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OPTIMAL DECISIONS Principles of Programming BY OSKAR LANGE Prepared with the Collaboration of Antoni Banasinski On the Basis of Lectures Delivered at Warsaw University PERGAMON PRESS Oxford · New York · Toronto Sydney · Braunschweig PANSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE WARSAW Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig © 1971 Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced* stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Pergamon Press Ltd. This book is a translation of the original : Optymalne decyzje. Zasady programowania, 2nd ed., Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw, 1967 Translated by IRENA DOBOSZ (Introduction, Chapters 1, 8 and 9) and JÓZEF STADLER (Foreword, Chapters 2-7 and 10-12) Translation edited by P. F. KNIGHTSFIELD First English edition 1971 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-143810 PRINTED IN POLAND 08 016053 0 FOREWORD In the years 1960-1961 and 1961-1962 I gave lectures in the theory of programming at a two-year course at the Department of Political Economy of Warsaw University. In the first year I lectured on the general principles of programming and in the second—on programming under uncertainty. As usual, Doctor Antoni Banasinski made notes of my lectures and helped me in restyling them. Doctor Banasinski prepared also many numerical examples and in this way my exposition has assumed the shape of this book. This is the third book, after Introduction to Econometrics and Theory of Reproduction and Accumulation, that has been published with the help of Doctor Banasinski. On the occasion of this "anniversary" I extend to him my special thanks. The aim of the exposition of the principles of the theory of program­ ming is their synthetic presentation. I attempted to give, first, a general interpretation of the theory of programming based on the application of the Lagrange multipliers and then to present marginal and linear programming as special cases of this general theory. In an abbreviated way I have already done this in the Appendix: "Mathematical Principles of Programming" to my book Political Economy, Vol. 1. Now I have described this approach much more exhaustively with particular consid­ eration given to a praxeological interpretation of the method of Lagrange multipliers. This is consistent with the treatment of the theory of pro­ gramming, accepted throughout this book, as part of praxeology—the science of rational behaviour. In addition to the exposition of the theory of programming I deal also with the question of solving programming problems in practice. In this connection the principles of the simplex method are presented together with the application of the theory of linear programming to activity analysis. A separate chapter is devoted to the problem of pro­ gramming for multiple objectives which is of great importance for the political economy of socialism. IX X FOREWORD Almost the whole second half of this book deals with programming under conditions of uncertainty. In contrast to the general theory of linear programming this problem has not been dealt with extensively in literature so far. It is of great practical importance, however, parti­ cularly for planning in socialism. I tried to present and to develop the most important methods used in this field and tie them to the problems of a socialist economy. It has turned out. along the way, that the theory of programming under conditions of uncertainty sheds light also on the methods of procedure of mathematical statistics (the optimal choice of the confidence coefficients). Moreover, it also has some interesting consequences in the field of stock control and the pattern of production over time. However, probabilistic and statistical methods of programming have limited practical applications. They not only require the direct or esti­ mated knowledge of probability distributions of programmed quanti­ ties, but also lead themselves to practical applications only in making frequently repeated decisions (e.g. in quality control). Many decisions made in economic planning (e.g. investment decisions related to the construction of large projects) are in the nature of once-over decisions in which the law of large numbers does not operate. Under these circum­ stances one cannot use programming based on probability calculus. The resultant gap is filled here by the theory of strategic games which provided the foundations for making rational decisions under conditions of a complete and inestimatable uncertainty (ignorance), i.e. such under which it is impossible to use probability calculus. For this reason the last part of the book deals with the application of the theory of games to programming. In consequence, the book deals with all important problems related to programming. I hope that it will be favourably received by the readers and will contribute to strengthening rationality in the methods of plan­ ning and management of our national economy. INTRODUCTION PRAXEOLOGY AND THE THEORY OF PROGRAMMING The theory of programming and its practical applications have aroused deep interest among economists in recent years. The theory of programming, to be precise, does not form part of political economy; it is rather an auxiliary science which may be used in political economy as well as in other fields of theoretical and practical research. It can be regarded as part of the general science of rational activity. Although it was in political economy that problems of rational ac­ tivity appeared first and were recognized as such, their scope has grown far beyond the boundaries of economics. This gave birth to a separate science of rational activity—praxeology. The term praxeology was first used in 1890 by the French sociologist Espinas in his essay on the origins of technology.1 It has since reappeared more and more frequently in the literature. So far, the most systematic exposition of the foundations of this very young science is given by Tadeusz Kotarbinski in his Traktat o dobrej robocie (Treatise on Good Work), published in 1955.2 The essential ideas of the science of rational activity were presented by Kotarbinski as early as 1913 in his Szkice praktyczne (Essays on Practice).3 Quite independently of Kotarbinski, praxeology was introduced into economics by the Soviet mathematician Eugene Slutsky.4 The Austrian 1 Cf. O. Lange: Political Economy, Oxford, 1963, Vol. I, p. 189. 2 Tadeusz Kotarbinski: Traktato dobrej robocie, 2nd ed., Wroclaw-Warsaw, 1958. 3 These essays, along with other papers, are in Kotarbinski's Pisma wybrane (Selected Works), Warsaw, 1958, Vol. I. For the antecedents of praxeology see T. Ko­ tarbinski: "Rozwój Prakseologii" (The Development of Praxeology), Wiedza Prak- tyczna (bulletin), Warsaw, 1962. 4 E. Slutsky : Ein Beitrag für formal-praxeologischen Grundlegung der Oekonomik, Kiev, 1926, Académie Oukrainienne des Sciences, Annales de la classe des sciences sociales-économiques, Vol. IV. 1 2 OPTIMAL DECISIONS economist Ludwig Mises also used the same term, although he erro­ neously identified praxeology with political economy and misconceived its foundations.5 Praxeology is concerned with rational activity. In fact, it may be defined as "the logic of rational activity". It makes uses of such special concepts as ends, means, methods, action, plan, effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, economy, etc., called praxeological categories. These con­ cepts may be applied not only in political economy but also in techno­ logy, warfare, strategy and tactics, methodology of scientific research and in other fields. Praxeology defines relationships between praxeologi­ cal categories, or praxeological principles of behaviour, which appear in every field of rational human activity. One of these principles is espe­ cially important in view of its role in political economy. It is the economic principle, or the principle of economic rationality. The principle of economic rationality can be applied when the end and means of activity are quantified, i.e. are of the nature of "quanti­ ties", or, at least, "magnitudes".6 According to this principle, the maxi­ mum degree of realization of an end is achieved when a given outlay of means yields the maximum effect. In this interpretation, the economic principle is called the principle of greatest effect or the principle of greatest efficiency. There is another interpretation of the economic principle known as the principle of minimum outlay or the principle of economy of means. In this case a given {a priori) degree of realization of an end is achieved with a minimum outlay of means. It can be proved that the two interpretations or variants of the prin­ ciple of economic rationality are equivalent. Indeed, applying the second variant of the principle of economic rationality, given the amount of means available, we shall obtain in the final analysis the maximum degree of realization of the end. For, if less means are used to achieve a parti­ cular degree of realization of the end, i.e. if some means are economized, then the degree of realization of the end can be correspondingly increased and thus brought to a maximum. The principle of economic rationality is sometimes defined in yet another way, namely as a procedure leading to the maximum realization 5 L. Mises: Nationaloekonomie. Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaf tens, Geneva, 1940. For critique of Mises see O. Lange: Political Economy, éd. cit., pp. 239-240. 6 The difference between the concepts of "quantity" and "magnitude" will be explained later. INTRODUCTION 3 of an end with the minimum input of means. A definition of this type is fallacious, because it leads to a contradiction. This will be proved later on, when the principle of economic rationality is expressed in mathematical terms. However, the fallacy of the third definition of the economic principle is obvious even intuitively. We have said before that the end which we wish to achieve, using the principle of economic rationality, must be a "quantity" or a "magni­ tude". Let us clarify these concepts. A phenomenon is of the nature of a quantity when it is measurable, i.e. when it can be uniquely expressed by a number. But there are phenomena which, though not measurable, can be ordered, i.e. uniquely arranged in a certain way according to their order of magnitude. We say that such phenomena are o fthe nature of magnitudes. For example, stars are classified by brightness, or miner­ als by hardness. Classification by order of importance is often used in physiological research, where some phenomena are arranged by, say, the degree of pain they produce, etc. In order to apply the principle of economic rationality it is sufficient that the end which we desire to achieve should be of the nature of a mag­ nitude. The principle of economic rationality required that we should be able to tell whether the end has been achieved to a greater or lesser extent as compared to an initial or any other given level. This remark is of a general nature, since for any calculation which involves maxi­ mization or minimization of a certain variable it is sufficient that the variable should be a magnitude, i.e. that its various values should be uniquely arranged. From the foregoing it is obvious that every "quan­ tity" is also a "magnitude", but not vice versa. As stated before, the principle of economic rationality has played an important part in the development of political economy and was first formulated by economists. This is not accidental, because the prin­ ciple of economic rationality is closely connected with economic de­ velopment. The development of a commodity-money type of economy, and especially of the capitalist mode of production, led to quantifying economic phenomena; monetary calculation took the place of calcula­ tion in physical categories. In a natural economy the object of economic activity is to satisfy a multiplicity of needs (food, clothes, leisure, defence, etc.) by various means (bread, bricks, timber, metal, etc.). In a capitalist economy, where all economic calculation is carried out in terms of money, the object of economic activity is uniquely quantified; it consists in achieving money incomes. Since the means used by capitalist enter- 4 OPTIMAL DECISIONS prises (wages, depreciation of equipment, savings, etc.) are also quanti­ fied in monetary units, the outlays on these means become commen­ surable. Thus, in capitalist economy, the ends and means of economic activity became quantified in commensurable monetary units. There emerged a definite, uniform object of economic activity—monetary profit. This contributed to the rationalization of economic activity. The old methods, based on custom and tradition, were replaced by well defined methods of rational economy based on calculation and its tool, book-keeping. The principle of economic rationality—a historical product of the development of the capitalist economy—is generally confined in capital­ ism to individual enterprises/In socialism it affects the whole national economy. The principle of economic rationality is related not only to economic activity; it finds its applications in other fields of human activity as well. For example, in technology, it helps in deciding how to achieve the maximum speed of a vehicle or the maximum resistance of a bridge, etc., given available means. Of course, the technological problems which are to be solved on the basis of the principle of economic rationality may also be stated otherwise; the aim of activity is, say, to achieve a given efficiency of a machine with a minimum outlay of means. Similarly, in warfare strategy and tactics, the problem may be one of achieving a given end with the smallest outlay of material resources and a minimum of casualties, or, conversely, to achieve the maximum strategic or tactical effect for a given outlay of resources and casu­ alties. There are a great many examples of this type. But in some fields of human activity the principle of economic rationality is not or cannot be applied. This occurs primarily when, as we mentioned before, the ends and means of action are neither quantities nor even magnitudes. In a natural economy, for example, there exists a multiplicity of ends and means which are not commensurable. A similar situation, though much more limited in scope, may arise both in capitalist and in socialist economies. The use of means in accordance with the principle of economic ration­ ality is called the optimum use. Optimization of the use of means may consist then in maximizing the end or minimizing the means, i.e.: (i) in achieving maximum realization of an end with a given outlay of means, or INTRODUCTION 5 (ii) in achieving a given degree of realization of the end with a mini­ mal outlay of means. The use of means otherwise than optimum is called waste. The concept of waste is a praxeological category. Waste occurs in economic or other activities when (i) the means are so used that the maximum degree of realization of an end is not achieved, or (ii) for a given effect (the degree of realization of the end) the outlay of means is larger than necessary. The principle of economic rationality is thus the general praxeo­ logical principle of behaviour. It is the principle of rational behaviour in a situation when the end and the means are of the nature of magni­ tudes. Programming, which is the subject of our exposition, is concerned with a special type of rational activity; the science of programming, or the theory of programming, forms part of praxeology. It constitutes the mathematical theory of application of the principle of economic rationality. The theory of programming, having emerged as a separate science by the end of World War II, is still a very young science. It was virtually created simultaneously with another science, called operations research. Developed in response to the requirements of mili­ tary operations, the two sciences are closely interrelated. Operations research came into being in Great Britain in the early years of World War II, when research groups, made up of scholars representing various disciplines, were set up to work out scientific methods of logistics and military operations. One of the problems they dealt with was to determine the optimum number of ships in convoys. The practice of warfare had proved that large convoys were easier to defend against attacks of enemy aircraft and submarines. On the other hand, the larger the convoy the more slowly it would move, its speed being determined by the speed of the slowest vessel; also, the more ships in the convoy, the greater the number of ship defects which slowed down the whole convoy, thus reducing its safety. There was an urgent need of finding a "compromise solution" to the problem which consisted in defining the optimum number of ships in a convoy. Other problems were to determine "the optimum route" for ships carrying war supplies so as to minimize losses in ships and cargo, etc. All these problems involved maximizing the realization of an end or minimizing the outlay of means. Most of the methods originally con­ ceived to solve military problems proved to be easily applicable to peace­ time problems, including rational business management. 6 OPTIMAL DECISIONS The science of programming was developed in the United States during the last war to tackle problems of military supplies, logistics, etc. One of the problems was to find the best location for warehouses intend­ ed to store food and war supplies. A location close to the theatre of hostilities facilitated rapid delivery of supplies to the place of destination but exposed the stores to a greater danger of destruction by enemy action. A similar problem involved the choice between a dense network of small warehouses and a scattered network of large ones. Those were all problems in optimization; the techniques used in sol­ ving them have since been successfully applied in peace-time economic activity. Prior to World War II, already in 1939, the Soviet mathematician L. V. Kantorovich published his Matyematicheskiye metody organizatsii proizvodstva (Mathematical Methods of Production Planning and Organization),7 in which he gave an exposition of the basic ideas of the science of programming in relation to problems of organization of production and transport. His further works in the same field were published in 1942 and 1949. Kantorovich's early works aroused some interest among mathematicians rather than among economists. Recently, however, the results obtained by Kantorovich and the possibilities of their application in practice have become the object of increasing atten­ tion. In 1959, L. V. Kantorovich published Ekonomicheski raschot opti- malnogo ispolzovaniya resursov.8 Operational research and the theory of programming can be regarded as part of praxeology, because the scope of their applications is not restricted to economics alone. However, since the two sciences are at present chiefly used in the field of economic activity, they are of special importance to political economy and other economic sciences. 7 Kantorovich's paper was published in English in: The use of Mathematics in Economics (V. Nemchinov ed.), Edinburgh-London, 1964. 8 The English translation, published by Pergamon Press Ltd. in 1965, appeared under the title: The Best Use of Economic Resources.

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