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Practices of an Agile Developer PDF

203 Pages·2006·3.67 MB·English
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What readers are saying about Practices of an Agile Developer The “What It Feels Like” sections are just gold—it’s one thing to tell someone to do this; it’s quite another to put it into practice and know you’re doing it right. Nathaniel T. Schutta Coauthor, Foundations ofAjax The book is what I’ve come to expect fromthe Pragmatic Bookshelf: short, easy to read, to the point, deep, insightful and useful. It should be a valuable resource for people wanting to do “agile.” Forrest Chang SoftwareLead When I started reading Practices ofan Agile Developer, I kept thinking, “Wow, a lot of developers need this book.” It did not take long to real- ize that I needed this book. I highly recommend it to developers of all experience levels. Guerry A. Semones Senior Software Engineer, Appistry Practices ofan Agile Developer uses common sense and experience to illustratewhy you should consider adopting agile practices on your projects. This is precisely the kind of real-world, experiential informa- tion that is most difficult to glean from a book. Matthew Johnson Principal SoftwareEngineer I was familiar with some of the practices mentioned since I own other books from the Pragmatic Bookshelf, but this book brings a lot of those ideas together and presents them in a clear, concise, organized format. I would highly recommend this book to a new developer or to a development team that wanted to get “agile.” Scott Splavec Senior Software Engineer With agile practices spreading across the industry, there is a growing need to understand what it really means to be “agile.” This book is a concise and practical guide to becoming just that. Marty Haught SoftwareEngineer/Architect,Razorstream Maybe you have heard before about agile methodologies and have been asking yourself, what thingscan I do to improve my work each day? My answer would be to read this book and let the angels inside whisper in your ears the best personal practices you can embrace. David Lázaro Saz SoftwareDeveloper This is a remarkably comprehensive yet targetedand concise overview of the core practices of agility. What I like best about this book is that it doesn’t promote a specific agile methodology but rather ties together the practices common to each methodology into a coherent whole. This is required reading for anyone hungering for a faster, more reli- able way to develop wickedly good software. Matthew Bass SoftwareConsultant The perfect sequel to The Pragmatic Programmer! Bil Kleb Research Scientist, NASA Practices of an Agile Developer Working in the Real World Venkat Subramaniam Andy Hunt The Pragmatic Bookshelf Raleigh,NorthCarolina Dallas,Texas Pragmatic Bookshelf Manyofthedesignationsusedbymanufacturersandsellerstodistinguishtheirproducts are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters or in all capitals. The Pragmatic Starter Kit, The PragmaticProgrammer,PragmaticProgramming,PragmaticBookshelfandthelinkingg devicearetrademarksofThePragmaticProgrammers,LLC. Every precaution was taken in the preparation of this book. However, the publisher assumesnoresponsibility forerrors oromissions, orfor damagesthatmay result from theuseofinformation(includingprogramlistings)containedherein. Our Pragmatic courses, workshops, and other products can help you and your team create better software and have more fun. For more information, as well as the latest Pragmatictitles,pleasevisitusat http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com Copyright©2006VenkatSubramaniamandAndyHunt. Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmit- ted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise,withoutthepriorconsentofthepublisher. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. ISBN0-9745140-8-X Printedonacid-freepaperwith85%recycled,30%post-consumercontent. Firstprinting,March2006 Version: 2006-3-20 Toourfamiliesandtheirinexhaustiblepatience. fwÊf frlwfÊ fwÊgit fwÊwßdÊ epwÊf mjwÊFjÊ jf. jpUf;Fws;- 391 “Learn thoroughly what you learn; let your conduct be worthy of what is learnt.” Verse 391 from Thirukural, Collection of 1330 noble couplets Thiruvalluvar, poet and philosopher, 31 B.C.

Pragmatic Programmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have innovation. Negative comments and attitudes kill innova- tion. Now, we're not suggesting that you and your team should hold hands and sing “Kum- Programmer: From Journeyman to Master [HT00]). Identify
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