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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythic Realms PDF

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AuthorBse•n jamBirnu cJka,s oBnu lmahn, AmandHaa monN,i colLaosg ue, JNaeslosno n, F.W esleSyc hneiadnedrR ,u sTsa ylor CoveArr tisMti•c haIlv an InterAirotri •s SttsevEel lYiusr,iG ye orgiFeavb,iG oa ria, andM arkM olnar Tabloef C ontents CartograpRhoebre•Lr atz zaretti CreatDiivree c•tJ oarmeJsa cobs Editor-in-FC.Wh eiselfeS•yc hneider lntroducLteigoenn:di snt heM aking 2 SeniEodri toJra•m eLs. S utter DevelopmLeenatd •s LogaBno nnearn dM arkM oreland Chapte1:rF ounsto fM ythiPco wer 4 Development• LToegaamBno nneJro,h Cn ompton, AdamD aiglReo,bM cCreaMrayr,kM oreland, Chapte2:rP laceosf M yth andP atriRcekn ie EditoTreiaam•lJ udBya ueCrh,r istoCpahreery , andR yaMna cklin BlacDke sert 20 EditorIinatle •rJ nasyL oomiasn dC assiWdeyr ner LeaDde signJears• oBnu lmahn Mechitar DesigTne am• StephReand ney-MacFaarnlda nd SeanK Reynolds SeniAorrtD irectSoarr•a Eh.R obinson Pito fG ormuz ArtD irec•tA onrdreVwa llas GraphDiecs ign•e ErmsilCyr owealnldS onjMao rris TusMko untains 32 PublishEerriM•ko na Paizo CLEiOs•a Stevens ValashmJauin gle Chief OperOaffitcieo•rnJ se ffrAelyv arez Direcotfo r SalPeise•r ce Watters SaleAss soci•a Ctoes moE isele Yjae MarketiDnigr ec•tJ oernnBye ndel FinanMcaen ag•e CrhristoSpehlefr StaAffc countaKnutn•jS ie do Chapte3r:C haracters 44 ChieTfe chniOcffiacle rV•i Wce rtz SeniSoorf twaDreev elo•p GearrTye ter CampaigCno ordinaMtiokre•B rock Reference ProjeMcatn ag•eJ ressiPcrai ce LicensCionogr dinaMtiocrh•a Keeln way Thibso okr efetross e veroatlh ePra thfiRndoleerp layGianmgep roducustisn tgh ef ollowing abbreviatyieoton nsl,My y thiAcd ventuirser se quirteomd a keu se tohfi bso okR.ea ders CustomeSre rviTceea m• EriKke itJhu,s tRiind dlaenrd, SarMaa riTee ter intereisntr eedf erentcoPe ast hfinRdPGe hra rdcovcearnfs i ntdh ec omplertuel eosft hese WarehouTseea m• WilClh aseH,e athPeary ne, bookasv ailaobnllei fnoefr r eaetp aizo.com/prd. JeffS tranadn,dK eviUnn derwood WebsiTteea m• RosBsy erLsi,Cz o urts, Crystal FraAsidevra,n cPelda yeGru'isd e APG TheI nneSre aW orlGdu ide ISWG LisGsuai llaentd, ChLraimsb ertz AdvancReadc eG uide ARG MythAidcv entures MA Bestiary B1 Risoef t heR unelords ROTR Besti2a ry B2 AnniversEadriyt ion Besti3a ry 83 UltimaCtoem bat UC Besti4a ry 84 UltimaEtqeu ipment UE Booko ft heD amnedV,o l2. BOTD2 UltimaMtaeg ic UM InneSre aB estiary ISB This product is cotmhepO lpieanGn atm ewL iitche n(sOeG L) ansdu iitsaf bolures e withP atthhef inRdoelre playing Gameo r t3h.ee5 d itiooftn h ew orldo'lsd efsatn tarsoyl eplagyaimneg. ProduIcdte ntTihtefy o:l lowiitnegm s haerree bidye ntiafsiP erdo duIcdte ntaistd ye,f iniend tOhpee nG amel icense versiio.no Sae,c tiio(ne ), annodtO paerneC onteAnlttl:r ademarrekgsi,s tterraedde maprrkosp,ne arm e(scharacters, deitieetsc,d. i)a,l ogpuleo,t s, lsitnoelrsoy,c aticohnasr,a ctaerrtsw,o rk, and t(rEaldeem edtnrhteasst s .hp arveev iously beedne signaatsOe pde nG ameC onteonrta rien t hep ubldiocm aianr neo ti ncludientd h idse claration.) Open ContExecnetpf:to rm aterdieasli gnaatseP dr oduIcdte nt(isteyae b ovet)h,eg amem echaniocfts h iPsa izo Publishgianmgep roduacrtOe p enG ameC ontenatsd, e finiend tOhpee nG aminLgi cense vie.rosSaie ocnt ion i(d). Nop ortiooftn h is work othemra ttehradinea slti hgen aatseO dp enG ameC ontemnaty b er eproduicnea dn yf orm PaizPou blishLiLnCg , withowurti ttpeenr mission. 712108 5Atvhe N E,S t1e2 0 Pathfinder CampaignR eSaelt©mt si2n0g1P:3a ,iM zPyout bhliisch LiLnCgA.,l R li ghRtess ervPeadi.z o, PPuabilzios hing, LLC,th eP aizgoo lem loPgaot,h finPdaetrh,f inSdoecri eatnyd,G ameMastearryer egistered troafdP eamiazrok s RedmonWdA, 9 8052-05P7ub7li shingP,a tLhLfCiA;nd dveern tCuarreGd a meP,a thfiAnddveern tuParteh P,a thfiCnadmerp aiSgent tiPnagt,h finder CardPsa,t hfinFdleirp -MPaatt,h fiMnadpeP ra ckP,a thfiMnoddeurl eP,a thfinPdaewrn sP,a thfinPdlearyC eorm panion, paizo.com PathfinRdoelre plaGyaimneg,P athfiTnadleeras n,dR isoeft heR uneloarrdtesr ademaorfPk as izo PublLiLsCh.i ng, PrintienCd h ina. "·#�P ATHCFAIM�NPEDATEIMTRGYI NTRN HEfiIA;CL MS ThroughGooulta riosnt'osr ipeads ctl,a shaensdp henomena powera,d ventulroec atifoorn sm ythicch aractaenrds , ofi ncredisbcloeph ea vet imea ndt imea gainasltt ertehde powerfumlo nstearnsd c haracttehramsty thiacd venturers coursoefi thsi stoarnyd c hangetdh el andi tseMlof.r tals mightb attolrefo rm allianwcietshA . g roup could travel ascendteogd o dhooedm,p irreoss aen dfe lla,n da dversarietso fa ces everoaftl h em ythic danogfeGrosl arioorcn o,u ld wagedw arfo r centuriTehse.s em ights eemb eyontdh e tretko a legendaforuyn tt oc laimmy thipco wears a tool reacohr s copoef a grouopf a dventurbeurtst ,h osweh o tou sea gainvsats dta ngerbsa ckh omen,o wp reparfoerd achiemvyet hipco wecra ns etth eisri ghhtisg heFro.u nding battltehse yc ouldn't bheasvteeb de fore. Myptohwiecr a natiotna,m inagn u nexplorleadn do,r e vens layitnhge couledv enb ei ntrodufrcoemd thes tarwti,t hm embers WhisperiTnygr anatr ea chievagbolael isn a campaign oft hep artcyo minfrgo m a loslta ndl ikteh eV alashmai wherteh ec haractaerrems o ret hanno rmahle roes. Jungloerfl yinYgj aea,n da scenditnomg y thipco wejru st Thisb ookc overtsh et hremeo sti mportapnatr tosf ast hec ampaign begins. constructai nmgy thicc ampaign­ TheP eoplet'hss My oneu tilizitnhgen ew optionisn PatYifiRnPdGMe yrt Ahdivce ntuWriethst -hem any fantastieclaelm enttsh ata rep arto f upont hew orldo fG olariotnh:e everydlaiyfo enG olariomny,t hic locaantdic ornesa tures fountsw herceh aractaenrds areo ftebne lievteob de m erefa bleAs .c ommoneirn T aldor theiard versamriigehst mighktn owfo r certatihna dtr agons exist, but would never ascendt o mythic belietvheeg ruesomcer eatuwrietsh itnh eP ito fG ormuz area nythibnugt i maginative Esvteonrm ioersep. o pular thant aleasb oumty thilca ndasr et hosteh atte lolf t he deedosf m ythihce roeMsw.a ngia rtisdtesp ictth es pells casbty J atemabned fr osgti anttesl cla mpfirset oriaebso ut Jarl Gnargorak bleetawpeietnnhg ep eakosf t heT usk MountainAss. m ythicch aractaecrcso mplitshhe ir triatlhse,io rw nd eeds waillsbloe comseu chl egends. TempoyrP :Jorwer Note vercya mpaigtnh auts etsh em ythircu lense edtso uset hemfo r thee ntisrpea no ft hes torCyh.a racters coulrde ceiovnel eyn ougmhy thipco wetro c omplete a prescrisbteodra yr c-ogra inm ythipco weforr a seatm ounotf t imea ndn eedt og eta sm uchd onea s possibbelfoer iet d isappeTaermsp.o rargyi ftlsi kteh is allofowr m ajor chawnigtehso aults loe avicnhga racters ofd emigod-lpeovweellr o osient hew orladft erward. Thel imiotn p owemra yb ed elibersautceha, s i fa deiteyl evattehdec haracotres rh ew ass ubjecttoea dn ascesnpesl(ilP oant hRfiPnGMd yetArhd ivce n1t1)ou3,rr es simpldyu et oa ne rratilce sopsro werfuslo urcoefm ythic poweTrh.o sweh oc ontraoclc etsosm ythipco wedro n'gti ve itu pl ightly-stahveieytfo r thosweh os howt hep otential tou sei tc orrelycb,te cautshees takaerset ooh ight ol eatn y mythicch aracdtoea rs s hep leasiensp erpet.u ifotAry ce for goodm ightg ranmty thipco wero nltyo c ircumspect charactwehrows o n'atc otu to fp ettinoersb se comder unk withp owerA.n evifolr cem ighnto th avet hesceo ncerns, buts tiwlilt hhomlydt hipco weirn f eaorf e mpowerian g potentfuitaulr et hretaoti tmsa chinations. MythiGcl ossr2y MythiRcu les Thestee rmasr en ewt ot heP athfindReorl eplaGyaimneg, PathfiCnadmepra iSgent tiMnygt:h ic orp reviouesxliys tbeudtw errea reulsye d. Thdeeys'crrei bed Realmisis n tetnobd eeu ds ewdi th ing reatdeert aiinlP atYifiRnPdMGey rt Ahdivce ntures.Pa thfiRnPdGeM ry thAidcv entures. AscenTshiemo onme:n to fa scensiisot nh em oment when Thhiasr dcoveprr ersuael netbso ok an ormaclh aracbteecro meams y thicch aracTtheires.v enits systfeoimrn crecahsairnagc ters' usualalc yr itical miontm heesn tto rtyh ahte lptsod efinteh e intrpionwsmeiarck, i tnhgem mo re mythicch aractoerri'gsai nnd t hes ourcoefh erp owerO.n ce litkhehe e rooefas n cimeyntth s a charachtaesru ndergone ascsehnesg iaoinn,hs e rfi rst anedp iMcytsh.Aid cv entuirnesc ltuhrdeue lsfe osr mythitci earn dc ans eleac mty thipca thW.a ysa character mytphaitcah nmsdo nswtiettrhhsme y thic bsouotbfht ype, cana scenadp peairnt heF ountosfM ythiPco wecrh apter. whiacruhes elda ittneh rbi oso k. DR/EpAi tcy:peo fd amager eductiDoRn/,e picca nb e ThouMygthh Rieca lmfso cuosnpe asro tfGs o latrhiaotn overcoomnel byy a weapowni tha ne nhancemebnotn uosf arree presoemfny ttachtoiincvc eie tsp'ttpsiso l,sl s iubslee to +6o rg reatWeera.p onwsi ths peciaabli litailescsoo unats inc aam patihigasntun s'ittn hfgeu mlylt rhuilcMe yst.h ic epifocr thep urposoefso vercomidnagm ager eductiiofn creasttuhiralevalsCe R ( incrbeyta hsemeiydrt r haincok rs thet otablo nuvsa luoef a lolf t heiarb ilities (itnhcel udintgi ewrhsi)mc,ah k tehsue s aabsol pep onfeocnrht asr acters enhancemebnotn uis)s+ 6o rg reater. withmoyutathb iicl itimeesa.tn h sTaohtmci esr edaoteusr es in MythWiict:ha bilitbieeyso ntdh et hosoef o rdinary thbiosoa krb ee yotnhcdea paboisflu iccthhia ersas citnecres , mortalas m,y thicch aracotrem ry thimco nstebre comes thebyu'tirolpe tr esaenin ntc rcehdailbflloeeern v getenh e parotf a s tortyh aptl ayosu to na g reatsecra lteh aonr dinary greamtyetschthi acr aAclttlhel ero sc.ap trieosneisnn t etdh e peoplcea nu nderstaAnnd a.t tacskp,e lolr,o theerff ecits boockaa np pienan roa n -mgyatmaheisi n cc redible backdrops considemryetdh iicf i to riginafrtoems a mythisco urce, foard venotfsu mraae slscl oeTprhe me.a gcilca ifmretodhm e sucahs a c haracotrec rr eatuwriteah m ythitci eorrr ank. fouonfmt yst phoiwcce arbn er eplwaicotethdh r eerw ards MythPiact( hOft:e rne fertroej du satsa " pathT.h"e) theme focrh arawchtroee ratsch he smu,ca hsa rtiofrea vceatn s ofa c haractmeyrt'hsia cb iliitsid eest erminbeyhd e rm ythic tempoorlra irmyvi etreosdfi m oyant phaiatcbh i lity. path-archmacghea,m piognu,a rdihaine,r ophamnatr,s hal, PathfiRnPdGeM ry thAidcv entuirsaes v aialtya obulre ort ricksEtaecrh.p athh asa numbero fs peciaabli lities lobcoaolk asntgdoa rmseet oarned, r tuhlfeer sto mhb aoto k associwaitteihdtt hatth ec haracctaensr e leacsst h ea dvances caanl bsero e ferfeofnrrc eeed aoptna liiznoe. com/prd. int ieNre.w a bilifotrit ehse spea thtsi,e tdos pecisfiict wehse re onec ang aimny thipco wera,p peairnt heF ountosfM ythic Powecrh aptSeerv.e roaftl h ec haractientr hseb ooka lshoa ve rangfreo m it o1 0. Charactwehrosa chieivoet thi earr ea t mythitci erisn,c ludAirnagz nain dO ld-MaJgaet embe. theh eighotfm ythipco wera,n da rei ns omer espeacktisn MythPiocw eErac:h mythic cchaanrca aclutlpe orn t his tom inord eities. basem ythic abtioli intflyu ence deasntdifu neyl other MythTirci( aOlfte:rn e ferrteodj usatsa " triaAl t.r"i)ia sal abilitAitie tsms.o stb asimcy,t hipco weirs n eedetdou set he difficultta stkh aatw aimtyst hihce roeIstu. s ualrleyp resents surgaeb ilibtuyti, tc ana lsboe c alluepdo nt ou sean umbeorf thec ulminatoifpo anr otf theh eroesst'o ,rm yarkinigta sa n othemry thiacb ilities. importapnoti nitn t heilre genAd m.y thicch arachtaesrt o MythRiacn (kO:ft erne ferrtoej du sats a "rankS.i"m)i lar compleotnee o rm oret riailnso rdetror eacahn ewm ythic tot iermsy,t hirca nkasr eu sedt od escritbheea pproximatet ieTrr.ai lasn dm ythipca tahd vancemaernets eparafrtoem mythipco werp ossesbsyead m onsteArl.lc reatuwrietsha XP andc haractleerv eald vancemeanntd,a re baosned mythirca nka rec onsidemryetdh ifocr thep urposoeffs e ats, granadc hievemewnittsh itnh es torrya thtehra inn dividual spelmlasg,i ict emasn,d o thearb ilitMiyetsh.ir ca nkrsa nge encounteTrhseP. l acoefsM ythe ntriaensdt heC haracters from it o1 0.T heyc anb ea ttainiensd e verwaaly si,n cludingi ntroducltiissotan m plmey thitcr ials. througthi eirnsm ythipca th(sa wsi tAhr aznoir)b ,yg iviang Non-MyAtnhyai tct:acs kp,e lolre, ff ecotr iginafrtoimn g monstetrh em ythiscu btyapned u sintgh er ulefrso m Mythiacc h aracotrec rr eatuwriet hoaunty m ythic abiilsni otni­es Advenfort tuurrneinsngo n-mythmiocn sterisnt om ythic mythiTch.i st ermc ana lsroe fert oa characwtietrh oau t versi(onawssi tthh ev oiddr agoRna skineya). mythitci eorr a creatuwriet houat m ythirca nkS.o me MythTiice (rO:fte nr eferrteojd u sats a "tierM.y"t)h ic non-mythcirce aturleiskA,eh rimaonr t heO liphauonft charactaedrvsa nicnep owebry g ainitnige resa,c ohf w hich Jandelsatyi,cl hla llemnygteh iacd venturgirnogu ps. grantnse wa bilitAitetsa.i nian nge wm ythitci erre quires SurgSuer:gi esa b asic abtihlaeitat cymh y thicch aracter completidnigffi culttr iawlist hitnh ec ampaign's stroercye ivIte asl.l ohwesr t or olald iea nda ddt her esutlota d 2o rathetrh ana ccumulateixnpge riepnocien tMsy.t hitci ers roliln,fl uencitnhgeo utcomaeft etrh er esultasr er evealed. "·�P�A THCFAIM�NPEDATEIMTRGYI NTR_N HEfiIA;CL MS "Howw e snucpka stth ea rmyo fu ndead stasntdaitnuge -isntt 1h1eg1 i ant 1 mainc hambeorft heC enotaipssh t 1b1e1y onmde ,b uth adk nownt hawto uld 1 bet hes impleosftt h et riasl beforues ,w oulhda vteu rnebda crki ghtth en andt herWee. pressoend,h owevearn,dt heb lood-soakde tomel edu sd own 1 1 inttoh ed epthosft hed ungeonbesl owb.r eathtehdr oumgyh mouths o 1 wouldns'mte ldle atbhu,t coulsdt 1t1a1s tiet . "Whenw efi nalrleya chtehdel owesletv etlh,et omew hisperteod usm otvoe forwaridn e arnelsttd .i dnw'atr nu so ft hep aiorf m echanidcraalg otnhsa t guardetdh et ombT.h rougbhl inldu cwke bypasstehde c lockwork sentinels, andw ithfoiunn dw hatw e soughGty.l lleani tdh eb ooukp ont hea ltaanrd w as instanttluyr neidn taon undaebaod minatbiuornn iwnigt hha taen dm alice. Had 1 1 notp repartehdes pelldsi dt hamto rninhge,w oulhda vdee vourmeyd s oul. 1 Luckileys,c apteodt eltlh itsa lteoy ou-fora fe w ofy oucro inosfc, o urse:' -EstarvZaa nsion,T aVviegrBinal r d Througahc ohuatr accatreesrhe'mersu , so tv ercmoamney thset otrhyGe a mMea stiestr e llainntdgh m,ee thoofd s obstabcelfoserhsece a hno pteog aimny thpiocw eTrh.o sec laiming mythici ntp hofoewl elro wppiarngeges se nted adventduersetrifosnr ge rde atonrwe hsoks n ohwo wt o shouglrdap nlta yane ermwsy thtiicoe nrli ytf h miask es stemaylt hpiocw freorm t hogsree attheatrnh emselvseesni,snt e h cea mpaign'sI ten'nastr irraetliyvfo erp. o ssible howemvaeyrfi ,n ds itients hw eo rtlhdca tag nr atnhte m thpel acyhearr atcoat tetraasci cnte oss osm oeft huen ique sucpho weTrhse.ms eet aphfoourniotcfsma yl thpiocw erm ythpiocw eprrse seinntt heicdsh apatleortn hgwe a y migohrtm ignhotit n hergernatancl thy a raamc yttehri ct oc ompleamt yitnhgti rcia anlod,n ldyi sctohvneee rw tioerpr r eciapm iotmaetonefat s cenbsuittoh neu,yn l ockm ythriecs ouarvcaeistl oat bhlewemh etnh enye xgta ian withmiynt hcihca rancetwet,rh se maptaitachb ilittiieaesnr cd a sne laen cetpw a tahb ility. whenetvheecryac nh oonsecewh araocptteiro ns. UsigMn ythTihce mes Thicsh apptreerss einsxtu sc h founttsh,r osupgrheoaudt thIen nSeerra e giAo sni.n gfoluenc to usledr avste h e Thfoeu notfsm ythpiocw perre seinntt hecidhs a patreer centeropfai m eyctehc iacm paoirga np ,a rotfmy y thicfa rfr omt hoen lwya ycsh araacdtveernsto unGr oilnagr ion characcotuetlrrdsa tvhewelo rilnds earocfmh o raen d cacnl amiymt hpiocw ePart.lifi ndRePrG M ythAidcv entures morseo urocfpe osw Tehrs.ei foxu natrsae st hfoel lowinpgr.o vain duemsbo egfre nemryitcht ihce m(epsai g2e3s- ,1 28) TheC enotaTphhe: burioaftl h Repu lnaecleoo fr du saibncl aem pabiagsniesnd saentytB ienlagor.wse u ggested Glutttohnmiyas,u solheoulmwd ist hiittnh s ee croeft sm eanosfu sitnhge gseen etrhaelm ients h Pea thfinder mythniecc romancy. campasiegtnti inncgl,us deivnetgrh aialnt c orpsoirtaetse Doorwtaoty h Ree dS taDre:e ipnt hjeu ngolfte hse orc harapcrteesreesnl tseedwi hnte hrbieos o k. MwanEgxip asntsaetn dhesin si gmraetliicpc o-ratt oa l EldrMiatgciThc h:Pe a thficnadmepra siegtnti irsni feg three pdl aonfeA tki ton. witshi toefas n cimeangtmi ocr peo tetnhtat nh afotu nd TheM anWae llTsh:e foscea plo ionftt shw ei lmda gico ru seidnt hmeo dedranAy m.o ntgh eamr teh reu ionfs oft hMea nWaa staecasts c istfoerrt nhspe o teanntd Azlaanntc,iT ehnats sainltdoh nfae,l lSehno ermyp iarlel, unprediecnteartbghlysae ut ff utsherese gion. ofw hiwcehr heo mteoa rcasnpee llcwaistatph eo rtse ncy TheM ordaSnptiT rheie:s olaetlivooenftsi hM seot r dantu nequiantl hemedi llesninnicae . Spire stantdh rewu aiotnfAcs hz laoenvntes,ru rnionnge LegendEanrcyo unDteefre:aa tnioynf tg h ceh aracters oft hsee crdeetsst raoEtya erdt hfalilit n mttahohke ae n dsp reseinnCt headp 3to eftr h ibso odke finictoenlsyt itutes ofm odehrunm aanlstl,hw eh ialbes ortbhipeno gwo efar al egenednacroyu Andtdeirt.i aoc nhaalrlawych,tob e ers ts deagdoi dnw horseem atihnlesiy v e. thhee roafalg do mdi gghatit nha et tenotfadi eoint y. StTaorw eMrasn:i fetosp titeno dg eatt heearrw ionrgl d, Lost InhTehreiwrteaern tceie m:ie nsG olarpiaosnt',s thSet Taorw esrtsir lels owniattuhen fathommaabgliec .p artictuhlAeag roelf Ly e geannddts h Aeg oef D estiny, Occupbiyme idg hwtayr detnhrsee, m aitnoiwnekgre se p whemny thcihca rawcetrmeeor rspe r evatlheatnnht ea yre Rovafrgoumgb eirnegl eajsuebsdat-r ely. todTahyo.u tghhe asgeee sn dmeidl leangnaoim ,ao dern TheS tarsPtoenreh:ta hpmeso st famouso fs ocuhracreac cotufielnrdda na ncesctornanle tcott ihpeoe no ple mythic ipnto hwIeen rnS eerra e gitohnSet, a rshtoanse oAfz loarnS th oorray d,o tphtep iorwt ehrr oluogrshit t uals. brouagbhottu htae s cenosffoi uomrno rttaogl osd hoBoyd . PlanMairg hTth:pe l ahnoellsdi teirnafilnplioytt ee ntial reacthhisent goa nnepd e tittioto hngeio ndmgso ,r tcaalns fora dvenatnuedra eci,rhs u lbeyod u tsiodafpe orwsle erv el gaitnhfa ev oorft heex isptainntgh aenocdnl aaip ml acec ompartaogb oldAesn .oy f t hepslea ndaeri tcioeufisln dd amontghg eo dasst haedyv aanlcoetn hgem iyrt hpiact hs.t haed ventwuorretorhfscy l aimmiyntghp iocw teord o thebiird deiintgoh,nte hrge o dhso'mp el aonrae n other. Cl2imMiyntgh Piocw er Powoefrt hGeo dTsh:ge o dosft hPea thficnadmepra ign Eacohf t hemsyet hsiocu rpcreess ean ntusm beorf settairgneeg n ernaoiltnl vyo ilntv hededa y-taof-fadiarys wayasc haraccatdner rau wp otnh rea mwy theince rgyo fm orteavletsnh, o osfte h emiorsd te vofoultl owWeerrse. inherteotn hstei tweh,e tihtet'rhs be l esosfiad n egi tyt,h set ahkiegseh n ough-asstu hcpehe ndrienlge oafs e unfetmtaegrieecdna elro grty h ien fluoefpn ocwee rfulR ovagugp-oistso'insboe lr me o rgeo dwso uelmdp ower intellfriogmeo ntchpeelsra nOenteos rt. w moe thoofd s ageonntG so latropi roenv seuncatch a lamity. claimmiyntghp iocw aerrpe r esefonrte eadcl ho cationS,to len TMhiePg hatt:h fincdaemrp asiegtnt iisn g andG Msa reen courtaoeg xepdau npdo tnh fel aovfo rl ittweirtdehed a gdo dfrso,m A rodteomn o raen cient thseo urtcoce rse oatthepe art thops o wtehrafi ttt heird eitsiuecashsA cavAnmaa,z noerCn u,r chaInnmu oss.t specciafimcp aigns. castehspe,o rtfoolfti hoefassl el iemnm orttraalnss ferred Beairn m indt hactl aimmiyntgh piocw earn d too thgeord bsu,ot t hteirm eelse meonftt hsed iirv ine overcoamm iyntght ircia arle nne'cte sstahrseia lmye powreerm aaivna iltaoab nlwyeh oc acnl atihme ams thiMnygt.h tirci aasal lsw,a syhso,um ledet th nee eodfs theoiwrn . "·#�P ATHCFAIM�NPEDATEIMTRGYI NTRN HEfiIA;CL MS Int hwee eaknsdm ontlhesa duipnt goE arthtfahlel , OverviaenwdH istory incompaproawbelrryfuu ln eloofar ndcsi Tehnats silon seitn tmoo tipolnat noes n sutrhees iurr vdievsaptlih tee T heC enotiasap nih m mencsoel uomfun n marbkleadc k catacleyvsemEniatcc.o h ft hsep eciwailziasurtsd esd stornies frionmga c linffe atrhb eo rdbeert wUes etna lav am ethoofrd e truenaitqt uohe i osrh eorw np referraendtd h Heo lodfB elkIzte5sn0 .- foot-hihgahvs et doooodr s arcasnceh oZoult.hR au,n eloofrS dl otphos,s eas sesde aledt htseii mnoecft e hW eh ispeTryirnawgnh tao,tt he mastoefnr eyc romancy iunhn imtsai tmTcehh.ue hsde, peaokfh irse imganr cehnetdli ergeio ofhnitssr oionptso embraucnedde aantrdhe treinattaoena d u stmeorneo litihtg sa tiencs a osffeu tnuereeWd h.e hnew adse feaattth eed knowanst hCee notoantp hhee a steedrgonefh irse atlom hanodfst hSeh inCirnugs tadhgeea, t sewsu nsgh uatn d waoiuttt h dee vasbtraotuiagobhnotb u ytt h aeb olwertahtsh'.r emasiotn ot hdiasTy h.le e gisotnlisili elnw awiitt hin. Asc ivilaigzaacitlnii omnob ueotdft hAeg oefD arkntehses , ThCee notaatpthrt ahcWeth eids peTryirnaagnt tt'esn tion Cenotcapohn'nse cttopi oowne rnfuelc romeannetrigci wehse hnew asst tihlmelo rtwailz ardT-akri-nBgafo prh on, haast trnaucmteerdao mubsi tnieocurso mahnocpeitrnosg thaem bitioush ahwdea arorlftdo hraden cimeonnto lith claaip mo rtoifoZnu tmhiag'histn ,cl utdhwiein zga rd-kainnidgt c so nnecttoai m oing hwtiyz alrodts ott imTeh.e Tar-Ba-pbheotkntneorwt no daasty hW eh ispeTryirnagn tC.e notcarpeha'wtsano sor n oet htehraZ nu thtaht,ee rrible RuneloofGr ldu ttmoansyto,eft r hT eh assirleoanolifma n Gastaanstdhh ger eanteecsrto mtaogn rcaeGcroe l arion's surfaucnetT ialr -BahpihmosnWe hlef.Zn u thwae nitn to hibernjautpsirtoi tnooE r a rthhfaebl ulr,ih eidm sdeelefp int heea rbtehn etahtCehe notwahpehhr,eei bse liteov ed stsillulm tboedrWa hya.t etvhreeur n elfaotrhedi,'ps so wer remapiontsie ntn htse e amslteosansbe oh viem . Thee ntratnotc hCeee notiasaps heo tfn oqudaolo rs att heen odfa p recarioTuhsre ob orwmii dtghieits.na ll anfeda turaem laesssshi,av sletl r ethcuhnidnrogeff d ese t fromf lotoocr e ilainndcg o,n tainnosi tnagi rtwhaayts asceinthdse ignhotd se,c oraatnindoo nb sa,l coonri es additsitoonraile su.p t Hhtaeol wfewra'yis as nh oetihgehrt seotnf oqudaoloa rcsc esosnilfrbyol mte h oeu tside. These doodrosn o'ptei nn ttohC ee notbaupth ,r daitrheetcrot ly thNee gaEtnievrePg lyaT nheCe.e notwaapcsho nstructed ont hliosc aatnitdooi n tfi sn ahle ight spteoa clilfiocwa lly accteosa sn aturoaclcluyre rxitnrga pglaatneaawrna dy , thpiosr stearlvb oetdZhu tahnat dh Weh ispeTryirnagn t welilnt henierc romeanndteiacTv honere sg.a etnievreg y thaets catpheipsso ritsca hla nnienltteohdv e e rwya lls oft hCee notaanpadhl c,lr eatouftr heuesn detaydpo er witnhe gaetnievreag fyfi ngiatifayns hte al5iw nhgi le withtihnme a usolaenudim t usn dergrdouunngde ons (creatthuaarlter seh aadvfayes h te alsio nrhg i ghreerc eive no addbietnieofinta)l. Thter usec oopfte h sei itseni 'mtm edivaitseielbvyle en tot howsheom akieit n stihdCeee notIantp hhce.e notfe r thcee ntcrhaalm baes rh,ad fets ceinndttsoh d eu ngeon beloBwe.n etahtCehe notZaupthhb ao'dsly i easn,dh is greastoeusrtoc fep so wecra nb efo undt hearmei,ad sprawcloimnpgol fed xu ngeon chambers reaching down intthobe o weoltfs he ea rTthhge.u ardainaidnn sh abitants oft hciosm plreexm,n aonftZsu tshear'vsfra onmtb se fore Earthafarfalerlo ,l deevret nh aTna r-Baaprhmoine'ss. ChalleanngdTe hsr eatsC laimMiyntgh Piocw er Thceh alloeftn hgCeee sn otaarnpeoh lt i mittZoeu dt ha'Tsh ep rocoefas csq uiring mayttt hhCeie cn optoawpehr necromantic bmeonnestathtreehoa sriattnhid te hse canb eu ndertianmk aennwy a ybsu,tt h tew om ost armioeufs n deaawda itiWnhgi stpheTyerr iannrgte 'tsu rnc.o mmoanrt eov entiunrtteoh N ee gatEinveerP glya ne Multtihprleeaa rdtees t abielleiodnw c,l usdoimwneig t hinv itah mea usoluepupmde'orso arnstd,o r eatchhse i te thCee notdaopohar'nsssd o mwei thout. oZfu thrae'sst cionrgpi snte h dee ptohfts h deu ngeon ArmiienWs a itiTnhgfe:o l oorft hger ecahta mboefr beloHwo.wT ar-Bafiprhsaotsn c entdome ydt hpiocw er thCee notiasfup lhl thoseft ill-slteagnidotinhnseg orfe mauinnksn obwunht,e d isdo w ithtihnde o oorfs WhispeTryirnagan rtm'isKe nso.w itnhgat thn ee crottihcCe e notsaomp ohs,ht y pothiewtsa ivszi teah see cond enerogfty hl eo caatniidot pnsr oxitmoaip toyr ttota hle methoorad n otthhearrte mauinnksn otwotn h idsa y. NegaEtnievrePg lyaw noeu sludp phoirmsti ndlheosrsd eC harawchtoce lrasi m mytahtti hcCe e pnoowtearp h can ofm iniounnsth iilrs e tuTranr,- Bampahrocnht ehde selfreocmtt h foel lowmiyntghp iacta hb ilwihteitneh se y armhye raen,hd e rteh ewya iTth.ce e ntuorfei xepso surgea inne mwy thtiice rs. tot hmey thpiocw oeftr h Cee nothaapvghei vmeann oyf theusned ead creatruarnekassn ,dam dyvtehnitcu r1esrts-T Airecrh magPea tAhb ility expectinsgk enloerztmooamnlbs i,e ost,h aeawrnfu bdlu t Archmawgheogs a imny thpiocw aettr h Cee notcaapnh familhioarrr woirlbsle s urprtiofas ceed ptohwee rfuls eltehcfoetl lowmiyntghp iacta hb ility. armoyfu ndelaodc awtietdhT ihno.u tghhe hya vneo NecromantiWch eMcanas sttaenir enycg:r omancy spell, genetrhauelr ,gt eoo ncaeg atianku epa rmasg aitnhset yocua enx peonndues oefm ythpiocw aesarfr eaec ttioo n livsitnimglo lt ivtahtecesrsee ataunrbdee sfo,ar ney onei ncrietcasas selt eevbreyy l o utri( emri ni2m)u.m reacthhelese vbeelnse tahtCehe nottaehpyh',hl alv e tod esthruonyd roefsd osl doifea rrsg uatbhlmeyo st 3rd-TiHeire rophaPnatt Ahb ility terriafrymtiyoen vgwe arl tkhfa ec oef G oliaorn . Hieropohfaa tln eta3ssr ttdi wehrog aimny thpiocw aetr DefilCeodr psTersi:bo efss a vaogreep sa ttrholela ndst hCee notcaaspneh ltehcfoetl lowmiyntghp iacta hb ility. neatrh Cee notcaaprhr,yo iunrtga iadcsr oUssst alav'Misn tdo M indles(Ssu)n:Ye sosup osstehsaesb ility undefenbdoerdd aenrdws a rrwiintgrh i vtarli boens tow ipteh mei nodfa ni ntelulnidgeelanedta, v tihneg thsel opoeft shT eu sMko untaTihnosu.tg hhe oyw eno creaitnutrbaeuc mtti ndlaesasr se suAlsat s .t andard allegtiota hnWech ei speTryirnatgnh oter, oe fts h Dee fileda ctiyoocnua, en x peonndue s oefm y thpiocw teotr a rget Corptsrei beo-ftohnmeeo sfte aarnetdde rrittroiirbnie asla s inngolne- myitnhtiecl ulnidgeecanrdte awtiutrhei n thHeo lodfB elkaznetdnh r ee gidoonm'isnc alnatn -hav6e0f eweitta bh l aosfnt e cromeannetriAglcyt .e rnatively, claitmhemedo untcalionsste ots haten cimeanuts oleuymo cua enx peannad d dituisooenf ma ylt hpiocw teor ast hediorm iniaonndt, h usse ravseu nintentitoanraagml ey tt hcirce atTuhrteea .rc gaent atatW eimlplt sentforrit ehssei otfpe o weTrht.er isbhea'msUa nng,u kk savaeg aitnhseetff e(cDt=C 1+0h alyfo utri+ e erither Fleshd(rELem dagleoe r oer aic4l/eh ier3o)ip,ssh aaindt y ouCrh ariosrmW ai sdommo difiwehri,c heivse r toh avcer eaotneoedf t hweo rlmdo'sdsta ngefrloeussh h ighIetfrh )te.a rfagieltis tI,sn tellsicgoderrneoc tpeos goletmhgsei: a nt-tshirzeeed-t,aw rom-ehdeC,aa drecda s-s,­l eavtihcnerg e amtiunrdelfo erasn su mboefrr o unds Mano fBelkwzheintc,hh oe r eutsi ltiodz eea dlyi ne ffeeqcutta oyl o utri eArt .a rtgheafatti lists sa vree ceai ves batatnledem plaosay nu nyiegludairndogitf ahneh iorm e newsa vinge atchrhro outwno do verctohemeffe e ct. territonroaytwt a wrh.e n ThassiVliognCiiolau:nn thloersrmsoa rktseh ehiorm es 3rd-TiUenri versPaalt Ahb ility int hiem mendsuen geooftn hsCe e notbauptthh m,eo st Mythcihca raocfatltee ra3ssr ttdi wehro gainp omwyetrh ic dangearroteuh sop slea tcheedbr Zyeu thhiam steowl afr d atth Cee notcaaspneh l tehcfoetl lowmiyntghp iacta hb ility. offi ntruidnehtriolss a iIrna. d dittodi eovno ulriecrhse,s ,D eyf Deat(Shu): A sa ni mmediaactteiy oonuc, a n mummiaensmd,o rgthhse,ds oez eonfps o werufunld eade xpeonndue s oefm ythpiocw teorg aia+n s b onouns inclNuadzer atlhdaei, vniingeh tc(rPaawtlhfieRnrPd Ge r as ingslaev itnhgr moawd teo r eseinsetr dgrya ian , MythAidcv ent2u2r4Pe,as t hfinRdPeGBr e sti2 a2r0y0s a)ti od deaetffhe cotra, negatibveec omlpieenvregml a nent. watocvhet rhe en ttrZoyu thtao'mssb c;e adu(iBensatrisarY yo uc asne ltehciptsa tahb ilmiutlyt itpilmeeI sfy. o u 2 23b9r)o utgoGh otl amriilolne angnoi atfr hopemo rttoa lt akietas ecotnidmy eo,gu a ia+n 10 b onuosns aving thNee gaEtnievrePg lya enteh;e broengaeol l esmasti odl ie throtwors e stihsaetb ove eIfffye octuta ski.ett hree inw aittoa mbuisnht rufrdoemwr ist htihnnee cropoltiism'yesos cu,a inn steexapdeo nndue s oefm ythpiocw er darskt ownaela lnsadp; a oicfrl ockdwroargk(oP nasth findetroa utomatsiuccacaleatles yda vtihngrm oawd teor esist RPGB esti3ar0my)a 4do elf egensdkayrmye tal. thaeb oevffee cts. "·#�P ATHCFAIM�NPEDATEIMTRGYI NTRN HEfiIA;CL MS Deeipnt hhee aorftt h Mew anEgxip alnisaeer s u ined Fotrh epiarrt th,Ce o ntempglaavtueipo v nre esg ular tripacrattihteesd urrarlo unad filnoga triinnoggf contwaicttGh o lardieoenm,i intgns a tiuvnerse ady reddsitsohn e. tThhaiolsuo ginhsee n outgoih n spai refo rt hemiers soafgee n lighteInnlm aetyneetra. tr hse, senosfme y stienar lywl h oe ncouinttt,her eri ntgr'use cracksltiaonttfgih cet ierl epraetlahaniytdcsh fl ei ckering natuirfaser m oriem presTshirevi neig.asp ermanentte­lepotrrtaandtseiivothin ac veoe n lrya rflealryte old i fe, albeerirta atnidfc l uctuatibnegt-wlGeioenlnka riobnu t ptohtee nfotrii tpasel r marneeanctt isvtaditrlialow ns andi tssi sptlearnA ekti tWoint.oh r igoinnt shR ee d adventtuotr hejeru sn grlueiw nh os eetkofa thotmh e Planiettste hlDef,o orwtaoyt hRee dS tairst ruolnyoe f arti'mfasyc stterious purpose. thmeo satl iseonu rces iontf h Iepn onSweeerrar e gion. ChalleanngdTe hsr eats OverviaenwdH istory TravertshiMenw ga ngEix panissae l reaaw doyr thy Milleangnloio,an b ge fotrhere i osfeO ld-MJaagtee mbceh allfoernt ghbeer avest beuxdtpr laowrnieenragt,r o andt hfoeu ndionftg h Mea gaamtbhyiean ,h abitatnhDteos o rwtaoty h Ree dS tabrr ifanrggs r eadtaenrg Tehres . oft hpel anAekti tsoeantp owerafurlt iwfaicttht ihne magiecnaelr fglioewsti hnrgo tuhgdeho ormwaakyie t deepjeusntg olfet sh Mew angEix panTsheeh. i ghlyafo cal foprom ianntoy ft hlee y plaisnsetishn rgo ugh intelligeknnto wamnsty hsCeto inctse mpolfAa sthiovket sh jeu ngalnetd,h elsiena etst rcarceta tsuernessit toi ve magictarlalnys mruatwse tdo frnoem t heirp lraende stu cthh inegvsei,ntf h eyo'nrloeyb eytihnegii nrs tincts. intaro i ntgh awto umladi ntaal iinnt koA kitaocnr osTsh ilsefo yc ucso mbiwniettshh a el ieenne rrgiipepsl ing cosmdiics taTnhcere ess.u lrteilinisbgc o tahb eacont hrotuhggeha tetwoda iys rtuhpwete atihnte hrae r ea, anadt ransmailtltoewtrih,Cne og n temptloas thiavreers e sulitnifr negq ueanntdi ntetnhsuen dersatso rms thteh ougohftt hso tshee eyn coutnhtreoriu tga hn d, welals sponsttaonroemfosv eunsJJ eaanncdee l ectrified thehyo plee,at dhp ee opolfGe o lartioownaa rp da tohf whirlw(iantdshss e i milnaarmlesydp ells). enlightenmenttom. o stUthn,Dek o norowwtanoty h Ree d Heirosft heT enM agiWca rrioSresv:eZ reajnl Stairsa lsaoni nterpldaonoertwaaryly-o onsngee a letdr isbheesl itnte hrhe a lf-cotlrliaoapfcds a etdh edrals buptr otnooe p eang aaitan n tyi meei,t bheecra oufistes surrountdhiedn ogo rwuasyi,n tgh ec rumbling owne rraftliucc tuoarbt eicoantushs oewsh eho avsep ents trucatssu hreelsat gearit nhsheta resnhv iroonfm ent timnee atrha er tifacte ndoeuvogeafhl na o ffpi nfoirit tys thjeu ngTlhee.y nveevnettruo rfaoer i nttohc eo mplex potmeangtti ooc p eintT .hp eo rotnalrlya rterlayn spoorutotsf f eaorft hoejb ecwti thtihno,u sgohm hea ve physmiactaelfrr oimap ll atnoep tl anbeuwtth, e anc tivseu ccumtbote hdae r tifaccatul'nlsw illoivnetgrhl ey allmoawgsoi fac l slo rttots r atvhegelr edaits tance.m illeTnhnoiuamg.oh s otft heZsejent ribeisgfonlokr e Thep atohfw isdiosnm o wti throiustak n,dm any stranag ceardsor,fe m aggiu ardkinaonwsan st he whos eetkos oltvheme y stoeftr hyDe o orwtaoyt hRee d Iobalneebd,yW arder-MCphoined(fNoL malheu man Stahra vfoeu ndi nstmeaaddn easnsdd espsaoimre, magu7s/ ra5n/ggeura 2r),da irdaeen d icsapteecdi fically forsaking theeinrt iihrnpue umlraysno uisfito tymm ea d tok eepoiuntgs ifrdoemrr esa chtihDneog o rwtaoyt he misinterporfte htheaa tlifo-wnhh eiasrpde orfti hneg sR edS taTr.h eI obasneete h emsealstv hesesp iritual ContemplTahtmeio vsnetos t.o rwieortuehs e nihisluicscteioscfs t ohTrees Mn a gWiacr riaonrbdse litehvaet cultkinsotwsan st he Throat-ofa-nNdto hteh oiuntgsnieddsiessr tsu trhbseit nogdn ies hotnhoearin rc estors' sorccearlelrte hKdei nogfB itiAnngtT sh.eT hroatm­emorTyh.eu ys lee tfohraclae g aiinnstte rlwohpoe rs of-Nothisnogwnecedhs asot sh rougthhoeru etg ionr efutsohe e etdh ewiarr nings. forn ear20l0yy eabresfo rber ingaibnogtu hte oiwrn Invasoifto hne C ontemplTahtoiuveggseh:n erally demiwshee tnh eayd optthebede ltiheapftr ocreatniopotrn o tnove i oletnhcCeeo ,n tiefmpolfAa sthiaovrkee s wacso unterprTohdeKu icnotgfiB vietA.inn tgos nt, h e threabtyep noewde rcfurle atounGr oelsa roirao nng ered othhearn wda,sd efeaotneldwy i tthh ien tervoefn tbiyoa nni ndivuisdiutnahglDe o orwtaoyt hRee dS tairna Old-Mage aJnadht ieTsme bnMe a giWca rriAoftresr. waty hedye em danogrbe lraosupsh etmhoemuyis g,h t thger ebaatt bteltew teheKeni nagn Jda tedmebset royveedn tfruormte h eniart pilvaetn oet thM ew anEgxip anse mucohft hteh rceaet hesdurrarlosu tnhdDeio onrgw taoy toe limitnhtaeht ree Sautca.foh r cweo ullidk ienlcyl ude thRee dS tafre,cw a miens earocfth hp eo ratnalylo ngera,C ontempalracthimvoaefag tle e a5sttthi earn,nd o n­ botohuo tffe atrh taht ecyo ubletd a inatste hdce u ltismtyst hCiocn tempwlhaoat rihevi egsh -wliezvaeMrlod rse. weraen,do uotf r espfoerct th wei lolfJ atemwbheo, informaotnit ohnCe o ntemploafAt sihvocekas nb e wounlodct l atihmpe o rtpaolw'aesshr i osw n. founidnP a thfiCnadmepra iJJn SDeistttWaionnrtJJ l:d s.

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