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Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dwarf Irregular galaxies. A link between dwarf Irregulars and Ultra Diffuse Galaxies? PDF

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Preview Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dwarf Irregular galaxies. A link between dwarf Irregulars and Ultra Diffuse Galaxies?

MNRAS000,1–9(2016) Preprint27January2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dwarf Irregular galaxies. A link between dwarf Irregulars and ultra diffuse galaxies?(cid:63) M. Bellazzini1†, V. Belokurov2, L. Magrini3, F. Fraternali4,5, V. Testa6, G. Beccari7, A. Marchetti8,9, R. Carini6 1 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Via Ranzani 1, 40127 Bologna, Italy 7 2Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK 1 3INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy 0 4Dipartimento di Fisica & Astronomia, Universit`a degli Studi di Bologna, Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2, I - 40127 Bologna, Italy 2 5Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Postbus 9513, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands n 6INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, 00040 Monteporzio, Italy a 7European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, 85748 Garching bei Mu¨nchen, Germany J 8Universita` degli Studi di Milano, via G. Celoria 16, 20130 Milano, Italy 6 9 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Brera 28, 20122 Milano, via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Italy 2 ] A AcceptedXXX.ReceivedYYY;inoriginalformZZZ G . h ABSTRACT p We present the results of the spectroscopic and photometric follow-up of two field - galaxiesthatwereselectedaspossiblestellarcounterpartsoflocalhighvelocityclouds. o r Our analysis shows that the two systems are distant (D>20 Mpc) dwarf irregular t galaxies unrelated to the local H I clouds. However, the newly derived distance and s a structuralparametersrevealthatthetwogalaxieshaveluminositiesandeffectiveradii [ very similar to the recently identified ultra diffuse galaxies (UDGs). At odds with classical UDGs, they are remarkably isolated, having no known giant galaxy within 1 ∼2.0 Mpc. Moreover, one of them has a very high gas content compared to galaxies v 2 ofsimilarstellarmass,withaHItostellarmassratioMHI/M(cid:63)∼90,typicalofalmost- 3 darkdwarfs.Expandingonthisfinding,weshowthatextendeddwarfirregularsoverlap 6 the distribution of UDGs in the M vs. log r plane and that the sequence including V e 7 dwarf spheroidals, dwarf irregulars and UDGs appears as continuously populated in 0 thisplane.ThismaysuggestanevolutionarylinkbetweendwarfirregularsandUDGs. . 1 Key words: ISM: Hii regions — galaxies: dwarf — galaxies: star formation 0 7 1 : v i 1 INTRODUCTION long-standingmissing satellites problem(Mooreetal.1999; X Sawala et al. 2016, and references therein). The recent dis- The complete census of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group ar (LG, and in the Local Volume) is a key observational en- covery of the nearby (D=1.7 Mpc) faint (MV =−9.4) star- formingdwarfgalaxyLeoP(Giovanellietal.2013;McQuinn terprise in these decades, closely tied to the solution of the et al. 2013) has opened a new road for the identification of local dwarfs. Leo P was found as the stellar counterpart of a very compact high velocity cloud (CHVC) of neutral Hy- (cid:63) Based on data acquired using the Large Binocular Telescope drogen identified in the ALFALFA HI survey (Giovanelli et (LBT). The LBT is an international collaboration among insti- al. 2007), thus suggesting that some of the missing dwarfs tutionsintheUnitedStates,Italy,andGermany.LBTCorpora- intheLGanditssurroundingscouldbehiddenwithinsim- tionpartnersareTheUniversityofArizonaonbehalfoftheAri- ilarCHVCs.Thesedwarfsmaybethegas-richstar-forming zona university system; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy; LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Germany, representing the Max- counterpartsofthequiescentultrafaintdwarfs(UFD)that PlanckSociety,theAstrophysicalInstitutePotsdam,andHeidel- have been found in relatively large numbers as stellar over- berg University; The Ohio State University; and The Research densitiesinpanoramicimagingsurveys(see,e.g.,Belokurov Corporation,onbehalfofTheUniversityofNotreDame,Univer- 2013; Koposov et al. 2015, and references therein). Indeed sityofMinnesotaandUniversityofVirginia. therearemodelswithintheΛ-colddarkmatter(CDM)sce- † E-mail:[email protected] (cid:13)c 2016TheAuthors 2 M. Bellazzini et al. nario predicting that a large number of small DM haloes Herewepresenttheresultsofthisfollow-up,ultimately (M<∼109 M(cid:12), mini-haloes, after Ricotti 2009) should have resultingintherejectionoftheassociationofboththecan- had their star formation inhibited or quenched by global didate stellar counterparts with the local gas clouds, since orlocalfeedbackeffects(e.g.,re-ionization,supernovafeed- they are located at distances larger than 40 Mpc. Still, our back, ram-pressure stripping), thus leading to a population observations provide the first redshift and metallicity esti- of gas-rich dwarfs with low or null stellar content (Ricotti matesforthesegalaxies,whichareusefulforfuturestudies, 2009; Kormendy & Freeman 2016). and reveal their remarkably large size, given their total lu- The only possibility to confirm these systems as real minosity. The latter feature lead us to note that the most galaxies and to gauge their distances is to find a stellar luminous dwarf Irregular galaxies (dIrr) display structural population associated with the HI clouds and indeed sev- parameters(sizes,integratedmagnitudes,S´ersicindices,and eral teams followed up the CHVCs proposed by the AL- surfacebrightnesses)overlappingtherangeinhabitedbythe FALFA (Adams et al. 2013) and GALFA-HI (Saul et al. newlydiscoveredultradiffusegalaxies(UDGs;vanDokkum 2012) surveys as candidate local (D≤3.0 Mpc)mini-haloes. etal.2015a;Kodaetal.2015),suggestingapossiblerelation Bellazzinietal.(2015a,B15ahereafter),withintheSECCO between the two classes of stellar systems. survey1, obtained deep and homogeneous imaging of 25 of While these observations are not part of the SECCO the ALFALFA candidates from A13, finding only one con- survey,theyarestronglyrelatedandforthisreasonweadopt firmed stellar counterpart, the very faint star-forming sys- the SECCO nomenclature to name the two dwarfs consid- temSECCO1,likelylocatedintheVirgocluster(Bellazzini ered here. In particular, following Beccari et al. (2016) we etal.2015b).Sandetal.(2015),searchingseveralpublicim- callthemSECCO-dI-1andSECCO-dI-2(wheredI=dwarf agearchives,wereabletoconfirmSECCO1anddiscovered Irregular), abbreviated as SdI-1 and SdI-2. four additional counterparts in the GALFA-HI sample, all of them with D>3.0 Mpc (see also Tollerud et al. 2016). ∼ James et al. (2015, J15 hereafter) adopted a different ap- 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION proach, searching for small groupings of blue stars within theSDSScatalogueandidentifying∼100interestingcandi- All the observations have been obtained under clear sky, dates. The follow-up of 12 of them revealed a population of during the night of March 3, 2016 with the Large Binocu- faint, blue, metal-poor low surface brightness (LSB) dwarfs lar Telescope (LBT) on Mt Graham (AZ), used in pseudo- inthedistancerange5Mpc<∼D<∼ 120Mpc,sixofthemas- binocularmode,i.e.withdifferentinstrumentsoperatingsi- sociatedwithHIcloudslistedinGiovanellietal.(2007).J15 multaneously in the two channels of the telescope. definedthenewlyfoundsystemsasbluediffusedwarf(BDD) Themainprogrammewasperformedusingthelowres- galaxies.Apparentlywearebeginningtoscratchthesurface olution spectrograph MODS-1 (Pogge et al. 2010), aligning ofapopulationofLSBstar-formingdwarfsthatwentunde- a 1.2(cid:48)(cid:48)-wide long-slit along the major axes of the two tar- tected until now, although they are not found in the Local gets. With this set-up and a dichroic, MODS-1 provides a Volume (Sand et al. 2015; Beccari et al. 2016). bluespectrumcovering3200<λ<5650,andaredspectrum Within this context, we have selected mini-halo candi- covering5650<λ<10000ataspectralresolution λ ∼1100. ∆λ dates from the GASS HI survey (McClure-Griffiths et al. Threetexp=1200sexposurespertargetwereacquired.SDSS 2009). Unlike previous searches, which only looked at ve- images were used to define the slit position and orienta- locities very different from Galactic emission (HVCs with tion.Thespectrawerecorrectedforbiasandflat-field,sky- |vdev|>90 km s−1, vdev being the deviation velocity with re- subtracted,wavelengthcalibrated,thenextractedandcom- specttoaregularlyrotatingGalacticdisc),wehaveexplored binedintoflux-calibratedsummedspectrausingthepipeline the range of lower velocities, typical of intermediate veloc- developed at the Italian LBT Spectroscopic Reduction Cen- ity clouds (IVCs, 30<|vdev|<90 km s−1). We detected HI ter2. sources using the code 3DBAROLO (Di Teodoro & Frater- Simultaneously, we got deep r and i (hereafter SDSS SDSS nali 2015) and applying selection criteria on their size and r and i, for brevity) band imaging with LBC-R, the red velocitywidthtominimizethecontaminationfromGalactic channel of a pair of twin wide field ((cid:39)23(cid:48)×23(cid:48)) cameras clouds. This left us with a sample of about one thousand (Giallongo et al. 2008). For each target, we got 9×200 s bestcandidates,presumablywithaveryhighdegreeofcon- exposures per filter, dithered to minimise the effect of bad taminationbyGalacticsources,whichwesearchedforstellar pixels and to cover the inter-chip gaps of LBC-R. The re- counterpartsinSDSS(Ahnetal.2012),ATLAS(Shankset duction of the LBC images was performed with the specific al.2015)andDES(Abbottetal.2005)images.Theprocess pipeline developed at INAF-OAR (Paris et al. in prepara- ofvisualinspectionofavailableimagesaroundthepositions tion).Theindividualrawimageswerefirstcorrectedforbias ofthecloudsledtotheselectionoftwopromisingcandidates. andflat-field,andthenbackground-subtracted.Afterastro- These are blue LSB galaxies whose apparent diameters are metric calibration, they were combined into single r- and fully compatible with being located within ∼3.0 Mpc from i-band stacked images with the SWarp software (Bertin et us;moreovertheyarenotcompletelyunresolved,displaying al.2002).Inthefollowingwewillanalysethesestackedand a few blue compact sources resembling HII regions. Unfor- sky-subtracted images. The 5-σ level over the background tunately,thespatialresolutionofGASSisabout16arcmin measured on the images corresponds to an i-band surface and it does not allow an association with certainty, hence brightnessof(cid:39)27.8mag/arcsec2,inlinewiththelimitstyp- spectroscopic follow-up is required. ically obtained with LBC images reduced in the same way 1 http://www.bo.astro.it/secco/ 2 http://lbt-spectro.iasf-milano.inaf.it MNRAS000,1–9(2016) Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dIrrs 3 Figure 1.RGBcolor images ofSECCO-dI-1 (left panel) andSECCO-dI-2(rightpanel)obtainedfromour stackedLBC-RED images, usingtheibandforRandtherbandforGandB.Thescaleandtheorientationareshown. (see Beccari et al. 2016). The photometric calibration was intheinnermost2(cid:48)(cid:48),seebelow).WhileSdI-2displaysandan obtained with hundreds of stars in common with the Sloan overallellipticalshape,theapparentmorphologyofSdI-1is DigitalSkySurvey-DataRelease9(SDSS-DR9,Ahnetal. remarkably irregular independently of the adopted image 2012). In Fig. 1 we show postage-stamp images of the two cuts. target galaxies from our LBC-R images. According to the NASA Extragalactic Datasystem NED4 there are eight galaxies within 1 degree of SdI- 1 with recessional velocities in the range 6000 km s−1≤ 2.1 The targets Vr ≤10000 km s−1. The most remarkable one is the radio The main properties of the target galaxies are summarised galaxy IC 753 that has Vr =6220 km s−1 and lies (cid:39)1◦ apart in the plane of the sky, corresponding to a pro- inTable1.SdI-1hasadeterminationofredshiftz=0.025988 jected distance of (cid:39)2.0 Mpc at the distance of SdI-1. Two from H I by Roberts et al. (2004) that places it far be- galaxies(SDSSJ115406.35+000158.5andSDSSJ115254.30- yond the realm of local mini-haloes (D≤3 Mpc; Adams et 001408.5) have velocities within 200 km s−1 of SdI-1. They al. 2013). However a negative redshift (z=−0.05545) was alsoreportedfromopticalspectroscopy(Liskeetal.2003)3. are relatively faint (r≥17.7) and lie at a projected distance of 0.9 Mpc and 1.6 Mpc, respectively. Whileextremelyimplausible,thismaysuggestanimproper There are eighteen galaxies listed in NED within 1 association between the H I detection by Roberts et al. degree of SdI-2 with recessional velocities in the range (2004) and the stellar counterpart. Given the identification ofanICValongthesamelineofsight,anewattempttoget 1000.0 km s−1≤ Vr ≤4000.0 km s−1, but only three within (cid:39)500 km s−1 of SdI-2, SDSS J114428.88-012335.7, areliablevelocityfromanopticalspectrumwasworthdoing. SDSSJ114640.78-011749.2,andSDSSJ114325.36-013742.5. Robertsetal.(2004)alsoreportedanintegratedmagnitude ofB=19.2andaneffectiveradiusre=4(cid:48)(cid:48) (nouncertaintyre- All these three are significantly fainter than SdI-2 (r≥20.8) and lie more than half a degree apart, corresponding to a ported) from single-band photometry much shallower than projected distance larger than 350 kpc at the distance of the one we obtained with LBC. SdI-2. In conclusion, both our target dwarfs do not lie in SdI-2lacksanyredshift,sizeandopticalmagnitudees- the vicinity of large galaxies and seems to be remarkably timate. There are two GALEX sources projected onto the isolated. mainbodyofthegalaxy,GALEXMSCJ114433.79-005200.0 classified as a UV source, and GALEXASC J114433.60- 005203.0 classified as a galaxy. Our deep images (see Fig. 1) reveal two remarkably 3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SDI-1 AND elongated irregular blue galaxies, with some compact knots SDI-2 superimposed. SdI-1 may be interacting with some smaller companions,located∼15(cid:48)(cid:48) westwardofitscenter.Themain In Fig. 2 we show relevant portions of the spectra we ob- body of SdI-2 is surrounded by a very low SB asymmetric tainedfromourobservations.InSdI-1thiscorrespondstoa halo, more extended in the North-East direction. A fluffy brightandextendedHIIregion(cid:39)5.2(cid:48)(cid:48) tothesouth-westof nucleus is visible at the very center of SdI-2, which can be the center of the galaxy. In SdI-2 we got the spectra of two perceivedalsointhelightprofile(asaslightchangeofslope suchHIIregions(sourcesAandB,(cid:39)5.3(cid:48)(cid:48) and(cid:39)8.4(cid:48)(cid:48) tothe south-south-west of the center of the galaxy, respectively) 3 In the Millennium Galaxy Catalog http://www.hs.uni- hamburg.de/jliske/mgc/ 4 http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu MNRAS000,1–9(2016) 4 M. Bellazzini et al. Table 1.MeanPropertiesofthetargets SECCO-dI-1 SECCO-dI-2 note othername B115324.62+001916.3 Maddoxetal.(1990) othername MGSsure21 Robertsetal.(2004) othername MGC95504 Liskeetal.(2003) othername GAMA535033 Liskeetal.(2015) RAJ2000 11:55:58.5 11:44:33.8 fromLBCimages DecJ2000 +00:02:36.3 -00:52:00.9 fromLBCimages Vr [kms−1] 7829±50 2549±50 heliocentric VHI [kms−1] 7791±13 heliocentricfromRobertsetal.(2004) r V3K [kms−1] 8152±25a 2914±60 3K(NED) D[Mpc] 112±8 40±1 H0=73kms−1 Mpc−1 rint 19.7±0.1 18.8±0.1 totalintegratedmagnitudeb iint 19.8±0.1 18.7±0.1 totalintegratedmagnitudeb MV −15.7±0.2 −14.1±0.2 absoluteintegratedVmagnitudec (cid:104)µV(cid:105)e 24.2±0.1 24.3±0.1 [mag/arcsec2]b µV,0 23.1±0.1 23.2±0.1 [mag/arcsec2]b Ar 0.069 0.045 Schlafy&Finkbeiner(2011)(NED) Ai 0.052 0.033 Schlafy&Finkbeiner(2011)(NED) re [arcsec] 4.7±0.2 6.9±0.2 fromexponentialfitofthei-bandprofile re [kpc] 2.6±0.3 1.3±0.1 PA[deg] 40±5 25±5 eyeestimate b/a 0.5 0.5 eyeestimate M(cid:63) [M(cid:12)] 1.0×107 0.9×107 M/Li fromRoediger&Courteau(2015) 12+log(O/H) <8.1 8.2±0.2d averagefromN2andO3N2 calibrationbyMarinoetal.(2013) 12+log(O/H) 8.1±0.2d averagefromO2andS2 calibrationbyPilyugin&Grebel(2016) 12+log(N/H) 6.4±0.2d MHI 1.2×109 M(cid:12) Robertsetal.(2004) a DerivedfromtheHIradialvelocityestimatebyRobertsetal.(2004) b Notcorrectedforextinction. c i-and-rbandmagnitudeshavebeentransformedintoVmagnitudes,usingtheequationV=r+0.813(r−i)+0.050,validfor−0.3≤r−i≤0.7, thatwederivedinthesamewayasLupton(2005)fromthesetofstandardstarsintheglobularclusterNGC2419byStetson(2005). d WeightedmeanoftheestimatesforsourcesSdI-2AandSdI-2B. and the absorption spectrum of the central nucleus (source distanceof112±8Mpcand40±1MpcforSdI-1andSdI-2, C). To get a rough estimate of the mean age of the nucleus respectively. wecomparedtheobservedspectrumofsourceCwithasetof low-resolutionsyntheticspectraofsimplestellarpopulations fromtheBASTIrepository(Percivaletal.2009;Pietrinferni 3.1 Metallicity et al. 2004), finding a satisfactory fit with a model having metallicity Z=0.002 and age=200 Myr. Usingtheiraftasksplotwemeasuredthefluxesofrecom- binationlinesofH(Hα andHβ)andcollisionallinesofafew Weestimatedtheredshiftbyfittingthecentroidofiden- ions([Oii],[Oiii],[Nii],[Sii],seeTable2).Allmeasuredline tified atomic lines and averaging the various measures. The intensities were corrected for extinction by computing the uncertainty in the derived radial velocities is dominated by ratio between the observed and theoretical Balmer decre- theuncertaintyinthezeropointwhich,comparingtheveloc- ment for the typical conditions of an Hii region (see Os- itiesfromtheblueandredspectra,isabout50kms−1.The terbrock & Ferland 2006). For the metallicity estimates in matchbetweenournewopticalredshiftforSdI-1andtheHI SdI-2, described below, we adopt the weighted average of estimate by Roberts et al. (2004) implies that the associa- the estimates of the two individual H II regions, as their tion between the distant cloud and the stellar counterpart abundances are indistinguishable, within the uncertainties. is correct. Both SdI-1 and SdI-2 have velocities clearly in- Due to the absence of electron-temperature diag- compatible with association with our GASS candidate mini- nostic lines, the gas-phase oxygen abundance of each haloes.Sincethesewerethebestcandidatesforcounterparts source was determined with the following strong-line selected from a sample of ∼1000 ICVs, we conclude that it ratios (also depending on the available lines in each is very unlikely that a local dwarf is associated with these spectrum): N2=[Nii]/Hα, O3N2=([Oiii]/Hβ)/([Nii]/Hα), clouds. O2=([Oii/Hβ), and S2=([Sii](λ6717+λ6730))/Hα. For N2 We report the radial velocities in the 3K reference andO3N2weadoptthecalibrationbyMarinoetal.(2013), frame and then we derive the distance adopting H = while for O2 and S2 we adopt the calibration by Pilyugin 0 73kms−1 Mpc−1 (thevalueadoptedbyNED).Weobtaina & Grebel (2016). The final abundance estimates, listed in MNRAS000,1–9(2016) Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dIrrs 5 Figure 3. i-band surface brightness profiles of SdI-1 (upper Figure 2.Themostsignificantportionsofthespectrafromour panel) and SdI-2 (lower panel) from surface photometry on el- long-slit observations of SdI1 and SdI2. Upper panel: the single liptical apertures (with b/a and PA as reported in Tab. 1. The H II region in SdI-1. Middle panels: the two H II regions iden- greylinesareexponentialprofilesthatbestfittheobservedpro- tified in SdI-2. Lower panel: the stellar nucleus of SdI-2. Some files.Thebest-fitestimatesofre and µi,0 arealsoreported. noteworthylineshavebeenlabelledinthespectrumofSdI-2A. the possible companion lying to the west of the galaxy (see Table 1, are the average of the values obtained from N2 Sect. 2.1). We limited our fit to the nearly uncontaminated and O3N2 and the average of the values obtained from O2 inner regions to avoid overestimating the size of the galax- andS2.ForSdI-2thetwoestimatesareingoodagreement, ies.Theeffectiveradii(re)alongthemajoraxis,thecentral within the uncertainties. For SdI-1 we were able to obtain surface brightness (µV,0) and the associated uncertainties only an upper limit from N2 and O3N2. For both galax- have been estimated by performing a linear regression on ies, the derived abundances are within the range covered thepointswithinR=10.0(cid:48)(cid:48),forSdI-1,andwithinR=16.0(cid:48)(cid:48), by dwarf galaxies of similar luminosity (see, e.g., Lee et forSdI-1,withthemacrolmofthepackageR5.Thissimple al.2003).Thenitrogen-to-oxygenratioisaboutlog(N/O)(cid:39) approach seems fully adequate in this context, is straight- −1.7 in SdI-2, indicating that the star formation efficiency forward and provides robust estimates of these parameters. is quite high in this galaxy ((cid:39)3−5 Gyr−1, Vincenzo et al. We note that our re value for SdI-1 is in reason- 2016). able agreement with the estimate by Roberts et al. (2004) from much shallower images. To minimise the effect of fore/background sources we derived the integrated magni- tudes and the mean surface brightness within r from the 3.2 Surface Photometry e best fitting exponential profiles, using the equations pro- InFig.3weshowthei-bandsurfacebrightnessprofilesofour videdbyGraham&Driver(2005).Allthephotometricand target galaxies, obtained by photometry on elliptical aper- structural parameters derived in this way are listed in Ta- turesperformedwiththeAPTsoftware(Laheretal.2012). ble 1. The axis ratio and position angle were estimated by eye, The (r−i) colors of SdI-1 and SdI-2 (−0.1 and +0.1, 0 superposing ellipses to the images of the galaxies. r-band respectively)aretypicalofstar-forminggalaxiesandonthe profileswereobtainedinthesamewayandareverysimilar blue side of the range spanned by blue UDGs from Roman in shape, but we prefer to analyse i-band profiles because & Trujillo (2016, see Sect. 4 for a comparison with these theyshouldbeminimallyaffectedbythelightofbrightHII galaxies). Following these authors we used the relations by regions. Indeed slightly larger effective radii are obtained Roediger & Courteau (2015) to derive a rough estimate of from r-band profiles. the stellar mass from the integrated i-band luminosity and In spite of some noise due to the presence of the (r−i)0 colors; both galaxies have M(cid:63)(cid:39)1×107 M(cid:12) (see fore/background sources or compact sources within the Tab.1).ForSdI-1wehavealsoareliableestimateoftheHI galaxies,theoverallprofilesemergeveryclearly,andinboth mass from Roberts et al. (2004) that allows us to compute casestheycanbesatisfactorilyfittedbyasimpleexponential theratiooftheHImasstoV-bandluminosity(fromTab.1) model.Contaminationfromnearbybutunrelatedsourceses- pecially affects the outer part of the profile of SdI-1, which flattensbeyondR=10(cid:48)(cid:48) mainlyduetothecontributionfrom 5 www.r-project.org MNRAS000,1–9(2016) 6 M. Bellazzini et al. Table 2.Extinction-correctedfluxesofemissionlines(assumingH flux=100.0) β line SECCO-dI-1 SECCO-dI-2A SECCO-dI-2B [OII]3726+3729 144.5±9.2 256.2±15.5 252.2±13.4 H — 25.7±2.1 — δ Hγ — 46.8±3.1 — H 100.0±8.4 100.0±7.8 100.0±5.8 β [OIII] 46.7±5.7 27.5±2.2 — 4959 [OIII] 119.5±9.5 40.9±4.9 82.4±4.9 5007 Hα 289.1±21.7 287.1±14.0 287.0±11.4 [NII] <6.0 10.6±3.2 15.5±1.4 6584 [SII] — 18.1±3.5 41.8±2.3 6717 [SII] — 38.3±4.3 31.3±2.0 6731 [1017 ergcm−2 s−1] 5.9±0.5 24.5±1.4 7.1±0.5 to be MHI (cid:39)6.2, larger than the typical values of gas-rich the other hand it is still not established if, e.g., they are LV dwarfs in the Local Group (MHI ∼2; McConnachie 2012). failedgiantgalaxies(vanDokkumetal.2015b)orextended The ratio of H I mass to stellaLrVmass, MHI (cid:39)90 places SdI-1 and quenched dwarfs (Beasley & Trujillo 2016). M(cid:63) InFig.4wecomparethesampleofComaclusterUDGs intherealmofalmost-darkgalaxies(seeCannonetal.2015; by van Dokkum et al. (2015a) with SdI-1, SdI-2 and the Beccari et al. 2017). dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume, from the compilation by McConnachie (2012), in the absolute magnitude vs. ef- fective radius plane. Local dIrr galaxies are plotted in a 4 A LINK BETWEEN DWARF IRREGULARS darkertoneofgreywithrespecttodSphsanddwarfellipti- AND UDGS? cals. NGC 300 and NGC 55 have been plotted for reference although they do not fit the definition of dwarf galaxies. Havingatourdisposalnewlyderivedstructuralparameters To expand our view we included also the BDDs of James anddistancesofourtargetgalaxies,wenotedthattheyhave et al. (2015, 2016) and the H I-selected sample of gas-rich absolute magnitude, surface brightness (see Table 1), and, LSB galaxies within (cid:39)250 Mpc by Du et al. (2015). These in particular, physical sizes (re=2.6 kpc and re=1.3 kpc, authors derived new, more reliable estimates of integrated for SdI-1 and SdI-2, respectively) in the range covered by magnitudes and effective radii by re-analysing SDSS im- therecentlyidentifiedclassofultradiffusegalaxies6 (UDG, ages. Absolute g- and r-band integrated magnitudes from van Dokkum et al. 2015a). Du et al. (2015) were transformed into V-band magnitudes UDGs are roundish amorphous galaxies having“...the byusingLupton(2005)7 equations.Alsog-bandmagnitudes sizesofgiantsbuttheluminosityofdwarfs...”(Beasleyetal. of van Dokkum et al. (2015a) galaxies were converted into 2016)thathavebeenrecentlydiscoveredinlargenumbersin V-band with the same equation, adopting the mean color clusters of galaxies (see van Dokkum et al. 2015a; Koda et of red sequence galaxies at that luminosity, (g−r) =0.6, al.2015;Mihosetal.2015;Mun˜ozetal.2015;vanderBurg 0 from Blanton & Moustakas (2009). UDGs from Roman & 2016, and references therein), with some examples in other Trujillo (2016, see discussion below) have been included in environments (see Mart´ınez-Delgado 2016; Yagi et al. 2016, Fig. 4 with the same transformation, adopting mean colors and references and discussion therein). In general UDGs lie of (g−r) =0.25 and (g−r) =0.6, for blue and red UDGs, on the red sequence of galaxies and their light profiles are 0 0 respectively(seetheirFig.4).InFig.4weshowtwoslightly well approximated by exponential laws (Koda et al. 2015; different versions of the plot. In the lower panel we use the Yagi et al. 2016). The fact that they survive in dense envi- effectiveradiusmeasuredalongthemajoraxisofthegalax- ronments without obvious signs of tidal distortions, as well ies (r ), while in the upper panel we use the circularised as the first analyses of the kinematics of individual UDGs, e,maj (cid:112) radius (r =r b/a), since this has been adopted in strongly suggest that they are dark matter dominated sys- e,circ e,maj several comparisons of the same kind including UDGs (see, tems (van Dokkum et al. 2015a; van der Burg 2016; van e.g., Beasley et al. 2016; van Dokkum et al. 2015b). Dokkumetal.2016;Beasleyetal.2016;Zaritsky2016).On We note that, independently of the version of the plot, not only SdI-1 and SdI-2, but also a few local large dwarf 6 There is not yet a generally accepted definition of the class, irregulars partly overlap the distribution of UDGs (WLM, hencesimilaritymustbeintendedinabroadsense.Forexample, IC 1613, in particular, but also NGC 3109 and IC 3104, SdI-1 fulfills the main size criterion (re>1.5 kpc) adopted by if re,maj is considered). Indeed, in their extensive literature Yagi et al. (2016) in their definition of UDGs, independently of search for previously identified UDGs, Yagi et al. (2016) adoptingthemajoraxisorthecircularisedeffectiveradius,SdI-2 found six galaxies satisfying all their UDG criteria in the failsbyasmallamount,andbothgalaxiesfailtofulfilltheµV,0> catalog of nearby dwarf irregulars by Hunter & Elmegreen 24.0mag/arcsec2 criterion.Howeverbothgalaxiesareconsistent withalltheYagietal.(2016)criteriaoncethefadingbypassive evolutionistakenintoaccount(seebelow).Moreover,bothSdI-1 and SdI-2 overlap with Fornax UDGs identified by Mun˜oz et al. (2015)inluminosity,radiusand(cid:104)µ(cid:105)e. 7 http://www.sdss3.org/dr9/algorithms/sdssUBVRITransform.php MNRAS000,1–9(2016) Redshift, metallicity and size of two extended dIrrs 7 Figure 4. Comparison between SdI-1 and SdI-2 (open blue circles), local dwarf galaxies from the most recent version of the catalog byMcConnachie(2012,greyfilledcircles;darkerpointsaregas-richgalaxies,havingMHI/LV >0.1,insolarunits),andUDGsfromvan Dokkumetal.(2015a,redemptysquares)intheMV vs.effectiveradiusplane.Thearrowsshowthefadingofametal-poorsingle-burst stellarsystem(withthesizeandluminosityofSdI-1andSdI-2)passivelyevolvingfromage=0.5Gyrtoage=6.0Gyr,accordingtoBASTI evolutionarymodels(Percivaletal.2009).ThickorangeopensquaresareredUDGsandthickazureopentrianglesareblueUDGsfrom Roman&Trujillo(2016).Turquoisepointsaregas-richlowSBgalaxiesfromDuetal.(2015).Smallbrownfilledsquaresarebluediffuse dwarfs (BDDs) from James et al. (2016, not plotted in the lower panel since only re,circ values were available). The blue open star is thealmost-darkstarforminggalaxySECCO1,fromBellazzinietal.(2015b)andBeccarietal.(2017).ThepointlabelledasSgristhe Sagittariusdwarfspheroidalgalaxy.Inthelowerpaneltheeffectiveradiusmeasuredalongthemajoraxisisadopted(re,maj)whileinthe (cid:112) upper panel the circularised effective radius (re,circ=re,maj b/a) is used. Some noteworthy galaxies have been labelled, for reference. In theupperpanel,four(cid:104)µV(cid:105)e=const.linesarealsoplotted,forreference,at(cid:104)µV(cid:105)e=30.5,28.5,26.5,24.5mag/arcsec2,fromtoptobottom. (2006), concluding that an overlap between the two classes plot (usually not performed) makes the overall distribution may indeed exist. much more continuous: there seems to be no gap between The adoption of r makes the overlapping range dSphs+dIrrs and UDGs. Expanding the view to non-local e,circ slightlynarrower,duetothefactthatUDGshave,onaver- systems suggests that large dIrrs have indeed effective radii age,amuchroundershapethandIrrs.Itisalsoimportantto intherange1-4kpc(see,e.g.,Langeetal.2016,theirFig.9, stress that while it was generally recognised that in the M in particular). V vs.logr plane,UDGslieatthetipofthesequenceofdSphs The sharp edge of the distribution of Du et al. (2015) e and dIrrs, the inclusion of the latter class of galaxies in the galaxies toward low SB values in Fig. 4 strongly suggests MNRAS000,1–9(2016) 8 M. Bellazzini et al. that the lack of a more substantial overlap with the UDGs larmass,luminosity,surfacebrightness,ellipticityandcolor may be merely due to incompleteness: a population of star- verysimilartotheRT16blueUDGs(see,e.g.,Fig.4),hence forming dwarfs with (cid:104)µV(cid:105)e>24.5 mag/arcsec2 may still be RT16 results on the evolutionary path of blue UDGs ap- waiting to be uncovered by future more sensitive surveys8. pliesalsotoourgalaxiesaswellastootherlocaldIrrsplot- This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that the sample ted in Fig. 4. In particular, according to canonical solar- of BDDs by James et al. (2016), which has been selected scaled BASTI10 stellar evolutionary models (Percival et al. fromthesamesource(SDSSimages),showsthesamecutin 2009; Pietrinferni et al. 2004) for a simple stellar popula- surface brightness. Fig. 4 shows also that Du et al. (2015) tionwithmetallicityZ=0.002,thepassiveevolutionfroman andJamesetal.(2016)galaxiesandlocaldIrrsareindistin- age=0.5 Gyr to age=6.0 Gyr would led to a fading by 1.84 guishable in this plane. magnitudes in V-band, driving the central surface bright- WedonotknowifthesimilaritybetweenlargedIrrsand ness of SdI-1 and SdI-2 down to µV,0(cid:39)25.0 mag/arcsec2, UDGs9 is hinting at an evolutionary link between the two fully in the realm of classical UDGs, as displayed by the classes,butitiscertainlyworthnoting,sinceaclearexplana- arrows plotted in the upper panel of Fig. 4. tionfortheoriginofUDGsisstilllackingandtheycanalso SdI-1 and SdI-2 seem to be even more isolated than betheend-productofdifferentevolutionarychannels(Zarit- theirRT16siblings,sincetheylieatmorethan900kpcand sky 2016). For instance, it seems to support the hypothesis 350 kpc from their nearest known neighbours, respectively, that UDGs may be“quenched Large Magellanic Cloud-like while RT16 blue UDGs are within 250-550 kpc from the systems”,recentlyputforwardbyBeasley&Trujillo(2016). centreofthegalaxygroupstheyareassociatedto.Moreover It may be conceived that the tidal stirring process that is theirnearestneighboursaredwarfgalaxies,whilethegroups supposed to transform small gas-rich disc dwarfs into dSph where RT16 UDGs live host also giant galaxies. SdI-1 and aroundMilkyWay-sizedgalaxies(Mayeretal.2007),acting SdI-2 are perhaps the most isolated UDGs (or UDG pro- on a larger scale, can also transform large dIrrs into UDGs genitors) identified until now, indicating that isolated field within galaxy clusters, removing the gas, stopping the star dwarfs can indeed evolve into UDGs.Hence,SdI-1andSdI- formation and redistributing the stars into an amorphous 2 lend additional and independent support to the scenario spheroid(seealsoAmorisco&Loeb2016forapossiblerela- proposedbyRoman&Trujillo(2016),inwhichtheprogen- tionbetweendiscgalaxiesandUDGs,andBurkert2016for itors of classical UDGs were dwarfs born in the field and shapeargumentsnotsupportingthisrelation).Interestingly, then processed within galaxy groups and, finally, in galaxy the only Local Group quiescent galaxy overlapping the dis- clusters. tribution of UDGs in Fig. 4 (see also Yagi et al. 2016), the The properties of SdI-1 and SdI-2 also fit nicely with Sagittarius dSph, is believed to have evolved to its present those of the dwarfs identified by Di Cintio et al. (2017) as amorphous and gas-less state from a star-forming galaxy of counterpartsofUDGsincosmologicalsimulationsincluding mass similar to the Small Magellanic Cloud, mainly driven feedback processes. Also in the Di Cintio et al. (2017) sce- by the tidal interaction with the Milky Way that is dis- nario UDGs are born as dwarf galaxies, but their evolution rupting it (Majewski et al. 2003; Niederste-Ostholt et al. isdrivenbyinternalprocesses(feedback-drivengasflows,in 2010).However,itmustbenoted,inthiscontext,thattyp- particular), hence it is independent of the environment and icalUDGsdonotshowssignsofongoingdisruption.Inany it is expected to take place also in the field. A specific pre- case, the continuity of the sequence including dIrrs of any diction of the simulations by Di Cintio et al. (2017) is that size and dwarf spheroids of any size (dSphs and UDGs) in UDGs evolved in isolation should have larger gas content the M vs. log r plane may suggest similar progenitors for than regular dwarfs of similar stellar mass. It is intriguing V e all these LSB systems over more than six orders of magni- tonotethatthispredictionisvindicatedbythetheveryhigh tude in luminosity. H I/M∗ ratio observed in SdI-1, the most extended among Inthiscontext,theveryrecentworkbyRoman&Tru- our two isolated, star-forming UDGs. jillo (2016, RT16 hereafter) is particularly relevant. These authors identified a population of possible progenitors of UDGs(blueUDGs,fromtheircolorssignificantlybluerthan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS classical red UDGs) in the outskirts of galaxy groups con- tainingclassicalUDGs.RT16demonstratedthatafewGyrs We are grateful to an anonymous referee for a very careful of passive evolution would transform their blue UDGs into reading of the original manuscript and for useful sugges- classical red ones, by reddening their colors, fading their tions that allowed us to make a more thorough analysis. surface brightness and total luminosity while keeping their ThisresearchhasmadeuseoftheNASA/IPACExtragalac- largesizenearlyunchanged.SdI-1andSdI-2havesize,stel- ticDatabase(NED)whichisoperatedbytheJetPropulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under con- tract with NASA. 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