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·if� _ __,.w., .,.-- SCHAUM'S outlines Problem j_ - - ProbabiRlaintdyo,Vm a riables, andR andoPmr ocesses · SeconEdd ition ----------- 405 fulsloyl vperdo blems Conceixspel aonafalc tloi uocrnossne c epts • Inforomnba itviaroranin advtoaemr i jaobdilinestst ,r ibution • funcmtoimoegnnestn, e fruantciPtnoigio psnrssoo,cn e sses, Wiepnreorc peoswsseeprse d,ce tnrsaailntw dih einsto,ei se USE WITHT HESEC OURSES Probayb• i RlaintdoPmr oce•s Ssteosc haPsrtoicce• s Psreosb ayba inldi t RandomV ariabIlnetsr odutcoPt rioobna bainldSi ttayt istics • HweHis uP,h .D. SCHAUM'S outlines ProbabilRiatnyd,o mV ariables, andR andomP rocesses SCHAUM'S outlines ProbabilRiatnyd,o mV ariables, andR andomP rocesses --SecoEnddi tion ------------- HweiP .H suP,h .O. SchaumO'ust liSneer ies NewY ork ChicagoS anF rancisLcios bonL ondonM adrid MexicCoi tyM ilanN ew DelhiS anJ uan Seoul SingaporSey dneyT oronto 1 heM cGraw·HiC/o1m panw' HWEIP .H SUr eceivheidBs . Sf.r oNma tioTnaailw anU niverasnidth yi Ms. Sa.n dP h.Df.r oCma seI nstituTteec honfo logy. Heh asp ublishseedv eral books whiScchh aiunmc'Olsuu tdlieno ef A naloagn dD igitCaolm municatiaonndSs c haum's OutlionfSe i gnaalnsdS ystems. SchaumO'ust lionfe PROBABILIRTY,A NDOMV ARIABLEASN,D R ANDOMP ROCESSES Copyri©g 2h0t1 11,9 9b7y T heM cGraw-HCiolmlp aniIensc,A. lr li ghrtess ervedP.r intientd h Uen ited StoafAt meesr icEax.c ept asp ermitutnedde trh eU nitSetda tCeosp yriAgchtot f 1 976n,o p arto ft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproducoerdd istribiunat nedy foromr b ya nym eanso,rs torienda databaosrere triesvyaslt ewmi,t hotuhtep riworri ttpeenr missoifto hnep ublisher. 4 5 6 7 8C US9I CUS 1 9 8 74 36 25 ISBN: 978-0-07-163289-8 MHID: 0-07-163289-1 Thipsu blicaitsdi eosni gnteopd r oviadcec uraatneda uthoritiantfiovrmea tiinro eng atrdo t hes ubjemcta ttecro veredl.it s s old witthh eu nderstandtihnangte ithtehrea uthnoorr t hep ublisihsee nrg ageidnr enderlienggaa lc,c ountsiencgu,r ittriaedsi ng, oro theprr ofessisoenrvailc eIsfl. e gaadlv icoero theerx pearts sistainsrc eeq uirtehdes, e rvicoefsa competepnrotf essional persons houlbdes ought. -From aDe claratioofnP rincipJloeisn tAldyo ptebdya Committoefte h e AmericaBna rA ssociaatnidoa n C ommittoefeP ublishearsn dA ssociations Libraofry C ongressC ataloging-in-PDuabtlai cation HsuH,w eiP. (HwePii ao1)9,3 0- Schaumo'ust linoefp' rso babirlaintdyo,vm a riab&l reasn dopmro cessIeH sw eiH su.2-nde d. p.c m.- (Schaumo'ust lines) Includiensd ex. Reve.d .o fS:c haumo'ust lionfte h eoaryn dp robleomfps ro babilriatnyd,o vma riabalnedsr ,a ndopmr ocesIsH ewse iH su. c19Q7. ISBN0 -07-1632(8a9l-pk1a. p er) 1.P robabilities-sOyultllaeibtnic2e,..s R ,a ndomv ariables-Outslyilnleaesbt,ic 3,..S tochasptriocc esses-Outlines, syllaebticI,..H suH,w eiP. (HwePii ao1)9,3 0S-chaumo'us tlionfte h eoaryn dp robleomfps r obabirlaintdyo,vm a riables, andr andopmro cesse1s1T..i tle. QA273.25.2H07180 519.2--dc22 2010016677 TrademarkMsc:G raw-HtihleMl c,G raw-HPiulbll ishlionggoS ,c hausm a'ndre latetdr addere ssare trademaorrkre sg istered trademaorfkT sh eM cGraw-HiClolm paniaensd /iotra sffi liaitnet sh eU niteSdt ataensd ot herc ountrainedms a yn otbe used withowurti ttpeenr missAiloolnt .h etrr ademaarrek tsh ep ropertoyf t hereisrp ective oTwhneeM rsc.G raw-HiClolm paniiesns o t � associawtitahn yp roducotr v endomre ntionientd h ibso ok. McGraw-Hbiololk asr ea vailaabtsl pee cialq uandtiistcyo utnotu ss eas premiaunmdss a lperso motoirfo onurss ,ei n corporate training copnr�tocgtar raempsr.e sTeon tpalteiavseee- mauisla tb [email protected] hill.com PrefatcoeT heS econEdd ition Thep urposoef t hibso okl,i kiet psr evioeudsi tiiostn o,p roviadnei ntrodutcott ihoepn r inciopflp erso bability, randovmari ableasn,dr andopmr ocesasnedths e iarp plications. e Th booik sd esignfeosdrt udeinntv sa rioduiss ciploifen negsi neersicnige,nm caet,h emataincdms a,n age­ mentT.h eb ackgroruenqdu irteosd t udtyh eb ooki so ney earo fc alculeulse,m entdariyff erenetqiuaalt ions, matrixan alysiansd, somes ignaanlds ystem theory, Fionurciletrurand sifnogrm sT.h eb ookc anbe useasd as elf­ contaitneexdt booorfk o sre lf-sEtaucdhyt .o piicsi ntroducienad c haptweirt nhu merosuosl vperodb lemTsh.e solvperdo blecmosn stiatnui tnet egpraartol f th e text. Thinse we ditiionnc luadnedse xpanthdesc onteonftt sh fier setd itiIonan d.d ittioor ne finemetnhtr outghhe texttw,o n ews ectioonnsp robability-gfuenncetriaoantndis nm gart ingalheasv bee eand deandd an ewc hapter oni nformatthieoonr hya sb eeand ded. Iw istho th ank my granddaugEhltyesArin an Kre bs fohre lpimnegi nth ep reparatoifto hni rse visiIao lns.o wistho e xpresmsy appreciattothi eoe nd itosritaaloff f t hMec Graw-HSiclhla umS'esri efso trh eciarre c,o oper­ atioann,da ttentdieovno tteodt hepre paratioofthn e book. HwEIP.Hsu ShannondaetVl all lFeyo rgAeu,d uboPne,n nsylvania PrefatcoeT heF irEsdti tion Thep urpoosfet hibso oki st op roviadnei ntroducttoti hoepn r inciopflp erso babirlaintdyo,vm a riabalneds , randopmr ocesasnedst heaiprp lications. Theb ooki sd esignfeodsr t udeinntv sa rioduiss ciploifen negsi neersicnige,nm caet,h emataincdms a,n age­ mentI.tm ayb eu seda sa textboaonkd /oar s upplemteona tl clu rrecnotm parabtleex tIsts. h ouladl sboe useftuolt hosien tereisntt ehdefi elodf s elf-stTuhdeby o.o kc ombintehsea dvantaogfbe ost thh et extboaonkd thes o-calrleevdi ebwo okI.tp rovidtehset extueaxlp lanatoifto hnets e xtboaonkdi, n t hed irewcaty c,h aracter­ istoifct hree viebwo oki,tg ivehsu ndreodfcs o mpletely psroobllveemtdsh auts ee ssenthteioarlany d techniques. Moreovetrh,es o lvperdo blearmesa ni ntegpraarlot ft het exTth.e b ackgroruenqdu itroes dt udtyh beo oki so ne yeaorf c alculeulse,m entdairffye renetqiuaalt iomnastr,i xa nalysainsds, o mes ignaanld s ystetmh eoriyn,c lud­ ingF ouriterra nsforms. Iw istho t hanDkr .G ordoSni lvermfaonhr i isn valuasbulgeg estainodnc sr itirceavli eowft hem anuscript. Ia lswoi sht oe xpremsys a ppreciattoti hoeen d itorsitaaolfff t heM cGraw-HiSlclh auSme rifeosrt heciarr e, cooperatainodan t,t entdieovno tteodt hper eparaotfit ohnbeo okF.i nalIlt yh,an km y wifeD,a isfyo,hr e rp atience ande ncouragement. HWEIP.Hsu MontvillNee,wJ ersey Contents CHAPTER1 Probability 1 1.1I ntroduction 1 1.2S amplSep acaen dE vents 1 1.3A lgeborfaS ets 2 1.4P robabiSlpiatcye 6 1.5E qualLliyk elEyv ents 9 1.6C onditiPornoabla bility 10 1.7T otaPlr obability 10 1.8I ndependEevnetn ts 11 SolvePrdo blems 12 CHAPTER2 RandoVma riables so 2.1I ntroduction 50 2.2R andomV ariables 50 2.3D istribuFtuinocnt ions 52 2.4D iscreRtaned om VariabalnedPs r obabiMlaistsFy u nctions 53 2.5C ontinuRoanudso m VariablaensdP robabiDleintsyi Ftuyn ctions 54 2.6M eana ndV ariance 54 2.7S omeS peciDails tributions 55 2.8C onditiDoinsatrli butions 64 SolvePrdo blems 65 CHAPTER3 MultiRpalned oVma riables 101 3.1I ntroduction 101 3.2B ivariRaatned omV ariables 101 3.3J oinDti stributFiuonnc tions 102 3.4D iscrReatned omV ariables-JProoibnatb ilMiatsysF unctions 103 3.5C ontinuRoaunsd omV ariables-PJrooibnatb iDleintsyi Ftuyn ctions 104 3.6C onditiDoinsatrli butions 105 3.7C ovarianacned C orrelatCiooenffi cient 106 3.8C onditiMoenaanls a ndC onditiVoanraila nces 107 3.9N -VariaRtaen domV ariables 108 3.1S0p eciDails tributions 110 SolvePdr oblems 112 Contents CHAPTER4 FunctioofnR sa ndoVma riabElxepse,c tatLiiomniT,th eorems 149 4.1 149 Introduction 4.2F unctioofnO sn eR andomV ariable 149 4.3 150 FunctioofnTw so RandomV ariables 4.4 151 Functioofnn s R andomV ariables 4.5 152 Expectation > 4.6 154 Probability-GenFeurnacttiinogn s 4.7 155 Moment-GenerFautnicntgi ons 4.8 156 CharacterFiusntcitci ons 4.9 158 TheL awso fL argNeu mberasn dt heC entrLailm iTth eorem 159 SolvePdr oblems CHAPTER5 RandomP rocesses 207 5. 1 207 Introduction 5.2 207 RandomP rocesses 5. 3 208 CharacteriozfaR tainodno mP rocesses 5. 4 209 ClassificaoftR iaonnd omP rocesses 5.5 211 Discrete-ParMaamrektoCevhr a ins 5. 6 216 PoissPorno cesses 5.7 218 WienePrr ocesses 5. 8 219 Martingales 222 SolvePdr oblems CHAPTER6 AnalysainsdP rocessoifnR ga ndomP rocesses 271 6.1 271 Introduction 6.2C ontinuDiitffye,r enti,Ia nttieognration 271 6.3P oweSrp ectDreanls ities 273 6.4W hitNeo ise 275 6.5R esponosfeL ineaSry stetmosR andomI nputs 276 6.6F ouriSeerr iaensd K arhunen-LoEexvpea nsions 279 6.7F ouriTerra nsfoorfRm a ndomP rocesses 280 SolvePdr oblems 282 CHAPTER7 EstimatTihoeno ry 312 7.1I ntroduction 312 7. 2 ParametEesrt imation 312 7. 3 PropertoifPe osi nEts timators 312 7.4M aximum-LikelEishtoiomda tion 313 7.5B ayesE's timation 314 7.6M eanS quarEes timation 314 7.7L ineMaera nS quarEes timation 315 SolvePdr oblems 316 CHAPTER8 DecisiTohne ory 331 8. 1 Introduction 331 8.2H ypotheTseisst ing 331 8. 3 DecisiToens ts 332 SolvePdr oblems 335 Contents CHAPTER9 QueueiTnhge ory 349 9.1 Introduction 349 9.2 QueueiSnygs tems 349 9.3 Birth-DePartohc ess 350 9.4 TheM /M/1Q ueueiSnygs tem 352 9.5 TheM IM/sQ ueueiSnygs tem 352 9.6 The M/M/1Q/uKe ueiSnygs tem 353 9.7 The M/M/s/KQueuSeyisntge m 354 SolvePdr oblems 355 CHAPTER1 0 InformatTihoenor y 367 10.1I ntroduction 367 10.2M easuroefI nformation 367 10.3D iscrMeetmeo ryleCshsa nnels 369 10.4M utuaIln formation 371 10.5C hannCealp acity 373 10.6C ontinuCohuasn nel 374 10.7A dditiWvhei tGea ussiNaoni sCeh annel 375 10.8S ourcCeo ding 376 10.9E ntroCpoyd ing 378 SolvePdr oblems 380 APPENDIAX NormaDli stribution 411 APPENDIBX FouriTerra nsform 413 B.l ContinuToiumse-F ouriTerra nsform 413 B.2 DiscreTtiem-eF ouriTerra nsform 414 INDEX 417 Probability 1.1 Introduction Thes tudyo fp robabisltietmfryso mth ean alysoifsc ertgaaimne osf c hancaen,di th asf ounadp plicaitnim oonsst branchoefss c ienacnede ngineerIintn hgi.cs h apttehreb asicco ncepotfps r obabitlhietoyary r ep resented. 1.2 SamplSep acea ndE vents A. RandoEmx periments: Int hes tudoyfp robabialniypt ryo,c eosfos b servaitsrei fone rretdo a sa ne xperiTmheern ets.uol fta sn o bser­ vatiaornec alltehdeo utcoomfte hsee xperimAenn etx.p erimiescn atl laera dn doemx periimfi etosnu tt come cannobtep redicTtyepdi.c eaxla mploefsa r andoemx perimaernett h er ololfa d iet,h et ososfa c oind,r awing ac ardfr oma d ecko,rs electaim negs sasgieg nfaoltrr a nsmissfiroonsm e vermaels sages. B. SamplSep ace: The seotf a lplo ssiobultec omoefsa r andoemx perimiescn atl ltehdse ampslpea (coeur nivesrestaa)nld,i t i s denotbeydS .A n elemeinntS isc allaes da mpploei Enatc.ho utcomoefa r andoemx perimceonrrte spotnod s as amplpeo int. EXAMPLE 1.1 Fintdh es amplsep acfeo trh eex perimoeftnots sianc go i(na o)n caen d( bt)w ice. (a)Th eraree t wop ossiobultec omheesa,d osrt aiTlhsu.s : S ={ H,T } wherHean d Trepresheenatd antda irle,s pectively. (b)Th eraree f oupro ssiobultec omTehse.y a rep aiorfsh eadasn dt aiTlhsu.s : S ={ HH,H T,T H,T T} EXAMPLE 1.2 Finthde samplsep acfeo trh eex perimeonftt o ssianc go irenpe atedlaynd o fc ountithneg n um­ ber oft ossreeqsu iruendt tihlfie r shte aadp pears. Clearlayl plo ssiobultec omfeostr h iesx perimareent th tee rmosft hes equen1c,2e ,3 ,. .T.h us: S={l,2,3.,.} . Notteh atth eraer ea ni nfinintuem beorf o utcomes.

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