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ON THE MULTIPLE q-GENOCCHI AND EULER NUMBERS Taekyun Kim 8 0 0 2 Abstract. Thepurposeofthispaperistopresentasystemicstudyofsomefamiliesof multipleq-GenocchiandEulernumbersbyusingmultivariateq-Volkenbornintegral(= n a p-adicq-integral)onZp. Fromthestudiesofthoseq-Genocchinumbersandpolynomials J of higherorderwe derivesome interestingidentitiesrelatedto q-Genocchinumbersand 7 polynomials of higher order. ] T N §1. Introduction . h t a m Let p be a fixed odd prime. Throughout this paper Z , Q , C, and C will, p p p [ respectively, denote the ring of p-adic rational integers, the field of p-adic rational 1 numbers, the complex number field, and the completion of algebraic closure of Qp. v Let v be the normalized exponential valuation of C with |p| = p−vp(p) = p−1 p p p 8 and let q be regarded as either a complex number q ∈ C or a p-adic number q ∈ 7 9 C . If q ∈ C, then we always assume |q| < 1. If q ∈ C , we normally assume p p 0 1. |1−q|p < p−p−11, which implies that qx = exp(xlogq) for |x|p ≤ 1. Here, |·|p is the 0 p-adic absolute value in Cp with |p|p = p1. The q-basic natural number are defined 8 by [n] = 1−qn = 1 + q + ··· + qn−1, ( n ∈ N), and q-factorial are also defined as 0 q 1−q : [n] ! = [n] ·[n−1] ···[2] ·[1] .In thispaperweuse the notationofGaussian binomial v q q q q q i coefficient as follows: X r n [n] ! [n] ·[n−1] ···[n−k +1] a (1) = q = q q q. (cid:18)k(cid:19) [n−k] ![k] ! [k] ! q q q q Note that lim n = n = n·(n−1)···(n−k+1). The Gaussian coefficient satisfies the q→1 k q k n! following recursion(cid:0) f(cid:1)ormu(cid:0)la(cid:1): n+1 n n n n (2) = +qk = qn−k + , cf. [12]. (cid:18) k (cid:19) (cid:18)k −1(cid:19) (cid:18)k(cid:19) (cid:18)k −1(cid:19) (cid:18)k(cid:19) q q q q q Key wordsand phrases. q-Bernoullinumbers,q-Volkenbornintegrals,q-Eulernumbers,q-Stirling numbers. 2000 AMS Subject Classification: 11B68, 11S80 ThispaperissupportedbyJangjeonResearchInstituteforMathematicalScience(JRIMS-10R-2001) Typeset by AMS-TEX 1 From thus recursion formula we derive n = qd1+2d2+···+kdk, cf.[1, 2, 12, 13, 14]. (cid:18)k(cid:19) q d0+···+dkX=n−k,di∈N The q-binomial formulae are known as n n n (b;q)n = 1−bqi−1 = q(k2)(−1)kbk, (cid:18)k(cid:19) iY=1(cid:0) (cid:1) Xk=0 q and n ∞ (3) 1 = 1−bqi−1 −1 = n+k −1 bk, cf.[12]. (b;q) (cid:18) k (cid:19) n iY=1(cid:0) (cid:1) kX=0 q In this paper we use the notation 1−qx 1−(−q)x [x] = , and [x] = . q −q 1−q 1+q Hence, lim [x] = 1, for any x with |x| ≤ 1 in the present p-adic case, cf.[1-18]. q→1 q p For d a fixed positive integer with (p,d) = 1, let X = X = limZ/dpNZ, X = Z , d ←− 1 p N X∗ = ∪ (a+dpZ ), p 0<a<dp (a,p)=1 a+dpNZ = {x ∈ X|x ≡ a (mod dpn)}, p where a ∈ Z lies in 0 ≤ a < dpN. In [9], we note that (−1)aqa (−q)a µ (a+dpNZ ) = (1+q) = , −q p 1+qdpN [dpN]−q is distribution on X for q ∈ C with |1 − q| < 1. We say that f is a uniformly p p differentiable function at a point a ∈ Z and denote this property by f ∈ UD(Z ), p p f(x)−f(y) ′ if the difference quotients F (x,y) = have a limit l = f (a) as (x,y) → f x−y (a,a). For f ∈ UD(Z ), this distribution yields an integral as follows: p dpN−1 1 I = f(x)dµ (x) = f(x)dµ (x) = lim f(x)(−q)x, −q ZZp −q ZX −q N→∞ [dpN]−q xX=0 2 which has a sense as we see readily that the limit is convergent (see [9, 10, 14, 15]). Let q = 1. Then we have the fermionic p-adic integral on Z as follows: p pN−1 I = f(x)dµ (x) = lim f(x)(−1)x, cf.[3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14]. −1 −1 ZZp N→∞ xX=0 For any positive integer N, we set qa µ (a+lpNZ ) = , cf. [5, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18], q p [lpN] q and this can be extended to a distribution on X. This distribution yields p-adic bosonic q-integral as follows (see [12, 17, 18]): I (f) = f(x)dµ (x) = f(x)dµ (x), q q q ZZ ZX p where f ∈ UD(Z ) = the space of uniformly differentiable function on Z with val- p p ues in C . p In view of notation, I can be written symbolically as I (f) = lim I (f), −1 −1 q→−1 q cf.[9]. For n ∈ N, let f (x) = f(x+n). Then we have n n−1 (4) qnI (f ) = (−1)nI (f)+[2] (−1)n−1−lqlf(l), see [9]. −q n −q q Xl=0 For any complex number z, it is well known that the familiar Euler polynomialsE (z) n are defined by means of the following generating function: ∞ 2 tn F(z,t) = ezt = E (z) , for |t| < π, cf.[13,14]. et +1 n n! nX=0 We note that, by substituting z = 0, E (0) = E is the familiar n-th Euler number n n defined by ∞ 2 tn F(t) = F(0,t) = = E , cf.[12]. et +1 nn! nX=0 The Genocchi numbers G are defined by the generating function n ∞ 2t tn = G ,(|t| < π). et +1 nn! nX=0 It satisfies G = 1,G = G = ··· = G = 0, and even coefficients are given by 1 3 5 2k+1 G = 2(1−2n)B = 2nE (0), n n 2n−1 3 where B are Bernoulli numbers and E (x) are Euler polynomials. By meaning of n n the generalization of E , Frobenius-Euler numbers and polynomials are also defined n by ∞ ∞ 1−u tn 1−u tn = H (u) , and ext = H (u,x) , for u ∈ C, cf.[12, 14]. n n et −u n! et −u n! nX=0 nX=0 Over five decades ago, Carlitz [1, 2] defined q-extension of Frobenius-Euler num- bers and polynomials and proved properties analogous to those satisfied H (u) and n H (u,x). In previous my paper [6, 7, 8] the author defined the q-extension of or- n dinary Euler and polynomials and proved properties analogous to those satisfied E n and E (x). In [6] author also constructed the q-Euler numbers and polynomials of n higher order and gave some interesting formulae related to Euler numbers and poly- nomials of higher order . The purpose of this paper is to present a systemic study of some families of multiple q-Genocchi and Euler numbers by using multivariate q- Volkenborn integral (= p-adic q-integral) on Z . From the studies of these q-Genocchi p numbers and polynomials of higher order we derive some interesting identities related to q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials of higher order. §2. Preliminaries / q-Euler polynomials − 1 In this section we assume that q ∈ Cp with |1 − q|p < p p−1. Let f1(x) be translation with f (x) = f(x+1). From (4) we can derive 1 I (f ) = I (f)+2f(0). −1 1 −1 If we take f(x) = e(x+y)t, then we have Euler polynomials from the integral equation of I (f) as follows: −1 ∞ 2 E (x)tn e(x+y)tdµ (y) = ext = n . ZZp −1 et +1 nX=0 n! That is, yndµ (y) = E , and (x+y)ndµ (y) = E (x). −1 n −1 n ZZ ZZ p p Now we consider the following multivariate p-adic fermionic integral on Z as follows: p (5) 2 r ∞ tn ZZp ···ZZp e(x1+···+xr+x)tdµ−1(x1)···dµ−1(xr) = (cid:18)et +1(cid:19) ext = nX=0En(r)(x)n!, where Er(x) are the Euler polynomials of order r. n 4 From (5) we note that (6) ··· (x +···+x +x)ndµ (x )···dµ (x ) = E(r)(x). 1 r −1 1 −1 r n ZZ ZZ p p In view of (6) we can define the q-extension of Euler polynomials of higher order. For h ∈ Z, k ∈ N, let us consider the extended higher order q-Euler polynomials as follows: Em(h,,qk)(x) = ··· [x1+···+xk+x]mq qPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xr), see [6] . ZZ ZZ p p From this definition we can derive m 1 m 1 (7) E(h,k)(x) = [2]k (−1)jqxj , see [6] . m,q q(1−q)m (cid:18)j (cid:19) (−qj+h;q−1) Xj=0 k It is easy to see that k−1 (−qj+k−1;q−1) = (1+qlqj) = (−qj;q) k k Yl=0 In the special case h = k −1, we can easily see that m 1 m 1 E(k−1.k)(x) = [2]k (−1)jqxj m,q q(1−q)m (cid:18)j (cid:19) (−qj+k−1;q−1) Xj=0 k m 1 m 1 = [2]k (−1)jqxj q(1−q)m (cid:18)j (cid:19) (−qj;q) Xj=0 k (8) m ∞ 1 m k +n−1 = [2]k (−1)jqxj (−qj)n q(1−q)m (cid:18)j (cid:19) (cid:18) n (cid:19) Xj=0 nX=0 q ∞ k +n−1 = [2]k (−1)n[n+x]m. q (cid:18) n (cid:19) q nX=0 q Let Fk(t,x) = ∞ E(k−1,k)(x) be the generating function of Ek−1,k(x). From (8) n=0 n,q n,q we note that P ∞ ∞ ∞ tm k +n−1 tm Fk(t,x) = E(k−1,k)(x) = [2]k (−1)n[n+x]m q m,q m! q (cid:18) n (cid:19) q m! mX=0 mX=0nX=0 q ∞ k +n−1 = [2]k (−1)ne[n+x]q. q (cid:18) n (cid:19) nX=0 q 5 Remark. For w ∈ C with |1−w| < 1, we have p ∞ 2 tn I (wxetx) = wxetxdµ (x) = = E (w) , see [3, 9, 11, 12, 15] . −1 ZZp −1 wet +1 nX=0 n n! Thus, we note that wxxndµ (x) = E (w) and E (w) = 2 H (−w−1), where Zp −1 n n w+1 n H (−w−1) are FrobeRnius-Euler numbers. n In the previous paper [11], the q-extension of E (w)(= twisted q-Euler numbers) n are studied as follows: ∞ tn (9) I−q(wxet[x]q) = wxet[x]dµ−q(x) = En,q(w) . ZZp nX=0 n! From (9) we note that n [2] n 1 E (w) = wx[x]ndµ (x) = q (−1)j , see [11] . n,q ZZp q −q (1−q)n Xj=0(cid:18)j(cid:19) 1+qj+1w By the exactly same method of Eq.(7), we can also derive the multiple twisted q-Euler numbers as follows: E(h,k)(w,x) m,q (10) = ··· wPkj=1xj[x1 +···+xk +x]mq qPkj=1(h−j)xjdµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk). ZZ ZZ p p From (10) we can easily derive [2]k m m 1 E(h,k)(w,x) = q (−qx)l . m,q (1−q)m (cid:18) l (cid:19) (−wqh+l;q−1) Xl=0 For h = k −1, we have [2]k m m 1 E(k−1,k)(w,x) = q (−qx)l m,q (1−q)m (cid:18) l (cid:19) (−wql;q) Xl=0 k (11) ∞ n+k −1 = [2]k (−w)n[n+x]m. q (cid:18) n (cid:19) q nX=0 q Let Fk(w,x) = ∞ E(k−1,k)(x)tm. From (11), we can easily derive q m=0 m,q m! P ∞ n+k −1 Fk(w,x) = [2]k (−w)ne[n+x]qt. q q (cid:18) n (cid:19) nX=0 q 6 Remark. When we consider those q-Euler numbers and polynomials in complex num- ber field, we assume that q ∈ C with |q| < 1. §3. Genocchi and q-Genocchi numbers From (4) we note that ∞ 2t tn (12) t extdµ (x) = = G . ZZp −1 et +1 nX=0 nn! Thus, we have ∞ G tn (13) extdµ (x) = n+1 . −1 ZZp nX=0 n+1 n! By (13) we easily see that G G (x) xndµ (x) = n+1, and (x+y)ndµ dµ (y) = n+1 , −1 −1 −1 ZZ n+1 ZZ n+1 p p where G (x) are Genocchi polynomials ( see [8] ). n Fromthe multivariatep-adic fermionicintegral onZ we canalso derive theGenoc- p chi numbers of order r as follows: (14) 2t r ∞ tn trZZp ···ZZp e(x1+···+xr)tdµ−1(x1)···dµ−1(xr) = (cid:18)et +1(cid:19) = nX=0G(nr)n!, r ∈ N, (r) where G are the Genocchi numbers of order r. n From (14) we note that ∞ ∞ (r+n) tn+r tn (15) ··· (x +···+x )ndµ (x )···dµ (x ) r = G(r) , nX=0ZZp ZZp 1 r −1 1 −1 r (n+r)! nX=0 n n! where (x) = x(x−1)···(x−r +1). By (14) and (15), we easily see that r (16) 1 ··· (x +···+x )ndµ (x )···dµ (x ) = G(r) , where n ∈ N∪{0}, ZZ ZZ 1 r −1 1 −1 r r! n+r n+r p p r (cid:0) (cid:1) (r) (r) (r) and G = G = ··· = G = 0. Thus, we obtain the following theorem. 0 1 r−1 7 Theorem 1. For n ∈ N∪{0}, r ∈ N, we have G(r) = (n+r) ··· (x +···+x )ndµ (x )···dµ (x ) n+r r 1 r −1 1 −1 r ZZ ZZ p p n+r = r! ··· (x +···+x )ndµ (x )···dµ (x ), 1 r −1 1 −1 r (cid:18) r (cid:19) ZZ ZZ p p where (x) = x(x−1)···(x−r+1). r Recently we constructed the q-extension of Genocchi numbers as follows: ∞ ∞ tn (17) t e[x]qtdµ−q(x) = [2]qt (−1)nqne[n]qt = Gn,q , see [8] . ZZp nX=0 nX=0 n! Thus, we note that [2] n−1 n−1 (−1)l [x]ndµ (x) = G = n q , see [8] . ZZp q −q n,q (1−q)n−1 Xl=0 (cid:18) l (cid:19)1+ql+1 In view of (14) we can define the q-extension of Genocchi numbers of higher order. For h ∈ Z, k ∈ N, let us consider the extended higher order q-Genocchi numbers as follows: ∞ tn nX=0G(nh,q,k)n! = tkZZp ···ZZp e[x1+···+xk]qtqPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk) ∞ tn+k = nX=0ZZp ···ZZp[x1 +···+xk]nqqPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk) n! ∞ (n+k) tn+k = nX=0ZZp ···ZZp[x1 +···+xk]nqqPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk) (n+kk)! . Thus, we have n+k G(nh+,kk),q = k!(cid:18) k (cid:19)ZZ ···ZZ [x1 +···+xk]nqqPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk) p p n+k [2]k n n 1 = k! q (−1)l , (cid:18) k (cid:19)(1−q)n (cid:18)l(cid:19) (−qh+l;q−1) Xl=0 k and (h,k) (h,k) (h,k) G = G = ··· = G = 0. 0,q 1,q k−1,q 8 If we take h = k −1, then we have n+k [2]k n n 1 G(k−1,k) = k! q (−1)l n+k,q (cid:18) k (cid:19)(1−q)n (cid:18)l(cid:19) (−ql;q) Xl=0 k n+k [2]k n n ∞ m+k −1 = k! q (−1)l (−ql)m (cid:18) k (cid:19)(1−q)n (cid:18)l(cid:19) (cid:18) m (cid:19) Xl=0 mX=0 q ∞ n+k m+k −1 = k! [2]k (−1)m[m]n. (cid:18) k (cid:19) q (cid:18) m (cid:19) q mX=0 q Therefore we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2. For h ∈ Z, k ∈ N, we have n+k [2]k n n 1 G(h,k) = k! q (−1)l , n+k,q (cid:18) k (cid:19)(1−q)n (cid:18)l(cid:19) (−qh+l;q−1) Xl=0 k and ∞ n+k m+k −1 G(k−1,k) = k! [2]k (−1)m[m]n. n+k,q (cid:18) k (cid:19) q (cid:18) m (cid:19) q mX=0 q Let ∞ ∞ tn tn+k (18) hk(t) = G(k−1,k) = G(k−1,k) , q n,q n! n+k,q (n+k)! nX=0 nX=0 (k−1,k) (k−1,k) because G = ··· = G = 0. By (18) and Theorem 2, we see that 0,q k−1,q ∞ ∞ ∞ tn m+k −1 tm hk(t) = G(k−1,k) = [2]ktk (−1)m[m]n q n,q n! q (cid:18) m (cid:19) q m! nX=0 nX=0mX=0 q ∞ m+k −1 = [2]ktk (−1)me[m]qt. q (cid:18) m (cid:19) mX=0 q Remark. For w ∈ C with |1 −w| < 1, we can also define w-Genocchi numbers p p (= twisted Genocchi numbers) as follows: ∞ 2t tn t wxextdµ (x) = = G , cf.[3, 11, 13] . ZZp −1 wet +1 nX=0 n,wn! From this we note that lim G = G . The q-extension of G can be also w→1 n,w n n,w defined by ∞ tn (19) t wxe[x]qtdµ−q(x) = Gn,q,w , cf. [3, 8, 11, 13] . ZZp nX=0 n! 9 By (19) we easily see that [2] n−1 n−1 (−1)l q G = n , cf.[11] . n,q,w (1−q)n−1 (cid:18) l (cid:19)1+ql+1w Xl=0 From this we also note that lim G = G . w→1 n,q,w n,q Now we consider the extended (q,w)-Genocchi numbers by using multivariate p- adic fermionic integral on Z . For h ∈ Z,k ∈ N, w ∈ C with |1−w| < 1, we define p p p (h,k) G as follows: n,q,w ∞ tn G(h,k) n,q,wn! (20) nX=0 = tk ··· wx1+···+xke[x1+···+xk]qtqPkj=1xj(h−j)dµ−q(x1)···dµ−q(xk). ZZ ZZ p p From (20) we can derive n+k [2]k n n 1 G(h,k) = k! q (−1)l , n+k,q,w (cid:18) k (cid:19)(1−q)n (cid:18)l(cid:19) (−wqh+l;q−1) Xl=0 k and ∞ n+k m+k −1 G(k−1,k) = k! [2]k (−w)m[n]m. n+k,q,w (cid:18) k (cid:19) q (cid:18) m (cid:19) q mX=0 q Let hk (t) = ∞ G(k−1,k)tn. Then we have q,w n=0 n,q n! P ∞ ∞ tn+k m+k −1 hk (t) = G(k−1,k) = [2]ktk (−w)me[m]qt. q,w n+k,q (n+k)! q (cid:18) m (cid:19) nX=0 mX=0 q References [1] L. C. Carlitz, q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials, Duke Math. J. 15 (1948), 987–1000. [2] L. C. 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