Properties of the Spatial Sections of the Space-Time of a Rotating System. 2 1 Paschalis G. Paschali∗ 0 Department of Mathematics and Statistics 2 University of Cyprus n a Nicosia, P.O.Box 537 J Cyprus 9 Georgios C. Chrysostomou† 2 Frederick University, Pallouriotissa, 1036 Nicosia, Cyprus ] c January 31, 2012 q - r g [ Abstract 1 v Westudythesymmetrygroupofthegeodesicequationsofthespatial 7 solutions of the space-time generated by a noninertial rotating system of 8 reference. ItisasevendimensionalLiegroup,whichisneithersolvablenor 0 nilpotent. The variational symmetries form a five dimensional solvable 6 subgroup. Using the symplectic structure on the cotangent bundle we . 1 study the resulting Hamiltonian system, which is closely related to the 0 geodesic flowon thespatial sections. Wehavealso studiedsomeintrinsic 2 and extrinsic geometrical properies of the spatial sections. 1 : v Keywords i X 1 Introduction r a InClassicalMechanicsandprerelativisticscience,space andtime areseparated and independent. The time is absolute but the space is not. In the theory of Relativity both space and time are relative, yet there is a combination of them which is absolute. In this sense this theory introduces the concept of space-time. This invariant combination can be expressed by the metric. In the Special Theory of Relativity the space-time manifold is flat and its metric with respect to an inertial system of reference takes the well known Lorentzianform ds2 = c2dt2+dx2+dy2+dz2 (1) − ∗email:[email protected] †email: 1 In the General Theory of Relativity the presence of a gravitationalfield affects the geometry of space-time. Here the space-time manifold is curved. Actually thegravitationalfieldisthecurvatureofthespace-timeandEinstein’sequations relate the distribution of mass and energy with the curvature of space-time. The cornerstone of the general theory is the principle of equivalence, which states that every gravitationalfield is locally (but not globally) equivalent to a noninertialsystemofreference. Ifthereisnogravitationalfieldbutwedecideto useanoninertialsystemofreferencetheexpressionofthemetricwillnotbethe aboveLorentzianmetricofEq. (1),butstillallthecomponentsoftheRiemann tensorwillbezero,sincethereisaglobaltransformationfromtheinertialsystem to the noninertial that we are using. So with respect to a noninertial system of coordinates the space-time is still flat, but on the other hand the space itself may be curved. What we will study here are some geometrical properties of the spatial part of the space-time with respect to a rotating coordinate system with constant angular velocity ω around the z-axis. This is one of the simplest possiblecases. Usingsimilartechniqueswecanstudymorecomplicateproblems resulting either from a more complicate system of reference, or because of the presence of a gravitational field. These problems can help us to understand better the principle of equivalence as well as the relation between gravity and the noninertial systems. We can also study the possibility of changes in the topology of the spatial part of the space-time. Substituting x and y by xcosωt ysinωt and xsinωt+ycosωt in Eq. (1) − we obtain: ds2 = ω2(x2+y2) c2 dt2+dx2+dy2+dz2 2ωydxdt+2ωxdydt (2) − − (cid:2) (cid:3) ThegeometryofthespacewithrespecttothisrotatingobserverisnotEuclidean since the relation between the circumference and the diameter of a circle is not any more π. Due to the Lorentz contraction along the circumference this is larger than π by a factor of (1 ω2r2/c2)−1/2. In cylindrical coordinates the − above metric becomes: ds2 =(ω2r2 c2)dt2+2ωr2dφdt+dz2+r2dφ2+dr2 (3) − In this paper we have found the intrinsic and extrinsic curvatures of the spatial sections of the above space-time. They are both negative and blow up where the coordinate systemwe are using ceases to have physical meaning. We havealsofoundthesymmetrygroupofthegeodesicequationsanditsvariational subgroup. The first one is neither solvable nor nilpotent. On the other hand the variational subgroup is solvable. Using the Hamilton-Jacobi theory for the Hamiltonian system which is induced on the cotangent bundle we have found the expression of the geodesic flow in terms of the affine time t. Account of the theory of Relativity can be found for example in the books of Misner, Thorne and Wheeler [11], Weinberg [16], O’ Neill [13], Hawking and Ellis [7] and Landau and Lifschitz [8]. 2 2 The geometry of spatial sections. Let the metric of a space-time be given by: ds2 =g dxαdxβ (4) αβ TheGreekindicestakethevalues0,1,2,3andtheLatinindicesthevalues1,2,3. Theindexzerocorrespondstothetime ofthe eventandx1,x2,x3 determineits location in space. As a result we have: ds2 =g dx0dx0+2g dx0dxi+g dxidxj (5) 00 0i ij tostudythespatialsectionsofthespace-timemanifoldwemustconsidertheset ofalleventsthataresimultaneoustoagivenevent. Usingthe nullgeodesicswe can prove that two nearby events are simultaneous if they satisfy the condition (dx) = 0. As a result the metric on the spatial sections in contravariant form 0 is dl2 =gijdx dx i j and in covariant form it becomes g g dl2 = g 0i 0j dxidxj (6) ij (cid:16) − g00 (cid:17) Applying this to Eqs. (2) and (3) we get the metric on the spatial sections of a noninertial rotating system in cartesian coordinates in the form: dl2 =(1+Ay2)dx2 2Axydxdy+(1+Ax2)dy2+dz2 (7) − In cylindrical coordinates we have r2 dl2 =dr2+ dφ2+dz2 (8) 1 ω2r2/c2 − In Eq. (7) the factor A is given by: ω2 A= c2 ω2(x2+y2) − The metric in Eq. (8) is static so it can be used to define and to calculate finite distances and the result will not depend on the cosmic curve connecting the two points. On the other hand we must bear in mind that the concept of simultaneous events which is the foundation of the positive definite spatial metric of Eq. (6) is only a local one and it may not be possible to define simultaneous events in a consistent way over the wlole manifold since g = 0 0i 6 These arguments indicate that the concept of a spatial slice is maybe more complicatethantheconceptofahypersurfaceforexampleandheremayappear some questions of topological character. Weturnnowtosomegeometricalpropertiesofthemetric(8). Thez-axisisa geodesicparametrizedbyarclengththatisthesamewiththecoordinatez. This 3 isnottrueforthe x,y,r orφcoordinates. Thisisaspaceofnegativecurvature. The Riemann tensor has only 6 functionally independent components that are all zero except R , which is given by: 1212 3c4ω2r2 R = (9) 1212 −(c2 ω2r2)3 − Here we use the notation x1 = r,x2 = φ and x3 = z. We can easily calculate the scalar curvature and get the following result: 6c2ω2 R=gkigljR = (10) klij −(c2 ω2r2)2 − This is negative and blows up when r =c/ω. This is exactly where the coordi- nates of the rotating system cease to have meaning since beyond that distance we have speeds higher than the speed of light in vacuum. Using the metric (8) we can get for the element of the arclength along the circle with both z,r constant the expression: cr dl = dφ √c2 ω2r2 − fromwherewegetthatthe ratioofthecircumferenceto thediameter isgreater than π by the Lorentz factor. The intrinsic geometry does not give any informationabouthow the spatial slices are impended in the four dimensional space-time. Geometrically the im- pendingcanbefoundbystudyingtheunitnormalvectoronthespatialsections and is somehow represented by the extrinsic curvature, which is a symmetric tensor parallel to the spatial slices. The extrinsic curvature is closely related to the Weingarten map, which is the Jacobian of the Gauss map and can be calculatedasthecovariantderivativeoftheunitnormalalongthespatialslices. The metric (4) in the canonical 1+3 language takes the form: ds2 =g (dxi+Nidt)(dxj +Njdt) N2dt2 =(g NiNj N2)dt2 ij ij − − (11) +g Njdxidt+g Nidxjdt+g dxidxj ij ij ij where Ni are the shift functions and N is the lapse function. Comparing this expression with Eq. (8) we get the shift and lapse functions of our space-time: Nr =Nz =0 (12) Nφ =ω (13) N =c (14) So the contravariant normal vector connecting the spatial sections that corre- spond to time t and t+dt is (dt,0, ωdt,0) − 4 and its proper length is cdt as we should expect. So the unit contravariant vector is 1 ω ηα = ,0, ,0 (15) (cid:16)c −c (cid:17) In covariantform is η =(c,0,0,0) (16) α Since the metric g is static, the tensor of the extrinsic curvature canbe calcu- ij lated using the following relation: 1 K = N +N (17) ij j;i i;j 2N(cid:16) (cid:17) wherethesemicolonrepresentscovariantdifferentiationwithrespecttothemet- ricofthespatialsections. WecaneasilycalculatethequantitiesN ,N andN r φ z and we obtain: N =N =0 (18) r z ωc2r2 N = (19) φ c2 ω2r2 − Using these relations in (17) we can prove that all the components of the ex- trinsic curvature are zero except the component K , which is given by: rφ ωc3r K = (20) rφ −(c2 ω2r2)3 − andit has againa singularity atthe positions r =c/ω. The Riemannian tensor R andtheaboveextrinsiccurvaturetensorarerelatedbytheGauss-Codazzi ijkl equations. 3 The symmetry group of the geodesics. Hereweshallstudy the Liepointsymmetriesandthe variationalsymmetriesof the geodesic equations. A symmetry groupof a system of differential equations isagroupactingonthespaceofindependentanddepandentvariablesinsucha way that solutions are mapped into other solutions. A local group of transfor- mationsisavariationalsymmetryifitnecessarilyleavesthevariationalintegral invariant. Every variational group is a symmetry group of the corresponding Euler-Lagrangeequationsbuttheoppositeisnottrue. Thesymmetryapproach to differential equations can be found, for example, in the books of Olver [12], Bluman and Cole [3], Bluman and Kumei [4], Fushchich and Nikitin [6] and Obsiannikov [14]. In our problem the geodesics satisfy the following equations: d2xl dxj dxk +Γl =0 (21) ds2 jk ds ds whereΓl aretheChristoffelsymbolsandsisthelengthofthegeodesics,which jk weusetoparametrizethem. Herewedonothavetoworryaboutnullgeodesics 5 since the metric (8) on the spatial sections is positive definite. Because of the form of this metric the Christoffel symbols are given by the following relations: Γl =0 (22) jk 1 ∂g Γj = ii (23) ii −2g ∂xj jj 1∂lng Γi = ii (24) ij 2 ∂xj 1∂lng Γi = ii (25) ii 2 ∂xi where the indices i,j,k are all different. Using these in the metric (8) we get the differential equations of the geodesics in the form: d2r c4r dφ 2 =0 (26) ds2 − (c2 ω2r2)2(cid:16)ds(cid:17) − d2φ 2c2 dφdr + =0 (27) ds2 r(c2 ω2r2) ds ds − d2z =0 (28) dr2 We can also find the geodesics by considering the partial differential equation ∂w ∂w ∂w 2 c2 ω2r2 ∂w 2 ∂w gij = + − + =1 (29) ∂xi∂xj (cid:16)∂r(cid:17) c2r2 (cid:16)∂φ(cid:17) (cid:16)∂z(cid:17) A complete solution of this equation has the form w(r,φ,z,a ,a )=k 1 2 where k is a constant. The equations of the geodesics in parametric form take the form: ∂w =b 1 ∂a 1 ∂w =b 2 ∂a 2 where b and b are arbitrary constants. 1 2 Using the method of Lie groups we shall study the symmetry group of the geodesics. A vector field G acting on the space of independent and dependent variables is a symmetry of the equations (26)-(28) if and only if it satisfies the relations pr(2)G(Eq26)=pr(2)G(Eq27)=pr(2)G(Eq28)=0 where pr(2)G is the second prolongationor extension of the vector field G. If ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ G=Σ +R +Φ +Z (30) ∂s ∂r ∂φ ∂z 6 then ∂ ∂ ∂ pr(2)G=G+(R˙ Σ˙r˙) +(Φ˙ Σ˙φ˙) +(Z˙ Σ˙z˙) − ∂r˙ − ∂φ˙ − ∂z˙ ∂ ∂ +(R¨ Σ¨r˙ 2Σ˙r¨) +(Φ¨ Σ¨φ˙ 2Σ˙φ¨) (31) − − ∂r¨ − − ∂φ¨ ∂ +(Z¨ Σ¨z˙ 2Σ˙z¨) − − ∂z¨ If we apply this to the geodesic equations (26)-(27) we get the following condi- tions: 2c4r R¨ Σ¨r˙ 2Σ˙r¨ φ˙(Φ˙ Σ˙φ˙) − − − (c2 ω2r2)2 − − (32) c4(c2+3ω2r2) Rφ˙2 =0 − (c2 ω2r2)3 − 2c2 Φ¨ Σ¨φ˙ 2Σ˙φ¨+ φ˙(R˙ Σ˙r˙) − − r(c2 ω2r2) − − (33) 2c2 2c2(c2 3ω2r2) + (Φ˙ Σ˙φ˙)r˙ − Rφ˙r˙ =0 r(c2 ω2r2) − − r2(c2 ω2r2)2 − − Z¨ Σ¨z˙ 2Σ˙z¨=0 (34) − − Expanding Eq. (34) and using Eqs. (26)-(28) we obtain: Z +2Z r˙+2Z φ˙+2Z z˙+2Z r˙φ˙+2Z r˙z˙+2Z φ˙z˙ ss sr sφ sz rφ rz φz +Z a(r)φ˙2 Z b(r)φ˙r˙+Z r˙2+Z φ˙2+Z z˙2 Σ z˙ r φ rr φφ zz ss − − (35) 2Σ z˙r˙ 2Σ z˙φ˙ 2Σ z˙2 2Σ z˙r˙φ˙ 2Σ z˙2r˙ 2Σ φ˙z˙2 rs sφ sz rφ rz φz − − − − − − Σ a(r)z˙φ˙2+Σ b(r)z˙φ˙r˙ Σ z˙r˙2 Σ z˙φ˙2 Σ z˙3 =0 r φ rr φφ zz − − − − Themethodweusedissimilarwiththeonein[9]and[15]. Condition(35)after a long calculation gives the following for Σ and Z: 1 Σ= c s2+c s+c +z(c s+c ) (36) 1 2 3 5 6 2 1 Z =c z2+c z+c +s c z+c (37) 5 8 9 1 7 (cid:16)2 (cid:17) where all the c are arbitrary constants. Using the results above in Eqs. (32) i and (33) after a long but straightforward calculation we obtain the following final result: Σ=c s+c z+c (38) 2 3 4 R=0 (39) Φ=c (40) 1 7 Z =c s+c z+c (41) 5 6 7 So the symmetries of the geodesic equations form a seven dimensional group with generators x~ =∂ ,x~ =s∂ ,x~ =z∂ ,x~ =∂ ,x~ =s∂ ,x~ =z∂ ,x~ =∂ 1 φ 2 s 3 s 4 s 5 z 6 z 7 z The multiplication table for this Lie group is given by the relations: [x~ ,x~ ]= x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ , 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 2 5 − − − [x~ ,x~ ]=x~ x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ , 3 5 6 2 3 6 3 3 7 4 − − − [x~ ,x~ ]=x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ ,[x~ ,x~ ]= x~ 4 5 7 5 6 5 6 7 7 − − The subroup g = [G,G] is five dimensional and is generated by the vectors x~ x~ , x~ , x~ , x~ and x~ . 2 6 3 4 5 7 − If we calculate the group [g,g] we will see that this is the same as g. So the derived series of ideals terminates. So the symmetry group of the geodesics is neither nilpotent, nor solvable,in contraryto systems like the Mawell-Bloch[5] or the Hilbert-Einstein equations in Cosmology [15]. Using Noether’s theorems we can check which of these symmetries are vari- ational and also we can find the corresponding conserved quantities. A vector fieldX~ is a variationalsymmetry ofa variationalproblemwith LagrangianL if and only if it satisfies the following condition: pr(1)X~ +L~ ξ~=0 (42) ∇· where n q ∂ ∂ X~ = λi + ψj (43) ∂ti ∂uj X X i=1 j=1 and n ∂ ξ~= λi (44) ∂ti X i=1 EveryvariationalsymmetryX~ generatesaconservationlaw,whichcanbewrit- ten in the form: q ~ P~ = Q E (L) (45) j j ∇· · X j=1 where E (L) are the Euler-Lagrange operators acting on the Lagrangian and j Q are the characteristics of X~. In our case L is given by Eq. (8). Using the j conditions above we can prove that only the infinitesimal generators X~ with i i = 1,2,3,4 and 7 are variational symmetries. They form the Lie subgroup g v of the full symmetry group. We can easily check that [g ,g ]=[g ,[g ,g ]]= X~ ,X~ v v v v v 3 4 { } and since [X~ ,X~ ]=0 we infer that the group g is solvable but not nilpotent. 3 4 v So we have the following theorem: 8 Theorem 1. The Group of symmetries of the geodesic equations of the spatial sections of the four dimensional space-time with respect to a uniformly rotating noninertial system of reference is a seven dimensional Lie group, which is nei- ther nilpotent, nor solvable. on the oher hand the rotational symmetries form a five dimensional subgroup, which is solvable but not nilpotent. The equations of Killing, which can be written in the form ζ +ζ =0 (46) j;i i;j determine the infinitesimal generators of the isometry group of a space. Here the semicolonrepresentscovariantdifferentiationwith respectto the metric(8). If in Eqs. (38)-(41) we set Σ=c =0 we get the vector 5 ∂ ∂ c +(c z+c ) 1 6 7 ∂φ ∂z which acts only on the coordinates r,φ and z of the spatial sections. This is of course a localsymmetry of the geodesic equations so it preserves the geodesics. If we set c =c =0 we get the vector 6 7 ∂ ∂φ which not only preserves the geodesics, but is also a Killing vector. A second Killing vector can be found if we set c =c =0 and it is given by 6 1 ∂ ∂z Finally for c =c =0 we get the vector 1 6 ∂ z ∂z which preserves the geodesics but it is not a Killing vector because it does not satisfy ∂ξ z =0 ∂z which is one of the Killing’s equations. Taking into account the fact that every Killingvectorpreservesthegeodesicsweinferthattheaboveargumentsindicate thatthespatialsectionshaveonlytwoKillingvectors,whicharetheonesshown above. 4 The geodesics from the Hamiltonian point of view Here we shall study the geodesics using the canonical symplectic structure on the cotangent bundle of the spatial sections [1], [2]. 9 If M is a Riemannianmanifoldwithmetric g we considerthe Hamiltonian ij H with local expression 1 H(xi,p )= gij(xk)p p i i j 2 where xi,p are canonical coordinates of the contangent bundle T M. i ∗ We can easily prove that the projections of the inertial curves of H onto M are the geodesics of g parameterized by their affine parameter t. Hamilton’s ij equations can be written in the form: x˙i =gilp (47) l 1∂gkl p˙ = p p (48) i −2 ∂xi k l Inverting Eq. (47) we get p =g x˙i (49) l il Differentiating Eq. (47) and using Eqs. (47) and (49) we can find 1 ∂gmn ∂gil x¨i = gil p p + gkmp p (50) −2 ∂x m n ∂xk m l l Using Eq. (49) and after some algebra we end up with: 1∂g ∂g x¨i =gil jk ljx˙kx˙j (51) h2 ∂xl − ∂xk i which is actually 1 ∂g ∂g ∂g x¨i = gil jk lj lk x˙kx˙j (52) 2 h ∂xl − ∂xk − ∂xj i Taking into accountthe definiotion ofChristoffel symbols it becomes clear that here we have the geodesic Eqs.(21). Using the metric (8) we get the Hamiltonian in the form: 1 1c2 ω2r2 1 H(xi,p )= p2+ − p2 + p2 (53) i 2 r 2 c2r2 φ 2 z WecaneasilyprovethatthisHamiltonianisseparablesinceitsatisfiestheLevi- Civitaconditions[10]. ThuswecansolvethissystemusingtheHamiltin-Jacobi method. Hamilton’s characteristic function takes the form W =W (r)+p φ+p z (54) 1 φ z and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation becomes 1 dW 2 1c2 ω2r2 1 1 + − p2 + p2 =E (55) 2(cid:16) dr (cid:17) 2 c2r2 φ 2 z 10