Optimal Binary Locally Repairable Codes via Anticodes Natalia Silberstein and Alexander Zeh Computer Science Department Technion—Israel Institute of Technology Haifa 32000, Israel [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—This paper presents a construction for several a new bound for LRCs which takes the size of the alphabet familiesofoptimalbinarylocallyrepairablecodes(LRCs)with intoaccountwasestablishedbyCadambeandMazumdar[1, small locality (2 and 3). This construction is based on various Thm. 1]. They showed that the dimension k of an [n,k,d] anticodes.ItprovidesbinaryLRCswhichattaintheCadambe– LRC C over F with locality r is upper bounded by Mazumdar bound. Moreover, most of these codes are optimal q 5 with respect to the Griesmer bound. k ≤ min(cid:110)tr+k(q)(cid:0)n−t(r+1),d(cid:1)(cid:111), (2) 1 I. INTRODUCTION t∈Z+ opt 0 2 Locally repairable codes (LRCs) are a family of erasure where k(q)(n,d) is the largest possible dimension of a code opt n codes which allow local correction of erasures, where any oflengthn,foragivenalphabetsizeq andagivenminimum code symbol can be recovered by using a small (fixed) num- a distance d. This bound applies to both linear and nonlinear J ber of other code symbols. The concept of LRCs was mo- codes. In the case of a nonlinear code, the parameter k is 8 tivated by application to distributed storage systems (DSSs), defined as |C|/logq. Moreover, it was shown in [1] that 2 (see e.g. [2], [3] and references therein). DSSs store data the family of binary simplex codes attains the bound (2) for across a network of nodes in a redundant form to ensure r = 2. To the best of our knowledge, there are only three ] resilience against node failures. Using of LRCs to store data T additionalworksthatconsiderconstructionsofbinaryLRCs, in DSSs enables to repair a failed node locally, i.e., by I namely the papers of Shahabinejad et al. [19], Goparaju . accessing a small number of other nodes in the system. s and Calderbank [7], and Zeh and Yaakobi [22], where the c The ith code symbol c , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, of an [n,k,d] linear i constructions of [7] and [22] consider binary cyclic LRCs. [ code C is said to have locality r if c can be recovered by i In this paper we propose constructions of new binary 1 accessing at most r other code symbols. A code C is said LRCs which attain the bound (2). All our LRCs have a v to have locality r if all its symbols have locality r. Such small locality (r = 2 and r = 3), moreover, most of our 4 codes are referred to as locally repairable (or recoverable) 1 codes attain the Griesmer bound. Our constructions use a codes (LRCs). LRCs were introduced by Gopalan et al. 1 method of Farrell [4] based on anticodes. In particular, we in [6]. It was shown in [6] that the minimum distance of 7 modify a binary simplex code by deleting certain columns 0 an [n,k,d] LRC with locality r should satisfy the following from its generator matrix. These deleted columns form an . generalization of the Singleton bound 1 anticode. We investigate the properties of anticodes which 0 (cid:24)k(cid:25) allow constructions of LRCs with small locality. Also, we 5 d≤n−k+2− . (1) r present optimal binary LRCs with locality 2 based on sub- 1 space codes. : Constructions of LRCs which attain this bound were pre- v Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSectionII sentedin[5],[6],[20],[21].FurthergeneralizationsofLRCs i X tothecodeswhichcanlocallycorrectmorethanoneerasure, we provide the necessary definitions, in particular, we define anticodes and describe a method of constructing a new code r to the LRCs with multiple repair alternatives, and to the a based on a simplex code and an anticode. In Section III vector LRCs were considered in [8], [9], [11]–[16], [18], we present our constructions based on various choices of [20]. However,toattainthebound(1)anditsgeneralizations[8], anticodes. Conclusion is given in Section IV. [12], [13], [16], the known codes should be defined over a II. PRELIMINARIES large finite field. In [20] Tamo and Barg presented LRCs satisfying the bound (1), which are defined over a field of Let C be a linear [n,k,d] code of length n, dimension k size slightly greater than the length of the code. This is the and minimum Hamming distance d over F . We say that a q smallest field size for optimal LRCs known so far. k ×n generator matrix G of C is in a standard form if it Codes over small (especially binary) alphabets are of a has the form G =(I |A), where I is an identity matrix of k j particularinterestduetotheirimplementationease.Recently, order j and A is a k×(n−k) matrix. If G is in a standard formthenan(n−k)×nparity-checkmatrixH canbeeasily N. Silberstein has been supported in part at the Technion by a Fine obtained from G in the following way: H = (−AT|I ). Fellowship. A. Zeh has been supported by the German research council n−k (DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft,DFG)undergrantZe1016/1-1. Notethatforabinarycode,wehaveH =(AT|In−k).Inthe sequel, we will consider only binary codes. The following Construction 1 (Farrell Construction [4]). Let G be the m simple lemma shows a sufficient condition on a parity-check m×(2m−1) generator matrix of a binary simplex code matrix of a code with locality r. S and let G be the k×n generator matrix with distinct m A columns of a binary linear anticode A of length n and Lemma 1. An[n,k,d]linearcodehaslocalityr ifforevery maximum distance δ. Then, the m×(2m −1−n) matrix coordinate i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, there exists a row R of weight at i obtained by deleting the n columns of G from G is a most r+1 in its parity-check matrix, which has a nonzero A m generator matrix of a binary [2m−1−n,≤ m,2m−1−δ] entry in the ith coordinate. In this case we say that the code. coordinate i is covered by the row R . i Example 2. Let G be the 4 × 15 generator ma- The following two bounds will be used in the sequel. The 4 trix of a simplex code S and let G be the gen- Plotkin bound (Thm. 1) holds for nonlinear codes, while the 4 A erator matrix of the anticode given in Example 1 Griesmer bound is restricted to linear codes (Thm. 2). with the additional first row of zeros. By deleting the Theorem1(PlotkinBound[10,p.43]). LetA (n,d)denote columns of G from G we obtain the following matrix 2 A 4 the largest number of codewords in a binary code of length 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 n and minimum distance d. If d is even and 2d>n then 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (cid:22) d (cid:23) G4\GA= 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 A (n,d)≤2 . 2 2d−n 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Theorem2(GriesmerBound[10,p.547]). Thelengthnofa wheretheshadowedcolumnsin{8,9,10}aredeleted,which binarylinearcodewithdimensionkandminimumdistanced generates a [12,4,6] code. Note that this code attains the must satisfy Griesmer bound. k−1(cid:24) (cid:25) (cid:88) d n≥ . III. CONSTRUCTIONSOFOPTIMALBINARYLRCS 2i i=0 In this section we provide constructions of binary LRCs Intheremainingpartofthissectionwedefineananticode based on the Farrell construction (see Construction 1), by and recall the anticode-based construction of binary linear usingvariousanticodes.Weprovethatourcodeshaveasmall codes by Farrell [4] (see also [10, p. 548]). An anticode is locality(r =2orr =3)andattaintheCadambe–Mazumdar a code which may contain repeated codewords and which bound(2).MostofourcodesalsoattaintheGriesmerbound has an upper bound on the distance between the codewords. (see Thm. 2). More precisely, a binary linear anticode A of length n and A. LRCs based on Anticodes maximum distance δ is a set of codewords in Fn such that 2 First, we generalize Example 1 and consider an anticode theHammingdistancebetweenanypairofcodewordsisless than or equal to δ. The generator matrix G of A is a k×n such that all the vectors of length s and weight 2 form the A binary matrix such that all the 2k combinations of its rows columns of its generator matrix. We denote such an anticode form the codewords of the anticode. If rank(G ) = γ, then by As,2. For example, the anticode from Example 1 is an A each codeword occurs 2k−γ times in the anticode. Due to A3,2 anticode. First, we need the following theorem about the parameters of A . linearity, we have s,2 Theorem 3. Let A be a binary anticode such that all δ =maxwt(a), (3) s,2 a∈A weight-2vectorsoflengthsformthecolumnsofitsgenerator matrix G . Then A has length (cid:0)s(cid:1) and maximum weight where wt(v) denotes the Hamming weight of a vector v. (cid:106) (cid:107)A s,2 2 δ = s2 . Example 1. Let GA be a 3×3 generator matrix given by 4 1 1 0 Proof: There are (cid:0)s(cid:1) vectors of weight 2 and length s, 2 GA=10 01 11. h(cid:0)se(cid:1)n.cNetehxet,nwume pbreorvoeftchoaltutmhensvianluGeAofatnhdetmheaxleinmguthmowfeAigs,h2tiδs It generates a binary linear anticode A of length n=3 and is2(cid:106)s2(cid:107). Note that the s×(cid:0)s(cid:1) generator matrix G is also δ =2, where the set of 23 codewords is 4 2 A an incidence matrix of a complete graph K = (V,E) with s A=(cid:8)(000),(110),(101),(011),(011),(101),(110),(000)(cid:9). |V| = s and |E|=(cid:0)s(cid:1). Therefore, the maximum weight δ 2 of the anticode can be described in terms of maximum cut The construction of Farrell [4] which we use to construct between a subset of vertices S ⊆V and its complement Sc, optimal LRCs is based on a modification of a generator more precisely, matrix for a binary simplex code. AbinarysimplexcodeSmisa[2m−1,m,2m−1]codewith δ =1m≤ia≤xs|Cut(Si,Sic)|, generator matrix G whose columns consist of all distinct m nonzero vectors in Fm. In the rest of the paper we assume whereSi isasubsetofV ofsizeiandSic itscomplementof 2 size s−i. Since K is an (s−1)-regular graph, it holds that w.l.o.g.thatG isinthestandardformandthatthecolumns s m for all 1 ≤ i ≤ s, (s−1)i = |Cut(S ,Sc)|+2|E |, where of Gm are ordered according to their Hamming weight. i i i E ⊆E is the set of edges between the vertices in S . Note i i thattheinducedsubgraph(S ,E )ofK isacompletegraph we obtain m rows of weight 3 in H(cid:48) with the first nonzero i i s K and then |E |=(cid:0)i(cid:1). Thus, entry in the first m coordinates and the last nonzero entry in i i 2 the last coordinate. Thus, the obtained parity-check matrix |Cut(S ,Sc)|=(s−1)i−i(i−1)=i(s−i) i i H(cid:48) contains weight-3 rows which cover all the coordinates and (and the last row of H, of weight m+1). (cid:22)s2(cid:23) δ = max{i(s−i)}= . 1≤i≤s 4 In the following example we illustrate the idea of mod- ification of a parity-check matrix described in the proof of As a consequence of Thm. 3 and the Farrell construction Thm. 4. we have the following theorem. Example 3. We consider the parity-check matrix H of the Theorem 4. Let S be a [2m−1,m,2m−1] simplex code, [12,4,6] code of Example 2 based on the anticode A3,2. It m has the following form, where the vertical lines show the m≥4,andletG beitsgeneratormatrix.LetA ,s≤m, m s,2 partition of its columns into the parts H1,H2,H3,H4. beananticodedefinedinThm.3andletG beitsgenerator A matrix. We prepend m−s zeros to every column of GA to 1100 100 0000 0 formanm×(cid:0)s(cid:1)matrixwhosecolumnsaredeletedfromG 1010 010 0000 0 2 m 1001 001 0000 0 to obtain a generator matrix G for a new code C . Then C isa[2m−(cid:0)s(cid:1)−1,m,2m−1−(cid:106)s2(cid:107)]LRCwmit,hs,2locality H= 11111001 000000 10010000 00 rm=,s2,2. 2 4 10011111 000000 00001001 00 1111 000 0000 1 Proof: The prepending of zeros to G does not change A We add to each one of the ith rows of H, 4 ≤ i ≤ 7, the the length and the maximum weight of the anticode. Hence, last row and obtain the following parity-check matrix: the length, the dimension, and the minimum distance of the obtained code Cm,s,2 directly follow from the Farrell 1100 100 0000 0 construction and Thm. 3. 1010 010 0000 0 1001 001 0000 0 To prove that the locality of C is r =2, by Lemma 1 we need to show that every coormd,isn,2ate is covered by a row H(cid:48)= 00000110 000000 10010000 11 , of weight 3 of the parity-check matrix for C (note that 0100 000 0010 1 m,s,2 1000 000 0001 1 clearly locality is not 1). Since G is in the standard form, m 1111 000 0000 1 thegeneratormatrixGofC isalsointhestandardform. m,s,2 such that every coordinate is covered by a weight-3 row. We denote by Gi, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, the submatrix of G which consists of the set of columns of G of weight i. Then the Corollary 1. For 3 ≤ s ≤ 5, the code Cm,s,2 obtained in parity-check matrix H of C has the following form: Thm. 4 attains the bound (2). More precisely, m,s,2 (G2)T I • The code Cm,3,2 obtained by using the anticode A3,2 is (m)−(s) a [2m−4,m,2m−1−2] LRC with locality r =2 which 2 2 H = ... ... . attains the bound (2). (Gm−1)T I • The code Cm,4,2 obtained by using the anticode A4,2 is m a [2m−7,m,2m−1−4] LRC with locality r =2 which (Gm)T 1 attains the bound (2). We will show that by a simple modification of H with • The code Cm,5,2 obtained by using the anticode A5,2 is elementary operations on its rows we obtain a parity-check a[2m−11,m,2m−1−6]LRCwithlocalityr =2which matrix H(cid:48) such that every coordinate of the code will be attains the bound (2). covered by a row of H(cid:48) of weight 3. We define a partition of columns of H into the parts {H1,...,Hm} as follows. Proof:Toprovetheoptimalityoftheproposedcodeswe The part H1 contains the first m columns, and the part Hi, apply the bound (2) with t = 1 and use the Plotkin bound (see Thm. 1): 2 ≤ i ≤ m, corresponds to the columns which contain I included in the rows which contain (Gi)T. (Note that For s = 3 we have 2+ko(2p)t(2m −7,2m−1 −2) ≤ 2+ if(mis)= m then H2 = ∅.) Let consider the xth coordinate (cid:106)log2(cid:106)2m−31−2(cid:107)(cid:107)≤2+(cid:4)log(2m−1−2)(cid:5)=2+m−2=m. in Hi, 3 ≤ i ≤ m−1. There exists a row Ri in H with For s = 4 we have 2+k(2)(2m −10,2m−1 −4) ≤ 2+ x opt nonzero entry in this coordinate. This row Rxi also contains (cid:106)log2(cid:106)2m−1−4(cid:107)(cid:107)=2+(cid:4)log(2m−1−4)(cid:5)=2+m−2=m. i nonzero entries in the first m coordinates. Let Ri+1 be 2 a row in H such that its i+1 nonzero entries in thye first For s = 5 we have 2+ko(2p)t(2m −14,2m−1 −6) ≤ 2+ m coordinates contain the first i nonzero entries of Ri, and (cid:106)log2(cid:106)2m−1−6(cid:107)(cid:107)=2+(cid:4)log(2m−1−6)(cid:5)=2+m−2= m. x 2 which also has one in the yth coordinate of Hi+1. Then the coordinatesxinHiandyinHi+1arecoveredbyRi+Ri+1, x y Remark 1. One can check that the codes C and C the weight-3 row of H(cid:48). Note that for every x in Hi there is m,3,2 m,5,2 attain the Griesmer bound. such y in Hi+1. To show that any coordinate in H1∪Hm has locality 2, note that when we add the last row of H to Note that to apply our modification of a parity-check eachoneofthemrowswhichcontaintherowsof(Gm−1)T, matrix in the proof for locality 2, the generator matrix of a code obtained by the Farrell construction should contain code. Note that C is the augmented simplex code S with m−1 columns of consecutive weights. Based on this observation, generator matrix: we propose a generalization of the previous construction of (cid:18) (cid:19) an anticode and prove that the LRCs obtained from this 111...11 G= . anticode have locality r =2 and attain the Griesmer bound. G m−1 Theorem 5. Let S be a [2m−1,m,2m−1] simplex code, m Toprovethatthelocalityis3,wenotethatallthecodewords m≥4,andletG beitsgeneratormatrix.LetA , m t;2,3,...,t−1 inthedualcodeofC haveevenweight,andhencethelocality 3 ≤ t ≤ m, be an anticode such that its generator r is an odd number. Clearly, r >1. We construct the parity- matrix G consists of all the columns in Ft of weights in A 2 check matrix H of C with all the rows of weight 4, and {2,3,...,t−1}. We prepend m−t zeros to every column of G to form the m×(cid:80)t−1(cid:0)t(cid:1) matrix whose columns are then every coordinate will be covered by a row of H of A i=2 i weight 4, which by Lemma 1 implies that r =3. Recall that deleted from G to obtain a generator matrix G for a new m the dual code of S is a [2m−1,2m−1−m,3] Hamming codeC .ThenC isa[2m−2t+t+1,m,2m−1−2t−1+2] m−1 m,t m,t code [10], and denote its generator matrix by Hm−1. We LRC with locality r =2 which attains the Griesmer bound. consider the construction of Hm−1 with all the rows of Proof: First we prove that the anticode A has weight 3 from [1], where the rows have nonzero entries in t;2,3,...,t−1 length 2t−t−2 and maximum weight 2t−1−2. Note that the positions (i,2j,i+2j), for 1≤j ≤m−2, 1≤i≤2j. thegeneratormatrixofA canbeobtainedfromthe LetdenotebyHm−1 arowofHm−1 withnonzeroentriesin t;2,3,...,t−1 i,2j generator matrix G of the simplex code S by removing t the positions (i,2j,i+2j). The parity-check matrix H will t t columns of weight 1 and one column of weight t, and hence consist of 2m−1 −m−1 weight-4 rows Hm−1 +Hm−1, 1,2 1,2j thelengthofAt;2,3,...,t−1is2t−t−2.Sinceallthecodewords 2 ≤ j ≤ m−2, and Him,2−j1 +Him+−1,12j, 2 ≤ j ≤ m−2, inSt haveweight2t−1 andfromeachrowofGt weremoved 1≤i≤2j −2. twoonestoobtainageneratormatrixforouranticode,where To prove the optimality of the obtained code C we apply all the rows in G have one of the removed ones in the same t the bound (2) with t=1 and use the Plotkin bound: place, it follows that the maximum weight of A t;2,3,...,t−1 idsoeδs=no2tt−ch1a−ng2e.tHheenlecne,gtshinacnedptrheepemndaxinimguzmerowreoiwghsttoofGthAe 3+ko(2p)t(2m−1−1−4,2m−2−1)≤3+(cid:22)log2·(cid:22)2m−32−1(cid:23)(cid:23) anticode, C is a [2m −2t +t+1,m,2m−1 −2t−1 +2] m,t code. The proof of locality is similar to the proof in Thm. 3. To prove that C attains the Griesmer bound we have ≤3+(cid:4)log(2m−2−1)(cid:5)=3+m−3=m. m,t m(cid:88)−1(cid:24)2m−1−2t−1+2(cid:25) m(cid:88)−1 (cid:88)t−1 = 2i− 2i+(2+t−1) 2i i=0 i=0 i=0 Remark 2. One can check that the code C from Thm. 5 attains the Griesmer bound. =2m−1−2t+1+t+1=2m−2t+t+1, which completes the proof. B. LRCs based on Subspace Codes In the following, we consider an anticode formed by another modification of a simplex code and prove that the In this subsection we consider a construction of optimal LRC obtained from this anticode attains the bound (2) and binary LRCs with the parity-check matrix formed by the has locality 3. codewordsofasubspacecode.Inparticular,weareinterested in a special kind of subspace codes, called lifted rank-metric Theorem6. LetA betheanticodewithgeneratormatrix m−1 codes [17], with the trivial distance 1 and the constant di- G given by A mension2.Moreprecisely,letconsidera22s−4×(2s−2s−2) 1 000...00 binary matrix Hs whose columns are indexed by the vectors GA = 0... Gm−1 , itvnhe∈F2Fs2-sd\−im{20}e0.nvEsivo:envrayl∈rsouFwb2ss−opfa2c}Hesasnoidsf wtFhs2heocisnoecnitrdaoeiwnnecsdeavirneecFitnos2dr\eox{fe0ds0uvbchy: 0 2 a 2-dimensional subspace and then has weight 3 (note that where G is the generator matrix for the simplex code the all-zero vector is not considered). It was proved in [17, m−1 S . Let C be a code obtained by the Farrell construction Thm. 11] that the code Cs with the parity-check matrix Hs m−1 based on the simplex code S and on the anticode A . isa[2s−2s−2,s,2s−2s−2]2s−2-quasi-cycliccode.Notethat m m−1 2 ThenC isa[2m−1−1,m,2m−2−1]LRCwithlocalityr =3 Hs contains dependent rows. which attains the bound (2). Example 4. For s = 4, the matrix H4 has the following Proof: Since all the codewords in S have the form. The four rows above this matrix represent the vectors m−1 constant weight 2m−2, the maximum weight of A is whichindexthecolumnsofH4.Forexample,thefirstrowof m−1 δ =2m−2+1.Then,bytheFarrellconstruction,C isa[2m− H4 corresponds to the subspace which contains the vectors 1−2m−1,m,2m−1−2m−2−1]=[2m−1−1,m,2m−2−1] {(0,1,0,0),(1,0,0,0),(1,1,0,0)}: 0000 1111 1111 TABLEI 1111 0000 1111 OPTIMALBINARYLRCWITHLOCALITYTWOANDTHREE. 0011 0011 0011 0101 0101 0101 [n,k,d] Localityr Reference 1000 1000 1000 [28,5,14] 2 Thm.4 m=5,s=3 0100 0001 0010 [25,5,12] 2 m=5,s=4 0010 0100 0001 [21,5,10] 2 m=5,s=5 0001 0010 0100 [60,6,30] 2 Thm.4 m=6,s=3 1000 0100 0100 [57,6,28] 2 m=6,s=4 0100 0010 0001 [53,6,26] 2 m=6,s=5 0010 1000 0010 [21,5,10] 2 Thm.5 m=5,t=4 0001 0001 1000 [38,6,18] 2 m=6,t=5 1000 0010 0010 [31,6,15] 3 Thm.6 m=6 0100 0100 1000 [63,7,31] 3 m=7 0010 0001 0100 [24,5,12] 2 Thm.7 s=5 01000010 10000001 00000011 [48,6,24] 2 s=6 0100 1000 0100 0010 0010 1000 0001 0100 0010 [3] A.Dimakis,K.Ramchandran,Y.Wu,andC.Suh,“Asurveyonnetwork In the following we prove that this code attains the codesfordistributedstorage,”ProceedingsoftheIEEE,vol.99,no.3, pp.476–489,Mar.2011. bound (2) with locality 2. 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