Regression and Learning to Rank Aggregation for User Engagement Evaluation Hamed Zamani, Azadeh Shakery, and Pooya Moradi SchoolofElectricalandComputerEngineering,CollegeofEngineering, UniversityofTehran,Tehran,Iran {h.zamani, shakery, po.moradi} 5 1 ABSTRACT Millions of users are sharing rich information using social 0 User engagement refers to the amount of interaction an in- media sites, such as Twitter, which can be used by social 2 stance(e.g.,tweet,news,andforumpost)achieves. Ranking recommender systems [12]. Item providers often let users n the items in social media websites based on the amount of express their opinion about an item in social networks. For instance, users can give a rating to each movie in Internet a user participation in them, can be used in different appli- MovieDatabase(IMDb)website1 andalsoshareitinTwit- J cations, such as recommender systems. In this paper, we 9 consider a tweet containing a rating for a movie as an in- ter. This intensifies the importance of considering social media sites for recommendation and information filtering 2 stanceandfocusonrankingtheinstancesofeachuserbased systems [31]. on their engagement, i.e., the total numberof retweets and Product rating prediction is a traditional recommender ] favorites it will gain. R For this task, we defineseveral features which can be ex- system problem which has been studied extensively in the literature[10,23,24]. Oneimportantissueinrecommender I tracted from the meta-dataof each tweet. The features are . systemsistheengagementwhichcanbegainedbytheusers’ s partitioned into three categories: user-based, movie-based, c and tweet-based. We show that in order to obtain good re- comments/opinions. When users share their comments on [ sults, features from all categories should beconsidered. We differentitems, theamount ofuser interactionsachieved by exploitregression andlearningtorankmethodstorankthe eachcommentcanbeusedtoimprovethequalityofrecom- 1 mender systems. In this paper, we focus on ranking these tweetsandproposetoaggregatetheresultsofregressionand v comments bytheir engagements. 7 learning to rank methods toachieve betterperformance. WefocusonmovieratingstweetedbyIMDbusersinTwit- 6 We have run our experiments on an extended version of ter. Hereafter, we use the word“engagement”as the user 4 MovieTweetingdatasetprovidedbyACMRecSysChallenge interaction which is expressed by adding up the number of 7 2014. Theresultsshow thatlearning torankapproach out- retweetsandfavoritesatweethasgained. Ourpurposeisto 0 performsmostoftheregressionmodelsandthecombination rank the tweets of each user, each containing a rating for a . can improvetheperformance significantly. 1 movie in IMDb,by theirengagements. 0 For this task, we first extract several features from the Categories andSubject Descriptors 5 tweets. Thefeaturesarecategorizedintothreegroups: user- 1 H.2.8[Database Management]: DataMining;J.4[Com- based, movie-based, and tweet-based. It should be noted v: puter Applications]: Social and Behavioral Sciences that the content of the tweets are hidden and there is no i textual feature among our defined features. Then, we pro- X General Terms pose two different supervised approaches in order to rank r the tweets. The first approach tires to predict the tweets a Algorithm, Experimentation engagements globally. In other words, although our pur- pose is to sort the tweets of each user, we consider tweets Keywords of all the users together and then try to predict the tweets Twitter, User engagement, Rankingaggregation engagements. We can then extract the sorted list of each user from the global ranked list. Therefore, we fit regres- 1. INTRODUCTION sionmodelstopredicttheengagementofeachtweet. Inthe second approach, for each user, we rank thetweetsby their Twitterisanonlinesocialinformationnetworkwhichhas engagement without predicting the engagements. To this become tremendously popular in the past few years [19]. aim, we use learning to rank approach which is extensively exploitedininformationretrieval,naturallanguageprocess- ing, and recommender systems. Learning to rank methods Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed rankthetweetsforeachuser. Incontrarytoregressionmod- forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcita- els which try to predict the engagements by considering all tiononthefirstpage. Copyrightsforcomponentsofthisworkownedbyothersthan thetweetstogether,learningtorankmethodsemphasizeon ACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.Tocopyotherwise,orre- maximizing an objective function for each user. According publish,topostonserversortoredistributetolists,requirespriorspecificpermission to the different points of view of regression and learning to and/[email protected]. RecSysChallenge’14,October10,2014,FosterCity,CA,USA. 1 Copyright20XXACMX-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX...$15.00. rank methods, we further propose to aggregate the results 3. METHODOLOGY obtained by different regression and learning to rank meth- In general, our idea is to extract a number of features ods to improvetheperformance. foreachtweetandthentrytolearnmachinelearningbased In the experiments, we use an extended version of Movi- modelsonthetrainingdata. Then,foreachuserintestdata, eTweetings dataset [9] providedbyACMRecSysChallenge weapplythelearnedmodeltorankhis/hertweetsbasedon 2014 and report the results of a number of state-of-the-art their engagements. In this section, we first introduce the regressionandlearningtorankmethods,separately. Wefur- features, and then we propose some machine learning ap- ther discuss the aggregation of the results of these two ap- proachestorankthetweetsbasedontheirengagements. We proaches. The experimental results show that although the alsotrytoaggregatetheresultsofthesedifferenttechniques results of regression methods are not so impressive, aggre- to improve the performance. In the following subsections, gation of regression and learningto rankmethodsimproves we explain our methodology in details. theresults significantly. 3.1 Features 2. RELATED WORK Eachtweetcontainstheopinionofauseraboutaspecific Theproblemofengagementpredictionoronlineparticipa- movie. Wepartition thefeatures extractedfrom each tweet intothreedifferentcategories: user-based,movie-based,and tion has been studied from different points of view in news tweet-based features. Overall, we extract several features websites, social networks, and discussion forums. Several from eachtweetTtweetedbyuserUaboutmovieM.User- machine learning algorithms have been used in the litera- basedfeaturesgiveussomeinformationabouttheuserwho turefor thistask. has tweeted his/her opinion about a specific movie. These Toaddresstheproblemofengagementprediction,several features have been proposed for training a model. Suh et features are not tweet-specific and they are equal for all tweetsofeachuser. ThetotalnumberoffollowersofUisan al. [28] have provided an analysis on the factors impacting example of user-based features. Movie-based features only thenumberofretweets. Theyhaveconcludedthathashtags, includeinformationaboutmovieM,e.g.,thetotalnumberof number of followers, number of followees, and the account tweetsaboutmovieM.Tweet-basedfeaturescontainspecific ageplayimportantrolesinincreasingtheprobabilityofthe information of tweet T. This information may also contain tweets to be retweeted. Zaman et al. [34] have trained theopinionofuserUaboutmovieM.Thetimeandlanguage a probabilistic collaborative filtering model to predict the of a tweet are two examples of tweet-based features. future retweets usingthehistory of theprevious ones. The name and description of the extracted features are Linear models have been used in some other studies to shown in Table 1. These features are extracted for each predict the popularity of videos on YouTube by observing tweet T. We specify the category of the features and also their popularity after regular periods [29]. Petrovic et al. their type;“N”,“C”, and“B”are used for numerical, cate- [26]haveproposedapassive-aggressivealgorithmtopredict gorical, and boolean types, respectively. It should be noted whether a tweet will be retweeted or not. thatthefeaturevaluesarenormalizedusingz-scorenormal- Recognizing popular messages is also one of the similar ization method. problems which is used for breaking news detection and We also perform feature selection to improve the perfor- personalized tweet/content recommendation. Hong et al. mance and also toanalyse the effectivenessof theproposed [13] have formulated this task as a classification problem byexploitingcontent-basedfeatures, temporal information, features. We exploit backward elimination for feature se- lection. The bolded features in Table 1 are those that are meta-data of messages, and theusers social graph. retained after performing feature selection. We discuss the Predictingtheextenttowhichanewsisgoingtobebreak- selected features in Subsection 4.1 ingorhowmanycommentsanewsisgoingtogainisoneof the engagement prediction problems. Tatar et al. [30] have 3.2 MachineLearningTechniquesforUserEn- analyzedanewsdatasettoaddressthisproblem. Theyhave gagement Ranking focused on sorting the articles based on their future popu- larity and they have proposed to use linear regression for Inthissubsection,weproposetwodifferentlearningbased this task. approaches to rank the tweets of each user based on their It is worth noting that ranking instances is one of the engagements. The first approach is predicting the engage- problemswhichhasbeenextensivelystudiedininformation ment of tweets, globally. In other words, for predicting the retrieval,naturallanguageprocessing,andmachinelearning engagementoftweetsofauser,weconsiderthetweetsofall fields [21]. To solve asimilar problem, Uysal and Croft [31] users for training the model and not only the tweets of the have proposed“Coordinate Ascent learning to rank”algo- user. To this aim, we use regression models to predict the rithm to rank tweets for a user in a way that tweets which engagementofeachtweet. Thenextapproachistorankthe aremorelikelytoberetweetedcomeontop. Theyhavealso tweets for each user without predicting their engagements. workedonrankingusersforatweetinawaythatthehigher We exploit learning to rank methods to rank the tweets of the rank, the more likely the given tweet will be retweeted. each user, which focus on ranking the tweets of each user Several learning to rank algorithms have been proposed in individuallyandtry tomaximize agiven objectivefunction theliterature. Moreover,therearesomesupervisedandun- for each user. Finally, we propose a supervised method to supervised ensemble methods to aggregate different rank- aggregate the regression and learning to rank results using ings, such as Borda Count [2] and Cranking [20]. Previous supervised Kemeny approach [1]. In the following, we ex- studiesshowthatinmanycases,rankingaggregation meth- plain ourproposed methodsin details. ods outperform single rankingmethods[8, 21]. Table 1: Extracted features from each tweet T tweeted by user U about movie M Cat. Feature Name Type Description Number of follow- N The total numberof users who are following userU in Twitter. ers Numberof followees N The total numberof users who are followed by userU in Twitter. Number of tweets N The total numberof tweets written byuser U. Number of IMDb N The total number of tweets tweeted by user U using IMBD about different tweets movies. Average of ratings N The average of ratings providedby userU about different movies in IMDb. Number of liked N The total numberof tweets which are liked byuser U. d tweets e s ba Numberof lists N The total numberof Twitter lists which user U is involved in. - r se Tweeting frequency N The frequency of tweets written byuser U in each day. U Attracting followers N The frequency of attracting followers per day. This feature is calculated by frequency dividing the total number of followers by the membership age of user U in Twitter in terms of numberof days. Following frequency N The frequency of following different usersby user U perday. Like frequency N The frequency of liking tweets byuser U perday. Followers/Followees N ThetotalnumberoffollowersofuserUdividedbythetotalnumberofhis/her followees. Followers- N The differencebetween thetotal numberof followers and followees of user U. Followees d Number of tweets N ThetotalnumberoftweetstweetedusingIMDbaboutmovieM.Thisfeature e as about M showshowmuchmovieMisratedbydifferentusersaroundtheworldinIMDb. b e- Average rating of N The average of ratings reported by differentusers for movieM. vi o M M Rate N The rating provided by user U for movie M. This rating is a positive integer up to 10. Mention count N The total numberof people who are mentioned in tweet T. Numberof hash-tags N The total numberof hash-tagsused in tweet T. Tweet age N The age of tweet T in terms of numberof days. Membership age un- N Thenumberofdaysfrom when userUregistered in Twitter untilwhen tweet til now T is tweeted. d se opinion difference N ThedifferencebetweentheratetweetedbyuserUformovieMandtheaverage a b of rates given by differentusers about movieM. - t e we Hourof tweet C The hour when tweet T is tweeted. This feature is an integer between 0 and T 23. Day of tweet C The day of week which tweet T is tweeted. Time of tweet C The part of the day that tweet T is tweeted. We have partitioned each day into four parts. Holidays or not B This feature giveus whethertweet T is tweeted on holidaysor not. Same language or B This feature illustrates whether tweet T is tweeted in the same language as not thedefault language of user U or not. English or not B This feature tells uswhether tweet T is tweeted in English or not. 3.2.1 Regression To aggregate all the mentioned regression and learning To rank the tweets of each user based on their possible to rank results, we use supervised Kemeny approach [1]. engagements, we can first predict the engagement of each Kemeny optimal aggregation [17] tries to minimize total tweet and then sort the tweets by their predicted values. number of pairwise disagreements between the final rank- To predict the engagements, we propose to train regression ing and the outputs of all base rankers. In other words, if modelsbyusingthefeaturesdefinedinSubsection3.1asthe r1, r2, ..., rn represent the outputs of n different rankers, featuresandtheengagementsasthelabels. Then,weapply thefinal rankingr∗ is computed as: the learned model on the same extracted features from the n ∗ test set. r =argmax {Xk(r, ri)} r Tocreatetheregressionmodel,weexploitExtremelyRan- i=1 domized Trees (also known as Extra-Trees) [11], Bayesian wherek(α, β)istheKendalltaudistance[18]measuredas: RidgeRegression[22],andStochasticGradientDescentRe- gression (SGDR) [4]. Extra-Trees are tree-based ensemble |(i, j): i<j, αi >αj ∧ βi <βj| regression methods which are successfully used in several tasks. In Extra-Trees, when a tree is built, the node split- where αi denotes theith position of rankingα. WhileinKemenyoptimalaggregationalltherankershave tingstepisdonerandomlybychoosingthebestsplitamong thesameimportance,supervisedKemenyapproachassumes arandomsubsetoffeatures. Theresultsofalltreesarecom- that there is a weight for each ranker. In more details, in bined by averaging the individual predictions. SGDR is a supervised Kemeny instead of counting the number of dis- generalized linear regression model that tries to fit a linear agreements, we use the following equation to compute the model by minimizing a regularized empirical loss function finalranking: using gradient descent technique. n ∗ 3.2.2 LearningtoRank r =argmax {Xk(r, ri)∗wi} r Insteadofpredictingtheexactengagements,wecanrank i=1 the tweets directly, without predicting the engagements of wherewidenotestheweightofithranker. Tofindtheweight each tweet. Learning to Rank (LTR) methods are machine ofeachranker,weproposetoperformaRandomizedSearch learningtechniqueswhichtrytosolverankingproblems[21]. [3]. To this aim, we perform cross validation over training LTRmethodshavebeenwidelyusedinmanydifferentareas data and findtheoptimal weight for each ranker. such as information retrieval, natural language processing, and recommender systems [16, 21]. LTR methods train a 4. EXPERIMENTS ranking model and use the learned model to rank the in- In the experiments, we consider an extended version of stancesusingseveralfeatureswhichareextractedfromeach MovieTweetingsdataset[9]whichisprovidedbyACMRec- instance. Sys Challenge 2014 [27].2 The dataset contains movie rat- TobuildourLTRmodel,weconsideranumberofranking ings which are automatically tweeted by theusers of IMDb algorithms which are among state-of-the-art in many test iOSapplication. Thereportedresultsthroughoutthiswork collections: ListNet [7], RankingSVM [15], AdaRank [33], are those obtained on the test set. The evaluation mea- RankNet [6], LambdaRank [5], and ListMLE [32]. ListNet sure is the mean of normalized discounted cumulative gain is a probabilistic listwise approach to solve ranking prob- [14] computed for top 10 tweets of each user. We call it lems,whichexploitsaparameterizedPlackett-Lucemodelto NDCG@10, hereafter. computedifferentpermutations. RankingSVMisapairwise In our experiments, we used Scikit-learn library [25] for rankingapproachwhichusesSVMclassifierinitscorecom- all the regression and feature selection algorithms. To se- putations. The basic idea behind AdaRank is constructing lect the parameters of the learning methods, we performed some weak rankers and combining them linearly to achieve hyper-parameteroptimization usingRandomizedSearch [3] a better performance. Although, Ranking SVM creates a with 5-fold cross validation. For the learning to rank algo- ranking model by minimizing the classification error on in- rithmsexceptAdaRank,we exploitedan open source pack- stance pairs, AdaRank tries to minimize the loss function age, named ToyBox-Ranking3. For AdaRank, we used the which is directly defined as an evaluation measure (such as software developed in Microsoft Research [33].4 NDCG@10). RankNet is one of the pairwise methods that adoptscrossentropyasthelossfunction. RankNetemploys 4.1 Experimental Results and Discussion a three layered neural network with a single output node In this subsection, we report and discuss the results of to compare each pairs. LambdaRank is one of the ranking different regression and learning to rank methods. We also algorithms inspired by RankNet which uses Gradient De- provide the results obtained by aggregating the regression scent approachtooptimizetheevaluationmeasure. Similar and learning to rank results using the supervised Kemeny to ListNet, ListMLE is a probabilistic listwise approach to approach. rank instances by maximizing a logarithmic loss function. To show the impact of feature selection, we report the 3.2.3 AggregatingRegressionandLearningtoRank results of regression andlearning to rankmethods bothbe- Outputs fore and after feature selection. As mentioned before, the boldedfeatures inTable1are thoseretained afterperform- Accordingtotheaforementionedfacts,regressionandlearn- ingbackwardeliminationmethod. Theselectedfeaturesare ingtoranktechniquestaketwodifferentpointsofviewinto consideration and their results might be totally different. 2 Therefore,byaggregatingtheirresults,theperformancecan 3 potentially beincreased. 4 Table2: Regressionresultswithandwithoutfeature Table 4: Ranking aggregation results selection NDCG@10 NDCG@10 LTRs 0.8242044953 REGmethod REGw/FS REGw/oFS REGs 0.8063031984 XT 0.7441384724 0.7863435909 LTRs+REGs 0.8261454943 BRR 0.7541443109 0.7759180414 SGDR 0.7507494314 0.8168741812 Table 4 represents the results obtained by aggregating the mentioned regression and learning to rank results us- ing supervised Kemeny approach. To show the importance Table 3: Learning to rank results with and without ofconsideringbothregressionandlearningtorankmethods feature selection together,wealsoreporttheresultsachievedbyaggregating NDCG@10 all the LTR methods and all the regression methods, sepa- LTRmethod LTRw/FS LTRw/oFS rately. Table4indicatesthatalthoughmostoftheresultsof regressionmodelsarefarlowerthantheLTRmethods,their ListNet 0.8243394623 0.8190048552 aggregation improvestheresults. Itshows thataggregating RankingSVM 0.8225893034 0.8169257071 regression and learning to rank methodsachieves betterre- sults in comparison with aggregating only LTR methods or AdaRank 0.8182340058 0.8153622186 regression models. Toshowthatthisimprovementissignif- RankNet 0.8223464432 0.8169752826 icant, we performed 10-fold cross validation over the train- LambdaRank 0.8209622031 0.8126243442 ing data and conducted a statistical significant test (t-test) on the improvements of LTRs+REGs over the other meth- ListMLE 0.8217342257 0.8174866943 ods. The results show that the improvement achieved by LTRs+REGsis statistically significant (p−value<0.01). diffused among all the three feature categories. This shows 5. CONCLUSIONS the importance of using a combination of different kinds of In this paper, to rank the tweets of each user based on features in this problem. The selected user-based features their engagements, we first defined several features parti- show how active and popular the user is in Twitter. Inter- tioned into three different categories: user-based, movie- estingly,allthebooleanfeaturesareselectedandnoneofthe based, and tweet-based. We showed that after perform- categorical features are retained. The reason may be that ing feature selection, the features are selected from all of the values of the boolean features are constant and the dif- thesecategories. Then,weexploitedregressionandlearning ferencebetweenthemarenotacontinuousvalue. Soitmay to rank methods to rank the tweets of each user by their beeasierandmoreefficienttousethesefeatures. Moreover, engagements. Finally, we aggregated the results of all the forthecategoricalfeatures,weassignanumbertoeachpos- regression and learning to rank methods using supervised sible category and the arithmetic difference between these Kemeny approach. numbersis not informative. WeevaluatedourmethodsonanextendedversionofMovi- Table 2 shows the results obtained by different regres- eTweetingdatasetprovidedbyACMRecSysChallenge2014. sion algorithms, in terms of NDCG@10. In Table 2,“XT”, Theexperimentalresultsdemonstratethatfeatureselection “BRR”, and “SGDR” respectively denote Extremely Ran- significantly affects the performance. The results also show domized Trees, Bayesian Ridge Regression, and Stochastic that however the results of most regression models are far Gradient Descent Regression. lower than learning to rank methods, their aggregation im- The results reported in Table 2 demonstrate that fea- provestheperformance. ture selection does not help with regression algorithms. 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