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RDS, the radio data system PDF

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RDS: The Radio Data System RDS: The Radio Data System Dietmar Kopitz Bev Marks Artech House Boston • London LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Kopitz,Dietmar. RDS:theradiodatasystem/DietmarKopitz,BevMarks. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-89006-744-9(alk.paper) 1.RDS(Radio) I.Marks,Bev. II.Title. TK6570.R27K67 1998 621.384’152—dc21 98-41083 CIP BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Kopitz,Dietmar RDS:theradiodatasystem 1.Radio-Packettransmission I.Title II.Marks,Bev 621.3’845 ISBN0-89006-744-9 CoverdesignbyLyndaFishbourne ©1999EBU All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part of this book maybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permis- sioninwritingfromthepublisher. All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have beenappropriatelycapitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttotheaccuracyofthisinformation. Useofaterminthisbookshouldnotberegardedasaffectingthevalidityofanytrademarkor servicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:0-89006-744-9 LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:98-41083 10987654321 Contents Foreword xvii Acknowledgments xix 1 RDSSystemandApplicationsOverview 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 ObjectivestobeAchievedWithRDS 1 1.3 HistoricalDevelopment 2 1.4 EvolutionoftheRDSStandards 10 1.4.1 Europe 10 1.4.2 UnitedStates 21 1.5 SystemMaintenanceandPromotion 22 1.5.1 RDSForum:aWorldwideAssociationofRDS Users 23 1.5.2 TheUnitedStates:NABandEIA/CEMA 23 1.6 UsageofRDSWorldwide 25 1.6.1 Europe 25 1.6.2 TheSpecialCaseofCentralandEastEuropean Countries 26 1.6.3 UnitedStates/Canada/Mexico 26 v vi RDS:TheRadioDataSystem 1.6.4 OtherCountries 27 1.7 SystemCharacteristics 28 1.7.1 ChoiceofModulationParameters 28 1.7.2 ChoiceofBasebandCoding 30 1.7.3 MessageFormatandAddressing 31 1.8 ApplicationsofRDS 31 1.9 DataCapacityImpactonApplications 34 1.10 SystemPerformanceandReliability 35 References 36 2 DifferencesBetweenRDSandRBDS 39 2.1 Introduction 39 2.2 TheRDSComponentWithinRBDS 39 2.3 DetailsAbouttheDifferences 43 2.3.1 ProgrammeTYpe(PTY)Definitions 43 2.3.2 ProgrammeIdentification(PI)Coding 45 2.3.3 ProgrammeService(PS)name 46 2.3.4 FastPSAcquisition:PhasedOut 47 2.3.5 OptionalMultiplexingofRDSandMMBS: OffsetWordE 47 2.3.6 OptionalIDLogicFeature 49 2.3.7 OptionalODAEmergencyAlertSystem 49 2.3.8 OptionforAddinganAMRadioDataSystem 49 2.3.9 Location/NavigationInformationDeleted 50 2.4 UseoftheRDSLogos 50 2.5 Conclusions 51 References 53 3 RDSFeaturesServingasTuningAids 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 BasicRDSFeatures 55 Contents vii 3.3 ProgrammeIdentification—PI 56 3.3.1 BroadcastingConventions 59 3.3.2 Reception 61 3.4 ProgrammeService(PS)name 62 3.5 AlternativeFrequencylist—AF 64 3.6 TrafficProgramme(TP)flag 67 3.7 SlowLabellingCodes 69 3.7.1 ExtendedCountryCode(ECC) 69 3.7.2 LanguageCode 71 References 72 4 RadioProgramme-RelatedRDSFeatures 73 4.1 Introduction 73 4.2 ProgrammeTYpe(PTY) 74 4.2.1 PTY-SEARCHMode 79 4.2.2 PTY-SELECTIONMode 79 4.2.3 PTY-STANDBYMode 79 4.2.4 PTY-STOREMode 80 4.2.5 PTY-ALARMFunctionandTesting 80 4.3 ProgrammeTYpeName(PTYN) 80 4.4 RadioText(RT) 81 4.5 DecoderIdentification(DI)andProgrammeTYpe Identification(PTYI) 85 4.6 ProgrammeItemNumber(PIN) 89 References 91 5 AdditionalInformationFeatures 93 5.1 Introduction 93 5.2 ClockTime(CT) 93 5.3 EnhancedOtherNetworks(EON) 96 5.3.1 AlternativeFrequencyInformation 98 viii RDS:TheRadioDataSystem 5.3.2 PINandPTYInformation 99 5.3.3 PSInformation 99 5.3.4 TP/TAInformation 101 5.4 In-House(IH)andTransparentDataChannel (TDC) 101 5.5 EmergencyWarningSystem(EWS) 101 References 104 6 TrafficInformationServices 107 6.1 Introduction 107 6.2 RDSTrafficServices:UsingtheTP/TAFeatures 107 6.3 RDSTrafficServices:UsingtheEONandTP/TA Features 109 6.3.1 ATrafficEventScenario 109 6.3.2 CleverSignalling 113 6.3.3 UpdateMessagesContent 113 6.3.4 ReceiverReactions 114 References 115 7 IntelligentTransportSystemsandRDS-TMC 117 7.1 Introduction 117 7.2 StrategicandPolicyIssues 118 7.3 MarketTrendsforTelematicsTerminal Equipment 118 7.4 SafetyAspectsofPresentationofTrafficand TravelInformationinMovingVehicles 121 7.5 RDS-TMC 122 7.5.1 ObjectivestobeAchieved 122 7.5.2 HistoryoftheRDS-TMCDevelopment 122 7.5.3 ThePan-EuropeanServiceObjectiveandthe MemorandaofUnderstanding 124 Contents ix 7.5.4 InstitutionalChallengesofRDS-TMCService Provision 125 7.5.5 RDS-TMCStandards 130 7.5.6 DataFormatsoftheTMCFeature 132 7.5.7 PrinciplesofRDS-TMCEventCoding 137 7.5.8 PrinciplesofRDS-TMCLocationReference Coding 139 7.5.9 ExampleforConstructinganRDS-TMCMessage 143 7.5.10 RDSEncodersandtheEBU/UECP 143 7.5.11 RDS-TMCReceivers 147 7.6 AlternativeTechnologies 154 7.6.1 GSM 154 7.6.2 DARC(alsopreviouslyknownasSWIFT) 159 7.6.3 DABDeliveryofTMCMessages 161 7.7 TheLongerTermFutureofTMC 162 7.8 OtherExamplesforUsingRDSinTransport Telematics 164 7.9 Conclusions 165 References 165 8 BasicandEnhancedRadioPaging 169 8.1 Introduction 169 8.2 WhatCanbeAchievedWithRadioPaging? 169 8.3 RDSPagingOperationalInfrastructure 173 8.4 PagingReceivers 175 8.5 FutureDevelopments 176 8.6 Conclusions 176 References 177 9 OpenDataApplications(ODA) 179 9.1 Introduction 179 9.2 TheConceptandAvailabilityoftheODAFeature 179 x RDS:TheRadioDataSystem 9.3 IndicatinganODATransmission 180 9.4 TheGroupStructureofOpenDataApplications 183 9.5 RegistrationofanOpenDataApplication 186 9.6 GuidelinesforUsingODA 187 10 DifferentialGPS 189 10.1 Introduction 189 10.2 PositioningWithGPS 189 10.3 ThePrincipleofDifferentialCorrection 191 10.4 TheRTCMDGPSCorrectionFormat 192 10.4.1 Introduction 192 10.4.2 RequiredDataElements 193 10.5 HowRDScanbeUsedforDifferentialGPS 195 10.5.1 DesignConsiderations 195 10.5.2 ServiceExamples 196 10.6 OtherAlternatives 199 10.6.1 MaritimeRadioBeacons 199 10.6.2 AMDS 199 10.6.3 DARC 200 10.7 GLONASS:theAlternativetoGPS 200 10.8 EGNOS:theEuropeanComponentofGNSS 200 References 200 11 RDSEncoderCommunicationProtocolsand theUECP 203 11.1 Introduction 203 11.2 WhyRDSEncodersNeedaCommunication Protocol 203 11.3 WhytheEBUandEncoderManufacturers DevelopedtheUECP 205 11.4 TheUECPConcept 206 11.4.1 AddressingMethod 206 Contents xi 11.4.2 RDSEncoderConceptualModel 208 11.4.3 UECPTransmissionModes 211 11.4.4 UECPProtocolDescription 211 References 215 12 RDSDemodulatorsandDecoders 217 12.1 Introduction 217 12.2 GeneralPrinciples 217 12.2.1 RDSDemodulator/DecoderTechniqueand Functionality 217 12.2.2 PrinciplesoftheRDSBlockSynchronisation System 220 12.2.3 ErrorCorrectionand/orDetection 223 12.3 RDSIntegratedCircuitsandChipSets 224 12.4 ConsumerReceivers 225 12.4.1 CarRadios 225 12.4.2 HomeHi-Fi 225 12.4.3 PortableRadios 225 12.5 RadiosonPlug-InCardsforPersonalComputers 226 12.5.1 ThePhilipsSMARTRadio 226 12.5.2 ADSRadioRock-ItRDS 228 12.5.3 TheGEWIRadioG211andTMCOffice Decoder 229 12.6 RDSDataMonitorsandAnalysersforPCS 229 12.6.1 GeneralRemarks 229 12.6.2 AUDITEMAUDEMATRx_MCRDS 230 12.6.3 AZTECFMExplorerVersion3.0 230 12.6.4 TheRDSSoftwareDecoderVersion2.0from Franken-Team 232 12.6.5 Schümperlin’sPRD-3andPRDLIB16.DLL 233 References 234

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