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Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists PDF

402 Pages·2008·2.51 MB·English
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book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists Themultidisciplinaryfieldofquantumcomputingstrivestoexploitsome of the uncanny aspects of quantum mechanics to expand our computa- tionalhorizons.QuantumComputingforComputerScientiststakesread- ers on a tour of this fascinating area of cutting-edge research. Written in an accessible yet rigorous fashion, this book employs ideas and tech- niques familiar to every student of computer science. The reader is not expectedtohaveanyadvancedmathematicsorphysicsbackground.Af- ter presenting the necessary prerequisites, the material is organized to look at different aspects of quantum computing from the specific stand- pointofcomputerscience.Therearechaptersoncomputerarchitecture, algorithms,programminglanguages,theoreticalcomputerscience,cryp- tography, information theory, and hardware. The text has step-by-step examples,morethantwohundredexerciseswithsolutions,andprogram- ming drills that bring the ideas of quantum computing alive for today’s computersciencestudentsandresearchers. Noson S. Yanofsky, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department ofComputerandInformationScienceatBrooklynCollege,CityUniver- sity of New York and at the PhD Program in Computer Science at The GraduateCenterofCUNY. MircoA.Mannucci,PhD,isthefounderandCEOofHoloMathics,LLC, aresearchanddevelopmentcompanywithafocusoninnovativemathe- maticalmodeling.HealsoservesasAdjunctProfessorofComputerSci- enceatGeorgeMasonUniversityandtheUniversityofMaryland. i book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 QUANTUM COMPUTING FOR COMPUTER SCIENTISTS Noson S. Yanofsky BrooklynCollege,CityUniversityofNewYork and Mirco A. Mannucci HoloMathics,LLC iii book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 cambridgeuniversitypress Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown,Singapore,Sa˜oPaulo,Delhi CambridgeUniversityPress 32AvenueoftheAmericas,NewYork,NY10013-2473,USA www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9780521879965 (cid:1)C NosonS.YanofskyandMircoA.Mannucci2008 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2008 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica AcatalogrecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationdata Yanofsky,NosonS.,1967– Quantumcomputingforcomputerscientists/NosonS.Yanofskyand MircoA.Mannucci. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN 978-0-521-87996-5(hardback) 1.Quantumcomputers. I.Mannucci,MircoA.,1960– II.Title. QA76.889.Y35 2008 004.1–dc22 2008020507 ISBN 978-0-521-879965hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityfor thepersistenceoraccuracyofURLsforexternalor third-partyInternetWebsitesreferredtointhispublication anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuch Websitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. iv book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 Dedicatedto MoisheandSharonYanofsky and tothememoryof LuigiandAntoniettaMannucci v book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 Wisdomisonething:toknowthethoughtbywhich allthingsaredirectedthroughallthings. ˜ HeraclitusofEphesus(535–475BCE) asquotedinDiogenesLaertius’s LivesandOpinionsofEminentPhilosophers BookIX,1. vi book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 Contents Preface xi 1 Complex Numbers 7 1.1 BasicDefinitions 8 1.2 TheAlgebraofComplexNumbers 10 1.3 TheGeometryofComplexNumbers 15 2 Complex Vector Spaces 29 2.1 Cnas the Primary Example 30 2.2 Definitions,Properties,andExamples 34 2.3 BasisandDimension 45 2.4 InnerProductsandHilbertSpaces 53 2.5 EigenvaluesandEigenvectors 60 2.6 HermitianandUnitaryMatrices 62 2.7 TensorProductofVectorSpaces 66 3 The Leap from Classical to Quantum 74 3.1 ClassicalDeterministicSystems 74 3.2 ProbabilisticSystems 79 3.3 QuantumSystems 88 3.4 AssemblingSystems 97 4 Basic Quantum Theory 103 4.1 QuantumStates 103 4.2 Observables 115 4.3 Measuring 126 4.4 Dynamics 129 4.5 AssemblingQuantumSystems 132 5 Architecture 138 5.1 BitsandQubits 138 vii book-yanofsky CUUS235-Yanofsky ISBN9780521879965 June6,2008 16:17 CharCount=0 viii Contents 5.2 ClassicalGates 144 5.3 ReversibleGates 151 5.4 QuantumGates 158 6 Algorithms 170 6.1 Deutsch’sAlgorithm 171 6.2 TheDeutsch–JozsaAlgorithm 179 6.3 Simon’sPeriodicityAlgorithm 187 6.4 Grover’sSearchAlgorithm 195 6.5 Shor’sFactoringAlgorithm 204 7 Programming Languages 220 7.1 ProgramminginaQuantumWorld 220 7.2 QuantumAssemblyProgramming 221 7.3 TowardHigher-LevelQuantumProgramming 230 7.4 QuantumComputationBeforeQuantumComputers 237 8 Theoretical Computer Science 239 8.1 DeterministicandNondeterministicComputations 239 8.2 ProbabilisticComputations 246 8.3 QuantumComputations 251 9 Cryptography 262 9.1 ClassicalCryptography 262 9.2 QuantumKeyExchangeI:TheBB84Protocol 268 9.3 QuantumKeyExchangeII:TheB92Protocol 273 9.4 QuantumKeyExchangeIII:TheEPRProtocol 275 9.5 QuantumTeleportation 277 10 Information Theory 284 10.1 ClassicalInformationandShannonEntropy 284 10.2 QuantumInformationandvonNeumannEntropy 288 10.3 ClassicalandQuantumDataCompression 295 10.4 Error-CorrectingCodes 302 11 Hardware 305 11.1 QuantumHardware:GoalsandChallenges 306 11.2 ImplementingaQuantumComputerI:IonTraps 311 11.3 ImplementingaQuantumComputerII:LinearOptics 313 11.4 ImplementingaQuantumComputerIII:NMR andSuperconductors 315 11.5 FutureofQuantumWare 316 Appendix A Historical Bibliography of Quantum Computing 319 byJillCirasella A.1 ReadingScientificArticles 319 A.2 ModelsofComputation 320

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