SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS edited by H. Vincent Poor Princeton University and Lang Tong CornellUniversity Reprinted from a Special Issue of the Journal of VLSI SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS for Signal, Image, and Video Technology Volume 30, Nos. 1-3 January-March, 2002 KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK,BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW This page intentionally left blank Journal of VLSI SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS for Signal, Image, and Video Technology Volume 30, Nos. 1–3, January–March 2002 Special Triple Issue on Signal Processing for Wireless Communication Systems Guest Editors: H. Vincent Poor and Lang Tong Guest Editorial: SignalProcessingforWirelessCommunicationSystems H. VincentPoor and LangTong 5 Systems, Networking, and Implementation Issues Tradeoffs of Source Coding, Channel Coding and Spreading in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels Qinghua Zhao,PamelaCosmanand LaurenceB.Milstein 7 VLSI Implementation of the Multistage Detector for Next Generation Wideband CDMA Receivers Gang Xu,SridharRajagopal,Joseph R.CavallaroandBehnaam Aazhang 21 ModulationandCoding forNoncoherentCommunications Michael L.McCloudandMahesh K. Varanasi 35 Multiple Antenna Enhancements for a High Rate CDMA PacketData System HowardHuang, Harish Viswanathan,AndrewBlanksbyandMohamedA.Haleem 55 DeterministicTime-VaryingPacket FairQueueing forIntegratedServicesNetworks AnastasiosStamoulis and Georgios B. Giannakis 71 Channel Estimation and Equalization MonteCarloBayesianSignalProcessingfor WirelessCommunications XiaodongWang,Rong ChenandJunS.Liu 89 Bounds on SIMO and MIMOChannel Estimation and Equalization with Side Information BrianM. Sadler, RichardJ.Kozick,TerrenceMooreandAnanthramSwami 107 On Blind Timing Acquisition and Channel Estimation for Wideband Multiuser DS-CDMA Systems ZhouyuePiandUrbashiMitra 127 Downlink Specific Linear Equalization for Frequency Selective CDMA Cellular Systems ThomasP.Krauss,William J.Hillery andMichaelD.Zoltowski 143 Multipath DelayEstimationforFrequencyHoppingSystems Prashanth Hande, Lang Tong and Ananthram Swami 163 Multiuser Detection Greedy Detection AminaAlRustamani,BranimirVojcic andAndrej Stefanov 179 A New Class of Efficient Block-Iterative Interference CancellationTechniques for Digital Communication Receivers AlbertM. ChanandGregoryW.Wornell 197 Multiuser Detection for Out-of-Cell Cochannel Interference Mitigation in the IS–95 Downlink D.RichardBrownIII, H.VincentPoor, Sergio VerdúandC.RichardJohnson,Jr. 217 COD:Diversity-AdaptiveSubspace Processing forMultipathSeparation andSignalRecovery Xinying Zhang andS.-Y.Kung 235 MultistageNonlinear Blind InterferenceCancellation for DS-CDMA Systems DraganSamardzija,NarayanMandayam andIvan Seskar 257 Adaptive Interference Suppression for the Downlink of a Direct Sequence CDMA System with Long Spreading Sequences ColinD.Frank,EugeneVisotsky andUpamanyu Madhow 273 ConstrainedAdaptiveLinearMultiuserDetection Schemes GeorgeV.Moustakides 293 eBookISBN: 0-306-47322-4 Print ISBN: 0-7923-7691-9 ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers NewYork, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow Print ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved No part of this eBook maybe reproducedor transmitted inanyform or byanymeans,electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Kluwer Online at: and Kluwer's eBookstore at: Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 30, 5–6, 2002 © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Guest Editorial: Signal Processing for Wireless Communication Systems Needless to say, wireless communications is one of the most active areas of technology development today. With the emergence of many new services, and with very high growth rates in existing services, the demand for new wireless capacity is ever-growing. Unlike wireline communications, in which capacity can be increased by adding infrastructure such as new optical fiber, wireless capacity increases have traditionally required increases in either the radio bandwidth or power, both of which are severely limited in most wireless systems. Fortunately, thanks to Moore’s Law type growth, signal processing capability is one resource that is sufficiently plentiful and increasingly able to provide significant increases in capacity. Consequently, the research community has turned to advanced signal processing as a means of enabling substantial capacity gains in wireless systems. There has been an explosion of research in this area over the past five to ten years. The motivation for this special issue is to chronicle these developments, by presenting a broad and representative array of cutting-edge results in this very critical area. The papers in this issue are divided into three main groups. In the first group there are five papers addressing systems, networking, and implementation issues involved in applying advanced signal processing to wireless sys- tems. The second group contains a further five papers addressing issues in estimation and equalization of wireless channels. And, finally, the third group contains seven papers in the important area of multiuser detection, which addresses the problem of effective receiver signal processing for multiple-access systems. These latter papers are further grouped into two subsets; the first three papers deal with advanced iterative methods for multiuser detection, and the final four papers develop methods for adaptation of multiuser detection. As a group, these contributions provide the reader with an excellent sampling of most of the principal areas of current activity in signal processing for wireless systems. All of these areas are of increasing importance in practical wireless systems, with many already finding their way into practical systems under development. It is expected that these and related techniques will play essential roles in providing remarkable capacity gains for emerging wireless applications. H. Vincent Poor received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science in 1977 from Princeton University, where he is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering. He is also affiliated with Princeton’s Department of Operations Research and Financial Engi- neering, and with its Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. From 1977 until he joined the Princeton faculty in 1990, he was a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has also held visiting and summer appointments at several universities and research organizations in the United States, Britain, and Australia. His research interests are in the area of statistical signal processing and its applications, primarily in wirelessmultiple-access communication networks. His publications in this area include the book, Wireless Communications: Signal Processing Perspectives, with GregoryWornell. Dr. Poor is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the IEEE, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the Optical Society of America. He has been involved in a number of IEEE activities, including having served as 6 Poor and Tong President of the IEEE Information Theory Society and as a member of the IEEE Board of Directors. Among his other honors are the Terman Award of the American Society for Engineering Education, the Distinguished Member Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal, the IEEE Graduate Teaching Award, and the IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award. [email protected] Lang Tong received the B.E. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1985, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1987 and 1990, respectively, from the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. He was a Postdoctoral Research Affiliate at the Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University in 1991. Currently, he is an AssociateProfessor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New York. Dr. Tong received YoungInvestigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 1996, and the Outstanding Young Author Award from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. His areas of interest include statistical signal processing, adaptive receiver design for communication systems, signal processing for communication networks, and information theory. [email protected] Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 30, 7–20, 2002 © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Tradeoffs of Source Coding, Channel Coding and Spreading in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels QINGHUA ZHAO, PAMELA COSMAN AND LAURENCE B. MILSTEIN Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego. 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0407, USA Received August 31, 2000; Revised June 26, 2001 Abstract. This paper investigates the tradeoffs of source coding, channel coding and spreading in CDMA systems. We consider a system consisting of an image source coder, a convolutional channel coder, an interleaver, and a direct sequence spreading module. With different allocations of bandwidth to source coding, channel coding and spreading, the system is analyzed over a frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The performance of the system is evaluated using the cumulative distribution function of peak signal-to-noise ratio. Tradeoffs of different components of the system are determinedthrough simulations. We show that, for a givenbandwidth, an optimal allocation of that bandwidth can be found. Tradeoffs among the parameters allow us to tune the system performance to specific requirements. Keywords: bandwidth allocation, direct-sequence CDMA, frequency selective Rayleigh fading, image transmis- sion over wireless channels, multiuser system, channel estimation 1. Introduction and the characteristics of the source coded bit stream, the system performs better with either more FEC or Source coding, channel coding and spread spectrum are more spreading. the three main components in a CDMA communica- Let and M denote the source code rate (in tion system. A number of studies have been performed bits per pixel, bpp), channel code rate, and process- on the joint design of source and channel coding algo- ing gain, respectively. For a given bandwidth constraint rithms to yield better system throughput (e.g., [1–3]). and transmission time, our goal is to find the optimal There also exists a body of research on the tradeoffs set under the constraint between channel coding and CDMA (e.g., [4–6]). In this work, we investigate the interrelationship among all three components. Bandwidth is the major resource shared among where U is the number of pixels of the original image the three components. Allocating more bandwidth to and C and are constants. source coding allows more information from the source The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 in- to be transmitted, but reduces the bandwidth available troduces the source coding and channel coding. In for both forward error correction (FEC) and spreading. Section 3, the bit errorperformance of the system is an- For different compression methods and rates, the bit alyzed for a frequency selective Rayleigh fading chan- stream coming out of the source encoder is more or nel; theoretical and simulation results are compared. less sensitive to different types of error patterns. FEC Some representative results of tradeoffs among all three and spreading protect the transmitted bits from noise components are given in Section 4, and the conclusions and interference. Depending on the channel conditions are given in Section 5. 8 Zhao, Cosman and Milstein 2. Source Coding and Channel Coding very sensitive to errors. An error in one bit may lead to complete loss of synchronization in the source decoder, The system is shown in Fig. 1. In the following sections, in which case attempting to decode the subsequent bits we discuss each component in detail. would cause the quality of the decoded image to dete- riorate. Also, there is a small amount of image header 2.1. Source Coding information for the coded source bit stream (59 bits in most cases). This number is very small compared to the The source images are encoded using a lossy compre- bit budget for almost all transmission rates of interest, ssion algorithm called Set Partitioning In Hierarchical so in all the analyses and simulations presented below, Trees (SPIHT [7]). The encoded bit stream is progres- the header is assumed to be error-free. sive, i.e., bits which come first can be used to recon- struct a low quality version of the source image, and 2.2. Channel Coding bits which come later can be decoded to producesucce- ssively higher quality versions. The SPIHT algorithm In Fig. 2 [8], source information bits are grouped into has excellent compression performance, however, it is blocks of size N. A 16-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Tradeoffs of Source Coding, Channel Coding and Spreading 9 Code) is added to each block. Then the block is con- K — 1. The composite signal at the input to the channel volutionally encoded using a Rate-Compatible Punc- is tured Convolutional (RCPC) [9] code. At the receiver, the list-based Viterbi algorithm is used to find the best where candidate in the trellis for the current block. Then the CRC detects whether there is an error. If there is an error, the second best candidate is found and the CRC is again checked, and so on. After checking the list of paths for a predetermined number of times, if the CRC are independent check still declares an error, the source decoder discards identically distributed (iid) random variables, uni- this block and all subsequent blocks. The image is then formly distributed in and are iid ran- reconstructed from the previously received blocks. dom variables, uniformly distributed in [0, T). A tapped delay line is used to model the fre- quency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The sig- 3. Direct Sequence CDMA nal at the output of the channel can be written as where 3.1. Signal and Channel Model The coded data stream is spread, using direct sequence with a long spreading code, by a factor of M (the processing gain). Then the signal is transmitted using BPSK modulation. Assume there are K simultaneously is complex Gaussian noise with two sided power active users in the system. The signature sequences of spectral density L is the number of resolvable mul- different users have a common chip rate of where tipaths, and is a complex gain which repre- and 1/T is the data bit rate (in bits per sec- sents the fading experienced by the kth user on the lth ond). Let denote the signature sequence wave- path, uncorrelated for different k and l, but correlated form of the kthuser, and let be the corresponding over time t (for convenience, we assume the fading is sequence elements, where Then constantduringeach symbol duration). We assume all users are operating in a similar environment with a flat Multipath Intensity Profile (MIP), i.e., all are iden- tically distributed with density function where is the chip pulse shape. For simplicity, and is uniformly distributed. For simplicity, we set a square-wave pulse is chosen, so that for and zero elsewhere. Similarly, the data signal may be written as 3.2. RAKE Receiver and Trellis Structure The RAKE receiver shown in Fig. 3 is used to re- where Therefore, the transmitted signal solve the resolvable multipaths. Every T seconds at for the kth user is the RAKE output is sampled and fed into a soft decision decoder. For the ith data bit of the reference user, the test where statistic on the path of the RAKE is given by A is the magnitude of the transmitted signal, assumed to be the same for all users, is the common car- rier frequency and is the phase of the kth user. As- In (9), the first term on the right hand side is the sig- suming asynchronous operation, the delay of user k nal component, and the last three terms correspond to relative to the reference user (user 0) is k = 1, ..., self-interference, multi-access interference, and noise,