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Securing Virtual Network Function Placement with High Availability Guarantees Marco Casazza∗, Pierre Fouilhoux†, Mathieu Bouet‡, and Stefano Secci† ∗Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Informatica, Italy. Email: [email protected] †Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7606, LIP6, France. Email: {pierre.fouilhoux,stefano.secci}@upmc.fr ‡Thales Communications & Security, France. Email: [email protected] Abstract—VirtualNetworkFunctionsasaService(VNFaaS)is can induce the failure of all the overlying services [12]. To currentlyunderattentivestudybytelecommunicationsandcloud achieve high availability, backup VNFs can be placed into the stakeholders as a promising business and technical direction 7 NFVI, acting as replicas of the running VNFs, so that when consisting of providing network functions as a service on a 1 the latter fail, the load is rerouted to the former. However, cloud (NFV Infrastructure), instead of delivering standalone 0 network appliances, in order to provide higher scalability and not all VNFs are equal ones: the software implementing a 2 reduce maintenance costs. However, the functioning of such network function of the server where a VNF is running may n NFVI hosting the VNFs is fundamental for all the services and bemorepronetoerrorsthanothers,influencingtheavailability a applications running on top of it, forcing to guarantee a high of the overall infrastructure. Also, client requests may be J availability level. Indeed the availability of an VNFaaS relies on 7 the failure rate of its single components, namely the servers, routed via different network paths, with different availability 2 the virtualization software, and the communication network. performance.Thereforetoguaranteehighlevelsofavailability The proper assignment of the virtual machines implementing it is important not only to increase the number of replicas ] network functions to NFVI servers and their protection is placed on an NFVI, but it is also crucial to select where they I essential to guarantee high availability. We model the High are placed and which requests they serve. N AvailabilityVirtualNetworkFunctionPlacement(HA-VNFP)as In this context, we study and model the High Availability . the problem of finding the best assignment of virtual machines s to servers guaranteeing protection by replication. We propose a Virtual Network Function Placement (HA-VNFP) problem, c [ probabilisticapproachtomeasuretherealavailabilityofasystem that is the problem of placing VNFs on an NFVI in order anddesignbothefficientandeffectivealgorithmsthatcanbeused to serve a given set of clients requests guaranteeing high 1 by stakeholders for both online and offline planning. availability. Our contribution consist of: (a) a quantitative v probabilistic model to measure the expected availability of 3 I. BACKGROUND 9 VNFplacement; (b)a proofthat theproblem isNP-hardand 9 Arecenttrendincomputernetworksandcloudcomputingis thatitbelongstotheclassofnonlinearoptimizationproblems; 7 tovirtualizenetworkfunctions,inordertoprovidehigherscal- (c) a linear mathematical programming formulation that can 0 ability, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing reliability be solved to optimality for instances of limited size; (d) a . 1 of network services. Virtual Network Functions as a Service VariableNeighborhoodSearch(VNS)heuristicforbothonline 0 (VNFaaS) is currently under attentive study by telecommuni- and offline planning; (e) an extensive simulation campaign, 7 cations and cloud stakeholders, as a promising business and andalgorithmintegrationinaDecisionSupportSystem(DSS) 1 technical direction consisting of providing network functions tool [28]. : v (i.e., firewall, intrusion detection, caching, gateways...) as a The paper is organized as follows: in Section II we present i X Service instead of delivering standalone network appliances. the HA-VNFP, and in Section III we briefly describe previous r While legacy network services are usually implemented by works on VM/VNF placement in cloud/NFVI systems. In a means of highly reliable hardware specifically built for a SectionIVweformallydescribetheoptimizationproblemand single purpose middlebox, VNFaaS moves such services to propose a linearization of the problem and a mathematical a virtualized environment [18], named NFV Infrastructure programming formulation that can solve it to optimality. In (NFVI) and based on commercial-off-the-shelf hardware [22]. SectionVwedescribeourheuristicmethodologies,whichare Services implementing network functions are called Virtual thentestedinanextensivesimulationcampaigninSectionVI. Network Functions (VNFs). One of the open issues for NFVI We briefly conclude in Section VII. design is indeed to guarantee high levels of VNF availability [21], i.e., the probability that the network function is working II. HIGHAVAILABILITYVNFPLACEMENT at a given time. In other words, a higher availability corre- We consider an NFVI with several geo-distributed data- spondstoasmallerdowntimeofthesystem,anditisrequired centers or clusters (see Fig. 1). Each cluster consists of a to satisfy stringent Service Level Agreements (SLA). Failures set of heterogeneous servers with limited available computing may result in a temporary unavailability of the services, but resources. Several instances of the same VNF type can be while in other contexts it may be tolerable, in NFVI network placed on the NFVI but on different servers. Each VNF outages are not acceptable, since the failure of a single VNF instance can be assigned to a single server allocating some of its computing resources. Indeed each server has a limited Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C amount of computing resources that cannot be exceeded. A network connects together all servers of the NFVI: S1 S3 S7 Slave S5 S6 S8 S9 we suppose that the communication links inside a cluster Master S2 S4 are significantly more reliable than those between servers in different clusters. An access network with multiple access AP1 AP2 AP3 points connects servers to clients. Links connecting access R1 R2 R3 pointstoclusterscandifferintheavailabilitylevel,depending R4 R5 R6 on the type of the connection or the distance from the cluster. Fig.2. AbstractrepresentationofVNFsplacementona3-clusterNFVI.Each boxisaVNFinstance.InstancesrunningthesameVNFtypehavethesame pattern.VNFswithagraybackgroundareslavesplacedasprotectionforthe masters.SetsofrequestsareroutedfromaccesspointsandassignedtoVNFs Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C runningtherequestedfunction. S1 S3 S7 S5 S6 S8 S9 in [11], in such a way that the latter has always an updated S2 S4 state and can consistently restore the computation in case of failure of the former. We suppose that if a master is unreachable, a searching process is started in order to find AP1 AP2 AP3 a slave that can complete the computation. If the searching Fig.1. AbstractrepresentationofanNFVI:eachserverisdepictedasawhite process fails and all slaves are unreachable, then the service box whom height represents the amount of available resources. Clusters are is consideredunavailable. Arepresentation of VNFprotection connected together to allow synchronization operations. Access network is representedbyaccesspointsconnectingclusterstotheexternalnetwork. is in Fig. 3. Inthisarticle,weassumethatthetotalamountofresources S1 S2 S3 S4 and network capacities are sufficient to manage the expected clientrequestsatanytime.Howeverassignmentdecisionsmay artificially produce congestion over the servers. We analyze Fig.3. Exampleofprotection:masterVNFsarerunningonserversS2and S4,whileslavearerunningonS1andS3.EachlinkbetweenVNFinstances how to find assignments providing a trade-off between NFVI representstheconnectionbetweenamasteranditsslave. availability and system congestion. We are given an estimation of the expected client VNF requests,eachcharacterizedbyacomputingresourcedemand. III. RELATEDWORKS An assigned request consumes part of the resources reserved Even if VM and VNF resource placement in cloud systems by a VNF instance. Indeed the consumed resources must not is a recent area of research (see [16] for a high-level compre- exceed the reserved ones. hensive study), however there already exists orchestrators that Requests can be assigned using two different policies: are driven by optimization algorithms for the placement, such demand load balancing and split demand load balancing. In as [23]. We now present few works in literature studying the theformer,aclientrequestisalwaysfullyassignedtoasingle optimization problems that arises in this context. server,whileinthelatteritmaybesplitamongdifferentones. a) PlacementofVirtualMachines: [20]studiestheprob- Splitting a request also splits proportionally its demand of lem of placing VMs in datacenters minimizing the average computing resources. Indeed, when a demand is split it relies latency of VM-to-VM communications. Such a problem is on the availabilities of many VNF instances, decreasing the NP-hard and falls into the category of Quadratic Assignment expected availability of the service, but increasing the chance Problems. The authors provide a polynomial time heuristic of finding a feasible assignment in case of congestion. algorithmsolvingtheproblemina"divideetimpera"fashion. We suppose a multi-failure environment in which VNFs, In [3] the authors deal with the problem of placing VMs in servers, clusters, and networks may fail together. Our aim is geo-distributed clouds minimizing the inter-VM communica- to improve the VNF availability by replicating instances on tiondelays.Theydecomposetheprobleminsubproblemsthat the NFVI. We distinguish between master and slave VNFs: they solve heuristically. They also prove that, under certain the former are active VNF instances, while the latter are idle conditions,oneofthesubproblemscanbesolvedtooptimality until masters fail. An example of VNF placement is depicted in polynomial time. [6] studies the VM placement problem in Fig. 2. minimizingthemaximumratioofthedemandandthecapacity Each master may be protected by many slaves - we assume acrossallcutsinthenetwork,inordertoabsorbunpredictable in this article that a slave can protect only a master, must be traffic burst. The authors provide two different heuristics to placedonadifferentserver,andmustallocateatleastthesame solve the problem in reasonable computing time. amount of computing resources of its master. b) Placement of Virtual Network Functions: [4] applies Each master periodically saves and sends its state to its NFV to LTE mobile core gateways proposing the problem of slaves, e.g. using technologies such as the one presented placing VNFs in datacenters satisfying all client requests and latencyconstraintswhileminimizingtheoverallnetworkload. b) Virtual Network Functions: A set F of VNF types is Instead, in [8] the objective function requires to minimize the given.EachVNFinstancerunsonasingleserver.Eachserver total system cost, comprising the setup and link costs. [17] can host multiple VNF instances, but at most one master for introduces the VNF orchestration problem of placing VNFs each type. and routing client requests through a chain of VNFs. The c) Networks: An inter-cluster network allows synchro- authors minimize the setup costs while satisfying all client nization between clusters, while an access network connects demands. They propose both an ILP and a heuristic to solve clusters to a set of access points P. We are given sets L C suchproblem.Also[1]considerstheVNForchestrationprob- and L of logical links (c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:48)) ∈ L connecting clusters P C lem with VNF switching piece-wise linear latency function c(cid:48),c(cid:48)(cid:48) ∈ C, and logical links (c,p) ∈ L connecting cluster P and bit-rate compression and decompression operations. Two c∈C to access point p∈P, respectively. differentobjectivefunctionsarestudied:oneminimizingcosts d) Clients requests: A set of clients requests R is given. and one balancing the network usage. Each request r ∈ R is a tuple (f ,P ,d ) of the requested r r r c) Placement with protection: In [5] VMs are placed VNFtypef ∈F,asubsetofavailableaccesspointsP ⊆P, r r with a protection guaranteeing k-resiliency, that is at least k and the resources demand d ∈R . r + slaves for each VM. The authors propose an integer formu- e) Availability: Taking into account explicit availability lation that they solve by means of constraint programming. inNFVIdesignbecomesnecessarytoensureSLAs[12],[22]. In [15] the recovery problem of a cloud system is consid- We suppose that the availabilities of each component (server, ered where slaves are usually turned off to reduce energy cluster,VNF,link)aregiven(seeTableI),eachcorresponding consumption but can be turned on in advance to reduce the to the probability that a component is working. recovery time. The authors propose a bicriteria approximation f) Objective function: All clients requests must be as- algorithm and a greedy heuristic. In [27] the authors solve signed to servers maximizing the availability of the system, a problem where links connecting datacenters may fail, and we measure as the minimum availability among all requests. a star connection between VMs must be found minimizing the probability of failure. The authors propose an exact and TABLEI a greedy algorithms to solve both small and large instances, MATHEMATICALNOTATION. respectively. Within disaster-resilient VM placement, [9] pro- poses a protection scheme in which for each master a slave is C Setofclusters S Setofservers selected on a different datacenter, enforcing also path protec- Sc Setofserversinclusterc F SetofVNFtypes R Setofrequests P Setofaccesspoints tion.In[2]theauthorssolvetheproblemofplacingslavesfor LC Setofsynchro.links LP Setofaccesslinks a given set of master VMs without exceeding neither servers Pr Setofrequestaccess points nor link capacities. Their heuristic approaches decompose the problems in two parts: the first allocating slaves, and the qs Capacityofservers dr Demandofrequestr second defining protection relationships. cs Clusterofservers fr VNFofrequestr Inarecentwork[25],theauthorsmodeltheVMavailability aFf AvailabilityofVNFf aSs Availabilityofservers by means of a probabilistic approach and solve the placement aLccC(cid:48) Alinvkail(acb,icli(cid:48)t)yofsynchro. aLcpP A(cv,apil)abilityofaccesslink problem over a set of servers by means of a nonlinear math- aC Availabilityofclusterc ematical formulation and greedy heuristics. This is the only c work offering an estimation of the availability of the system. However, it considers only the availability of the servers, A. Computational complexity while in our problem we address a more generic scenario: when datacenters are geo-distributed, a client request shall be Concerning the assignment of requests, we can prove that: assigned to the closest datacenter, since longer connections Observation 1. When demand split is allowed and may have a higher failure rate. Therefore, the source of the (cid:80) (cid:80) d ≤ q , HA-VNFP has always a feasible so- client requests may affect the placement of the VNFs on the r∈R r s∈S s lution that can be found in polynomial time. NFVI, and must be taken into account in the optimization process and in the estimation of the availability. In fact since the requests can be split among servers, the feasibility of an instance can be found applying a Next-Fit IV. MODELING greedy algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem with Item In the following we propose a formal definition to the HA- Fragmentation (BPPIF) [19]: servers can be seen as bins, VNFP and a mathematical programming formulation. while requests as items that must be packed into bins. The a) Clusters and servers: We are given the set of clusters algorithmiterativelypackitemstoanopenbin.Whenthereis C and the set of servers S. Each server s belongs to a cluster not enough residual capacity, the item is split, the bin is filled c , and we define as S ⊆ S the set of servers of cluster c. and closed, and a new bin is open packing the rest of the s c We represent the usual distinct types of computing resources item. When requests can be split, such algorithm produces a (CPU, RAM, ... ) of server s∈S by the same global amount feasible solution for the HA-VNFP: if a request is assigned to q ∈R of available resources. aserver,thenamasterVNFservingsucharequestisallocated s + on that server too. The Next-Fit algorithm runs in O(|R|) and Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C therefore a feasible solution can be found in polynomial time. S1 S3 S7 Observation 2. The feasibility of a HA-VNFP instance with- S5 S6 S8 S9 out demand split is a NP-hard problem. S2 S4 Indeed we can see again the feasibility problem as a Bin AP1 AP2 AP3 Packing Problem (BPP). However, without split each item R1 must be fully packed into a single bin. Therefore, finding a Fig. 4. Example of assignment configuration γ = feasiblesolutionisequivalenttothefeasibilityofaBPP,which {(S2,{S1,S2,S7}),(S5,{S3,S5,S6})}, where request R1 is split is NP-hard, and it directly follows that: and assigned to two different master VNFs on servers S2 and S5. Both mastershaveslaves:themasterVNFonserverS2hasslavesonserversS1 Theorem1. TheHA-VNFPwithoutdemandsplitisNP-hard. andS7,whiletheoneonserverS5hasslavesonserversS3andS6. That is, for unsplittable demands, it is NP-hard finding a(r,ω) is the function computing the probability that at least both a feasible solution and the optimum solution. It is less one of the instances of ω is working: straightforward to also prove that: Theorem 2. The HA-VNFP with demand split is NP-hard. a(r,ω)=1−[ (1−aLP(cs,Pr)·aCcs ·aS(fr,Sp∩Scs)) · (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) availability of the cluster containing master Proof: In fact, let us suppose a simple instance where (cid:89) all components (servers, clusters, links, ...) are equal ones and · (1−aLP(c,P )·aC ·aLC ·aS(f ,S ∩S )] where (cid:80)r∈Rdr = (cid:80)s∈Sqs, which means that there will be c∈C\{cs}a(cid:124)vailability ofrclustcer(cid:123)c(cid:122)ocnstcaining ornlypslavec(cid:125)s no slaves in our placement. The problem can be seen again as a BPPIF in which the objective is to minimize the number When a request r is split, we compute its availability a(r,γ) of splits of the item that is split the most: in fact, every time as the probability that all of its parts succeed: a(r,γ) = (cid:81) a request is split, the availability of the system decreases. In a(r,ω). We remark that such formula is nonlinear (s,ω)∈γ suchscenariosthebestsolutionistheoneinwhichnorequest and produces a Integer Nonlinear Programming formulation is split at all - however, if we could solve such a problem which cannot be solved by common integer solvers like in polynomial time, then we could solve also the feasibility CPLEX. Therefore we propose a MIP linearization of such problem of a BPP in polynomial time, which instead is NP- nonlinear formulation in which for each assignment config- hard. Therefore, since we can reduce a feasibility problem of uration γ ∈ Γ we have a binary variable stating if such BPP to an instance of BPPIF, and the latter to an instance of configuration is selected in the solution. HA-VNFP, the HA-VNFP with split is NP-hard. h) Variables: The following variables are needed: x : fraction of request r assigned to server s rs (cid:40) B. Mathematical formulation 1, if γ is active for request r z = rγ 0, otherwise In the following we propose a mathematical programming u : resources consumed by VNF f on s formulation of HA-VNFP starting from the definition of the fs set of the solutions: a request assignment ω is a pair (s,Sp) vfss(cid:48) : resources consumed by slave on server s(cid:48) indicating the subset of servers S ⊆ S running either the A : minimum availability p min master or the slaves of a VNF instance, and the server s∈S p i) Model: HA-VNFP can be modeled as follows: where the master is placed. We also define Ω = {(s,S ) | p S ⊆ S,s ∈ S } as the set of all request assignments. An max A (1) p p min assignment configuration γ (see Fig. 4) is a set of all request (cid:88) s.t. xrs =1 ∀r∈R (2) assignmentsω forallthefragmentsofarequest.Wedefineas s∈S Γ the set of all assignment configurations γ, that is Γ={γ ∈ (cid:88) 2Ω |s(cid:48) (cid:54)=s(cid:48)(cid:48),∀(s(cid:48),ω(cid:48)),(s(cid:48)(cid:48),ω(cid:48)(cid:48))∈γ}. xrs ≤ zrγ ∀r∈R,s∈S (3) γ∈Γ g) Availability computation: We compute the NFVI ∃(s,ω)∈γ availability for a request r by means of a probabilistic ap- (cid:88) dr·xrs ≤ufs ∀f∈F,s∈S (4) proach [7], [14]. Given a cluster and a set of access points, r∈R aLP(c,P) is the function computing the probability that at fr=f (le(cid:81)ast on1e−ofaLthPe).aGcciveesns alinVkNsFisanwdoraksinegt:ofasLePrv(ce,rsP,)aS=(f1,S−) ufrs+qs·(cid:88)zrγ ≤vfrss(cid:48) +qs ∀r∈R,s,s(cid:48)∈S (5) p∈P cp γ∈Γ is the function computing the probability that at least one in- ∃(s,ω)∈γ|s(cid:48)∈ω stanceofVNFisworking:aS(f,S)=1−((cid:81) 1−aF·aS). (cid:88) (cid:88) s∈S f s ufs+ vfs(cid:48)s ≤qs ∀s∈S (6) Given a request r and a request assignment ω = (s,S ), p f∈F s(cid:48)∈S (cid:88) zrγ ≤1 ∀r∈R (7) havingenoughcapacityforaslavestillusing SELECTSERVER γ∈Γ procedure. After a server is found, the slave is placed. Such a (cid:88) procedure is repeated until no additional slave is placed. a(r,γ)·zrγ ≥Amin ∀r∈R (8) γ∈Γ Algorithm 1 Greedy heuristic procedure Constraints (2) and (3) ensure that each request is fully 1: function GREEDY(R,S,split) assignedandselectsanassignmentconfiguration,respectively. 2: placement←∅ Constraints (4) and (5) set the allocated resources of masters 3: for all r∈R|dr >0 do (cid:46) Assignment of requests and slaves, respectively. Constraints (6) ensure that servers 4: if ∃sˆ←SELECTSERVER(dr,S,split) then capacities are not exceeded. Constraints (7) impose that at 5: create VNF fr if it does not exists in placement 6: assign request r to server sˆin placement most one assignment configuration is selected for each re- 7: demand dr is decreased quest. Constraints (8) compute the minimum availability. Our 8: else formulation can model both the HA-VNFP with and without 9: return infeasible split: in fact by simply setting |γ|=1 for each configuration 10: end if 11: end for γ we forbid configurations splitting a request. 12: do (cid:46) Add slaves 13: for all VNFs v∈placement do V. HEURISTICS 14: S¯← servers of S without v and its slaves Solving HA-VNFP as a MIP using an integer solver works 15: if ∃sˆ←SELECTSERVER(dv,S¯,FALSE) then only for small NFVI, since the number of variables is expo- 16: create slave of VNF v on server sˆin placement 17: end if nential w.r.t the size of the instances. Therefore we propose 18: end for two different heuristic approaches for HA-VNFP: the first 19: while slaves are found is an adaptation of well-known greedy policies for the BPP 20: return placement that will serve as comparison, while the second is a Variable 21: end function Neighborhood Search heuristic using different algorithmic operators to explore the neighborhood of a starting point. B. Variable Neighborhood Search A. Greedy heuristics The Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a meta- heuristic that systematically changes the neighborhood within Most of the heuristics for the placement of VMs or VNFs the local search algorithm, in order to escape from local are based on a greedy approach, and BPP heuristics are often optima. In other words, it starts from an initial solution, exploited to obtain suitable algorithms for the placement, applies a local search algorithm until it improves, and then such as in [24]. We also exploit BPP heuristics to obtain changes the type of local search algorithm applied to change three different greedy approaches for the HA-VNFP: Best the neighborhood. Our VNS algorithm explores 4 different Availability, Best Fit, and First Fit greedy heuristics. The neighborhoodsanditisinitializedwithseveralstartingpoints, algorithm,reportedinAlgorithm1,startsfromanemptyinitial each obtained using a different greedy algorithm. placement and for each request r it looks for a server having enough residual capacity to satisfy the demand d . If such a r Algorithm 2 Variable Neighborhood Search serverisfound,thentherequestisassignedtoit,otherwisethe 1: function VNS(R,S,split) algorithm fails without finding a feasible solution. However, 2: startingPoints ← { BESTAVAILABILITY(R,S,split), we can observe that: BESTFIT(R,S,split), FIRSTFIT(R,S,split) } (cid:80) (cid:80) 3: operators←{vnfSwap,slaveSwap,requestSwap, Observation 3. When d ≤ q and split is r∈R r s‘inS s requestMove} allowed, our greedy heuristic always finds a feasible solution. 4: bestPlacement←∅ 5: for all placement∈startingPoints do In fact we can always split a request between two servers, 6: do as stated also in Observation 1. 7: for all op∈operators do The selection of the server is performed by the procedure 8: placement← apply op to placement SELECTSERVER(S¯,d¯,split) which discards the servers with- 9: if placement improves bestPlacement then out sufficient resources to satisfy demand d¯, and selects a 10: bestPlacement←placement 11: break server depending on the chosen policy: 12: end if • best fit: the server whose capacity best fits the demand; 13: end for • first fit: the first server found; 14: while improving bestPlacement 15: end for • best availability: the server with the highest availability. 16: return bestPlacement While the first three policies are well-know for the BPP, the 17: end function fourth one is designed for the HA-VNFP. Master VNFs are placed during the assignment of the The main logic of our VNS algorithm is sketched in requests. Then, in a similar way, the algorithm places addi- Algorithm2:wegenerate3startingpointsbyusingthegreedy tional slaves: for each master the algorithm looks for a server heuristics of Section V-A and we explore their neighborhood for a placement improving the availability. If no improvement S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 can be found, the algorithm switches the neighborhood. Indeed applying local search is time expensive, but we can observethatamax-minobjectivefunctiondividestherequests R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4 intwosets:asetofrequestshavinganavailabilityequaltothe Fig. 7. Example of requests swap neighborhood: requests R2 and R3 are objective function and another set having a better availability. swapped changing the respective servers. When swapping a request, a new We refer to the former as the set of the worst requests, since VNFinstanceiscreatedifnoneexistedonthenewserver. they are the ones whose improvement will also improve the S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 availability of the entire solution. To reduce the computing time and focus our algorithm we found to be profitable to restrict the explored neighborhood to the worst requests only. R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Also, after applying each operator we look for new slaves, as in the greedy procedure Algorithm 1. Fig. 8. Example of request move neighborhood: request R2 is moved and assignedtoadifferentserver. Giventwofeasibleplacements,wesaythatoneisimproving if it has a higher availability or if it has the same availability but fewer worst requests. number of iterations can be set, obtaining a O(k·|R|·|S|· InthefollowingwedescribetheneighborhoodsofourVNS. max{|R|,|F|·|S|}) heuristic. Also, in the following we show a) VNFsswap: Thefirstneighborhoodconsistsofswap- that our VNS requires small computing time for NFVI of pingVNFs(seeFig.5):givenaVNF,weswapitwithasubset limited size and it can be parameterized to end within a time of VNFs deployed on a different server. If the placement is limit, making it suitable for both online and offline planning. improved, then we store the result as the best local change. In general our operator is O(2|F|·|S|) but we found prof- VI. SIMULATION itable to set an upper bound of 1 to the cardinality of the set We evaluate empirically the quality of our methodologies: of swapped VNFs, obtaining a O(|F|·|S|) operator. the greedy heuristic using four different policies (best fit, first fit, and best availability), the VNS algorithm, and the S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 mathematical programming formulation as a MIP. However we could run our MIP only on small instances with 3 or 4 servers and 50 requests. In our framework we first run R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4 the algorithms using the demand load balancing policy, and Fig.5. ExampleofVNFsswapneighborhood:VNFsonserverS2andS3 allowingsplitonlyiftheformerfailstoassignalltherequests. areswapped.IfaVNFisamaster,thenallitsassignedrequestsareredirected All methodologies are implemented in C++, while CPLEX tothenewserver. 12.6.3 [10] is used to solve the MIP. The simulations have b) Slave VNFs swap: We explore the neighborhood been conducted on Intel Xeon X5690 at 3.47 GHz. We where a slave VNF is removed to free resources for an also produced a graphical DSS tool integrating the VNS and additional slave of a different master VNF (see Fig. 6). The the greed algorithms (in python) working on arbitrary 2-hop complexity of this operator is O(|F|·|S|). topologies and made it available in [28]. 1) Dataset generation: We generated a random dataset S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 consisting of instances that differ for the number of requests, total amount of computing resources, and availabilities of the network components. We set the number of VNF types R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4 provided by our NFVI to |F| = 5. We assumed an NFVI Fig.6. ExampleofslaveVNFsswapneighborhood:aslaveisremovedfrom with 3 clusters (|C| = 3) and 3 access points (|P| = 3). theplacementinordertofreeresourcesforaslaveofadifferentmasterVNF. Each request has a random demand d ∈ [1,10], while each r server has a random capacity q ∈[75,125]. The availabilities c) Requests swap: We also explore the neighborhood s of all the components of our NFVI are selected between where requests are swapped (see Fig. 7): given a request we {0.9995,0.9999,0.99995,0.99999} as in [13], [25], [26]. considerasubsetofrequestsassignedtoadifferentserverand We generated 30 instances for each combination of: then swap the former with the latter. Similarly to the swap of VNFs,thecomplexityofthisoperatorisO(2|R|).However,by • number of requests |R|={50,100,200,300,400,500}; setting an upper bound of 1 to the cardinality of the swapped • numberofaccesspointsforeachrequest|Pr|∈{1,2,3}. requests set we obtain a O(|R|) operator. The number of servers depends on the number of requests, d) Requestmove: Inthelastexplorationweconsiderthe the total amount of the demands, and the random capacities: neighborswherearequestissimplymovedtoadifferentserver we generated a set of servers such that their capacities are (cid:80) (cid:80) (see Fig. 8). The complexity of this operator is O(|S|). enough to serve all the demands Q = q ≥ d . s∈S s r∈R r In principle, even if all the operators polynomial time our Note that such condition guarantees the feasibility only when VNS algorithm is not . However, an upper bound k to the splitting requests is allowed. Servers are randomly distributed best availability best fit first fit VNS MIP 1.000000 1e+04 0.999891 1e+03 0.999782 e (s)1e+02 ability0.999673 g tim1e+01 avail0.999564 ge computin11ee−+0010 e minimum 00..999999344565 a g Aver1e−02 Avera0.999237 1e−03 0.999128 best availability best fit 0.999020 first fit 1e−04 VNS MIP 0.998911 1e−05 1 Q 1.25 Q 1.5 Q 1.75 Q 2 Q 2.25 Q 2.5 Q 2.75 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q Server computing resources Server computing resources (a) Averagecomputingtime(verticalaxisinlog.scale). (b) Averageminimumavailability. Fig.9. Resultsforinstanceswith50requests. among all the clusters, in such a way that for each pair Fig. 10(a), Fig. 10(b), and Fig. 10(c) we report the average of clusters c and c(cid:48) we have |S − S | ≤ 1. Under these availability when requests can be routed to the NFVI using c c(cid:48) conditions we obtained instances with around 3 servers when 1, 2, and 3 access points, respectively. The path protection |R|=50 and 28 servers when |R|=500. obtained by using more than one access point substantially increases the level of the availability. However, having more A. Comparison on small instances than 2 access points does not provide additional benefits. WefirstevaluatethequalityofourVNSheuristicagainstthe B. Scaling up the number of requests solutionsobtainedbytheMIPsolverandthegreedyheuristics. In order to study how the NFVI behaves on different levels In a second round of experiments, we evaluated how our of congestion, we let its computing resources to grow from VNS algorithm behave when scaling up the number of re- (cid:80) an initial value of Q = q , to 3 · Q, with a step of quests. However, when the number of servers increases its s∈S s 0.25·Q.Duetotheexponentialnumberofthevariablesofour is not possible to use the MIP. Therefore, in the following formulation,theMIPsolvercouldhandleonlysmallinstances analysis we compare the results of our VNS algorithm to the with 50 requests. All tests have been performed setting a time greedyonesonly.Inaddition,sinceourVNSalgorithmhasnot limit of two hours each and all the algorithms managed to polynomialtimecomplexity,weincludeinthecomparisonthe assign all requests without splits. resultsobtainedbysettingatimelimitof10sattheexploration In Fig. 9(a) we show the average computing time of the of each starting solution. algorithms: while the MIP hits several times the time limit, We can first observe in Fig. 11(a) that the computing time computingtimesarenegligibleforalltheheuristics,andVNS of the VNS algorithm grows exponentially when the number canbeconsideredasagoodalternativeforonlineorchestration of requests increases. Indeed setting a time limit reduces the whenthesetoftherequestsissmall.Theoptimizationproblem overall computing time, which is always less than a minute. seems harder when the amount of computing resources is In Fig. 11(b) we show that on average there is always scarce:infact,theaveragecomputingtimeoftheMIPiscloser a substantial gap between the results obtained by our VNS to the time limit when the overall capacity is less than 2·Q. algorithmsandthegreedyheuristics.Wecanalsoobservethat Instead, with higher quantities of resources the MIP always on average the VNS time limit does not penalize substantially find the optimal solution within the time limit. the results. Therefore our VNS algorithm with time limit can In Fig. 9(b) we show that the results of our VNS heuristic reduce computing times with minimal loss in availability. are close to the MIP ones, while there is a significant gap From Fig. 12(a) to Fig. 12(e) we show the results on between the latters and the greedy heuristic ones. In fact, instances having from 100 to 500 requests individually. We both the MIP and the VNS succeed in finding solutions with can observe that the greedy heuristics progressively loose in an availability of three nines even with scarce resources. quality of the solutions, and the gap with the VNS algorithms Eventuallyallthealgorithmsreachanhighlevelofavailability increases with the number of the requests. when computing resources are doubled. FinallyinFig.12(f)weshowonlytheresultsconcerningthe In Fig. 10 we show the variation of the availability when VNS algorithm without time limit and how it behaves when the number of access points for each request increases: in both the number of requests and the overall capacity increase. 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.999869 0.999902 0.999902 0.999737 0.999804 0.999804 m availability00..999999467046 m availability00..999999670097 m availability00..999999670097 mu0.999343 mu0.999511 mu0.999511 Average mini00..999999028102 Average mini00..999999341153 Average mini00..999999341153 0.998949 best availability 0.999218 best availability 0.999218 best availability best fit best fit best fit 0.998817 first fit 0.999120 first fit 0.999120 first fit VNS VNS VNS MIP MIP MIP 0.998686 0.999022 0.999022 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q Server computing resources Server computing resources Server computing resources (a) 1accesspointforrequest. (b) 2accesspointsforrequest. (c) 3accesspointsforrequest. Fig.10. Averageminimumavailabilitiesforinstanceswith50requestsanddifferentnumberofaccesspointsforeachrequest. best availability best fit first fit VNS VNS 10s 1.000000 1e+03 0.999870 1e+02 0.999741 y e (s)1e+01 abilit0.999611 ge computing tim11ee−+0010 e minimum avail000...999999999234258322 a g Aver1e−02 Avera0.999093 bbeesstt afitvailability 1e−03 0.998964 first fit VNS 1e−04 0.998834 VNS 10s 0.998705 1e−05 |R|= 100 |R|= 200 |R|= 300 |R|= 400 |R|= 500 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q Number of requests Server computing resources (a) Averagecomputingtime(verticalaxisinlog.scale). (b) Averageminimumavailability. Fig.11. Resultsforinstanceswithupto500requests. We can observe that the curves are similar and the quality of in computing times smaller of orders of magnitude. We high- the solutions provided by our algorithm is not affected by the lighted the substantial gap between the availability obtained increasing of the size of the instances. Our VNS algorithm using classic greedy policies, and the one obtained with a alwaysprovidesplacementswithanavailabilityofthreenines more advanced VNS algorithm, when the NFVI is congested. even when resources are scarce, and it always reaches four OurVNSalgorithmshowedtobeagoodcompromisetosolve nines when the capacity is doubled. HA-VNFPinreasonablecomputingtime,provingtobeagood alternative for both online and offline planning. VII. CONCLUSION We integrated our HA-VNFP algorithms in a graphical WedefinedandmodeledtheHA-VNFP,thatistheproblem simulator made available with tutorial videos in [28]. of placing VNFs in NFVI guaranteeing high availability. We provided a quantitative model based on probabilistic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS approachestoofferanestimationoftheavailabilityofaNFVI. This article is based upon work from COST Action We proved that the arising nonlinear optimization problem is CA15127 ("Resilient communication services protecting end- NP-hardandwemodelleditbymeansofalinearformulation user applications from disaster-based failures - RECODIS") with an exponential number of variables. However, to solve supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and instances with a realistic size we designed both efficient and Technology). This work was funded by the ANR Reflex- effective heuristics. By extensive simulations, we show that ion (contract nb: ANR-14-CE28-0019) and the FED4PMR our VNS algorithm finds solution close to the MIP ones, but projects. 1.00000 1.000000 1.000000 0.99988 0.999870 0.999863 0.99976 0.999740 0.999726 m availability 00..9999995624 m availability00..999999468100 m availability00..999999455930 mu 0.99940 mu0.999350 mu0.999316 Average mini 00..9999991268 Average mini00..999999028199 Average mini00..999999014739 0.99904 best availability 0.998959 best availability 0.998906 best availability best fit best fit best fit 0.99892 first fit 0.998829 first fit 0.998769 first fit VNS VNS VNS VNS 10s VNS 10s VNS 10s 0.99880 0.998699 0.998632 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q Server computing resources Server computing resources Server computing resources (a) Instanceswith100requests. (b) Instanceswith200requests. (c) Instanceswith300requests. 1.00000 1.000000 1.000000 0.99987 0.999868 0.999910 0.99974 0.999736 0.999819 m availability 00..9999994681 m availability00..999999467013 m availability00..999999673289 mu 0.99935 mu0.999339 mu0.999548 Average mini 00..9999990292 Average mini00..999999027057 Average mini00..999999346577 5100 0r erqeuqeusetssts 0.99896 best availability 0.998943 best availability 0.999277 200 requests best fit best fit 300 requests 0.99883 first fit 0.998810 first fit 0.999186 400 requests VNS VNS 500 requests VNS 10s VNS 10s 0.99870 0.998678 0.999096 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q 1 Q 1.5 Q 2 Q 2.5 Q 3 Q Server computing resources Server computing resources Server computing resources (d) Instanceswith400requests. (e) Instanceswith500requests. (f) VNSresultsonly. Fig.12. Averageminimumavailabilitiesforinstanceswithupto500requests. REFERENCES [14] IEC. Analysistechniquesfordependability–Reliabilityblockdiagram method,1991. [1] B. Addis, D. Belabed, M. 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