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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes and Queries, Index to Seventh Volume, January-June 1853, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Notes and Queries, Index to Seventh Volume, January-June 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc Author: Various Editor: George Bell Release Date: May 24, 2013 [EBook #42793] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES AND QUERIES, INDEX *** Produced by Charlene Taylor, Jonathan Ingram, Keith Edkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/Canadian Libraries) NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."—Captain Cuttle. INDEX TO THE SEVENTH VOLUME. A. α. on house-marks, 594. —— Eulenspiegel, 357. 609. A. (A. S.) on the origin of Allen, 205. —— bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth, 260; in Scotland, 1638, 285. —— Cardinal Erskine, 72. —— consecrators of English bishops, 132. —— constables of France, 332. —— Gordon (Lady) of Gordonstoun, 208. —— Inglis and Stanser (Bishops), 263. —— Lyon King-at-arms, 208. —— Mary, daughter of James I., 260. —— Masque de Fer, 234. —— Pursglove, suffragan of Hull, 65. —— Routh, R. C. Bishop of Ossory, 72. —— Stanley (Thomas), Bishop of Man, 209. —— St. Munoki's day, 62. —— Stewarts of Holland, 66. —— vicars-apostolic in England, 243. —— Watson (Thomas), Bishop of St. David's, 234. —— Wauchope, Abp. of Armagh, 66. —— Yolante de Dreux, 286. Abbati on Roger Pell, 156. Abhba on Archbishop King, 430. —— Donnybrook fair, 549. —— Dr. Geo. Miller, 527. —— funeral custom, 496. —— Peter Beaver, 501. —— Sir T. F. Buxton, 452. —— "Strike, but hear me," 237. A. (B. M.) on Fleshier of Otley, 39. Abrahall, Eborale, or Ebrall family, 357. Acts xv. 23., a passage in, 204. 316. Acworth (G. B.) on parish registers, 598. —— Raffaelle's Sposalizio, 595. "Adam Bell Clym of the Clough," 445. Adams (G. E.) on the Bland family, 234. Adamson (Alex.) noticed, 205. Adamsoniana, 500. Adamsons of Perth, 478. A. (D. S.) on Rosa mystica, 182. Adsum on termination "-itis," 13. Adulph (St.) noticed, 84. 192. Advertising literature, curiosities of, 4. Advocate on marriage in Scotland, 243. A. (E. H.) on Adamsoniana, 500. —— Adamsons of Perth, 478. —— Alexander Adamson, 205. —— bells at funerals, 297. —— Bouillon Bible, 536. —— Bourbon family, 16. —— displeasure singularly shown, 593. —— Dr. Marshall, 297. —— Dutens, anecdote of, 559. —— Frampton (Bp.), 605. —— Ken (Bp.), work attributed to him, 597. —— parochial libraries, 605. —— Philip d'Auvergne, 236. —— St. Alban's day, 500. —— scarfs worn by clergymen, 337. —— Smith's Sermons, 223. A. (F. R.) on Grub Street Journal, 268. —— Mary Queen of Scots, 237. —— "Pinch of Snuff," 268. Age, the feelings of, 429. 560. 608. Agricola de Monte on palindromical lines, 178. Agrippa on alliterative pasquinade, 129. A. (H.) on Bishop Hesketh, 409. —— inscription in Rufford Church, 417. Aitch on the Georgiad, 179. A. (J.) on the "Rebellious Prayer," 286. A. (J.) jun. on weather rules, 522. Ajax on Belgian ecclesiastical antiquities, 65. —— Ceylon map, 65. —— Flemish and Dutch painters, 65. A. (J. H.) on Drake the artist, 246. —— hardening steel bars, 65. —— Turner's views, 89. A. (J. M.) on inscription on penny of Geo. III., 65. "A Joabi Alloquio," &c., its author, 571. 630. A. (J. S.) on belfry towers, 333. —— early winters, 405. —— longevity, 504. —— pictures of Spanish armada, 454. A. (J. T.) on "The Birch," a poem, 220. —— Clerical portrait, 407. Ake and ache, how pronounced, 472. Alban (St.), the day of his festival, 500. Album, origin of, 235. 341. Aldiborontophoskophornio, 40. 95. Aldrorandus on Harley family, 454. Algor (John) on Sparse, its meaning, 246. Ἁλιέυς on George Miller, D.D., 631. —— "Letter to a Convocation Man," 631. —— "Pugna Porcorum," 606. Alison's Europe, noticed, 594. Allen, origin of this surname, 205. 319. 340. Allen (R. J.) on Wellington's first speech, 453. "All my eye," origin of, 525. Alpha on coins of Europe, 597. —— Drimtaidhvrickhillichattan, 597. Alphabetical arrangement, 596. Alphage on the meaning of Tuck, 82. Amanuensis on priests' surplices, 331. Amateur on Hogarth's works, 339. American fisheries, 107. —— officers, their weight, 202. Americanisms so called, 51. 97. 608. Amicus on passage in Schiller, 619. Amusive, its proper meaning, 333. A. (N.) on Lady Anne Gray, 501. Anagrams, 221. 452. 546. Andrews (Alex.) on Grub Street Journal, 486. —— remuneration of authors, 591. Andries de Græff, 406. 488. Annuellarius, 358. 391. 438. Anon. on canker or brier rose, 500. —— centenarian trading vessel, 380. —— curfew bell, 167. —— gloves at fairs, 632. —— "Mater ait natæ," 247. —— marriage in Scotland, 243. —— monastic kitchener's account, 60. —— parochial libraries, 606. —— Randle Wilbraham, 498. —— rathe, 512. —— ring of Charles I., 164. —— Roger Outlawe, 559. —— Turner's view of Lambeth Palace, 118. —— weather rules, 600. —— Wednesday, a Litany-day, 86. Anonymous Works: Boy of Heaven, 429. —— Country Parson's Advice, 550. —— Essay for a New Translation of the Bible, 40. 142. —— History of Formosa, 232. —— Impartial Inquiry on Faith, 180. —— Letters on Prejudice, 40. 143. —— Letter to a Convocation Man, 358. 415. —— Life of Queen Anne, 108. —— Mémoires d'un Homme d'Etat, 193. —— N. (S.) Antidote against English Sectaries, 359. —— Penardo and Laissa, 84. 160. —— Percy Anecdotes, 134. 214. —— Pinch of Snuff, 268. —— Pompey the Little, 191. —— Pugna Porcorum, 528. 606. —— Pylades and Corinna, 305. 508. —— Race for Canterbury or Lambeth, 158. 219. 268. 340. —— Temple of Truth, 549. 630. —— Wanderings of Memory, 527. Anthony (John) on pic-nic, 387. Antiquaries, Society of, suggested alterations, 489. Anywhen, its future use suggested, 38. 335. April the First, custom on, 528. Arago on the weather, 40. 512. Aram (Eugene), his Comparative Lexicon, 597. Aram on a quotation, 14. A. (R. B.) on Lister family, 357. Archer (F. Scott) on originator of collodion process, 92. Argot, its etymology, 331. Aristotle's checks, 451. 496. Armistead (C. J.) on Church catechism, 64. Arms in Bristol Cathedral, 67. 189. Arms in Dugdale's Warwickshire, 331. Arms in painted glass, 132. Ἀρνίον, as used in the Apocalypse, 24. Arnold (Gen. Benedict), noticed, 597. Arrowsmith (W. R.), notes on misunderstood words, 352. 375. 400. 520. 542. 566. Arterus on Shakspeare correspondence, 523. Arundelian marbles, Theobald's letter on, 27. Ascension-day kept as a holiday, 67. Assassin, its correct meaning, 181. 270. Astragalus, the broken, its early use, 84. Astronomical query, 84. 211. 510. Atticus, the letters of, 569. Augustin (St.) and Baxter, 327. Authors, remuneration of, 591. Autobiographical sketch, 477. Autographs in books, 255. 384. A. (W.) on Leicestershire custom, 128. —— Martha Blount, 117. —— Rigby correspondence, 264. A. (W. G.) on Orkney Islands in pawn, 183. A. (Y.) on Yankee, 164. Ayloff (Captain) noticed, 429. 486. 583. B. B. on burial-place of Spinosa, 192. —— Ravenshaw and his works, 286. B. (A.) on quotations wanted, 40. —— SS. Adulph and Botulph, 84. Baal festival, 281. B. A. Oxon. on Parvise, 624. Babington (C.C.) on general pardon, 15. Bacon (Lord), a saying quoted, 305. —— Advancement of Learning, quotations in, 493. 554. —— Essays, notes on, 6. 80. 448. —— hint from, to our correspondents, 36. B. (A. E.) on Aristotle's checks, 496. —— King Lear, Act IV., 592. —— parallel passage in Shakspeare, 403. —— Shakspeare's Hamlet, 449. —— Shakspeare's Henry VIII., 111. —— Shakspearian unanswered queries, 178. —— St. Mathias' day, 115. B. (A. F.) on John Pierrepont, 65. —— Smith family, 13. Bailey (Geo.) on Fuseli's painting, 513. Ball at Brussels, historical parallel, 303. Ballard (E. G.) on British Museum MSS., 570. —— Bowyer Bible, 607. —— curious marriages, 525. —— Hogarth's pictures, 412. —— Hollis (Gervase), his manuscripts, 546. —— seal of William D'Albini, 552. —— Trussell's manuscripts, 616. Balliolensis on "The Birch," a poem, 159. —— bottle department, 135. —— burrow, its etymology, 205. —— charade attributed to Sheridan, 379. —— commencement of the year, 161. —— coninger, 368. —— epigrams, 174. —— epitaph at Mickleton, 379. —— inscriptions in books, 127. —— "Mala malæ malo," &c, 180. —— Parr's dedications, 156. —— Pompey the Little, 191. —— reprint of Hearne's works, 379. —— Robert Weston, 404. —— sonnet by J. Blanco White, 404. Banbury cakes and zeal, 106. 222. 310. 512. Bandalore and Tommy Moore, 153. Bankruptcy records, 478. Baptism: can a man baptize himself? 27. —— children crying at, 96. Baptismal custom connected with festivals, 128. Barnes (W.) on the meaning of fleshed, 166. —— Pitt of Pimperne, 135. Barton (Catherine) noticed, 144. Batemanne (William) noticed, 126. Bates (Wm.) on catcalls, 167. —— Christian names, 626. —— Cowper and tobacco smoking, 229. —— muffs worn by gentlemen, 392. —— mummies of ecclesiastics, 308. —— Robert Heron, 167. —— selling a wife, 602. —— "will" and "shall," 553. Bather (Arthur H.) on quotations wanted, 117. Battier (A. H.) on compass flower, 477. Battle Bridge, Roman inscription found there, 409. B. (B. E.) on Burke's marriage, 382. B. C. L. degree, how obtained, 38. 167. 222. B. (C. W.) on Chatham's language, 220. —— "Elementa sex," &c., 630. —— petition formula, 596. —— sun's rays putting out the fire, 285. B. (D.) on Murray, titular Bishop of Dunbar, 192. Beads for counting prayers, 360. Bealby (H. M.) on Shelton oak, 297. "Beaten to a mummy," origin of the expression, 206. Beaver (Peter), noticed, 501. B. (E. D.) on De Burgh family, 381. Bede (Cuthbert) on amusive, 333. —— blackguard, 487. —— curiosities of advertising literature, 4. —— Easter-day sun, 333. —— high spirits a presage of evil, 339. —— Irish rhymes, 312. —— Mary Stuart's chair, 197. —— pancake bell, 232. —— perspective view of twelve postage stamps, 35. —— poetical epithets of the nightingale, 397. —— riddles for the post-office, 258. —— screw, a broken-down horse, 260. —— stars and flowers, 513. —— "steaming," in Thomson, 367. Bee (Tee) on devil's marks on swine, 281. —— Hamilton queries, 285. —— notes on newspapers, 232. —— wandering Jews, 261. Beech-trees struck by lightning, 25. Bees and the Sphynx atropos, 499. B. (E. G.) on fercett, 318. —— mediæval parchment, 317. —— Mint in Southwark, 303. —— Tanner's MSS., 260. —— white roses, 329. B. (E. L.) on door-head inscriptions, 314. —— Sidney as a Christian name, 319. Belatucadrus, his statue, 205. 319. Belfry towers, separate from the church, 333. 416. 465. 512. 586. Belgium, ecclesiastical antiquities of, 65. Bell (Dr. Wm.) on the word Dreng, 298. —— "Stabit quocunque jeceris," 239. —— Yankee, its origin and meaning, 103. Bell (Geo. Wm.) on Bp. Patrick's parable, 156. Bell inscriptions, 454. 633. Bells and storms, 144. 343. Bells at funerals, 297. —— of the convent of Santa Theresa, 429. —— subterranean, 128. 200. 328. 391. 413. 512. Beltane in Devonshire, 353. B. (E. M.) on Latin-Latiner, 622. Bend on family of Joan D'Arc, 206. Benson (C.) on rhymes upon places, 24. Bentivoglio's Description of England, 155. Bentley's examination, 181. Bequest, a whimsical one, 105. Berefellarii, its meaning, 207. Berkeley (Bishop), his portrait, 428. Bernard (St.) versus Fulke Greville, 62. "Beware the cat," 487. B. (F. C.) on Grindle, 384. —— Irish convocation, 345. —— Lamech killing Cain, 362. —— Shakspeare, reprint of 1808, 47. B. (F. S.) on Sir W. Hamilton, 334. B. (F. T. J.) on Cupid crying, 368. B. (G.) on Turner's exhibitions, 118. B. (H.) on Corvizer, 503. —— willow pattern, 631. B. (H. A.) on Banbury cakes, 512. —— poisons used for bouquets, 262. —— Dr. Timothy Bright, 407. —— epigram from Belgium, 379. —— Schonbornerus, 478. —— spontaneous combustion, 286. B. (H. B.) on paper positive, 141. B. (H. F.) on the word Canker, 585. Bibles, complete lists of, 454. Bibliothec. Chetham. on quotation from Bacon, 270. Bill (Dr.), his descendants, 286. Bingham (C. W.) on Crowe's Latin poem, 144. Birch, a poem, 159. Bird, a fabulous one noticed by Fuller, 180. Bishop of St. John in Ellis's Letters, 550. Bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth, 260. 344. 509. —— Irish, as English suffragans, 569. —— lawn sleeves, 437. —— the consecrators of the later English, 132. 220. 306. —— vacating their sees, 50. B. (J.) on blow-shoppes, 409. —— Christian names, 627. —— contested elections, 316. —— Daubuz, 145. —— David Hartley, 282. —— detached belfry towers, 586. —— Mordaunt family, 50. —— Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, 14. —— "Qui facit per alium," &c., 629. —— Rigby correspondence, 264. —— tub-woman, 133. B. (J. C.) on the sign of the cross in the Greek Church, 380. B. (J. M.) on the butler and his man William, 408. —— Chaucer, 440. 517. —— Coleridge's Christabel, 292. —— Coleridge's Life, 282. —— detached belfry towers, 465. —— Devonianisms, 544. —— Edmund Spenser, 362. —— English and American booksellers, 404. —— folk-lore, 81. —— Latin-Latiner, 424. —— lines on Tipperary, 43. —— odd mistake, 405. —— parochial libraries, 463. —— passage in Coleridge, 330. B. (J. S.) on books wanted, 305. —— Cromlin's grant, 305. B. (J. W.) on Shoreditch cross, 38. Blackguard, origin of the term, 77. 273. 487. Blackiston (R.) on epigrams, 369. —— lines in a snuff-box, 181. Bland family noticed, 234. Bloomfleld (Robert), his cottage, 34. Blor (Dr. A.) on photography applied to catalogues, 507. Blount (Martha), her portrait, 38. 117. Blow-shoppes, what? 409. B. (N.) on Chatterton, 15. 189. —— "Plurima, pauca, nihil," 167. Bobart (H. T.) on Jacob Bobart and his dragon, 429. Bobart (Jacob) and his dragon, 428. 578. Bodley (Sir Josias) noticed, 357. 561. Bœoticus on Ecclus. xlvi. 20., why omitted? 205. —— Hall's Meditations, 14. —— left hand, its etymology, 306. Boerhaave, a passage in, 453. Bognie's carriage, its meaning, 108. Boleyn (Anne), the axe which beheaded her, 332. 417. Bonnell (Thomas) noticed, 305. 561. Booker (John) on exercise day, 344. —— weather rules, 599. Book-plates, foreign, 26. Books, autographs in, 255. —— inscriptions in, see Inscriptions. Books, notices of new— Akerman's Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 370. Architectural Societies, 514. Ayerst's Ghost of Junius, 224. Bowdler's Family Shakspeare, 98. 346. 442. Bruce's Letters and Papers of the Verney family, 441. Byron's Poems, 97. Chester Archæological Journal, 168. Camden Society, new works, 168. Churchman's Magazine, 224. Collier's Notes and Emendations of Shakspeare, 53. 120. 537. Cranborne's (Viscount) History of France, 168. Darling's Cyclopædia, 370. 490. English Bible chronologically arranged, 513. English Forests and Forest Trees, 537. Forster's Road-book for Tourists, 561. Gatty's Vicar and his Duties, 465. Gibbing's Records of Roman Inquisition, 537. Henry of Huntingdon, 465. Holloway's Month in Norway, 561. Hoveden's Annals, 346. Hughes's Vale Royal of England, 442. Johnson's Tangible Typography, 224. Journal of Sacred Literature, 370. Lares and Penates, 249. Latham's Ethnology of the British Islands, 120. Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, 273. Mahon's (Lord) History of England, 120. 346. 537. Men of the Time, 394. Murray's Railway Readings, 465. Museum of Classical Antiquities, 513. National Miscellany, 490. Pauli's Life of Alfred, 562. Price's Norway and its Scenery, 561. Pulleyn's Etymological Compendium, 465. Reynard the Fox, 273. 369 465. Scott's Thomas à Becket, 346. Shakspeare Repository, 537. Sharp's Gazetteer, 224. Singer's Text of Shakspeare Vindicated, 537. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, 369. Snelling's Art of Photography, 562. Surtees Society, their new works, 120. Temple Bar, the City Golgotha, 394. Traveller's Library, 465. Trench on Lessons in Proverbs, 120. Turner's Domestic Architecture, 345. Ulster Journal of Archæology, 248. 513. Wellington, his Character, &c., 394. Wilson's Sacra Privata, 97. Young's Night Thoughts, 490. Books wanted, 305. 561. —— worthy to be reprinted, 153. 203. 379. Booksellers, English and American, 404. Bookselling in Calcutta, 199. —— in Glasgow in 1735, 10. Bookworm on St. Dominic, 356. Boom, its meaning, 620. Booth family, 478. Booty's case, 634. Borderer on "Plurima, pauca, nihil," 96. Boston queries, 258. Boswell (James), letter to Garrick, 328. Bottle department of the beer trade, 135. Bottom, its signification, 51. Botulph (St.), his life, 84. 192. Bouillon Bible, 296. 536. Bourbons, origin of the family, 16. Bowyer Bible, 617. Boyer's Great Theatre of Honour, 358. Boyle (Dean), his pedigree, 430. Boyle Lectures, 456. Braemar on Rev. J. Marsden, 181. Brasses on the Continent, 501. —— since 1688, 272. Braybrooke (Lord) on Hamilton queries, 333. —— Latin poems in connexion with Waterloo, 6. —— Major-General Lambert, 269. —— old shoe-throwing at weddings, 182. —— Pepys's Morena, 508. "Brazen Head," a serial, 39. B. (R. D.) on Sidney, a female name, 39. Breen (Henry H.) on Bonaparte and Napoleon, 129. —— Canada, its derivation, 380. —— Dutensiana, 390. —— Dutch reducing the English to slavery, 49. —— ennui, 478. —— Eustache de Saint Pierre, 329. —— Irish rhymes, 312. —— judicial oaths, 453. —— literary frauds of modern times, 86. —— Milton in prose, 27. —— Miss E. St. Leger, a mason, 598. —— molasses, its etymology, 36. —— More queries, 85. —— Napoleon a poet, 301. —— Napoleon dynasty, 145. —— pic-nic, 387. —— Rococo, its use in St. Lucia, 627. —— Rowley's Poems, 544. —— slave whipped to death, 503. —— South versus Goldsmith. &c., 311. —— straw bail, 464. —— true blue, 391. —— "Very like a whale," 86. —— Wellington (Duke of), a maréchal de France, 283. Brett (F. H.) on smock marriages, 191. Brick on town plough, 339. —— parochial libraries, 438. —— rhymes on places, 537. Bride's seat in church, 145. Bridget (St.), Officium Birgittinum Anglice, 157. Bright (Dr. Timothy) noticed, 407. British Museum, scarce MSS. in the library, 570. Broad arrow, 360. Broctuna on Croxton or Crostin, 316. —— Lady Catherine Grey, 68. —— London queries, 223. —— Lord Coke's Charge to the Jury, 433. —— Orkney Islands in pawn, 183. —— subterranean bells, 391. —— Wake family, 164. —— worth, its original meaning, 584. Brown's tragedy, "Polidus," 499. Brown (W.) on Mr. Archer's services to photography, 218. —— originator of collodion process, 116. Browne (Sir G.), his descendants, 528. 608. Bruce (John) on God's marks, 134. —— proclamations, their utility, 3. Bruce (King Robert), his arms, 356. 416. 559. Brutoniensis on straw bail, 342. Brydone the tourist, his birthplace, 108. 163. B. (S. S.) jun., on photographic lens, 485. B. (T.) on magnetic intensity, 71. Bt. (J.) on "pais," its correct translation, 52. —— riddle circa Henry VIII., 282. B. (T. N.) on chantry chapels, 185. Bucks, ancient society of, 286. Buckton (T. J.) on Alison's Europe, 594. —— Croker's Johnson, quotations in, 618. —— enough, 560. —— heuristic, 320. —— Khond fable, 584. —— legend of Lamech, 432. —— passage in St. James, 623. —— sign of the cross in Greek Church, 461. —— Syriac scriptures, 583. Budget, its derivation, 73. Bullinger's Sermons, 407. Bunyan's expression, "To lie at the catch," 132. Buonaparte, origin of the name, 129. Burial of unclaimed corpse, 262. 340. 435. Burial service said by heart, 13. 94. 320. Buriensis on Richard Candishe, M.P., 596. Burke (Edmund), his marriage, 382. —— passage in, 51. Burke (Walter) noticed, 192. Burnet (Bishop), his character, 59. Burrow, its etymology, 205. 320. Burton (J.) on Martha Blount, 117. —— Richardson or Murphy's portrait, 107. Burtt (Joseph) on proclamation of Henry VIII., 421. —— surnames, 278. Butler and his man William, 408. Butler (Bishop), inquiries respecting, 528. 572. Buxton (Sir Thomas Fowell) noticed, 452. Bury (Dr. Arthur) noticed, 473. 502. Byron (Lord), immoral work by him, 66. C. C. on cardinal's hat, 164. —— Caryl or Caryll, 455. —— Chichester Pallant, 269. —— Cibber's Lives of the Poets, 143. —— Countess of Pembroke's letter, 245. —— Curtseys and bows, 220. —— Hogarth's pictures, 484. —— "I hear a lion," &c., 318. —— Les Veus du Hairon, 40. —— Lord North, 317. —— Manx penny, 165. —— Pope's inedited poem, 113. —— Rigby correspondence, 264. —— Rosa mystica, 247. —— scarfs worn by clergymen, 143. 269. —— Segantiorum Portus, 246. —— Shakspeare readings, 221. —— "steaming," as used by Thomson, 145. —— "Time and I," 247. —— Young's housekeeper, 143. C., Winton, on staining deal, 357. C. (A.) on autographs in books, 384. —— arms of Hobey of Bisham, 407. —— beginning life again, 429. —— feelings of age, 608. —— Tangiers, English army in 1684, 12. —— thirteen an unlucky number, 571. —— tombstones antè 1601, 331. 609. C. (A. B.) on charcoal in photography, 245. —— curious fact in natural philosophy, 295. Cadenham oak, 180. C. (A. H.) on alphabetical arrangement, 596. C. (A. J.) on Brydone the tourist, 108. Cambrensis on belfry towers, 416. —— loggerheads, 192. Camden Society anniversary, 465. Campbell's Hymn on the Nativity, 157. Campbell's imitations, 481. —— Pleasures of Hope, 178. Campkin (Henry) on Eulenspiegel, 557. Campvere, privileges of, 262. 440. 558. Canada, its derivation, 380. 504. 601. Candishe (Richard) noticed, 590. Canker on brier rose, 500. 585. Cann family, 330. Canongate marriages, 67. 439. Cantab on meaning of Pallant, 206. Canute's reproof to his courtiers, 380. Cape on carrier pigeons, 551. —— "hurrah!" and other war-cries, 595. —— illuminations in cities, 571. —— kissing hands at court, 595. —— satin, its derivation, 551. —— turkey cocks, 550. Capital punishment, mitigation of, 163. 573. Capuchin friars, &c., 568. Cardinal's hat, 72. 164. Cardinal spider, 431. Caret on Sir John Fleming, 356. —— Norwich bishops, 358. Carians, their want of heraldic devices, 96. Carlyle's French Revolution, passage in, 285. Carpets at Rome, 455. Carr (Sir George), his pedigree, 408. 512. 558. Carrier pigeons, 551. Carte (Alex.) on arms on King Robert Bruce's coffin, 356. Carte (Arthur R.) on Nicholas Thane, 358. —— Wake family, 51. Caryl or Caryll (Mr.), 455. Catcalls noticed, 167. Catechism, Church, its authorship, 64. 190. 463. 577. Cats—are white cats deaf? 331. Caul, a child's, bequeathed, 546. Causidicus on lawyers' bags, 144. C. (B.) on Race for Canterbury, 340. C. (B. H.) on church catechism, 190. 577. —— cross and crucifix, 189. —— dates on tombstones, 512. —— ennui, its meaning, 629. —— enough, 603. —— Hill, the learned tailor, 10. —— Hutter's Polyglott, 134. —— "Inter cuncta micans," 510. —— "Its," its early use, 510. —— Luther's portrait, 498. —— Martin drunk, 190. —— Mormon etymologies, 153. —— papers preserved from damp, 126. —— "Pugna Porcorum," 606. —— purlieu, 633. —— quotation from Conrad Dieteric, 571. —— Seneca and St. Paul, 633. —— statue of St. Peter, 143. —— subterranean bells, 512. —— Syriac scriptures, 479. C. (B. N.) on epigrams, 393. Ceeley (Thomas) noticed, 207. Cene's Essay for a New Translation of the Bible, 40. 142. Centenarian trading vessel, 380. Ceridwen on bells, 429. —— on cocket and cler-mantyn, 530. —— golden bees, 535. —— legend of Llangefelach tower, 545. —— passage in Orosius, 536. —— Savoy church, custom at, 529. —— wild plants and their names, 441. Cestriensis on a family caul, 546. Ceylon, best map of, 65. 110. Ceyrep on the origin of albums, 341. —— consecrated rings for epilepsy, 88. —— Gesmas and Desmas, 464. —— sign of the cross in Greek Church, 461. —— heraldic queries, 571. —— marriage ring, 601. —— Peter's statue at Rome, 96. 210. —— wood of the cross, 334. C. (G.) on Le Gray and collodion process, 47. C. (G. A.) on arms of Ensake and Cradock, 51. C. (G. C.) on origin of the rosary, 158. C. (G. J.) on detached belfry towers, 465. C. (H.) on detached belfry towers, 465. —— the whetstone, 463. Chaffers (W.), Jun., on goldsmiths' year-marks, 90. Chaloner (Edmund) noticed, 334. 583. Chantry chapels, 185. Chapel Plaster, a public-house in Wilts, 37. 145. Chapel Sunday, 527. Chaplains to noblemen, 85. 163. 317. Chapman (John), his sounding name, 37. Chappell (Wm.) on Lady Nevell's music-book, 187. Charade attributed to Sheridan, 379. 463. Charlecote on Thomas Shakspeare, 405. 545. Charles I., miniature ring of, 184. 247. Charlton (Edward) on imprecatory epitaphs, 256. Chatterton, his death, 14. 138. 189. 267. Chaucer's connexion with the Temple, 69. —— inedited poem on, 201. —— knowledge of Italian, 517. 584. —— prophetic view of Crystal Palace, 356. 440. C. (H. B.) on emblems, 16. —— Genoveva, 212. —— Hallett and Dr. Saxby, 511. —— heuristisch, 237. —— "Judæus odor," 295. —— mitigation of capital punishment, 163. 573. —— Mrs. Mackey's poems, 109. —— Palissy and Cardinal Wiseman, 499. —— "Solid men of Boston," 222. —— tooth of Sir I. Newton, 207. C. (H. C.) on lad and lass, 256. Chess problem, 193. Chess-men found in the Isle of Lewis, 620. Cheverells on autobiographical sketch, 477. —— font inscriptions, 625. —— Lamech killing Cain, 362. —— oaken tombs and effigies, 607. —— parochial libraries, 369. 392. —— parvise, 624. —— queen bee, 633. —— "Time and I," 586. Chichester Pallant, 206. 269. 335. Child-mother, 526. Chipchase of Chipchase, 133. Christian names, 406. 488. 626. Christophoros on anecdote in Franklin, 134. Churchwardens, qualifications of, 359. Cibber's Lives of the Poets, 113. 143. 341. 386. C. (J.) on inscriptions in books, 337. C. (J. N.) on detached belfry towers, 586. —— Lady-day proverb, 157. —— parochial libraries, 558. —— Spanish armada, picture of, 558. C. (J. R.) on Bishop Butler, 573. C. (J. S.) on lowbell, 367. —— ship's painter, 391. Clarendon (Lord) and the tub-woman, 133. 211. 634. Claret, its derivation, 237. 511. 561. 630. Clarke's Essay on Mathematical Learning, 15. Clericus (D.) on bell inscriptions, 633. —— Schomberg's epitaph, 341. —— "Seductor Sueco," 595. Cliff (Lord) noticed, 455. 536. Clifton (Thomas) of Normanton, 354. Cliviger on Edmund Spenser, 362. Cobb, its derivation, 234. 321. Cobb's (Mrs.) Diary, 477. Cock, names ending in, 279. Cockayne (Dr. Wm.) noticed, 431. Cody (Patrick) on fairies in New Ross, 61. Cœnaculum of Lionardo da Vinci, 524. 624. Coins in foundations, 166. —— of Europe, 597. Coke, its pronunciation, 586. Coke (Lord), his speech and charge, 376. 433. Cokely on collodion, 414. —— fact in natural philosophy, 367. —— parochial libraries, 193. —— photographic gun cotton, 314. —— soiled fingers, 162. —— stereoscopic pictures, 70. Coket and cler-mantyn explained, 530. Coleman (E. H.) on plum-pudding, 66. Coleridge (S. T.), his annotations in books, 280. —— his life suggested, 282. 368. —— a prophet, 36. —— Christabel, assumed omission, 206. 292. —— passage in, 330. 393. Collar of SS., 297. 584. Colles (W. H.) on Croxton or Crostin, 108. Collier (J. Payne) on Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, 445. —— queries as to his Notes and Emendations to Shakspeare, 153. —— Shakspeare, unanswered queries, 216. Collis (Thomas) on parochial libraries, 507. Collyns (Wm.) on "In Jesum Cruci affixum," 283. Colman (J. B.) on whimsical bequest, 105. Columba (St.) his cross, 302. Comedians (English) in the Netherlands, 114. 360. 503. "Coming home to men's business," its origin, 235. 320. Compass flower, 477. Confirmation superstition, 167. Consecrated roses, &c., 407. 480. 537. Consort (Mons.) noticed, 381. Constables of France, 332. Constant Reader on hobnail counting, 157. Conundrum answered, 294. Convocation, alliterative pasquinade on, 129. —— in Ireland, 345. 583. —— "Letter to a Member of Parliament," 620. Conway family, 261. Conyngers, its etymology, 182. 241. 368. 441. Cooke (Robert) on mistletoe, 269. Cooper (C. H.) on Bramston's poem, 318. —— Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, 631. —— gloves at fairs, 559. —— Lode, a river, 464. —— Monk and Cambridge university, 486. —— nose of wax, 439. —— "other-some" and "unneath," 631. —— salt-peter man, 530. —— sheriffs of Huntingdonshire, 631. —— Sir Edwin Sadler, 416. —— worth, its meaning, 630. Cooper (Thompson) on ballad of the Battle of the Boyne, 118. —— inscription on penny of Geo. III., 165. —— tuck, its meaning, 188. —— Verney papers, &c., 568. Corbet peerage, 283. Coriolanus on Genoveva of Brabant, 246. Corney (Bolton) on Wotton and Milton, 7. Cornish (James) on Archbishop Leighton and Pope, 475. —— Iron Mask, 344. —— Shakspeare's bed-side, 104. Coronation, a flower, 530. Correspondent on Inigo Jones, 430. Corser (Thomas) on English books of Emblems, 469. Corvizer explained, 503. Corylus on beech-trees struck by lightning, 25. —— passage in Tennyson, 25. Cossack, its meaning, 430. Cotton (H.) on prayer-books prior to 1662, 18. 393. Cotton (W. H.) on furmety or frumenty, 166. "Country Parson's Advice to his Parishioners," its author, 550. Country Practitioner on a test for lens, 485. County history societies, their formation, 14. Coverdale (Bishop), his exhumation, 97. Covert family, 85. 189. Cowgill on Thomas Bonnell, 561. —— capital punishments, 561. —— Khond fable, 584. Cowper and tobacco smoking, 229. Cowper or Cooper, 102. Cowper (B. H.) on Ἀρνίον, 24. —— raising the wind, 27. —— "world without end," 27. "Craftsman's Apology," 499. Cramp (Wm.) on Letters of Atticus, 569. Cranmer and Calvin, 501. 621. Crassus' saying, 498. Creeper in the Samoan Isles, 107. Cremona violins, 36. Cremonas, list of the earliest, 501. 582. Creole, its etymology, 381. 535. Crescent, its origin, 235. 392. C. (R. H.) on Kelway family, 529. —— the Lisle family, 365. Criticisms, coincident, 524. Cromlin (Mr.), his grant, 305. Cromwell's seal, 427. Crookes (Wm.) on after-dilutions, 48. —— wax-paper process, 71. Croxton of Lancashire noticed, 108. 316. Crowe's Monody, 6. 144. Croydon, its unhealthiness, 237. 393. —— burn at, 626. Crosby (James) on drengage and berewich, 39. Cross and pile, 24. 487. 560. 631. —— and the crucifix, 189. —— given by Richard I. to the patriarch of Antioch, 357. —— in Mexico and Alexandria, 548. 629. —— its sign, as used in the Greek church, 380. 461. —— the wood of the, 177. 334. 437. 488. Crossley (Francis) on Allen, as a surname, 319. —— cob and conners, 321. —— coninger, 368. —— Lamech killing Cain, 363. —— meaning of Meals, 298. —— meaning of Rather, 392. —— "The wee brown hen," 284. Crossley (James) on Captain Ayloff, 486. —— Craftsman's Apology, 499. —— door-head inscriptions, 585. —— East India Trade, tract on, 471. —— Grub Street Journal, 383. —— Howell's Letters, 536. —— Huet's Navigations of Solomon, 438. —— lines quoted by Charles Lamb, 439. —— Oliver St. John, 520. —— Peter Sterry and Jeremiah White, 388. —— Pope, his corrections adopted from the Dunces, 541. —— prospectus to Cibber's Lives, 386. —— Psalmanazar, 435. 551. —— Pylades and Corinna, 508. 551. —— "Quod fuit esse," 391. —— Richard Midgley, 438. —— "Solid Men of Boston," 222. —— South against Sherlock, 402. —— Wanderings of Memory, 610. —— Wednesday Club, 576. —— white roses, 434. C. (T.) on railway signals, 380. C. (T. G.) on Lancashire fairy tale, 177. Cucking-stool, when last used, 260. Cullingford (W. H.) on staining deal, 558. Cunningham (Peter) on Cremona violins, 36. —— Scotchmen in Poland, 475. Cupid crying, 368. Curfew noticed, 167. 530. Curiosus on the Five Alls, 502. Cursitor barons of the Exchequer, 479. Curtis (J. Lewelyn) on clergy in the seventeenth century, 126. —— Major-General Lambert, 364. —— Robin Hood, 162. —— straw bail, 85. Curtsey, why ladies curtsey? 156. 220. 318. C. (W.) on Irish rhymes, 52. —— Shakspeare's Twelfth Night, 51. C. (W. G.) on Longhi's portraits of Guidiccioni, 408. C. (W. H.) on cross of Mary Queen of Scots, 95. Cyclades, round towers of the, 425. D. D. on the origin of albums, 235. —— Francius and De Wilde, 597. —— nursery tale, 9.

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