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On optimal control of forward backward stochastic differential equations∗ F. Baghery1, N. Khelfallah2, B. Mezerdi 2, I. Turpin1 1Universit´e de Valenciennes, LAMAV-ISTV2, Mont Houy, 59313 Valenciennes, Cedex 9, France† 2Universit´e de Biskra, Laboratoire de Math´ematiques 7 Appliqu´ees, B.P 145 Biskra (07000) Alg´erie‡ 1 0 January 31, 2017 2 n a J Abstract 9 2 Weconsideracontrolproblemwherethesystemisdrivenbyadecoupledaswellasacoupledforward- backward stochastic differential equation. We prove the existence of an optimal control in the class of ] relaxedcontrols,which aremeasure-valuedprocesses, generalizing theusualstrict controls. Theproofis C based on some tightness properties and weak convergence on the space D of c`adla`g functions, endowed O withtheJakubowskyS-topology. Moreover,undersomeconvexityassumptions,weshowthattherelaxed . optimal control is realized by a strict control. h t Keywords:Forward-backwardstochasticdifferentialequation; stochasticcontrol;relaxedcontrol;tight- a m ness; Meyer-Zheng topology; Jakubowsky S-topology. MSC 2000 subject classifications: 93E20, 60H10, 60H30. [ 1 1 Introduction v 2 9 In this paper, we investigate the existence of optimal controls, for systems driven by forward-backward 3 stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs), of the form: 8 0 dX = b(t,X ,Y ,U )dt+σ(t,X ,Y ,U )dW , . t t t t t t t t 1 −dY = h(t,X ,Y ,U )dt−Z dW −dM , (1.1) t t t t t t t 0  X =x, Y =ϕ(X ), 7  0 T T 1 where (M ) is a squareintegrable martingale, which is orthogonal to the Brownian motion (W ). The : t t v expected cost over the time interval [0,T] is given by i X T r J(U)=E ψ(X )+g(Y )+ l(t,X ,Y ,U )dt . (1.2) a . T 0 t t t " Z0 # Backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) have been first introduced by Pardoux and Peng, in the seminal paper [20]. Since then, the BSDE theory became a powerful tool in many fields, such as mathematical finance, optimal control, semi-linear and quasi-linear partial differential equations. When the BSDEisassociatedtosomeforwardstochasticdifferentialequation,thesystemiscalledaforward-backward stochasticdifferentialequation(FBSDE).TheearliestversionofsuchanequationappearedinBismut[7],in the stochastic version of Pontriaginmaximum principle. See [11, 16] for a complete account on the subject, and the references therein. ControlproblemsforsystemsgovernedbyBSDEsandFBSDEsmodelmanyproblemsarisinginfinancial mathematics, especially the minimization of risk measures (El Karoui and Barrieu [6], Oksendal and Sulem [18]), the recursive utility problems and the portfolio optimization problems. Therefore it becomes quite ∗PartiallysupportedbyFrench-AlgerianScientificProgramPHCTassili13MDU887 †E-mails: FouziaBaghery([email protected]); IsabelleTurpin([email protected]) ‡E-mails: NabilKhelfallah([email protected]);BrahimMezerdi([email protected]) 1 natural to investigate this kind of problems, for themselves as a class of interesting dynamical systems and for their connections to real life problems. Many papers have been devoted to this subject, see e.g. [3, 9, 12, 21, 22, 24] and the references therein. These papers have been concerned by various forms of the stochastic maximum principle. Existence of optimal relaxed controls for systems driven by BSDEs has been studied for the first time in Buckdahn and al. [8], by combining probabilistic arguments as well as PDEs techniques. Then, Bahlali and al. [1] investigate a control problem, with a general cost functional by using probabilistic tools. The authors suppose that the generator is linear and assume convexity of the cost function, as well as the action space. They showed existence of an optimal strong control, that is an optimalcontroladaptedtothe originalfiltrationoftheBrownianmotion. Inasecondpaper[2],theyproved existence of a relaxed as well as of a strict control for a system of controlled decoupled non linear FBSDE, where the diffusioncoefficientis not controlledandthe generatordoes notdependonthe secondvariableZ. Our aim is to prove existence of optimal controls for systems driven by FBSDEs. In the first part, we suppose that our FBSDE is decoupled, that is the forward part of the equation does not contain the backward parts Y and Z and the diffusion coefficient depends explicitly on the control variable. We use the formulation by martingale problems for the forward SDE and the Meyer-Zheng compactness criteria, to prove the existence result. The proof is inspired from a technique used by Pardoux [19]. Note that, our result improves [2] to the case where the diffusion coefficient is controlled, [10] to FBSDEs and [8] to continuous confficients in the case where the generator does not depend upon Z. Moreover, note that underourassumptions(thecontinuityofthe coefficientsbandσ)therearedifficulties toapplydirectlyHJB techniquesasin[8],toobtainthenecessaryestimatesofthesolutionoftheHJBPDE,aswellasitsgradient. Itshouldbementionedthatin[8],thecoefficientsoftheforwardequationareLipschitzcontinuous. Moreover, ourapproachbasedonprobabilistictechniquescouldbe usedformoregeneralFBSDEs andBSDEs,namely non MarkovBSDEs, for which PDE (HJB) techniques do not work. Of course, it should be mentioned that in [8], the authors treat the case of a generator depending explicitely upon Z. In the second part, we deal with a coupled FBSDEs, where the coefficients depend on X and Y, but not on the second variable Z, with an uncontrolled diffusion coefficient. We use Jakubowsky’s S-topology and a suitable versionof the Skorokhodtheoremto provethe main result. Under some additional convexity assumption, we show that the relaxedoptimal control,which is a measure-valuedprocess, is in fact realized as a strict control. 2 Formulation of the problem We study the existence of optimal controls for systems driven by FBSDEs of the form (1.1) where the cost functional over the time interval [0,T] is given by (1.2). Weassumethatb,σ,l,h,gandψaregivenmappings,(W ,t≥0)isastandardBrownianmotion,defined t onsomefilteredprobabilityspace(Ω,F,F ,P),satisfyingtheusualconditions,where(F )isnotnecessarily t t the Brownianfiltration. (M ) is a squareintegrable martingale which is orthogonalto the Brownianmotion t (W ) and X,Y,Z are squareintegrable adapted processes. The controlvariable U , calledstrict control,is a t t measurable, F − adapted process with values in some compact metric space K. t Theobjectiveofthe controlleris tominimize this costfunctional, overthe classU ofadmissible controls, that is, adapted processeswith values in the setK, calledthe actionspace. A controlU satisfying J U = inf{J(U),U ∈U} is called optimal. (cid:16) (cid:17) Withoutadditionalconvexityconditions,anoptimalcontrolmayfailtoexistinthesbetUofstrictconbtrols even in deterministic control. It should be noted that the set U is not equipped with a compact topology. The idea is then to introduce a new class of admissible controls,in which the controller chooses at time t, a probability measure q (du) on the control set K, rather than an element U ∈ U. These are called relaxed t t controls. It turns out that this class of controls enjoys good topological properties. If q (du)=δ (du) is a t Ut Dirac measure charging U for each t, then we get a strict control as a special case. Thus the set of strict t controls may be identified as a subset of relaxed controls. To be convinced on the fact that strict controls may not exist even in the simplest cases, let us consider a deterministic example. The problem is to minimize the following cost function: J(U) = T XU(t) 2dt over the set U of 0 measurablefunctionsU :[0,T]→{−1,1},whereXU(t)denotesthesolutionofdXU.(t)=U(t)dt,X(0)=0. R (cid:0) (cid:1) We have infU.∈UJ(U.)=0. Indeed, consider the following sequence of controls: 2 U (t)=(−1)k if kT ≤t≤ (k+1)T, 0≤k ≤n−1. n n n Then clearly |XUn(t)| ≤ 1/n and |J(Un)|≤ T/n2 which implies that infu∈UJ(u)=0. There is however no control U such that J(U) = 0. If this would have been the case, then for every t, XU.(t) = 0. This in . turn would imply that U = 0, which is impossible. The problem is that the sequence (U ) has no limit in t n the spaceofstrictcontrols. This limit,ifitexists,willbethe naturalcandidateforoptimality. Ifweidentify U (t) with the Dirac measure δ (du) and set qn(dt,du)=δ (du).dt, we get a measure on [0,T]×K. n Un(t) Un(t) Then (qn(dt,du)) converges weakly to (T/2)dt·[δ +δ ](du). This suggests that the set of strict controls n −1 1 is too narrow and should be embedded into a wider class enjoying compactness properties. The idea of a relaxed control is to replace the K-valued process (U ) with a P(K)-valued process (q ), where P(K) is the t t space of probability measures equipped with the topology of weak convergence. LetV bethe setofRadonmeasureson[0,T]×K,whoseprojectionson[0,T]coincidewiththe Lebesgue measure dt. Equipped with the topology of stable convergence of measures, V is a compact metric space (see [15]). Stable convergence is required for bounded measurable functions φ(t,u), such that for each fixed t ∈ [0,T], φ(t,·) is continuous. That is, a sequence (µn) in V converges in the stable topology to µ, if for everyboundedmeasurablefunctionφ:[0,T]×K →Rsuchthatforeachfixedt∈[0,T],φ(t,·)iscontinuous, T φ(t,u).µn(dt,du) converges to T φ(t,u).µ(dt,du). 0 K 0 K Definition2.1. AmeasRureR-valuedcontrolonthefilteredprobRabiRlityspace(Ω,F,F ,P)isarandomvariable t q with values in V, such that q(ω,dt,du) = dt.q(ω,t,du) and where q(ω,t,du) is progressively measurable with respect to (F ) and such that for each t, 1 .q is F −measurable. We denote by R the set of such t (0,t] t processes q. Definition 2.2. A strict control is a term α=(Ω,F,F ,P,U ,W ,X ,Y ,Z ) such that t t t t t t (1) (Ω,F,F ,P) is a probability space equipped with a filtration (F ) satisfying the usualconditions. t t t≥0 (2) U is a K-valued process, progressivelymeasurable with respect to (F ). t t (3) W is a (F ,P)- Brownian motion and (W ,X ,Y ,Z ,M ) satisfies FBSDE (1.1), where (M ) is a t t t t t t t t square integrable martingale, orthogonalto (W ). t The controls,as defined in the last definition, are called weak controls,because of the possible change of the probability space and the Brownian motion with U . t Definition 2.3. A relaxed control is a term α=(Ω,F,F ,P,q ,W ,X ,Y ,Z ,M ) such that t t t t t t t (1) (Ω,F,F ,P) is a probability space equipped with a filtration (F ) satisfying the usualconditions. t t t≥0 (2) q is a measure-valued control on (Ω,F,F ,P). t (3) W is a (F ,P)- Brownian motion and (W ,X ,Y ,Z ,M ) satisfies the following FBSDE t t t t t t t t t X =x+ b(s,X ,Y ,u)q(s,du).ds+ σ(s,X ,Y ,Z )dW , t 0 K s s 0 s s s s (2.1) T T ( Yt =ϕ(XTR)R+ t Kh(s,Xs,Ys,u)q(s,du)R.ds− t ZsdWs−(MT −Mt). where (M ) is a square integrRableRmartingale, orthogonal to (WR). t t Accordingly, the relaxed cost functional is defined by T J(q)=E ψ(X )+g(Y )+ l(s,X ,Y ,,Z ,u)q(s,du)ds . (2.2) T 0 s s s " Z0 ZK # Remark 2.4. The appearance of the orthogonal martingale (M ) in 1.1 is due to the fact that the filtration t associated to the optimal control is usually larger than the Brownian filtration. By the Kunita-Watanabe representation theorem, the conditional expectation with respect to this filtration is a sum of a Brownian stochastic integral and an orthogonalmartingale. Remark 2.5. As in classicalcontrolproblems drivenby Itoˆ SDEs, the costfunctional 1.2 may be defined as J(U)=E g Y where Y = Y ,Yk+1 , with Yk+1 the solution of the one-dimensional BSDE 0 t t t t (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) −(cid:0)dYk+1 =(cid:1)l(t,X ,Y ,U )dt−Z dW −dM , t t t t t t t Yk+1 =ψ(X ), (cid:26) T T and g Y =g(Y )+ Yk+1. 0 0 0 This property is known in optimal control as the equivalence between the Bolza and Mayer problems. (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 Notations In the sequel we denote by: • C([0,T];Rd): the space of continuous functions from [0,T] into Rd, equipped with the topology of uniform convergence, • D([0,T];Rm): the Skorohod space of ca`dla`g functions from [0,T] into Rm, that is functions which are continuousfromtherightwithlefthandlimitsendowedwiththeMeyer-Zhengtopologyofconvergence in dt-measure, • S2([0,T];Rn)={X :[0,T]×Ω→Rn;X is progressivelymeasurable and E(sup |X |2)<+∞}, 0≤t≤T t • M2([0,T];Rk×m)={Z :[0,T]×Ω→Rk×m; Z is progressively measurable and E T |Z |2dt<+∞}, 0 t R • L2([0,T];Rk)={f(t,ω):[0,T]×Ω→Rk; F - adapted such that E T |f(t,ω)|2dt <+∞}. F t 0 hR i 3 Control of decoupled FBSDEs InthissectionwedealwithdecoupledFBSDEs,thatistheforwardpartdoesnotcontain(Y,Z)thesolution of the backward part. We suppose that the diffusion coefficient σ depends explicitly on the control variable and the driver h as well as the instantaneous cost l do not depend on Z. More precisely, our system is governedby the following equation dX = b(t,X ,U )dt+σ(t,X ,U )dW , t t t t t t X(0) = x,  (3.1) −dY = h(t,X ,Y ,U )dt−Z dW −dM ,  Y t = ϕ(X )t, t t t t t T T definedonsomefilteredprobabilityspace(Ω,F,Ft,P),(Wt)isanm-dimensionalBrownianmotionand(Mt) is a square integrable martingalewhich is orthogonalto (W ). The coefficients of our FBSDE are defined as t follows b:[0,T]×Rd×K →Rd, σ :[0,T]×Rd×K →Rd×m, h:[0,T]×Rd×Rk×K →Rk ϕ:Rd →Rk. Let us define the cost functional over [0,T] by T J(U)=E ψ(X )+g(Y )+ l(t,X ,Y ,U )dt , (3.2) T 0 t t t " Z0 # where l:[0,T]×Rd×Rk×K →R, ψ :Rd →R, g :Rk →R. (H ) Assume that the functions b, σ, h, ϕ are continuous and bounded. 1 (H ) h is Lipschitz in the variable y uniformly in (t,x,u), i.e: there exists a constant C > 0 such that 2 for every t∈[0,T], u∈K, y ,y′ ∈Rd, |h(t,x,y,u)−h(t,x,y′,u)|≤C|y−y′|. (H ) Assume that l, ψ and g are continuous and bounded functions. 3 The infinitesimal generatorL, associatedwith the forwardpartof our equation, acting onfunctions f in C2(Rd;R), is defined by b 4 1 ∂2f ∂f Lf(t,x,u)= a + b (t,x,u), ij i 2 ∂x x ∂x  i j i i,j i X X   where a (t,x,u) denotes the generic term of the symmetric matrix σσ∗(t,x,u). ij As it is well known, weak solutions for Itoˆ SDEs are equivalent to the existence of solutions for the corresponding martingale problem. Then one can rewrite definition 2.1 and definition 2.2, by using the formulationofmartingaleproblems forthe forwardpart. This simplifies takinglimits anddoes notpose the problem of the relaxation of the stochastic integral part see [5, 4, 10]. We can define a strict control using martingale problems as follows. Definition 3.1. A strict control is a term α=(Ω,F,F ,P,U ,X ,Y ,M ) such that t t t t t (1) (Ω,F,F ,P) is a probability space equipped with a filtration (F ) satisfying the usualconditions. t t t≥0 (2) U is an K-valued process, progressivelymeasurable with respect to (F ). t t (3i) (X ) is Rd−valued F − adapted, with continuous paths, such that t t t f(X )−f(x)− Lf(s,X ,U )ds is a P−martingale. (3.3) t s s Z0 (3ii) (Y ,M ) is the solution of the following backward SDE t t T Y =ϕ(X )+ h(s,X ,Y ,U )ds−(M −M ), (3.4) t T s s s T t Zt where (M ) is a square integrable (F )− martingale. t t Definition 3.2. A relaxed control is a term α=(Ω,F,F ,P,q ,X ,Y ,M ) such that t t t t t (1) (Ω,F,F ,P) is a probability space equipped with a filtration (F ) satisfying the t t t≥0 usual conditions. (2) q is a measure-valued control on (Ω,F,F ,P). t (3i) (X ) is Rd−valued F −adapted, with continuous paths, such that t t t f(X )−f(x)− Lf(s,X ,u).q(s,du)ds is a P−martingale. (3.5) t s Z0 ZK (3ii) (Y ,M ) is the solution of the following backward SDE t t Y = ϕ(X )+ T h(s,X ,Y ,u).q(s,du).ds−(M −M ), (3.6) t T t K s s T t where (M ) is a square integrable (F )−RmaRrtingale. t t By a slight abuse of notation, we will often denote a relaxed control by q instead of specifying all the components. The cost functional associated to a relaxed control is now defined by T J(q)=E ψ(X )+g(Y )+ l(s,X ,Y ,u)q(s,du)ds . (3.7) T 0 s s " Z0 ZK # The main result of this section is given by the following Theorem. Theorem 3.3. Under assumptions (H1), (H2) and (H3), the relaxed control problem has an optimal solu- tion. The proof is based on some auxiliary results on the tightness of the processes under consideration and the identification of the limits. Let(qn) be aminimizing sequence,thatis lim J(qn)= infJ(q)andlet(Xn,Yn,Mn)be a solution n≥0 n→∞ q∈R of our FBSDE, where: (i) (Xn) is Rd−valued F −adapted, with continuous paths, such that t t 5 f(Xn)−f(x)− t Lf(s,Xn,u).qn(s,du).ds is a P-martingale t 0 K s (ii) (Yn,Mn) is the solution of theRfoRllowing backward SDE t t Yn =ϕ(Xn)+ T h(s,Xn,Yn,u).qn(s,du).ds−(Mn−Mn), t T t K s s T t and (Mn) is a square integrable cRontRinuous (F )−martingale. t t The proof of the main result consists in proving that the sequence of distributions of the processes (qn,Xn,Yn,Mn) is tight for a certain topology, on the state space and then show that, we can extract a subsequence,whichconvergesinlawtoaprocess(q,X,Y,M), satisfyingthe sameFBSDE.Tocomplete the proof, we show that under some regularity conditions the sequence of cost functionals (J(qn)) converge to n J(q) which is equal to infJ(q) and then (q,X,Y,bMb) isbopctimal. q∈R Lebmma 3.4. The family of relaxed controblsb(qnb)ncis tight in V. Proof. [0,T]×K being compact, then by Prokhorov’s theorem, the space V of probability measures on [0,T]×K isalsocompactforthetopologyofweakconvergence. Thefactthatqn,n≥0arerandomvariables with values in the compact set V yields that the family of distributions associated to (qn) is tight. n≥0 Lemma 3.5. i) The family (qn,Xn) of solutions of the martingale problem is tight on the space V × n C( [0,T];Rd . ii) There exists a subsequence which converges in law to (q,X), whose law is a solution of the martingale (cid:0) (cid:1) problem, that is for each f ∈C2, f(X )−f(x)− t Lf(s,X ,u).q(s,du).ds is a P-martingale b t 0 K s b b Proof. Let us give the outlines of the proof whicRh iRs inspired from [10], Theorem 3.4. b b b i)Following[23], Theorem1.4.6,itissufficienttoshowthatforeachpositive f inC2, thereexists aconstant b A such that: f(X )+A .t is a supermartingale under the distribution P = P(qn,Xn) on the canonical f t f n space V×C [0,T];Rd of the couple (qn,Xn). Let (cid:0) (cid:1) A =sup |Lf(t,x,u)|;(t,x,u)∈[0,T]×Rd×K . f (cid:8) (cid:9) A is finite since the coefficients b and σ defining the operator L are bounded. f t Since for eachn, f(X )−f(x)− Lf(s,X ,u).q(s,du).ds:=C f(x,q)is a P -martingale,then f(X )+ t 0 K s t n t A .tisapositivesupermartingale. Then(Xn)istightinCendowedwiththetopologyofuniformconvergence. f R R ii) The sequence (qn,X ) being tight, then we can extract a subsequence still denoted by (qn,Xn) which n converges weakly to (q,X). In particular, for every bounded (x,q)-continuous, C ⊗V -measurable functions s s (C and V are the σ−fields generated by the coordinates until for t≤s), we have s s b b P [φ(q,x)(C f(x,q)−C f(x,q))] converges to P [φ(q,x)(C f(x,q)−C f(x,q))] n t s t s where P denotes the law of the couple (q,X) in the spacebV×C [0,T];Rd . C f(x,q) being a P -martingale, then P [φ(x,q)(C f(x,q)−C f(x,q))]=0. t n n t s (cid:0) (cid:1) Hence theblimit P [φ(q,x)(Ctf(x,q)−Csf(bx,qb))]=0 and thus the law P of the couple (q,X) is a solution of the martingale problem. b b b b Lemma 3.6. i) The sequence (Yn,Mn) is tight on the space D2 equipped with the Meyer-Zheng topology. ii) There exists a subsequence still denoted by (qn,Xn,Yn,Mn) which converges weakly to (q,X,Y,M), in the space V×C×D2. Moreover (q,X,Y,M) satisfies: For every f ∈C2, b b b c b b b b c t f(X )−f(x)− Lf(s,X ,u).q(s,du).ds is a Fqb,Xb,Yb −martingale t s t Z0 ZK b T b b Y =ϕ X + h s,X ,Y ,u q(s,du).ds− M −M (3.8) t T s s T t (cid:16) (cid:17) Zt ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) where M is a squarbe integrabble Fqb,Xb,Yb−martingbale.b b c c t t (cid:16) (cid:17) c 6 Proof. i) Using standard techniques from BSDEs theory it is not difficult to prove that 2 E sup0≤t≤T |Ytn|2 ≤ CE |ϕ(XTn)|2+ 0T supu∈K h s,Xs,0,u ds . Then using assumption (H1) it fol(cid:16)lows that: (cid:17) (cid:18) R (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:16) b (cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:19) supE sup |Yn|2+hMni <+∞. 0≤t≤T t T n (cid:16) (cid:17) Let us denote the conditional variation V (Yn)=supE E Yn −Yn /FXn , t ti+1 ti ti (cid:16)X(cid:12) h(cid:16) (cid:17) i(cid:12)(cid:17) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the supremum is taken over all the parti(cid:12)tions of the interval [0,t](cid:12). One can easily prove that T V (Yn)≤E sup|h(s,Xn,Yn,u)|ds . t s s Z0 u∈K ! The assumptions made on the coefficients ensure that sup V (Yn)+sup E|Yn|+sup E|Mn| <+∞. t 0≤t≤T t 0≤t≤T t n (cid:2) (cid:3) Thenfollowing[19,17],thesequence(Yn,Mn)satisfiestheMeyer-Zhengcriterionfortightnessoffamilies of quasi-martingales. ii)Sincethesequence(qn,Xn,Yn,Mn) istight,thenthereexistasubsequencestilldenotedby(qn,Xn,Yn,Mn) n n which converges weakly to (q,X,Y,M) on the space V×C ×D2, where C is equipped with the topology of uniform convergence and D is equipped with the Meyer-Zheng topology. By using the fact that for each t≤T, the mapping (q,x,y)−b→b tTb Kch(t,xs,ys,u).q(s,du)ds is continuousfromV×C×D into R, one can pass to the limit in the BSDE and get R R T Y =ϕ X + h s,X ,Y ,u .q(s,du).ds− M −M . t T t K s s T t (cid:16) (cid:17) R R (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) LetusshowthatMb andφ(bX )−φ(X )− t bLφb(s,X ,bu).q(s,du).dsacrebotchmartingaleswithrespect t t s 0 K s to the natural filtration Ft = Ftqb,Xb,Yb. For anRyRs,t such that 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T and Φs a bounded continuous mapping from V ×Cc([0,s],R)×bD([0,sb],R) and for eachbφ∈Cb2: s b E Φ (qn,Xn,Yn) φ(Xn)−φ(Xn)− t Lφ(s,Xn,u).qn(s,du).ds −→0 as n−→∞ s t s 0 K s h (cid:16) R R (cid:17)i and for each n E Φ (qn,Xn,Yn) ε Mn −Mn .dr =0, s 0 t+r s+r where V denotes the restric(cid:2)tion of measures(cid:0)Rto t(cid:0)he interval [0,(cid:1)s]. T(cid:1)(cid:3)he fact that (qn,Xn,Yn) is weakly s convergentand E( sup |Mn|2) is finite yield t 0≤t≤T t E Φ (q,X,Y) φ(X )−φ(X )− Lφ(s,X ,u).q(s,du).ds =0 s t s 0 K s h (cid:16) ε (cid:17)i E Φ (q,X,Y) MR R−M .dr =0. b b b s b b0 t+r s+rb b h (cid:16)R (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17)i In the last equality, dividing by ε bandbthben sendicng it toc0 and by the right continuity of the martingale M , we get t (cid:16) (cid:17) c E Φ (q,X,Y) M −M =0. s t s h (cid:16) (cid:17)i These identities are valid for all functionbs Φb bdescrcibed acbove and for all s ≤ t. Then M and φ(X )− s t t φ(X )− t Lφ(s,X ,u).q(s,du).ds are both Fqb,Xb,Yb−martingales. s 0 K s t c b R R b b b 7 Proof of Theorem 3.5. According to Lemma 3.6 and the assumptions (H1)-(H3) we have infJ(q)= lim J(qn) q∈R n→∞ T = lim E ψ(Xn)+g(Yn)+ l(t,Xn,Yn,u)qn(du)dt T 0 t t t n→∞ " Z0 ZK # T =E ψ(Xˆ )+g Yˆ + l t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,u qˆ (du)dt , T 0 t t t " (cid:16) (cid:17) Z0 ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) # which means that qˆis an optimal control. Corollary 3.7. Assume that (H1), (H2) and (H3) hold. Moreover assume that for every (t,x,y)∈[0,T]× Rd×Rk, the set (b,σ,h,l)(t,x,y,K) := b (t,x,u),(σσ∗) (t,x,u),h (t,x,y,u),l(t,x,y,u)/u∈K,i=1,...,d, j =1,...,k i ij j n (3.9) o is convex in Rd+d×d+k+1. Then, the relaxed optimal control qˆ has the form of a Dirac measure charging a t strict control Uˆ , that is qˆ (du)=δ (du). t t Uˆt Proof. We put h t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,u qˆ (du):=hˆ(t,w)∈h(t,x,y,U), l t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,u qˆ (du):=ˆl(t,w)∈l(t,x,y,U), K t t t K t t t bR t,X(cid:16)ˆn,u qˆ (du(cid:17)):=b(t,w)∈b(t,x,U), a t,XˆRn,u(cid:16)qˆ (du):=(cid:17)a(t,w)∈a(t,x,U), where a=σσ∗. K t t K t t R (cid:16) (cid:17) R (cid:16) (cid:17) From (H )−(H ) andb the measurable selection theorem (see [25]bp. 74 or [10]), there is a K-valued, 1 3 FXˆ,Yˆ,qˆ−adapted process Uˆ, such that for every s∈[0, T], ˆh,ˆl (s,w)=(h,l) s,Xˆ(s,w),Yˆ (s,w),Uˆ(s,w) , (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ˆb,aˆ (s,w)=(b,a) s,Xˆ(s,w),Uˆ(s,w) . (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Hence, for every t∈[0, T] and w ∈Ωˆ, we have h t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,u qˆ (du)=h t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,Uˆ , t t t t t t ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) l t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,u qˆ (du)=l t,Xˆ ,Yˆ,Uˆ , t t t t t t ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) and b t,Xˆ ,u qˆ (du)=b t,Xˆ ,Uˆ , t t t t ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) a t,Xˆ ,u qˆ (du)=a t,Xˆ ,Uˆ . t t t t ZK (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Then the process (Xˆ ,Yˆ,M ) satisfies, for each t∈[0, T]: t t t 1) (X ) is a Rd−valued F −adapted, with continuous paths, such that t t c b f(Xt)−f(x)− 0tLf(s,Xs,Uˆs)ds is a P-martingale R 2) (Y ,M ) solves the followbing BSDE b t t b c Y =ϕ X + T h s,X ,Y ,Uˆ ds− M −M t T t s s s T t (cid:16) (cid:17) R (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) It follows that J(q)=Jb(Uˆ), whibch achieves thebprobof. c c b 8 4 Control of coupled FBSDEs In this section, we consider coupled FBSDEs, where all the coefficients depend only on (X,Y) but not on the second backward component Z. Moreover the diffusion coefficient σ does not depend on the control variable. More precisely, the controlled FBSDE takes the form dX = b(t,X ,Y ,U )dt+σ(t,X ,Y )dW , t t t t t t t −dY = h(t,X ,Y ,U )dt−Z dW −dM , (4.1) t t t t t t t  X =x, Y =ϕ(X ),  0 T T and the cost functionalis given by T J(U)=E ψ(X )+g(Y )+ l(t,X ,Y ,U )dt , (4.2) . T 0 t t t " Z0 # where ψ, g, l satisfy (H3). Assume that the coefficients b:[0,T]×Rd×Rk×K →Rd, σ :[0,T]×Rd×Rk →Rd×m, h:[0,T]×Rd×Rk×K →Rk, ϕ:Rd →Rk, of the FBSDE 4.1 satisfy the following conditions: (H ) b, σ, h are bounded measurable, Lipshitz in (x,y) uniformly in (t,u) and continuous in u. 4 (H5) Assume that for each admissible control U, the coefficients b,σ,h,ϕ of the FBSDE 4.1 satisfy the monotonicity conditions as in [22] Theorem 2.2, page 828. Remark 4.1. Under assumption (H5) and for each admissible control U, the FBSDE 4.1 admits a unique strong solution. The main result of this section is given by the following theorem. Theorem 4.2. The relaxed control problem defined by 4.1 and 4.2 has an optimal solution. The proof is based on tightness properties of the underlying processes. As in the last section, let (qn) be a minimizing sequence for the relaxed control problem, that is n≥0 lim J(qn)= infJ(q), n→∞ q∈R Let (Xn,Yn,Zn) be the unique strong solution of our FBSDE Xn =x+ t b(s,Xn,Yn,u)qn(s,du).ds+ tσ(s,Xn,Yn)dW t 0 K s s 0 s s s (4.3) ( Ytn =ϕ(XRTn)R+ tT Kh(s,Xsn,Ysn,u)qn(s,du)R.ds− tT ZsndWs, R R R defined on the natural filtration of the Brownian motion (W ). In this case the orthogonal martingales t (Mn) disappears, due to the uniqueness of solutions. t TheproofofTheorem4.2consistsinshowingthatthesequence(qn,Xn,Yn, .ZndW )istightandthere 0 s s exists a subsequence converging weakly to (q,X,Y,N). Furthermore these processes satisfy the FBSDE R t t Xt =x+ 0 Kb s,Xs,Ys,bubq(bs,dbu).ds+ 0 σ s,Xs,Ys dWs, (4.4)  Ybt =ϕ XRT R+ t(cid:16)T Kbh bs,X(cid:17)s,bYs,u q(s,duR).ds(cid:16)− tbT ZsbdW(cid:17) sc−(MT −Mt), (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) R R R where Mt is asqubare integbrable martingale wbhichbis ortbhogonal to the Bbrowcnian mcotioncWt. Lemma 4.3. Let (Xn,Yn,Zn) be the unique solution of equation (4.3). There exists a positive constant C c c such that T supE sup |Xn|2+ sup |Yn|2+ |Zn|2ds ≤C. (4.5) t t s n 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T Z0 ! 9 Proof. Using assumption (H ), it is easy to check that 5 sup{E( sup |Xn|2)}<∞ (4.6) t n 0≤t≤T UsingtheBurkholder-Davis-GundyandSchwarzinequalities,itfollowsthatthelocalmartingale T YnZndW t s s s is uniformly integrable. Then by Itoˆ’s formula and assumption (H2), it holds that R T T E(|Yn|2+ |Zn|2ds)=E |ϕ(Xn)|2+2 hYn,h(s,Xn,Yn,u)iqn(du)ds . t s T s s s s Zt Zt ZK ! Hence, T T E(|Yn|2+ |Zn|2ds)≤E(|ϕ(Xn)|2+ |Yn|2ds) t s T s Zt Zt T +E( |h(s,Xn,Yn,u)|2qn(du)ds). s s s Zt ZK The result follows from Gronwall’s Lemma and BDG inequality supE sup |Yn|2+ T |Zn|2ds <∞. t 0 s n (cid:18)0≤t≤T (cid:19) R Lemma 4.4. Let (Xn,Yn,Zn) be the unique solution of equation (4.3). Then the sequence (Yn, ·ZndW ) 0 s s is tight on the space D [0,T];Rk ×D [0,T];Rk endowed with the Jakubowski S-topology. R Proof. Let 0=t <t(cid:0)<...<t (cid:1)=T,(cid:0)and define(cid:1)the conditional variation by 0 1 n CV (Yn):=supE E Yn −Yn (cid:30)FW , ti+1 ti ti " # Xi (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the supremum is taken over all partitions of the interval [0,T]. It is proved in [19] that T CV (Yn)≤E |h(s,Xn,Yn,u)|qn(du)ds . s s s "Z0 ZK # It follows from (4.5) that t sup CV (Yn)+ sup E|Yn|+ sup E ZndW <∞ t s s n (cid:20) 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T (cid:12)Z0 (cid:12)(cid:21) (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore,the sequence Yn, 0·ZsndWs satisfies the Meyer-Zhen(cid:12)(cid:12)gcriterion(cid:12)(cid:12)[17]. Therefore (Yn, 0·ZsndWs) is tight in the Jakubowski S-topology (see the appendix). (cid:0) R (cid:1) R The next lemma may be proved by standard arguments. Lemma 4.5. Let Xn be the forward component of equation (4.3).Then the sequence of processes (Xn,W) t is tight on the space C [0,T],Rd ×C([0,T],Rm), endowed with the topology of uniform convergence. Proof. of Theorem(cid:0) 4.2 From(cid:1) Lemmas 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, the sequence γn = (qn,Xn,W,Yn,Nn) where Nn = ·ZndW , is tight on the space Γ=V×C [0,T],Rd ×C([0,T],Rm)× D [0,T];Rk 2. 0 s s UsingtheSkorokhodrepresentationtheoremonthespaceDendowedwithS-topology[13](seetheappendix), R (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) thereexistsaprobabilityspace Ωˆ,Fˆ,Pˆ ,asequenceγˆn = qˆn,Xˆn,Wˆn,Yˆn,Nˆn andγˆ = qˆ,Xˆ,Wˆ,Yˆ,Nˆ defined on this space such that:(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (i) for each n∈N, law(γn)= law(γˆn), (ii) there exists a subsequence (γˆnk) of (γˆn), still denoted(γˆn), whichconvergesto γˆ,Pˆ-a.s. onthe space Γ, 10

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