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QUANTIZATION OF POISSON GROUPS F. Gavarini 6 Dipartimento di Matematica, Istituto G. Castelnuovo, 9 9 Universit`a degli studi di Roma ”La Sapienza” 1 n a J Abstract. Thequantizationof well-knownpairsof Poissongroupsof awideclassisstudied 9 by means of Drinfeld’s double construction and dualization via formal Hopf algebras; new 2 quantizedenvelopingalgebrasUM,∞(h)andquantumformalgroupsFM,∞[G]areintroduced q,ϕ q,ϕ (both in one-parameter and multi-parametercase), and their specializations at roots of 1 (in 6 v particular, their classical limits) are studied: a new insight into the classical Poisson duality 2 is thus obtained. 2 0 1 1 5 9 / g Introduction l a - ”Dualitas dualitatum q et omnia dualitas” : v N. Barbecue, ”Scholia” i X Let G be a semisimple, connected, and simply connected affine algebraic group over an r a algebraicallyclosed field of characteristic zero; we consider a family of structures of Poisson group on G, indexed by a multiparameter τ, which generalize the well-known Sklyanin- Drinfeld one (cf. e. g. [DP], §11). Then every such Poisson group Gτ has a well defined corresponding dual Poisson group Hτ, and gτ := Lie(Gτ) and hτ := Lie(Hτ) are Lie bialgebras dual of each other. In1985Drinfeld([Dr])andJimbo([Ji])providedaquantizationUQ(g)of U(g) = U(g0), q namely a Hopf algebra UQ(g) over k(q), presented by generators and relations with a q k[q,q−1]-formUQ(g)whichfor q → 1 specializestoU(g)asaPoissonHopfcoalgebra. This q has been extended to general parameter τ introducing multiparameter quantum groups UQ (g) (cf. [Rb], and [CV-1], [CV-2]). Dually, by means of a Peter-Weyl type axiomatic q,ϕ trick one constructs a Hopf algebra FP[G] of matrix coefficients of UQ(g) with a k[q,q−1]- q q form FP[G] which specializes to F[G], as a Poisson Hopf algebra, for q → 1; in particular q FP[G] is nothing but the Hopf subalgebra of ”functions” in FP[G] which take values in q q b b Revised version of January 29th 1996 Typeset by AMS-TEX 1 2 F. GAVARINI k[q,q−1] when ”evaluated” on UQ(g) (in a word, the k[q,q−1]-integer valued functions on q UQ(g)). This again extends to general τ (cf. [CV-2]). q So far the quantization procebdure only dealt with the Poisson group Gτ; the dual group Hb is involved defining a different k[q,q−1]-form UP(g) (of a quantum group UP(g)) which q q specializes to F[H] (as a Poisson Hopf algebra) for q → 1 (cf. [DP]), with generalization to the general case possible again. Here a new pheenomenon of ”crossing dualities” (duality among enveloping and function algebra and duality among Poisson groups) occurs which was described (in a formal setting) by Drinfel’d (cf. [Dr], §7). This leads to consider the following: let FQ[G] be the quantum function algebra dual of UP(g), and look at the q q ”dual” ofUP(g)withinFQ[G], callit FQ[G], which shouldbe theHopf algebra ofk[q,q−1]- q q q integer valued functions on UP(g); then this should specialize to U(h) (as a Poisson Hopf q coalgebra)efor q → 1; the same conjeceture can be formulated in the general case too. The starting aim of the peresent work was to achieve this goal, i. e. to construct FQ[G] q and itsk[q,q−1]-form FQ[G], and to prove thatFQ[G] is a deformation of the Poisson Hopf q q coalgebra U(h). This goal is succesfully attained by performing a suitable dualization of Drinfeld’s quantum doeuble; but by the way, thiseleads to discover a new ”quantum group” (both one-parameter and multiparameter), which we call UM,∞(h), which is to U(h) as q UM(g) is to U(g); in particular it has an integer form UQ(h) which is a quantization q q of U(h), and an integer form UP,∞(h) which is a quantization of F∞[G] (the function q algebra of the formal Poisson group associated to G); thisbis also produced in the shape of a quantum formal group FP,∞e[G]. Moreover, we exhibit a quantum analog of the Hopf q pairings F[H]⊗U(h) → k, F[G]⊗U(g) → k, F∞[G]⊗U(g) → k, and also a quantum analog of the Lie bialgebra pbairing h⊗g → k, which are strictly related with each other and with the already known quantum pairing FP[G]⊗UQ(g) → k(q): all this is stressed q q by introducing the definition of quantum Poisson pairing. Once again all this extend to the multiparameter case. Thus in particular we provide a quantization for a wide class of Poisson groups (the Hτ’s); now, in the summer of 1995 (when the present work was already accomplished) a quantization of any Poisson group was presented in [EK-1] and [EK-2], but greatest generality implies lack of concreteness: in contrast, our construction is extremely concrete, by hands; moreover, it allows specialization at roots of 1, construction of quantum Frobenius morphisms, and so on (like for UQ(g) and UP(g)), which is not q q possible in the approach of [EK-1], [EK-2]. Finally, a brief sketch of the main ideas of the paper. Our aim being to study the ”dual” of a quantum group UM (g) (M being a lattice of weights), we proceed as fol- q,ϕ lows. First, we select as operation of ”dualization” (of a Hopf algebra H ) the most na¨ıve one, namely taking the full linear dual (i. e. H∗, rather than the usual Hopf dual H◦), the latter being a formal Hopf algebra (rather than a common Hopf algebra). Second, we remark that UM (g) is a quotient, as a Hopf algebra, of a quantum double q,ϕ DM (g) := D UQ (b ),UM (b ),πϕ (cf. §3), hence its linear dual UM (g)∗ embeds into q,ϕ q,ϕ − q,ϕ + + q,ϕ the formal Hopf algebra DM (g)∗. Third, since DM (g) ∼= UM (b )⊗UQ (b ) (as coal- (cid:0) q,ϕ (cid:1) q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,ϕ − gebras) we have DM (g)∗ ∼= UM (b )∗⊗UQ (b )∗ (as algebras), where ⊗ denotes topo- q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,ϕ − logical tensor product. Fourth, DRT pairings among quantum Borel algebras yield natural embeddings UM (b ) ֒→ UM′(b )∗ (Mb′ being the dual latticeofM ). Fiftbh, from previous q,ϕ ± q,ϕ ∓ remarks we locate a special formal Hopf subalgebra of UM′(b )⊗UP (b ) ⊆ DM (g)∗. q,ϕ − q,ϕ + q,ϕ (cid:16) (cid:17) b QUANTIZATION OF POISSON GROUPS 3 Seventh, we take out of this an axiomatic construction of a formal Hopf algebra UM′(h), q,ϕ by definition isomorphic to the one of step six and therefore naturally paired with UM (g): q,ϕ this is the object we were looking for, sort of completion of FM′[G], and from its very q,ϕ construction the whole series of results we stated above will be proved with no serious trouble. Sections 1 to 4 introduce the already known material; the original part of the paper is sections 5 to 8. The Appendix describes in full detail the example G = SL(2). Acknoledgements The author wishes to thank C. Procesi for several fruitful conversations, and C. De Concini for some useful talk; he is also endebted with M. Costantini, M. Varagnolo, and I. Damiani for many helpful discussions. § 1 The classical objects 1.1 Cartan data. Let A := (a ) be a n×n symmetrizable Cartan matrix; ij i,j=1,...,n thus we have a ∈ Z with a = 2 and a ≤ 0 if i 6= j, and there exists a vector ij ii ij (d ,... ,d ) with relatively prime positive integral entries d such that (d a ) 1 n i i ij i,j=1,...,n is a symmetric positive definite matrix. Define the weight lattice P to be the lattice with basis {ω ,...,ω } (the fundamental weights); let P = n Nω be the subset of 1 n + i=1 i n dominant integral weights, let α = a ω (j = 1,...,n) be the simple roots, and Q = n Zα (⊂ P ) the root lajttice, iQ=1 =ij i n Nα thePpositive root lattice. Let W j=1 j P + j=1 j be the Weyl group associated to A, with generators s ,... ,s , and let Π := {α ,...,α }: 1 n 1 n P P then R := WΠ is the set of roots, R+ = R∩Q the set of positive roots; finally, we set + N := #(R+) (= |W|). Define bilinear pairings h | i:Q×P → Z and ( | ):Q×P → Z by hα |ω i = δ and i j ij (α |ω ) = δ d . Then (α |α ) = d a , giving a symmetric Z-valued W-invariant bilinear i j ij i i j i ij formonQsuchthat(α|α) ∈ 2Z. WecanalsoextendtheZ-bilinearpairing (|):Q×P → Z to a (non-degenerate) pairing ( | ):(Q⊗ Q)×(Q⊗ P) → Z of Q-vector spaces by scalar Z Z extension: restriction gives a pairing ( | ):P × P → Q (looking at P as a sublattice of Q⊗ Q), which takesvalues in Z[d−1], where d := det (a )n . Given a pairof lattices Z ij i,j=1 (M,M′), with Q ≤ M,M′ ≤ P , we say that they are(cid:16)dual of ea(cid:17)ch other if M′ = {y ∈ P | (M,y) ⊆ Z} , M = {x ∈ P | (x,M′) ⊆ Z} the two conditions being equivalent; then for any lattice M with Q ≤ M ≤ P there exists a unique dual lattice M′ such that Q ≤ M′ ≤ P . 1.2 The Poisson groups G and H. Let G be a connected simply-connected semisim- pleaffinealgebraicgroupoveranalgebraicallyclosedfieldk ofcharachteristic0. Fixamax- imal torus T ≤ G and opposite Borel subgroups B , with unipotent subgroups U , such ± ± that B ∩B = T , and let g := Lie(G), t := Lie(T), b := Lie(B ), n := Lie(U ); + − ± ± ± ± fix also τ := (τ ,... ,τ ) ∈ Qn such that (τ ,α ) = −(τ ,α ) for all i,j = 1,...,n: when 1 n i j j i τ = (0,... ,0) we shall simply skip it throughout. Set K = G × G, define Gτ := G embedded in K as the diagonal subgroup, and define a second subgroup Hτ := {(u t ,t u ) | u ∈ U ,t ∈ T,t t ∈ exp(tτ)} (≤ B ×B ≤ K) − − + + ± ± ± − + − + 4 F. GAVARINI where tτ := n k ·h ⊕h ≤ t⊕t ≤ g⊕g = k := Lie(K); thus i=1 −αi+2τi αi+2τi P hτ := Lie(Hτ) = (n−,0)⊕tτ ⊕(0,n+). Thus we have a triple (K,Gτ,Hτ); this is an algebraic Manin triple (i. e. its ”tangent triple” (k,gτ,hτ) is a Manin triple), when a non-degenerate symmetric invariant bilinear form on k is defined as follows: first rescale the Killing form ( , ):g⊗g → k so that short roots of g have square length 2; then define the form on k = g⊕g by 1 1 hx ⊕y ,x ⊕y i := (y ,y )− (x ,x ). 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 In general, if (k′,g′,h′) is any Manin triple, the bilinear form on k′ gives by restriction a non-degenerate pairing h , i:h′ ⊗g′ → k which is a pairing of Lie bialgebras, that is hx,[y1,y2]i = hδh(x),y1 ∧y2i, h[x1,x2],yi = hx1 ∧x2,δg(y)i for all x,x1,x2 ∈ h′, y,y1,y2 ∈ g′, where δh′, resp. δg′, is the Lie cobracket of h′, resp. g′; we shall call such pairing also Poisson pairing, and denote it by π (h,g) := hh,gi for all P h ∈ h′, g ∈ g′. In the present case the Poisson pairing is described by formulas hfτ,f i = 0 hfτ,h i = 0 hfτ,e i = −1δ d−1 i j i j i j 2 ij i hhτ,f i = 0 hhτ,h i = a d−1 = a d−1 hhτ,e i = 0 (1.1−a) i j i j ij j ji i i j heτ,f i = 1δ d−1 heτ,h i = 0 heτ,e i = 0 i j 2 ij i i j i j where the fτ, hτ, eτ (s = 1,...,n), resp. f , h , e (s = 1,...,n), are Chevalley-type s s s s s s generators of hτ, resp. gτ, embedded inside k = g ⊕ g, namely fτ = f ⊕ 0, hτ = s s s h ⊕ h , eτ = 0 ⊕ e , and f = f ⊕ f , h = h ⊕ h , e = e ⊕ e (see −αs+2τs αs+2τs s s s s s s s s s s s below); moreover we also record that 1 1 heτ,f i = δ d−1 , hfτ,e i = − δ d−1 (1.1−b) α β 2 αβ α α β 2 αβ α for all α,β ∈ R+, where eτ,f ,e ,f are Chevalley-type generators of (hτ) , (hτ) , α α β β α −α (gτ) , (gτ) and d := (α,α) for all α ∈ R+ (in particular d = d ∀i = 1,...,n).1 β −β α 2 αi i 1.3 The Poisson Hopf coalgebra U(gτ). It is known that the universal enveloping algebra U(gτ) = U(g) canbepresented astheassociativek-algebra with1generated by el- ements,f , h , e (i = 1,...,n)(theChevalley generators)satisfyingthewell-knownSerre’s i i i relations (cf. for instance [Hu], ch. V). As an enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra, U(gτ) has a canonical structure of Hopf algebra, given by ∆(x) = x⊗1+1⊗x, S(x) = −x, ε(x) = 0 for all x ∈ g; finally, the Poisson structure of Gτ reflects into a Lie coalgebra structure δ = δgτ:gτ −→ gτ ⊗gτ of gτ, extending to a co-Poisson structure δ:U(gτ) −→ U(gτ)⊗ U(gτ) (compatible with the Hopf structure) given by (cf. [DL], §8, and [DKP], §7.7) (α +2τ |α +2τ ) (α +2τ |α +2τ ) i i i i i i i i δ(f ) = h ⊗f − f ⊗h i 2 αi+2τ i 2 i αi+2τ δ(h ) = 0 (1.2) i (α −2τ |α −2τ ) (α −2τ |α −2τ ) i i i i i i i i δ(e ) = h ⊗e − e ⊗h . i 2 αi−2τ i 2 i αi−2τ 1Warning: beware, in particular, of the normalization we chose for the symmetric form of k, which is different (by a coefficient 1) from the one fixed in [DP]. 2 QUANTIZATION OF POISSON GROUPS 5 1.4 The Poisson Hopf coalgebra U(hτ). We already remarked that hτ ∼= n ⊕t⊕ − n ∼= n ⊕tτ ⊕n as vector spaces: then the Lie structure of hτ is uniquely determined by + − + thefollowingconstraints: (a) n , tτ, n areLiesubalgebrasofhτ; (b) [n ,n ] = 0 ∀n ∈ − + + − + n ,n ∈ n ; (c) [hτ,n ] = −hα − 2τ ,βin ∀i = 1,...,n,n ∈ (n ) ,β ∈ R−; + − − i − i i − − − β (d) [hτ,n ] = hα +2τ ,βin ∀i = 1,...,n,n ∈ (n ) ,α ∈ R+. i + i i + + + α Thus if fτ, hτ, eτ (i = 1,...,n) are Chevalley-type generators of g (thought of as i i i elements of n , t ∼= tτ , n ), U(hτ) can be presented as the associative k-algebra with 1 − + generated by fτ, hτ, eτ (i = 1,...,n) with relations i i i hτhτ −hτhτ = 0, eτfτ −fτeτ = 0 i j j i i j j i hτfτ −fτhτ = hα −2τ ,α ifτ , hτeτ −eτhτ = hα +2τ ,α ieτ i j j i i i j j i j j i i i j j 1−aij 1−a (−1)k ij (fτ)1−aij−kfτ(fτ)k = 0 (i 6= j) (1.3) k i j i k=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X 1−aij 1−a (−1)k ij (eτ)1−aij−keτ(eτ)k = 0 (i 6= j) k i j i k=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X for all i,j = 1,...,n; its natural Hopf structure is given by ∆(fτ) = fτ ⊗1+1⊗fτ , S(fτ) = −fτ , ε(fτ) = 0 i i i i i i ∆(hτ) = hτ ⊗1+1⊗hτ , S(hτ) = −hτ , ε(hτ) = 0 (1.4) i i i i i i ∆(eτ) = eτ ⊗1+1⊗eτ , S(eτ) = −eτ , ε(eτ) = 0 . i i i i i i and the co-Poisson structure δ = δ :U(hτ) −→ U(hτ)⊗U(hτ) by hτ δ(fτ) = d hτ ⊗fτ −d fτ ⊗hτ i i i i i i i δ(hτ) = 4d−1 · d (γ|α )·(eτ ⊗fτ −fτ ⊗eτ) i i γ i γ γ γ γ (1.5) γ∈R+ X δ(eτ) = d eτ ⊗hτ −d hτ ⊗eτ . i i i i i i i § 2 Quantum Borel algebras and DRT pairings 2.1 Notations. We shall introduce our quantum groups using the construction of [DL] and [CV-1], [CV-2]. For all s,n ∈ N, let (n) := qn−1 (∈ k[q]), (n) ! := n (r) , q q−1 q r=1 q (n) := (n)q! (∈ k[q]), and [n] := qn−q−n (∈ k[q,q−1]), [n] ! := n [rQ] , [n] := s q (s) !(n−s) ! q q−q−1 q r=1 q s q q q [n] ! := q (∈ k[q,q−1]); let q := qdα for all α ∈ R+, and q :=Qq . Let Q, P [s] ![n−s] ! α i αi q q be as in §1; we fix an endomorphism ϕ of the Q-vector space QP := Q ⊗ P which is Z antisymmetric — with respect to ( | ) — and satisfies the conditions 6 F. GAVARINI ϕ(Q) ⊆ Q, 1(ϕ(P) | P) ⊆ Z, 2AYA−1 ∈ M (Z) 2 n where, letting τ := 1ϕ(α ) = n y α , we set Y := (y ) , M (Z) is the set i 2 i j=1 ji j ij i,j=1,...,n; n of n×n-matrices with integer entries, and A is our Cartan matrix. For later use, we also P define 1 τ := ϕ(α), τ := τ (2.1) α 2 i αi for all α ∈ R, i = 1,...,n. It is proved in [CV-1] that (id + ϕ) and (id − QP QP ϕ) are isomorphisms, adjoint of each other with respect to ( | ): then we define r := −1 −1 (id +ϕ) , r := (id −ϕ) . QP QP 2.2 Quantum Borel algebras. Let M be any lattice such that Q ≤ M ≤ P ; then (cf. [DL] and [CV-1]) UM (b ) (resp. UM (b )) is the associative k(q)-algebra with 1 q,ϕ − q,ϕ + generated by {L | µ ∈ M } ∪ {F | i = 1,...,n} (resp. {L | µ ∈ M } ∪ {E | i = µ i µ i 1,...,n} ) with relations L = 1, L L = L , 0 µ ν µ+ν 1−a L F = q−(µ|αj)F L , (−1)s ij FpF Fs = 0 µ j j µ s i j i p+sX=1−aij (cid:20) (cid:21)qi 1−a (resp. L E = q(µ|αj)E L , (−1)s ij EpE Es = 0) µ j j µ s i j i p+sX=1−aij (cid:20) (cid:21)qi for all i,j = 1,...,n and µ,ν ∈ M ; furthermore, it is proved in [CV-1] that UM (b ) and q,ϕ − UM (b ) can be endowed with a Hopf algebra structure given by2 q,ϕ − ∆ (F ) = F ⊗L +L ⊗F , ε (F ) = 0, S (F ) = −F L ϕ i i −αi−τi τi i ϕ i ϕ i i αi ∆ (L ) = L ⊗L , ε (L ) = 1, S (L ) = L ϕ µ µ µ ϕ µ ϕ µ −µ ∆ (E ) = E ⊗L +L ⊗E , ε (E ) = 0, S (E ) = −L E ϕ i i τi αi−τi i ϕ i ϕ i −αi i for all i = 1,...,n, µ ∈ M . In particular we use notation K := L ∀α ∈ Q. We shall α α also consider the subalgebras (of quantum Borel algebras) UM (t) (generated by the L ’s), q,ϕ µ U (n ) (generated by the E ’s), and U (n ) (generated by the F ’s). q,ϕ + i q,ϕ − i When ϕ = 0 we could skip the superscript ϕ, our quantum algebras then conciding with the one-parameter ones, i. e. those of, say, [Lu-1], [DP], etc. 2.3 DRT pairings. From now on, if H is any Hopf algebra, then Hop will denote the same coalgebra as H with the opposite multiplication, while H will denote the same op algebra as H with the opposite comultiplication. From [DL], §2 (for the 1-parameter case), and [CV-1], §3 (for the multiparameter case) we recall the existence of perfect (i. e. non-degenerate) pairings of Hopf algebras among quantum Borel algebras πϕ:UP (b ) ⊗UQ (b ) → k(q), πϕ:UQ (b ) ⊗UP (b ) → k(q) − q,ϕ − op q,ϕ + + q,ϕ − op q,ϕ + πϕ:UP (b ) ⊗UQ (b )k(q), πϕ:UQ (b ) ⊗UP (b )k(q) − q,ϕ + op q,ϕ − + q,ϕ + op q,ϕ − 2Actually, we use here a different normalization than in [CV-1]: the results therein coincide with the ones we list below up to change q ↔q−1, Lλ ↔L−λ (or Kλ ↔K−λ). QUANTIZATION OF POISSON GROUPS 7 which we select as given by q−(r(τi)|τi) πϕ(L ,K ) = q−(r(λ)|α), πϕ(L ,E ) = 0, πϕ(F ,K ) = 0, πϕ(F ,E ) = δ − λ α − λ j − i α − i j ij (q−1 −q ) i i q−(r(τi)|τi) πϕ(K ,L ) = q−(r(α)|λ), πϕ(K ,E ) = 0, πϕ(F ,L ) = 0, πϕ(F ,E ) = δ + α λ + α j + i λ + i j ij (q−1 −q ) i i q+(r(τi)|τi) πϕ(L ,K ) = q(r(λ)|α), πϕ(E ,K ) = 0, πϕ(L ,F ) = 0, πϕ(E ,F ) = δ − λ α − i α − λ j − i j ij (q −q−1) i i q+(r(τi)|τi) πϕ(K ,L ) = q(r(α)|λ), πϕ(E ,K ) = 0, πϕ(L ,F ) = 0, πϕ(E ,F ) = δ + α λ + i α + λ j + i j ij(q −q−1) i i ∀ i,j = 1,...,n, α ∈ Q, λ ∈ P . Remark : Hopf pairings like those above were introduced by Drinfeld, Rosso, Tanisaki, and others, whence we shall call them DRT pairings; here again some differences occur with respect to [CV-1], [CV-2] (or even [DL] for the simplest case), because of different definition of the Hopf structure: cf. also [Tn] and [DD]. In the sequel if π is any DRT pairing we will also set hx,yi for π(x,y). π 2.4 PBW bases. It is known that both UQ (b ) and UP (b ) have bases of Poincar´e- q,ϕ − q,ϕ + Birkhoff-Witt type (in short ”PBW bases”): we fix (once and for all) any reduced ex- pression of w (the longest element in the Weyl group W), namely w = s s ···s 0 0 i1 i2 iN (with N := #(R+) = number of positive roots); thus we have a total convex order- ing (cf. [Pa] and [DP], §8.2) α1,α2 := s (α ),...,αN := s s ···s (α ), hence i1 i2 i1 i2 iN−1 iN — following Lusztig and others: cf. e. g. [Lu-2] — we can construct root vectors E , αr r = 1,...,N as in [DP] or [CV-1] and get PBW bases of increasing ordered monomi- als L · N Ffr µ ∈ M;f ,...,f ∈ N for UM (b ) and L · N Eer µ ∈ µ r=1 αr 1 N q,ϕ − µ r=1 αr M;e1n,...,eQN ∈ N (cid:12)for UqM,ϕ(b+) or similar PoBW bases of decreasin(cid:8)g ordeQred monom(cid:12)ials. (cid:12) (cid:12) Now, foreverymonomialE intheE ’s, define s(E) := 1ϕ(wt(E)),r(E) := 1r(ϕ(wt(E))), (cid:9) i 2 2 r(E) := 1r(ϕ(wt(E))), where wt(E) denotes the weight of E (E having weight α ), and 2 i i similarly for every monomial F in the F ’s, (F having weight −α ). Then the values of i i i DRT pairings on PBW monomials are given by 1 1 πϕ Ffr ·L , Eer ·K = − αr λ αr α ! r=N r=N Y Y = q− r(λ)−r( 1r=NFαfrr) α−s( 1r=NEαerr)! N δ [er]qαr! qα+r(e2r) Q (cid:12) Q er,fr (q−1 −q )er (cid:12) r=1 αr αr (cid:12) Y (2.2−a) 1 1 πϕ Ffr ·K , Eer ·L = + αr α αr λ ! r=N r=N Y Y = q− r(α)−r( 1r=NFαfrr) λ−s( 1r=NEαerr)! N δ [er]qαr! qα+r(e2r) Q (cid:12) Q er,fr (q−1 −q )er (cid:12) r=1 αr αr (cid:12) Y 8 F. GAVARINI 1 1 πϕ L ·Eer,K · Ffr = − λ αr α αr ! r=N r=N Y Y = q r(α)−r( 1r=NFαfrr) λ−s( 1r=NEαerr)! N δ [er]qαr! qα−r(e2r) Q (cid:12) Q er,fr (q −q−1)er (cid:12) r=1 αr αr (cid:12) Y (2.2−b) 1 1 πϕ K ·Eer,L · Ffr = + α αr λ αr ! r=N r=N Y Y = q r(λ)−r( 1r=NFαfrr) α−s( 1r=NEαerr)! N δ [er]qαr! qα−r(e2r) Q (cid:12) Q er,fr (q −q−1)er (cid:12) r=1 αr αr (cid:12) Y (cf. [CV-2] §1, taking care of our different normalizations; see also [DD] and [DL]). 2.5 Integer forms and duality. Let UQ (b ) be the k[q,q−1]-subalgebra of UQ (b ) q,ϕ − q,ϕ − generated by K ;c b F(m), i ,K−1 m,c,t ∈ N;i = 1,...,n i t i (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:27) (cid:12) where F(m) := Fm [m] ! and Ki;c :=(cid:12)(cid:12) t Kiqic−s+1−1 are the so-called ”divided i i qi t s=1 qis−1 powers”; it is know(cid:14)n (cf. [Lu-2],(cid:16)[DL](cid:17), [CVQ-2]) that UqQ,ϕ(b−) is a Hopf subalgebra of UQ (b ), having a PBW basis (as a k[q,q−1]-module) of increasing ordered monomials q,ϕ − b n N K ;0 i K−Ent(ti/2) · F(nr) t ,...,t ,n ,...,n ∈ N t i αr 1 n 1 N (i=1(cid:18) i (cid:19) r=1 (cid:12) ) Y Y (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and a similar PBW basis of decreasing ordered monomials; in particular UQ (b ) is a q,ϕ − k[q,q−1]-form of UQ (b ). A similar definition gives us the k[q,q−1]-subalgebra UP (b ) q,ϕ − q,ϕ + of UP (b ) generated by divided powers in the E ’s and L ’s, which is an inbteger form of q,ϕ + i i UP (b )withaPBWbasisofdecreasingorderedmonomialsandaPBWbasisofinbcreasing q,ϕ + ordered monomials. With the same procedure one defines Hopf algebras UQ (b ) and q,ϕ + UP (b ) (over k[q,q−1]) and locates PBW bases for them. q,ϕ − b Now let UP (b ) be the k[q,q−1]-subalgebra of UP (b ) generated by q,ϕ + q,ϕ + b e {E ,...,E }∪{L±,...,L±} α1 αN 1 n where E := (q −q−1)E , ∀r = 1,...,N ; then (cf. [DKP], [DP]) UP (b ) is a Hopf αr αr αr αr q,ϕ + subalgebra of UP (b ), having a PBW basis (as a k[q,q−1]-module) q,ϕ + e n N Lti · Enr t ,...,t ∈ Z;n ,...,n ∈ N i αr 1 n 1 N ( ) i=1 r=1 (cid:12) Y Y (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) QUANTIZATION OF POISSON GROUPS 9 ofincreasing orderedmonomialsandasimilarPBWbasisofdecreasing orderedmonomials; in particular UP (b ) is a k[q,q−1]-form of UP (b ). Similarly we define UQ (b ) to be q,ϕ + q,ϕ + q,ϕ − the k[q,q−1]-subalgebra of UQ (b ) generated by {F ,...,F }∪{K±,...,K±} (with q,ϕ − α1 αN 1 n F := (q −eq−1)F , ∀r = 1,...,N ), which isanintegerform ofUQ (b )e, having PBW αr αr αr αr q,ϕ − k[q,q−1]-bases of decreasing or increasing ordered monomials. With the same procedure one defines Hopf algebras UQ (b ) and UP (b ) (over k[q,q−1]) and locates PBW bases q,ϕ + q,ϕ − for them. Similar constructions (and corresponding notations) and results also hold for the alge- e e bras UM (t), U (n ), and U (n ). q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,ϕ − Finally, from the very definitions and from (2.2) one immediately gets (as in [DL] §3) UQ (t) = {y ∈ UQ (t) | πϕ(UP (t),y) ≤ k[q,q−1]} = q,ϕ q,ϕ − q,ϕ = {x ∈ UQ (t) | πϕ(x,UP (t)) ≤ k[q,q−1]} b q,ϕ + e q,ϕ UP (t) = {y ∈ UP (t) | πϕ(UQ (t),y) ≤ k[q,q−1]} = q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,eϕ = {x ∈ UP (t) | πϕ(x,UQ (t)) ≤ k[q,q−1]} e q,ϕ − b q,ϕ UQ (b ) = {x ∈ UQ (b ) | πϕ(x,UP (b )) ≤ k[q,q−1]} q,ϕ − op q,ϕ − op +b q,ϕ + UP (b ) = {x ∈ UP (b ) | πϕ(x,UQ (b )) ≤ k[q,q−1]} bq,ϕ − op q,ϕ − op − eq,ϕ + (2.3) UQ (b ) = {x ∈ UQ (b ) | πϕ(x,UP (b )) ≤ k[q,q−1]} eq,ϕ + op q,ϕ + op + bq,ϕ − UP (b ) = {x ∈ UP (b ) | πϕ(x,UQ (b )) ≤ k[q,q−1]} bq,ϕ + op q,ϕ + op − eq,ϕ − UP (b ) = {y ∈ UP (b ) | πϕ(UQ (b ) ,y) ≤ k[q,q−1]} e q,ϕ + q,ϕ + + q,ϕb− op UQ (b ) = {y ∈ UQ (b ) | πϕ(UP (b ) ,y) ≤ k[q,q−1]} eq,ϕ + q,ϕ + − bq,ϕ − op UP (b ) = {y ∈ UP (b ) | πϕ(UQ (b ) ,y) ≤ k[q,q−1]} bq,ϕ − q,ϕ − + eq,ϕ + op UQ (b ) = {y ∈ UQ (b ) | πϕ(UP (b ) ,y) ≤ k[q,q−1]}. eq,ϕ − q,ϕ − − bq,ϕ + op b e § 3 Quantization of U(gτ) 3.1 Drinfeld’s double. Let H , H be two arbitrary Hopf algebras on the ground − + field (or ring) F, and let π:(H ) ⊗ H → F be any arbitrary Hopf pairing. The − op + Drinfeld’s double D = D(H ,H ,π) is the algebra T(H ⊕H ) R, where R is the ideal − + − + of relations (cid:14) 1 = 1 = 1 , x⊗y = xy ∀x,y ∈ H or x,y ∈ H H− H+ + − π(y ,x )x ⊗y = π(y ,x )y ⊗x ∀x ∈ H , y ∈ H . (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) + − (x),(y) (x),(y) X X 10 F. GAVARINI Then (cf. [DL], Theorem 3.6) D has a canonical structure of Hopf algebra such that H , H are Hopf subalgebras of it and multiplication yields isomorphisms of coalgebras − + m m H ⊗H ֒→ D⊗D −→ D, H ⊗H ֒→ D⊗D −→ D. (3.1) + − − + We apply this to get the Drinfeld’s double DM (g) := D(UQ (b ),UM (b ),πϕ) (for q,ϕ q,ϕ − q,ϕ + + any lattice M, with Q ≤ M ≤ P) which we call quantum double; from the very definition, DM (g) is generated by K , L , F , E — identified with 1⊗K , L ⊗1, 1⊗F , E ⊗1 q,ϕ α µ i i α µ i i when thinking at DM (g) ∼= UM (b )⊗UQ (b ) — (α ∈ Q, µ ∈ M, i = 1,...,n), while q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,ϕ − relations defining the ideal R clearly reduce to commutation relations between generators, namely (for all i,j = 1,...,n) K L = L K , K E =q(α|αj)E K , L F = q−(µ|αj)F L , α µ µ α α j i j α µ j i j µ L −K (3.2) E F −F E =δ αi −αi . i j j i ij q −q−1 i i For later use we also record the following (deduced from (3.2)) t≤r,s r s K ⊗;2t−r−s ErFs = [t] !2 ·Fs−t · αi⊗ ·Er−t i i Xt≥0 htiqihtiqi qi i (cid:20) t (cid:21) i (3.3) t≤r,s r s K ⊗;2t−r−s FsEr = [t] !2 ··Er−t · −αi⊗ ·Fs−t i i Xt≥0 htiqihtiqi qi i (cid:20) t (cid:21) i (∀i = 1,...,n) where Kαi⊗⊗;c := t qic−p+1·Lαi−K−αi·qi−c+p−1 and K−αi⊗⊗;c := t p=1 qp−q−p t i i := t qic−p+1·K−αi−Lαi·hqi−c+p−1 ifor allQc ∈ Z, t ∈ N. h i p=1 qp−q−p i i Finally, PBW bases of quantum Borel algebras clearly provide (tensor) PBW bases of Q DM (g) (identified with UM (b )⊗UQ (b ), as we shall always do in the sequel). q,ϕ q,ϕ + q,ϕ − 3.3 The quantum algebra UM (g). Let KP be the ideal of DP (g) generated by q,ϕ ϕ q,ϕ the elements K⊗1−1⊗K, K ∈ UQ(t); KP is in fact a Hopf ideal, whence DP (g) KP q ϕ q,ϕ ϕ is a Hopf algebra; then the above presentation of DP (g) yields the following one of q,ϕ (cid:14) UP (g) := DP (g) KP : it is the associative k(q)-algebra with 1 given by generators q,ϕ q,ϕ ϕ . F , L (or K ), E (λ ∈ P;i = 1,...,n) i λ λ i and relations L = 1, L L = L = L L , L F = q−(αj|λ)F L , L E = q(αj|λ)E L 0 λ µ λ+µ µ λ λ i i λ λ i i λ L −L E F −F E = δ αi −αi i h h i ih q −q−1 i i (3.4) 1−aij 1−a 1−aij 1−a (−1)k ij E1−aij−kE Ek = 0, (−1)k ij F1−aij−kF Fk = 0 k i j i k i j i k=0 (cid:20) (cid:21)qi k=0 (cid:20) (cid:21)qi X X

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