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Splines and compartment models : an introduction PDF

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SPLINES AND COMPARTMENT MODELS An Introduction 8855_9789814522229_tp.indd 1 3/6/13 3:26 PM May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk SPLINES AND COMPARTMENT MODELS An Introduction Karl-Ernst Biebler Michael Wodny Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI 8855_9789814522229_tp.indd 2 3/6/13 3:26 PM Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. SPLINES AND COMPARTMENT MODELS An Introduction Copyright © 2013 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher. For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy is not required from the publisher. ISBN 978-981-4522-22-9 In-house Editor: Angeline Fong Printed in Singapore May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 Preface Theapplicationofmathematicsinlifesciencesfirstrequirestheformulation of adequate models of biological processes that allow the quantitative eval- uation of life processes by means of observations and experiments. With regardtothis, theknowledgewithreferencetotheobservedbiologicalpro- cesses, the preconditions and characteristics of the applied mathematical models as well as the conditions surrounding data collection, need to be taken into account. In this entire context it is effective to develop spe- cific quantitative methods for the evaluation of data and to characterize attributes mathematically, thereby justifying conclusions and interpreting results comprehensively. This synopsis of problems is a characteristic of biometric work, which due to its formulation is interdisciplinary. Typical questions continue to be brought to light, for example: • Can the conditions required by the mathematical method be seen as fulfilled in the observed examples? • Doesasolutionexistforthemathematicalproblemassociatedwith the general problem definition? • Is there exactly one such solution? • Can it be proven that this solution possess desirable characteris- tics? • Aretheevaluationmodelandpossibilitiesfordataacquisitioncon- sistent? • Do numerical problems arise when applying processes? Under such general points of views, two themes are discussed in this book: splinesandcompartmentmodels. Theirapplicationcanbeseenindifferent areas of the sciences and technology. Whydoesonedealwithsuchdifferentmathematicalconceptsinthisbook? v May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 vi Splines and Compartment Models - An Introduction It is common for them that they both can be used for the modeling of courses. Spline functions result from a general approach. Watched courses canbereproducedverywellunderreferencetocertainoptimizationcriteria. Splinesaredeterminedbyarelativelyhighnumberofparameters. However, these are often not well interpretable according to a specific question. Compartmentmodelsrepresentadescriptionofspecificprocessesbymeans of differential equations. Their parameters characterize the process. The number of model parameters is relatively small here. The data is generally not as precisely reproducible as by means of splines. The demand to judge the quality of the goodness of fit consequently arises. To do so, residence time distributions are taken to a connection with compartment models of pharmacokinetics. This way the model parameters can be calculated statistically from the measured drug concentration data. We propose the variedMinimum-χ2 estimation. Splinesareusedforit. Goodnessoffitcan now be checked with a statistical test. This procedure is new in the field of pharmacokinetics. Examples are given in the context of life sciences with the appropriate typicalterminology. Atthesametime,mathematicaltermsareneededthat cannot be explained in detail here. The reader would find it useful to be familiarwithbasicknowledgeofanalysis,algebra,statisticsandprobability calculus as well as the theory of ordinary differential equations. Detailed knowledge of these areas however is not assumed. In this book we took care to include the history of the presented ideas and include references with regard to this. The historical comparison is not to be seen as just a reference to the scientists of the past. It helps to enforce therelativizationoftheownwork,motivatesstudentsandfurtherallowthe readertoresearchthesourcesthemselves. Tobegin,narrowinginonsimple models seems to be advisable for the solid application of mathematical models in the life sciences. This simplifies the detailed clarification of their conditions of application, reduces the demand on the extent of observation and in many cases satisfies the purpose. The literature listed in the references confines itself to the titles quoted in the text. Numerous additional publications which were evaluated but did not explicitly contribute to results are not listed. This concerns stan- dardpharmacologyorpharmacokineticstextbooks,publicationsconcerning computerprograms,applicationsofpharmacokineticalmethods(inclusively aboutmethodsofcalculation)forthecharacterizationofcertainpharmaka, literatureaboutstochasticsandtheirapplications, contributionsaboutnu- meric methods, etc. May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 Preface vii Different spline functions are dealt with in Part I. The starting point is the task of describing an unknown functional dependency y = f(x). In the life sciences this is often the change of quantity over time. The typical situation with regard to the data is the observation of a finite number of y-values that are understood as the function values of the respective inde- pendent x-values. A number of m value pairs (x ,y ), i = 1,2,...,m, are i i therefore given. Sometimes subject specific examples allow for the defini- tion of a parametric function class from which f(x) stems. With this it is then possible, for example with the method of least squares, to calculate the function parameters from the data. It is often the case though that no special knowledge exists about f(x). This is where spline functions can be used. Thenaturalsplinefunctionspossessaspecialsmoothingcharacteris- tic. Itcanbasicallybeassumedthatthecourseoff(x)ismostlydescribed by the value pairs (x ,y ), i =1,2,...,m. Unobserved oscillations are not i i hidden between individual points. This along with the numerically stable calculability of splines lead to their wide use. To begin, general natural splinesareintroduced. Followingthis,cubicandquadraticsplinefunctions are described in more detail. In each case, the interpolation task is first formulated,andthentheirsolutionisdevelopedanddiscussed. Thismakes senseandisnecessarybecausetheconstructionofsmoothingsplinesisdone in two steps. In the first step the still unknown values s(x ) of the spline i function are calculated at x . In the second step, the uniquely determined i interpolating spline is constructed for these. A certain optimization prob- lem corresponds with every smoothing spline. This problem determines the main characteristics of the solution function. The individual problems are always first approached with regard to their unique solvability. If this unique solution is not given, then the problem is modified appropriately. In each case, a great emphasis is put on the numeric determination of the solution. The formal representation of each solution is given in detail. This makes the reconstruction of the problem possible with, for example, Mathematicafi, Maplefi or the SASfi Procedure IML. Splinefunctionsbuildalinearfunctionspace. Thismakestheconstruction of an average function that is representative of a certain group of objects or individuals possible. From the point of view of the user, this is often an advantage of the spline approach over other nonlinear models. The corresponding examples are related to the medical field. Suggestions to determine reference regions for clinical parameters are made. Part II encompasses compartment models. The application of these mod- els can be found in pharmacokinetics, physiology and in clinical medicine. May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 viii Splines and Compartment Models - An Introduction On hand of an individually observed course of concentration over time, so-called individual kinetics are to be described quantitatively. Mathemat- ically speaking, this deals mainly with systems of linear ordinary differen- tial equations with constant coefficients. Variations of this deterministic approach are shortly brought to light. For example, if a conceivable delay of effect is to be observed in the model, then differential equations with retarded argument come into question. Even for the simplest case it re- sultsthatthesolutionofsuchdifferentialequationsareoscillatingfunctions with negative values. Such models are therefore of no interest for the field ofpharmacokinetics. TheTwo-compartment-ivmodel,otherwiseknownas thehomogeneoussystemsoflinearordinarydifferentialequationswithcon- stant coefficients, is the subject of additional observations. The solution to systems of linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients iswellknown. Soistheexistenceanduniquenessofthissolution. Tostart, the 16 possible variants of these Two-compartment-iv models and their re- spective solutions to the differential system of equations are given. On one hand, data regarding individual kinetics are obtained and a function from a certain function class can be fit to it. The parameters of the function that are obtained are called system parameters. On the other hand there are also the model parameters of the Two-compartment-iv model that also define the solution function. With regard to the selection of a model it is explored which model allows its parameters to be calculated from the system parameters and which model can even be identified on hand of the system parameters. With regard to this it needs to be seen which com- partment can be observed. The calculation of the system parameters from availabledatacanbedoneindifferentwaysandwithdifferentresults. The amazing amount of practical methods and computer programs is shown in an overview of literature. Dothedataandmodelevenfittogether? Ideallytheselectionofmodelsand the calculation of parameters are handled together. A statistical process is developed for this: statistical parameter estimation and test of goodness of fit. A stochastic model is needed for this. The random variable is the residencetimeofapharmaconmoleculeinanorganism. Probabilitydensi- ties can be derived from solutions to differential equations. It is examined which of the Two-compartment-iv models correspond with residence time distributions For the given data, the classic Pearson test can determine the appropriateness of the model. Since the random variable can only be observedindirectly, theasymptoticallyequivalentvariedMinimum-χ2 esti- mationoccursinplaceofthemaximum-likelihoodestimationoftheparam- May23,2013 10:59 WorldScientificBook-9inx6in ws-book9x6 Preface ix eters. Thetheoryofestimationallowsforthespecificationofcharacteristics of the process for calculating parameters. Time restricted observation can be taken into account by model transition to truncated distributions. An application of the two compartment iv model that is of interest to clinical medicine is finally handled: the method by Dost for the quantitative de- scriptionofthemultipleapplicationofmedicationisdetailedandextended. In Part III the reader will find Mathematicafi programs for selected prob- lems. Theymaysupporttheapplicationofmethodsdevelopedinthisbook. These programs are written straightforward under use of the terminology of the employed formulas. Thebookturnstolifescientists,theoreticalmedicalpractitionersandmath- ematicians engaged in life sciences as well as students of these disciplines. We use this material in our lectures on biometry for students studying biomathematics, human biology and medicine. We would like to thank our colleagues of the Medical Faculty of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University in Greifswald for the helpful discussions around medical questions, students in our biometry courses for their in- terest in the topic, Paul Rosenthal, M.Sc.(Mathematics), Kathrin Wu¨nsch M.Sc.(Physics) and Carolin Malsch, B.Sc.(Biomathematics) for her tech- nical help with the manuscript and her suggestions for corrections as well as Frieda Kaiser, M.Sc. (Medical Informatics), Victoria, B.C., Canada, for her dedicated work in translating the manuscript into English. Greifswald, Germany Karl-Ernst Biebler 2013 Michael Wodny

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