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NPS-MA-93-007 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California POWER ITERATIONS AND THE DOMINANT EIGENVALUE PROBLEM by Jeffery J. Leader ft Technical Report For Period March 1992 - June 1992 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited pared for: Naval Postgraduate School PedDocs Monterey, CA 93943 D 208.14/2 NPS-MA-93-007 V mA £0*. u\\x OPS- -1 C»7 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CA 93943 Rear Admiral T.A. Mercer .H-arri.son S_.hul.,l, Superi. nt. endent Provost This report was prepared in conjunction with research conducted for the Naval Postgraduate School and funded by the Naval Postgraduate School. Reproduction of all or part of this report is authorized. This report was prepared by: Jnclassified NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL £C..nHY CLASS.F'CATIQN QF 'H.S MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FormApproved OMBNo 0704-011 REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS a Jnclassified a SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3 DlSTRIBUTlON/AVAILABlL.TY OF REPORT Approved for public release b DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE distribution unlimited PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) . IPS-MA-93-007 NPS-MA-93-007 a NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION (If applicable) laval Postgraduate School MA Naval Postgraduate School 'c.aAvDaDlREPSSos[Ctitgy,rSatdatue,ataned ZSIPcChoodeo)l N7bavAaDlDREPSoSs(tC/'gryr.aStdatuea,taend ZSicPhCoodoe)l [onterey, CA 93943 Monterey, CA 93943 a. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8b OFFICE SYMBOL 9 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) aval Postgraduate School MA O&MN Direct Funding c. ADDRESS(City, State, and ZIPCode) :0 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBE'S PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT aval Postgraduate School ELEMENT NO NO NO ACCESSION NO onterey, CA 93943 1. TITLE (Include Security Classification) ower Iterations and the Dominant Eigenvalue Problem PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) 2. effery J. Leader 3a TYPE OF REPORT 3b TIME COVERED 14 DATE OF REPORT {Year, Month. Day) 5 PAGE COU.V echnical Report from 3-92 to 6-92 12-15-92 11 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 5 COSATI CODES 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block numoer) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Power iteration, Power method J ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) The orbits of an iterative numerical method for the dominant eigenvalue problem are lalyzed from a discrete dynamical systems perspective. It is shown that the method m extract more information thant the standard power method but at greater computational )St. D DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION LjJuNCLASSlFlED/UNLIMITED SAME AS RPT DTIC USERS Unclassified la NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c OFFICE SYMBOL Jeffery J. Leader Ut0m%>=22£ MA/Le )Form 1473, JUN 86 Previouseditionsare obsolete SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE S/N 0102-LF-014-6603 POWER ITERATIONS AND THE DOMINANT EIGENVALUE PROBLEM JEFFERY J. LEADEF: — r^,i - 4- «--<r- + t-+- m-.* v- -„-_ 4 ; .—r- w2Va1 r-.-.»-4. ^-»^ - .-i,T- + —. •—-i .,— Abstract. Tht >i i^-x «—-^ dominant eigenvalue problem are analyzed from a ciscrete dynamical systems perspective. It is shown that the method can extract more information than the standard power method but at greater computational cost. Key words. Power iteration, Power method . NTn».a'UuiiL;i The paxoe-r iteration is the matrix iterauor, Vn+l = B«Vn/liV i! CI . 1 ri Wii*=Tte- j '.r o O-L Vfe-'j i r>^-n^Le. o TTi \tr'L *w-Oi"~ •> i_> -r «. l «^ca. it.kjti rr.at,r i ii O-,.II-.1^--Ai lMi : I»Il J,'. r.=-> +(^VH..C-. tI^TU-k.--lJ.J. l-.!'*rC».rl-l -V.^C=.V—4VV—l-»- Tl-lll!>—•l»-TJi^l rL "_lL OV_' > "_'L is similar to the pouter mj&th.od. for finding the dominant eigenvalue of a real maJ rix, A* - v s\j CI. 2D ;r.+l ' r.-*l r. -here A is a re;.] matrix: with a dominant ei aenval ue v is an , o m i "<-•! aj eswim«i-e oi an :i Qfnvei-tor soci ate J wi t h trie domi nan' eigenvalue of A id /,• is an element or with the property that H Ii'; .vr>+l IIa. Csep il p. 144] D. We will show that although the power , ciene; iy slower than the power method j can provide extra information about the dominant eiaenvaj ubCs'J of a matrix in certain cases Ve take cie. scre\-1 u syst,trm dnd l ncjui CattractorsD in various cases Cin the spirit of [93D. Thie iteration CI. ID is considered in a different- context a: a special case of the [R -»[R map V = A*V + B*V /IIV CI 3D n+l r> n nI . in [101- based on work in [2] Calso reported in C31D. Further details on the iteration C 1 3D may be found in [10,12,133. and . t he for thcomi ng [41. Al though C 1 3D is onl y a 1 i near . perturbation of the well -behaved iteration CI. ID, it exhibits — SITaiiyfe aHJ 3oX.*Ji i cLIisj ajjpci cutj. _/ Ciic^iwJ^x^ u^iiCLjjLu.^^. •"-•i course, CI. ID can also be viewed as CI. S3 with a change of normal i r.ati on , and much is known about the numerical method given by CI 2D Csee also IS, p. 3623 D. . 2. The Pover Method The power method CI. 2D has the property that if A is a nondefecti ve matrix with a dominant ei aer.value, say ?, , and vo i has a nonzero projection on an eigenvector associated with this dominant, eigenvalue, then — >a dS n >oo fj r. 1 and v converges to an eigenvector associated with X and with r> l unit / norm. If u does not have a nonzero compfonent alongv a o an gic^'uVcCucr associ a^ e*~ wi un A- ano lni lnit.@ Precision < crithine* ic is used then we must consider the eigenvalue of laraest modulus along which does have a nonzero component. v> In actual computations, however, a component along an eigenvector associated with X would almost certainly be introduced eventually and magnified in successive iterations CI, p. 1453. The same results are found if A is defective Cconsidering now principal vectors [7, p. 3] rather than just eigenvectors} but the convergence is much slower. When the dominant eigenvalue is real, the method converges to a fixed point. However, when the dominant eigenvalue is a complex conjugate pair, the method generally fails to converge. Methods exist to recover information in such cases [6, p. £57] but they tend to be somewhat involved. 5 — Vr'- - -- / - <- — i<O i»-c; »- —- 1 »«-• + •— - r»-.-.t-,w-..- .-." »--I —•• ,...- i ,,- n+i — A* vn- i vnli 00 , c>n+1 = A**"yn+1,-iiA**'ynII00 and in this formulation v need not be calculated until it is r> actually needed Cto estimate X. J Then the iteration for v 1 . "n+i is the siine as CI. II) except for the particular / norm used in r the normalization. For this reason we sometimes refer to the quantity /j in C 1 . 2J as the sif,ed / norm. LONIC L*BITS 12 If t : s nonsinqular then the points V , V , V3 , . . . of the T G = CB*B D * VT*G*V = 1 for all i ^I . For , T T Vri+l*G*Vr>+l = CVn*bV|IVri l!I)*G*CB*Vn/II Vr.11} = VT*C BT*G*B}*V /IIV 11° n ri n = VT*7*V /IIV II" n n n for every n>l and for any V which is nonzero. Clearly G is o positive definite symmetric, and so the points V V V ,. , , . . must all lie on the hyperell ipse defined by T V *G*V = 1 C 3 1 . in K . If B is singular, a similar result holds. In order to handle simultaneously both the case where B is simple and the case where B is defective we state the result in terms of . pi i n>^i p< J. >c^^-^i ^>. Vic: iid » c i^iic i.v>a.x*^wj-»i^ ^uCoi cr,ii. Theorem 1: Suppose Bis a real square mxm matrix with 0<q<rr, null eicenvalues. If q> and V has a nonzero component alona a principal vector associated with a nonzero eigenvalue, then all orb ts of the power iteration CI. 13 are constrained to a hyperel lips© in Cm—q3 —dimensions Cfor all but finitely many n3 Otf r-rwise, the orbit reaches the origin in finitely many . terati ens i . Proof: First note that , V = B*V /WW o o II 1 11 y = b*V y V 2 || II = B*CB*Vo •••li Vo 113/11 B*Vo/liVo li li = &Z*V /!IB*V o oI! and. in qener V = Bn*V /'IIBr' **V C3.£3 o OII r> for n>i Nov let . J = R *B**R be the Jordan normal form of B for some nonsingular R Substituting this into C3. £3 gives V = CR*J*P"13 r'^V /IIBr'-1*V n o oII = R*Jr'*R-1*V /IIBr'~1*V o oII n = at R* |J *Z C3. 33 where Z =R *V and o o n a = l/IIB **V n OII is a scalar Cfor each n3 CI earl v, if Z has no nonzero o component along a principal vector of J C equi val entl y if V , has no nonzero component along a principal vector of B3 that is associated with a non-null eigenvalue, the term Jr'*Z in o undtf iiH d &.r»d the iteration stops. Othwr wise, for n sufficiently large Cit suffices that n>m) all Jordan blocks , in J associated with a null eigenvalue will have become blocks of entirely zeros in J Csince these Jordan blocks are nilpotent}. Now, the principal vectors belonging to a given Jordan "lock do not interact with the remaining principal vectors. in the sense that if is a principal vector x> j associated with J CW, a Jordan block of J, then J '*u v J involves only a linear combination of principal vectors of J that, an also associated with J C \~> Therefore for n large . enough that all nil potent Jordan blocks have become entirely zei o submatnces, the vector n j *z o can b^ written in terms of a basis consisting of only the remaining m-qD principal vectors. Thus the iteration lies in C a C m-q) -dimensional subspace of CP , and a suitable change of variables c*r then be used to transform the iteration into one of the or m : w = C*V x-HW n-'i n nII where V is a C m-qj -vector for every n and C is a. real n nonsingular Cm-q) xC m-qD matrix. Hence, in this subspace, the iteration is constrained to the hyperellipse determined by the matri x _T -1 CC*C 3 Cas was shown previously for the nonsingular case) for all but finitely many n. a We emphasize that this is not an asymptotic result; after a

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