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GLOBAL NEWS REVIEWS SCIENCE The petrodollar in crisis Books, Films, Music A new model for pi NEX US THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS MAGAZINE April – May 2017 Vol. 24, No. 3 Australia $8.95 NZ $8.95 Music of the Plants Anxiety: a modern epidemic The EMF plague Vaccines, biowarfare and betrayal The GM food agenda Phoenician stonehenge in North America? Europe's war on cash Contact with non-human intelligence: the quantum hologram theory STIR-FRIES & VEGGIES BRAGG Live Food Products SSinpce r1e912a, din gha sH beeen aa llteahder Sin imnakicng eve g1eta9rian1 fo2od BRAGG products enjoyed by millions worldwide. BRAGG’s all natural vegetarian food products contain no dairy, no eggs and are made with only the highest quality ingredients, ideal to include in your vegetarian recipes. SOUPS You’ll Love Bragg Healthy Vegetarian Foods: Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Cleanse Concentrate Bragg Organic Soy Free Coconut Liquid Aminos Seasoning . Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Blend . 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Bragg Products Available in (800) l l6-1990 Scan/Visit Me Health Stores & Grocery Health Sections Nationwide weekda.cyosm You are what you Eat, Drink, Breathe, Think, Say & Do. – Dr. Patricia Bragg, World Health Crusader BRAGG NEXUS Volume 24, Number 3 Australasia & SE Asia Edition April – May 2017 www.nexusmagazine.com THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS MAGAZINE CONTENTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 6 GLOBAL NEWS 8 We report on a 5480 BC solar event, an earlier arrival of humans in North America, the Vatican vs the Knights of Malta, facial recognition for Australian airports, a time crystal, Europe's war on cash, vaccines linked to brain disorders, smart meters and consumer profiling, GMOs and eugenics, the petrodollar crisis, and more. 59 THE EMF PLAGUE: PART 2 OF 2 21 By Donna Fisher. Electromagnetic frequencies from high-tech electronic devices and systems disrupt our biological rhythms, causing a range of adverse health PHOENICIAN STONEHENGE IN AMERICA? 52 effects including cancer. Public health authorities need By Suhail M. Jalbout. There are many indications that to enforce safer industry standards urgently. ancient Phoenician mariners reached the East Coast of North America millennia ago. They may have erected MUSIC OF THE PLANTS 31 their own stone monument to mirror and align with By Simone Vitale. The Damanhur community in Italy stone circles in their Eastern Mediterranean homeland. first utilised an apparatus to show that plants can create music intentionally. It has opened up exciting ANXIETY: A MODERN EPIDEMIC 59 ways for us to understand plants as sentient beings By Peter Smith. Anxiety is increasingly prevalent today, and even to engage in musical dialogue with them. but our mental health networks, drug treatments and therapies can't address the source of the problem. An VACCINES, BIOWARFARE AND BETRAYAL 39 awareness of how trauma is held energetically in the By Catherine O'Driscoll. Governments, Big Pharma, subconscious mind offers a pathway to healing. oligarchs and the military have seemingly colluded to turn vaccines into bioweapons to control populations. STRANGE TIMES: ALIEN CONTACTS 67 So is it ethical for our governments to profit from the By Reinerio Hernandez et al. A survey of over 3,000 very industry and products that they regulate? people reveals surprising findings about physical and telepathic contacts with non-human intelligence. The SCIENCE NEWS: WHEN PI = 4 47 quantum hologram theory of consciousness provides By Miles Mathis. The value of 3.14… for pi, the ratio a framework to make sense of multidimensional reality. of a circle's circumference to its diameter, does not apply when circular motion is considered. Instead, the REVIEWS: BOOKS, FILM, MUSIC 73 value of 4 is correct in this new model that uses cycloid INTERNET & MAIL ORDER 89 mathematics and also factors in the time variable. SUBSCRIPTIONS 83 Cover graphics: KreativeHexenkueche, Lee Brogan WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants and agents againstallliabilityclaimsorproceedingswhatsoeverarisingfromthepublicationandwithoutlimitingthegeneralityoftheforegoingtoindemnifyeachoftheminrelationtodefamation,slander oftitle,breachofcopyright,infringementoftrademarksornamesofpublicationtitles,unfaircompetitionortradepractices,royaltiesorviolationofrightsorprivacyANDWARRANTthatthe materialcomplieswithallrelevantlawsandregulationsandthatitspublicationwillnotgiverisetoanyrightsagainstorliabilitiesinthePublisher,itsservantsoragentsandinparticularthat nothingthereiniscapableofbeingmisleadingordeceptiveorotherwiseinbreachofthePartVoftheTradePracticesAct1974. Allexpressionsofopinionarepublishedonthebasisthatthey arenottoberegardedasexpressingtheopinionofthePublisheroritsservantsoragents. Editorialadviceisnotspecificandreadersareadvisedtoseekprofessionalhelpforindividual problems. Thepublisherreservestherighttorefuseanyadvertisingmaterialforanyreason. ©NEXUSNewTimes1987–2017 APRIL –MAY 2017 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 3 EDITORIAL NEXUS MAGAZINE Published by Nexus Magazine Pty Ltd ABN 80 003 611 434 Media, Music and Mysteries… EDITOR Duncan M. Roads Email: editor@nexusmagazine.com The mainstream media death spiral continues, and as media staff numbers MANAGING EDITOR dwindle so does the quality of news reports—to the point where it seems Jenny Hawke like there is no "real news" any more. Instead, as WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange recently described, what we are getting is ASSISTANT EDITOR "weaponised text"—or, more specifically, weaponised information. SUBEDITOR If you rely on Facebook or YouTube for keeping up with the world, you're Ruth Parnell missing out on a lot of important daily news—and you won't even realise it. DESIGNER This is why I strongly suggest that you go to www.NexusNewsfeed.com as your PRODUCTION MANAGER daily alternative news starting point. It is completely free to use. If you access Lee Brogan the newsfeed via phone or tablet, the apps are free. There are no hidden NEWSFEED MANAGER catches, and we don't require your name or address details. You can read Steven Bartlett through the hundreds of items every day on your personalised newsfeed, or NEWSFEED EDITOR you can just receive the top 15 items that we email each day. Lynelle Roads So, back to this issue of NEXUS Magazine. I'd like to draw your attention to OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS a couple of items which really excite me. Susie Foster First up is Simone Vitale's article on Imagine what we Richard Giles "Music of the Plants". Technology has could learn as a brought us to the stage where we can CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE literally hook up plants to a sound system species if we just Donna Fisher; Simone Vitale; and hear their responses to words, music Catherine O'Driscoll; Miles Mathis; started listening to and other sounds. I see this as a stepping Suhail M. Jalbout; Peter Smith; stone to humanity's eventual realisation the life forms that Reinerio Hernandez et al. that every life form has some type of surround us on CARTOONS "intelligent consciousness" which can Phil Somerville communicate. More and more people are our planet. http://www.somervillecartoons.com finding that they are able to communicate clearly with animals. More and more people are discovering that plants PRINTING respond to human interaction. Cleve Backster, pioneer of the modern lie Spotpress, NSW, Australia detector, used his technology to demonstrate that living cells respond and communicate. I suggest to you all that everything is aliveand has some form HEAD OFFICE – All Correspondence PO Box 307, Maleny, Qld 4552 of consciousness; that subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, bacteria, AUSTRALIA plants and animals all have a type of intelligence which can communicate. Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280 Imagine what we could learn as a species if we just started listening to the life Website: www.nexusmagazine.com forms that surround us on our planet. And then there are the life forms that are not of this planet, some of whom NZ OFFICE –88C Hansen Rd appear to be experimenting on or communicating with humans—much like we RD 1, Kerikeri 0294 humans are discovering that we can communicate with plants and animals, I NEW ZEALAND guess. I refer to a recent study conducted by The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation Tel: +64 (0)9 4051963 for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE); an excerpt from its findings STATEMENT OF PURPOSE is included in this issue. This study is the first comprehensive multi-language NEXUS recognises that humanity is investigation of individuals who have reported to have had contact experiences undergoing a massive transformation. related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and non-human intelligence (NHI). With this in mind, NEXUS seeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as to assist It is clear that we humans are just one intelligence among many. Surely our people through these changes. NEXUS is next evolutionary jump is the global realisation that every life form is sovereign, not linked to any religious, philosophical or intelligent and waiting for us to join their conversation. political ideology or organisation. Back down on planet Earth… This year we're taking a break from our NEXUS PERMISSION-TO-REPRODUCE POLICY Conferences. Next year, 2018, we're planning to hold a Conference in the USA, While reproduction and dissemination of the information in NEXUS is actively one in Australia and one in Europe. If you're on our free NEXUS email list (see encouraged, anyone caught making a buck www.NexusMagazine.com), then you'll be the first to know. Until next time… out of it, without our express permission, –Duncan will be in trouble when we catch them! 4• NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL –MAY 2017 Adapt or die Therapy System In Australia, two published university When asked about the uni results, Professor studies,arandomizedcontroltrialorRCT at RodBonellosaid In preserving and evolving Life... could produce a dramatic bene(cid:192)t in some tookusas(cid:192)shfromthewaterontotheland studyorPMSSatRMIT, did bothindicate cases,butfranklywewereverysurprised One core self-evideonft principle University Research Case Results Reported ENARcouldgeneratesigni(cid:192)cant,extended athowstrongtheresultswereintermsof moment,now,thenervous,endocrineand of Life is ~ resultsonmanychronicpainfulproblems. e(cid:895)ectivenessandversatility.” othersystemsrespondwithinustoadaptin “We’dheardthatENAR Adaptation, cha“ngAindg ian prestp oonrse Dto sitiem”u li, Macquarie,andapost-marketsurveillance The RMIT study comprised 481 patient-user andcontinuestodriveall us. Momentto reportedcasesontheuseoftheENAR. andyears,withtheaveragebene(cid:192)treported Respondentswereaged18to88years If your whole body has reached this extreme rpeoailn-tti,mwehteorekietehpaussfainilehdomtoeaod-astpatseis(cid:895)(ehcutimvealny , R63e%su rlatste wde ErNe rAeRpo trhteerda tpoy l ea(cid:894)ste bcteitvweneeenss h aosu rs balance)…. and so recreate healthy responses The primary conditions for which ENAR was giving‘greatbene(cid:192)t’. thesystemsfalter,theheartstops,andunless awneda nreatruersauls hcietaaltiendg,…its. ualnmtiol sthtecyer dtaoinn’lty…th.e usedwerepainfulchronicmusculoskeletal tolastamatterofmonths. althoughawiderangeofother ‘Medication reduction’ was reported by 91% end of your incarnate human experience.… (average56years). types of problems were reported to have been ofrespondentswhoweretakingdrugs. successfullymanagedwithENAR. Participants were asked to rate the overall complaints, e(cid:895)ectiveness of ENAR compared to other 92% found ENAR Remarkably, respondents reported aAn lamvoersat ge one quarter had used ENAR for problems NanO aTveirnavgoel vfuinngctmiounascl liemsporrojvoeimntesn. t of 62% usingobjectiveratingscales.(RMITUni) Almost all respondents (98%) reported tphoesriatipviees e t(cid:894)heecyt sh oadn ttrhieeidr. primary problem. therapy superior to their other therapies. reductioninpainof70%.Theyalsoreported ENAR Therapy ph 1300 305 107 , theelectricalheartde(cid:192)brillator,getsapplied. www.enar.com.au ic impulse to “reset electrical (cid:192)elds around www.enar.com.au/research Unless the most common resuscitation device resumelife’sreal-timeadaptiveprocesses. Medicosatthispointusethiselectro-energet- Sinceelectro-energy-adaptationistheself-ev ident means to sustain much of our health theheart”andsojump-startourintrinsic operatingsystems,ournervoussystems,to - That’s where ENAR comes in to help healing. andhealing: Obviouslyourmostideal way to facilitate healing is to interactively promptyourelectro-neuroadaptation! ARTG 147761 Therapy System device for both personal and therapist uses. TheENARdeviceprovidesamicroelectrical ENAR:TheElectroNeuroAdaptiveReju- “92% of repondents rated ENAR as better than other types of therapy they had tried. which usesare(cid:193)ex-bio-feedbacksignalthat venator is an Australia therapeutic medical This represents a surprisingly high level of patient satisfaction” Profs M Cohen, R Bonello The ENAR is very easy to apply to the skin, stimulation,similartoelectro-acupuncture, and can be self-used all over the body. interactively prompts nerves in the body to APRrIeLs –poMndAYan 2d0s1o7treatunresolvedproblems. www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 5 LETTERS Facial Recognition Fiasco Nasal Breathing Oxygenation Dear Duncan: I couldn't help but Hi Duncan: The very informative laugh when I read the Global News Newsfeed article on "Rhythms of item in NEXUS Magazine December Breathing" [NEXUS 24/02] which 2016–January 2017 issue [24/01] focuses on memory function headlined "One in Two American certainly jogged my memory of a Adults Already in Facial Recognition time when I researched and put into Network". I believe that the practice nose-breathing as a way of nitric oxide in various parts of our problem is a lot more endemic than improving my health. It occurred to body, including our sinuses, from most people care to believe. me that NEXUS readers may find arginine, a semi-essential amino With the advent of the "selfie" some interest in the great benefits acid that is present mainly in meat, combined with high-resolution to be had from really quite simple fish and nuts. cameras, it means that facial profiles breathing exercises. The second reason is even more have literally flooded the Internet. What I eventually went on to amazing and can actually assist in Anyone who has "tagged" discover was that learning to preventing cancer because our themselves online has literally breathe properly through your nose lungs extract oxygen from the air assisted any individual/corporation/ is one of the most important things we breathe, primarily on exhalation. government with data-mining you can ever do for your health. As the nostrils are smaller than the capabilities by providing not only a My research, and the technique mouth, air exhaled through the name but also contact details and a that I eventually selected, centred nose creates a back pressure. It location with a digital copy of their around the works of two teachers: slows the escape of air so that the face, most often photographed K. P. Buteyko, MD (the Buteyko lungs have more time to extract from multiple angles. Breathing Method), who showed oxygen from them. The important What surprises me the most is that how nearly all people with chronic aspect of all this is that when there for a long time science fiction has diseases are chest-breathers; and is a proper oxygen–carbon dioxide promoted the human iris as the Artour Rakhimov, PhD, who taught a exchange, the blood will maintain a ultimate safeguard for high-tech similar technique to Russian balanced pH. security systems. Yet these same cosmonauts. The reason why this so important megapixel selfies are also revealing I discovered that the reasons why is that as blood cells pass through private security keys, which no correct nasal breathing is so our lungs, there is a very delicate doubt will compromise these important are many, but there are electrical balancing act that takes security systems before they begin, two main reasons. place between their cell surfaces should iris recognition security First, a substance called "nasal and the ionic charges of the become the norm. nitric oxide" is released into the surrounding plasma. As the cells Bearing this in mind, the one-in- nasal passages and consequently pass through the lungs, the purple- two-adults figure proffered by the lungs, which is necessary to coloured blood cells have the ionic Vocativ.com amounts to 50 per cent disinfect the lungs by killing micro- charge that they received when of the adult population. According organisms that can cause respiratory picking up carbon dioxide. In to my estimate, this percentage of infections. Nitric oxide (NO) is a contact with lung oxygen, this adults would be a lot higher, thanks molecule that our body produces to charge is reversed so that the to the use of multiple social media help its 50 trillion cells communicate carbon dioxide drops off and the platforms, and the figure for with each other by transmitting reversed charge attracts and picks children who love to overshare signals throughout the entire body. up oxygen molecules. would be even higher again! For the purpose of our subject, it As these cells pick up a full supply The fact that the new breed of is also a potent vasodilator and its of oxygen, their ionic charge quantum computers is being synthesis explains why nitroglycerin reverses and their colour changes designed primarily for "image has been used for almost a century from purple to red. These now- binary classification" (facial to treat angina and heart oxygenated blood cells are carried recognition) should be a warning dysfunction. Nitroglycerin converts along through the body until they're sign of the future that is coming! into nitric oxide, dilates blood in the vicinity of body cells that have Sincerely, vessels and helps prevent the a surplus of carbon dioxide and Mark R., Dianella, WA, Australia symptoms. We naturally produce need some oxygen. At that point, 6• NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL –MAY 2017 the ionic charges again reverse as labelled as psychotic was terribly read how these arguments are the oxygen drops off and the mismanaged. For obvious legal and conceptually and scientifically carbon dioxide is attracted and other reasons, I cannot identify the expressed. All my posts are backed sticks to the blood cells, which once patient or the physicians involved. up by verifiable mathematics and/or again change to a purple colour and Nevertheless, the story is as follows. observations. are carried yet again to the lungs for R. H. was a 40-year-old female NEXUS Magazine will do its oxygen replenishment. with a past history of drug abuse readers a favour by exposing these So you can see how very and psychosis and was the victim of theories as hoaxes. important this reversing ionic physical violence that had left her Regards, electrical capability is to this whole with serious muscular and spinal M.R., United Kingdom body-oxygenation cycle. injuries. As a consequence, she was However, oxygen (and this is the put on a cocktail of drugs which Electrosmog and Bee Deaths important bit) cannot stick to blood included Suboxone®, baclofen, Dear Editor: The lead article on cells if the pH of the blood is acidic. benzodiazepines, pregabalin and colony collapse disorder (CCD), This is where nasal breathing plays antidepressants, to mention a few. "A bee mogul confronts a crisis", such an important role in doing Needless to say, she was in and out on the front page of the New York everything you can to get the pH of hospital. Timesinternational edition (22 back up to a normal 7.4 so that the Three weeks ago, after being February 2017), was published just blood can do the crucial job of discharged from hospital, she days after 104 nano-satellites were oxygenating and cleansing your complained of excruciating back launched (by one rocket) in India as body's tissues. You can breathe pain, lack of sleep and part of a plan by private companies pure oxygen until the cows come disorientation, all of which she to put 11,000 new satellites, drones home, but if the blood pH is acidic thought was related to her back and balloons into orbit to effect then the oxygen will not be able to injuries. She was admitted to a global Wi-Fi coverage. be picked up by the blood cells; it is general hospital, and given her past Interestingly, CCD incidence chemically and electrically mental history the clinicians decided started to climb in 2003 after the impossible. Any traces of oxygen that she should be transferred to a widespread adoption of 3G wireless that the acidic blood cells manage psychiatric facility. A few days later frequencies, and it escalated wildly to pick up are stripped off early by she was readmitted to the general after 2009 when the 4G network the oxygen-starved cells along the hospital, where she died from was introduced. As the intensifying way and never reach the deeper septicaemia. level of electrosmog is the only new parts of the body where oxygen is The severe back pain that she pollutant, it is clear that we have the most needed, creating the ideal experienced was most likely kidney smoking gun—which is very conditions for cancer to grow. disease, made worse by the worrying, as no bees equals no crop Learning to breathe through your medications that she took, and her pollination, which equals no food. nose rather than through your being described as "mental" Dr David Suzuki warned many years mouth could be just about the most probably impaired the physicians ago that if the bees go, humanity important thing that you ever do for from making a proper diagnosis. has only four years left. As the next your health and your life! I sincerely hope that this is an generation of frequencies, 5G, is Here are some related links: isolated case, but what if it's not? launched over the next three years, http://tinyurl.com/o2fjre7 Maurice Czarniak, WA, Australia there is no knowing quite how http://tinyurl.com/jvbx4nv extreme the damage will be. But http://tinyurl.com/hlcbxpy. Modern Physics Refuted the fact that there willbe damage is Regards, Dear Editor: Modern physics has not in question because thousands Peter, Queensland, Australia falsified data in an attempt to prove of peer-reviewed studies have erroneously that classical physics revealed multiple adverse effects on Psychiatric Misdiagnoses cannot explain all observed physical all life forms. Dear Duncan: Your extract from effects so as to falsely vindicate If the precautionary principle is Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche's 2015 special relativity, general relativity not implemented immediately, we book Deadly Psychiatry, published and quantum dynamics as the only may have to face the predictions of in NEXUS vol. 24, no. 1, needs to viable theories. the Mayan civilisation, for we are be taken very seriously by all those For many years I have successfully almost out of time. Can this be working in the pharmacological and refuted many claims made by turned around so that "progress" medical professions. relativists, Big Bangers and does not mean killing everything on As a practising pharmacist, I've quantum theorists. Please see my the planet? seen at first hand how a patient blog (http://tinyurl.com/hj2vj8n) to Sarah B., Naxos, Greece APRIL –MAY 2017 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 7 from GNloEbaXl UNeSws Newsfeed TREE RINGS SHED LIGHT ON features of the 14C change with lava during volcanic eruptions on 5480 BC SOLAR EVENT those of other solar events known to the island, seems to be a tiny piece An international team led by have occurred over the last couple of ancient continent which broke off researchers at Nagoya University, of millennia. from the island of Madagascar Japan, along with American and "Although this newly discovered when Africa, India, Australia and Swiss colleagues, has identified a event is more dramatic than others Antarctica split up and the Indian new type of solar event and dated it found to date, comparisons of the Ocean was formed. to the year 5480 BC. They did this 14C data among them can help us to "Earth is made up of two parts— by measuring carbon-14 levels in work out what happened to the Sun continents, which are old, and tree rings, which reflect the effects at this time," said Fusa Miyake of oceans, which are 'young'. On the of cosmic radiation on the Nagoya University's Solar–Terrestrial continents you find rocks that are atmosphere at the time. Environment Laboratory. "We think over four billion years old, but you When the activity of the Sun that a change in the magnetic find nothing like that in the oceans, changes, it has direct effects on the activity of the Sun along with a as this is where new rocks are Earth. For example, when the Sun series of strong solar bursts, or a formed," explained geologist is relatively inactive, the amount of a very weak Sun, may have caused Professor Lewis Ashwal of the type of carbon called carbon-14 the unusual tree ring data." University of the Witwatersrand in (14C) increases in the Earth's (Source: ScienceDaily.com, Johannesburg, South Africa. atmosphere. Because carbon in the 7 February 2017, Zircons are minerals that occur air is absorbed by trees, carbon-14 http://tinyurl.com/zx3lnmw) mainly in granites from the levels in tree rings actually reflect continents. They contain a rich solar activity and unusual solar record of geological processes and can be dated extremely accurately. events in the past. The team "The fact that we have found analysed a specimen from a zircons [as old as three billion years] bristlecone pine tree, a species that proves that there are much older can live for thousands of years, in crustal materials under Mauritius order to look back deep into the that could only have originated from history of the Sun. a continent," said Professor Ashwal. "We measured the 14C levels in "According to the new results, the pine sample at three different this break-up did not involve a laboratories in Japan, the US and Switzerland, to ensure the reliability The bristlecone pine forest in simple splitting of the ancient California from which the pine supercontinent of Gondwana; but of our results," said Professor A. J. sample for this study was taken. rather, a complex splintering took Timothy Jull of the University of (Photo: Professor A. J. T. Jull) place with fragments of continental Arizona's Accelerator Mass crust of variable sizes left adrift Spectrometry Laboratory. "We 'LOST CONTINENT' REMNANT within the evolving Indian Ocean found a change in 14C that was more FOUND UNDER MAURITIUS Basin," he added. abrupt than any found previously, Scientists have confirmed the (Source: ScienceDaily.com, except for cosmic ray events in AD existence of part of a "lost 31 January 2017, 775 and AD 994, and our use of continent" under the Indian Ocean http://tinyurl.com/zr7mx3a) annual data rather than data for island of Mauritius that was left over each decade allowed us to pinpoint from the break-up of the exactly when this occurred." supercontinent Gondwana which www.NexusNewsfeed.com The team attempted to develop started about 200 million years ago. 24-hour live news feed an explanation for the anomalous The piece of crust, which was Apps for Apple & Android solar activity data by comparing the subsequently covered by young 8• NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL –MAY 2017 TECTONIC PLATES DISCOVERY TO REWRITE TEXTBOOKS Plate tectonics is the widely accepted theory that the Earth's crust is divided into several sections that float around on the mantle— the mostly solid layer between the core and the crust. But how they move around has been a subject of much debate among scientists since the theory was first accepted in the 1950s. The sections, known as plates, move at the rate of about two to five centimetres per year, which is a similar speed to how fast your fingernails grow. The East Pacific Rise: tectonic plates are driven by an additional force of heat Scientists have wondered for drawn from the Earth's core. (Source: US NOAA) many decades whether the plates are being passively moved around the resultant plate tectonics. northern Yukon near the Alaska by the mantle or are the active "Based on our models of mantle border. The site had been drivers of the movement convection, the mantle may be excavated by archaeologist Jacques themselves, dragging the mantle removing as much as half of Earth's Cinq-Mars between 1977 and 1987. along with them. total convective heat budget from Based on radiocarbon dating of A new study, published in the the core," Professor Rowley said. animal bones, he had made the journal Science Advances, has "The implication of our work is bold hypothesis that human shown that the additional force of that textbooks will need to be settlement in the region dated as far heat drawn from the Earth's core rewritten." back as 30,000 BP. plays a part in plate dynamics. The (Source: Business Insider UK, To set the record straight, team observed the East Pacific Rise, 21 January 2017, Lauriane Bourgeon examined the which is a divergent tectonic plate http://tinyurl.com/j257g33) approximately 36,000 bone boundary which lies along the fragments culled from the site and Pacific Ocean floor, and also made HUMANS ARRIVED IN NORTH preserved at the Canadian Museum models of the mantle flow beneath AMERICA 10,000 YEARS of History in Gatineau. the surface. EARLIER THAN THOUGHT Comprehensive analysis revealed During their observations, the The earliest settlement date of undeniable traces of human activity researchers concluded that the North America, until now estimated in 15 bones. About 20 other movement of the East Pacific Rise at 14,000 years before present (BP) fragments also showed probable could not be completely explained according to the earliest dated traces of the same type of activity. by subduction—when one plate archaeological sites, is now Bourgeon submitted the bones to moves under another—and other estimated at 24,000 BP, at the further radiocarbon dating. The forces had to be at play. In the height of the last ice age or Last oldest fragment, a horse mandible paper, they state that buoyancy is Glacial Maximum. showing the marks of a stone tool created by heat rising up from deep This has been demonstrated apparently used to remove the within the Earth's core. beyond a shadow of a doubt by tongue, was radiocarbon-dated at "We see strong support for Professor Ariane Burke, of the 19,650 years, which is equivalent to significant deep mantle Université de Montréal's (UdeM's) between 23,000 and 24,000 cal BP contributions of heat-to-plate Department of Anthropology, and (calibrated years before present). dynamics in the Pacific her doctoral student Lauriane "Our discovery confirms previous hemisphere," said Professor David Bourgeon, with the contribution of analyses and demonstrates that this B.Rowley, an expert in geophysical Professor Thomas Higham, Deputy is the earliest known site of human sciences at the University of Director of Oxford University's settlement in Canada," said Burke. Chicago and lead author of the Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit. "It shows that Eastern Beringia was paper, in a statement. "Heat from The researchers made their inhabited during the last ice age." the base of the mantle contributes discovery using artefacts from the (Source: ScienceDaily.com, significantly to the strength of the Bluefish Caves, located on the 16 January 2017, flow of heat in the mantle and to banks of the Bluefish River in http://tinyurl.com/zcmkh3r) APRIL –MAY 2017 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 9 members, Professor Magnus controversial—because it marks the Berggren, head of the Laboratory of intervention of one sovereign state, Organic Electronics at Linköping the Holy See, in the internal University in Sweden. "We have not governing affairs of another, the only shown that energy storage is Sovereign Military Order of Malta, possible, but also that we can an ancient aristocratic order that deliver systems with excellent runs a vast charity operation around performance." the globe. In 2015, the researchers produced A Vatican statement said that the their first cyborg rose by filling its Knights' governance would shift veins with a conductive polymer temporarily to the Order's second- solution and having it weave the in-command, pending the material into its living tissue. appointment of a papal delegate. Fast forward to today, and the The naming of a papal delegate researchers have managed to tweak signals a Vatican takeover, harking the polymer solution so that it back to the Vatican's previous spreads autonomously throughout takeovers of the Legion of Christ the entire plant including the leaves and Jesuit religious orders when and petals, not just localised they were undergoing periods of regions of the stem as in the scandal or turmoil. But those are previous experiment. religious orders that report directly When they peered inside the rose to the Holy See. The Knights of tissue, the researchers found that Malta is a sovereign entity under the polymer solution had international law, making the permeated its vascular walls to sit Vatican intervention all the more between the cell wall and the remarkable. plasma membrane. The Order of Malta has many This allowed them to turn the trappings of a sovereign state, network of wires into a fully issuing its own stamps, passports functioning electronic device by and licence plates, and holds A supercapacitor rose is rigged up in placing several supercapacitors— diplomatic relations with 106 states, the Laboratory of Organic Electronics powerful components used in many the Holy See included. at Linköping University, Sweden. (Source: Thor Balkhed) different kinds of electronics to As a result, even the Vatican's store large amounts of electrical statement announcing the takeover ELECTRONIC PLANTS energy—along the stem. is problematic. According to the ENABLE ENERGY STORAGE The next step for the team is to Knights' own laws, the Grand Scientists have figured out how to make the technique work in a living Master is elected by the Order's top inject a conducting solution into a rose, not just a cutting, so that the leadership and submits his rose cutting and have it possibility of growing primitive resignation to the Order's top spontaneously form wires electronic systems inside forest leadership. The Pope is only throughout its stem, leaves and vegetation or fields of vegetables to informed of the decisions. petals to create fully functioning harvest energy could be realised. "It's not for the Holy Father to supercapacitors for energy storage. (Source: ScienceAlert.com, accept the resignation of the Grand The so-called "e-Plant" was able 27 February 2017, Master; it's for the Sovereign to be charged hundreds of times http://tinyurl.com/hjwxll9) Council to accept it," noted Dr Kurt without any loss of performance, Martens, a professor of canon law at and the team behind the invention VATICAN TAKES OVER The Catholic University of America. says that one day it could allow us KNIGHTS OF MALTA Dr Martens said that the Vatican to create fuel cells or autonomous AFTER CONDOM DISPUTE intervention is "dangerous" energy systems inside living plants. The Vatican has taken over the because it sets a precedent that "A few years ago, we Knights of Malta in an extraordinary could eventually be used against demonstrated that it is possible to display of papal power after the the Holy See, which has a similarly create electronic plants, 'power leader of the sovereign lay Catholic unique status as a sovereign entity. plants', but we have now shown that order publicly defied Pope Francis (Source: BostonGlobe.com, the research has practical in a dispute over condoms. 26 January 2017, applications," said one of the team The move is remarkable—and http://tinyurl.com/gue4924) 10• NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com APRIL –MAY 2017

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with The 'Mother' You are what you Eat, Drink, Breathe, Think, Say & Do. – Dr. Patricia of humans in North America, the Vatican vs the Knights .. breathing exercises. K. P. Buteyko, MD (the Buteyko back up to a normal 7.4 so that the Initial AMI [advanced.
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