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pv maximum power point tracking based on single-input fuzzy logic controller mohd hidzir bin abd ... PDF

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PV MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING BASED ON SINGLE-INPUT FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER MOHD HIDZIR BIN ABD KARIM UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA i PV MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING BASED ON SINGLE-INPUT FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER MOHD HIDZIR BIN ABD KARIM A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Electrical – Power) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2014 iii I dedicate this to all my beloved family members. Esspecially to my beloved mother, Siti Hasnah Bahari and my father, Abd Karim Sudir. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, I am greatly indebted to Allah SWT on His mercy and blessing for making this project success. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to my project supervisor, Dr. Shahrin Md Ayob for his guidance assistance and all konowledge that he has shared during the course of this project. I sincerely thank to all the lecturers who has taught me for the lesson that has been delivered. Not to forget, to my fellow postgraduate friends, thank you for sharing useful ideas, information and moral support during the course of study. Last but not least, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to my parents, sisters and brother for all the supports and encouragement that they have provided during my study. Thank You. Wassalam v ABSTRACT In this project, a new algorithm of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for photovoltaic is proposed. The algorithm is based on simpilified fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The simplified FLC has one input, which is derived from the signed distance method. Due to the single-input FLC, the number of rules and tuning parameters are significantly reduced. Thus, simpler design and faster computation are expected using the simplified FLC. The simplified FLC MPPT is compared with conventional FLC MPPT. Both algorithms are implemented in stand-alone PV system that uses boost-converter. The stand-alone PV system with the algorithms are designed in MATLAB software and simulated. Result shows that the simplified FLC has similiar performance with conventional FLC. Both MPPT algorithms tracked maximum power point vary fast. Eventhough their performance are same, simplified FLC present some advantages such as simplicity of tuning of membership function, the control rule is built in one- dimensional space, the computational complexity is reduced and faster ans so on. vi ABSTRAK Di dalam projek ini, satu kaedah mengesan titik kuasa tertinggi (MPPT) untuk sistem fotovoltadicadangkan. Kaedah ini adalah berdasarkan pada kawalan logik kabur (FLC) yang dimudahkan. FLC yang dimudahkan mempunyai satu input yang dihasilkan daripada kaedah ‘signed distance’. Hasilnya, rekaan yang lebih mudah dan pengiraan yang cepat boleh didapati dengan menggunakan FLC yang dimudahkan. MPPT FLC yang dimudahkan dibandingkan dengan FLC MPPT yang biasa. Kedua-dua kaedah ini digunakan dalam sistem sistem berdiri sendiri fotovolta yang menggunakan penukar galak. Sistem berdiri sendiri fotovolta dan kaedah- kaedah tersebut direka menggunakan aplikasi MATLAB dan disimulasikan.. Keputusan menunjukkan kaedah FLC yang dimudahkan mempunyai pencapaian yang sama dengan FLC yang biasa. Kedua-dua kaedah MPPT ini dapat mengesan titik kuasa maksimum dengan cepat sekali. Walaupun pencapaian mereka sama, MPPT FLC yang dimudahkan mempunyai beberapa kelebihan seperti mudah untuk menala fungsi keahlian, jadual peraturan kawalan dibina dalam satu ruang dimensi sahaja dan pengiraan yang kompleks dimudahkan dan cepat dan sebagainya. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Backgroud 1 1.2 Objective of the Project 2 1.3 Scope of the Project 3 1.4 Problem Statement 5 1.5 Thesis Outline 5 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Photovoltaic Model Characteristic 7 2.2 Conventional Fuzzy Logic Controller 11 2.3 Simplified Fuzzy Logic Controller 15 2.4 DC-DC Boost Converter 19 viii 3 METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Designing PV module in MATLAB 21 3.3 Designing DC-DC Boost Converter in 24 MATLAB 3.4 Designing Conventional FLC MPPT in 25 MATLAB 3.5 Designing Simplified FLC MPPT in MATLAB 30 3.6 Designing Stand-alone PV System 34 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 36 4.1 Introduction 36 4.2 Conventional FLC MPPT 36 4.3 Simplified FLC MPPT 40 4.4 Comparison Between Conventional FLC 44 And Simplified FLC 5 CONCLUSION 47 REFERENCES 49 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Conventional FLC rule base [5] 13 2.2 Simplified FLC rule base [5] 17 3.1 Parameters of the PV module 23 3.2 Parameters of the boost converter 24 4.1 Maximum Power Point Tracking Time 44 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 A stand-alone PV system with MPPT 3 1.2 One diode model of PV 4 1.3 DC-DC boost converter 4 2.1 Photovoltaic array 7 2.2 An ideal and series resistance, R model of PV 8 s 2.3 P-V and I-V characteristic curve [12] 9 2.4 One diode model with R and R of PV [12] 9 s p 2.5 Two-diode model of PV [12] 10 2.6 Fuzzy logic controller system [5] 11 2.7 Membership function for (a) input e, (b) input ∆e 12 and (c) output dD [5] 2.8 Mandani’s inference method with COA 14 defuzzification [16] 2.9 Stand-alone PV system using S-FLC [5] 15 2.10 Signed distance derivation 16 2.11 Membership functions for (a) d and (b) dD [5] 18 s 2.12 Circuit of DC-DC boost converter 19 3.1 The flow of the methodology 20 3.2 One diode model of PV with R and R in MATLAB 21 s p 3.3 A detailed PV array in MATLAB 22 3.4 A general PV array in MATLAB 22 3.5 A graph of insolation vs time for the photovoltaic 23 3.6 DC-DC boost converter in MATLAB 24 3.7 Conventional FLC MPPT in MATLAB 25

and all konowledge that he has shared during the course of this project. sahaja dan pengiraan yang kompleks dimudahkan dan cepat dan .. [16] Kwang H. Lee, „First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Applications,‟Springer-.
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