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Spin-spin correlation functions of the q-VBS state of an integer spin model Chikashi Arita and Kohei Motegi ∗ † Abstract 2 1 We consider the valence-bond-solid ground state of the q-deformed higher-spin 0 AKLT model (q-VBS state) with q real. We investigate the eigenvalues and eigen- 2 vectors of a matrix (G matrix), which is constructed from the matrix product rep- n resentation of the q-VBS state. We compute the longitudinal and transverse spin- a spin correlation functions, and determine the correlation amplitudes and correlation J lengths. 2 ] h 1 Introduction p - h In one-dimensional quantum systems, a completely different behavior for the integer spin t chains from the half-integer spin chains was predicted by Haldane [1, 2]. The antiferro- a m magnetic isotropic spin-1 model introduced by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb and Tasaki (AKLT [ model) [3], whose ground state can be exactly calculated, has been a useful toy model to validate Haldane’s prediction of the massive behavior for integer spin chains. Moreover, it 3 v lead to a deeper understanding for integer spin chains such as the discovery of the special 8 typeoflong-range order[4,5]. TheAKLTmodelhasbeengeneralized tohigher-spinmod- 1 els, anisotropic models, etc [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. The Hamiltonians are 0 4 essentially linear combinations of projection operators with nonnegative coefficients, and . 9 their ground states are called valence-bond-solid (VBS) state. Recently, the VBS state 0 was investigated in perspective of its relation to quantum information and experimental 0 implementation by means of optical lattices, see Refs. [18, 19] for example. 1 : There are largely three types of representations for the ground state which are equiv- v i alent to each other: the Schwinger boson representation, the spin coherent representation X and the matrix product representation. For isotropic higher-spin models, the spin-spin r a correlation functions [20] and the entanglement entropy [21, 22] have been calculated by utilizing the spin coherent representation and the properties of Legendre polynomials. For the q-deformed spin-1 model, spin-spin correlation functions were evaluated [7, 8, 9] from the matrix product representation. In this paper, we consider the ground state of a q-deformed higher-integer-spin model which was constructed recently in Ref. [24] (q-VBS state). From its matrix productrepre- sentation, we analyze one and two point functions of the q-VBS ground state. We notice ∗Faculty of Mathematics, KyushuUniversity †OkayamaInstitutefor Quantum Physics 1 thatamatrix, whichisconstructedfromthematrixproductrepresentation, playsafunda- mental role in computing correlation functions, especially spin-spin two point correlation functions. Investigating thestructureofthematrix indetail, weobtain its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Utilizingtheresults,wedeterminethecorrelationamplitudesandcorrelation lengths of the longitudinal and transverse spin-spin correlation functions. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly review the quantum group U (su(2)), and investigate the finite dimensional highest weight representation in q terms of Schwinger bosons. In Section 3, we precisely definethe higher-spingeneralization of theq-deformed AKLTmodelon an L-sitechain, andrigorously deriveits q-VBS ground state in a matrix product form. The squared norm of the state will be written in terms of the trace of the L-th power of a matrix G, which plays an important role in this paper. In section4,weobtaintheeigenvalues andeigenvectors ofG. Utilizingthem,wecomputeone and two point functions in Section 5. Especially, we determine the correlation amplitudes and correlation lengths of the longitudinal and transverse spin-spin correlation functions. Section 6 is devoted to the conclusion of this paper. 2 The quantum group U (su(2)) q We introduce several notations, fixing a real number q throughout this paper. Let us define the q-integer, q-factorial and q-binomial coefficient for N ∈ Z as 0 ≥ N qN −q N [I] N ∈ N, − [N] = , [N]! = q−q 1 I=1 − Y 1 N = 0, (2.1) [N]!  N  K = 0,...,N, = [K]![N −K]! K  (cid:20) (cid:21) 0 otherwise, respectively.  The quantum group U (su(2)) [25, 26] is defined by generators X+,X and H with q − relations qH −q H X+,X = − , H,X = ±2X . (2.2) − ± ± q−q 1 − (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) The comultiplication is given by ∆ X = X ⊗qH/2+q H/2⊗X , ∆(H) = H ⊗Id+Id⊗H. (2.3) ± ± − ± U (su(2)) (cid:0)has t(cid:1)he Schwinger boson representation, where the generators are realized q as X+ = a b, X = b a, H = N −N , (2.4) † − † a b with q-bosons a and b satisfying aa†−qa†a = q−Na, bb†−qb†b = q−Nb, (2.5) [N ,a] = −a, [N ,a ] = a , [N ,b] = −b, [N ,b ]= b . (2.6) a a † † b b † † 2 Wedenotethespacewhere(2j+1)-dimensionalhighestweightrepresentation ofU (su(2)) q is realized by V . The basis of V is given by j j (a )j+m(b )j m † † − |j;mi = |vaci, (m = −j,...,j). (2.7) [j +m]![j −m]! The Weyl representationpwhich we describe below, is an equivalent representation to theSchwingerbosonrepresentation, andisefficientforpracticalcalculation. Letusdenote the q-bosons a and b acting on the α-th site as a and b . The Weyl representation is to α α represent a†α, b†α, aα and bα on the space of polynomials C[xα,yα] as 1 Dqxα −Dqx−α1 1 Dqyα −Dqy−α1 a = x , b = y , a = , b = , (2.8) †α α †α α α x q−q 1 α y q−q 1 α − α − where Dxαf(x ,y ) = f(px ,y ), Dyαf(x ,y ) = f(x ,py ). (2.9) p α α α α p α α α α The generators of U (su(2)) are now represented as q X+ = xαDqyα −Dqy−α1, X = yα Dqxα −Dqx−α1, qHα = DxαDyα . (2.10) α y q−q 1 α− x q−q 1 q q−1 α − α − The tensor product of two irreducible representations has the Clebsch-Gordan decom- position 2S V ⊗V = V , (2.11) S S J J=0 M 2S S S J |S;m i⊗|S;m i = |J;m +m i, (2.12) 1 2 m m m +m 1 2 1 2 1 2 J=0(cid:20) (cid:21) X where S S J 1 2 = δ (−1)S1 m1qm1(m1+m2+1)+ S2(S2+1) S1(S1+1) J(J+1) /2 m m m m1+m2,m − { − − } 1 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) [J +m]![J −m]![S −m ]![S −m ]![S +S −J]![2J +1] 1 1 2 2 1 2 × (2.13) s[S1+m1]![S2+m2]![S1−S2+J]![S2−S1+J]![S1+S2+J +1]! Min(J−m,S1−m1,S2+J−m1) (−qm+J+1)z[S +m +z]![S +J −m −z]! 1 1 2 1 × , [z]![J −m−z]![S −m −z]![S −J +m +z]! 1 1 2 1 z=Max(0,−S1X−m1,J−S2−m1) is the q-analog of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient [23]. (The factor qm1m2/2 is missing in Ref. [23].) This coefficient is compatible with the inverse of the decomposition (2.12) S S J |J;mi = |S;m i⊗|S;m i. (2.14) m m m +m 1 2 1 2 1 2 m1+Xm2=m(cid:20) (cid:21) 3 Forlaterpurpose,wewillalsoinvestigatetheClebsch-GordandecompositionofU (su(2)) q in terms of the Schwinger boson or the Weyl representation. Utilizing ∆Xα±β =Xα± ⊗qHβ/2+q−Hα/2⊗Xβ±, (2.15) one can show that the highest weight vector v ∈ V (∆X+v = 0) acting on the α-th J J J and β-th sites is given by 2S J − v = (x x )J (x y −q2(ν S 1)x y ). (2.16) J α β α β − − β α ν=1 Y Moreover, we can show the following: Proposition 2.1. n n J J ∆Xα−β vJ =(xαxβ)J−nqnS[n]! q−2µS µ n−µ (xαyβ)µ(xβyα)n−µ (cid:16) (cid:17) µX=0 (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) (2.17) 2S J − × x y −q2(ν S 1)x y . α β − − β α νY=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) A proof of this proposition is given in Appendix A. Remark 2.2. Let n ≥ 2J +1. Noting J J = 0, (2.18) µ n−µ (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) for 0 ≤µ ≤n, one can see that n ∆X v = 0. (2.19) α−β J (cid:16) (cid:17) 3 q-VBS state Themodelwetreat inthis paperis an anisotropic integer spin-S Hamiltonian on an L-site chain with the periodic boundary condition 2S H = C (k,k+1)(π ) , (3.1) J J k,k+1 kX∈ZLJ=XS+1 where C (k,k+1) > 0, and (π ) , which acts on the k-th and (k+1)-th sites, is the J J k,k+1 U (su(2)) projection operator from V ⊗V to V as q S S J S S S J S S J π = J m m m +m m m m +m m1,m2,mX′1,m′2=−S(cid:20) 1 2 1 2 (cid:21)(cid:20) ′1 ′2 ′1 ′2 (cid:21) (3.2) ×δ |S;m ihS;m |⊗|S;m ihS;m |. m1+m2,m′1+m′2 ′1 1 ′2 2 4 The nonnegativity hψ|(π ) |ψi ≥ 0 (for any vector |ψi) (3.3) J k,k+1 implies that all the eigenvalues of H are nonnegative. (Of course, hψ| is the Hermitian conjugate of |ψi.) Moreover, we will see that the energy of the ground state |Ψi is zero: H|Ψi= 0. (3.4) Since we set C (k,k+1) > 0, we find that (3.4) is equivalent to J (π ) |Ψi = 0 (∀k ∈ Z , ∀J ∈{S +1,...,2S}), (3.5) J k,k+1 L noting the nonnegativity (3.3). From Proposition 2.1, one observes that any vector in V ⊂ V ⊗V of the k-th and (k+1)-th sites has the form 0 J S J S S ≤ ≤ L S C xAyS AxB yS B (qmx y −q my x ), (3.6) AB k k− k+1 k+−1 k k+1 − k k+1 0 A,B S m=1 ≤X≤ Y where C does not depend on x ,y ,x or y . Thus, the condition (3.5) imposes AB k k k+1 k+1 the restriction that |Ψi has the form S |Ψi = P ({xk}k ZL,{yk}k ZL) (qmxkyk+1−q−mykxk+1) (3.7) ∈ ∈ kY∈ZLmY=1 with some polynomials P such that this form is consistent with (3.6) for ∀k ∈ Z . The L unique choice of P with such consistency is a constant (which can be set to be 1), and we achieve the unique ground state S |Ψi= (qmx y −q my x ). (3.8) k k+1 − k k+1 kY∈ZLmY=1 In the Schwinger boson representation, we have S |Ψi = (qma†kb†k+1−q−mb†ka†k+1)|vaci, (3.9) kY∈ZLmY=1 which is a generalization of the q = 1 case [6]. Note that each site have the correct spin value: N |Ψi = S|Ψi (k ∈ Z ) where N := (N + N )/2. Our ground state is a q- k L k ak bk deformation of the valence-bond-solid (VBS) state, which we call q-VBS state, see figure 1. The Schwinger boson representation of the ground state (3.9) can be transformed into the following equivalent form called the matrix product representation [24], which generalizes the q = 1 [27] or S = 1 [7] case. Noting (2.7), we have |Ψi = Tr[g ⋆g ⋆···⋆g ⋆g ], (3.10) 1 2 L 1 L − 5 Figure 1: Conceptual figure of the q-VBS state. Each line is a q-deformed valence bond, and the circle (cid:13) represents the q-symmetrization of spin-1/2 particles • at each site. whereg is an (S+1)×(S+1) vector-valued matrix acting on the k-th site whoseelement k is given by S S g (i,i) = (−1)S iq(i+i′ S)(S+1)/2 [S −i+i]![S +i−i]! |S;i −ii k ′ − − i i ′ ′ ′ k s ′ (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) =:h |S;i −ii , (0 ≤ i,i ≤ S). ii′ ′ k ′ (3.11) The symbol ⋆ for two (S +1)×(S +1) vector-valued matrices |x i ··· |x i |y i ··· |y i 00 0S 00 0S x =  ... ... ... , y =  ... ... ... , (3.12) |x i ··· |x i |y i ··· |y i S0 SS S0 SS         is defined by S |x i⊗|y i ··· S |x i⊗|y i u=0 0u u0 u=0 0u uS x⋆y =  P ... ... P ... , (3.13) S |x i⊗|y i ··· S |x i⊗|y i  u=0 Su u0 u=0 Su uS    which is associative. P P For example, for S = 2, h |2;0i h |2;1i h |2;2i 00 k 01 k 02 k g = h |2;−1i h |2;0i h |2;1i , (3.14) k 10 k 11 k 12 k   h |2;−2i h |2;−1i h |2;0i 20 k 21 k 22 k   and the product in the form (3.10) is calculated as g ⋆···⋆g 1 L (g ⋆···⋆g )(0,0) (g ⋆···⋆g )(0,1) (g ⋆···⋆g )(0,2) 1 L 1 L 1 L (3.15) = (g ⋆···⋆g )(1,0) (g ⋆···⋆g )(1,1) (g ⋆···⋆g )(1,2) , 1 L 1 L 1 L   (g ⋆···⋆g )(2,0) (g ⋆···⋆g )(2,1) (g ⋆···⋆g )(2,2) 1 L 1 L 1 L   with (g ⋆···⋆g )(i,i) 1 L ′ = h h ···h h ii2 i2i3 iL−1iL iLi′ (3.16) ik=X0,1,2 ×|2;i −ii ⊗|2;i −i i ⊗···⊗|2;i −i i ⊗|2;i −i i . 2 1 3 2 2 L L 1 L 1 ′ L L − − 6 Then the matrix product ground state (3.10) is (g ⋆···⋆g )(0,0)+(g ⋆···⋆g )(1,1)+(g ⋆···⋆g )(2,2) 1 L 1 L 1 L = h h ···h h i1i2 i2i3 iL−1iL iLi1 (3.17) ik=X0,1,2 ×|2;i −i i ⊗|2;i −i i ⊗···⊗|2;i −i i ⊗|2;i −i i . 2 1 1 3 2 2 L L 1 L 1 1 L L − − We define gk† by replacing each ket vector in the matrix gk by its corresponding bra vector: gk†(i,i′)= hii′ khS;i′ −i|. (3.18) For example, for S =2, h h2;0| h h2;1| h h2;2| 00 k 01 k 02 k gk† =  h10 kh2;−1| h11 kh2;0| h12 kh2;1| . (3.19) h h2;−2| h h2;−1| h h2;0| 20 k 21 k 22 k   Now we introduce “G matrix”, which will play an important role in our study. Let us set an (S +1)2 dimensional vector space W and its dual orthogonal space W as ∗ W = C|a,bii, W = Chha,b|. (3.20) ∗ 0 a,b S 0 a,b S ≤M≤ ≤M≤ Here, {|a,bii | a,b = 0,...,S} ({hha,b| | a,b = 0,...,S}) is an orthonormal (dual or- thonormal) basis. We define an (S + 1)2 × (S + 1)2 matrix G acting on the space W as G =hha,b|G|c,dii = g (a,c)g(b,d), (3.21) (a,b;c,d) † or equivalently as G = g ⊗g. (3.22) † We also introduce G for an operator A acting on the one-site vector space V as A S (G ) = hha,b|G |c,dii = g (a,c)Ag(b,d). (3.23) A (a,b;c,d) A † Each element of the matrix G can be expressed explicitly as G = δ T , (3.24) (a,b;c,d) c a,d b abcd − − where T = h h = (−1)a+bq(a+b+c+d 2S)(S+1)/2 abcd ac bd − (3.25) S S S S × [S −a+c]![S +a−c]![S −b+d]![S +b−d]! . a b c d s (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) 7 Each element of G for A= Sz,S+ and S , which act on |S;mi as A − Sz|S;mi =m|S;mi, (3.26) S+|S;mi = (S −m)(S +m+1)|S;m+1i, (3.27) S−|S;mi =p(S +m)(S −m+1)|S;m−1i, (3.28) p can be also expressed as (GSz)(a,b;c,d) =δc a,d b(d−b)Tabcd, (3.29) − − (G ) =δ (S −d+b)(S +d−b+1)T , (3.30) S+ (a,b;c,d) c a,d b+1 abcd − − (G ) =δ p(S +d−b)(S −d+b+1)T . (3.31) S− (a,b;c,d) c a,d b 1 abcd − − − p The squared norm of the ground state is calculated as hΨ|Ψi =Tr g1† ⋆···⋆gL† Tr[g1⋆···⋆gL] h i =Tr g1† ⋆···⋆gL† ⊗(g1⋆···⋆gL) (3.32) h(cid:16) (cid:17) i =Tr g1† ⊗g1 ⋆···⋆ gL† ⊗gL =TrhG(cid:16)L. (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)i Note that the elements of gk† ⊗gk = G are no longer vectors, and thus we can replace the symbol ⋆ by the usual product in the third line of (3.32). The one point function hAi of an operator A can be written in terms of G and G as A hΨ|A1|Ψi Tr g1† ⋆···⋆gL† Tr[A1g1⋆g2⋆···⋆gL] TrGAGL−1 (3.33) hAi = = = , hΨ|Ψi h ihΨ|Ψi TrGL where A g is defined by (A g )(i,i) = A (g (i,i)). In the same way, the two point k k k k ′ k k ′ function of A and B can also be written in terms of G,G and G as A B hA1Bri = TrGL −1TrGAGr−2GBGL−r. (3.34) (cid:0) (cid:1) Investigating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix G will be crucial for the analysis of correlation functions. In the next section, we study the G matrix in detail. 4 Spectral structure of the G matrix In Ref. [24], we conjectured that the spectrum of G is given by 2S +1 λ = (−1)ℓ([S]!)2 , (ℓ = 0,1,...,S), (4.1) ℓ S −ℓ (cid:20) (cid:21) where the degree of the degeneracy of each λ is 2ℓ+1. One can easily find that ℓ |λ | > |λ |> ··· > |λ |. (4.2) 0 1 S 8 In this section, we prove the conjecture by giving an exact form for the eigenvector corre- sponding to each eigenvalue. First one observes that the G matrix has the following block diagonal structure: G = G(j), G(j) ∈ EndW , (4.3) j S j S −M≤ ≤ C|i,i+jii j ≥ 0, 0 i S j W = Wj, Wj =  ≤M≤ − C|i−j,iii j < 0. (4.4) −SM≤j≤S  0 i S+j ≤M≤  The size of each block G(j) is (S −|j|+1)×(S −|j|+1). Each element of G(j) is hha,a+j|G(j)|c,c+jii =(−1)jq(a+c+j S)(S+1)[S −a+c]![S +a−c]! − (4.5) S S S S × . a a+j c c+j s (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) We construct intertwiners among the 2S +1 blocks G(j) (j = −S,...,S). This helps us to construct eigenvectors of each block from another block with a smaller size. (The same idea was used in Ref. [28] to study the spectrum of a multi-species exclusion process). Let us define a family of linear operators {I } as j S j 1,1 j S − ≤ ≤− ≤ ≤ I ∈ Hom(W ,W ), (4.6) j j j 1 − [a+j][S −a−j +1] q a c = a, −  s [j][S −j +1] hha,a+j −1|Ij|c,c+jii =  [a][S −a+1] (4.7) −q1−a−j c = a−1,  s[j][S −j +1] 0 otherwise       for 1 ≤j ≤ S, and I ∈ Hom(W ,W ), (4.8) j j j+1 [a−j][S −a+j +1] q a c = a, −  s [−j][S +j +1] hha−j−1,a|Ij|c−j,cii =  [a][S −a+1] (4.9) −q1−a+j c = a−1,  s[−j][S +j +1] 0 otherwise.       for −S ≤ j ≤ −1. By direct calculation, one finds Proposition 4.1. The matrix I enjoys the intertwining relation j I G(j) =G(j 1)I for 1≤ j ≤ S, j − j (4.10) I G(j) =G(j+1)I for −S ≤ j ≤ −1. j j 9 With the use of Proposition 4.1, one can show the following: Theorem 4.2. Each block G(j) has a simple (nondegenerated) spectrum Spec G(j) = {λ } , (4.11) ℓ j ℓ S | |≤ ≤ and the corresponding eigenvectors are given by [S −ℓ]![i+ℓ]![S −i]! q(ℓ+1)i |i,i+ℓii j ≥ 0,  s [S]![ℓ]![S −i−ℓ]![i]! |λ|j|iij = 0≤Xi≤S−ℓ [S −ℓ]![i+ℓ]![S −i]! (4.12)  q(ℓ+1)i |i+ℓ,iii j < 0, s [S]![ℓ]![S −i−ℓ]![i]! 0 i S ℓ  ≤X≤ −    for ℓ = |j|, and  I |λ ii = I I ···I |λ ii j ≥ 0, |λ ii = j+1 ℓ j+1 j+1 j+2 ℓ ℓ ℓ (4.13) ℓ j (Ij 1|λℓiij 1 = Ij 1Ij 2···I ℓ|λℓii ℓ j < 0. − − − − − − for |j|+1 ≤ ℓ ≤ S. Figure 2 is helpful to understand how the eigenvectors are constructed. We prove this theorem below for only j ≥ 0 since one can show it for j < 0 in the same way. Proof of Theorem 4.2. First, by direct calculation given below, we find that G(j) has an eigenvalue λ and its eigenvector is |λ ii defined by (4.12). Each element of G(j)|λ ii j j j j j is calculated as hha,a+j|G(j)|λ ii j j = (−1)jq(a+c+j S)(S+1)[S −a+c]![S +a−c]! − 0 c S j ≤X≤ − S S S S [S −j]![c+j]![S −c]! × q(j+1)c s a a+j c c+j s[S]![j]![S −c−j]![c]! (4.14) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) S S [S −j]! = (−1)jq(a+j S 1)(S+1) (j+1) − − − s a a+j [S]![j]! (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) [S −a+c]![S +a−c]! ×[S]! q(c+1)(S+j+2) . [S −c−j]![c]! 0 c S j ≤X≤ − Using the formula α+n−k β +k α+β +n+1 qk(α+β+2) = qn(1+β), (4.15) n−k k n 0 k n(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) ≤X≤ 10

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