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spss-survival-manual-a-step-by-step-guide-to-data-analysis-using-spss-for-windows-3rd PDF

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SURVIVAL MANUAL JULIE PALLANT SPSS Survival Manual A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis using SPSS for Windows third edition Julis Pallant a arom EH open univarsty Pross, oe Sa 81620 - ern engpltiesitoponne co. ale word wide webs wow upenup coal and Gn Pena Plaza, Nevr York, NY 19121-2289, USA ose publibed 2007 Cer igae fale Palen ‘Allighes sesoved, Except fue che actin uf suet pansage or the potpoge af scam al reves ver ae ofthis psblicaron "ay he Deortsced, stored “aa voeesal pseu, or tsnarciteed, i any form, 5 eecerns, etechnicaly sas ose up, ery Daherwises withot che ysige ponoission af sho p:bhshes ex a licence From tee Copsright Lcencizg Agen Lite. Druck mich emscos oe earegraphir eealuctoy, nay be abraieé rom she Copyright Tiorawing Ageney £n8 oF 90 Tofresbam Coast Rou, Lacon, WIT ALE, Aco rsh Vrary ss epged 0 tha sok 3 avaliable rom th ISBN.10: 6 $35 29366 4 i TSENG 15: 75 0-515 22366 4 ip) Sliare of Conguane Galeopiagy nbublsation: Date Gap dats appli fae typeser by Midlane Typesetes, Australi Painted sn Ausirolia by Ligaee Beak Prints, ydeey 8 06. eR Coesgen Contents Peelace Date files aud website Irena sesso Suuctas 2f eis Beaks Ue this backs Research ns 2 Aion ac ume Pre One Getting started Designing a stady Plaurang the stays Chooesng appropriate 26 Pragesang-a quentinnaive 2 Treparing a codebook Vara smioss Caing niorses Caxing open ended sestons 3 Gottng to now SUS Starting SPSS; Opening em ex'ting data Ses Waking with das fee SPSS wanewss Menus; Diaiogue bases Casieg SPSE, Seung, ely are Ho. 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THe at fof tie orginal SPSS Showa fava ‘published in 2009) waa 2a prov siewpl, sep-by-sep guide vo tte proosse of dara atalsis woing SPSS, Urike ‘cher cticvcal tes, t di a: foeus on the sathoraateal urdersinnings of dle esbuigues, i ner oe de apptecrate abe oF SPSB a6 a tool, Since the publication othe firs to adiinnso® the SPSS Sap Mantel, haserceniced cam bausleeds ot mas fran students wna bave been geteal Sort Spa, feand Jor fel "he wring apie appocuch bes bom incurpureted in ce chica edicon, ‘ohish feed = APSS Wesson LS, Thave risks nges oun sleet, iste sons and resicwers to add s00 auany esata capca, bat instead Lave uprated aul expanded ue existing materi, AM chapter bare been updated to etc SPSS Centon 1S Talthongh cyest of the mantal is ase auitbie for users of SPSS Vervious 32 aud J}, In rapaese to Sedu fou ozs of tae ssficiona, hare added some adairio.al SPSS frre, sing sets, andthe nse ef syaten, Adon einai ‘avs vn flea sve sats al posto: es, The chapter ext uo parsene ‘exiles ae bon expanded to rece te qeuwig use of ase echigs in nove oisinlixe avn, urkeabaly bak, sede sd paycholays, Adio manta w some athercasprcrs fg, Bector Analysis have hesa zai ta eure that tee ecusamended procedores are up to date with developments :n che bls and rcadrentats Loe publialion iu xasacel sour ‘aus buok ip act uuended sv cover all pouoe stattcal procedurce avail alle in P58, toate Tatars ramarchens night have bus elise. 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