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Prospects for British Coal PDF

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Preview Prospects for British Coal

PROSPECTS FOR BRITISH COAL Also from Surrey Energy Economics Centre and published by Macmillan Edited by David Hawdon OIL PRICES IN THE 1990s Edited by Peter Pearson ENERGY POLICIES IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD Edited by Paul Stevens ENERGY DEMAND: Prospects and Trends INTERNATIONAL GAS: Prospects and Trends OIL AND GAS DICTIONARY PROSPECTS FOR BRITISH COAL Edited by Peter Pearson Director, Surrey Energy Economics Centre University of Surrey M Selection, editorial matter and Chapter I © Peter Pearson 1991 Chapters 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 © Macmillan Academic and Professional 1991 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1991 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this pUblication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. 33-4 Alfred Place. London WCIE 7DP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1991 Published by MACMILLAN ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL L TO Houndmills. Basingstoke. Hampshire R021 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-1-349-11510-5 ISBN 978-1-349-11508-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/ 978-1-349-11508-2 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. CONTENTS Contents V List of Tables IX List of Figures X Contributors xi List of Abbreviations xiii INTRODUCTION: PROSPECTS FOR 1 BRITISH COAL - Peter Pearson 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Historical Perspective 2 1.3 Recent Events 3 1.4 Reassessments of the Industry and 4 its Prospects 1.5 The International Coal Market, 5 Prices and Subsidies 1.6 New Uncertainties on the 8 UK Coal Scene 1.7 Be's Response 11 1.8 Privatisation 12 1.8.1 The Desirability of 13 Privatisation 1.8.2 Privatisation and 15 Liberalisation 1.8.3 The Order of Privatisation: 18 ESI before Coal 1.8.4 The Delay in Privatisation 19 1.9 Conclusion 22 2 COAL LlBERALlSA TION: RETROSPECT 23 AND PROSPECT - Colin Robinson 2.1 Coal in the Nineteenth Century 23 2.2 The Recent State of the Industry 25 2.3 The Aftermath of the 1984-5 Strike 26 v vi 2.4 Privatisation in Perspective 27 2.5 The Case for Liberalising the 29 Coal Market 2.6 Ways and Means of Liberalising 31 the Coal Market 2.6.1 Imports 32 2.6.2 Freeing Entry 33 2.6.3 Privatisation 34 2.7 The Options Now 35 3 THE FUTURE OF COAL MINING IN 41 BRITAIN - Gerald Manners 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Coal's Market Environment 42 3.3 Responses to an Uncertain 47 Market Environment 3.4 Investment Guidelines and Criteria 51 3.5 Conclusion 55 4 WORLD COAL TRADE - EXPERIENCE AND 60 PROSPECTS - Kenneth Wigley 4.1 Experience 60 4.2 The Current Situation 67 4.3 Prospects for lEA Coal Demand, 69 Trade and Prices 4.3.1 Coal Demand 69 4.3.2 Coal Price 73 4.3.3 Coal Trade 74 4.4 Concluding Remarks 77 5 A PERSPECTIVE OF THE OWNERSHIP, 80 CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE BRITISH COAL-MINING INDUSTRY - Kim Howells 6 THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN BRITISH 86 COAL-MINING - Crispian Hotson vii 7 COAL PRIVATISATION - THE POTENTIAL 94 AND ESSENTIAL CONTRIBUTION OF MAJOR (INTERNATIONAL) MINING COMPANIES - Allen Sykes 7.1 Introduction 94 7.2 The Inevitability of a Highly 97 Competitive Coal Market 7.3 Some Factors to Consider 97 7.4 The Overseas Contribution - 98 the Evidence 7.5 Why Privatise the Coal Industry? 102 7.6 Welfare and Morale of Management 103 and Workers 7.7 Need for Continuous, Major, 104 Capital Investment 7.8 Improved Employee Benefits and 105 Job Security 7.9 Form of Privatisation 106 7.10 UK Coal - Private Small Mines 107 7.11 UK Coal - BC Open-Pit 107 7.12 UK Coal - BC Underground Mines 108 7.13 UK Coal - Environment Factors 121 7.14 UK Coal - The Challenge 125 7.15 UK Coal - Available Information 126 7.16 BC - Ability to Meet the 127 Challenge Unaided? 7.17 The Importance of Structure 129 7.18 Major International Mining Companies 129 - the Essential Intermediaries 7.19 Conclusions 130 Appendix 132 8 BRITISH COAL: TRANSITION AND 136 UNCERTAINTY - John Chesshire 8.1 Introduction and Background 136 8.1.1 Recent Coal Policy in the UK 136 8.2 Summary of Key Points from the Report 138 8.2.1 Terms of Reference and 138 Conduct of Inquiry 8.2.2 UK Coal Demand Prospects 139 8.2.3 Coal Production and Productivity 142 viii 8.2.4 Coal Costs 144 8.2.5 Structure and Ownership 150 8.3 Major Uncertainties Facing British Coal 152 8.3.1 Economic and Market Uncertainties 152 8.3.2 Environmental Uncertainties 153 9 PROSPECTS FOR BRITISH COAL: COMMENTS 158 9.1 BRITISH COAL AND PUBLIC 158 OWNERSHIP - Kevin Barron 9.2 PEOPLE, PROFITS AND BRITISH COAL - 161 Stephen Fothergill 9.3 BRITISH COAL AND COMPETITIVE 165 PRESSURES - Michael Parker 9.4 FUTURE ENERGY PRICES, VERTICAL 167 INTEGRAT ION AND CONSUMER INTERESTS - Paul Stevens 10 FUTURE OIL AND COAL PRICES: A SURVEY 171 APPROACH - David Hawdon 10.1 Introduction 171 10.2 Track Record of Previous Surveys 172 10.3 Oil Prices and Determining Factors 174 10.4 Coal Prices and Determining Factors 179 10.5 Independence of Forecasts 184 10.6 Summary and Conclusion 188 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Production of Exports of Hard Coal 61 Table 4.2: International Trade in Hard Coal 62 Table 4.3: Primary Energy Requirement 63 Table 4.4: World Trade Flows of Hard Coal 65 Table 4.5: Financial Support for Coal Production: 68 Producer Subsidy-Equivalent (PSE) Table 4.6: Actual and Projected Requirements of 70 Hard Coal for lEA Regions Table 4.7: Actual and Projected Imports of 75 Hard Coal to lEA Regions Table 4.8: Actual World Hard Coal Exports 76 and Projected Capacity Table 8.1: Estimates of Total UK Coal Demand 141 Table 8.2: Coal Production in the UK 143 Table 8.3: Summary of British Coal's 146 Financial Results Table 8.4: Structure of British Coal Colliery 148 Costs Table 10.1: Expected and Actual Crude Oil Prices 173 Table 10.2a: Crude Oil Price Expected 175 in 12 Months Time Table IO.2b: Crude Oil Prices in 5 Years Time 176 Table 10.3: Major Factors Affecting 5-year-ahead 178 Price of Oil Table 10.4a: Steam Coal Price Expected in 180 12 Months Time Table lOAb: Steam Coal Price Expected in 181 5 Years Time Table lOAc: Coking Coal Price Expected in 182 12 Months Time Table lOAd: Coking Coal Price Expected in 183 5 Years Time Table 10.5: Major Factors Affecting Coal Price 185 Over Next 5 Years Table 10.6a: Analysis of Joint Price Forecasts 186 - Oil v Steam Coal Table 10.6b: Analysis of Joint Price Forecasts 186 - Oil v Coking Coal Table 10.6c: Analysis of Joint Price Forecasts 186 - Steam v Coking Coal

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