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Questions & Answers for Every Unit in Grade 12 Physical Sciences PDF

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Preview Questions & Answers for Every Unit in Grade 12 Physical Sciences

1IA 180 1 2.2 2 H Periodic Table of the Elements He 2IIA 13IIIA 14IVA 15VA 16VIA 17VIIA 1,01 4,00 3 0.98 4 1.57 No EN 5 2.04 6 2.55 7 3.04 8 3.44 9 3.98 10 Li Be Element B C N O F Ne 6,94 9,01 AMU 10,8 12,0 14,0 16,0 19,0 20,2 11 0.93 12 1.31 13 1.61 14 1.90 15 2.19 16 2.58 17 3.16 18 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 3IIIB 4IVB 5VB 6VIB 7VIIB 8VII 9VII 10VII 11IB 12IIB 23,0 24,3 27,0 28,1 31,0 32,1 35,45 39,9 19 0.93 20 1.00 21 1.36 22 1.54 23 1.63 24 1.66 25 1.55 26 1.33 27 1.88 28 1.91 29 1.90 30 1.65 31 1.81 32 2.01 33 2.18 34 2.55 35 2.96 36 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 39,1 40,1 45,0 47,9 50,9 52,0 54,9 55,8 58,9 58,7 63,5 65,4 69,7 72,6 74,9 79,0 79,9 83,8 37 0.82 38 0.95 39 1.22 40 1.33 41 1.60 42 2.16 43 1.90 44 2.20 45 2.28 46 2.20 47 1.93 48 1.69 49 1.78 50 1.96 51 2.05 52 2.10 53 2.66 54 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 85,5 87,6 88,9 91,2 92,9 95,9 (98) 101,1 102,9 106,4 107,9 112,4 114,8 118,7 121,8 127,6 126,9 131,3 55 0.79 56 0.89 57-71 72 1.30 73 1.50 74 2.36 75 1.90 76 2.20 77 2.20 78 2.28 79 2.54 80 2.00 81 1.62 82 2.33 83 2.02 84 2.00 85 2.20 86 Cs Ba La-Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 132,9 137,3 Lanthanides 178,5 180,9 183,8 186,2 190,2 192,2 195,1 197,0 200,6 204,4 207,2 209,0 (209) (210) (222) 87 0.7 88 0.9 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Fr Ra Ac-Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo (223) 226,0 Actinides (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266) (269) (272) (277) (284) (289) (288) (293) (282) (282) TransitionMetal 57 1.10 58 1.12 59 1.13 60 1.14 61 62 1.17 63 64 1.20 65 66 1.22 67 1.23 68 1.24 69 1.25 70 71 1.27 Metal La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Metalloid Non-metal 138,9 140,1 140,9 144,2 (145) 150,4 152,0 157,3 158,9 162,5 164,9 167,3 168,9 173,0 175,0 NobleGas Lanthanide 89 1.10 90 1.30 91 1.50 92 1.38 93 1.36 94 1.28 95 1.30 96 1.30 97 1.30 98 1.30 99 1.30 100 1.30 101 1.30 102 1.30 103 Actinide Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 227,0 232,0 231,0 238,0 237,0 (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (258) (260) Everything Science Grade 12 Physical Science Version 0.9 – NCS by Siyavula and volunteers Copyright notice Your freedom to legally copy this book You are allowed and encouraged to freely copy this book. You can photocopy, print and distribute it as often as you like. You can download it onto your mobile phone, iPad, PC or flash drive. You can burn it to CD, e-mail it around or upload it to your website. The only restrictionis that you have to keep this book, its coverand short-codesunchanged. For more information about the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0) license see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ Authors List ThisbookisbasedupontheoriginalFreeHighSchoolScienceTextwhichwasentirelywritten by volunteer academics, educators and industry professionals. Their vision was to see a cur- riculum aligned set of mathematics and physical science textbooks which are freely available to anybody and exist under an open copyrightlicense. Siyavulacore team MarkHorner;HeatherWilliams OriginalFree High School ScienceTexts core team MarkHorner;SamuelHalliday;SarahBlyth;RoryAdams;SpencerWheaton OriginalFree High School ScienceTexts editors JayniePadayachee;JoanneBoulle;DianaMulcahy;AnnetteNell;RenToerien;DonovanWhitfield Siyavulaand Free High SchoolScienceTexts contributors SarahAbel;Dr. RoryAdams;AndreaAfrica;MatthewAmundsen;BenAnhalt;PrashantArora;AmosBaloyi;BonganiBaloyi; RaymondBarbour;Caro-JoyBarendse;RichardBaxter;TaraBeckerling;Dr.SarahBlyth;SebastianBodenstein;MartinBongers; GarethBoxall;StephanBrandt;HannesBreytenbach;AlexBriell;WilburBritz;GraemeBroster;CraigBrown;RichardBurge; BiancaBhmer; GeorgeCalder-Potts; EleanorCameron; RichardCase; SithembileCele; AliceChang; RichardCheng; Fanny Cherblanc;Dr. ChristineChung;BrettCocks;StefaanConradie;RoccoCoppejans;TimCraib;AndrewCraig;TimCrombie; Dan Crytser; Dr. Anne Dabrowski; Laura Daniels; Gareth Davies; Jennifer de Beyer; Deanne de Bude; Mia de Vos; Sean Dobbs; BuhleDonga; WilliamDonkin; EsmiDreyer; NicoladuToit; MatthewDuddy; FernandoDurrell; Dr. DanDwyer; Alex Ellis; Tom Ellis; Andrew Fisher; Giovanni Franzoni; Lindsay Glesener; Kevin Godby; Dr. Vanessa Godfrey; Terence Goldberg; Dr. JohanGonzalez; SaalighaGool; HemantGopal; Dr. StephanieGould; UmeshreeGovender; HeatherGray; Lynn Greeff; Carine Grobbelaar; Dr. Tom Gutierrez; Brooke Haag; Kate Hadley; Alex Hall; Dr. Sam Halliday; Asheena Hanuman;Dr.MelanieDymondHarper;Dr.NicholasHarrison;NeilHart;NicholasHatcher;JasonHayden;LauraHayward; Dr.WilliamP.Heal;Dr. FrithaHennessy;ShaunHewitson;MillieHilgart;GrantHillebrand;NickHobbs;ChrisHoldsworth; Dr. BenneHolwerda;Dr. MarkHorner;RobertHovden;MfandaidzaHove;JenniferHsieh;LauraHuss;RowanJelley;Grant Jelley; Clare Johnson; Luke Jordan; Tana Joseph; Dr. Fabian Jutz; Brian Kamanzi; Dr. Lutz Kampmann; Simon Katende; NataliaKavalenia;NothandoKhumalo;PaulKim;Dr. JenniferKlay;LaraKruger;SihleKubheka;AndrewKubik;Dr. Jannie Leach; Nkoana Lebaka; Dr. Tom Leinster; Henry Liu; Christopher Loetscher; Mike Loseby; Amandla Mabona; Malothe Mabutho; Stuart Macdonald; Dr. Anton Machacek; Tshepo Madisha; Batsirai Magunje; Dr. Komal Maheshwari; Michael Malahe; MasoabiMalunga; MasiloMapaila; Bryony Martin; Nicole Masureik; JohnMathew; Dr. Will Matthews; Chiedza Matuso;JoEllenMcBride;NikolaiMeures;RianaMeyer;FilippoMiatto;JennyMiller;AbdulMirza;MapholoModise;Carla Moerdyk; TshwareloMohlala; RelebohileMolaoa; MarasiMonyau; AsoganMoodaly; JothiMoodley; RobertMoon; Calvin Moore; Bhavani Morarjee; Kholofelo Moyaba; Nina Gitau Muchunu; Kate Murphy; Emmanuel Musonza; Tom Mutabazi; DavidMyburgh; KamieNaidu; NoleneNaidu; GokulNair; VafaNaraghi; BridgetNash; TyroneNegus; HuwNewton-Hill; Buntu Ngcebetsha; Dr. Markus Oldenburg; Thomas ODonnell; Dr. Jaynie Padayachee; Poveshen Padayachee; Masimba Paradza; Dave Pawson; Justin Pead; Nicolette Pekeur; Sirika Pillay; Jacques Plaut; Barry Povey; Andrea Prinsloo; Joseph Raimondo; Sanya Rajani; Prof. Sergey Rakityansky; Alastair Ramlakan; Dr. Matina J. Rassias; Dr. Jocelyn Read; Jonathan Reader; JaneReddick; Dr. MatthewReece; RazvanRemsing; LauraRichter; MaxRichter; SeanRiddle; Dr. DavidRoberts; Christopher Roberts; Helen Robertson; Evan Robinson; Raoul Rontsch; Dr. Andrew Rose; Katie Ross; Jeanne-Mari Roux; MarkRoux; BiancaRuddy; NitinRughoonauth; KatieRussell; StevenSam; Dr. CarlScheffler; ChoHeeShrader; Nathaniel Schwartz; DuncanScott; HelenSeals; RelebohileSefako; Prof. SergeyRakityansky; SandraSerumaga-Zake; PaulShangase; CameronSharp;IanSherratt;Dr.JamesShort;RogerSieloff;BrandonSim;BongaSkozana;ClareSlotow;BradleySmith;Greg Solomon; Nicholas Spaull; Dr. Andrew Stacey; Dr. Jim Stasheff; Mike Stay; Mike Stringer; Masixole Swartbooi; Tshenolo Tau;TimTeatro;BenThompson;ShenTian;XolaniTimbile;RobertTorregrosa;JimmyTseng;TimvanBeek;Neelsvander Westhuizen;FransvanEeden;PierrevanHeerden;Dr.MarcovanLeeuwen;MarinavanZyl;PieterVergeer;RizmariVersfeld; MfundoVezi;MpilonhleVilakazi;IngridvonGlehn;TamaravonGlehn;KosmavonMaltitz;HelenWaugh;LeandraWebb; Dr. DawnWebber;MichelleWen;NeelsvanderWesthuizen;Dr. AlexanderWetzler;Dr. SpencerWheaton;VivianWhite; Dr.GeraldWigger;HarryWiggins;HeatherWilliams;WendyWilliams;JulieWilson;TimothyWilson;AndrewWood;Emma Wormauld;Dr.SahalYacoob;JeanYoussef;EwaldZietsman; Everything Science Whenwelookoutsideateverythinginnature,lookaroundusateverythingmanufacturedorlookupateverything inspacewecannotbutbestruckbytheincrediblediversityandcomplexityoflife;somanythings,thatlookso different,operatinginsuchuniqueways. Thephysicaluniversereallycontainsincrediblecomplexity. Yet, what is even more remarkable than this seeming complexity is the fact that things in the physical universe are knowable. We can investigate them, analyse them and understand them. It is this ability to understand the physicaluniversethatallowsustotransformelementsandmaketechnologicalprogresspossible. Ifwelookbackatsomeofthethingsthatdevelopedoverthelastcentury–spacetravel,advancesinmedicine, wireless communication (from television to mobile phones) and materials a thousand times stronger than steel – we see they are not the consequence of magic or some inexplicable phenomena. They were all developed throughthestudyandsystematicapplicationofthephysicalsciences. Soaswelookforwardatthe21stcentury andsomeoftheproblemsofpoverty, diseaseandpollutionthatfaceus, itispartlytothephysicalscienceswe needtoturn. Forhowevergreatthesechallengesseem,weknowthatthephysicaluniverseisknowableandthatthededicated study thereof can lead to the most remarkable advances. There can hardly be a more exciting challenge than layingbaretheseemingcomplexityofthephysicaluniverseandworkingwiththeincrediblediversitythereinto developproductsandservicesthataddrealqualitytopeople’slives. Physical sciences is far more wonderful, exciting and beautiful than magic! It is everywhere. See introductory videobyDr. MarkHorner: VPsfkatwww.everythingscience.co.za More than a regular textbook EverythingScienceisnotjustaSciencetextbook. Ithaseverythingyouexpectfromyourregularprintedschool textbook, but comes with a whole lot more. For a start, you can download or read it on-line on your mobile phone,computeroriPad,whichmeansyouhavetheconvenienceofaccessingitwhereveryouare. Weknowthatsomethingsarehardtoexplaininwords. Thatiswhyeverychaptercomeswithvideolessonsand explanationswhichhelpbringtheideasandconceptstolife. 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riculum aligned set of mathematics and physical science textbooks which . To view, download, or for more information, visit the Everything Science
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