i , (3) bTheintegralisnecessarybecausethemapq(m):m→qmay 1 nh(m ) h(m ) i i (cid:18) i (cid:19) bemany-to-one. X 5 of events takes the form Intheabsenceofanobservationwecancalculatethe ∞ e−bbn expected CLb given the signal-plus-background hy- ρ (q)= ρ (q) (8) pothesisistrue. Todothiswefirstmustfindtheme- b n,b n! nX=0 dianofthesignal-plus-backgrounddistributionqs+b. From these we can calculate the expected CL by which in the Fourier domain is simply b ∗ using Eq. 11 evaluated at q =q . s+b ρ (q)=eb[ρ1,b(q)−1]. (9) Finally,wecanconverttheexpectedbackground b confidence level into an expected Gaussian signifi- Forthesignal-plus-backgroundhypothesisweexpect cance, Zσ, by finding the value of Z which satisfies s eventsfromthe ρ distributionandbeventsfrom 1,s 1 erf(Z/√2) the ρ1,b distribution, which leads to the expression CLb(qs+b)= − 2 . (12) for ρ in the Fourier domainc s+b where erf(Z) = (2/π) Zexp( y2)dy is a function ρs+b(q)=eb[ρ1,b(q)−1]+s[ρ1,s(q)−1]. (10) readilyavailableinmost0numeri−callibraries. ForZ > R 1.5, the relationship can be approximated19 as This equation generalizes, in a somewhat obvious way, to include many processes and channels. Z √u lnu with u= 2ln(CL √2π) (13) b ≈ − − Numerically these computations are carried out with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The FFT 2.5 Systematic Errors, Nuisance Parameters & is performed on a finite and discrete array, beyond Auxiliary Measurements whichthefunctionisconsideredtobeperiodic. Thus Sections2.3and2.4representthestateoftheartfor the rangeofthe ρ distributions must be sufficiently 1 HEPinfrequentisthypothesistestinginthe absence largeto hold the resulting ρ andρ distributions. b s+b ofuncertaintiesonratesandshapesofdistributions. If they are not, the “spill over” beyond the maxi- Inpractice,thetruerateofbackgroundisnotknown mum log-likelihood ratio q will “wrap around” max exactly, and the shapes of distributions are sensitive leading to unphysical ρ distributions. Because the to experimental quantities, such as calibration coef- range of ρ is much larger than ρ it requires a b 1,b ficients and particle identification efficiencies (which verylargenumberofsamplestodescribebothdistri- are also not known exactly). What one would call a butions simultaneously. The implementation of this systematicerrorinHEP,usuallycorrespondstowhat methodrequiressomeapproximateasymptotictech- astatisticianwouldrefertoasanuisanceparameter. niques that describe the scaling from ρ to ρ .18 1,b b Dealing with nuisance parameters in searches is The nature of the FFT results in a number of notanew problem,butperhapsithasneverbeenas round-off errors and limit the numerical precision to about 10−16 – which limit the method to signif- essential as it is for the LHC. In these proceedings, Cousinsreviewsthedifferentapproachestonuisance icance levels below about 8σ. Extrapolation tech- parameters in HEP and the professional statistical niques andarbitraryprecisioncalculations canover- literature.20 Also of interest is the classification of come these difficulties,18 but such small p-values are systematic errors provided by Sinervo.21 In Sec. 4, of little practical interest. the a few techniques for incorporating nuisance pa- From the log-likelihood distribution of the two rameters are reviewed. hypotheseswecancalculateanumberofusefulquan- From an experimental point of view, the miss- tities. Givensome experiment with an observedlog- ∗ ing ingredientis some set ofauxiliary measurements likelihoodratio,q ,wecancalculatethebackground- that will constrain the value of the nuisance param- only confidence level, CL : b eters. The most common example would be a side- ∞ ∗ ′ ′ band measurement to fix the background rate, or CL (q )= ρ (q )dq (11) b b Zq∗ some control sample used to assess particle identi- fication efficiency. Previously, I used the variable cPerhaps it is worth noting that ρ(q) is a complex valued M to denote this auxiliary measurement22; while function of the Fourier conjugate variable of q. Thus nu- Linnemann,19 Cousins,20 and Rolke, Lopez, and mericallytheexponentiationinEq.9requiresEuler’sformula eiθ =cosθ+isinθ. Conrad23,24 usedy. Additionally,oneneeds toknow 6 0.6 and later combined to assess correlations. The fac- Mgg / d ds / dMgg = N e-a Mgg torization of the likelihood and the number of nui- sd 0.5 a=-0.048 sance parameters included impact the difficulty of ) sig a=-0.030 implementingthevariousscenariosconsideredbelow. s1/ ( 0.4 0.3 t = s / s 3 Practical and Toy Examples SB sig Inthis Section, afew practicalandtoy examplesare 0.2 introduced. The toy examples are meant to provide 0.1 s s s simple scenarios where results for different methods SB sig SB canbeeasilyobtainedinordertoexpeditetheircom- 0 parison. The practical examples are meant to ex- 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 Mgg clude methods that provide nice solutions to the toy examples, but do not generalize to the realistic situ- Figure3. Thesignal-likeregion andsideband for H →γγ in ation. whichτ iscorrelatedtobviathemodelparametera. 3.1 The Canonical Example the likelihood function that provides the connection betweenthenuisanceparameter(s)andtheauxiliary Consider a number-counting experiment that mea- measurements. sures x events in the signal-like region and y events The most common choices for the likelihood of in some sideband. For a given background rate b in the auxiliary measurement are L(y b) = Pois(y τb) the signal-like region, say one can expect τb events | | and L(y b)=G(y τb,σ ), where τ is a constantthat in the sideband. Additionally, let the rate of signal y | | specifiestheratioofthenumberofeventsoneexpects eventsinthesignal-likeregions–theparameterofin- inthesidebandregiontothenumberexpectedinthe terest – be denoted µ. The corresponding likelihood signal-like region.d function is A constant τ is appropriate when one simply L (x,y µ,b)=Pois(xµ+b) Pois(y τb). (14) countsthenumberofeventsyinan“off-source”mea- P | | · | surement. Inamoretypicalcase,oneusesthedistri- This is the same case that was considered in bution of some other variable, call it m, to estimate Refs. 20,22,23,24 for x,y = (10) and α = 5%. O the number of background events inside a range of For LHC searches, we will be more interested in m (see Fig. 3). In special cases the ratio τ is inde- x,y = (100)andα=2.85 10−7. Furthermore,the O · pendentofthemodelparameters. However,inmany auxiliary measurement will rarely be a pure number cases(e.g. f(m) e−am),theratioτ dependsonthe counting sideband measurement, but instead the re- ∝ model parameters. Moreover, sometimes the side- sultofsomefit. Soletusalsoconsiderthelikelihood band is contaminated with signal events, thus the function background and signal estimates can be correlated. L (x,y µ,b)=Pois(xµ+b) G(y τb,√τb). (15) These complications are not a problem as long as G | | · | they are incorporated into the likelihood. Asaconcreteexampleintheremainingsections, The number of nuisance parameters and aux- let us consider the case b = 100 and τ = 1. Opera- iliary measurements can grow quite large. For in- tionally,onewouldmeasureyandthenfindthevalue stance, the standard practice at BaB¯ar is to form x (y) necessary for discovery. In the language of crit very large likelihood functions that incorporate ev- confidence intervals, x (y) is the value of x nec- crit erything from the parameters of the unitarity tri- essary for the 100(1 α)% confidence interval in µ angle to branching fractions and detector response. − to exclude µ = 0. In Sec. 4 we check the coverage 0 These likelihoods are typically factorized into multi- (TypeIerrororfalse-discoveryrate)forbothL and P ple pieces, which are studied independently at first L . G dNote that Linnemann19 used α = 1/τ instead, but in this Linnemann reviewed thirteen methods and paperαisreservedfortherateofTypeIerror. eleven published examples of this scenario.19 Of the 7 VV110000 ttH(120) ee 0 G0 G 8800 ttttjbjb (QCD) M (pb/GeV) BBooxrn / 1/ 1 ttbb (EW) sd /d s s 6600 tt nn ee vv 4400 EE 2200 00 00 5500 110000 115500 220000 225500 330000 335500 440000 mm ((GGeeVV)) Mass (GeV) bbbb Figure 5. Two plausible shapes for the continuum γγ mass Figure4. Thebbinvariant massspectrum fortt¯H signaland spectrumattheLHC. backgroundprocessesatAtlas. theshapeofthesignal-plus-backgrounddistribution. publishedexamples,onlythree(theonefromhisref- Furthermore,theoreticaluncertaintiesandb-tagging erence18andthetwofrom19)arenearthe rangeof uncertaintiesaffecttheshapeofthebackground-only x,y, and α relevant for LHC searches. Linnemann’s spectrum. In this case the incorporation of system- review asks an equivalent question posed in this pa- atic error on the background rate most likely pre- per, but in a different way: what is the significance cludes the expected significance ofthis channelfrom (Z in Eq. 12) of a given observation x,y. ever reaching 5σ. Similarly, the H γγ channel has uncertainty → 3.2 The LHC Standard Model Higgs Search in the shape of the mγγ spectrum from background processes. One contribution to this uncertainty The search for the standard model Higgs boson is comes from the electromagnetic energy scale of the by no means the only interesting search to be per- calorimeter (an experimental nuisance parameter), formedatthe LHC,butitis oneofthe moststudied while another contribution comes from the theoreti- and offers a particularly challenging set of channels caluncertaintyinthecontinuumγγproduction. Fig- to combine with a single method. Figure 1 shows ure 5 shows two plausible shapes for the m spec- γγ theexpectedsignificanceversustheHiggsmass,m , H trum from “Born” and “Box” predictions. for severalchannels individually and in combination for the Atlas experiment.25 Two mass points are 4 Review of Methods considered in more detail in Tab. 1, including re- sults from Refs.1,25,26. Some of these channels will Based on the practical example of the standard most likely use a discriminating variable distribu- model Higgs search at the LHC and the discussion tion, f(m), to improve the sensitivity as described in Sec. 2, the list of admissible methods is quite in Sec. 2.3. I have indicated the channels that I sus- short. Of the thirteen methods reviewed by Linne- pectwilluse this technique. Roughestimates onthe mann, only five are considered as reasonable or rec- uncertainty in the background rate have also been ommended. These can be divided into three classes: tabulated, without regard to the classification pro- hybridBayesian-frequentistmethods,methodsbased posed by Sinervo. ontheLikelihoodPrinciple,andfrequentistmethods The backgrounduncertainties for the tt¯H chan- based on the Neyman construction. nel have been studied in some detail and separated into various sources.26 Figure 4 shows the m mass bb spectrum for this channel.e Clearly, the shape of 4.1 Hybrid Bayesian-Frequentist Methods the background-only distribution is quite similar to The class of methods frequently used in HEP and eItisnotclearifthisresultisinagreementwiththeequivalent commonly referredto as the Cousins-Highlandtech- CMSresult.27 nique (or secondarily Bayes in statistical literature) 8 Table 1. Number of signal and background events for representative Higgs search channels for two values of Higgs mass, mH, with30fb−1ofdata. Aroughuncertaintyonthebackgroundrateisdenotedasδb/b,withoutreferencetothetypeofsystematic uncertainty. Thetablealsoindicatesifthechannelsareexpected touseaweightf(m)asinEq.2. channel s b δb/b dominant backgrounds use f(m) m (GeV) H tt¯H tt¯bb 42 219 10% tt¯jj,tt¯bb Yes 120 → ∼ H γγ 357 11820 0.1% γγ,jγ,jj No 120 → ∼ qqH qqττ qqllE/ 17 14 10% Z ττ, tt¯ Yes 120 T → → ∼ → qqH qqττ qqlhE/ 16 8 10% Z ττ, tt¯ Yes 120 T qqH →qqWW→∗ qqllE/ 28.5 47.4 ∼10% t→t¯,WW Yes 120 T → → ∼ qqH qqWW∗ qqllE/ 262.5 89.1 10% tt¯,WW Yes 170 T → → ∼ H ZZ 4l 7.6 3.1 1% ZZ 4l No 170 → → ∼ → H WW llE/ 337 484 5% Z ττ, tt¯ Yes 170 T → → ∼ → are based on a Bayesian average of frequentist p- Atlas used to assess its physics potential.1 The values as found in the first equation of Ref.28. The method not recommended by Linnemann and was Bayesianaverageisoverthenuisanceparametersand critically reviewed in Ref.29. weighted by the posterior P(b|y). Thus the p-value x5′ (y)=y/τ +Z y/τ(1+1/τ) (20) ofthe observation(x ,y ) evaluatedat µis givenby crit 0 0 p ∞ 4.2 Likelihood Intervals p(x ,y µ)= dbp(x µ,b)P(by ) (16) 0 0 0 0 | | | As Cousins points out, the professional statistics Z0 ∞ literature seems less concerned with providing cor- = dxP(xµ,y ) (17) | 0 rect coverageby construction, in favor of likelihood- Zx0 based and Bayesianmethods. The likelihood princi- where ∞ ple states that given a measurement x all inference P(y b) P(b) 0 P(xµ,y0)= dbP(xµ,b) | (18) about µ should be based on the likelihood function | | P(y ) Z0 0 L(xµ). When nuisance parameters are included, TheforminEq.16,anaverageoverp-values,issimi- | things get considerably more complicated. lartotheformwritteninCousins&Highland’sarti- The profile likelihood function is an attempt to cle; and it is re-written in Eq. 17 to the form that is eliminate the nuisance parameters from the likeli- morefamiliartothosefromLEPHiggssearches.16,17 hood function by replacing them with their condi- Actually, the dependence on y and the Bayesian 0 tional maximum likelihood estimates (denoted, for prior P(b) shown explicitly in Eq. 18 is often not example,ˆˆb ). The profile likelihood for L in Eq. 14 appreciated by those that use this method. P The specific methods that Linnemann considers is given by L(x,y µ0,ˆˆb(µ0)), with | correspond to different choices of Bayesian priors. ˆˆb(µ ) = x+y−(1+τ)µ0 (21) The mostcommoninHEPisto ignorethe priorand 0 2(1+τ) use a truncated Gaussian for the posterior P(by ), | 0 (x+y (1+τ)µ0)2+4(1+τ)yµ0 which Linnemann calls Z . For the case in which + − . N 2(1+τ) the likelihood L(y b) is known to be Poisson, Linne- p | The relevant likelihood ratio is then man prefers to use a flat prior, which gives rise to a Gamma-distributed posterior and Linnemann’s sec- L(x,y µ ,ˆˆb(µ )) 0 0 λ (µx,y)= | , (22) ond preferred method ZΓ, which is identical to the P | L(x,y µˆ,ˆb) ratio of Poisson means Z and can be written in | Bi terms of (in)complete beta functions as19 where µˆ andˆb are the unconditional maximum like- lihood estimates. Z =Z =B(1/(1+τ),x,y+1)/B(x,y+1). (19) Γ Bi Oneofthestandardresultsfromstatisticsisthat The method Linnemann calls Z5′ can be seen as an the distribution of 2lnλ converges to the χ2 dis- − approximation of Z for large signals and is what tribution with k degrees of freedom, where k is the N 9 30 son means32 and Cousins’ improvement33 are actu- log ally special cases of the Neyman construction with -2 l25 nuisanceparameters(withandwithoutconditioning, respectively). Of course,the Neyman constructiondoes gener- 20 X=185, Y=100, t=1 alize to the more complicatedcases discussedabove. Twoparticulartypesofconstructionshavebeenpre- 15 sented, both of which are related to the profile like- lihood ratio discussed in Kendall’s chapter on likeli- 10 hoodratiotests &testefficiency.34 Thisrelationship often leads to confusion with the profile likelihood 5 intervals discussed in Sec. 4.2. The first method is a full Neyman construction 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 over both the parameters of interest and the nui- m sance parameters, using the profile likelihood ratio asanorderingrule. Usingthis method,the nuisance Figure6. Theprofilelikelihoodratio−2lnλversusthesignal strengthµfory=100,τ =1,andx=xcrit(y)=185. parameter is “projected out”, leaving only an inter- val in the parameters of interest. I presented this method atPhyStat2003in the contextofhypothesis number of parameters of interest. In our example testing,f and similar work was presented by Punzi k = 1, so a 5σ confidence interval is defined by the at this conference.22,35 This method provides cover- set of µ with 2lnλ(µx,y) < 25. Figure 6 shows agebyconstruction,independentoftheorderingrule − | the graph of 2lnλ(µx,y) for y = 100 at the criti- used. − | cal value of x for a 5σ discovery. The motivation for using the profile likelihood At PhyStat2003, Nancy Reid presented var- ratioasateststatisticistwofold. First,itisinspired ious adjustments and improvements to the pro- by the Neyman-Pearson lemma in the same way as file likelihood which speed asymptotic convergence the Feldman-Cousins ordering rule. Secondly, it is properties.30 Cousins considers these methods in independent of the nuisance parameters; providing more detail from a physicist perspective.20 some hope of obtaining similar tests.g Both Punzi Only recently was it generally appreciated that andmyself found a needto performsome “clipping” themethodofMinuit31commonlyusedinHEPcor- to the acceptance regions to protect from irrelevant respondsto the profile likelihoodintervals. The cov- values of the nuisance parameters spoiling the pro- erage of these methods is not guaranteed, but has jection. For this technique to be broadly applica- been studied in simple cases.23,24 These likelihood- ble, somegeneralizationofthis clipping procedureis based techniques are quite promising for searches at needed and the scalability with the number of pa- the LHC, but their coverage properties must be as- rameters must be addressed.h sessed in the more complicated context of the LHC The second method, presented by Feldman at with weighted events and several channels. In par- the Fermilab conference in 2000, involves a Ney- ticular,the distributionofq inEq.10isoftenhighly manconstructionovertheparametersofinterest,but non-Gaussian. the nuisance parameters are fixed to the conditional maximum likelihood estimate: a method I will call the profile construction. The profile construction is 4.3 The Neyman Construction with Systematics an approximation of the full construction, that does Linnemann’s preferred method, Z , is related to Bi fInsimplehypothesistestingµisnotacontinuousparameter, the familiar result on the ratio of Poisson means.32 butonlytakes onthevalues µ0=0orµ1=s. Unfortunately, the form of Z is tightly coupled gSimilartests arethoseinwhichthecriticalregionsofsizeα Bi to the form of Eq. 14, and can not be directly ap- areindependent ofthenuisance parameters. Similartests do notexistingeneral. pliedtothemorecomplicatedcasesdescribedabove. hA Monte Carlo sampling of the nuisance parameter space However, the standard result on the ratio of Pois- couldbeusedtocurbthecurseofdimensionality.22 10 not necessarily cover. To the extent that the use of contours for b =100, critical regions for t = 1 true theprofilelikelihoodratioasateststatisticprovides y130 similartests,theprofileconstructionhasgoodcover- 120 No Systematics age properties. The main motivation for the profile Z5¢ constructionisthatitscaleswellwiththenumberof 110 ZN l profile G nuisance parameters and that the “clipping” is built 100 l profile P in(onlyone valueofthe nuisanceparametersis con- ad hoc 90 correct coverage sidered). It appears that the chooz experiment actually 80 performedboththefullconstruction(called“FCcor- 70 rect syst.”) and the profile construction (called “FC 60 profile”) in order to compare with the strong confi- dence technique.36 50 Another perceived problem with the full con- 40 struction is that bad over-coverage can result from 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 x the projection onto the parameters of interest. It should be made very clear that the coverage proba- Figure7. Acomparisonofthevariousmethodscriticalbound- bilityisafunctionofboththeparametersofinterest ary xcrit(y) (see text). The concentric ovals represent con- and the nuisance parameters. If the data are con- toursofLG fromEq.15. sistent with the null hypothesis for any value of the nuisance parameters, then one should probably not reject it. This argument is stronger for nuisance pa- The result of the full Neyman construction and rameters directly related to the backgroundhypoth- the profile construction are not presented. The full esis,andlessstrongforthosethataccountforinstru- Neyman construction covers by construction, and mentation effects. In fact, there is a family of meth- it was previously demonstrated for a similar case ods that lie between the full construction and the (b = 100, τ = 4) that the profile construction gives profileconstruction. Perhapsweshouldpursueahy- similarresults.22Furthermore,iftheλ wereusedas P bridapproachinwhichtheconstructionisformedfor an ordering rule in the full construction, the critical those parameters directly linked to the background region for b = 100 would be identical to the curve hypothesis, the additional nuisance parameters take labeled “λ profile” (since λ actually covers). P P on their profile values, and the final interval is pro- It should be noted that if one knows the likeli- jected onto the parameters of interest. hood is given by L (x,y µ,b), then one should use G | thecorrespondingprofilelikelihoodratio,λ (x,y µ), G | 5 Results with the Canonical Example for the hypothesis test. However, knowledge of the correct likelihood is not always available (Sinervo’s Consider the case b = 100, τ = 1 (i.e. 10% sys- Class II systematic), so it is informative to check true tematic uncertainty). For each of the methods we the coverage of tests based on both λ (x,y µ) and G | find the critical boundary, x (y), which is neces- λ (x,y µ) by generating Monte Carlo according to crit P | sary to reject the null hypothesis µ =0 at 5σ when L (x,y µ,b)andL (x,y µ,b). Inasimilarway,this 0 G P | | yismeasuredintheauxiliarymeasurement. Figure7 decoupling of true likelihood and the assumed likeli- showsthecontoursofL ,fromEq.15,andthecriti- hood (used to find the critical region) can break the G calboundaryfor severalmethods. The far left curve “guaranteed” coverageof the Neyman construction. showsthe simple s/√b curveneglecting systematics. ItisquitesignificantthattheZ methodunder- N The far right curve shows a critical region with the covers,sinceitissocommonlyusedinHEP.Thede- correct coverage. With the exception of the profile gree to which the method under-covers depends on likelihood, λ , all of the other methods lie between thetruncationoftheGaussianposteriorP(by). Lin- P | these two curves (ie. all of them under-cover). The nemann’stablealsoshowssignificantunder-coverage rateofTypeI errorforthesemethods wasevaluated (overestimate ofthe significanceZ). Inorderto ob- for L and L and presented in Table 2. tain a critical region with the correct coverage, the G P