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Springer Series in Information Sciences 10 Editor: T. S. Huang Springer Series in Information Sciences Editors: Thomas S. Huang Teuvo Kohonen Manfred R. Schroeder Managing Editor: H.K.V. Lotsch 1 Content-Addressable Memories 14 Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy Filtering By T. Kohonen 2nd Edition By P.A. Ruymgaart and T.T. Soong 2nd Edition 2 Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms 15 Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging By H. 1. Nussbaumer 2nd Edition Systems Some Aspects of Image Processing By W.F. Schreiber 3 Pitch Determination of Speecb Signals 2nd Edition Algorithms and Devices By W. Hess 16 Radon and Projection Transform 4 Pattern Analysis and Understanding Based Computer Vision By H. Niemann 2nd Edition Algorithms, A Pipeline Architecture, and Industrial Applications By 1.L.C. Sanz, 5 Image Sequence Analysis E.B. Hinkle, and A.K. lain Editor: T.S. Huang 17 Kalman Filtering with Real-Time 6 Picture Engineering Applications By C.K. Chui and G. Chen Editors: King-sun Fu and T.L. Kunii 18 Linear Systems and Optimal Control 7 Number Theory in Science and By C.K. Chui and G. Chen Communication With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Digital 19 Harmony: A Psychoacoustical Information, Computing, and Self Approach By R. Parncutt Similarity By M.R. Schroeder 20 Group Theoretical Methods 2nd Edition in Image Understanding 8 Self-Organization and Associative By Ken-ichi Kanatani Memory By T. Kohonen 21 Linear Prediction Theory 3rdEdition A Mathematical Basis for Adaptive Systems By P. Strobach 9 Digital Picture Processing An Introduction By L.P. Yaroslavsky 22 Psychoacoustics Facts and Models By E. Zwicker and H. Fast! 10 Probability, Statistical Optics, and Data Testing A Problem Solving 23 Digital Image Restoration Approach By B.R. Frieden Editor: A. K. Katsaggelos 2nd Edition 24 Parallel Algorithms 11 Physical and Biological Processing of in Computational Science Images Editors: 0.1. Braddick and By D. W. Heermann and A. N. Burkitt A.c. Sleigh 25 Radar Array Processing 12 Multiresolution Image Processing and Editors: S. Haykin, 1. Litva, T. 1. Shepherd Analysis Editor: A. Rosenfeld 26 Signal Processing and Systems Theory 13 VLSI for Pattern Recognition and Selected Topics Image Processing Editor: King-sun Fu By C. K. Chui and G. Chen B. Roy Frieden Probability, Statistical Optics, and Data Testing A Problem Solving Approach Second Edition With 110 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Professor B. Roy Frieden, Ph. D. Optical Sciences Center, The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Series Editors: Professor Thomas S. Huang Department of Electrical Engineering and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Professor Teuvo Kohonen Laboratory of Computer and Information Sciences, Helsinki University of Technology, SF-02150 Espoo 15, Finland Professor Dr. Manfred R. Schroeder Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Universitiit Gottingen, Biirgerstrasse 42-44, W-3400 Gottingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany Managing Editor: Helmut K. V. Lotsch Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, W-6900 Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany ISBN-13: 978-3-540-53310-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-97289-8 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-97289-8 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1983, 1991 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use 54/3140 - 54321 0 - Printed on acid-free paper To Sarah and Miriam Preface This new edition incorporates corrections of all known typographical errors in the first edition, as well as some more substantive changes. Chief among the latter is the addition of Chap. 17, on methods of estimation. As with the rest of the text, most applications and examples cited in the new chapter are from the optical perspective. The intention behind this new chapter is to empower the optical researcher with a yet broader range of research tools. Certainly a basic knowledge of estimation methods should be among these. In particular, the sections on likelihood theory and Fisher information prepare readers for the problems of optical parameter estimation and probability law estimation. Physicists and optical scientists might find this material particularly useful, since the subject of Fisher information is generally not covered in standard physical science curricula. Since the words "statistical optics" are prominent in the title of this book, their meaning needs to be clarified. There is a general tendency to overly emphasize the statistics of photons as the sine qua non of statistical optics. In this text a wider view is taken, which equally emphasizes the random medium that surrounds the photon, be it a photographic emulsion, the turbulent atmo sphere, a vibrating lens holder, etc. Also included are random interpretations of ostensibly deterministic phenomena, such as the Hurter-Driffield (H and D) curve of photography. Such a "random interpretation" sometimes breaks new ground, as in Chap. 5, where it is shown how to produce very accurate ray trace-based spot diagrams, using the statistical theory of Jacobian transforma tion. This edition, like the first, is intended to beftrst andforemost an introduc tory text on methods of probability and statistics. Emphasis is on the linear (and sometimes explicitly Fourier) theory of probability calculation, chi square and other statistical tests of data, stochastic processes, the information theories of both Shannon and Fisher, and estimation theory. Applications to statistical optics are given, in the main, so as to give a reader with some background in either optics or linear communications theory a running start. As a pedagogical aid to understanding the mathematical tools that are devel oped, the simplest possible statistical model is used that fits a given optical phenomenon. Hence, a semiclassical model of radiation is used in place of the full-blown quantum optical theory, a poker-chip model is used to describe film granularity, etc. However, references are given to more advanced models as well, so as to steer the interested reader in the right direction. The listing "Statistical models ..." in the index gives a useful overview of the variety of models used. The reader might, for example, be amazed at how much "mileage" can be obtained from a model as simple as the checkerboard model of granularity (Chaps. 6 and 9). VIII Preface The reader who needs an in-depth phenomenological viewpoint of a specific topic, with statistical optics as the emphasis and probability theory subsidiary, can consult such fine books as Photoelectron Statistics by B. Saleh [Springer Ser. Opt. Sci., Vol. 6 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1978)] and Statis tical Optics by J. W. Goodman (Wiley, New York 1985). We recommend these as useful supplements to this text, as well. The deterministic optical theory that is used in application of the statistical methods presented is, for the most part, separately developed within the text, either within the main body or in the exercises (e.g., Exercise 4.3.13). Some times the development takes the form of a sequence of exercises (e.g., Exercises 6.1.21-23). The simplest starting point is used - recalling our aims - such as Huygens' wave theory as the basis for diffraction theory. In this way, readers who have not previously been exposed to optical theory are introduced to it in the text. The goal of this book remains as before: To teach the powerful problem solving methods of probability and statistics to students who have some back ground in either optics or linear systems theory. We hope to have furthered this purpose with this new edition. Tucson December 1990 B. Roy Frieden Preface to the First Edition A basic skill in probability is practically demanded nowadays in many bran ches of optics, especially in image science. On the other hand, there is no text presently available that develops probability, and its companion fields stochastic processes and statistics, from the optical perspective. [Short of a book, a chapter was recently written for this purpose; see B. R. Frieden (ed.): The Computer in Optical Research, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 41 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1980) Chap. 3] Most standard texts either use illustrative examples and problems from electrical engineering or from the life sciences. The present book is meant to remedy this situation, by teaching probability with the specific needs of the optical researcher in mind. Virtually all the illustrative examples and applications of the theory are from image science and other fields of optics. One might say that photons have replaced electrons in nearly all considera tions here. We hope, in this manner, to make the learning of probability a pleasant and absorbing experience for optical workers. Some of the remaining applications are from information theory, a con cept which complements image science in particular. As will be seen, there are numerous tie-ins between the two concepts. Students will be adequately prepared for the material in this book if they have had a course in calculus, and know the basics of matrix manipulation. Prior formal education in optics is not strictly needed, although it obvi ously would help in understanding and appreciating some of the applications that are developed. For the most part, the optical phenomena that are treated are developed in the main body of text, or in exercises. A student who has had a prior course in linear theory, e.g. out of Gaskill's book [1. D. Gaskill: Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics (Wiley, New York 1978)], or in Fourier optics as in Goodman's text [J. W. Goodman: Introduction to Fou rier Optics (McGraw-Hill, New York 1968)], is very well prepared for this book, as we have found by teaching from it. In the main, however, the ques tion is one of motivation. The reader who is interested in optics, and in prob lems pertaining to it, will enjoy the material in this book and therefore will learn from it. We would like to thank the following colleagues for helping us to under stand some of the more mystifying aspects of probability and statistics, and for suggesting some of the problems: B. E. A. Saleh, S. K. Park, H. H. Bar rett, and B. H. Soffer. The excellent artwork was by Don Cowen. Kathy Seeley and her editorial staff typed up the manuscript. Tucson April 1982 Roy Frieden Contents 1. Introduction . 1.1 What Is Chance, and Why Study It? 3 1.1.1 Chance vs Determinism . 3 1.1.2 Probability Problems in Optics 5 1.1.3 Statistical Problems in Optics 5 2. The Axiomatic Approach . 7 2.1 Notion of an Experiment; Events 7 2.l.l Event Space; The Space Event 8 2.1.2 Disjoint Events. 9 2.1.3 The Certain Event 9 Exercise 2.1 9 2.2 Definition of Probability 9 2.3 Relation to Frequency of Occurrence 10 2.4 Some Elementary Consequences 10 2.4.1 Additivity Property. 11 2.4.2 Normalization Property 11 2.5 Marginal Probability. 12 2.6 The "Traditional" Definition of Probability 12 2.7 Illustrative Problem: A Dice Game 13 2.8 Illustrative Problem: Let's (Try to) Take a Trip 14 2.9 Law of Large Numbers 15 2.10 Optical Objects and Images as Probability Laws 16 2.11 Conditional Probability 17 Exercise 2.2 18 2.12 The Quantity of Information 19 2.13 Statistical Independence 21 2.13.1 Illustrative Problem: Let's (Try to) Take a Trip (Continued) 22 2.14 Informationless Messages . 23 2.15 A Definition of Noise 23 2.16 "Additivity" Property of Information 24 2.17 Partition Law . 25 2.18 Illustrative Problem: Transmittance Through a Film 25 2.19 How to Correct a Success Rate for Guesses 26 Exercise 2.3 27 2.20 Bayes'Rule 27 2.21 Some Optical Applications 28 XII Contents 2.22 Information Theory Application 30 2.23 Application to Markov Events 30 2.24 Complex Number Events 32 Exercise 2.4 . . . . 32 3. Continuous Random Variables. 37 3.1 Definition of a Random Variable . . . . . . 37 3.2 Probability Density Function, Basic Properties 37 3.3 Information Theory Application: Continuous Limit 39 3.4 Optical Application: Continuous Form ofImaging Law 40 3.5 Expected Values, Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.6 Optical Application: Moments of the Slit Diffraction Pattern 41 3.7 Information Theory Application 43 3.8 Case of Statistical Independence 44 3.9 Mean of a Sum . . . . . . . 44 3.10 Optical Application . . . . . 45 3.11 Deterministic Limit; Representations of the Dirac 0-Function 46 3.12 Correspondence Between Discrete and Continuous Cases 47 3.13 Cumulative Probability .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.14 The Means of an Algebraic Expression: A Simplified Approach 48 3.15 A Potpourri of Probability Laws 50 3.15.1 Poisson. 50 3.15.2 Binomial . 51 3.15.3 Uniform .. 51 3.15.4 Exponential 52 3.15.5 Normal (One-Dimensional) 53 3.15.6 Normal (Two-Dimensional) 53 3.15.7 Normal (Multi-Dimensional) . 55 3.15.8 Skewed Gaussian Case; Gram-Charlier Expansion 56 3.15.9 Optical Application. 57 3.15.10 Geometric Law 58 3.15.11 Cauchy Law. . . . . 59 3.15.12 Sinc2 Law . 59 Exercise 3.1 60 4. Fourier Methods in Probability 70 4.1 Characteristic Function Defined 70 4.2 Use in Generating Moments 71 4.3 An Alternative to Describing RV x 71 4.4 On Optical Applications 71 4.5 Shift Theorem 72 4.6 Poisson Case . 72 4.7 Binomial Case 73

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