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i QUANTUM COMPUTING Jozef Gruska quantum measurement has the effect of ‘‘magnifying’’ one of the outcomes of quantum superposition probabilistic, sequential Only at this point do indeterminacy and probabilities E. T. QUANTUM WORLD CLASSICAL WORLD Quantum computation is deterministic highly (exponentially) parallel unitary described by Schrodinger equation using entanglement as a computational resource quantum computation (evolution) Classical computation is working with real probabilities of computation are irreversibly lost M E A S U R E M E N T come in quantum events from quantum to classical level .. working with complex is randomly picked up - all other results amplitudes ii Chapter � FUND AMENT ALS INTR ODUCTION The p o w er of quan tum computing is based on sev eral phenomena and la ws of the quan tum w orld that are fundamen tally di�eren t from those one encoun ters in classical computing� complex probabilit y amplitudes� quan tum in terference� quan tum parallelism� quan tum en� tanglemen t and the unitarit y of quan tum ev olution� In order to understand these features� and to mak e a use of them for the design of quan tum algorithms� net w orks and pro cessors� one has to understand sev eral basic principles whic h quan tum mec hanics is based on� as w ell as the basics of Hilb ert space formalism that represen ts the mathematical framew ork used in quan tum mec hanics� The c hapter starts with an analysis of the curren t in terest in quan tum computing� It then discusses the main in tellectual barriers that had to b e o v ercome to mak e a vision of the quan tum computer an imp ortan t c hallenge to curren t science and tec hnology � The basic and sp eci�c features of quan tum computing are �rst in tro duced b y a comparison of randomized computing and quan tum computing� An in tro duction to quan tum phenomena is done in three stages� First� sev eral classical and similar quan tum exp erimen ts are analysed� This is follo w ed b y Hilb ert space basics and b y a presen tation of the elemen tary principles of quan tum mec hanics and the elemen ts of classical rev ersible computing� LEARNING OBJECTIVES The aim of the c hapter is to learn �� the main reasons wh y to b e in terested in quan tum computing� �� the prehistory of quan tum computing� �� the sp eci�c prop erties of quan tum computing in comparison with randomized comput� ing� �� the basic exp erimen ts and principles of quan tum ph ysics� �� the basics of Hilb ert space theory� �� the elemen ts of classical rev ersible computing� � � Chapter �� Elemen ts Y ou ha v e nothing to do but men tion the quan tum theory� and p eople will tak e y our v oice for the v oice of science� and b eliev e an ything� Bernard Sha w ������ Quan tum computing is a big and gro wing c hallenge� for b oth science and tec hnol� ogy � Computations based on quan tum w orld phenomena� pro cesses and la ws o�er radically new and v ery p o w erful p ossibilities and lead to di�eren t constrain ts than computations based on the la ws of classical ph ysics� Moreo v er� quan tum computing seems to ha v e the p oten tial to deep en our understanding of Nature as w ell as to pro vide more p o w erful information pro cessing and comm unication to ols� A t the same time the main theoretical concepts and principles of quan tum mec hanics that are needed to grasp the basic ideas� mo dels and the� oretical metho ds of quan tum computing� are simple� elegan t and p o w erful� This c hapter is dev oted to them� In tro duction of the basic concepts in this c hapter will b e detailed and orien ted mainly to those ha ving no� or close to no� kno wledge of quan tum ph ysics and quan tum information pro cessing� ��� Wh y Quan tum Computing Do not b ecome attac hed to things y ou lik e� do not main tain a v ersion to things y ou dis� lik e� Sorro w� fear and b ondage come from one�s lik es and dislik es� Buddha Quan tum computing is without doubt one of the hottest topics at the curren t fron tiers of computing� or ev en of the whole science� It sounds v ery attractiv e and lo oks v ery promising� There are sev eral natural basic questions to ask b efore w e start to explore the concepts and principles as w ell as the m ystery and p oten tials of quan tum computing� �� Wh y to consider quan tum computing at all� The dev elopmen t of classical computers is still making enormous progress and no end of that seems to b e in sigh t� More� o v er� the design of quan tum computers seems to b e v ery questionable and almost surely enormously exp ensiv e� All this is true� Ho w ev er� there are at least four v ery go o d reasons for exploring quan tum computing as m uc h as p ossible� � Quan tum computing is a c hallenge� A v ery fundamen tal and v ery natural c hallenge� Indeed� according to our curren t kno wledge� our ph ysical w orld is fundamen tally quan� tum mec hanical� All computers are ph ysical devices and all real computations are ph ysical pro cesses� It is therefore a fundamen tal c hallenge� and actually our dut y � to explore the p oten tials� la ws and limitations of quan tum mec hanics to p erform infor� mation pro cessing and comm unication� Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING � All classical computers and mo dels of computers� see Grusk a ������� are based on classical ph ysics �ev en if this is rarely men tioned explicitly�� and therefore they are not fully adequate� There is nothing wrong with them� but they do not seem to explore fully the p oten tial of the ph ysical w orld for information pro cessing� They are go o d and p o w erful� but they should not b e seen as re�ecting our full view of information pro cessing systems� � Moreo v er� theoretical results obtained so far pro vide evidence that quan tum compu� tation represen ts the �rst real c hallenge to the mo dern� e�ciency orien ted� v ersion of the Ch urc h�T uring thesis� A ny r e asonable mo del of c omputation c an b e e�ciently simulate d by pr ob a� bilistic T uring machines� � Quan tum computing seems to b e a m ust and actually our destin y� As miniaturization of computing devices con tin ues� w e are rapidly approac hing the microscopic lev el� where the la ws of the quan tum w orld dominate� By Key es ������� an extrap olation of the progress in miniaturization sho ws that around ���� computing should b e p erformed at the atomic lev el� A t that time� if the dev elopmen t k eeps con tin uing as hitherto� one electron should b e enough to store one bit� and the energy dissipation of �k T ln � should b e su�cien t to pro cess one bit� � � � Th us� not only scien ti�c curiosit y and c hallenges� but also tec hnological progress requires that the resources and p oten tials of quan tum computing b e fully explored� � � Quan tum computing is a p oten tial� There are already results con vincingly demon� strating that for some imp ortan t practical problems quan tum computers are theoret� ically exp onen tially more p o w erful than classical computers� Suc h results� as Shor�s factorization algorithm� can b e seen as apt kil lers for quan tum computing and ha v e enormously increased activit y in this area� In addition� the la ws of quan tum w orld� harv ested through quan tum cryptograph y� can o�er� in view of our curren t kno wledge� unconditional securit y of comm unication� unac hiev able b y classical means� � Finally � the dev elopmen t of quan tum computing is a driv e and giv es new imp etus to explore in more detail and from new p oin ts of view concepts� p oten tials� la ws and limitations of the quan tum w orld and to impro v e our kno wledge of the natural w orld� The study of information pro cessing la ws� limitations and p oten tials is no w ada ys in general a p o w erful metho dology to extend our kno wledge� and this seems to b e partic� ularly true for quan tum mec hanics� Information is b eing iden ti�ed as one of the basic � A t this p oin t it should b e made clear that quan tum computers do not represen t a c hallenge to the basic Ch urc h�T uring thesis concerning computabilit y� They cannot compute what could not b e computed b y classical computers� Their main adv an tage is that they can solv e some imp ortan t computational tasks m uc h more e�cien tly than classical computers� � In suc h a case it will b e necessary to include in the design and description of computers quan tum theory and suc h quan tum phenomena as sup erp osition and en tanglemen t� to obtain correct predictions ab out computer b eha viour� Ho w ev er� the clear necessit y to go deep er in to the quan tum lev el for impro ving p erformance of computers do es not immediately imply that the w a y pursued under the curren t in terpretation of the term �quan tum computing� is the only one� or ev en the b est one� � The single electron transistor is already under dev elopmen t� see page ���� � A t the same time one should note that while quan tum ph ysics has b een already for a long time essen tial to the understanding of the op erations of transistors and other k ey elemen ts of mo dern computers� computation remained to b e a classical pro cess� In addition� at the �rst sigh t there are go o d reasons for computing and quan tum ph ysics to b e v ery far apart b ecause determinism and certain t y required from computations seem to b e in strong con trast with uncertain t y principle and probabilistic nature of quan tum mec hanics� � Chapter �� Elemen ts and p o w erful concepts of ph ysics and quan tum en tanglemen t is an imp ortan t comm u� nication resource� Sev eral profound insigh ts in to the natural w orld ha v e already b een obtained on this basis� � Remark ����� The ab ove ide as ar e so new and imp ortant� that they deserve an additional analysis� Historic al ly� the fundamental principles of physics �rst c onc erne d the pr oblems of matter�what things ar e made of and how they move� L ater� the pr oblems of ener gy starte d to b e r e�e cte d in the le ading principles of physics�how ener gy is cr e ate d� expr esse d and tr ansforme d� As the next stage an alternative se ems to b e to lo ok to information pr o c essing for a new sour c e of fundamental principles and b asic laws� F or example� c onc erning the p ar� ticles� the questions of the movement of p articles may b e sup erse de d by how p articles c an b e utilize d for information pr o c essing� Final ly� let us observe some similarities b etwe en ener gy and information� Both of them have many r epr esentations� but b asic principles� and also e quations� hold indep endently of the form in which ener gy or information is pr esente d� The incr e asing imp ortanc e of information pr o c essing principles for curr ent scienc e has b e en �rst� c orr e ctly� r e�e cte d in the views and understanding �due to L andauer� ������ that �information is physic al� and in the c orr esp onding changes of emphases on the essenc e and ways to de al with information pr o c essing pr oblems� However� it c ould b e the c ase that this is only the �rst step and p erhaps even mor e fundamental changes in the principles of physics c ould b e obtaine d fr om the view that �physics is informational�� � These new views of the r ole of information in quantum physics also bring new p otentials� chal lenges and questions for quantum physics� Is the wel l known �weir dness� of the quantum world due to the fact that physic al r e ality is governe d by even mor e b asic laws of the infor� mation pr o c essing world� Is quantum the ory a the ory of the physic al or of the information world� Can the study of quantum information help to de al with the most b asic pr oblems quantum the ory has� As an example of a change of r ese ar ch aims in physics under the in�uenc e of c omputer scienc e r ese ar ch p ar adigms� c onsider quantum evolution� T r aditional ly� quantum physics has b e en c onc erne d with the study or design of p articular quantum systems and the study of various r elate d fundamental pr oblems� In addition to these pr oblems quantum c omputing br ought up new gener al and fundamental questions� Namely� what ar e the b est� fr om wel l de�ne d quantitative p oint of views� quantum evolutions to solve p articular algorithmic or c ommunic ation tasks� Or a pr oblem of the maximum quantum c omputation p ower achievable in a quantum system of a c ertain dimension and disturb anc e level �Ste ane� ����b�� and of the way to r e ach such a maximum� New fundamental questions in quantum me chanics ar e r aise d also in c onne ction with the fol lowing pr oblem� how se cur e ar e� or c an b e� quantum crypto gr aphic pr oto c ols� F or � F or example� manifestations of quan tum nonlo calit y that go b ey ond en tanglemen t �see Bennett et al� ������ the use of quan tum principles for secure transmission of classical information �quan tum cryptograph y�� the use of quan tum en tanglemen t for reliable transmission of quan tum states o v er a distance �quan tum telep ortation�� the p ossibilit y of preserving quan tum coherence in the presence of irrev ersible noise pro cesses �quan tum error correction and fault toleran t computation�� In addition� b y Steane ������� one has to realize that historically m uc h of fundamen tal ph ysics has b een concerned with disco v ering fundamen tal particles of Nature and the equations whic h describ e their motions and in teractions� It no w app ears that a di�eren t program ma y b e equally imp ortan t� Namely � to disco v er the w a ys Nature allo ws� and prev en ts� information to b e expressed and manipulated� rather than particles to mo v e� � A lot of researc h is still needed to determine the p osition and real role information pla ys in ph ysics� The extreme views go ev en so far that information is a ph ysical quan tit y � similar as energy in thermo dynamics �Horo dec ki� ����� and Landauer� ����� ������ or ev en that information is deep er than realit y�a substance that is more fundamen tal than matter and energy� Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING � example� the question how much information c an b e extr acte d fr om a quantum system for a given amount of exp e cte d disturb anc es� These questions ar e of fundamental imp ortanc e far b eyond quantum crypto gr aphy� T o answer these questions� new the or etic al insights and also new exp eriments se em to b e ne e de d� In addition� an a w areness has b een emerging also in the foundations of computing that fundamen tal questions regarding computabilit y and computational complexit y are in a deep sense questions ab out ph ysical pro cesses� � If they are studied on a mathematical lev el then the underlying mo dels ha v e to re�ect fully the prop erties of our ph ysical w orld� This in particular implies that computational complexit y theory has to b e� in its most fundamen tal form� based on mo dels of quan tum computers� � �� Can quan tum computers do what classical ones cannot� The answ er de� p ends on the p oin t of view� It can b e YES� Indeed� the simplest example is generation of random n um b ers� Quan tum algorithms can generate truly random n um b ers� Deterministic algorithms can generate only pseudo�random n um b ers� Other examples come from the sim� ulation of quan tum phenomena� On the other hand� the answ er can b e also NO� A classical computer can pro duce truly random n um b ers when attac hed to a prop er ph ysical source� �� Where lie the di�erences b et w een the classical and quan tum information pro cessing� Some of the di�erences ha v e already b een men tioned� Let us no w discuss some others� Classical information can b e read� transcrib ed �in to an y medium�� duplicated at will� transmitted and broadcasted� Quan tum information� on the other hand� cannot b e in general read or duplicated without b eing disturb ed� but it can b e �telep orted� �as discussed in Section ����� In classical randomized computing� a computer alw a ys selects one of the p ossible com� putation paths� according to a source of randomness� and �what�could�happ en�but�did�not� has no in�uence whatso ev er on the outcome of the computation� On the other hand� in quan tum computing� exp onen tially man y computational paths can b e tak en sim ultaneously in a single piece of hardw are and in a sp ecial quan tum w a y and �what�could�happ en�but� did�not� can really matter� Acquiring information ab out a quan tum system can inevitably disturbs the state of the system� The tradeo� b et w een acquiring quan tum information and creating a disturbance of the system is due to quan tum randomness� The outcome of a quan tum measuremen t has a random elemen t and b ecause of that w e are unable alw a ys faithfully infer the �initial� state of the system from the measuremen t outcome� � An understanding has emerged that eac h sp eci�c computation is p erformed b y a ph ysical system ev olv� ing in time and� consequen tly � that one of the basic problems of computing� namely �what is e�cien tly computable�� is deeply related to one of the basic problems of ph ysics� namely �whic h dynamical systems are ph ysically realizable�� � The follo wing citations re�ect a dissatisfaction with the fact that the dev elopmen t of complexit y theory ignored one of its most fundamen tal tasks� The fact that this had b een so is in one w a y explainable but� in another w a y � hardly forgiv able� A� Ek ert ������� Computers ar e physic al obje cts and c omputations ar e physic al pr o c esses� The the ory of c omputation is not a br anch of pur e mathematics� F undamental questions r e gar ding c omputability and c omputational c omplexity ar e questions ab out physic al pr o c esses that r eve al to us pr op erties of abstr act entities such as numb ers or ide as� Those questions b elong to physics r ather than mathematics� J� Bec kman et al ������� The the ory of c omputation would b e b o otless if the c omputations that it describ es c ould not b e c arrie d out using physic al ly r e alizable devic es� Henc e it is r e al ly a task of physics to char ac� terize what is c omputable� and to classify the e�ciency of c omputations� The physic al world is quantum me chanic al� Ther efor e� the foundations of the the ory of c omputation must b e quantum me chanic al as wel l� The classic al the ory of c omputation should b e viewe d as an imp ortant sp e cial c ase of a mor e gener al the ory� � Chapter �� Elemen ts P erhaps the main di�erence b et w een classical and quan tum information pro cessing lies in the fact that quan tum information can b e enco ded in m utual correlations b et w een remote parts of ph ysical systems and quan tum information pro cessing can mak e essen tial use of this phenomena�called en tanglemen t�not a v ailable for classical information pro cessing� Another big di�erence b et w een the classical and quan tum w orlds that strongly in�uences quan tum information pro cessing stems from the fact that the relationship b et w een a system and its subsystems is di�eren t in the quan tum w orld than in the classical w orld� F or example� the states of a quan tum system comp osed of quan tum subsystems cannot b e in general decomp osed in to states of these subsystems� �� Can quan tum computers solv e some practically imp ortan t problems m uc h more e�cien tly� Y es� F or example� in teger factorization can b e done in p olynomial time on quan tum computers what seems to b e imp ossible on classical computers� Searc hing in unordered database can b e done pro v ably with less queries on quan tum computer� �� Where do es the p o w er of quan tum computing come from� On one side� quan tum computation o�ers enormous parallelism� The size of the computational state space is exp onen tial in the ph ysical size of the system and the energy a v ailable� A quan tum bit can b e in an y of a p oten tially in�nite n um b er of states and quan tum systems can b e sim ultaneously in sup erp osition of exp onen tially man y of the basis states� A linear n um b er of op erations can create an exp onen tially large sup erp osition of states and� in parallel� an exp onen tially large n um b er of op erations can b e p erformed in one step� Secondly � it is the branc hing and quan tum in terference that create parallel computation and constructiv e�destructiv e sup erp ositions of states and can amplify or destro y the impacts of some computations� Due to this fact� w e can� in spite of the p eculiarities of quan tum measuremen ts� utilize quan tum parallelism� Thirdly � it is mainly the existence of so�called �en tangled states� that mak es quan tum computing more p o w erful than classical and allo ws ev en v ery distan t parts of systems to b e strongly tied� This creates a base for dev eloping and exploring quan tum telep ortation and other phenomena that are outside of the realm of the classical w orld� ����� After all this excitemen t let us start to deal with more prosaic and �harder �questions� �� Where are the dra wbac ks and b ottlenec ks of quan tum computing� There are� unfortunately � quite a few� Let us men tion here only t w o of them� � Quan tum computing can pro vide enormous parallelism� Ho w ev er� there are also enor� mous problems with harnessing the p o w er of its parallelism� According to the basic principles of quan tum mec hanics� a �pro jection� measuremen t pro cess can get out of �large� quan tum sup erp osition only one classical result� randomly c hosen� and the remaining quan tum information can b e irrev ersibly destro y ed� � An in teraction of a quan tum system with its en vironmen t can lead to the the so� called decoherence e�ects and can greatly in�uence� or ev en completely destro y � subtle quan tum in terference mec hanisms� This app ears to mak e long reliable quan tum com� putations practically imp ossible� �� Ho w feasible are �p o w erful� quan tum computers and really imp ortan t quan tum information pro cessing applications� It is to o early to giv e a de�nite answ er� On one side� there is a strong scien ti�c b elief� based on long term exp eriences of science� that something v ery imp ortan t will come out of the researc h in quan tum computing� Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING � On the other hand� one has to admit that man y of the curren t exciting results concerning quan tum computing should b e seen as Gedank en exp erimen ts� Namely � one w orks with systems �exp erimen ts� that p erhaps do not exist� or cannot b e p erformed in the real w orld� or only with enormous di�cult y � but do not con tradict an y kno wn la w within a �certain� consisten t theory of quan tum mec hanics� � Suc h considerations� systems and results are usually tak en as b eing in principle acceptable� In addition� in the recen t y ears quite impressiv e progress has b een made on the exp eri� men tal lev el and w a ys ha v e b een found to deal with man y problems that seemed to prev en t the utilization of the p o w er of quan tum computing� Esp ecially exp erimen tal quan tum cryp� tograph y has made formidable progress to sho w that long distance optical �b er� op en�air and ev en earth�satellites quan tum k ey generation seems to b e feasible� Finally � it seems quite safe to assume that either quan tum computing will meet its exp ectations or something new and imp ortan t will b e learned and our kno wledge of Nature will b e enhanced� �� Are not curren t computers quan tum� No� in spite of the fact that curren t com� puters use elemen ts� for example semiconductors� whose functioning cannot b e explained without quan tum mec hanics� Curren t computers are in some v ery restricted sense quan tum mec hanical b ecause ev erything can b e seen as b eing quan tum mec hanical� In spite of that� curren t computers are not considered as fully quan tum mec hanical� The main di�erence b et w een a classical and a quan tum computer is on the information storage and pro cessing lev el� In classical computers information is recorded in macroscopic t w o�lev el systems� called bits� represen ting t w o bit v alues� In quan tum computers information is recorded and pro� cessed at microscopic lev el using t w o�lev el quan tum systems� called quan tum bits� that can b e in an y quan tum sup erp osition of quan tum states corresp onding to t w o classical bits� �� Can quan tum computers ev en tually replace classical ones� Nob o dy kno ws� but this do es not seem to b e so� at least not in the near future� Both classical and quan tum computers ha v e their strong and w eak p oin ts� and it seems curren tly that they can supp ort� but not replace� eac h other� ��� Prehistory of Quan tum Computing The past is but the b eginning of a b e� ginning� and all that is and has b een is but the t wiligh t of the da wn� Herb ert Georg W ells ����������� Since ���� w e ha v e b een witnessing a rapid gro wth of the ra w p erformance of computers with resp ect to their sp eed and memory size� An imp ortan t step in this dev elopmen t w as the in v en tion of transistors� whic h already use some quan tum e�ects in their op eration� Ho w ev er� it is clear that if suc h an increase in p erformance of computers con tin ues� then after �� y ears� our c hips will ha v e to con tain �� �� gates and op erate at a �� �� Hz clo c k rate � The term �Gedank en exp erimen t� is used in sev eral meanings� Sometimes it is required that the corre� sp onding systems or exp erimen ts are in principle p ossible� Sometimes it is su�cien t that no ph ysical la w is kno wn that w ould not allo w suc h an exp erimen t� � Chapter �� Elemen ts �th us deliv ering �� �� logic op erations p er second� �� � It seems that the only w a y to ac hiev e that is to learn to build computers directly out of the la ws of quan tum ph ysics� In order to come up seriously with the idea of quan tum information pro cessing� and to dev elop it so far and so fast� it has b een necessary to o v ercome sev eral in tellectual barriers� The most basic one concerned an imp ortan t feature of quan tum ph ysics�rev ersibilit y �see Section ����� �� None of the kno wn mo dels of univ ersal computers w as rev ersible� This barrier w as o v ercome �rst b y Bennett �� ������� who sho w ed the existence of univ ersal re� v ersible T uring mac hines� and then b y T o�oli ������ ����� and F redkin and T o�oli ������� who sho w ed the existence of univ ersal classical rev ersible gates� �� The second in tellectual barrier w as o v ercome b y Benio� ������ ����� ����a� who sho w ed that quan tum mec hanical computational pro cesses can b e at least as p o w erful as classical computational pro cesses� He did that b y sho wing ho w a quan tum system can sim ulate actions of the classical rev ersible T uring mac hines� Ho w ev er� his �quan tum computer� w as not fully quan tum y et and could not outp erform classical ones� The o v ercoming of these basic in tellectual barriers had signi�can t and broad conse� quences� Relations b et w een ph ysics and computation started to b e in v estigated on a more general and deep er lev el� This has also b een due to the fact that rev ersibilit y results im� plied the theoretical p ossibilit y of zero�energy computations� �� A W orkshop on Ph ysics and Computation started to b e organized and in his k eynote sp eec h at the �rst of these w ork� shops� in ����� R� F eynman ������ �� ask ed an imp ortan t question� Can �quantum� physics b e �e�ciently� simulate d by �classic al� c omputers� A t the same time he sho w ed go o d rea� sons to b eliev e that the answ er is negativ e� Namely � that it app ears to b e imp ossible to sim ulate a general quan tum ph ysical system on a probabilistic T uring mac hine without an exp onen tial slo wdo wn �� � Moreo v er� he sp eculated that one could deal with the problem b y allo wing computers to run according to the la ws of quan tum mec hanics� In other w ords� that quan tum computers could b e exp onen tially more p o w erful than classical ones and could �� Due to these facts� the concern w as v oiced quite a while ago on the p ossible negativ e e�ects that quan tum phenomena could induce in the �classical� op erations of computers� F or example� what fundamen tal limits could Heisen b erg�s uncertain t y principle imp ose on memory c hips whose bits are stored in single electron states� This approac h w as later sup erseded� as w e shall see� b y more optimistic� more constructiv e and more am bitious aims to harness the p o w er of quan tum mec hanics to p erform computations� �� Rev ersibilit y is actually not an exclusiv e phenomenon of the quan tum w orld� Rev ersibilit y also o ccurs in the classical ph ysics� It is only the ph ysics of large systems �classical but also quan tum� that is not rev ersible� The fact is that classical computationally rev ersible systems suggested b y Bennett and others� as discussed later� w ere not practically realizable� This brough t up the idea of considering quan tum rev ersible information pro cessing systems� �� F or earlier references see Section ��� in App endix� �� Bennett ������ traces the need to think seriously ab out the thermo dynamics of men tal pro cesses �and computation w as though t of this w a y in the nineteen th cen tury�� bac k to the famous parado x of �Maxw ell�s demon� from ����� whic h seemed to violate the second la w of thermo dynamics� see App endix� Section ������ �� Actually � the original motiv ation for studying the rev ersibilit y of computation came from the in terest in determining the ultimate thermo dynamic costs of elemen tary information pro cessing op erations� esp ecially b ecause heat remo v al has alw a ys b een a ma jor engineering concern in the design of classical computers� limiting the densit y with whic h activ e comp onen ts could b e pac k ed� In the b eginnings of the mo dern computer era there w as a folklore b elief� going bac k to a v on Neumann�s lecture in ���� �see Burks� ������ that at least k T ln � of energy is needed p er bit op eration� A ttempts to pro v e this misleading folklore b elief led Landauer to the disco v ery of rev ersible computing� �� Ric hard P � F eynman ������������ an American ph ysicist� His main scien ti�c con tributions w ere in quan tum electro dynamics and in the study of in teractions of elemen tary particles� He ga v e a mathematical description of helium� F eynman receiv ed the ���� Nob el prize for ph ysics for his con tributions to quan tum electro dynamics� He has also b een kno wn for his extraordinary capabilities to explain ph ysical phenomena and his lectures and textb o oks represen t an additional imp ortan t con tributions to mo dern ph ysics� �� Actually � this is no w ada ys in tuitiv ely prett y ob vious b ecause n in teracting ��state quan tum systems ma y ha v e up to � n basis states� Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING � b e a �rst reasonable mo del of computation that do es not ob ey the mo dern Ch urc h�T uring thesis� �� The third in tellectual barrier that had to b e o v ercome w as a lac k of a prop er mo del for a univ ersal quan tum computing device capable of sim ulating e�ectiv ely an y other quan� tum computer� The �rst step to o v ercome this barrier w as done b y Deutsc h ������ who elab orated F eynman�s ideas and dev elop ed a �theoretically� ph ysically realisable mo del of quan tum computers� a quan tum ph ysical analogue of a probabilistic T uring mac hine� whic h mak es full use of the quan tum sup erp osition principle� and on an y giv en input pro duces a random sample from a probabilit y distribution� Deutsc h conjectured that it migh t b e more e�cien t than a classical T uring mac hine for certain computations� He also sho w ed the existence of a univ ersal quan tum T uring mac hine �that could consequen tly sim ulate an y ph ysical pro cess and exp erimen t� and also a mo del of quan tum net w orks�a quan tum analog of classical sequen tial logical circuits� Ho w ev er� his mo del of the univ ersal T uring mac hine had the dra wbac k that the sim ulation of other quan tum T uring mac hines �QTM�� could b e exp onen tial� �� This problem w as then o v ercome b y Bernstein and V azirani ������ and Y ao ������� They sho w ed the existence of univ ersal quan tum T uring mac hines capable of sim ulating other quan tum T uring mac hines in p olynomial time� �F or a full pro of see Bern� stein and V azirani �������� The pap er of Bernstein and V azirani ������ laid the foundations of quan tum complexit y theory � In addition� Y ao ������ sho w ed that QTM and quan tum circuits compute in p olynomial time the same class of functions� This result implies that the concept of quan tum computation in p olynomial time is robust enough and indep enden t of the mac hine mo dels� In parallel with the dev elopmen t of the basic mo dels of quan tum computing an e�ort w as put in to o v ercoming the fourth in tellectual barrier� Can quan tum computing b e really more p o w erful than classical computing� Are there some go o d reasons to assume that quan tum computing could bring an essen tial �exp onen tial� sp eed�up of computations for at least some imp ortan t information pro cessing problems� This w as a v ery imp ortan t issue b ecause it w as clear that an y design of a quan tum computer w ould require o v ercoming a n um b er of large scien ti�c and engineering barriers and therefore it w as needed to kno w whether the prop osed mo del of quan tum computer o�ers� at least theoretically � an y substan tial b ene�t o v er the classical computers� In spite of the fact that this problem has not y et b een completely resolv ed there is already strong evidence that this is so� It w as �rst sho wn b y Deutsc h and Jozsa ������� that there are problems unkno wn to b e in P that could b e solv ed in p olynomial time on quan tum computers� and therefore b elong to the class QEP of problems solv able with certain t y in p olynomial time on quan tum computers� By recasting the original Deutsc h�Jozsa problem� in the framew ork of so�called �promise problems�� Berthiaume and Brassard ������ ����a� ����b� ����� pro v ed the �rst separation results in the relativized quan tum complexit y theory � F or example� they sho w ed that there is an oracle A suc h that QEP A �� ZPP A �they pro v ed the existence of an oracle for whic h there are computational problems that QTM can solv e in p olynomial time with certain t y � but eac h probabilistic T uring mac hine to solv e these problems with certain t y needs exp onen tial time for some inputs� These results w ere �rst impro v ed b y Bernstein and �� R� F reiv alds called m y atten tion to the fact that Y u� Manin already in ���� in his b o ok �Computable and uncomputable� p oin ted out explicitly the p oten tial adv an tages of quan tum computing �exp onen tial n um b er of basis states to w ork with sim ultaneously� and emphasized a need to design a theory of quan tum automata that w ould b e abstract enough and w ould ha v e a prop er balance b et w een mathematical principles and fundamen tal principles of quan tum mec hanics without sp eci�cation of some ph ysical realizations� �� Deutsc h cen tered his atten tion on the computabilit y and not on complexit y issues� �� Chapter �� Elemen ts V azirani ������ and later b y Simon ������� He pro v ed the follo wing result that w as at that time the strongest argumen t in fa v or of the sup eriorit y of quan tum computers o v er classical ones� Theorem ����� Ther e exists an or acle r elative to which ther e is a pr oblem solvable in p oly� nomial time �with b ounde d err or pr ob ability� on a quantum c omputer� but any pr ob abilistic T uring machine with b ounde d err or pr ob ability solving this pr oblem �using the or acle� wil l r e quir e exp onential time �at le ast � n�� steps� on in�nitely many inputs �of length n�� Results of Bernstein and V azirani ������ and Simon ������ pro vide formal evidence that� in the relativized setting� QTM are more p o w erful than PTM� �� Ho w ev er� all these problems w ere quite arti�cial� V ery imp ortan t and m uc h needed steps along these lines ha v e b een the results of Shor ������ ����� who� building on the w orks of the ab o v e men tioned authors� esp ecially on Simon�s metho d� sho w ed ho w to factor in tegers� and ho w to compute discrete logarithms in p olynomial time on p oten tial quan tum computers�t w o problems of crucial imp ortance for public�k ey cryptograph y� Due to these results quan tum computing� that till then used to b e considered as a curios� it y for few visionaries� started to b e of broader scien ti�c� and not only scien ti�c� in terest� An in tensiv e searc h started to disco v er ph ysical principles and pro cesses that could ev en tually mak e quan tum computation practical� Moreo v er� sev eral groups of exp erimen tal ph ysicists around the w orld ha v e b egun pro jects to explore exp erimen tally the basic principles of quan tum computing� The next question to address w as whether one can build a practically successful quan tum computer� Could quan tum computing b e brough t from a visionary stage to an exp erimen tal stage �and later to an engineering stage�� This question is still to b e answ ered� An in tensiv e e�ort to deal with quan tum computer design problems has brough t some remark able success� but also rev ealed new problems� On one hand success came in an unexp ected area� Quan tum cryptograph y�in whic h one tries to exploit quan tum phenomena �� to transmit quan tum information in suc h a w a y that undetectable ea v esdropping is imp ossible� has already reac hed an exp erimen tal stage� There has also b een success in the e�ort to �nd su�cien tly simple rev ersible quan tum gates that could b e used to build p oten tial quan tum computers� The classical univ ersal rev ersible gates ha v e three inputs and outputs� Sleator and W einfurter ������� Barenco ������ and DiVincenzo ������ ha v e sho wn univ ersal t w o bit quan tum gates� This has b een an imp ortan t result b ecause the problem to con trol in teraction of three particles seems to b e m uc h more complex than for the case of t w o particles� In addition� Barenco ������ and Llo yd ������ ha v e sho wn that almost an y quan tum t w o�bit gate is univ ersal� These results greatly simpli�ed the searc h for ph ysical implemen tations of quan tum computational net w orks� On the other hand� it has also turned out that the �rst mo dels of quan tum computers w ere o v ersimpli�ed and that for quan tum computing to come to an exp erimen tal or ev en engineering stage man y fundamen tal problems still need to b e solv ed� The necessit y of examining impacts of inaccuracies� emissions and coupling with the en vironmen t of an y realistic device on the capabilit y of quan tum computing to meet their promises has long b een emphasized b y Landauer ������� Esp ecially problems decoherence causes made man y to b eliev e that it is in principle imp ossible to design reliably enough functioning quan tum �� Ho w ev er� it is necessary to mak e clear that the question whether quan tum computers allo w one to obtain essen tially more computational p o w er has not y et b een completely satisfactorily answ ered� �� Heisen b erg�s uncertain t y principle�see Section ������ Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING �� computer� �� The situation started to lo ok almost hop eless� A breakthrough came after o v ercoming another in tellectual barrier� it w as realised that the situation is not as bad as it lo oks and that ph ysics do es not need to rely on itself only in the searc h for ho w to o v ercome problems of the imp erfections of op erations� emission and of the decoherence� Mathematics and informatics seem to b e able to help signi�can tly � The �rst imp ortan t and encouraging result w as due to Bernstein and V azirani ������� They sho w ed that quite w eak precision requiremen ts are su�cien t for quan tum computing�only logarithmic precision for inputs and gates is needed� Disco v ery of error�correcting co des b y Shor ������� and so on b y man y others� allo w ed one to cop e with decoherence and op erational imp erfections during transmission and storage of quan tum information� �In b ehind there w as a k ey disco v ery that quan tum noise�errors� in principle con tin uous� can b e view ed and dealt with as b eing discrete�� The disco v ery of quan tum fault�toleran t computations b y Shor ������ allo w ed one to cop e with decoherence and imprecisions during pro cessing of quan tum information� �� The disco v ery of �concatenated co des� �Knill and La�amme� ����� and �quan tum rep eaters� �Briegel� ������ allo ws one to cop e with the problem of storage and transmission of quan tum information for a long time and long distance with desirable reliabilit y � Quan tum cryptograph y has also con tributed to an a w areness that quan tum computing is full of pitfalls� not fully understo o d y et� In ����� Brassard� Cr�p eau� Jozsa and Langlois surprised the comm unit y b y the claim �pro of � that a quan tum bit commitmen t proto col pro v ably un break able b y b oth parties is p ossible� It to ok three y ears to �nd out� b y Lo and Chau ������ ����a� and Ma y ers ������� that prop osed proto cols are� in principle� insecure� Another in tellectual barrier w as o v ercome b y con tributions of Cirac and Zoller ������� They sho w ed� at least on the lab oratory lev el� that in the searc h for tec hnology to build quan tum pro cessors and computers one do es not need to w ait till some �unobtainium� is a v ailable� but that one can start with the existing tec hnologies with whic h there are already ric h exp erimen tal exp eriences� �Of course� this is not the whole story � One also has to realize that ev en if it migh t b e p ossible to build small quan tum computers� scaling up to mac hines large enough to mak e really imp ortan t computations could presen t fundamen tal di�culties�� ��� F rom Randomized to Quan tum Computation A comparison of probabilistic T uring �� mac hines �PTM�� with quan tum T uring mac hines �QTM� will allo w us to see� in an easy and transparen t w a y similarities and di�erences �� P essimism that tec hnology cannot b e made reliable enough to realize useful computations is not a new phenomenon in the short history of mo dern computers� F or example� in the autobiograph y of K� Zuse ������� there is a story ab out sceptical reactions to his talk in ���� in whic h he an ticipated �based on discussions with Sc hrey er�that ab out ���� tub es w ould b e needed to build an electronic computer� �A t that time the biggest electronic devices w ere broadcasting stations with few h undreds of v alv es�� Similarly � the idea that ENIA C with its ����� tub es could w ork for a su�cien tly long time w as for that time an enginnering phan tasy that w ould hardly get through a gran ting agency of �p eace time�� �� Actually Landauer�s constan t c hallenge of �visionaries� to sho w a really w ork able path to the future has b een of immense signi�cance for making correct researc h agenda in quan tum computing� Quan tum computing is an excellen t example of the rapid progress in science and tec hnology that can b e ac hiev ed b y optimists and visionaries if they closely co op erate with� and listen to� sceptics and p essimists directing constructiv ely the e�ort of visionaries and optimists on the k ey problems to attac k� �� Alan M� T uring ����������� an English mathematician� He wrote fundamen tal pap ers on computabilit y and arti�cial in telligence and in v en ted a computation mo del b earing his name� During the Second W orld W ar T uring participated in the cryptanalysis pro ject UL TRA in Bletc hley P ark and in the design of the �rst p o w erful electronic computer Colossus� After the w ar he sup ervised the design and building of A CE� a large electronic digital computer at the National Ph ysical Lab oratory � �� Chapter �� Elemen ts b et w een these t w o basic mo dels of classical and quan tum computing� In this w a y w e can also demonstrate the adv an tages and problems quan tum computing has� There are go o d reasons to start our in tro duction to quan tum computing b y compar� ing probabilistic and quan tum T uring mac hines� Probabilistic T uring mac hines represen t no w ada ys the most imp ortan t mo del of classical computing� P olynomial time computation on probabilistic T uring mac hines stands for a formal equiv alen t of �feasibilit y� in classical computing� In addition� similarly to classical T uring mac hines� quan tum T uring mac hines w ere historically the �rst really fully quan tum and p o w erful mo del of quan tum computing� ����� Probabilistic T uring mac hines F ormally � a �one�tap e� probabilistic T uring mac hine� on a �nite set Q of states and the �nite alphab et �� is giv en b y a transition function � � � � Q � � � Q � f�� �� �g � � ��� �� assigning to eac h p ossible transition a probabilit y in suc h a w a y that for eac h con�guration �� c � and all its successor�con�gurations c � � � � � � c k � the follo wing lo cal probabilit y condition is satis�ed� If p i � � � i � k � is the probabilit y � assigned b y � � of the transition from c � to c i � then �see Figure ���a�� k X i�� p i � �� c c c c c c c c c c p p p p α 0 1 2 k-1 k 1 2 1 2 0 k-1 k k-1 k α k-1 k (a) PTM (b) QTM |α | + |α | = 1 p + p + .... + p + p = 1 2 1 1 k-1 k 2 k-1 k α α 2 2 2 .....+ 2 |α | + |α |+ 2 1 Figure ���� Lo cal probabilit y conditions This condition is often written in the follo wing form� if �� � � q � � � � � Q� then X �� �q �d����Q�f�����g � �� � � q � � � � q � d� � �� �� A con�guration is a full description of the global state of a PTM� It can b e seen as ha ving the form w � q w � � where w � w � is the curren t con ten t of the tap e� q is the curren t state and the curren t p osition of the head of the PTM is on the cell with the �rst sym b ol of w � � Jozef Grusk a� QUANTUM COMPUTING �� On the base of the transition function � of a PTM M w e can assign probabilities to all edges� to all no des and also to all con�gurations of eac h lev el of an y con�guration tree of T � The probabilit y assigned to an edge c � c � of suc h a tree is giv en directly b y � and represen ts the probabilit y that computation go es� in one step� from c to c � � F rom that w e can assign a probabilit y to eac h no de N of an y con�guration tree� see Figure ���a� as the pro duct of all probabilities assigned to the edges on the path from the ro ot to N � �The probabilit y assigned to the ro ot is de�ned to b e ��� The probabilit y assigned to an arbitrary no de N is therefore the probabilit y that a computation starting at the ro ot reac hes the no de N � 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 c 1 2 a b b 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 2 2 2 2 (c) invalid computation 2 2 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 (a) PTM 1 c 1 (b) QTM c d 0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 2 2 d 2 2 Figure ���� Con�guration trees with probabilities and the probabilit y amplitudes It ma y happ en that at a certain lev el of a con�guration tree there are sev eral o ccurrences c ��� � � � � � c �m� of the same con�guration c� see Figure ���a� In suc h a case� if p i is the c c c p p α α α p 1 2 c c c 2 (1) (2) 1 (1) (2) m m (m) (m) (a) PTM (b) QTM Figure ���� Multiple o ccurrences of the same con�guration probabilit y assigned to the o ccurrence c �i� of the con�guration c� then the total probabilit y

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