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Simulation of Stochastic Processes with Given Accuracy and Reliability Series Editor Nikolaos Limnios Simulation of Stochastic Processes with Given Accuracy and Reliability Yuriy Kozachenko Oleksandr Pogorilyak Iryna Rozora Antonina Tegza First published 2016 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Press Ltd and Elsevier Ltd Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licenses issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: ISTE Press Ltd Elsevier Ltd 27-37 St George’s Road The Boulevard, Langford Lane London SW19 4EU Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB UK UK www.iste.co.uk www.elsevier.com Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. For information on all our publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ © ISTE Press Ltd 2016 The rights of Yuriy Kozachenko, Oleksandr Pogorilyak, Iryna Rozora and Antonina Tegza to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 978-1-78548-217-5 Printed and bound in the UK and US Introduction The problem of simulation of stochastic process has been a matter of active research in recent decades. It has become an integral part of research, development and practical application across many fields of study. That is why one of the actual problems is to build a mathematical model of stochastic process and study its properties. Because of the powerful possibilities of computer techniques, the problemsofnumericalsimulationshavebecomeespeciallyimportantandallowusto predictthebehaviorofarandomprocess. There are various simulation methods of stochastic processes and fields. Some of them can be found in [OGO96, ERM82, CRE93, KOZ07a]. Note that in most publicationsdealingwithsimulationofstochasticprocesses,thequestionofaccuracy andreliabilityisnotstudied. In this book, the methods of simulation of stochastic processes and fields with given accuracy and reliability are considered. Namely, models are found that approximate stochastic processes and fields in different functional spaces. This meansthatatfirstweconstructthemodelandthenusesomeadequacyteststoverify it. In most books and papers that are devoted to the simulation of stochastic processes, the modeling methods of exactly Gaussian processes and fields are studied.Itisknownthatthereisaneedtosimulatetheprocessesthatareequaltothe sum of various random factors, in which effects of each other are independent. According to the central limit theorem, such processes are close to Gaussian ones. Hence,theproblemofsimulationofGaussianstochasticprocessesandfieldsisahot topicinsimulationtheory. Let us mention that in this book only centered random processes and fields are considered, since simulation of determinate function can be made without any difficulties. x SimulationofStochasticProcesseswithGivenAccuracyandReliability NotethatallresultsinthisbookareapplicableforGaussianprocess. Chapter1dealswiththespaceofsub-Gaussianrandomvariablesandsubclasses of this space containing strictly sub-Gaussian random variables. Different characteristics of these random variables are considered: sub-Gaussian standard, functionalmoments,etc.Specialattentionisdevotedtoinequalitiesestimating“tails” of the distribution of a random variable, or a sum of a random variable in the some functional spaces. These assertions are applied in investigation of accuracy and reliabilityofthemodelofGaussianstochasticprocess. In Chapter 2, general approaches for model construction of stochastic processes with given accuracy and reliability are studied. Special attention is paid to Karhunen–Loève and Fourier expansions of stochastic processes and their applicationtothesimulationofstochasticprocesses. Chapter 3 is devoted to the model construction of Gaussian processes, that is considered as input processes on some system of filter, with respect to output processes in a Banach space C(T) with given accuracy and reliability. For this purpose,square-Gaussianrandomprocessesareconsidered;theconceptofthespace of square-Gaussian random variables is introduced and the estimates of distribution of a square-Gaussian process supremum are found. We also consider the particular casewhenthesystemoutputprocessisaderivativeoftheinitialprocess. Chapter 4 offers two approaches to construct the models of Gaussian stationary stochasticprocesses.Themethodsofmodelconstructionaregeneralizedonthecase ofrandomfields.Theproposedmethodsofmodelingcanbeappliedindifferentareas ofscienceandtechnology,particularlyinradio,physicsandmeteorology.Themodels canbeinterpretedasasetofsignalswithlimitedenergy,harmonicsignalsandsignals withlimiteddurations. InChapter5,thetheoremsonapproximationofamodeltotheGaussianrandom process in spaces L1([0,T]) and Lp([0,T]), p > 1 with given accuracy and reliability are proved. The theorems are considered on estimates of the “tails” of norm distributions of random processes under different conditions in the space Lp(T), where T is some parametric set, p ≥ 1. These statements are applied to investigatethepartitionselectionoftheset[0,Λ]suchthatthemodelapproximatesa Gaussian process with some accuracy and reliability in the space Lp([0,T]) when p ≥ 1. A theorem on model approximation of random process with Gaussian with givenaccuracyandreliabilityinOrliczspaceLU(Ω)thatisgeneratedbythefunction U isalsopresented. InChapter6,weintroducerandomCoxprocessesanddescribetwoalgorithmsof their simulation with some given accuracy and reliability. The cases where an intensity of the random Cox processes are generated by log Gaussian or square Introduction xi Gaussian homogeneous and inhomogeneous processes or fields are considered. We alsodescribetwomethodsofsimulation.Thefirstoneismorecomplicatedtoapply inpracticebecauseoftechnicaldifficulties.Thesecondoneissomewhatsimplerand allows us to obtain the model of the Cox process as a model of Poisson random variables with parameters that depend on the intensity of the Cox process. The secondmodelhaslessaccuracythanthefirstmodel. Chapter 7 deals with a model of a Gaussian stationary process with absolutely continuousspectrumthatsimulates theprocesswith agivenreliability andaccuracy in L2(0,T). Under certain restrictions on the covariance function of the process, formulasforcomputingtheparametersofthemodelaredescribed. Chapter 8 is devoted to simulation of Gaussian isotropic random fields on spheres. The models of Gaussian isotropic random fields on n-measurable spheres are constructed that approximate these fields with given accuracy and reliability in thespaceLp(Sn), p≥2. 1 The Distribution of the Estimates for the Norm of Sub-Gaussian Stochastic Processes This chapter is devotedto the study of the conditions and rate of convergence of sub-Gaussian random series in some Banach spaces. The results of this chapter are used in other chapters to construct the models of Gaussian random processes that approximate them with specified reliability and accuracy in a certain functional space. Generally, the Gaussian stochastic processes are considered, which can be represented as a series of independent items. It should be noted that, as will be shown, these models will not always be Gaussian random processes. In Chapter 7, for example, the Gaussian models of stationary processes are sub-Gaussian processes.TheaccuracyofsimulationisstudiedinthespacesC(T), Lp(T), p > 0, andOrliczspaceLU(T),whereT isacompact(usuallysegment)andU issomeC- function. In addition, these models can be used to construct the models of sub-Gaussian processes that approximate them with a given reliability and accuracy in a case when the process can be performed as a sub-Gaussian series with independentitems.Section1.1providesthenecessaryinformationfromthetheoryof the sub-Gaussian random variables space. Sub-Gaussian random variables were introducedforthefirsttimebyKahane[KAH60].BuldyginandKozachenkointheir publication [BUL87] showed that the space of sub-Gaussian random variables is Banach space. The properties of this space are studied in the work of Buldygin and Kozachenko[BUL00].Section1.2dealswithnecessarypropertiesofthetheoryfor strictlysub-Gaussianrandomvariables.In[BUL00],thistheoryisdescribedinmore detail. Note that a Gaussian centered random variable is strictly sub-Gaussian. Therefore,allresultsofthissection,aswellasotherresultsofthisbook,obtainedfor sub-GaussianrandomvariablesandprocessesarealsotrueforthecenteredGaussian random variables and processes. In section 1.3, the rate of convergence of sub-Gaussian random series in the space L2(T) is found. Similar results are 2 SimulationofStochasticProcesseswithGivenAccuracyandReliability containedin[KOZ99b]and[KOZ07a].Section1.4looksatthedistributionestimate ofthenormofsub-GaussianrandomprocessesinspaceLp(T).Theseestimatesare alsoconsideredin[KOZ07a].Formoregeneralspaces,namelythespacesSubϕ(Ω) suchestimatescanalsobefound[KOZ09].Theseestimatesareusedtofindtherate ofconvergenceofsub-GaussianfunctionalseriesinthenormofspacesLp(Ω).Note thatinthecasewherep = 2,theresultsofsection1.3arebetterthansection1.4.In section1.5,theestimatesofdistributionofthesub-Gaussianrandomprocessesnorm insomeOrliczspacesarefound;insection1.6,theseestimatesareusedtoobtainthe rate of convergence of sub-Gaussian random series in the norm of some Orlicz spaces. Similar estimates are contained in [KOZ 99b, KOZ 07a, KOZ 88, ZEL 88, RYA90,RYA91,TRI91]. The results on the rate of convergence of sub-Gaussian random series in the Orliczspacethatwerereceivedinsection1.6,aredetailedinsection1.7fortheseries with either uncorrelated or independent items. In sections 1.8 and 1.9, the rate of convergence for sub-Gaussian and strictly sub-Gaussian random series in the space C(T)isobtained.Similarproblemswerediscussedin[KOZ99b]and[KOZ07a]. Section 1.10 provides the distribution estimates for supremum of random processesinthespaceLp(Ω). 1.1. The space of sub-Gaussian random variables and sub-Gaussian stochasticprocesses This section deals with random variables that are subordinated, in some sense, to Gaussian random variables. These random variables are called sub-Gaussian (the rigorousdefinitionisgivenbelow).Later,wewillalsostudysub-Gaussianstochastic processes. Let{Ω,B,P} beastandardprobabilityspace. DEFINITION 1.1.– Arandomvariableξ iscalledsub-Gaussian, ifthereexistssuch numbera≥0thattheinequality (cid:2) 2 2(cid:3) a λ Eexp{λξ}≤exp [1.1] 2 holdstrueforallλ∈R.Theclassofallsub-Gaussianrandomvariablesdefinedona commonprobabilityspace{Ω,B,P}isdenotedbySub(Ω). Considerthefollowingnumericalcharacteristicofsub-Gaussianrandomvariable ξ: (cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:2) 2 2(cid:3) a λ τ(ξ)=inf a≥0: Eexp{λξ}≤exp ,λ∈R . [1.2] 2 TheDistributionoftheEstimatesfortheNormofSub-GaussianStochasticProcesses 3 Wewillcallτ(ξ)sub-Gaussianstandardofrandomvariableξ.Weputτ(ξ)=∞ ifthesetofa ≥ 0satisfying[1.1]isempty.Bydefinition,ξ ∈ Sub(Ω)ifandonlyif τ(ξ)<∞.Thefollowinglemmaisclear. LEMMA1.1.– Therelationshipshold (cid:6) (cid:7) 1 2lnEexp{λξ} 2 τ(ξ)= sup . [1.3] λ(cid:2)=0,λ∈R λ2 Forallλ∈R (cid:4) (cid:5) 2 2 λ τ (ξ) Eexp{λξ}≤exp . [1.4] 2 Thesub-Gaussianassumptionimpliesthattherandomvariablehasmeanzeroand imposesotherrestrictionsonmomentsoftherandomvariable. LEMMA1.2.– Supposethatξ ∈Sub(Ω).Then E|ξ|p <∞ foranyp>0.Moreover,Eξ =0and Eξ2 ≤τ2(ξ). PROOF.– Since as p > 0 and x > 0 the relationship xp ≤ exp{x}ppexp{−p} is satisfied.Hence,ifinsteadofxwesubstitute|ξ|andtakethemathematicalexpectation thenobtainthat E|ξ|p ≤ppexp{−p}Eexp{|ξ|}. Since (cid:2) 2 (cid:3) τ (ξ) Eexp{|ξ|}≤Eexp{ξ}+Eexp{−ξ}≤2exp <∞, 2 thenE|ξ|p <∞.Further,bytheTaylorformula,weobtain 2 λ Eexp{λξ}=1+λEξ+ Eξ2+o(λ2), 2 (cid:2) 2 2 (cid:3) 2 λ τ (ξ) λ 2 2 exp =1+ τ (ξ)+o(λ ) 2 2 asλ→0.Theninequality[1.4]impliesthatEξ =0andτ2(ξ)≥Eξ2. (cid:2) 4 SimulationofStochasticProcesseswithGivenAccuracyandReliability Thefollowinglemmagivesanestimateforthemomentsofsub-Gaussianrandom variable. LEMMA1.3.– Letξ ∈Sub(Ω),then (cid:8) (cid:9) p/2 p E|ξ|p ≤2 (τ(ξ))p e foranyp>0. PROOF.– Sinceforp>0,x>0theinequality xp ≤exp{x}ppexp{−p}, holds,thenwecansubstituteλ|ξ|, λ>0forxandtakethemathematicalexpectation ofsuchavalue.Hence, (cid:8) (cid:9) p p E|ξ|p ≤ Eexp{λ|ξ|}. [1.5] λe Since Eexp{λ|ξ|}≤Eexp{λξ}+Eexp{−λξ}, thenitfollowsfrom[1.5]and[1.4]thatforanyλ>0theinequality (cid:8) (cid:9) p 2 2 p λ τ (ξ) E|ξ|p ≤2 exp{ } λe 2 is satisfied. The lemma will be completely proved if in the inequality above we √ substituteλ= p underwhichtheright-handsideoftheequalityismaximized. (cid:2) τ(ξ) EXAMPLE 1.1.– Supposethatξ isanN(0,σ2)-distributedrandomvariable,thatisξ hasGaussiandistributionwithmeanzeroandvarianceσ2.Then (cid:4) (cid:5) 2 2 σ λ Eexp{λξ}=exp , 2 meaningthatξissub-Gaussianandτ(ξ)=σ. Example 1.1 and lemma 1.1 show that a random variable is sub-Gaussian if and only if its moment generating function is majorized by the moment generating function of a zero-mean Gaussian random variable.This fact somewhat explains the term “sub-Gaussian”. Note that a function Eexp{λξ} is called moment generating functionofξ.

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