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Single Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and New Concepts PDF

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Preview Single Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and New Concepts

Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Pierre M. Petroff Materials Department,University of California, SantaBarbara, CA 93103, USA [email protected] Abstract. Semiconductor self assembled quantum dots have emerged as one of thesimplest meansofexploringandexploitingthephysicsanddeviceapplications of carriers and excitonsin thethreedimensional confinementregime. This chapter covers the epitaxial growth processes involved in the formation of self-assembled quantum dots. A numberof approaches for self-ordering and positioning quantum dots using direct epitaxial growth are also developed. The electronic structures of quantum dots using capacitance and luminescence spectroscopy techniques are presented to demonstrate the analogy between the quantum dots and “artificial atoms”. To emphasize the difference with the properties of the isolated artificial atom, the role of the quantum dot coupling to the outside environment and the importance of many-body effects on the electronic properties of the quantum dot are also discussed. Finally we give examples of several quantum dot devices that exploit some of the quantum dot electronic and optical properties. Some of these quantum dot devices could lead to the implementation of quantum computing or quantumcryptography applications. 1 Introduction The use of strain induced islands as a process for forming self assembled quantum dots (QDs) [1] in III–V semiconductors using epitaxy has been part of a large effort to exploit the novel quantum properties which arise from the three dimensional (3D) quantum confinement of carriers and ex- citons. The other methods for producing self assembled QDs are based on: a) the monolayer thickness fluctuations of a quantum well [2]; b) the elec- trostatically defined quantum dots in a two dimensional electron gas [3]; or c) the self-assembly of colloidal clusters using solution chemistry [4]. Each method has its strength and weaknesses and it is safe to say that presently, the epitaxial self-assembly method provides the best means of incorporating quantumdots into a wide variety ofdevices andexploitsomeoftheir unique properties [5,6,7,8]. It should also be mentioned that the carrier confine- ment provided by the self-assembled quantum dots is much larger than that provided by the electrostatically defined quantum dots or by the quantum well-quantumdots[2].Theseself-assembledQDshavealsoprovidedaconve- nient “laboratory bench” for studies of carrier confinement and many-body effects in semiconductors.Because of the possibility of band gap engineering P.Michler(Ed.):SingleQuantumDots,TopicsAppl.Phys.90,1–25(2003) (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2003 2 Pierre M. Petroff theselfassembledQDstructures,ithasbeenpossibletomakeawidevariety of solid state devices such as electrically pumped QD lasers [6,9] or infrared detectors [10] some of which are now near the industrial production stage. The role of self assembled islands as an efficient strain relieving process was first identified in the investigation of SiGe/Si strained layers [11] and the growth of self assembled islands as a useful method to fabricate QDs [1] was also recognized later. The direct crystal growth of self-assembled QDs hasbeenwidelyappliedtoavarietyofstrainedlayersemiconductorsystems: severalIII–V compounds systems aswellas II–VI andgroupIVheterostruc- tures systems [5,6,7] and wide band gapIII–V compounds [12] allow a range of wavelengths between 0.3µm and 1.5µm to be spanned. The formation of QDs using epitaxy is based on the deposition of an epitaxial film on a lattice mismatched substrate. The elastic strain energy during the film deposition builds up as the square of the lattice strain. The totalenergyinthefilm,includingstrainenergy,interfacialenergyandsurface energy,willbeminimizedduringgrowththroughtheformationofcoherently strained islands at the surface. These islands are transformed into QDs by embedding them into a larger band gap material. This chapter covers the crystal growth processes involved in the QD for- mation using epitaxy as well as some of the newer methods for producing self-orderedQDlattices.We reviewsomeofthe QDelectronicpropertiesrel- evant to the shell atom model which applies to the self-assembled QD elec- tronicstructure.WethenuseexamplesofQDdeviceswhichmaybeinvolved in the implementation of quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Throughoutthis contribution, we will take the InGaAs/GaAs QD system as a model system since it has been the most extensively studied. 2 Formation of Quantum Dots, Quantum Rings and Strain Effects on Island Nucleation Thermodynamics and kinetics are both involved in the formation of self- assembledquantumdots.Todiscussthenucleationandgrowthoftheislands, we will take the InAs/GaAs system since this is the one which has been the most studied. For this system, the InAs is in compression to accommodate thestrainassociatedwiththesmallerlatticeconstantoftheGaAs.Theinitial stageintheQDformationistheformationofislandsduringdepositionofan epitaxial layerwith a small lattice mismatch(a few percent) on a crystalline substrate. As illustrated in Fig. 1 for the case of III–V compounds semi- conductors deposited by molecular beam epitaxy, In and As atoms falling on a clean GaAs substrate held at high temperature will self assemble into smoothdefectfreeepitaxialatomiclayersifthelatticemismatchbetweenthe materialdeposited andthe substrateis not toolarge.The diffusion lengthof some of the groupIII elements deposited by molecularbeam epitaxy (MBE) are sufficiently large to insure the layer by layer growth until a build up in Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure 3 Fig.1.SchematicoftheislandgrowthprocessillustratedforthedepositionofInAs on GaAs. Capping of the islands will transform the islands into quantum dots. An increase in the film thickness beyond the island formation stage will produce island coarsening and theintroduction of misfit dislocations. The graph shows the criticalthicknessforislandformationmeasuredexperimentallyasafunctionofthe In content x in the InxGaxAs layer. The three fields in this plot distinguish the three growth regimes: layer-by-layer growth, island growth and layer growth with dislocations. The lower field region characterizes thethicknessof the wetting layer connecting thequantum dots the strainand surfaceenergyof the epitaxialfilm switches the growthto the island growth mode. This change in the surface morphology is induced by the minimization of the total film energy. This interplay between the strain andsurfaceenergyofthe filmcanbe used,aswewillseelater,to controlthe island nucleation and promote self-ordering of islands. Figure 1 also shows that increasing the film thickness, for a given com- position of the InxGa1−xAs alloy, beyond the island formation stage will in- troduce misfit dislocations. The formationof a thin wetting layer is inherent to the island formation process. However as indicated in Fig. 1, the wetting layer can become very thick (up to 30 monolayers)for low In content in the film.Inthiscase,thewettinglayerthicknessapproachesthatoftheQDsand will play an important role in the carrier confinement and relaxation pro- cesses and device characteristics since the active layer of the device becomes a corrugated quantum well or quantum well coupled to a QD layer. The growth of self-assembled quantum dots is achieved by covering the smaller band gap material of the islands with a wider band gap epitaxial film. The islandcoveringstep will drasticallychange the islandcomposition, shape and dimensions. A listing of some of the general structural characteristics for this type of QDisinformativeasabackgroundfordesigningQDdevicesandunderstand- ing some of their physical properties: a) TheislandsandQDsarealldeposited“insitu”inareactorandarecoher- ently strained and their growth remains essentially defect and impurity 4 Pierre M. Petroff free. This view is supported by the very high internal quantum efficiency for optically pumped QDs. b) The epitaxial QDs can easily be incorporated within an epitaxial struc- ture thus making it possible to use band gap engineering techniques for electrical or optical injection and developing novel devices. c) The QD size distribution is poorly controlled. Their size dispersion is in general ≈ 10% and is a function of the substrate deposition tempera- ture and surface growth kinetics. Although the initial nucleation of is- lands takes place preferentially at surface step edges, random nucleation events on terraces will eventually dominate as the QD density is increas- ing. Random island nucleation and coarseningkinetics during growthare controlling the size distribution. d) The exact shape, dimensions and composition of QDs are not known ac- curately. Although the island shape and dimensions are well character- ized using atomic force microscopy (AFM) [13,14], they will dramatically change during the capping by the wider band gap film. Surface exchange reactions and diffusion processes are playing an important role on the fi- nal shape, dimensions and composition of the QDs. Detailed studies of the QD composition in the InAs/GaAs system using X-ray diffuse scat- tering and AFM haveshownthe presence ofanIn concentrationgradient within the QDs [15]. The existence of this gradient and its magnitude should strongly depend on the deposition conditions. In many instances theshapeoftheislandisnotahemisphericalcapandismoreoftenatrun- cated pyramid. The elongated base of this pyramid reflects the crystallo- graphic orientation dependence of the diffusion coefficient of the species during growth. Several of these characteristics can affect the properties of quantum dot devices and a great deal of effort has been directed to address some of these problems. 3 Positioning and Ordering Quantum Dots The absorption coefficient of QDs is small and for some device applications, a very high local QD density would be desirable. This would be the case for QDlaserorfarinfrared(FIR)photodetectordevices[9,10].Theoptimization ofcoupledQD-microcavitydeviceswillalsorelyheavilyonthecontrolledpo- sitioning and ordering of QDs. In fact, controlling the island nucleation sites and density are difficult problems which involve both the thermodynamics and kinetics of growth. We discuss in this section two techniques which are yielding promising results. The first method uses the directed migration of adatoms to a localized surface site that will promote preferential nucleation. This can be achieved byengineeringthesurfacechemicalpotential[16,17,18]usingapre-patterned Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure 5 Fig.2.Schematicsoftwopossibleconfigu- rations for controlled nucleation on a pat- terned substrate. (a) The strain distribu- tion in the structure is illustrated by ar- InGa As (A) x 1-x rows and the InGaAs layer growth will GaAs preferentially occur in the valleys between themesas.In(b)acoherentlystrainedIn- GaAs stressor layeris usedtoenhancethe strain on the mesa edge tops. The growth InGa As of islands will preferentially occur on the x 1-x (B) GaAs mesa topswhere thestrain buildup isthe largest Fig.3. AFM pictures of the GaAs {100} surface with surface depressions after a GaAs buffer layer regrowth and an InAs thin layer deposition. In (a) the In flux wasadjustedtogrowbetweenonaverage2InAsislandsperdepression.Thefeatures observed between the depressions have been identified as surface defects and not QDs.In (b),thestatistical distribution of Inallows theformation of asingle InAs island in some of thesurface depressions [19] substratesurface.Aloweringofthesurfacechemicalpotentialduetocapillar- ityeffectsinducesadrivingforceforadatomdiffusiontowardsaconcavesur- face site and causes island nucleation before the critical thickness for island- ing is reached in other parts of the surface. Figure 2a illustrates a patterned surface and the preferential growth of the InxGa1−xAs QDs taking place preferentially in the concave surface sites. This preferential accumulation of InxGa1−xAs requires a fast In diffusion on the surface and is energetically favored[19].ThelocalstressbuildupinducedbyathickerInxGa1−xAslayer will trigger the InAs island nucleation first in these areas. An illustration of the technique is shown in the atomic force microscopy (AFM) pictures (Fig. 3). In this example, the periodicity between the surface depressions formed by e-beam lithography prior to the InAs deposition is 4µm. The InAs islands are found to form only in the surface depressions. The measured In surface diffusion using this technique is ≈15µm. 6 Pierre M. Petroff One of the drawbacks of this approach is associated with the formation of facets in the surface depression which takes place during the regrowth of a thin GaAs buffer layer following the pre-patterning step. The formation of anInrichwirelikeregionatthejunctionoffacetscantakeplacepriortothe formationofthe QDsandthe resultingcouplingbetweenthewirelikeregion and the QDs may be problematic for some devices. 3.1 Island Nucleation and Quantum Dot Lattices Bycontrollingtheislandnucleationprocesstowelldefinedareas,itispossible to minimize random nucleation and improve the island size uniformity. The interaction of strain fields between nucleating islands can promote nearly identicalgrowthratesforallislands.Thismethodwasinitiallyintroducedto orderislandsonamesaridgewherethediffusionkineticsfavoredabuildupof strainononeedgeofthemesa[16].Usingthismethod,stringsofInAsislands wereproducedinapatternedGaAssurfaceandMonteCarlosimulations[17] support the view that enhanced island interactions will induce a significant narrowing of the island size distribution. The thermodynamics and diffusion kinetics of the In atoms are changed during growth by introducing a local sub-surface strain field. As shown in Fig.2bthis canbe achievedby growinga coherentlystrainedfilmofInGaAs below the surface. In this case, the InAs film will grow more rapidly on the mesa tops and induce a preferential growth on InAs islands on top of the subsurface stressors [20]. In this method, a substrate is first patterned using optical holography and chemical etching on a GaAs surface to form a lattice of mesas. After desorptionofthe nativeoxidefromthe GaAspatternedsurface,athinGaAs buffer layer and an InGaAs stressor layer are deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) (see Fig. 2b). The InGaAs islands are then deposited after athinGaAslayerisdepositedontopofthe InGaAsstressorlayer.As shown in the AFM pictures (Fig. 4), the lattice orientation can be adjusted by the orientation of the mesa lattice on the pre-patterned substrate. The number ofislandsinthelatticebasisisfoundtodependonthemesashapeandwidth and on the In flux. A finite element calculation of the strain distribution in these structures indicates that the InAs islands nucleate at the surface sites where the stress is highest, i.e. the mesa edges and end points of the mesa ridges [20]. This effect is supported by experimental results shown in Fig. 5a. InAs islands lattice with a basis of one, two or three islands is deposited using a reduced InfluxcomparedtothatshowninFig.4.Thestraindistributiononthemesa surface controls the island nucleation sites. The number of islands per mesa will greatly depend on the shape of the mesas and on the In flux. In Fig. 5b, a double rowof islands is observedoneachmesa since the mesa topis larger than ≈60nm. Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure 7 Fig.4.ExamplesoforderedInAsislandlattices[7].TheInAsislandsaredeposited onaGaAspatternedsubstrateandtheschematicoftheunitcellofthesetwolattices corresponds to each of the atomic force micrographs. The mesa lattice parameter is ≈250nm [20] Fig.5. (a) Atomic force micrograph of a lattice of mesas on which InAs islands weredepositedusingthestrainengineerednucleationmethod.QDsappearasbright spotsontopofthemesa.Notethatthenumberofislandspermesavariesbetween one and three. The islands nucleate preferentially on the surface sites where the strain is maximum. (b) A double row of QDs is deposited on each mesa when the mesatopislarger.Themesalatticeparameteris410nm.Cross-sectiontransmission electronmicroscopyofthesedevicesrevealstheexistenceofathinwettinglayeron themesa top Developinga processingthat allowsto reproducibly fabricate mesaswith the desired dimensions and shapes is crucial to further progress in this field. The sub-surface stressorapproachallows for the highest possible island den- sity locally. Under optimal conditions and for a pyramidal shape mesa, one should be able to form lattices with one island per mesa. Onceatwo-dimensionalislandlatticeisformedonthesurface,thegrowth ofathree-dimensionalislandlatticeusingthestraincoupling[21]betweenis- landlayersiseasilyachieved.AsshowninFig.6,thetwo-dimensionallattices of islands is replicated along the growth direction through the preferential nucleation of islands on top of each other along the growth direction if the interlayer spacing is smaller than ≈12nm. The challenge for the future will be to reduce the size of the unit cell by developing a patterning process which is cheap and suitable for a rapid processing of large areas.Making this process compatible with the band gap engineeringofthedesireddevicescouldalsoberequired.Thismaybedifficult 8 Pierre M. Petroff Fig.6. Cross-section TEM through a three- dimensional quantumdot lattice. The InAsstacked quantum dots along the (cid:4)100(cid:5) growth direction are separated by a 10nm thick GaAs layer. The quan- tum dots are detected through their strain fields. Thebottom schematicisanidealizedreconstruction of the three-dimensional quantum dot lattice with the dimensions of theunit cell indicated in some instances since the InGaAs stressorlayerbehavesas a quantumwell which may interfere with the intended functionality of the device. The nucleation site engineering method may be a very useful approach for increasingthe QD density andthis may leadto largeimprovementin the gain characteristics of QD lasers [9]. The lateral coupling of QDs on mesa tops may also provide new avenues to control the absorption characteristics in QD infrared detectors [10]. 4 Strain Effects and Growth Characteristics of Quantum Dots Strainintheepitaxiallayerscontrolsnotonlythespeciessurfacediffusionand interdiffusiononthesurfacebutalsothekineticsofnucleationandgrowthof theislands.Theseeffectsareillustratedbyexperimentsinwhichtwoelectron- ically uncoupled QD layers have been deposited under identical or different growth conditions. These layers are close enough to each other to retain the strain alignment of the QDs from one layer to the other yet it is too large to allow electronic coupling of the energy levels between QDs of each layer. Their photoluminescence spectra (Fig. 7) provide a rapid method of analyz- ingtheirsizeand/orcompositiondistribution.Thedistance(12nm)between the two QD layers is sufficient to insure strain coupling and a stacking of the QDs in the 2 layers along the growth direction. This interlayer distance is too large to provide an electronic coupling between the stacked QDs. The growth conditions of the second layer are adjusted by using a partial cov- erage of the islands (PCI) with various amounts of GaAs prior to the final capping of the islands [22]. In Fig. 7 the PL spectra of island layers grown under identical conditions show two peaks indicative of differences in their size and/or composition. Accordingtothemacro-PLspectra,theobserveddifferencesintheground state energies (≈ 50meV) can be reduced to zero by changing the growth Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Structure 9 Fig.7. (a) Photoluminescence spectra (excitation power 0.1µW, λexc = 633nm, T =10K)from sampleswithahighdensityofvertically stackedQDs(d=120˚A). The seed layer QD1 in each sample has 30˚A of GaAs partial capping, while the partial capping in the 2nd QD2 layer is varied as indicated on each spectrum. Gaussian curve fittings are applied to each curve to identify the two QD layer’s ground state peaks. As the second QD2 layer’s PCI thickness is increased, the ground state energy of that QD decreases [23]. The numbers associated with each spectrum indicate the thickness (in ˚A) of the PCI layer for the first and second layerofQDsrespectively.(b)Micro-photoluminescencespectraofasingleQDpair from the sample indicated by the arrow in (a). The different micro-PL spectra correspond to different pump powers conditions (PCI thickness of≈4.1nm, Fig. 7a) for the secondQD layer[23]. Not surprisingly, the micro-PL spectra of this sample show that even with a single macro-PL peak, the energy difference between the ground state ex- citon luminescence for individual QD pairs is not zero and varies between 9 and 15meV depending on the QD pair. The energy separation for these linescannotbeassociatedwithanelectroniccouplingbetweentheQDssince the tunneling distance of 12nm is too large. Rather, a small change in the size or compositionof the 2 QDs in a pair is responsible for the observedPL structure. From this type of experiment and studies of the QD luminescence in close proximity to a coherently strained quantum well, it has been shown that the nucleation and growth of QD layers in a stack of layers is strongly dependent on the presence of In floating or diffusing to the surface during growth [23]. We conclude this section by noting that much remains to be done to understand and control the nucleation, growth, positioning and ordering of self assembled quantum dots. QD systems other than the well-studied InGaAs/GaAs system should be explored. Surprisingly, little work has been done with QD materials systems with wider band gap and larger confine- ment energies. In QD systems such as AlInGaAs/AlGaAs [24] and GaN/ AlGaN [12,25], the conduction and valence band offsets are larger than in 10 Pierre M. Petroff InGaAs/GaAs and the interband and inter-subband energy levels can be in- creasedwithoutfurtherreducingthesizeoftheQDs.Agoodcontrolofthese systems should permit the exploitation of QD devices which exhibit the full potential of the three dimensional confinement at room temperature. 5 Fundamental Electronic Properties of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots The three-dimensional quantum confinement (3D) of carriers and excitons confers “atom like” properties to the quantum dots. However, this analogy should be carefully reconsidered since the contribution of the matrix (e.g., phonons) and the many-body effects should be taken into account. In this section we review some of the important physical QD properties. 5.1 The “Atom-Like” Shell Model for the Quantum Dots OneofthestrikingpropertiesoftheepitaxiallydepositedsemiconductorQDs is their “atom like” electronic properties which originate from the three-di- mensionalcarrierconfinementinsidetheQDs.Theexpecteddiscreteelectron- icenergylevelshellstructurewasfirstobservedusingcapacitance(C-V)and infrared spectroscopy measurements on large ensemble of InAs QDs [26,27] embedded into a GaAs/AlGaAs MIS device structure. Figure 7 shows the schematics of the device and the associated conduction band diagram. The capacitance versus voltage spectrum (Fig. 8) for a diode containing ≈106 InAs QDs shows two series of peaks associated, respectively, with the s- and p-shell loading when electrons are tunneling from the back n+ gate as a positive voltage is applied to the front one. The width of the peaks is due to the QD size dispersion and the large number of QDs (≈ 106) in the measured device. The Coulomb charging energy corresponding to loading of the second s electron peak into the s-shell is measured to be approxi- mately 25meV. The four peaks corresponding to the p-shell loading reflect the growth axis cylindrical symmetry of the QDs confining potential. The electron energy difference between the s- and p-shell levels is found to be ∆E ≈ 50meV. A similar picture emerges for the hole shell structure of es−p InAs QDs. However the energy level differences for s- and p-shell holes are smaller (∆E ≈ 10meV) than for electrons [27]. Modeling of the capaci- hs−p tance spectra based on the quantum tunneling of electrons from a back gate reservoir into the QDs ensemble has confirmed the C-V spectra interpreta- tion [28]. Measurements and modeling of the intra-subband levels using FIR and capacitance spectroscopy have established that the confining potential is roughly parabolic [5,26]. For the InAs/GaAs QD system, the conduction andvalencebandoffsetsare≈400–500meVand≈70–100meV,respectively, and the number of electrons which can be confined to the QDs is controlled by their dimensions. Thus many-body effects due to exchange and Coulomb interactions are expected to dominate at low temperature.

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