Contents 1. Introduction 2. PART I: Foundation 3. CHAPTER 1: What Does Quantitative Analysis of a System Really Mean? 1. What is a system? 2. What are data? 3. Fundamental system characteristics: open and closed systems 4. Other system characteristics 5. How to analyze real systems 6. How to analyze IT systems 4. CHAPTER 2: Analytic Approaches for Big Data 1. Analytics and big data defined 2. Data-centric approaches 3. 10 T’s for Data Mining 4. Case Study: Mining of holdings for US international air travel 5. CHAPTER 3: Foundations of Data Management 1. Virtual systems fundamentals 2. Data audits – A rapid prototyping approach for small operations 6. CHAPTER 4: Data Quality – How Do You Know Your Numbers Are Good? 1. Data quality dimensions 2. The science part of data science 3. How do I know my results are good? 4. Measuring performance 5. Checklists 6. Daily management 7. PART II: Quantitative Tools and Techniques 8. CHAPTER 5: Characteristics of Data from Systems 1. Types of data 2. First principles 3. Generic outputs 4. Behavior over time 9. CHAPTER 6: Fundamental Quantitative Analysis for Systems 1. Exploratory data analysis 2. Descriptive statistics 3. Inferential statistics 4. Ishikawa’s seven tools 5. Big data tools and approaches 10. CHAPTER 7: Models and Prediction 1. Analog and digital simulation approaches 2. Building the model 3. What will the future work environment look like? 4. System dynamics models 5. Business models 11. PART III: Looking to the Future 12. CHAPTER 8: Human Aspects 1. Individuals 2. Health and safety 3. Elicitation 4. Decision making under risk 13. CHAPTER 9: Newest Developments 1. What’s next in technology? 2. What will the future bring? 3. Internet of Everything 4. Models as Artificial Intelligence 5. Organizational challenges 6. Data Analytics Support Office (DASO) 14. APPENDIX A: Detailed Description of the 10 T’s for Data Mining 15. APPENDIX B: Million Row Data Audit (MRDA) Process 1. Preparatory phase 2. Review phase 3. Drill down analysis phase 4. Visualization phase 5. Reporting phase 16. APPENDIX C: Analysis of Rainfall Data for Amarillo, Texas (1880-2017) 1. Observations for annual data 2. Observations for monthly data 17. APPENDIX D: Use of Simulation Models for Evaluating Traffic Flow Options at Special Events Using Arena 18. APPENDIX E: Application of DOE to Simulation Model Final Stretch 1. PowerPoint storyboard 2. DOE output 19. Acknowledgements 20. Bibliography 21. Index Landmarks 1. Cover 2 Lindsley Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 USA Cover design by Lorena Molinari Edited by Jennifer Nichols All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. All trade and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective companies and are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such. First Edition First Printing 2018 Copyright © 2018 Daniel A. McGrath, Ph.D. ISBN, print ed. 9781634624237 ISBN, PDF ed. 9781634624268 Library of Congress Control Number: 2018954668