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Principles and Parameters in a VSO Language Recent Titles in OXFORD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE SYNTAX Richard Kayne, General Editor The Higher Functional Field: Evidence A Unified Theory of Verbal and Nominal from Northern Italian Dialects Projections Cecilia Poletto Yoshiki Ogawa The Syntax of Verb-Initial Languages Functional Structures in DP and IP: Edited by Andrew Carnie and The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Eithne Guilfoyle Volume I Edited by Guglielmo Cinque Parameters and Universals Richard Kayne Syntactic Heads and Word Formation Mark Julien Portuguese Syntax: New Comparative Studies The Syntax of Italian Dialects Edited by Joao Costa Edited by Christina Tortora XP-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: The Morphosyntax of Complement-Head Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu Sequences: Clause Structure and Word Ayesha Kidwai Order Patterns in Kwa Enoch Olade Aboh Infinitive Constructions: A Syntactic Analysis of the Romance Languages The Structure ofCP and IP: Guido Mensching The Cartography of Syntactic Structures Volume 2 Subject Inversion in Romance and the Edited by Luigi Rizzi Theory of Universal Grammar Edited by Aafke Hulk The Syntax of Anaphora and Jean-Yves Pollock Ken Safir Subjects, Expletives, and the EPP Principles and Parameters in a VSO Edited by Peter Svenonius Language: A Case Study in Welsh Ian G. Roberts Principles and Parameters in a VSO Language A Case Study in Welsh Ian G. Roberts OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2005 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dares Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sao Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 2005 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Roberts, Ian G. Principles and parameters in a VSO language: a case study in Welsh / Ian G. Roberts p. cm. — (Oxford studies in comparative syntax) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-19-516821-6; 0-19-516822-4 (pbk.) 1. Welsh language—Syntax. 2. Welsh language—Grammar, Generative. I. Title. II. Series. PB2171.R63 2004 491.6'65—dc21 2003047109 246897531 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Preface T his book, like a much more groundbreaking work on Welsh, has a history. I began it in February 1996, while still at the University of Wales, Bangor. Later that year I put it aside for a temporary pause, which eventually lasted three years. I took it up again on my arrival for a sabbatical semester at the University of Siena in October 1999. Most of 2000 was taken up by a further pause, and this book was completed only after another move, this time to Cambridge in the autumn of 2000. I would like to thank the University of Wales, Bangor, and the University of Stuttgart for providing me with sabbatical leave in Spring 1996 and Winter 1999-2000, respectively, and I would like to thank the University of Siena for providing me with academic hospitality in 1999-2000. My thanks are due to many people. My former colleagues at Bangor, particularly Bob Borsley and Anna Roussou for the initial stimulus to write this book and many helpful and insightful comments and criticisms over the years; Luigi Rizzi and Adriana Belletti for all kinds of hospitality in Siena; audiences in numerous places who have heard parts of this material, particularly the ongoing Welsh Syntax Seminar series, now held annually at the beautiful Plas Gregynog, and Cecilia Poletto and Paola Beninca at the University of Padua; my long-suffering informants Susan Clack, Mari-Eluned Williams, Emyr Davies, Bob Morris-Jones, Mair Parry, and Mari Jones (for Welsh) and Janig Stephens (for Breton); the students in my Hauptseminar on Celtic Syntax at the University of Stuttgart in Summer 1999; the members of the East Anglian Welsh Syntax Circle; three anonymous and very punctilious reviewers at Oxford University Press; and my wife, Lucia. vi Principles and Parameters in a VSO Language Last, I'd like to thank the wider community of Celtic linguists for living up to various positive ethnic stereotypes when it conies to the noble pastimes of drinking and telling tall tales. I hope that what follows is not too tall a tale for them to digest soberly. Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1: The Analysis of VSO Languages 7 1.1 The Subject Leaves VP 9 1.2 Against Generalized V-to-C 19 1.3 Conclusion 42 Chapter 2: Case, Agreement, and Mutation 47 2.1 TheV-Feature 48 2.2 DP-Licensing and Case 65 2.3 The Syntax of Direct Object Mutation 69 2.4 Conclusion 85 Chapter 3: Genitive Case, Word Order in DP, and Objects of Non-Finite Verbs 87 3.1 Evidence for N-Movement in Welsh 88 3.2 Verbal Nouns and Their Complements 101 3.3 Conclusion 118 Chapter 4: The C-System and the Extended Projection Principle 119 4.1 Welsh Particles 120 4.2 Breton 124 5.3 Second Position and the EPP 135 viii Principles and Parameters in a VSO Language 4.4 Conclusion 141 Chapter 5: Head-Movement and EPP-Features 143 5.1 Head-Movement 143 5.2 A Formal Characterization of EPP-Effects 151 5.3 Conclusion 154 Notes 157 References 187 Index 199 Principles and Parameters in a VSO Language

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