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Recent Development!i and App ication!i Edited by Paul Weimer and Henry W. Po a entler Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy Recent Developments and Applications Edited by Paul Weimer and Henry Posamentier AAPG Memoir 58 Published by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright©1993 The AmericanAssociationofPetroleumGeologists All RightsReserved Published1994 ISBN:0-89181-337-3 AAPGgrantspermissionfor a singlephotocopyofanitemfrom this publicationfor personaluse. Authorization for additionalcopiesofitemsfrom thispublicationfor personalor internaluseisgrantedbyAAPG providedthat thebasefee of$3.00percopyis paid directlyto theCopyrightClearanceCenter,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers, Massachusetts 01923.Fees aresubjectto change. Anyform ofelectronicor digitalscanningor otherdigitaltrans- formation ofportionsofthispublicationintocomputer-readableand/or transmittableform for personalor cor- porateuserequires specialpermissionfrom, and issubjectto fee chargesby, theAAPG. AssociationEditor: KevinT.Biddle ScienceDirector: GaryD.Howell PublicationsManager: CathleenP.Williams SpecialProjectsEditor: AnneH. Thomas Production:CustomEditorialProductions,Inc., Cincinnati,Ohio DustjacketphotobyHenryPosamentier:NamuriansectionofCountyClaire,Ireland. RelatedTitlesfrom AAPG: • Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy(AAPGMemoir57),editedbyR.G. LoucksandJ. F.Sarg • Sedimentologyand Sequence Stratigraphyof Reefsand CarbonatePlatforms (AAPGContinuing EducationCourseNote#34),byWolfgangSchlager • Sequence StratigraphyApplicationsto ShelfSandstone Reservoirs-Outcropto SubsurfaceExamples (AAPG FieldConference,Sept. 21-28,1991)/editedbyJ. C.VanWagoneret al. • SiliciclasticSequence Stratigraphyin WellLogs, Cores, and Outcrops (AAPG Methodsin Exploration Series,#7),editedbyJ. C.VanWagoneret al. • Seismic StratigraphyII(AAPGMemoir39)/editedbyo.R.Berg and D.Woolverton • SeismicStratigraphy-Applicationsto HydrocarbonExploration(AAPGMemoir26)/editedbyC.E. Payton • SandstoneDepositionalEnvironments (AAPGMemoir31)/editedbyP.A.ScholleandD.Spearing Thesepublications,and all otherAAPGtitles,areavailablefrom: The AAPG Bookstore P.O. Box979 Tulsa,OK 74101-0979 Telephone: (918)584-2555;(800)364-AAPG(USA-bookordersonly) FAX:(918)584-0469;(800)898-2274(USA-bookordersonly) AAPG Wishes to thank the following for their generous contributions to Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy •••• ARCO Oil and Gas Company Department of Geology & Geophysics at the University of Edinburgh Department of Geology at the University of Texas at Austin Exxon Production Research Company InterGeos BV Soekor (Pty) Ltd. •••• Contributions are applied against the production costs ofthe publication, thus directlyreducing the book's purchase price andmaking it available toa greater audience. iii About the Editors Paul Weimer is an assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the Universityof Colorado at Boulder, and serves as the Associate Director of the Energy and Minerals Applied Research Center. He received his B.A. from Pomona College in Claremont, California, in 1978 with honors in geology. He received his M.S. in geology in 1980 from the University of Colorado at Boulder,and his Ph.D. frOITI The University of Texas at Austin in 1989. During the summer of 1978, Paul worked as a geologist with Amoco Production Company in Denver, Colorado. From 1980 to 1984, he worked as an exploration geologist with Sohio Petroleum Company in San Francisco, California, doing regional exploration of the North Slope of Alaska. He worked with Mobil Oil Corporation in Dallas, Texas, as a research and explo- ration geologist from 1988 to 1990.Paul co-edited Alaskan North SlopeGeology (SEPM-Pacific Section) and Seismic Facies and Sedimentary Processes of SubmarineFan andTurbiditeSyste7ns(Springer-Verlag),and has authored more than40papers. Paul's research interests are in applied sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis, petroleum geology of turbidite systems, 3-D seismic interpretation, and stratigraphic software development for workstations. He received the 1992J. C. "Cam" SprouleAwarefrom theAAPG. HenryW.Posamentiergraduated withaB.S.from the CityCollegeofNew York in 1970, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in geology from Syracuse University, New York, in 1973 and 1976, respectively. In 1972-1973, he was a Fulbright Fellow to Austria. After a five-year stint in academia, he joined the Seismic Stratigraphygroup at Exxon Production Research Company in 1979.Between 1979 and 1987, he worked on various regional projects in North America and Europe, and was involved in the development and application of sequence stratigraphic concepts. From 1987 to 1991, he worked for Esso Resources Canada Ltd., first as an explorationist and later as a technical mentor. Subsequently, he joined ARCO Exploration and Production Technology, where he currently is employed as a research advisor. In 1993, Henry was an AAPG DistinguishedLecturer. Henry has co-edited Sea-Level Changes-An Integrated Approach (SEPM Special Publication), as well as Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations (lAS Special Publication). In addition, he has authored more than 60 papers. His current research interests are in the area of sequence stratigraphy, in par- ticular the development and application of these concepts at the field-devel- opmentscaleusingsubsurfaceand outcrop data. iv Table of Contents • Preface vii Overview 1 Chapter 1 RecentDevelopmentsandApplicationsin SiliciclasticSequenceStratigraphy 3 PaulWeimerandHenry W.Posamentier RecentApplicationsofSiliciclasticSequence Stratigraphy 13 Chapter 2 The RelativeSuccess ofSiliciclasticSequenceStratigraphicConceptsin Exploration: ExamplesfromIncisedValleyFillandTurbiditeSystemsReservoirs 15 DavidW.Bowen,PaulWeimer,andAlanJ. Scott Chapter 3 DepositionofFourth-Order,Post-RiftSequencesandSequenceSets, Lower Cretaceous (LowerValanginianto LowerAptian),PletmosBasin, Southern Offshore,SouthAfrica 43 G.J. Brink,J. H. G.Keenan,andL.F.Brown,Jr. Chapter4 SequenceStratigraphyofPetroleumPlays,Post-RiftCretaceousRocks (Lower Aptianto UpperMaastrichtian),OrangeBasin, WesternOffshore,SouthAfrica 71 A. Muntingh andL.F.Brown,Jr. Chapter 5 IntegratedStratigraphicandDepositional-FaciesAnalysisofParasequencesin a TransgressiveSystemsTract, San JoaquinBasin, California 99 RobertS. Tye,James S.Hewlett,PeterR. Thompson,andDavidK.Goodman Chapter 6 StratigraphicandCombinationTrapsWithinaSeismicSequenceFramework, MioceneStevensTurbidites,BakersfieldArch,California 135 James S.HewlettandDouglas W.Jordan Chapter 7 RecognizingSequencesandSystemsTractsfrom Well Logs, SeismicData,and Biostratigraphy:Examplesfrom theLate Cenozoic 163 RobertM.Mitchum,John B.Sangree,PeterR.Vail,andWalterW. Wornardt Chapter 8 Variationsin SlopeDeposition,Pliocene-Pleistocene,OffshoreLouisiana, NortheastGulfofMexico 199 AndrewJ. Pulham Chapter 9 DetailedFaciesAnatomyofTransgressiveandHighstandSystemsTractsfrom the UpperCretaceousofSouthernUtah,U.S.A 235 RobertD.Hettinger,PeterJ. McCabe,andKeith W. Shanley v vi TableofContents Chapter10 GenesisandArchitectureofIncisedValleyFillSequences:ALate Quaternary Examplefrom theColoradoRiver, GulfCoastalPlainofTexas 259 Michael D. Blum Chapter11 ApplicationofHigh-ResolutionSequenceStratigraphyto theUpperRotliegend in theNetherlandsOffshore 285 Chang-Shu YangandSwie-Djin Nio Chapter12 SequenceStratigraphyofa LacustrineSystem:UpperFortUnionFormation (Paleocene),WindRiverBasin, Wyoming,U.S.A 317 LouisM. Liro RecentDevelopmentsinSiliciclasticSequenceStratigraphy 335 Chapter13 EvaluationofEustasy,Subsidence,andSedimentInputasControlson Depositional SequenceGeometriesandtheSynchroneityofSequenceBoundaries 337 DavidT.Lawrence Chapter14 EffectsofVariationsinSubsidenceandSedimentSupplyon ParasequenceStacking Patterns 369 F.L.Wehr Chapter15 AnExperimentalStudyoftheInfluenceofSubaqueousShelfAnglesonCoastal PlainandShelfDeposits 381 L.J. Wood,F.G.Ethridge,andS.A. Schumm Chapter16 .EolianSequenceStratigraphy-AConceptualFramework 393 GaryKocurekandKaren G.Havholm Chapter17 PhotostratigraphicCharacteristicsofSequenceStratigraphicFeaturesandPatterns: UpperCretaceousandEoceneStrataoftheSouth-CentralPyrenees,Spain 411 Maria Sgavetti Chapter18 Use ofGeneticSequenceStratigraphyin DefiningandDetermininga Regional TectonicControlon the "MidCimmerianUnconformity": Implicationsfor North Sea Basin DevelopmentandtheGlobalSea-LevelChart 449 J. R. UnderhillandM. A. Partington PREFACE • This memoir grew out of the 2~-daysymposium, We thank Barrett Dixon and Peter Varnai for their "Variations in Depositional Systems Within a assistancein assemblingthefinal volume. Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Applications to We thank the reviewers listed below for their time Exploration," that we organized at the 1991 AAPG and efforts. Their contributionimproved the contents annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. Robert Loucks and ofthememoirimmeasurably. Rick Sarg have edited a companion volume to this George Allen, Beverly Blakeney-Dejarnett, Mike one, also published by AAPG, entitled Carbonate Blum, Chris Bowland, David Bowen, Gerhard Brink, Sequence Stratigraphy: New Developments and Frank Brown, Fadjar Budhijanto, Mario Carminatti, Applications. Stephen G. Crews, Maurice Cucci, Barrett Dixon, We thank the authors for their continued patience FrankEthridge,DavidJames, DavidLawrence,Karen during the time that it has taken us to solicit, review, Loomis, Robert Mitchum, William Morris, Harry compile, and edit all chapters that are included in the Roberts, Jory Pacht, Mike Porter, Bill Ross, Juan volume. We also thank the editorial staff of AAPG, Rosell, Keith Shanley, Roger Slatt, Mike Sweet,Julian specificallyCathleenWilliams,GaryHowell,and Ken Thorne,RobertTye, PeterVarnai,JohnVanWagoner, Frakes, for their support and input on the volume. and LynnWatney. Paul Weimerand HenryPosamentier vii • Overview

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