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Plaquemine Archaeology PDF

282 Pages·2006·2.42 MB·English
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Plaquemine Archaeology A Dan Josselyn Memorial Publication Plaquemine Archaeology Edited by Mark A. Rees and Patrick C. Livingood the uni versit y of al abama press Tuscaloosa Copyright © 2007 The University of Alabama Press Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0380 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Typeface: AGaramond and Triplex ∞ The paper on which this book is printed meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Plaquemine archaeology / edited by Mark A. Rees and Patrick C. Livingood. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-8173-1543-6 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-8173-1543-8 (alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-0-8173-5366-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-8173-5366-6 (alk. paper) 1. Plaquemine culture. 2. Mounds—Louisiana. 3. Mounds—Mississippi. 4. Plaquemine pottery—Louisiana. 5. Plaquemine pottery—Mississippi. 6. Excavations (Archaeology)— Louisiana. 7. Excavations (Archaeology)—Mississippi. 8. Louisiana—Antiquities. 9. Mississippi—Antiquities. I. Rees, Mark A. II. Livingood, Patrick C. E99.P635P57 2007 976′.01—dc22 2006016065 Contents Figures vii Tables xi Preface xiii 1. Introduction and Historical Overview / Mark A. Rees and Patrick C. Livingood 1 2. Coles Creek Antecedents of Plaquemine Mound Construction: Evidence from the Raffman Site / Lori Roe 20 3. Extraregional Contact and Cultural Interaction at the Coles Creek–Plaquemine Transition: Recent Data from the Lake Providence Mounds, East Carroll Parish, Louisiana / Douglas C. Wells and Richard A. Weinstein 38 4. Plaquemine Mounds of the Western Atchafalaya Basin / Mark A. Rees 66 5. Transitional Coles Creek–Plaquemine Relationships on Northwest Lake Salvador, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana / Malcolm K. Shuman 94 6. Plaquemine Recipes: Using Computer-Assisted Petrographic Analysis to Investigate Plaquemine Ceramic Recipes / Patrick C. Livingood 108 7. Feasting on the Bluffs: Anna Site Excavations in the Natchez Bluffs of Mississippi / Virgil Roy Beasley III 127 8. Plaquemine Culture in the Natchez Bluffs Region of Mississippi / Ian W. Brown 145 9. The Outer Limits of Plaquemine Culture: A View from the Northerly Borderlands / Marvin D. Jeter 161 vi contents 10. Contemplating Plaquemine Culture / Tristram R. Kidder 196 References Cited 207 Contributors 259 Index 261 Figures 1.1. The Lower Mississippi Valley, showing the major drainages and re- gions discussed in the text 2 1.2. Areas discussed by individual authors 16 2.1. Core Coles Creek region and locations of most sites discussed in the chapter 22 2.2. Middle Woodland through Historic phase chronology for the central Lower Mississippi Valley 23 2.3. The Raffman site, showing locations of 1998 through 2004 excavations 27 2.4. Mound B at Raffman, showing locations of excavations and soil cores 33 3.1. Location of the Lake Providence Mounds 39 3.2. Contour map of the Lake Providence Mounds, showing the four ex- tant mounds and the Corps’ right-of-way during the 1998–1999 data- recovery program 40 3.3. Pro¤les of north and east walls of TU N80W79 showing the three construction stages revealed during excavation 41 3.4. Plan of wall trenches and postholes associated with the Preston phase in Block 1, showing evidence of the three building episodes believed to have been present 43 3.5. Date ranges of the seven Coles Creek occupations recognized at Lake Providence 44 3.6. Proposed site-formation sequence at Lake Providence 45 3.7. Ceramics normally thought to be representative of the Balmoral and Routh phases but clearly part of the Preston phase component at Lake Providence 47 viii figures 3.8. Preston phase ceramics from Lake Providence 48 3.9. Additional Preston phase ceramics from Lake Providence 49 3.10. Ceramic types and varieties of the Balmoral, Preston, and Routh phases 50 3.11. Examples of pottery associated with the “Preston ¤neware complex” 51 3.12. Sherds of the Powell and Coker sets recovered at Lake Providence 53 3.13. Additional artifacts suggestive of contact with the American Bottom region 54 3.14. Depiction of Early Mississippian in®uences on the Yazoo Basin during the Crippen Point phase 55 3.15. Chronology chart illustrating the temporal relationship of archaeologi- cal phases in the Tensas Basin and American Bottom regions since about a.d. 750 59 4.1. South-central Louisiana, showing the locations of major Plaquemine mound sites 73 4.2. Site 16SL3 74 4.3. Site 16SM38 77 4.4. Site 16SM5 81 4.5. Site 16SMY10 85 5.1. Lake Salvador and archaeological sites mentioned in the chapter 98 6.1. Plane-polarized scan of PRP27 115 6.2. Cross-polarized scan of PRP27 115 6.3. Example of a false-color enhanced image of the cross-polarized scan for PRP27 115 6.4. Boolean image of the shell and shell void identi¤cations for PRP27 115 6.5. Biplot of grog and shell percentages 120 figures ix 6.6. Biplot of grog and shell percentages showing clusters determined by analysis of the petrographic data 122 7.1. Location of Anna site 128 7.2. Site map of Anna Mounds group 131 7.3. Neo-Indian chronology in the Lower Yazoo Basin and Natchez Bluffs region of the Lower Mississippi Valley 135 7.4. Plan view, Block 1 excavations 139 7.5. Chicot Red, var. Fairchild vessel 140 7.6. Addis Plain, var. Addis vessel 140 8.1. Selected Plaquemine sites in the Natchez Bluffs region of Mississippi 146 9.1. Southeast Arkansas, showing major streams, county boundaries, and locations of some key sites mentioned in the chapter 164 9.2. The Bellaire “serpent-cat” pipe 168 9.3. Addis Plain bowl with deeply notched rim from the Boydell site in southeast Arkansas 173

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