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NO LIMIT MODEL IN INACCESSIBLE 7 0 Saharon Shelah 0 2 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem y Einstein Institute of Mathematics a M Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram Jerusalem 91904, Israel 9 2 Department of Mathematics Hill Center-Busch Campus ] O Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey L 110 Frelinghuysen Road . h Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 USA t a m Abstract. Our aim is to improve the negative results i.e. non-existence of limit [ models, and the failure of the generic pair property from [Sh 877] to inaccessible λ 1 as promised there. The motivation is that in [Sh:F756] the positive results are for λ v measurable hence inaccessible, whereas in [Sh 877] in the negative results obtained 1 only on non-strong limit cardinals. 3 1 4 . 5 0 7 0 : v i X r a The author would like to thank the Israel Science Foundation for partial support of this research (Grant No.242/03). Publication 906. I would like to thank Alice Leonhardt for the beautiful typing. Typeset by AMS-TEX 1 2 SAHARON SHELAH §0 Introduction [Sh:F576] contains results “for T dependent the generic pair property holds”; see introduction there. Here we have complimentary results. Let λ be strongly inaccessible (> |T|) such that λ+ = 2λ. Here in §1 we prove that for strongly independent T (see Definition 0.2), a strong version of the generic pair conjecture (see Definition 0.5(2)) holds. We also prove the non-existence of (λ,κ)-limit models, a related property (for all version of limit). In §2, we also prove this even for independent T. The use of λ+ = 2λ is just to have a more transparent formulation of the conjecture. 0.1 Notation: 1) D is the club filter on λ for λ regular uncountable. λ 2) Sλ = {δ < λ:cf(δ) = κ}. κ 3) For a limit ordinal δ let Pub(δ) = {U : U is an unbounded subset of δ}. [used?] 4) T denotes a complete first order theory. Recall (as in [Sh 877, 2.3]) 0.2 Definition. 1) T has the strong independence property (or is strongly inde- pendent) when: some ϕ(x¯,y) ∈ L(τ ) has it, where: T 2) ϕ(x¯,y¯) ∈ L(τ ) has the strong independence property for T when for every T n < ω, model M of T and pairwise distinct ¯b ,...,¯b ∈ ℓg(y¯)(M) for some 0 2n−1 a¯ ∈ ℓg(y¯)M we have ℓ < 2n ⇒ M |= ϕ[a¯,¯b ]if(ℓ is even). ℓ Remark. 1) Elsewhere we use ϕ(x,y), and the proof are not affected. ¯ 2) Also if we restrict ourselves to a ,a ,...,∈ ψ(M,d) where ψ ∈ L(τ ) such that 0 1 T ¯ ¯ ψ(M,d) is infinite, and we may restrict ourselves to b’s realizing a fix non-algebraic type p ∈ Sm(A,M) with M being (|A|++ℵ )-saturated. The results are not really 0 affected. 0.3 Question: 1) Assume λ = λ<λ1 ≥ λ > |T|,T a complete first order theory. 2 2 1 When is the theory T∗ a dependent theory? where λ ,λ 1 2 (a) T∗ = Th(K+ ) where λ ,λ λ ,λ 1 2 1 2 (b) K+ = {(M,N) : M is a λ -saturated model of T of cardinality λ ,N a λ ,λ 1 2 1 2 λ+-saturated elementary extension of M}. 2 2) Similarly for other properties of T∗ ; note that this theory is complete. λ ,λ 1 2 2A) When can we prove that T∗ does not depend on the cardinals at least for λ ,λ 1 2 NO LIMIT MODEL IN INACCESSIBLE 3 many pairs? 3) Characterize when in Th(M,N) we cannot (with parameters) interpret PA. Remark. 1) It is known that in 0.3(1) if T extends PA or ZFC then in T∗ = Th(M,N) we can interpret the second order theory of λ . 2 2) It seems to me that it is known that there is a Boolean algebra B and four ideals I ,...,I of it such that in Th(B,I ,I ,I ,I ) we can interpret PA hence this says 0 3 0 1 2 3 the Boolean algebra are high in 0.3(3). But may well be that as in Baldwin-Shelah [BlSh 156] 0.4 Question: Assume |T| < κ ≤ λ ≤ λ = λ<λ1,T a complete first order. For 1 2 2 which T’s can we interpret in M ∈ K+ a model of PA of cardinality ≥ λ by λ ,λ 1 1 2 an L (τ )-formulas with parameter, the intention for λ large enough than λ ∞,κ T 2 1 which is large enough than T if 2κ ≥ λ this is trivial. 1 Recall (from ([Sh 877, 0.2]) 0.5 Definition. 0) Let EC (T) be the class of model M of (the first order) T of λ cardinality λ. 1) Assume λ = λ<λ > |T|,2λ = λ+,M ∈ EC (T) is ≺-increasing continuous for α λ α < λ+ with ∪{M : α < λ+} ∈ EC (T) saturated. The generic pair property α λ+ (for T,λ) says that for some club E of λ+ for all pairs α < β of ordinals from E of cofinality λ,(M ,M ) has the same isomorphism type (we denote this property of β α T by Pr2 (T)). λ,λ 2) The generic pair conjecture for λ = λ<λ > ℵ such that 2λ = λ+ says that for 0 any complete first order T of cardinality < λ,T is independent iff it has the generic pair property for λ. 3) Let ncκ(T) be min{|{M / ∼=: δ ∈ E has cofinality κ}| : E a club of λ+} for λ δ M¯ = hM : α < λ+i as above; clearly the choice of M¯ is immaterial. α 0.6 Remark. 1) Note that to say ncκ(T) = 1 is a way to say that T has (some λ variant of) a (λ,κ)-limit model. 2) Recall that we conjecture that for λ = λ<λ > κ = cf(κ) > |T|,2λ = λ+ we have ncκ|T| = 1 ⇔ ncκ(T) < 2λ ⇔ T is dependent. The use of “λ+ = 2λ” is for clarity. λ λ See more in [Sh 877]. 4 SAHARON SHELAH §1 Strongly independent T Context. T is a fixed first order complete theory and C = C a monster for it. T Here for λ strongly inaccessible and (complete first order) T with the strong independence property (of cardinality < λ) we prove the non-existence of (λ,κ)- limit models for κ = cf(κ) < λ (in Theorem 1.8) and the generic pair conjecture for λ and T, in Theorem 1.9 (which shows non-isomorphism). Recall that the generic pair property speaks on the isomorphism type of pairs of models. ∼ Definition 1.1 gives us a more constructive invariant of (M,N)/ =. Unfortu- nately it seemed opaque how to manipulate it so we shall use a different version, the one from Definition 1.3. Naturally it concentrates on types in one formula ϕ(y,x¯) witnesssing the strong independence property. But mainly gives the pair (M,N) an invariant hP : δ < λi/D where P ⊆ P(P(δ)). Now always |P | ≤ 2|δ| and it is δ λ δ δ easily computable from one P ⊆ P(δ), in fact from the invariant inv (M,N) from 4 Definition 1.1, but in our proofs its use is more transparent. It has monotonicity property and we can increase it. We need different but similarversion for the proof of non-existence of (λ,κ)-limit models. 1.1 Definition. 1) Let E∗ be the following relation on {(M,P) : M |= T and T P ⊆ S<ω(M)}; let (M ,P )E∗(M ,P ) iff there is an isormorphism h from M 1 1 T 2 2 1 onto M mapping P onto P . 2 1 2 2) For model M ≺ N of T we define (a) inv (M,N) = {p ∈ S<ω(M) : p is realized in N} 1 (b) inv (M,N) = (M,inv (M,N))/E∗. 2 1 T 3) If M ≺ N are models of T such that the universe of N is ⊆ λ, let, recalling D λ is the club filter on λ (a) for any ordinal δ < λ inv (δ,M,N) = (N ↾ δ,{p ∈ S<ω(N ↾ δ) : p is realized by some sequence 3 from M})/E∗ T (b) inv (M,N) = hinv (δ,M,N)) : δ < λi/D . 4 3 λ 4) If M ≺ N aremodels ofT ofcardinality λthen inv (M,N)isinv (f(M′),f(N′)) 4 4 for every one-to-one function f from N into λ (equivalently some f, see below) 1.2 Observation. 1) Concerning Definition 1.1(3), if M ≺ N are models of T of car- dinalityλandf ,f areone-to-onefunctionsfromN intoλtheninv (f (M),f (N)) = 1 2 4 1 1 NO LIMIT MODEL IN INACCESSIBLE 5 inv (f (M),f (N)). 4 2 2 2) Definitions 1.1(3), 1.1(4) are compatible and in 1.1(4), “some f” is equivalent to “every f such that...” 1.3 Definition. Assume ϕ = ϕ(x¯,y¯) ∈ L(τ ) and N ≺ N are models of T of T 1 2 cardinality λ. 1) For one-to-one mapping f from N to λ and δ < λ we define 2 invϕ(δ,f,N ,N ) = {P : there are a¯ ∈ ℓg(y¯)N for γ < δ such that 5 1 2 γ 2 f(a¯ ) ⊆ δ and for every U ⊆ δ the following are equivalent : γ (i) U ∈ P (ii) for some ¯b ∈ ℓg(y¯)N we have γ < δ ⇒ N |= ϕ[a¯ ,¯b]if(γ∈U)}. 1 2 γ 2) We let invϕ(N ,N ) be hinvϕ(δ,f,N ,N ) : δ < λi/D for some (equivalently 6 1 2 5 1 2 λ every) f as above. ϕ 1.4 Claim. 1) In Definition 1.3 we have inv (N ,N ) is well defined. 6 1 2 2) In Definition 1.3, for δ,λ,N ,N ,ϕ(x¯,y¯) as there 1 2 (a) the set invϕ(δ,f,N ,N ) has cardinality at most 2|δ| 5 1 2 (b) if π is a one-to-one function from f(N ) into λ mapping f(N ) ∩ δ onto 2 2 ϕ ϕ π(f(N )∩δ then inv (δ,π ◦f,N ,N ) = inv (δ,f,N ,δ ). 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 (cid:3) 1.4 Proof. Easy. 1.5 Definition. 1) For ϕ = ϕ(y¯,x¯) ∈ L(τ ), a model N of T with universe λ,δ an T ordinal < λ and κ < λ let invϕ (ϕ,N) = {P ⊆ P(δ) : we can find a¯i ∈ ℓg(x¯)δ for γ < δ,i < κ such that 7,κ γ the following conditions on U ⊆ δ unbounded in δ are equivalent : (i) U ∈ P ¯ (ii) for some b ∈ N we have : for every i < κ large enough for every γ < δ we have N |= ϕ[a¯i,¯b]if(γ∈U)}. γ 6 SAHARON SHELAH ϕ 2) For ϕ = ϕ(y¯,x¯) ∈ L(τ ) and a model N of T of cardinality λ let inv (N) = T 8,κ hinvϕ(δ,N) : δ < λi/D for every, equivalently some model N′ isomorphic to N 7 λ with universe λ. ϕ 1.6 Observation. 1) inv (N) is well defined for N ∈ EC (T) when |T|+κ < λ. 8,κ λ 2) In Definition 1.5(1) we have |invϕ (δ,N)| ≤ 2|δ|. 7,ϕ Proof. Easy. 1.7 Claim. Assume λ > |T| is regular, ϕ = ϕ(x¯,y¯) and (a) hN : i < κi is a ≺-increasing sequence i (b) N ∈ EC (T) i λ (c) N = ∪{N : i < κ} i (d) P¯ = hP : α < λi where P ⊆ P(α) α α (e) f is a one-to-one function from N onto λ (f) there are a¯ ∈ N for α < λ such that for every i < κ for a club of δ < λ α 0 there are ¯b ∈ N ∩f−1(δ) for γ < δ satisfying γ i+1 (α) for every c¯ ∈ ℓg(x¯)N there is U ∈ P such that γ < δ ⇒ N |= 0 δ ϕ[c¯,¯b ]if(γ∈U) γ (β) foreveryU ∈ P there isα < λ such that γ < δ ⇒ N |= ϕ[a¯ ,¯b ]if(γ∈A). δ α γ Then {δ < λ : P ∈ invϕ (δ,f(N))} ∈ D . δ 7,κ λ Proof. Straight. Now we come to the main two results of this section. 1.8 Theorem. For some club E of λ, if δ 6= δ belongs to E∩Sλ+ then M ,M 1 2 κ δ1 δ2 are not isomorphic when: ⊠ (a) T has the strong independence property (see Definition 0.2) and (b) λ = λ<λ regular uncountable, λ > |T|,λ > κ = cf(κ) and λ+ = 2λ (c) M is a saturated model of T of cardinality λ+ (d) hM : α < λ+i is ≺-increasing continuous sequence with union M, α each of cardinality λ. NO LIMIT MODEL IN INACCESSIBLE 7 1.9 Theorem. Assume ⊠ of 1.8. 1) For some club E of λ+, if δ < δ < δ are from E and δ ∈ Sλ+ then 1 2 3 ℓ λ ϕ ϕ (M ,M ) ≇ (M ,M ), moreover inv (M ,M ) 6= inv (M ,M ) for some δ1 δ2 δ1 δ3 6 δ1 δ2 6 δ1 δ3 ϕ. 2) If M ≺ N are models of T of cardinality λ, then for some elementary extension ∼ N ∈ EC (T) of N we have N ≺ N ∈ EC (T) ⇒ (M,N ) = (M,N ). 1 λ 1 2 λ 1 2 Discussion: We shall below start with M ∈ EC (T) and sequence hb : i < λi λ i of distinct members such that hϕ(b ,y¯) : i < λi are independent, and like to find i N,ha¯ : i < λi such that M ≺ N ∈ EC (T) and the hb : i < λi has a real i λ i ϕ affect on the relevant ϕ-invariant, in the case of 1.9(1) this is inv (M,N): for 6 a stationary set of δ < λ it add something to the δ-th component in a specific representation, i.e. assuming f : N → λ is a one-to-one function and we deal with ϕ hinv (δ,f ,M,N) : δ < λi. We have freedom about ϕ(b ,¯a ) and we can assume 5 1 i α b ∈ M\{b : i < λ} ⇒ N |= ¬ϕ[b,a ]. i α But the relevant P is influenced not just by say hb : i ∈ [δ,2|δ|)i but by later δ i b ’s (and earlier b ). To control this we use below ha¯ : α < λi,S,E such that we i i α deal with different δ ∈ S in an independent way; this is the reason for choosing the c ’s. α Proof 1.8. By [Sh 877, §2] without loss of generalityλ is strongly inaccessible. Choose θ ∈ Reg ∩λ\{ℵ }, will be needed when we generalize the proof in §2. 0 Let hU : i < κi be a ⊆-increasing sequence of subsets of λ such that U − = i i U \∪{U : j < κ} has cardinality λ for each i < κ. Let ϕ(x¯,y) ∈ L(τ ) have the i j T strong independent property, see Definition 0.2. Let S = {µ : µ = i for some α < λ}. Let E,ζ,hC : α < λi be such that: ∗ α+ω α ⊛ (a) C ⊆ α∩S 1 α ∗ (b) β ∈ C ⇒ C = C ∩β α β α (c) otp(C ) ≤ θ α (d) E is the club {δ < λ : δ = i } of λ ∗ δ (e) C ⊆ E and otp(C ) = θ iff α ∈ E ∩Sλ α ∗ α ∗ θ (d) if α ∈ S := E ∩Sλ then α = sup(C ). ∗ θ α We shall prove that ⊛ if ⊡ below holds, then there is a pair (β,h) such that ⊙ holds where: 2 2 2 ⊡ (a) α < λ+,i < κ 2 (b) f is a one-to-one function from M onto U α i (c) E ⊆ E is a club of λ such that δ ∈ E ⇒ f(M ) ↾ δ ≺ f(M ) ∗ α α 8 SAHARON SHELAH (d) P¯ = hP : δ ∈ Si δ (e) Pδ ⊆ P(δ) and ∅ ∈ Pδ and Pδ ⊆ [ Pδℓ,∗ where ℓ≤2 (α) P∗,0 = {A ⊆ δ : sup(A) = δ and A ⊆ ∪{[µ,2µ) : µ ∈ C }, δ δ (β) P∗,1 = ∪{P∗,0 : µ ∈ S ∩δ}, δ µ (γ) P∗,2 = {A ⊆ δ: for some µ ∈ λ\(δ+1) we have δ A ⊆ ∪{[∂,2∂) : ∂ ∈ C ∩δ} µ (f) if δ < δ are from E then 1 2 (α) [A ∈ P ⇒ A ∈ P∗,1 ⊆ P ] δ1 δ2 δ2 (β) [A ∈ P ⇒ A∩δ ∈ P∗,2 ⊆ P ], δ2 1 δ1 δ1 (γ) for any δ ∈ S the family P∗,1 ∪P∗,2 is a set of bounded δ δ subsets of δ; (this follows) (g) bδ,U ∈ Mα for δ ∈ E,U ∈ Pδ are such that bδ ,U = bδ ,U ⇒ 1 1 2 2 δ = δ ∧U = U 1 2 1 2 ⊙ (α) β ∈ (α,λ+) 2 (β) h is a one-to-one mapping form M onto U extending f β i+1 (γ) for a club of δ ∈ E there are a¯ ∈ (U ∩δ) for α < δ such that α i+1 the following conditions on U ⊆ δ are equivalent: (i) U ∈ P δ (ii) forsomeb ∈ M wehave: foreveryγ < δ,f(M ) |= ϕ[a¯ ,b] α β γ iff γ ∈ U (iii) clause (ii) holds for b = bδ,U. [Why? Every δ ∈ E is a strong limit cardinal and |δ| = |δ ∩U | = |δ ∩U \U |. i i+1 For each δ ∈ E let hUδ,ε : ε < |Pδ| ≤ 2|δ|i list Pδ and let bδ,ε := bδ,U . δ,ε Let Γ = {ϕ(b )if(γ∈Uδ,ε) :δ ∈ E and ε < |P |} x¯γ,δ,ε δ ∪{¬ϕ(x¯ ,b) : γ < λ,b ∈ M and for no γ α δ ∈ E,ε < |P | do we have b = b }. δ δ,ε As ϕ(x¯,y) has the strong independence property, clearly Γ is finitely satisfiable in M , but M is λ+-saturated, M ≺ M and |Γ| = λ hence we can find a¯ ∈ M for α α γ NO LIMIT MODEL IN INACCESSIBLE 9 γ < λ such that the assignment x¯ 7→ a¯ (γ < λ) satisfies Γ in M. Lastly, choose γ γ β ∈ (α,λ+) such that {a¯ : γ < λ} ⊆ M and let h be a one-to-one mapping from γ β M onto U extending f and let E∗ = {δ ∈ E : h(a¯ ) ∈ U ∩ δ iff γ < δ for β i+1 γ i+1 every γ < λ}. Now check.] ¯ Now we can choose f such that ⊛ (a) f¯= hf : α < λ+i 3 α (b) f is a one-to-one function from M onto λ α α ⊛ for every α < λ+ there is P¯ α = hPα : ε < λi such that 4 ε (ii) Pα ⊆ P(ε) are as in ⊡ (e) above ε 2 (ii) for every β ≤ α, for a club of δ < λ we have Pα ∈/ invϕ (δ,f (N )). δ 7,κ β β ϕ [Why? For every β ≤ α and δ ∈ (κ,λ) we have inv (δ,f (N )) is a subset of 7,κ β β P(P(δ)) of cardinality ≤ 2|δ|. As the number of β’s is ≤ λ by diagonalization we can do this: let α + 1 = [ uε and uε ∈ [α + 1]<λ increasing continuous for ε<λ ε < λ; moreover, |uε| ≤ ε. By induction on ε ∈ (κ,λ)∩S choose Pεα ⊆ [ Pα∗,ℓ ℓ<3 which includes ∪{Pα : ζ ∈ ε∩S}∪P∗,2 and satisfies P∗,0 ∩Pα ∈ P(P∗,0))\∪ ζ α α ε δ {invϕ (f (N ))∩P∗,0 : β ∈ u }.] δ,κ β β δ ε Now choose pairwise distinct bδ,U ∈ M0 for δ ∈ E,U ∈ Pδ∗,0 ⊛ for every α ≤ α < λ+ for some β ∈ (α,λ+) and a¯ ∈ ℓg(y¯)M for γ < λ 5 ∗ γ β the condition in clause (γ) of ⊙ holds with P¯ α1 here standing for P¯ there 2 and the bδ,U chosen above. [Why? By ⊛ .] 2 ⊛ let E = {δ < λ+ : δ is a limit ordinal such that for every α < δ there is 6 β < δ as in ⊛ }. 5 Clearly E is a club of λ+. ⊛ if δ < δ are from E ∩Sλ+ then M ,M are not isomorphic. 7 1 2 κ δ1 δ2 [Why? We consider P¯ δ1 which is from ⊛ . On the one hand {ε < λ : Pδ1 ∈/ 4 ε invϕ (ε,f,δ (M ))} contains a club by ⊛ (ii). 7,κ 2 δ2 4 On the other hand choose an increasing hα : i < κi with limit δ satisfying α = i 2 0 10 SAHARON SHELAH 0,α = δ such that (δ ,α ,α ) are like (α ,α,β) in ⊛ . Now by 1.7, {ε < 1 1 1 1+i 1+i+1 ∗ 5 λ : Pεδ1 ∈ invϕ7,κ(ε,f,δ2(Mδ2))} contains a club. Hence by the last sentence and the end of the previous paragraph M ≇ M as required.] δ δ 1 2 So we are done. (cid:3) 1.8 Proof of 1.9. Similar but easier (for λ regular not strong limit (but 2λ > 2<λ) also easy), or see the proof of 2.7. (cid:3) 1.7

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