Game Theory at Work: OR models and algorithms to solve multi-actor heterogeneous decision problems Game Theory at Work: OR models and algorithms to solve multi-actor heterogeneous decision problems M. Elena Sa´iz Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor op gezag van de rector magnificus van Wageningen Universiteit, Prof. dr. M.J. Kropff, in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 24 oktober 2007 des namiddags te half twee in de Aula GameTheoryatWork: ORmodelsandalgorithmstosolvemulti-actorheterogeneous decision problems PhD thesis Wageningen Universiteit - with references - with summaries in English, Dutch and Spanish Sa´iz M. E., 2007 ISBN: 978-90-8504-769-8 Promotor: Prof. ir. A.J.M. Beulens HoogleraarToegepaste Informatiekunde Prof. dr. ir. J.G.A.J. van der Vorst HoogleraarLogistiek en Operationele Research Co-promotor: Dr. E.M.T. Hendrix Universitair Hoofddocent bij de Leerstoelgroep Operationele Research en Logistiek Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Prof. dr. F. Plastria Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. dr. J. Puerto Albandoz Universidad de Sevilla Prof. dr. A.M.A. van Deemen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Prof. dr. E.C. van Ierland Wageningen Universiteit Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd binnen de Mansholt Graduate School of Social Sciences. Abstract The objective of this thesis is to explore the potential of combining Game Theory (GT) modelswithOperationsResearch(OR)modelling. Thisincludesdevelopmentofalgorithms to solvethese complex OR models for different empirical situations. The challenge is to get GT“atwork”byapplyingsuchmodelsandtechniquestopracticalcases. Fourdifferentcases with a challenge on thedevelopment of algorithms are studied. A first case illustrates a multiple coalition formation game in which membership rules and different transfer schemes are described. Given the GT model and the OR model, the goal is to develop methods for checking stability of coalition structures. A new mathemati- cal programming formulation, crucial for the development of the algorithms, is elaborated. Available data is used to determine which stable coalitions appear and which procedures (transfer schemes) can be used to make coalitions stable. Also the influenceof membership rules(whetheractorsarefree tobecomeamember)isinvestigated. Main conclusion isthat transferschemesareusefultobeimplementedtoobtainstablecoalitions. Moreover,different membershiprules,e.g. vetoormajorityvotingofcurrentmembers,generatedifferentresults with and without transfer schemes. Asecondcasestudiesamodelofcoalitionformationinpoliticswithnpartiestryingtoform a government. Given the number of parties n and policy dimension m (number of items), computationalalgorithmsaredevelopedtocomputeallpossiblemajoritycoalitionsandpref- erencesofpartiesoverthosecoalitions. ApplicationtoDutchdataandtheoreticalexamples leadstotestingofhypotheseswithsurprisingresultswithrespecttocoalitionformationsuch as: being a first mover is not necessarily advantageous, being less flexible is not necessarily advantageous, forming a minimal winning coalition is not necessarily advantageous. A third case describes a two-stage location-quantitygame where n>2 firms are competing onm>2markets. Thespacewherethefirmscanlocatearenodesonanetwork. Analytical solutionsforthesupplyingdecisionsandpropertiesfordeterminingthenumberofsuppliers toeachmarketarederived. Infindingtheequilibria,acompleteenumerationalgorithmand alocal searchalgorithm areused. Twocasesareelaborated toillustratetheproceduresand theanalytical results. The last case deals with a competitive facility location problem in which the concept of Stackelbergleader-followerproblemisapplied. Thefollowerproblemandleaderproblemare global optimisation problems. Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithms that guarantee to find theoptimum of both problems are designed. Key words: Game theory,operations research, optimisation methods,algorithms. Preface By doing a PhD abroad, one is confronted with the cultureetiquettes. As Spaniard,I tried to explain that we havesun but also snow; that we donot always takea“siesta”but along lunch-breakand keepworking until6,7 or8 p.m., wehavecentralheatingand we havethe beautiful letter“n˜”, without“her”what would happen with“man˜ana”...? We do not make appointmentswithfriends,wejustsimplycallandmeetlaterthesamedayor“man˜ana”,we donothavesomanyrulesleadingto“if-then”behaviour,wedonothaveabirthdaycalendar in the toilet, we just remember or forget the birthdays, but it is well accepted by friends. Yes, we are very good with jokes but we do not always speak so loud ...only when we are more than two. EverythingstartedinSevilla. Atthebeginningofthesummerof2001ImovedtoSevilla to start my PhD studies at the department of Statistics and Operations Research. There, the Professor of the group assigned Rafael Blanquero as my supervisor. Thanks to Rafa I became enthousiastic about the PhD, and thanks to Rafa I came to Wageningen. Rafa, without you today would not havebeen possible. I would like to thank my promoters Prof. ir. Adrie J.M. Beulens, Prof. dr. ir. Jack G.A.J. van der Vorst and my daily supervisor and co-promotor Dr. Eligius M.T. Hendrix. Adrie and Jack, first of all thanks for all the support, assistance, encouragement, criticism and philosophical questions during our meetings. I have learnt a lot from them, as you surely know. Adrie, thanks for all your active, positive, productive comments, and for always having a smile for everything. Jack, what can I say, since you arrived to our group everything changed be better. Already in our first meeting I was impressed. At that moment I was already in my second year of PhD without any research question and any proposal,justgoingonhereandthere. Youaretheresponsibleongettingfundsforthefinal two years of this adventure. You taught me lot of things during the meetings. For both, thanksforallthethinkingonwhatisthisthesisabout,whataretheresearch questionsand foralltheinputonmy“researcher”education. Eligius,thankyouforyourpatient,guidance, thanks for all the thinkings, ideas, support, encouragement, jokes, we spent many many hours discussing the research. If I have to evaluate you as a supervisor, for me you are the best. I will be back toyou later, as family. IwouldlikenowtothanktothewholeteamofOperationeleResearchenLogistiek: Frits, thanks for asking now and then how I am doing; Theo, now Real Madrid is doing better withtheDutchplayersehh;JokeandKarin,thegirls,itwasalwaysfunnytohavesomegirls gossiping; Niels, we know how to respect and share the bad and good PhD mood, I hope youwill havea successfulcareer; thenewcomerJelena orEnna,sheintroducedanicedrink tradition on Fridays. And finally Ria, you were always so positive, kind, and a smile in the morning, thankyou,I knowthat thebottles of wine were not thereason :-) And during the last years I would also like to thank the team of Toegepaste Infor- matekunde: Kees,Rob,GertJan,Ayalew,Dik,Mark,Yuan,Sebastiaan,Gerard,Jan,Kees, Sjoukje, Huub,Maarten and again ...Ria. I also want to expressmy gratitudeto Paul van Beek for his helpfulcomments and interest in my research. People from the Leeuwenborch: Ekko was responsible to bring me here to Wageningen. ThenI metthewholeSTACOteam. Thankstoall ofyou,youwerealways verysupportive andnewideaswereonthetableatallofthemeetings. ThankstoJuanCarlos, theMexican part of theteam. Thanks toRob, Hans-Peterand Michael, clever and wise people. IwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetoAgnieszkaandAnnelies,Ireally enjoyedtowork together with you, it was a pleasure. I wish you all the best in your new positions. And many thanks for introducing me to Ad. I want to express my gratitude to Jos´e Fern´andez and Blas Pelegr´ın; research via e-mail is difficult but not impossible. Thanks for all the input-outputof ourcommon research. Thanksare also extendedto colleagues from theSocial SciencesDepartment: to Amber and Janneke, I have always enjoyed a lot our coffee breaks outside; to Lan Ge, for sharing pre-conference nervios and post-talk fun, and for the years in here; to Morteza, my squash partnerthefirst years. I would like tothank all people from EnvironmentalEconomics and Natural Resources Group and the Mansholt team. I should also mention the secretaries of theLeeuwenborch. Specific gratitude goes to De Bongerd. I have all of the members in my heart. Thanks alot for helpingmetoget rid of thestress orwhateverI hadin myhead: Rob(2Rob“os”), Henry, Ren´e, Wendy, John ...but special words go to Ellen and Ingi. Ellen, thanks for all the very nice moments/talks doing step, indoor biking or whatever out of sports. Sorry for missing a lot during my last PhD year ...Ingi, thanks for being the one to start an ongelofelijk-party-team with Ellen, you and me, thanks for the laughs together, the chats, thekinderen,thegezelligemomentjesandthanksforbeingalwaysthereandforyoursupport, enthusiasm and ideas about all the weird things I was doing. I must say thank to you for youbeingas youare. Toboth andall theteam oftheBonderd,thanksfor makingmanyof my stuff easier. I must also say thanks to Joanna. Last years were very gezellig, I had a lot of fun and I would never forget your 2006 birthday party. I would like to express my gratitude to the RuralcorneroftheLeeuwenborch. JanDouwe,siemprehasconseguidosacarmeunasonrisa, gracias(todav´ıamedebesunacerveza). SpecialthanksgoestoKeiandGustavoforsharing PhD up and downs, gracias por todo vuestro apoyo. A big word of thanks goes to Petra. I had a great time with you talking in Spanutch (siempre curiosa sobre el significado/ra´ız de muchas palabras), biking and discussing life issues. Ans and Cees, many thanks for taking care of the PhD team. I will never forget you and your gezellig parties. Ans, thanksgiving us advice on the layout of our books. I would like to thank all the good friends I have met during my years in Wageningen, specially to Adolf, Olga, Toni, Marga, (Francesca)2, Axel, Andre,Aday la u´ltimaen llegar, Noa“RiberadelDuero”. I also wish to thanktoNelly for keepingmy neck connectingmy head and back. I would like to thank Costanza, when she was living in Wageningen everything was different. I am glad that we met and we had/have many talks and discussions about life, thanksfor sharing that with me. “Jenny”Co,“IlSasha piu` adattato, zio felice, trannenella pioggia. Un grande bacio e noi manchiamo a voi”:-O . Lola, Paul and Joek (het hondje), what can I say ...I do not have enough pages to say how important you are in my life, not only in Wageningen. Thanks for all your support and for the many many many good momentswehavehad. Thanksforsharingyourfriendship,forcheeringmeupwhenIneeded. Itmaybehelpedthejamo´n andchorizofor Paultje:-). Outof jokes,I loveyouand youwill bealways onmy heart andmylife. Specialthanksgoes toLola. I hadgreat timewith you, thank you for your humor, your encourage, for sharing the good and the bad on our PhD