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PT-symmetric non-polynomial oscillators and hyperbolic potential with two known real eigenvalues in a SUSY framework PDF

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Preview PT-symmetric non-polynomial oscillators and hyperbolic potential with two known real eigenvalues in a SUSY framework

PT-SYMMETRIC NON-POLYNOMIAL OSCILLATORS AND HYPERBOLIC POTENTIAL WITH TWO KNOWN REAL EIGENVALUES IN A 2 SUSY FRAMEWORK 0 0 2 n B. BAGCHI a J Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta, 6 1 92 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Calcutta 700 009, India 1 E-mail: [email protected] v 3 C. QUESNE 6 ∗ 0 Physique Nucl´eaire Th´eorique et Physique Math´ematique, 1 0 Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, Campus de la Plaine CP229, 2 0 Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium / h E-mail: [email protected] p - t n a u Abstract q : v Extending the supersymmetric method proposed by Tkachuk to the complex do- i main, we obtain general expressions for superpotentials allowing generation of quasi- X exactlysolvablePT-symmetricpotentialswithtwoknownrealeigenvalues(theground r a state and first-excited state energies). We construct examples, namely those of com- plexified non-polynomial oscillators and of a complexified hyperbolic potential, to demonstrate how our scheme works in practice. For the former we provide a connec- tion with the sl(2) method, illustrating the comparative advantages of the supersym- metric one. Running head: SUSY and PT-symmetric potentials PACS: 03.65.Fd, 03.65.Ge Keywords: supersymmetric quantum mechanics, quasi-exactly solvable potentials, PT sym- metry, non-polynomial oscillator, hyperbolic potential ∗ Directeur de recherches FNRS 1 1 Introduction Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, in particular the PT-symmetric ones, are of great current interest (see e.g. [1]–[12] and references quoted therein). The main reason for this is that PT invariance, in a number of cases, leads to energy eigenvalues that are real. In this regard, the early work of Bender and Boettcher [1] is noteworthy since it has sparked off some very interesting developments subsequently. Someyearsago,Tkachuk[13]proposedasupersymmetric (SUSY)methodforgenerating quasi-exactly solvable (QES) potentials with two known eigenstates, which correspond to the wavefunctions of the ground state and the first excited state. A distinctive feature of this method is that in contrast with other ones, it does not require the knowledge of an initial QES potential for constructing a new one. Later on, the procedure was extended to deal with QES potentials with two arbitrary eigenstates [14] or with three eigenstates [15]. Quite recently, Brihaye et al. [16] established a connection between the Tkachuk approach and the Turbiner one, based upon the finite-dimensional representations of sl(2) [17]. In this letter, we pursue Tkachuk’s ideas further by considering an extension of his results to the case of PT-symmetric potentials. As a consequence, we arrive at a pair of solutions, one of which is obtained by a straightforward and natural complexification of Tkachuk’s results while the other is new. We demonstrate the applicability of our scheme by focussing on two specific potentials, both of which are PT-symmetric. 2 Procedure 2.1 The Hermitian case LetusstartwiththeHermitianSUSYcase, wherethetwo knowneigenstates aretheground state and the first excited state. As is well known [18], the SUSY partner Hamiltonians are given by d2 d2 H(+) = A¯A = +V(+)(x), H(−) = AA¯ = +V(−)(x), (1) −dx2 −dx2 2 foravanishingfactorizationenergy. HereAandA¯aretakentobefirst-derivativedifferential operators, namely d d A = +W(x), A¯ = +W(x), (2) dx −dx where W(x) is the underlying superpotential and V(±)(x) are the usual SUSY partner potentials V(±)(x) = W2(x) W′(x). (3) ∓ We assume SUSY to be unbroken with the ground state of the SUSY Hamiltonian H diag(H(+),H(−)) to belong to H(+): s ≡ x H(+)ψ(+)(x) = 0, ψ(+)(x) = C(+)exp W(t)dt , (4) 0 0 0 − (cid:18) Z (cid:19) C(+) being the normalization constant. Equation (4) implies 0 sgn(W( )) = 1. (5) ±∞ ± In the above formulation of SUSY, the eigenvalues of H(+) and H(−) are related as E(+) = E(−), E(+) = 0, (6) n+1 n 0 while the corresponding eigenfunctions are intertwined according to 1 1 ψ(+)(x) = A¯ψ(−)(x), ψ(−)(x) = Aψ(+)(x). (7) n+1 E(−) n n E(+) n+1 n n+1 q q Following Tkachuk [13], let us consider expressing H(−) in the form H(−) = H(+) +ǫ = A A¯ +ǫ, (8) 1 1 1 where ǫ = E(+) = E(−) corresponds to the energy of the first excited state of H(+) or of the 1 0 ground state of H(−) and the operators A and A¯ are such that relations analogous to (2) 1 1 hold in terms of a new superpotential W (x). Thus we can write 1 V(−)(x) = V(+)(x)+ǫ (9) 1 with V(+)(x) = W2(x) W′(x) from (3). 1 1 − 1 3 The ground state wave function of H(+) (or H(−)) can be read off from (4) as 1 ψ(−)(x) = C(−)exp xW (t)dt , (10) 0 0 − 1 (cid:18) Z (cid:19) where C(−) is the normalization constant and 0 sgn(W ( )) = 1. (11) 1 ±∞ ± On the other hand, the wave function of the first excited state of H(+) is obtained in the form x C(−) ψ(+)(x) = C(+)A¯exp W (t)dt , C(+) = 0 , (12) 1 1 − 1 1 √ǫ (cid:18) Z (cid:19) as guided by (7) and (10). Using (3) and (9), it is clear that the superpotentials W(x) and W (x) have to satisfy 1 a constraint W2(x)+W′(x) = W2(x) W′(x)+ǫ. (13) 1 − 1 The problem therefore amounts to finding a set of functions W(x) and W (x) satisfying 1 (13) for some ǫ > 0, along with the conditions (5) and (11). For this purpose, Tkachuk introduced the following combinations W±(x) = W1(x) W(x), (14) ± which transform (13) into ′ W+(x) = W−(x)W+(x)+ǫ. (15) An advantage with Eq. (15) is that it readily gives W−(x) in terms of W+(x): W′ (x) ǫ W−(x) = + − . (16) W (x) + Consequently the representations 1 W′ (x) ǫ 1 W′ (x) ǫ W(x) = W (x) + − , W (x) = W (x)+ + − (17) 2 " + − W+(x) # 1 2 " + W+(x) # satisfy Eq. (13). In (17), W (x) is some function for which W(x) and W (x) fulfil condi- + 1 tions (5) and (11). This means sgn(W ( )) = 1. (18) + ±∞ ± 4 Restricting to continuous functions W (x), the above condition reflects that W (x) + + must have at least one zero. Then from (16) and (17), W−(x), W(x), and W1(x) may have poles. Tkachuk considered the case when W (x) has only one simple zero at x = x . In + 0 the neighbourhood of x , one gets 0 W′ (x) ǫ W′ (x ) ǫ+(x x )W′′(x )+ + − + 0 − − 0 + 0 ···, (19) W (x) ≃ (x x )W′ (x )+ + 0 + 0 − ··· so that the superpotentials will be free of singularity if one chooses ′ ǫ = W (x ). (20) + 0 One is then led to 1 W′ (x) W′ (x ) 1 W′ (x) W′ (x ) W(x) = W (x) + − + 0 , W (x) = W (x)+ + − + 0 . 2 " + − W+(x) # 1 2 " + W+(x) # (21) To summarize, provided the continuous function W (x) with a single pole at x = x is + 0 such that W(x) and W (x), given by (21), satisfy conditions (5) and (11), the Hamiltonian 1 H(+) has two known eigenvalues 0 and ǫ, given by (20), with corresponding eigenfunc- tions (4) and x ψ(+)(x) = C(+)W (x)exp W (t)dt . (22) 1 1 + − 1 (cid:18) Z (cid:19) In deriving (22), use is made of (2), (12), and (14). 2.2 The non-Hermitian case In the non-Hermitian case, we have to deal with complex potentials. Consider the decom- position [3] W(x) = f(x)+ig(x), V(±)(x) = V(±)(x)+iV(±)(x), (23) R I where f, g, V(±), V(±) R and R I ∈ V(±) = f2 g2 f′, V(±) = 2fg g′. (24) R − ∓ I ∓ If V(±)(x) are PT-symmetric, then f(x) and g(x) are odd and even functions, respectively. 5 It may benoted that Eqs. (4) – (13) remain truefor some realand positive ǫ. Employing the separation W (x) = f (x)+ig (x), V(+)(x) = V(+)(x)+iV(+)(x) (25) 1 1 1 1 1R 1I with f , g , V(+), V(+) R, the behaviour of f (x) and g (x) also turns out to be odd and 1 1 1R 1I ∈ 1 1 even, respectively, should V(+)(x) be PT-symmetric. In the non-Hermitian case, the conditions (5) and (11) are to be replaced by sgn(f( )) = sgn(f ( )) = 1. (26) 1 ±∞ ±∞ ± These conditions are actually compatible with the odd character of f and f . 1 On introducing the first relations of (23) and (25) into (13) and splitting into real and imaginary parts, we get the system of two equations f2 g2 +f′ = f2 g2 f′ +ǫ, 2fg +g′ = 2f g g′. (27) − 1 − 1 − 1 1 1 − 1 The problem now amounts to finding a pair of odd functions f, f and a pair of even 1 functions g, g , satisfying Eq. (27) for some ǫ > 0, as well as the conditions (26). 1 To this end, we introduce the linear combinations f±(x) = f1(x) f(x), g±(x) = g1(x) g(x), (28) ± ± which replace the constraints (27) by ′ ′ f+ = f−f+ −g−g+ +ǫ, g+ = f+g− +f−g+. (29) Solving for f− and g− in terms of f+ and g+, we get (f′ ǫ)f +g′ g (f′ ǫ)g +g′ f f− = + − + + +, g− = − + − + + +. (30) f2 +g2 f2 +g2 + + + + Hence the functions 1 (f′ ǫ)f +g′ g 1 (f′ ǫ)g g′ f f = f + − + + + , g = g + + − + − + + , 2 " + − f+2 +g+2 # 2 " + f+2 +g+2 # 1 (f′ ǫ)f +g′ g 1 (f′ ǫ)g g′ f f = f + + − + + + , g = g + − + − + + (31) 1 2 " + f+2 +g+2 # 1 2 " + − f+2 +g+2 # 6 satisfy the coupled equations (27). In (31), f must be such that the conditions (26) are + fulfilled. These suggest sgn(f ( )) = 1. (32) + ±∞ ± If we restrict ourselves to continuous functions f (x) and g (x), the condition (32) + + shows that f (x) must have at least one zero. For simplicity’s sake, we assume that f (x) + + has only one simple zero at x = x . This means that the parity operation is defined with 0 respect to a mirror placed at x = x . Thus in the neighbourhood of x , we get 0 0 (f′ ǫ)f +g′ g + − + + + (33) f2 +g2 + + [f′ (x ) ǫ]f′ (x )+g (x )g′′(x ) (x x ) + 0 − + 0 + 0 + 0 + if g (x ) = 0 ≃ − 0 [g (x )]2 ··· + 0 6 + 0 1 f′ (x ) ǫ + 0 − + if g (x ) = 0, (34) ≃ x x f′ (x ) ··· + 0 0 + 0 − (f′ ǫ)g g′ f + − + − + + (35) f2 +g2 + + f′ (x ) ǫ + 0 − + if g (x ) = 0 ≃ g (x ) ··· + 0 6 + 0 [f′ (x )+ǫ]g′′(x ) + 0 + 0 + if g (x ) = 0. (36) ≃ − 2[f′ (x )]2 ··· + 0 + 0 Hence the superpotentials will be free of singularity if either g (x ) = 0 and ǫ arbitrary or + 0 6 g (x ) = 0 and ǫ = f′ (x ) (or ǫ = W′ (x ) since g′ (x ) = 0). + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 The superpotentials may therefore be written as 1 W′ (x) ǫ 1 W′ (x) ǫ W(x) = W (x) + − , W (x) = W (x)+ + − , (37) 2 " + − W+(x) # 1 2 " + W+(x) # if W (x ) = ig (x ) = 0 and ǫ > 0, or + 0 + 0 6 1 W′ (x) W′ (x ) 1 W′ (x) W′ (x ) W(x) = W (x) + − + 0 , W (x) = W (x)+ + − + 0 , + 1 + 2 " − W+(x) # 2 " W+(x) # (38) if W (x ) = ig (x ) = 0 and ǫ = W′ (x ). + 0 + 0 + 0 To summarize, in the non-Hermitian PT-symmetric case, we get two types of solutions: the one given by (38) is obtained as a straightforward consequence of the complexification of Tkachuk’s result, while the other given by (37) is new. 7 3 Applications 3.1 A family of complexified non-polynomial oscillators As the first application of our scheme we consider the case of a family of complexified non- polynomial oscillators. This corresponds to the choice f = ax, g = bx2m (a > 0, b = 0, + + 6 m N), which leads to ∈ W (x) = ax+ibx2m, m N. (39) + ∈ Here x = 0 and the first type of solutions, given in (37), applies to the case m = 0, while 0 the second one, given in (38), has to be used for m N . 0 ∈ The former case reduces to the well-studied exactly solvable PT-symmetric oscillator potential [4,11, 12], thus partly accounting for the name of the family of potentials. Indeed, to get it in the standard form we have to set a = 2, b = 2c, and ǫ = 4α. Then V(+) − assumes the form α2 1 V(+)(x) = (x ic)2 +2(α 1)+ − 4 , (40) − − (x ic)2 − along with α 1 α 1 W(x) = x ic+ − 2, W (x) = x ic − 2. (41) 1 − x ic − − x ic − − These agree with the two independent forms of the complex superpotentials proposed by us previously [11] in connection with para-SUSY and second-derivative SUSY of (40). The potential (40) can be looked upon as a transformed three-dimensional radial oscillator for the complex shift x x ic, c > 0, and replacing the angular momentum parameter l by → − α 1. The presence of a centrifugal-like core notwithstanding, the shift of the singularity − 2 off the integration path makes (40) exactly solvable on the entire real line for any α > 0 like the harmonic oscillator to which (40) reduces for α = 1 and c = 0. 2 In contrast, the case m N is entirely new. For such m values, the superpotentials are 0 ∈ given by 1 2mibx2m−2 1 2mibx2m−2 W(x) = ax+ibx2m , W (x) = ax+ibx2m + , 2 " − a+ibx2m−1# 1 2 " a+ibx2m−1# (42) where we used ǫ = W′ (0) = a. + 8 The corresponding potentials turn out to be 1 4m(m 1)ibx2m−3 V(+)(x) = b2x4m +2iabx2m+1 8mibx2m−1 +a2x2 2a+ − 4"− − − a+ibx2m−1 4m(m 1)iabx2m−3 + − , m = 1,2,3,..., (43) (a+ibx2m−1)2 # which are QES and are seen to be PT-symmetric as well. The ground and first-excited state wave functions corresponding to the above QES potentials are easily determined to be 1 ib ψ(+)(x) (a+ibx2m−1)m/(2m−1)exp ax2 x2m+1 , (44) 0 ∝ "−4 − 2(2m+1) # 1 ib ψ(+)(x) x(a+ibx2m−1)(m−1)/(2m−1)exp ax2 x2m+1 . (45) 1 ∝ "−4 − 2(2m+1) # It is worth noting that the first member of the set (43) obtained for m = 1, 1 V(+)(x) = b2x4 +2iabx3 +a2x2 8ibx 2a , (46) 4 − − − (cid:16) (cid:17) is a quartic potential differing from the known QES ones [2, 9]. All the remaining members of the set, starting with that associated with m = 2, 1 8ibx 8iabx V(+)(x) = b2x8 +2iabx5 16ibx3 +a2x2 2a+ + , (47) 4 "− − − a+ibx3 (a+ibx3)2# are non-polynomial potentials. As for the PT-symmetric oscillator (40), the shift of the singularity off the integration path makes such potentials QES. On introducing the new variable z = x(a+ibx2m−1)−1/(2m−1), the first-excited statewave function (45) can be rewritten in terms of the ground state one (44) as ψ(+)(z) zψ(+)(z). 1 ∝ 0 By setting in general ψ(+)(z) = ψ(+)(z)φ(+)(z), where φ(+)(z) 1 and φ(+)(z) z, the n 0 n 0 ∝ 1 ∝ Schr¨odinger equation for the potentials (43) is transformed into the differential equation d2 d Tφ(+)(z) a−2/(2m−1)(1 ibz2m−1)4m/(2m−1) +az φ(+)(z) = E(+)φ(+)(z). (48) n ≡ "− − dz2 dz# n n n For m = 1, the coefficient of the second-order differential operator in (48) becomes a quartic polynomial in z, thus showing that T can be expressed as a quadratic combination of the three sl(2) generators d d N d J+ = z2dz −Nz, J0 = zdz − 2 , J− = dz, (49) 9 corresponding to the two-dimensional irreducible representation (i.e., N = 1 in (49)) [16, 17]. The result reads T = a−2 −b4J+2 −4ib3J+J0 +6b2J+J− +4ibJ0J− −J−2 −2ib3J+ +6b2J0 +2ibJ− +3b2 . (cid:16) (cid:17) (50) For higher m values, the differential operator T contains a non-vanishing element of the kernel [16]. It is worth stressing that in such a case, the sl(2) method becomes quite ineffective for constructing new QES potentials, whereas the SUSY one is not subject to such restrictions. 3.2 A complexified hyperbolic potential Our next example is that of a complexified hyperbolic potential induced by the represen- tations f = Asinhαx, g = B (A, α > 0, B = 0). We then get + + 6 W (x) = Asinhαx+iB, (51) + which gives for x = 0 0 1 Aαcoshαx ǫ W(x) = Asinhαx+iB − , (52) 2 " − Asinhαx+iB# 1 Aαcoshαx ǫ W (x) = Asinhαx+iB + − . (53) 1 2 " Asinhαx+iB# The resulting expression for the complexified hyperbolic potential is 1 V(+)(x) = A2sinh2αx 4Aαcoshαx+2ǫ+α2 B2 +2iABsinhαx 4" − − ǫ2 α2(A2 B2) + − − . (54) (Asinhαx+iB)2# Clearly V(+)(x) is PT-symmetric. The two known eigenstates of (54) correspond to the ground state and first excited state as outlined earlier. These are ψ(+)(x) (Acoshαx ν)14(1−αǫν)(Acoshαx+ν)14(1+αǫν) 0 ∝ − A 1 i A exp coshαx iBx arctan sinhαx × "−2α − 2 − 2 (cid:18)B (cid:19) 10

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