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Proposition Every symmetric projective R-module is projective PDF

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J. Duhok Univ., Vol.51, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2152 JOURNAL PAPER INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS General The paper should be valuable and should not have been published or submitted for publication in any other Journals. The text should be complete with abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and reference. The text must not exceed 15 pages for sciences papers and 25 for the humanities Content Text The content text must be Normal, 10 pt., Times New Roman, at least 12 lines spaced, and justified. Each paragraph should be spaced after 6 pt. The first line of the paragraphs should not be indented. Footnotes Footnotes should not be used. Page Margins The paper size should be A-4 size and page margins must be 2.5 cm top and bottom, 3 cm left and 2 cm right. Page Numbers Include page numbers. The page numbers should be placed in the lower right hand corner. Titles The paper title must be capitalized, bold, centered, 11 pt., and spaced after 18 pt. Main titles and abstract title should be capitalized 9 pt., aligned left, bold, spaced before 12 pt., and after 6 pt., and numbered as (1., 2.,3.). Principle subtitles must be written in 10 pt, bold, aligned left. Author(s) The name(s) of the author(s) should be written only in the first page, capitalized, 8 pt, normal, centered, and spaced after 18 pt. (See below). ALI MUHAMMED1, JALAL AMEEN 2 and DLOVAN ASSAD 2 The authors’ names should not cover all line and if there are more than, 3 or 4 writers the rest should be spaced to the line below, and writers also should be single spaced. The writers from the same department or the institution should be numbered by different numbers and indicated in the line below in 8 pt, as the following: 1 Department of Geography, College of Arts, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq 2 Department of Soil & Water Science, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Abstract Abstract body should be 8 pt., bold, aligned left, and single spaced. The abstract must not exceed 300 words. (4-6) keywords must be provided at the end of abstract. The keywords title must be capitalized, 8 pt., aligned left, and Italic. The keywords should be written in 8 pt., Italic, and their initials should be capitalized. Paragraphs in the abstract should be spaced after 6. (See below) KEYWORDS: Erosivity factor, Rainfall, Fournier index, Water Quality Summary should be provided also in Kurdish and Arabic at the end of the paper. J. Duhok Univ., Vol.51, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2152 Figures and Tables Except the tables, all the graphs, maps and photographs must be named as figures. Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals. The tables and figures must not exceed the page margins and must be on one page. All Table outline border should be (1 ½ pt.), inside border should be (½ pt.); table details should be Arial font and written with 7 pt. the figure and table names must be written with 8 pt. style. Names must be written in the middle on top for the tables with space 4 after and for the diagrams/figures, underneath on the bottom with space 4 before and 12 after. If the figure and table names have to be more than one line, the line spacing should be single spaced, and the terms of “Figures” and “Tables” must be bold. (See below) Table (1): The effect of pepper shoot & root aqueous extract on the growth of different other plants: Shoot Extract Root Extract Intact Intact Conc. Root Shoot Inhibitio Conc. Root Shoot Inhibition plant plant Plant type % length length n % % length length % length length (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) 0 *25.7 a** 27.8 a 53.5a - 0 25.7a 27.8a 53.5a - 5 25.00a 26.77a 51.77a 3.23 1 24.50a 27.00a 51.50a 3.73 Okra 10 24.50a 25.95a 50.45a 5.70 2 23.87a 25.65a 49.52a 7.43 0 21.6a 27.2a 48.8a - 0 21.7a 27.2a 48.9a - Sorghum 5 13.00b 17.25b 30.25b 38.03 1 9.8b 25.5ab 35.3b 27.6 10 6.00c 5.50c 11.50c 76.44 2 9.4b 22.6b 31.9 b 34.6 Figure (1): xxxxxxxxxxxxx Bullets and Numbering Bullets and numbers should be indented 1 cm from the left margin and hanging indent should be 0.5 cm. Each line of bullets and numbers should be single spaced. References References should be indicated in the typescript by giving the author's name, with the year of publication in parentheses, as detailed in the APA style guide. All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one cm from the left margin (hanging indentation). If several papers by the same author(s) and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication. The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper in standard APA format. For example: For Books: Ritter, D. F., Kochel, R. C., and Miller, J. R. (2002). Process Geomorphology (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Massey, W. R., and Jameson, W. M., Jr. (2001). Organizational behavior and the new internet logic (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. J. Duhok Univ., Vol.51, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2152 For articles: - Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896. - Loughran, J., and Corrigan, D. (1995). Teaching portfolios: A strategy for developing learning and teaching in preservice education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11, 565-577. For chapters within books: - Smith, N. (1997). Challenges and choices facing social studies teachers. In R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.), The Canadian anthology of social studies (pp. 3-9). Burnaby, BC: Simon Fraser University Field Relations. For conference proceedings: - Demirci, A., McAdams, M. A., Alagha, O., and Karakuyu, M. (2006). The relationship between land use change and water quality in Küçükçekmece Lake watershed. In A. Demirci, M. Karakuyu, and M. A. McAdams (Eds.). Proceedings of 4 gis days in Türkiye (pp. 27-35). Đstanbul, 13-16 September. th - Healey, M., Foote, K., and Hay, I. (2000). Developing the International Network for Learning and Teaching (INLT) Geography in Higher Education. In: International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education (Eds.). Geographical Education at the Cross-roads: Directions for the Next Millennium, Proceedings of the Kyongju Symposium (pp. 203-207), Korea. For online documents: - Standler, R. (2000). Plagiarism in colleges in the USA. Retrieved August 6, 2004, from www.rbs2.com/plag.htm - Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving - Titles of journals and names of publishers, etc. should not be abbreviated. Acronyms for the names of organisations, examinations, etc. should be preceded by the title in full. Note: Referred scientific materials such as: e-journals, e-books, etc. can be used as reference by authors. For further information about APA reference style please visit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Submission Four copies of the research paper with CD containing the paper in one file (Microsoft word 2003) should be submitted to the following address: The Secretariat, JDU Editorial Board, Presidency of Dohuk University, Dohuk Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Tel: 062-7225259 E-mail: [email protected] J. Duhok Univ., Vol.15, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2012 CONTENTS - On Symmetric And Skew- Symmetric Projective R- Modules Hazha Zirar Hussain…………………..…………………….…………………………....……………..1 - New Self-Scaling (Qn_Method) With Modification Armijo Line Search Salah G.Shareefand Mardin Sh.Tahir...…..……………………………………….……………………..6 - Diterpene Alkaloids From Delphinium Peregrinum L.Var.Eriocarpum Boiss. Suzan AL-Lababidi and Fadhil B. Essa..……...……………………………….….…………….……..13 - Some Results On A Certain Fractional Boundary Value Problem Ava Sh. Rafeeq And Hussein J. Zekri………………………………………….….………….…...…..21 - Effect Of Type Of Wastewater On The Oxygen Uptake Rate In Batch Reactors Kossay K. Al-Ahmady and Zena Fakhri…………………………………………………….………..25 - Effect Of Using Waste Polyethylene Production On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete Thamer H.Hanna and Ismail H.Mosa………………………..…………….….………….…….……..37 - Global Existence And Uniqueness Solution Of Fractional Second Order Nonlinear Integro –Differential Equations With Boundary Conditions Ammar isam…………………..………………………………………………...…………….………..48 - Prevalence Of Giardia Lamblia In Infected Children In Kalar Town With Some Haematological And Biochemical Parameters Mohammed Abdul-Aziz Kadir and Sirwan M. Mohammad Ali………………….………….…..…..56 - The Comparison Between Two Of The Activated Sludge Systems; Continuous Flow And Sequences Batch Reactor In The Effluent Quality And Sludge Properties Kossay K. Al-Ahmady…………………..…………………………….…………………..….………..63 - Effect Of Fourteen Antibiotics On Klebsiella pneumonia AND Proteus mirabilis Strains Isolated From Human Urinary Tract. Abdulrhem Thonnon Younis Al-Ghazal……....…………………………………………..….………..72 - A Preliminary Geophysical Investigation For Establishing A Subsurface Dam In Mirawa Valley (Northeast Erbil City - Iraqi Kurdistan Region) Fadhil A. Ghaib and Abdulwahab N. Al-Dawoody ………………………....………..….………..77 - The Sufficient Conditions For The Existence And Non-Existence Of Positive Periodic Solutions For Polynomial First Order Differential Equations Azad I. Amen and Najmaddin A Sulaiman ………..……………….………....………..….………..88 - Improvement Of The Lower Bound Of 8-Blocking Sets In The Projective Plane Of Square Order And Minimal Blocking Sets In Pg(2, Q),Q = 3,4,5 Chinar A.Ahamed ……………………………………………………….………....………..….………..94 J. Duhok Univ., Vol.15, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2012 - Some Results For Integro – Fractional Differential Equations With Boundary Conditions Azhaar H. Sallo ……………………………….…………………….………....………..…..………..105 - Minimal Blocking Sets And (K, N)-ARCS IN PG(2,13) Chinar A.Ahamed …………………………………………….………....……….……..….………..115 - Impact Of Upstream Tigris River On Groundwater Quality In Ne Mosul City Lilyan Y Matti Alsaka……………………………………………...…………....………..….……....124 - Some Conditions Under Which Certain Types Of Modules Possess Localization Property Ismael Akray, Adil Kadir Jabbar and Reza Sazeedeh…………………………..………..….……....411 - Phytochemical And Antibacteria Investigation Of Some Kurdistan Plant Extracts Najla’a K. Issai , Rihan S. Abd-Al-Jabar and Delveen R. Ibrahim ……………………….……......451 J. Duhok Univ., Vol. 15, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), Pp 1-5, 2012 ON SYMMETRIC AND SKEW- SYMMETRIC PROJECTIVE R- MODULES HAZHA ZIRAR HUSSAIN Dep. of Mathematics, College of Science, University of Salahaddin, Kurdistan region-Iraq (Received: July 4, 2009; Accepted for publication:November 15, 2011 ) ABSTRACT If R is a commutative ring with identity, a finitely generated R- module P is defined to be symmetric (skew- symmetric) projective (s.p) (s.s.p) R- module if and only if there exists a finite set ( a , a, …, a ) of generators of P and an nxn symmetric 1 2 n (skew- symmetric) matrix M=[r ] with entries in R satisfies the following: ij 1) U (Mt) = U 1*) U (-Mt) = U 2) U = ann(Mt) 2*) U = - ann(Mt) In this paper, two kinds of projective modules are considered, we prove that, the homomorphic image and the product of two (s.p) R- modules is (s.p) R- modules, some relations between (s.p) and (s.s.p) R- modules are proved. The dual module P* and the bidual module P* of (s.p) and (s.s.p) R- module are studied. KEYWORDS. Projective module, Multiplication module, Symmetric projective module, Skew-symmetric projective module INTRODUCTION (s.s.p) R- module the converse is also not true, if P 1 and P are two (s.s.p) R- modules then the product 2 L et R be a commutative ring with identity, P P P is (s.p) R- module but not (s.s.p) R- module , 1 2 be a unitary left R- module, a fnitely every cyclic R- module is (s.p) R- module but not generated R- module P with generators U= ( a , a , (s.s.p) R- module. 1 2 …, a ) is projective if and only if the vector U= ( a , The dual module P* , P*= { L; L:M  R is a n 1 a , …, a ) is a semi- regular n- vector, see[5 ]. We module homomorphism} of a (s.p) R- module P is 2 n say that a finitely generated R- module P is (s.p) R- module with associative nxn symmetric symmetric projective (s.p) R- module if and only if matrix M= [r ] , also if P is (s.s.p) R- module then ij there exists a finite set ( a , a , …, a ) of generators P* is also (s.s.p) R- module with associated nxn 1 2 n of P and an nxn symmetric matrix M=[r ] with skew- symmetric matrix –M= [-r ] and the dual of ij ij entries in R satisfies the following: P* is (P*)* is also (s.s.p) R- module with associated 1) U (Mt) = U nxn skew symmetric matrix M= [r ]. It was proved ij 2) U = ann(Mt) in [7] that if P is f.g projective R- module then ann The matrix M is called the associated matrix P= ann P*, we prove that if P is f.g (s.s.p) R- module with P. In this work we prove that the homomorphic then ann P*= -ann P. image of a (s.p) R- module is (s.p) R- module and For a reference to the basic concepts appearing the product of two (s.p) R- modules is (s.p) R- in this work consult [2], [3], [4], [8]. module. Also we say that a finitely generated R- Proposition1.1: Every symmetric projective R- module P is skew- symmetric projective (s.s.p) R- module is projective. module if and only if there exists a finite set ( a , a , Proof: It is clear, so the proof is omitted. 1 2 …, a ) of generators of P and an nxn skew- Theorem 1.2: Let M be (s.p) R-module and K R- n symmetric matrix M= [r ] with entries in R satisfies submodule of M, then the quotient R- module M/K ij the following: is (s.p) R- module. 1) U (-Mt) = U Proof : Assume that P is generated by the 2) U = - ann(Mt) components of the vector U= ( a1, a2, …, an). There exists an nxn symmetric matrix M=[ r ] such that The matrix M is called the associated matrix ij with P. We prove that every (s.p) R- module is not UMt= U, U= ann(Mt). Then the quotient module 1

2 Department of Soil & Water Science, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Abstract. Abstract Names must be written in the middle on top for the tables with space 4 after and for the diagrams/figures . Periodic Solutions For Polynomial First Order Differential Equat
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