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Play Winning Chess: An Introduction to the Moves, Strategies and Philosophy of Chess from the U.S.A.'s #1-Ranked Chess Player PDF

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Preview Play Winning Chess: An Introduction to the Moves, Strategies and Philosophy of Chess from the U.S.A.'s #1-Ranked Chess Player

Yasser Seirawan, International Grand Master with Jeremy Silman PLAY WINNING CHESS An Introduction to the Moves, Strategies, and Philosophy of Chess from the US.A.’s #l1-Ranked Chess Player Yasser Setrawan, international Grand Master with Jeremy Silman PUBLISHED BY Tempus Books of Microsoft Press ADivision of Microsoft Corporation ‘One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-4399 Copyright © 1960 by Yasser Scirawan, All rights reserved. No nart of the contents of this bosk may be reproduced or transmit: ted in-any form or by any means without (he written permission of the pablisher. Library of Congress Cataloging’in-Publication Data Seirawan, Yasser, 1960- Play winning chess : an introduction to the moves, strategies, and philosophy of chess trom the U-S.A.'s number one ranked chess player / Yasser Seirawan with Jeremy Silman. em, Inclides index. ISBN 133615271X 1.Chess, [Silman Joremy. 0 Tile GVLA6S15 L9H F94LZ—alew 082785 a Printed and bound in che United States of America 129458789HCHC32109 Distributes to the book trade in Canada by General Publishing Company, Lt. ‘The ‘Tempus Books loge is a tratlemank and Teenpust isa cegistered trademark of Miceosoft Corporation. Tempus Books is an imprint af Microsoft Press ‘The phocugraphs in Chapters Twn through Five are tom A Picture Mistry af Chess by LByed Wilson, eouetesy af Roser Publications, Ine Acquisitions Laktor Deer Uulmes Project Susarvisia: Sally Beewsnen Teding, ané Prod Jetfor: Gating Pras I To Min, Lin, and Kit for all your port. Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction xi ‘CHAPTER ONE The Evolution of Chess 1 CHAPTER TWO The First Principle: Force 39 (CHAPTER THREE The Second Principle: Time a ‘CHAPTER FOUR The Third Principle: Space 87 (CHAPTER FIVE The Fourth Principle: Pawn Structure 118 PLAy WENNING C15 (CHAPTER SIX. Annotated Games 149 (CHAPTER SEVEN The Four Principles and You 169 Photo Album 173 Glossary 183 Answers to Quizzes and Tests 201 Index 215 Acknowledgments Thanks are due lo the many people who made this book possible. Special thanks (o Jeremy Silman and his wife, Gwen, for long hours beyond the call of duty. To Jonathan Berry, Larry Sivitz, und Yvette Nagel for their Irustratingly accurate editing work. To my brother Daniel Seirawan, whe helped keep the work going in my many absences on the tournament Gireuil, Finally, to all the folks at Microsoft and Online Press for their support. You were all great. Thanks. Introduction Asalifelong lover of books and all things chess, I've often had the good fortune Lo pick up a book thal has made say spirits soar, One such book is u first edition of Practical Chess Grammar, ar An Intraduction to the Regal Game of Chess by W.S. Kenny, which was published in London in 1818. My motives for writing this book for beginning chess players are exactly the same as those expressed by Kemny in his book: (fall pastimes. it has been generally allowed by all who have had least insight into the game, thal, Chess is the most. noble, as well as most fascinating; Kings and warriors have studied it, the former to establish laws, and the latter to plan edgagements in the ficld; the mathematician has diligently cxamincd its positions, to discover the solution of prob- Jems; and writers on education have concurred in recommending the cultivation of this pleasing exercise ofthe mind: at the same time, many. are deterred from acquiring a knowledge of the game, owing to a false idea that it requires so mathematical a genius as to be suitable only for a Newton or a Euclid. In order to remove this false impression, the author of the present work offers to the learners of this pleasing amuse- ment an insight into the nature of the game of Chess... How nice itis to know that the same understandings and misunderstand- ings existed then as they do now. The purpose of this book is to invile you, dear reader, into the incredible world of chess, Did you know that most countries consider chess a sport? And thal in the Soviel Union, chess is the most popular national pastime? The bvo largest sports associationsin the world are the IOC (international Olympic Commitee) and FIFA (Fédération Internatio nate de Footbal Association —here, footbal reters lo soccer). The thir the FIDE (Fédération Internationate des Echecs), the international ches: federation. Play WINNING CHESS. Chess is played around the globe by millions of enthusiasts. Unlike other sports, chess is constant, Whether on the beaches of Brazil, be- neath the Great Wall of China, or al a Texas barbecue, the game is played the same—same movements, same rules. Chess has a language of its ‘own, and since I began playing chess, Ive made dozens of fiends communicating with them through the pieces and squares. Because the necessary equipment is inexpensive, chess has been allled the most democratic of games. I crosses many boundaries mn, and so an. Ttis played by people from played by Lhase who can'l walle, My first teacher, David Chapman, was a paraplegic. Blind singer and pianist Ray Charles admits that chess is his passion, You don’t have to be 7 feet tall, as quick Car] Lewis, or as strony as Mike Tyson to play chess. All you have to race, When most people learn to play chess movements , they usually memorize the of the pieces and then spend years pummeling away at each olher wilh little rhyme and even less reason. Though Iwill show you how each piece leaps around, what its favorite faods are, and what it likes to do on holidays, the real purpose of this bookisto teach you the four major principlesafmy Seirawan method: force, time, space, and pawn structure, Each is casy to understand and cach is a weapon that will enable you to defeal most anyone you challenge toa game. After a general introduction to the game af chess, | explain cach of the four principles in its own chapter. But you will find much more in these pages, Annotated games illustrate cach principle with examples, and entire games allow you to sce how the principles fit together. I suggest that you read with a chesshoard set up in front of you so that you can play through these examplesand wirn theory into immediate practice. For those of you who want to measure your progress, pop quizzes allow youtocheck your understanding of specific concepts, and tests at the end Introduction of the chaplers give you experience in pulting the concepts together. (You'll find answers to the quizzes and the tests at (he end of the book) I want this book to be fun to read in addition to being instructive. For that reason, I've included highlighIs of chess history and profiles of some of the inleresting—and quirky!— people who have played major roles in the development of the gume. ‘Throughout the hook, [offer psychological hints on ways to approach bolh the game and your opponent, People who play chess are inexorably changed. ‘Their powers of concentration, reasoning, and perception are all heightened. Because planning and purposefulness go hand in hand, people who play chess become more responsible and disciplined. Lot me be the first lo congratulale you on buying this book. You obviously want to hone your thinking skills by learning to play chess ‘This book offers you an introduction to the game thal will both entertain you and transform you into a veritable gladiator of the chessboard. Yasser Seirawan Seattle, Washington xi

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