Problem Solving in Endodontics Prevention, Identification, and Management Problem Solving in Endodontics Prevention, Identification, and Management 5th Edition James L. Gutmann DDS, Cert Endo, PhD (honoris causa), FACD, FICD, FADI Professor Emeritus, Department of Restorative Sciences Baylor College of Dentistry Texas A&M University System, Health Science Center Dallas, Texas; Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics Honorary Professor, School of Stomatology Wuhan University Wuhan, China Paul E. Lovdahl DDS, MSD, FACD, FADI Practice Limited to Endodontics Sea Mar Community Health Center Bellingham, Washington with 1663 illustrations 3251 Riverport Lane Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043 PROBLEM SOLVING IN ENDODONTICS: PREVENTION, IDENTIFICATION, AND MANAGEMENT ISBN: 978-0-323-06888-8 Copyright © 2011, 2006, 1997, 1992, 1988 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data or Control Number Gutmann, James L. Problem solving in endodontics : prevention, identification, and management / James L. Gutmann, Paul E. Lovdahl.—5th ed. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-323-06888-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Endodontics. I. Lovdahl, Paul E. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Dental Pulp Diseases. 2. Endodontics—methods. 3. Root Canal Therapy—methods. WU 230 G9835p 2011] RK351.G88 2011 617.6′342—dc22 2010015577 Vice President and Publishing Director: Linda Duncan Executive Editor: John Dolan Developmental Editor: Brian S. Loehr Publishing Services Manager: Catherine Jackson Senior Project Manager: Rachel E. McMullen Design Direction: Teresa McBryan Working together to grow libraries in developing countries Printed in China | | Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The discipline of endodontics seems to be at the cross- seen the twilight of the “endodontic professor?” Who will be roads in its evolutionary process and growth as a remembered for their intellects, the rigor of their educational specialty of dentistry. Over the past few years, the programs, and their enduring influence on students? Who practice of endodontics has been enhanced by remarkable will bring the necessary passion to the teaching of endodon- technologic innovations and evidenced-based research. A tics and the inquisitive energy to the research that is essential wealth of new information has led to a better understanding within this discipline? of the biological basis for treatment, which has resulted in Unlike many popular novelists or screen writers of our improved clinical treatment and more predictable outcomes. time, we did not conclude the previous editions of this Interest in the provision of quality endodontic procedures book with visions of a “sequel” or plans for the “next install- and tooth retention remains foremost with many dental ment.” The impetus for the creation of a fifth edition arose practitioners. gradually during many think tank endeavors and reflective At the same time, however, our educational processes sessions in the years since the publication of the fourth within this discipline are ailing. Recruitment to full-time edition. It is obvious that there have been significant con- faculty positions in endodontics has been a major challenge, tributions from research that have impacted on current especially from the ranks of recent graduates of endodontic practice. Some concepts that were novel at the time of the specialty programs in the United States and Canada. The fourth edition are now fully integrated into modern theory same is true in many countries around the world. The modest and practice. Other prompts came from readers and com- success of filling some teaching positions from the ranks of mentaries on our previous efforts. Our own experience and the retired military is offset by the comparatively short career observations have led to certain additions and changes as potential of these people. Furthermore, many of these indi- well as an increasing need to present the information within viduals are choosing a more lucrative “second career” in from a global perspective. For example, tooth numbering private practice. Moreover, whereas part-time faculty do play systems differ widely throughout the world. Since this book a role in the educational process, most do not possess peda- has achieved a surprising and gratifying international pres- gogic expertise. Teaching, therefore, may often be empiri- ence, revisions were required to rename each tooth using cally-based, which at times can undermine even the most international standardized terminology, e.g., maxillary first sophisticated and well-structured curricula. Despite the addi- molar, etc. In the same way, we have attempted to use tion of many foreign trained educators in the United States diction that will be as clear as possible to nonnative English and elsewhere, numerous faculty positions remain unfilled readers. with no prospects in the offing. In some schools, endodontic Many excellent endodontic texts currently available are departments have lost autonomy and have been consolidated anthologies of chapters written by a multitude of different into megadepartments, which ultimately weakens the posi- and varied authors. A distinct disadvantage of this approach tion of endodontics in the competition for curriculum time. is the paucity or lack of communication among writers. The Who then will teach the students of tomorrow? fifth edition of Problem Solving in Endodontics is the product The astute observer will also note that over the course of of two of the original authors. The intense collaboration recent years there has been the loss of many enduring and during the long creative process has resulted in a uniquely influential figures in endodontic education. Not only are cohesive and integrated text. For example, concepts and these individuals remembered for their inspirational teaching figures are frequently cross referenced from other chapters but also for their self-sacrificial commitment to excellence in where additional information will be helpful. A cursory all aspects of endodontics. An attempt at a complete list examination of the table of contents will reveal a complete would be futile as the definition of “great” is elusive. Never- restructuring of the text material into sections of related theless, today one wonders who are the leaders that can topics. There are several completely new chapters. Every replace Irving Naidorf, Gerry Harrington, I.B. Bender, Sam chapter carried forth from the previous edition has been Seltzer, Hank Van Hassel, Don Arens, Harold Gerstein, almost completely rewritten. Tom Mullaney, Gene Natkin, Thom Dumsha, and Ed In terms of content, the first obvious change is the Osetek? Who will be the stalwarts of the future or have we expansion of diagnosis in this edition. It has become clearer v vi Preface that problem solving must include a more complete process requires extensive surgical experience and is not within the of diagnosis. Observations of referred cases in the private scope of this text. practice experience of the authors underscore diagnostic A third addition in content consists of references through- and treatment planning errors which in some cases, have out the text. The amount of research since the previous led to a succession of calamities in treatment. Occasionally, edition is staggering. We have endeavored to include as many endodontic treatment was completely unwarranted. Our of the relevant sources as possible to support the advocated objective in expanding the diagnostic section is to give the philosophy. Whenever possible, evidence-based or best evi- reader a diagnostic process that can confirm or rule out dence references are cited to support the clinical choices. pathoses related to issues of the pulp and supporting peri- Furthermore, because textbooks can often be out of date by odontium in the vast majority of clinical situations. Likewise, the time they go through the gymnastics and gyrations of it was not our intention to be encyclopedic. Rare condi- publishing, a recommended additional reading list is included tions are omitted as we believe the practitioner provides with updates added as close as possible to the final process better service by ruling out the most common possibilities of publication. It is anticipated that references will be website and referring the patient when a diagnosis cannot be reached. based and usable for academicians and lecturers. For our international audience, we have included as many Fourth, entire chapters are spent on irrigation and disin- alternate diagnostic and treatment procedures as possible fection and on working length determination, with extensive so that proper diagnosis can be done with the materials literature assessments and clinical directives, because of the available. importance that these two entities play in the achievement A second major expansion is the section on surgical pro- of success. Furthermore, issues of diagnosis and treatment of cedures. The ability to treatment plan and perform a multi- tooth hypersensitivity along with vital pulp therapy have plicity of surgical procedures are hallmarks of the specialty of been expanded and put into clinical perspective, as well as endodontics, and therefore it will be obvious that tooth techniques to revitalize the compromised tissues in teeth with retention is a paramount objective of this text. The discussion immature apical development—often referred to erroneously of periapical surgery is intentionally limited to the anterior at this early stage of its evolution as “regenerative endodon- teeth and it is presumed that readers who will use this text tics.” In doing so it should be understood by the reader that for acquiring surgical techniques will be novices. The text is endodontic therapy does not equal root canal treatment, as written with this in mind and with increased attention to this discipline encompasses many diagnostic and treatment detail. Periapical surgery on posterior teeth is a subject that modalities. Acknowledgments A text of this nature requires the input from many inter- endodontic procedures. I have learned from you in the ested and loyal supportive individuals who believed process and furthermore you have kept my passion for teach- in the passion and commitment of the authors. ing alive and well. I would also like to thank the endodontic PEL would like to express appreciation for the immeasur- staff members at the Medical College of Virginia, University able contribution made by his daughter, Jennifer Ludwigson of Maryland at Baltimore and Baylor College of Dentistry in the production of digital images, location of charts and for their support in my vision of endodontic excellence records, and willingness to be a subject in clinical photo- during my 27 years of full-time teaching. Gratitude goes out graphic demonstrations. Thanks also to Lorrie Ebergson, to the enthusiastic and supportive dental assistants and who has the most amazing memory for cases and patient administrative staff that have assisted me in the practice of names. Thanks to Diane Edson for setting up photographic endodontics. Finally, for the many hours of patience, under- demonstrations and sometimes being the subject as well. standing, and support provided to me by my wife Marylou, Thanks to Joe Ludwigson for help with the skull photogra- I express my deepest gratitude. phy. I appreciate the cases provided by the colleagues who We also wish to thank John Dolan, Executive Editor, for are referenced in the legends. Finally thanks to my wife believing in us and using a gentle prod to move us forward Kathy, for longsuffering patience and grace throughout the with this edition; to Brian Loehr, Developmental Editor, for project. his creative ideas and excitement in the editing of this text JLG would like to express appreciation to all of his former and preparation of the layout and presentation of the mes- graduate students and to all the professionals, globally in sages within; and Rachel McMullen, our Senior Project 51 countries, that he has had the honor and privilege to Manager, for keeping on schedule and ensuring that we teach and guide in the achievement of quality, predictable always strove for excellence every step along the way. vii Dedication It is both a privilege and honor for the two authors of this text to dedicate this vastly revised edition of Problem Solving in Endodontics to Dr. Sonia Ferreyra of Córdoba, Argentina. We have come to recognize that Sonia is an indi- vidual with a unique vision for dental education and the will to bring it into reality. Early in her teaching career, she was recognized by her peers and her students for her ability to incorporate the science of dentistry with the highest stan- dards of clinical care. Gradually, the needs and requests of her postgraduate students led to a formalized program of study that now encompasses a 30-month curriculum focus- ing on the areas of endodontics and dental trauma. Today, Dr. Ferreyra is the President of FUNDECO, a Scientific Foundation for Continuing Education in Dentistry in Argentina. She established this Foundation in 2002 with the goal to educate highly qualified dental professionals in formative knowledge and clinical skills. Her vision “to save From left: Dr. James Gutmann, Dr. Sonia Ferreyra, and Dr. Paul teeth” includes education, patient care, and clinical research, Lovdahl. which is most laudable in this day and age. In addition to continuing educational programs at the highest possible level, FUNDECO has established school educational programs, sports educational programs, and emergency unit programs and challenging times in the establishment of FUNDECO, to manage dental trauma in local hospitals. Under her astute she has endeared herself to so many dentists, imbuing them guidance, treatment protocols and rehabilitation programs with her wisdom, her impeccable values, and her staunch for patients have been developed with services provided free professional integrity. Dr. Ferreyra holds both a DDS and of charge. She has initiated research programs that would PhD degree and is a member of both the American Asso- contribute to the ultimate delivery of quality and predictable ciation of Endodontists and International Association of clinical care to the community at large. She has been directly Dental Traumatology. responsible for 359 postgraduate students, of which 185 have For JLG as a contributor to Dr. Ferreyra’s efforts for the successfully completed their studies and remain active with past 10 years, this has been an amazing and rewarding rela- the workings of the Foundation. Another 174 are presently tionship, especially during the evolution and growth of her in various stages of their educational and research pursuits. Foundation. For PEL, the past 5 years of contributions have She continues to influence dental professionals in Uruguay, expanded his horizons and his love for teaching on all levels, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, and Spain. spurred on by the thirst for knowledge and enthusiasm dis- Sonia has become a beacon of hope for many dental played by all of Sonia’s students. Together, we are both professionals and a life-line to tooth retention and quality humbled and proud to dedicate our efforts to this extraordi- oral health care for so many residents of these countries in nary and enthusiastic young lady, who is both a true “amiga” South America. She is passionate about her mission; deliber- and an inspiration for so many colleagues. Sonia we salute ate in choosing her students; unrelenting in her pursuit of you and thank you for your immense contribution to end- science and both educational and clinical excellence; and odontics and dental trauma. compassionate and caring in all of her undertakings. She James L. Gutmann is loved by all of her students and through both good times Paul E. Lovdahl viii Dedicación Es un honor y privilegio, como autores de este libro, Ella continúa influenciando a odontólogos en Uruguay, Para- dedicar esta ampliamente revisada edición de “Resolvi- guay, Chile, Argentina y España. endo Problemas Endodónticos” a la Dra. Sonia Fer- Sonia se ha convertido en faro de esperanza para muchos reyra de Córdoba, Argentina. Hemos llegado a reconocer, odontólogos, y en una línea de vida, para la retención de que Sonia es una persona con una visión única por la edu- dientes y calidad en el cuidado oral para muchos residentes cación odontologica y el deseo de llevarlo a la realidad. Tem- de estos países en Sur América. Ella tiene pasión por su prano en su carrera de docente, fue reconocida por sus colegas misión; selecciona muy bien a sus estudiantes; persistente en y estudiantes por su habilidad de incorporar la ciencia odon- su destino, en cuanto a la investigación científica y en su tológica con los más altos niveles de cuidado clínico. Gradu- búsqueda de la excelencia educacional y clínica; también en almente, las necesidades y demandas de sus alumnos de cuanto al cuidado compasivo de sus pacientes. Es una doctora post-grado, resultaron en un programa formal de estudio, que muy querida por sus alumnos y en todo momento ya sea hoy en día consta de un currículo de 30 meses de duración, bueno o desafiante en FUNDECO, ella se ha puesto siempre enfocado en áreas de endodoncia y trauma dental. en disposición muchos Odontólogos, enseñándoles de su Hoy, la Dra. Sonia Ferreyra es la presidente de FUNDECO, experiencia y sabiduría, con valores impecables y su gran una Fundación científica para Educación Continuada en integridad profesional. La Dra. Ferreyra posee 2 diplomas, Odontología en Argentina. Ella estableció esta Fundación en uno como Odontóloga y otro de PHD, es miembro de la el año 2002, con el propósito, de formar odontólogos alta- Sociedad Americana de Endodoncia, y de la Sociedad Inter- mente calificados, en conocimientos formativos y habilidades nacional de traumatología dental. clínicas. Su visión de “salvar dientes” incluye, educación, Para JLG como contribuyente a los esfuerzos de la Dra. cuidado del paciente y investigación clínica, la cual es elo- Ferreyra durante los últimos 10 años, esta ha sido una giable en estos tiempos. Además de programas educación relación de gran satisfacción, especialmente durante la evo- continuada del más alto nivel, FUNDECO estableció pro- lución y el crecimiento de su Fundación. Para PEL, los gramas educativos en escuelas, programas educativos de últimos 5 años de contribuciones han expandido sus hori- deportes y programas de unidades medicas para poder zontes y su amor por enseñar a todos los niveles, empujado manejar el trauma dental en hospitales locales. Bajo su astuta por la sed de conocimiento y el entusiasmo demostrado guía, han sido desarrollados protocolos de tratamiento y de por todos los alumnos de la Dra. Sonia. Juntos, nos sen- programas de rehabilitación con servicios prestados sin costo timos al mismo humildes y orgullosos de dedicar nuestros alguno para el paciente. Ella ha iniciado programas de inves- esfuerzos a esta extraordinaria y entusiastica joven mujer, tigación que contribuirían en grande la entrega de calidad y quien significa una verdadera amiga y una inspiración pro- cuidado clínico predecible para una amplia comunidad. La funda para muchos colegas. Sonia, te saludamos y te agra- Dra. Sonia Ferreyra es directamente responsable de 359 decemos por tu inmensa contribución a la endodoncia y egresados de Post-grado, de los cuales 185 han completado al trauma dental. satisfactoriamente sus estudios, y se encuentran activos tra- bajando con la Fundación. Otros 174 están actualmente en James L. Gutmann varias etapas de sus carreras educacionales y de investigación. Paul E. Lovdahl ix