2019-04-03T21:57:11+00:00Z NASA Technical Paper 1370 NumericalA irfoilO ptimization Garret N. Vanderplaats MARCH 1979 1 TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM NASA Technical Paper 1370 ApproximationC oncepts for Numerical Airfoil Optimization Garret N. Vanderplaats Ames ResearchC enter M of fett Field, Califorrzia National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Office 1979 NOTATION A airfoei ln closed area dividebd y c2 a participation coefficient i C chleon rgdt h dragc oefficient cD lift coefficient cL pitching-momentc oefficient cM pressurec oefficient cP - F(X) designo bjectivef unctiont ob em inimizedo rm aximized - f arbitraryf unction of X (X) G~ constraint function [HI Hessionm atrixc ontainings econdp artiadl erivatives n number od fe sigvn a riables '5 searcdh i rection in optimization tt/hc i ckness-to-chorrad t io - X vectocr o ntainintgh d e e sigvn a riables lower boundo nd esignv ariable i xi U upper boundo nd esignv ariable i xi - Y array of airfoilc oordinates Yi arrayo cf oordinatesd efining a shapef u nction c1 airfoai ln gloae ft tack a* move parameteiorn p timization - V gradoiep netr ator A differeonpc eer ator iii Subscripts: i variable number RS lowsefu ra r c e max maximum min minimum us uspupr efra ce Superscripts: 0 nodmeisn iagln 4 iteration number k design number iv APPROXIMATIONC ONCEPTSF OR NUMERICAL AIRFOIL OPTIMIZATION Garret N. Vanderplaats Ames ResearchC enter SUMMARY An efficienta lgorithmf ora irfoilo ptimization is presented. The algo- rithmu tilizesa pproximationc onceptst or educet he numbero fa erodynamic analysesr equiredt or eacht he optimum design.E xamples are presenteda nd comparedw ithp reviousr esults.O ptimizatione fficiencyi mprovementso fm ore than a factoro f 2 are demonstrated.I luchg reateri mprovementsi ne fficiency are demonstrated when analysisd atao btainedi np reviousd esigns are utilized. Them ethod is a generalo ptimizationp rocedurea nd is notl imitedt ot his application. The method is intendedf ora pplicationt o a wider angeo fe ngi- neeringd esignp roblems. INTRODUCTION Numericalo ptimizationt echniquesh aveb een shown top rovide a versatile toolf ora irfoild esign. The usuala pproachh asb eent oc ouplee xistinga ero- dynamica nalysisc odesw itha no ptimizationc odet oa chievet hed esignc apa- bility. Thep rimarye fforth asb eend irectedt owarda pplicationo ft hese techniquest o a widev arietyo fd esignp roblemsw hileu singi ncreasingly sophisticateda ndt ime-consuminga erodynamica nalysisp rograms. The costo ft hisa utomatedd esign,w hereby a veryt ime-consuminga nalysis program is executedr epetitively( perhaps several hundredt imes), is neces- sarilya ni mportantc onsideration when judging the practicality of these techniques.P erhapst hes implestm eanso fe stimatingc ost is by the numbero f times thea erodynamica nalysisp rogram is executedd uring a designs tudy. That is, for a givena erodynamicsp rogram,t hec osto fo ptimization is a directf unctiono ft he number of times the program is executedo nt he com- puter.T herefore,a nyi mprovementi no ptimizatione fficiency is directly measurable in design cost savings. Very little efforth asb eend irectedt owardi mprovingt hee fficiencyo f thea utomatedd esignp rocess as appliedt oa erodynamicd esign. The principal improvement tod ateh asb eeni nt hem ethodo fd efiningt hea irfoil.I nr efer- ences 1 and 2, polynomials were usedt od efinet hea irfoils hape,w itht he coefficientso ft hep olynomialb eingt hed esignv ariables.I nr eferences 3 and 4, and ins ubsequentw ork,t hesep olynomials were replacedb ym oreg eneral analyticalo rn umericallyd efineds hapef unctions. The result was ane ffi- ciencyi mprovemento fm oret han a factoro f 2, togetherw ithi mproveda irfoil definition( ref. 3). However, efficiencyi mprovements are still needed if numerical airfoil optimization is to become an economically feasible design approach when using sophisticated aerodynamic analysis codes. Thep urposeh ere is top resent a techniquet hati mprovest hed esigne ffi- ciencyb ya notherf actoro f 2 orm ore.T heb asica pproach is tod evelop approximationst ot hed esignp roblemu sing a minimala mounto fi nformation. Thea pproximatingf unctions are used in the optimization and the resulting design is analyzedp recisely.T hisa nalysisi nformation is addedt ot he availabled ataa ndt hep rocess is repeatedu ntilc onvergencet ot he optimum is achieved.( Thei deao fu singa pproximationc onceptsi na erodynamico pti- mizationo riginatedf romt heo bserveds uccesso f similar techniquesu sedb y Schmita ndM iura( ref. 5) int hef ieldo fs tructuralo ptimization.) To provide a backgroundf ort hem ethod,t heb asicc onceptso fn umerical optimization are firstp resented.T his is followedb y a descriptiono ft he presentm ethodo fc ouplinga na erodynamica nalysisp rogramt oa no ptimization program fora utomatedd esign. The concepto fo ptimizationb ys equential approximations is thenp resented,f ollowedb y a morep recisem athematical formulationo ft hem ethoda nd a summary oft hed esigna lgorithm.E xamples demonstratet hee fficiencya ndr eliabilityo ft hem ethoda ndf inally, some oft hei mplicationso ft hism ethodf orf utured evelopment are discussed. OPTIMIZATION CONCEPTS Assume the airfoil is definedb yt her elationship where is a vectocr ontainingt h eu ppear ndl o wecr oordinateso tf h e air- foil and T i are shapef unctionst hat may themselvesd efinea irfoils. The . . ., coefficients al, a2 an are referredt o as participationc oefficients. Now assume it is desiredt of indt hea irfoilt hatm inimizest hed ragc oeffi- cient CD withc onstraintso nl iftc oefficient CL, thickness-to-chordr atio, t/c, etc., at a specified Mach numbera nd angleo fa ttack. The participation coefficients al - an are thed esignv ariables,a nd w i l l bec hangedd uring theo ptimizationp rocess. The n-dimensionals paces pannedb yt hed esign variables is calledt hed esigns pace. The optimizationp roblemc anb es tatedm athematically as: Minimize CD subjectt o 2 (t/c) 2 (t/c)min . . ., where CD, CL, and t/c are functionso f al, a2, an. Thisc anb e generalizedt ob e: Minimize subjectt o J x U Xi G i = l , n (7) i x where is a vectorc ontaining thed esignv ariables, ai, i = 1,n.T here are a totaol f m constraints. The liftc onstraint of equation (3) is writteni n thef ormo fe quation (6) as 1 -- cL G O 'bin Similarly,f rome quation (4) The parameters Xi' and X iU ofe quation (7) are referredt oa ss ide con- straintst hat l i m i t ther egiono fs earchf ort heo ptimum.A lthoughs ide constraintsc ouldb ei ncludedi ne quation ( 6 ) , they are usuallyt reateds epa- . rately for convenience and efficiency Theo ptimizationp roblemo fe quations (5)-(7) is quiteg eneral.I f it is desiredt om aximize CL with a constrainto n CD, -CL is minimized. Also,t hec onstraint set ofe quation (6) is notl imitedt oc onstraints at the designf lightc ondition.W itht hisf ormulation,t hea irfoilc anb ed esigned at a given flight condition with constraints at other flight conditions so long as thea ppropriatei nformation is calculatedd uringt hea erodynamic analysis. If thei nequalityc onditionso fe quations (6) and (7) are satis- fied,t hed esign is saidt ob ef easible.I fa nyo ft hesec onditions are violated,t hed esign is calledi nfeasible. The optimizationp rocesst ypicallyp roceedsi na n iterative fashion as: p xq = xq-1 + a* (10) An initial design, go, mustb ep rovidedw hich may or may not defi-n e a feasible design. The superscript q is thei t eration numbeVr .e ctor Sq is the 3 I search- direction and a* is a scaler determiningt he move distance in direc- tion Sq. The notation a is usedf orc onsistencyw ithm athematicapl ro- gramming literature ands houldn otb ec onfusedw itht hea irfoila ngleo f attack. Ifg radientm ethods are used,t heo ptimizationp rocessc onsistso f two sq steps. The first is determinationo f a move direction that w i l l improve thed esignw ithoutv iolatinga nyc onstraints;t hes econd is calculation of a* sucht hatt heo bjective is reduced as much as possiblei nt hisd irection. This may be understood by considering a two-variabled esignp roblemw here CD is minimizeds ubjectt oc onstraintso n CL and t/c. A hypothetical problem is shown in figure 1 whichs howsc ontourso fc onstantd raga nds hows the CL and t/c constraintb oundaries. Assume ani nitiald esign is given at point A, withn o active orv iolatedc onstraints.U singg radientm ethods,t he x processb eginsb yp erturbinge achc omponento f tod etermine its effecto n theo bjective.T hat is, theg radiento f CD is calculated by finited iffer- enceu sing a singlef orwards tep,a ndt heg radientv ector is constructed as - VF = ?C = D It is obvioust hatt heg reatesti mprovemento ft heo bjectivef unction is achieved b-y mo-v ing in the negative gradient, or st-e epest descent direction, so that S = -VCD. Knowing thes earchd irection, S1, the scalar a* that w i l l minimize CD int hisd irectionm ustb ef ound.T his is a one-variable minimizationp roblemS. everal somewhat arbitrar_yv alueso f a are defined + andt hea irfoil is analyzed at eachp oint, = Xo as1. A polynomial is usuallyf itt ot hesep ointsa nd a morep recise a = a* is calculated at point B inf igure 1, endingt hef irsto ptimizationi teration. The secondi teration beginsb ya gainp erturbingt hed esignv ariablest oo btaint heg radiento ft he - objective. Using the conjugate direction algorithm of Fletcher and Reeves (ref. 6) a new searchd irection, S2, is foundw hich w i l l againr educet he objective. A search is performed int hisd irection,l eading to point C, completingi teration two. At C, thel iftc onstraint is active (Gj = 0) and a direction is foundt hat w i l l reduce CD withoutv iolatingt hisc onstraint. The gradiento fb otht heo bjectivea nd active constraint are calculateda nd s3, a new searchd irection, is foundu singZ outendijk'sm ethod of feasible 4 I directions( refs. 7,8). The process is repeatedu ntil a design at E is obtainedw heren od irectionc anb ef oundt hat w i l l reducet heo bjectivew ith- outv iolatingt hec onstraintsa ndt hisd esign is called optimum.L ogic is includedi nt hea lgorithm so that if an initial design is defined at point F, the constraint violations are overcome to yield a final design at point E. The optimizationp rocedured escribeda bove is essentially that used in the CONMIN program( ref. 9). In a typicald esign,a bout 10 iterations are requiredt oa chievea n optimum design.F ore achi teration, n aerodynamic analyses are usedt oc alculatet her equiredg radienti nformationb yf inite difference. To determine a* requiresa na verage of threea nalyses so that + + a total of1 0(n 3) = 10n 30 aerodynamica nalyses are requiredf oro pti- mizationf or a singlef lightc ondition.A lthoughq uitee fficientf roma n optimizationv iewpoint,t hat many executions of a sophisticateda erodynamics programc anb ev erye xpensive.T herefore, it is desirablet or educet he number ofr equireda nalysesa s much as possible.T hisi mprovementi no ptimization efficiency is thes ubjecth ere. The technique w i l l bed evelopedb yf irst reviewingt hea pproachc urrentlyu sedf ora erodynamico ptimization. Previous Method ofA erodynamicO ptimization At thep resent time, most airfoilo ptimization is performedb yc oupling thea erodynamicsp rogramt ot heo ptimizationp rogram as shown in figure 2 . Each time theo ptimizationp rogramd efines a new design, either for finite differenceg radientc omputationso rf ord etermining a*, thea erodynamics program is calledf or a completea nalysis.F ort hee xampleo ff igure 1, a set ofa nalyses is performed as indicatedi nf igure 3. Duringo ptimization, at iteration j , very little informationf romp reviousi terations is used. - s2 At point B inf igure 1, thev ector S1 is usedt oc alculate so that,i f no constraints are active,p riori nformation is usedH. owever, ifo neo r morec onstraints are active orv iolated( theu suals ituation), no prior information is used. It canb ea rguedi ntuitivelyt hat all calculatedi nformations hould beo fv aluei ng uidingt heo ptimizationp rocess.F urthermore,i n a design study,n umerouso ptimizations are usuallyp erformed.F ore xample,o ne optimization may bed one tom inimize CD withc onstraintso n CL and, later, anothero ptimizationd onet om inimize CM withc onstraintso n CL and CD. It may bee xpectedt hat,b ecause many airfoils were analyzedd uringt hef irst optimization, a secondo ptimization at the same flightc onditions hould utilizet hisa vailablei nformation. Onwe ay to do this wouldb et oa pproxi- mate ther equiredf unctionsu singa vailablei nformation.T his would provide explicitf unctionsw hichc ould now beo ptimizedi ndependento ft he time consuminga erodynamica nalysisp rogramA. erodynamica nalysis is still used to improvet hea pproximation,l eadingt o a precises olution. Theg eneralp rocedure is outlinedi nt hef ollowings ection. 5 I