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Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations NATO ASI Series Advanced Science Institutes Series A series presenting the results of activities sponsored by the NA TO Science Committee, which aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific and technological knowledge, with a view to strengthening links between scientific communities. The series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with the NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation B Physics New York and London C Mathematical and Physical Sciences Kluwer Academic Publishers o Behavioral and Social Sciences Dordrecht, Boston, and London E Applied Sciences F Computer and Systems Sciences Springer-Verlag G Ecological Sciences Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, H Cell Biology PariS, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Barcelona I Global Environmental Change Recent Volumes in this Series Volume 317 -Solid State Lasers: New Developments and Applications edited by Massimo Inguscio and Richard Wallenstein Volume 318 -Relativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids edited by G. L. Malli Volume 319 -Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations edited by Patrice E. A. Turchi and Antonios Gonis Volume 320 -Singular Limits of Dispersive Waves edited by N. M. Ercolani, I. R. Gabitov, C. D. Levermore, and D. Serre Volume 321 -TopiCS in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions edited by B. Remaud, A. Calboreanu, and V. Zoran Volume 322 -Techniques and Concepts of High Energy Physics VII edited by Thomas Ferbel Volume 323 -Soft Order in Physical Systems edited by Y. Rabin and R. Bruinsma Volume 324 -On Three Levels: Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-Approaches in Physics edited by Mark Fannes, Christian Maes, and Andre Verbeure Series B: Physics Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations Edited by Patrice E. A. Turchi Antonios Gonis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, California Plenum Press New York and London Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations, held June 21-July 3, 1992, in Rhodes, Greece NATO-PCO-DATA BASE The electronic index to the NATO ASI Series provides full bibliographical references (with keywords and/or abstracts) to more than 30,000 contributions from international scientists published in all sections of the NATO ASI Series. Access to the NATO-PCO-DATA BASE is possible in two ways: -via online FILE 128 (NATO-PCO-DATA BASE) hosted by ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei, 1-00044 Frascati, Italy -via CO-ROM "NATO Science and Technology Disk" with user-friendly retrieval software in English, French, and German (©WTV GmbH and DATAWARE Technologies, Inc. 1989). The CO-ROM also contains the AGARD Aerospace Database. The CO-ROM can be ordered through any member of the Board of Publishers or through NATO-PCO, Overijse, Belgium. Llbrarv of Congress Cataloglng-In-Publlcatlon Data StatIcs and dynamIcs of alloy phase transformatIons I edIted by PatrIce E. A. TurchI and Antonlos Gonls. p. cm. -- (NATO ASI serIes. SerIes B, PhysICS: v. 319) -PublIshed In cooperatIon wIth NATO ScIentIfIc AffaIrs DIvIsIon." "ProceedIngs of a NATO Advanced Study InstItute on StatIcs and DynamIcs of Alloy Phase TransformatIons. held June 21-July 3. 1992. In Rhodes, Greece"--T.p. verso. Includes bIblIographIcal references and Index. ISBN 0-306-44626-X 1. PhysIcal metallurgy--Congresses. 2. Phase transformatIons (StatIstIcal physlcs)--Congresses. 3. Alloys--Metallography -Congresses. I. TurChI. PatrIce E. A. II. Gonls. Antonlos. 1945- . III. North AtlantIc Treaty OrganIzatIon. ScIentIfIc AffaIrs DIvIsIon. IV. NATO Advanced Study InstItute on StatIcs and DynamIcs of Alloy Phase TransformatIons (1992 : Rhodes, Greece) V. SerIes. TN690.S77 1993 669' .9--dc20 93-50140 CIP ISBN 0-306-44626-X ©1994 Plenum Press, New York A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher PREFACE The study of phase transformations in substitutional alloys, including order disorder phenomena and structural transformations, plays a crucial role in understanding the physical and mechanical properties of materials, and in designing alloys with desired technologically important characteristics. Indeed, most of the physical properties, including equilibrium properties, transport, magnetic, vibrational as well as mechanical properties of alloys are often controlled by and are highly sensitive to the existence of ordered compounds and to the occurrence of structural transformations. Correspondingly, the alloy designer facing the task of processing new high-performance materials with properties that meet specific industrial applications must answer the following question: What is the crystalline structure and the atomic configuration that an alloy may exhibit at given temperature and concentration? Usually the answer is sought in the phase-diagram of a relevant system that is often determined experimentally and does not provide insight to the underlying mechanisms driving phase stability. Because of the rather tedious and highly risky nature of developing new materials through conventional metallurgical techniques, a great deal of effort has been expended in devising methods for understanding the mechanisms contrOlling phase transformations at the microscopic level. These efforts have been bolstered through the development of fully ab initio, accurate theoretical models, coupled with the advent of new experimental methods and of powerful supercomputer capabilities. Although the new theoretical and computational advances still cannot be applied to very complicated commercial alloys, they have succeeded in producing phase diagrams for many simpler, binary alloys that are in fairly good agreement with experimental ones. Most importantly, these methods do allow a microscopic understanding of the interactions that drive phase transformations and thus can be used advantageously in alloy design. These new developments can be classified into five distinct but often interrelated categories. First, one must consider experimental techniques for the characterization of alloy phase stability and related properties. On this front, techniques based on synchrotron radiation are either finding new applications or sharpening existing ones. These methods provide crucial information and often much needed insight into alloy phase stability and to phase transformations. Second, the phenomenological thermodynamic approach, in particular that of the CALPHAD school, has now progressed to the stage where phase diagrams of complex, multicomponent systems are produced. This approach offers guidance to experimental planning and has helped successfully with the interpretation of data. Third, semi-phenomenological detemlinations of phase diagrams based on a proper statistical description and the use of adjustable parameters are now providing a deeper insight into the physics involved in phase transformations. Recently, versatile electronic structure calculations relying on parameters which can be determined from ab initio studies have been successfully incorporated into standard statistical mechanical treatments to produce accurate phase diagrams. Fourth, refinements brought into already existing first principles theories, along with the progress in computer capabilities, have allowed a proper description of the ground-state properties of substitutional alloys. This last development establishes a formal link between quantum mechanics and statistical thermodynamics which in a number of cases allows the determination of phase stability properties solely on the knowledge of the atomic numbers of the alloy constituents and the crystalline structure on which the alloy is based. The fundamental understanding as well as the predictive power gained through this link make the connection between theory and experiment a reality. Finally, and parallel to these efforts, the theoretical understanding of structural phase transfOlmations has improved, with the advent of elaborate molecular dynamics simulations and the selection of appropriate interparticle potentials. Similarly, advances have also been made in understanding the kinetics of phase transformations. This is a crucial development because kinetics may often play the decisive role in determining whether or not a given transformation, even if favored energetiCally, will take place. In 1982, a NATO-ASI on "The Electronic Structure of Complex Systems" presented with some details the quantum mechanical aspects of the ground state properties of alloys. The foundation of an alloy theory was strengthened by another Institute, in 1987, on "Alloy Phase Stability", where the quantum mechanical and statistical aspects of alloy phase formation were thoroughly presented, and some of the main issues of phase stability were addressed. As is indicated above, much effort has been devoted since the last AS! both at a formal and computational levels. This effort has demonstrated the increasingly successful predictive capabilities of ab initio calculations, has provided theoretical understanding of kinetics and of structural transformations, and has produced a coherent picture of alloy theory and its connection to experiment. The present proceedings from the ASI on "Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations", held in Rhodes, Greece, from June 21 to July 3, 1992, focuses primarily on these recent experimental, theoretical and computational developments in the study of alloy phase transformations. At the same time, it also provides a direct connection with the material covered in the last two NATO ASl's mentioned above. Specifically, the following topics are addressed: On the experimental front, the impact of x-ray and neutron diffuse scattering techniques in studying ordering phenomena and atomic displacement fields in alloys. The new developments in the determination of alloy phase stability by the so-called CALPHAD approach. Finally, the rich field of experimental deSign and processing of stable as well as metastable allOYS, including the new class of quasi-crystalline materials. 2 On the quantum mechanical front, the first-principles theories of structural transformation, and of the order-disorder transformation in semi-conductor, sp-bonded, and transition metal alloys. 3 Monte-Carlo simulations as well as analytical studies of kinetics of solid solid transformations, and molecular-dynamics simulations of phase transformations in solids. These topics complement the corresponding discussions given in the quantum mechanical component of the conference. Every attempt was made to assure continuity of presentations between theory and experiment, with ample opportunity for questions and subsequent discussions. In addition, we hope to consolidate a serious dialog between groups of experimental scientists and metallurgists on one hand and theoretical physicist on the other that will hopefully continue long into the future. As it is stated above, we aimed at a three part coverage of "Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations": Experiment" and Phenomenology, Electronic Structure Studies, and finally Statics, Kinetics and Dynamics of Alloy Transformations. In order to keep the coverage coherent, we concentrated primarily on metallic systems, although two lectures on semiconductor and sp-bonded alloys are included. For the same reason, we stayed away from extensive discllssions of very specific topics, e.g., metastable phases, irradiation induced phase formation, but such topics are included as parts of presentations or in contributed papers. vi In order to ensure the smooth running and the overall success of the school, we solicited the aid of four scientists with strong international reputations to act in the role of an organizing committee. These scientists are: Dr. Francrois Ducastelle (Fr), Prof. Balazs L. Gyorffy (UK), Prof. Gerhard Inden (Ger) and Thaddeus B. Massalski (USA). They, as well as the lecturers, accepted their respective tasks enthusiastically. Scientists of eminent standing in their respective fields served as lecturers. Each lecturer addressed questions from the audience at the end of his/her presentation. The audience represented eleven member countries of NATO, and ten non-member countries. A list of invited lecturers and of participants is provided in the last pages of this volume As directors of this ASI and as editors of the proceedings, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those whose efforts contributed to the success of this endeavor. We greatly appreciate the work of the invited speakers to produce lecture materials that were of tutorial character, and of being present during the ASI to answer questions and hold discussions with the participants to the AS!. We also thank the participants for their attention and attendance. Of equal importance to the success of the ASI was the competent handling of the conference onsite by Mania Bessieri and her staff of the Congress Center "Organization Idea" in Athens. They arranged every detail, from meeting arriving participants at the airport, duplicating and distributing materials during the conference, programming social events for accompanying guests, and assuring a smooth departure of the participants at the conclusion of the AS!. In addition to the main sponsorship provided by the NATO Scientific Affairs Division, the directors wish to express their gratitude for the co-sponsorship of the meeting by the US Department of Energy through the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of the Lawrence Livermore NaLional Laboratory, and the US National Science Foundation through the Center for Computational Sciences of the University of Kentucky. These institutions provided financial, and in the case of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, technical support that were essential to the success of this AS!. Finally, the staff at Plenum did an excellent work in bringing forth this proceedings. P. E. A. Turchi A. Gonis April 1993 vii CONTENTS Opening Remarks ......................................................................................... ,1 B. L. GyOrffy EXPERIMENT AND PHENOMENOLOGY Invited Papers Experimental Determination Of Phase Diagrams ..................................................... 17 G.lnden Phenomenological Calculations Of Phase-Equilibria: The Calphad Approach .................. .45 A. P. Miodownik Phase Stability Of AI3X Alloys (X=Ti, Zr, Hf) ...................................................... 81 R. B. Schwarz, P. B. Desch, and S. Srinivasan Diffuse Scattering Determination Of Short Range Order In Alloys ............................... 10 3 W. Schweika Introduction To The Physics Of Quasicrystals ...................................................... 127 ~ and D. Gratias Contributed Papers Thermodynamically Improbable Phase Diagram Features ......................................... 155 H. Okamoto and T. B. Massalski Formation Of Electron Phases In Binary s,p-Bonded Metal Alloys Under High Pressure .................................................................................... 163 V. F. Degtyareva and E. G. Ponyatovskii In-Situ Diffuse Scattering Of Neutrons In Alloys And Application To Phase Diagram Determination .............................................................. 171 R. Caudron, M. Sarfati, M. Barrachin, A. Finel, and F. Ducastelle Short-Range Order And Pair Interactions In Binary Nickel Alloys .............................. 175 B. SChOnfeld Verification Of Interatomic Interaction Energies By Means Of Monte-Carlo Simulation Of Short-Range Order And Internal Friction Spectra .......................... 179 M. S. Blanter Oral presentations were given by the authors whose names are underlined. ix Separation Of Chemical And Topological Disorder In ASAXS Experiments ................... 185 H.-G. Haubold Long-Range Ordering And Disordering In Cu-Pt. ................................................. 191 C. Scholz, B. Urban-Erbil, and W. Pfeiler Orientational Phase Transitions In Alloys ........................................................... 195 M.-L. Saboun&i, G. K. Johnson, and D. L. Price X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Investigations Of Atomic Reordering At ZnTe/CdSe Interfaces ........................................................................... 203 K. M. Kemner, B. A. Bunker, H. Luo, N. Samarth, J. K. Furdyna, M. R. Weidmann, and K. E. Newman L12-D022 Competition In The Quasi-Binary (Pt,RhhV And (Pd,Rh)}V Alloys ............... 207 E. Cabet and A. Loiseau A TEM Survey On ()'/~' Composite Precipitates In An AI-2.5%Li-0.15%Zr Alloy ............ 211 A. Sakir Bor The Effect Of Volume Fraction On y' (Ni3Si) Precipitate Coarsening In Ni-Si Alloys ................................................................................... 215 M. Meshkinpour, A. Maheshwari, and A. J. Ardell Ion Damage Of Quasicrystalline Thin Films Of AI83Mn.17 ....................................... 219 J. L. Robertson, X. Jiang, S. C. Moss, S. Hashimoto, K. G. Kreider, D. C. Jacobson, and 1. M. Poate ELECTRONIC APPROACH TO STABILITY AND TRANSFORMATIONS Invited Papers The Energetics Of Ordered Intermetallic Alloys (Of The Transition Metals) .................... 227 R. E. Watson, M. Weinert, J. W. Davenport, G. W. Fernando, and L. H. Bennett Quantum Theory Of Structure: Crystals And Quasicrystals, Melts And Glasses ............................................................................... 269 J. Hafner First Principles Theory Of Disordered Alloys And Alloy Phase Stability ....................... 305 G. M. Stocks, D. M. Nicholson, W. A. Shelton, B. L. Gyorffy, F.1. Pinski, D. D. Johnson, J. B. Staunton, B. Ginatempo, P. E. A. Turchi, and M. Sluiter First-Principles Statistical Mechanics Of Semiconductor Alloys And Intermetallic Compounds ................................................................. 361 A. Zunger Displacive Phase Transformations And Phonons .................................................. 421 B. N. Harmon Contributed Papers On Significance Of The Local Lattice Distortions, Bandstructure Variations And Charge Transfer Effects For Configurational Interactions In Substitutional Alloys ........................................................................... 435 S. V. Beiden, G. D. Samolyuk, V. G. Vaks and N. E. Zein x Calculations Of Elastic Moduli From First Principles ............................................ .439 D. A. PapaconstantQPoulos and D. J. Singh First Principles Studies Of Electronic Structure And Mechanical Properties Of Metallic Alloys .................................................................. .443 K. Masuda-Jindo, K. Kokko, and K. Terakura Electronic Structure Of Planar Defects In Ordered And Disordered High Temperature Intermetallics .............................................................. .447 J. M. MacLaren and C. Woodward Bonding Mechanisms And Interatomic Forces In Ni-Al Liquid Alloys ......................... .453 A. Pasturel Full-Potential CPA Theory Using Rectangular Matrices ......................................... .457 R. K. Nesbet Fully Relativistic Multi-Site Interactions ............................................................ .461 P. Weinberf:er, L. Udvardi, R. Schnee weiss, and B. 1. Bennett STATICS OF ALLOY TRANSFORMATIONS Invited Papers Monte Carlo Simulations Of Alloy Phase Transformations ...................................... .467 K. Binder The Cluster Variation Method And Some Applications ........................................... .495 A. Finel Contributed Papers A Combined Monte Carlo and Cluster Variation Approach For Calculating Gibbs Energies And Chemical Potentials ....................................... 541 C. Bichara and G. Inden The Direct Monte Carlo Method For Calculating Alloy Phases ................................... 545 J. S. Faulkner, E. A. Horvath, Y. Wang, and G. M. Stocks Ground States And Ordering In Semiconducting (Chalcopyrite)- (Zinc Blende) Alloys ............................................................................ 553 K. E. Newman, T. Kim, and X. Xiang LMTO/CVM Calculations Of Bcc-Based Phase Ordering In The System Fe-Be ............................................................................ 557 B. P. Burton and A. Pasture1 Ordering And Displacive Transformations In Ni-AI Alloys ....................................... 561 M. Sluiter and P. E. A. Turchi The Gibbs Energy Of Transition Metal Compounds. .............................................. 567 G. Grimvall, 1. Hligland, and A. F. Guillermet AB Initio Computation Of The Fcc Pd-V Phase Diagram ......................................... 571 G. Ceder, P. D. Tepesch, C. Wolverton, and D. de Fontaine xi

The study of phase transformations in substitutional alloys, including order­ disorder phenomena and structural transformations, plays a crucial role in understanding the physical and mechanical properties of materials, and in designing alloys with desired technologically important characteristics.
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