Precise Phase Measurements using an Entangled Coherent State P.A.Knott1 andJ.A.Dunningham1,2 1SchoolofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofLeeds,LeedsLS29JT,UnitedKingdom 2DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofSussex,Falmer,BrightonBN19QH,UnitedKingdom [email protected],[email protected] Keywords: Coherentstate,metrology,phasemeasurement. Abstract: Quantum entanglement offers the possibility of making measurements beyond the classical limit, however 4 some issues still need to be overcome before it can be applied in realistic lossy systems. Recent work has 1 usedquantumFisherinformation(QFI)toshowthatentangledcoherentstates(ECSs)maybeusefulforthis 0 purposeastheycombinesub-classicalphaseprecisioncapabilitieswithrobustness(Jooetal.,2011).However, 2 todatenoeffectiveschemeformeasuringaphaseinlossysystemsusinganECShasbeendevised. Herewe n presentaschemethatdoesjustthis.Weshowhowonecouldmeasureaphasetoaprecisionsignificantlybetter a thanthatattainablebybothunentangled‘classical’statesandhighly-entangledNOONstatesoverawiderange J ofdifferentlosses.Thisbringsquantummetrologyclosertobeingarealisticandpracticaltechnology. 6 1 h] 1 INTRODUCTION shows remarkable robustness to photon losses: en- p tangled coherent states ECSs. We discuss how these - states can be created, and present a scheme which t Quantummetrologyistheartofmakingprecision n allows us to measure a phase using an ECS to sub- measurements by taking advantage of the properties a classicalprecision,evenwhenawiderangeofdiffer- u ofquantummechanics. Themainadvantageofquan- entlossratesareaccountedfor. q tum metrology over classical metrology is that it al- [ lows usto achievethe same precisionwith fewer re- sources. Making more precise measurements with 1 v limited numbers of particles or photons has many 2 PRECISE PHASE 9 important applications, including microscopy, grav- MEASUREMENTS 6 itational wave detection, measurements of material 9 properties, and medical and biological sensing (Na- 3 gataetal.,2007). Manyoftheseexamplescouldben- 2.1 EnhancementUsingEntanglement . 1 efitfromadevicewhichoperateswithalowerphoton 0 flux, for example in biological sensing, where dis- Throughout this paper we will generally be con- 4 turbing the system too much can damage the sam- cerned with measuring phases in a device using the 1 ple. Another important reason for developing quan- sameprinciplesofaMach-Zehnderinterferometer,as : v tum metrology is that it provides a stepping stone shown in Fig. 1. The first step in this device is to Xi to more complicated quantum technologies such as combine the two input states at a beam splitter. One quantumcomputers: ifwecanbuildmetrologicalde- of the paths then picks up a phase, φ, and the two r a vices that can beat the classical limit by exploiting paths are recombined at a second beam splitter. The entanglement, then this puts us in a good position to resultingoutputfromthesecondbeamsplittercanbe begintotacklemoreadvancedmanipulationsofquan- measuredbydetectorsD1andD2toextractthephase tum properties. Furthermore, measurements are cru- information. A‘classical-like’stateoflight,whichis cial to the development of science, and any way to equivalenttosendingasequenceofindependentsin- improvethemisawelcomedevelopment. gle particles (SP) through the interferometer allows One of the main stumbling points in quantum onetomeasurethephasewithaprecisionthatscales metrologyiscreatingastatethatisrobusttoparticle withthetotalnumberofparticlesnasthe“shotnoise √ losses,whichwillalwaysbeaconcerninanyrealistic limit” 1/ n (Gkortsilas et al., 2012). However by device. In this paper we present an optical state that makinguseofanentangledstate,theprecisioncanbe improved to 1/n: the “Heisenberg limit” (Dunning- included,theyarestillfragile,andwithlargeamounts hamandKim,2006). of loss they are outperformed by classical strategies. Wewillnowturntoastatewhichshowshugepoten- Input 1 tial, as it is intrinsically robust to the effects of loss: D1 coherentstates. φ Beam Beam 2.2 EntangledCoherentStates Splitter Splitter Acoherentstateisdefinedas: D2 Input 2 Fusigedureto1m:eAasuMreacahp-Zhaeshendφe.rPinhtoetrofnesroamreetseernwdhthicrhoucgahnthbee |α(cid:105)=e−|α2|2 ∑∞ √αn |n(cid:105), (2) n! beamsplittersandphaseshift,thenmeasuredatthedetec- n=0 torsD1andD2. whereαisacomplexamplitudeandnistheparticle number. Inordertoachievequantumenhancedmea- In order to create an entangled number state we surement,westillneedtocreateanentangled coher- replacethefirstbeamsplitterintheinterferometerin entstate(ECS)(Sanders,2012;Hirotaetal.,2011): Fig.1bya“quantumbeamsplitter”(QBS).Aquan- tum beam splitter is like an ordinary interferometer, (cid:16) (cid:17) butwithanonlinearityinonearm(Dunninghamand N |α,0(cid:105)+eiθ|0,α(cid:105) (3) Kim, 2006)insteadofthephase, andhasthefollow- ingeffectonstate|n,0(cid:105): (cid:112) where N =1/ 2+2e−|α|2cosθ. We could create the ECS with θ=π/2 by sending input state |α,0(cid:105) QBS 1 through the QBS. Alternatively, the ECS with θ=0 |n,0(cid:105)−−→ √ [|n,0(cid:105)+i|0,n(cid:105)] (1) 2 canbecreatedbyinteractinga“catstate”Nα(|+α(cid:105)+ |−α(cid:105))withacoherentstate|α(cid:105)atabeamsplitter(Joo The state on the right hand side is known as a et al., 2011). This latter scheme is likely to be more NOON state (Dowling, 2008). After creating the experimentallyfeasible. However,theissueofexper- NOON state, we then apply the phase shift to one imentalimplementationswillbelefttolaterwork. ofthepathsintheinterferometer, aswedidwiththe InordertoinvestigatethepotentialoftheECSin SP state. We can then send this state through a sec- quantum metrology, Joo et. al. (Joo et al., 2011) ondQBS,andmeasurethenumberofparticlesatthe calculateditsquantumFisherinformation(QFI).The detectors. If we send a NOON state of n particles QFIforageneralstateρ(BraunsteinandCaves,1994; through through this scheme, then the precision of Boixoetal.,2009)isgivenby: phasemeasurementcanbeseentovaryasδφ=1/n, theHeisenberglimit(DunninghamandKim,2006). However, there is a problem with such an ap- F =Tr(cid:0)ρA2(cid:1) (4) Q proachbecauseNOONstatesarehighlyfragiletopar- where A is found from solving the symmetric loga- ticle loss. Losing just one particle from a NOON rithmicderivative∂ρ/∂φ=1/2[Aρ+ρA]. Thepreci- state (Eq. 1) will project the state onto either einφ|n,0(cid:105) or i|0,n(cid:105). The global phase in each of sioninthephasemeasurement(morespecificallythe lowerboundonthestandarddeviation)isgivenbythe these cases is not physical and cannot be measured, quantum Crame´r-Rao bound (Braunstein and Caves, so all the phase information is lost when we lose 1994): just one particle. Despite this, a number of clever schemes have been devised with robustness to loss 1 δφ≥ , (5) which stillcapture subshot noiselimit precision, al- (cid:112) µF Q beitnotquiteattheHeisenberglimit. Anexampleof one of these schemes is a NOON “chopping” strat- whereµisthenumberofcopiesofthestate(i.e.times egy (Dorner et al., 2009), in which multiple smaller that the measurement is independently repeated). NOONs are sent through an interferometer instead This gives the best possible precision with which a of one big one. Other examples include unbalanced statecanmeasureaphase. ForNOONstatesandSP NOON states (Demkowicz-Dobrzanski et al., 2009), states the quantum Crame´r-Rao bound gives us the BAT states (Gerrits et al., 2010) and mixtures of SP Heisenbergandshotnoiselimitsrespectively. and NOON states (Gkortsilas et al., 2012). While Joo et. al. used the QFI to show that with and thesestatescanbeattheshotnoiselimitwhenlossis without loss the ECS can achieve better precisions than SP, NOON, and some other candidate states. ofdifferentnumbersofphotonsbeingdetected,given Zhang et. al. (Zhang et al., 2013) derived an ex- thatthephaseintheinterferometerisφ : 1 pression for the QFI with loss for arbitrary α, and confirmed the potential of ECSs for robust quan- P(n ,n |φ=φ )=|(cid:104)n ,n |ψ (cid:105)|2 (8) tum metrology. What is still missing, however, is a 1 2 1 1 2 4 concrete way for converting this promise into a real Usingthisconditionalprobabilitydistributionwe schemeformakingthephasemeasurement. can apply Bayesian statistics to build up our knowl- edge of the phase φ as we repeat the process with a streamofECSs(Gkortsilasetal.,2012).Fig.2shows that this scheme, with no loss, allows us to beat the 3 MEASURING A PHASE USING bestpossibleprecisionobtainableusingNOONstates AN ENTANGLED COHERENT of comparable sizes. For small α we do not saturate STATE the QFI, but we significantly improve upon the best possiblemeasurementusingaNOONstate. Forlarge αthisschemecomesveryclosetosaturatingtheQFI, 3.1 ASimpleSchemewithNoLoss butitcanbeseenthatinthisregionECSsandNOON statesoperateataverysimilarprecision. Wewillnowlookattheeffectofsendinginputstate |ψ (cid:105)=|α,0(cid:105)throughtheinterferometerinFig.1,but 0.04 1 δφCM wofitthhethfiersbteQamBSspislitttoerpsroredpulcaecethdebEyCQSB|Sψs.(cid:105)T: heeffect 0.035 δδφφCNFF 2 0.03 QBS 1 0.025 |ψ (cid:105)=|α,0(cid:105)−−→ √ (|α,0(cid:105)+i|0,α(cid:105))=|ψ (cid:105). (6) 1 2 2 δφ 0.02 We then perform a phase shift which gives us the 0.015 state: 0.01 |ψ (cid:105)= e−√|α2|2 ∑∞ √αn (cid:2)einφ|n,0(cid:105)+i|0,n(cid:105)(cid:3) 0.005 3 0 2 n! 1 2 3 4 5 n=0 α = √1 (cid:0)|αeiφ,0(cid:105)+i|0,α(cid:105)(cid:1), (7) Figure 2: The phase precision of the scheme described in 2 section3.1fornolossisshownhere.Weplotdifferentsized ECSs against their precision. Here (and in later figures) followedbythesecondQBS: δφCM istheECSusingourmeasurementscheme, δφCF is the QFI for the ECS and δφNF is the QFI for the NOON state(ofequivalentsizeaseachECS).SPstatesmeasureat |ψ4(cid:105)=e−|α2|2 ∑∞ √αn iein2φ(cid:18)|n,0(cid:105)sinnφ+|0,n(cid:105)cosnφ(cid:19). precision0.0354. n! 2 2 n=0 We will now briefly discuss the details of our schemethatallowustocompareourresultstoNOON Fromthiswecancalculatetheprobabilityampli- and SP states. In many applications of quantum tudeofdetectingdifferentnumbersofphotonsatthe metrologysuchasbiologicalsensing,probingmateri- outputs. Todothiswefirsttaketheinnerproductof |ψ (cid:105)with|n (cid:105) |n (cid:105) =|n ,n (cid:105),i.e. thestatewithn alspropertiesandgravitationalwavedetection,weare ph4otonsatd1eteDc1to2rDD21and1n p2hotonsatdetectorD21. concerned with the number of photons (or particles) 2 passingthroughthephaseshiftitself,andwouldlike Thisgivesus: to minimise this number when possible. We would thereforeliketocomparethephasemeasurementpre- (cid:104)n1,n2|ψ4(cid:105)= cision of different states when a set number of pho- ie−|α2|2 (cid:20)√αnn1!ein21φsinn21φδn2,0+√αnn2!ein22φcosn22φδn1,0(cid:21).twoenssiRmpelnytesrenthdethpehasstaet.e tFhororutghhe tuhneenintatenrgfelerdomsetateter 1 2 2R times, as in each run an average of 1/2 a pho- Thedeltafunctionsheretellusthatitisimpossible ton enters the phase shift. For the NOON state in todetectphotonsatbothoutputs. Thisisclearlytrue equation 1, each run sends n/2 photons through the asanyphotondetectioncollapsesthestateintoeither phase shift, and so we simply send the NOON state |n,0(cid:105)or|0,n(cid:105). Wecannowcalculatetheprobabilities throughtheinterferometer2R/ntimes. ForECSsthe situation is slightly different, as each run contains a differentnumberofphotons. Wecancalculatetheav- erage number of photons passing through the phase ρ =c (|ψ (cid:105)(cid:104)ψ |)+ 2 1 2 2 faonrdthweegtehneererafolrEeCsSenidntehqeuaEtCioSnt3hrtooubgehn¯th=eNint2e|rαfe|2r-, 1c2(cid:0)|αeiφ√η,0(cid:105)(cid:104)αeiφ√η,0|+|0,α√η(cid:105)(cid:104)0,α√η|(cid:1) 2 ometer R/n¯ times. For most of our results we have used R = 400 as this allows us to consistently cal- culate the precision of the phase measurement with wherec1=e|α|2(η−1),c2=1−c1and: differentstates. 3.2 IntroducingLoss |ψ (cid:105)= √1 (cid:2)|αeiφ√η,0(cid:105)+i|0,α√η(cid:105)(cid:3). (11) 2 2 Measurement by Theresultingstateisamixtureoflossandnoloss Incoming the environment state components. ForNOONstatesweknowduringeach runiftherehasbeenlosssimplybycountingthenum- bersofparticlesattheoutputs.However,forECSswe BS Fictional beam can no longer do this, as we don’t know the number splitter ofparticlesinanECStobeginwith. This,combined with the fact that the size of the coherent state has decreased after the loss, means that the ECS in this Figure3: Thisshowsa“fictional”beamsplitterandmea- simple interferometer loses its phase precision more surementbytheenvironmentasamodelforloss. quickly than NOON states, as shown in Fig. 4. This To simulate the effects of loss we introduce “fic- agreeswiththeworkby(Zhangetal.,2013)whocal- tional”beamsplittersafterthephaseshift(Gkortsilas culated the Fisher information of ECSs with loss for etal.,2012;Jooetal.,2011;Demkowicz-Dobrzanski any value of α. They showed that the quantum en- etal.,2009)asshowninFig.3,whichhaveprobabil- hancement of the ECS decreases more quickly than ity of transmission η≡cos2θ. After the phase shift NOONstateswithloss.Despitethistheyalsoshowed andincludingthevacuumstatesusedtosimulateloss, thattheECSsstillcontainsomephaseinformationaf- theECSweareconcernedwithisgivenby: ter loss (unlike NOON states) and this should allow ustorecoverthephaseinformationandthereforeend upbeatingNOONstatesinthelongrun. Oursimple |ψ (cid:105)= √1 (cid:2)|αeiφ,0,0,0(cid:105)+i|0,0,α,0(cid:105)(cid:3), (9) schemeclearlydoesnotdothis,butinthenextsection 0 2 wewillpresentaschemethatdoes. where the second and fourth terms in the kets repre- sentthemodesintowhichparticlesarelostfromthe 0.07 δφNF n=4 firstandthirdtermsrespectively. δφSF The effect of the “fictional” beam splitters then 0.06 δφCM α=2 leavesusinthestate|Ψ (cid:105)givenby: 1 0.05 √1 (cid:2)|αeiφsinθ,αeiφcosθ,0,0(cid:105)+i|0,0,αsinθ,αcosθ(cid:105)(cid:3). φ0.04 2 δ 0.03 We then take the density matrix ρ = |ψ (cid:105)(cid:104)ψ | 1 1 1 andtorepresentmeasurementbytheenvironmentwe 0.02 traceovertheenvironmentalmodesasfollows: 0.01 ρ =∑∑(cid:104)e |(cid:104)e |ρ |e (cid:105)|e (cid:105). (10) 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 e1 e2 η Figure4: HerethelegendreferstostatesasinFig.2,with Using ∑e(cid:104)e|X(cid:105)(cid:104)Y|e(cid:105) = (cid:104)Y|X(cid:105) and the δφSF theQFIforSPst√ates. WecanseethatECSsdegrade nonorthogonality of coherent states (cid:104)α|β(cid:105) = quicklywithloss(α= 2here).ForlargerαtheECSloses exp(−1|α|2+α∗β−1|β|2) it can be shown that precisionwithlossevenquicker. 2 2 ρ isreducedto: 2 4 IMPROVED SCHEME WITH to|Ψ (cid:105).Wethentraceovertheenvironmentaldegrees 2 LOSS of freedom to give ρ1 =∑e(cid:104)e2|Ψ2(cid:105)(cid:104)Ψ2|e(cid:105) where |e(cid:105) represents all four environmental modes. This gives us: Despite the fact that an entangled coherent state canstillretainsomephaseinformationafterloss,we haveseenthatwithasimplemeasurementschemethe ρ =|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |+|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ | (14) 2 1η 1η 2η 2η phase information cannot be recovered, and we end updoingevenworsethanNOONstates. Wehavede- +e−|α0µ|2(|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |+|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |), (15) 1η 2η 2η 1η visedascheme,showninFig.5,whichcanbeusedto where η is the transmission rate through the inter- recoverthisdesiredphaseinformation. Thekeyisto useextra“reference”coherentstatesaboveandbelow ferometer, |Φ1η(cid:105)= √12|α1η,α0√ηeiφ,0,α1η(cid:105), |√Φ2η(cid:105)= themaininterferometerwhichcanbeusedtoperform √i |α1η,0,α0η,α1η(cid:105),α0η=α0 η,α1η=α1 ηand 2 √ a homodyne measurement and recover the phase in- α =α 1−η. Thisstatecanalsobewrittenas: 0µ 0 formation. When a photon is lost from the ECS in equation 7 the state collapses into |αeiφ,0(cid:105) or |0,α(cid:105). Ifweareleftwiththesecondstate,thenthephasein- ρ =c |Ψ (cid:105)(cid:104)Ψ |+c (|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |+|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |) 2 1 1η 1η 2 1η 1η 2η 2η formation is irretrievable, but if we are left with the state|αeiφ,0(cid:105)thenthephaseinformationisstillthere. where |Ψ1η(cid:105) √is the state in equation 12 with all the αreducedto ηα. Inthisformitiseasytoseethat However, in order to extract it we need a reference themixedstateafterlossiscomprisedofapurestate state |α(cid:105) to “compare” it to, hence including the up- perandlowerarmsinourinterferometer. |Ψ1η(cid:105)withcoefficientc1=e−|α0µ|2,acollapsedstate |Φ (cid:105)whichcontainsthephase,andacollapsedstate 1η Loss after the phase shift |Φ (cid:105)thatdoesnotcontainthephase,bothwithcoef- 2η ficientc =1−c . Wecanthensendρ throughthe 2 1 2 remainderoftheinterferometer,givingtheprobabili- tiesattheoutputsas: P(#)=(cid:104)#|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |#(cid:105)+(cid:104)#|Φ (cid:105)(cid:104)Φ |#(cid:105) 1η 1η 2η 2η φ BS D1 +e−|α0µ|2(cid:2)(cid:104)#|Φ1η(cid:105)(cid:104)Φ2η|#(cid:105)+(cid:104)#|Φ2η(cid:105)(cid:104)Φ1η|#(cid:105)(cid:3), where|#(cid:105)=|k,l,m,n(cid:105),thestatewithkparticlesinthe QBS QBS D2 first output, l in the second and so on. The barred states|Φ (cid:105)and|Φ (cid:105)canbefoundbysending|Φ (cid:105) 1η 2η 1η and |Φ (cid:105) through the remainder of the interferome- 2η D3 ter.Weinitiallytooktheobviouschoiceforthe“refer- BS ence”statesasα =α . However,wefoundthatthis 1 0 schem√egaveuspoorresults,asshowninFig.6√where D4 α= 2. For this very small choice of α = 2 we 0 canbeattheNOON andSPstatesuptoaround 15% loss, which is indeed a very positive find. But after thispointitismorebeneficialtouseeitherNOONor Figure 5: Quantum interferometer with extra arms to re- SP states. If we increase α then the results soon get coverphaseinformationwithloss. much worse and before long we cannot beat either The state in this “long arm” interferometer after NOONorSPstatesifthereisanylossatall. thephaseshiftis: Despitetheseshortcomings,theclearpotentialof ECSs warranted a more rigorous search for changes that can optimise our scheme. Indeed, if we in- |Ψ (cid:105)= √1 (cid:0)|α ,α eiφ,0,α (cid:105)+i|α ,0,α ,α (cid:105)(cid:1) stead use the initial ECS N(|α,0(cid:105)+|0,α(cid:105)) where 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 (cid:113) (12) N =1/ 2(1+e−|α|2), as used by Joo et. al. (Joo etal.,2011),webegintogetmorepositiveresults. A =|Φ (cid:105)+|Φ (cid:105). (13) 1 2 muchmoresignificantchangewecanmakeistovary Afterbeingactedonbythefictionalbeamsplitters thesizeofα fordifferentlossvalues,insomecases 1 thatsimulateloss,thisstateistransformedfrom|Ψ (cid:105) uptoaroundα =2.4α –adetailedstudyofwhythis 1 1 0 0.07 δφCM showedthatforlargeαthereisasmallregionwhere δφNF the NOON state performs better than the ECS be- 0.06 δφSF cause “although the classical term of the ECS is ro- bust against the photon losses, the Heisenberg term 0.05 decays about twice as quick as that of the NOON state”(Zhangetal.,2013). Thisagreeswellwithour δφ0.04 results. Ourschemedoesn’tsaturatetheFisherinfor- mation,butcomereasonablyclose,andthisisenough 0.03 tobeattheNOONandSPstatesmuchofthetime. Future work will include examining different 0.02 ECSs with different QBSs in order to try and come closer to saturating the QFI. We would also like to 0.010. 4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 η look how this measurement scheme could be carried Figure 6: This scheme clearly doesn’t perform well com- out in an experiment. Despite the fact that we have paredtoNOONandSPwhenthereismorethan15%loss. looked at how to measure the phase, there are still parts of our scheme that are not easily achievable in experiment,andwewouldliketoironthesepartsout is the case is the subject of ongoing work. The pre- sothatwehaveafullyrealisableschemetomeasurea cisionwithwhichthisschemecanmeasurethephase phasetoasignificantlyhigherprecisionthatthecom- alsodependsonthe(approximate)phasebeingmea- petingstates. sured(thisistrueformostschemes).Nonethelessthis shouldnotposemuchofaproblemaswecanjustput 0.07 avariablephaseshiftinthelower-middlepath,which δφCM δφSF allows us to vary the phase difference so that effec- 0.06 δφNF tivelyφcanbewhateverwechoose. δφCF 0.07 0.05 δφ CM δφNF δφ0.04 0.06 δφ SF δφ CF 0.03 0.05 0.02 φ δ 0.04 0.01 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 η 0.03 Figure 8: Here α=2. Our scheme beats NOON and SP statesformostlossvalues. 0.02 0.15 0. 3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 δφCM η δφSF Figure7: Withalargeα1w√ecanbeatboththeNOONand 0.12 δδφφNCFF SPstates. Here,forα0= 2webeatbothNOONandSP allofthetime. 0.09 Withthesechanges,andaftercarefullyoptimising φ δ over φ an√d α1, we then obtain the results in Fig. 7 0.06 for α = 2. It can be seen that our state now out- 0 performs the NOON and SP states for all values of loss. Figures8and9showtheresultsforα0=2and 0.03 α =5respectively. Wecanseethatfortheselarger 0 valuesofα ourschemestillbeatsthecompetitorsfor 0 0 themajorityofηvalues. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 η Our results fit well with the Fisher information Figure9:Hereα=5.AgainweperformbetterthanNOON given by Zhang et. al. which is shown as the red andSPmostofthetime. solid line δφ on all three figures. The authors CF 5 CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Despite the Fisher information for entangled co- Boixo, S., Datta, A., Davis, M., Shaji, A., Tacla, A., herentstatesshowinggreatpotentialforrobustphase and Caves, C. (2009). Quantum-limited metrology and Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, measurement, up to this point it has not been clear 80(3):032103. howthephaseinformationcanactuallybemeasured. Braunstein, S. and Caves, C. (1994). 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